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Everything posted by dipstickdeputy1stclass

  1. Hi. I am still having massive pain in my back, both hips,shoulders and knees. the doctors are trying to figure out what the problem is. I think it's Arthritis. I also suffer from Bad Migrain Headaches.

  2. Howdy. It's Harry. How R U?

  3. Hi. I've been better. I beat the Cancer but have other health problems. How R U doing?

  4. Hey Meadow,

    I'm backkkk!

  5. Nell,

    Can U believe I'm here. Lots of great Hazzardites (people) here!


  6. Hey Meadow, U got Ur ears on? It's Harry. Can U believe it, I'm here.

  7. Hi Jimmie this is your Dipstick Deputy 1st Class Harry here, saying hello to you, Flash and Teenser.

  8. Thanks! I'll keep it between the ditches!
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