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Everything posted by Nash
Sorry about that guys didn't mean to take that out on yal. My great aunt died my grandfathers last sibling so it wasn't the best for me to get on right then. To be honest i hope it stands longer than im alive i would love it. Dukefan: if you just drive up the driveway to my grandfathers house and knock on the door and tell him your there to see the duke house he will be fine with that. You will get to see all his pictures people have given him and sent him. Heck one time someone was there looking at the house and Roscoe(cant remember his real name right now) pulled up in the cop car. He had a film crew with him and he talked to my grandfather and now its a dvd cant remember what its called. As for the bridge you cant drive over it and i don't even know if you can walk on it. theres no trespassing sign on the gate that you can walk around lately. I use to drive my dirtbike across it when he first moved there but i don't know. but the home that i think owns the property of that is all fenced in and has a gate and everything hope that helped some
Also i have just read some of the comments saying we may have mistreated the cabin. If i didn't give a care i wouldn't get on here my grandfather, the owner, would have just torn it down and burned it heck we have a huge burn pile anyways and it make a great bonfire. I may not get on here every day but atleast i try to every now and then. And were not going to burn down it i was just saying it cause some may see it as an eye sore but to us we like it. If you wish to blame someone for the shape it is in blame the guy who owned it since the 80s. Who knows if we would have owned it the whole time we would have kept it up, and before you talk about moving it the people even though they are quite old still live right down the road. One day they even came to visit it. Im getting tired of reading lets just move it somewhere else. The road it is on is still dirt!! The only neighborhood around mostly has foreclosed homes and empty lots. I may not know as much as yal do but something just doesn't add up here. Tearing it down and rebuilding it somewhere else wont bring it back atleast to me it wouldn't. Its called history because of where it is and what it was and is today. You don't go to a tourist attraction to view history. Just look around heck in Monroe, Ga not 20 minutes down the road they are filming a new tv show(Vampire Diaries) just like the dukes of hazard was. As history leaves the earth new history is put in place just because it may not stand doesn't mean it is forgotten. Maybe it can't be seen but what are pictures and stories for. Half the stuff my grandfather tells me about i would love to see but he can show me pictures and tell me stories about it and it feels even better then me being there seeing it. Im not saying don't try but if it falls don't think because i say this. That I don't want to try and save the house because i would like to
I am not saying that it isn't worth looking into. I would love for this to be around for a long time, i actually want to by the land from my grandfather so that i can live there as he has. A couple days ago he had some visitors come by from Canada. They seemed disappointed in how it looked and didn't stay long. I hate to say it doesn't look like in most of the picture everyone has its just the wooden structure now I can't help but stress that we are trying to keep the structure up not tear it down as it means a lot to all of yal and us. We have cleaned all the shrubs away from the building and have got more metal roofing to patch where someone had torn off a section of the building and left a hole in the roof. We may not be rebuilding it but we are not just letting it fall down we are trying to keep it up.
So i am online now and sorry i aint been on in a while cause of school and all. The county is Gwinnett county, GA I have read all of what yal have said and talking about asbestos all of that has been removed now atleast we think cause all thats left is the wooden structure, metal roof, and the stone work. When he first moved there a lot of people were showing up and visiting it but over the year less and less are coming to see it and its cleaned up more than it was before. Someone did want to by it and take it to akansas one time but nothing came from that. The house has been around since before the civil war i am for sure of that it was owned by i cant remember there last names when i see my grandfather ill ask him. Just because it is historical doesn't mean it cant be torn down. My grandfathers mom's house was torn down and it was bought from him to be put in the historical building thing they fixed up the post office right up the road from it. then one day my grandfather was told they were gonna tear it down and he offered to buy it. They tore it down anyways and it had been there just as long or longer than the duke house. It was even in that bad of shape and this was back when the economy is good. now im not saying it cant be done but gwinnett is cutting back a lot of things and i dont know if they will want to save it. I would like my kids to see it(when i have them). I will try and get on more but this week may not be the week i get on the most probably next week. i will take a picture of the house the next time i go over to his house now that i can download the pictures off my phone. i am going to post some of my prom picture that have the house in them to help yal. may not be the best but thats what i got right now. you can see it in the second picture in the left sort of top between the trees. i may go by tomorow if i have time too
sorry i aint been on but i have been busy since im in my last few days of high school. I dont know where to go about the house and after i post this i am going to the other discussion board and reading that but i am sorry i cant be of much help at the moment. Kinda just trying to get through this week then ill be good. I graduate friday so.
we are trying to keep it up as long as possible but when he bought the propety it was already in the shape it is now if not worse because of the vegetation that was taking over it, we cleared all that we can and are trying to keep it from falling down as long as we can
I was over at my grandfathers yesterday and he had gotten some metal roofing to put on the fallen in part of the roof on the back side of the house and beyond the restoration of it i think it is far beyond repair, we have had people come and talk about it and saying they would help and everything but nothing has come from that. My grandfather has asked my cousin who is a carpenter and he said it would basically need to be COMPLETELY restored. As in the fact of it being an older house, yes it is but my grandfathers house which he grew up in was as old if not older was just destroyed by the county of Gwinnett and it was on historical property and it wasn't even in bad shape, he even offered to by it back so i don't know it sound good but who knows
1. yes he did live nearby but to be honest i don't think he had even heard of it, until its later years, his family has live off Five Forks Trikum in Snellville, GA since before the civil war he just sold the land he had lived on since he was a little kid 2. He didn't buy the land because it had the house on it he really didn't know until after he had bought it 3. We have gotten a lot more into the Dukes of Hazzard but before then we weren't really, he now has a couple paintings of the house tons of picture and we even got him a little 01 remote control car that does the horn 4. i would have to talk to him about that but if it ever falls down it would be a definitally but hopefully that wont happen
I am the grandson of Dennis Nash the man who owns Uncle Jesse's House in Loganville, GA. Me and him made this to try and keep intouch with the Hazard community and to tell on how the home is doing. He has enjoyed many visits by all who visit him and the home, even people from as far away as Germany and Roscoe(James Best) even came by once to shoot some video.
My grandfather is the proud owner of Uncle Jesse's house in Loganville, Ga. Its is about five miles from the city of Loganville. The owner before him tore down some of the original building and left only the older log construction of it and didn't replace any of the tin roof. it is decaying rapidly, he has owned the land since april 2006. Lately he has cleared away some of the shrubs around the building to make it more presentable. It is no longer safe to enter the building due to the decay. He says it is ok to come visit but be respectful and make sure not to disturb the building. He has a lot of fun fact about it and enjoys talking to anyone.