Breyer wasnt sure what the next round would bring if he could manage to take Rosco out, he considered the other contests. Min Duke, Brian Coltrane an the excon Riddick. In Breyers mind that was some thick carmel, an he wasnt looking forward to battling any of the others. But it wasnt in his Duke blood to give up, exspecially to the likes of the Hazzard County law. A smirk crossed his face barely visible under Roscos hand that pressed his head down. "You think you've got me dont ya old man...." Breyer said through the uncomfortable hold. Suddenly he tucked his knees under himself even though Rosco's knee dug into his back painfully, an like a spring he released his legs. Breyer bucked the sherif forward with all his strength throwing the older man off balance an at the same time twisting his arm out of the uncomfortable hold. He grabbed the sherif's arm and gave it a pull causing the unbalanced elder man to be pulled to the floor. As quickly as possible Breyer got to his feet and kicked Rosco in the side of the ribs, then backed away to allow him to get up off the floor....if he could. "Nice little song there Sherif...but I got one of my own." Breyer smirked. "Badboys, badboys whatcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when we get away from you." The young Duke laughed aloud at his own twist of lyrics but kept his eyes trained on the sherif.