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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Michael hang on sweetheart. and he pressed turbo bust.and they went flying and Bo and Luke was right behind them. and K.I.T.T LANDED IN FRONT and The General Lee landed in back of mARCUS. lUKE GETS OUT OF THE gENERAL lEE AND ran to Marcus and he punched Marcus and he fell to the ground and didn't get back up
  2. MEANWHILE MARCUS WAS MAD He looked at Kathy and said I loved you and you betraied me. Your Name is Officer Kathleen Long. Kathy tried to get out of it but Marcus said there is no need to keep lying to me Hogg raged you out. and Kathy said Yes I'm Kathleen Long and I Love Luke Duke I always have and Always will and My brother was Michael Long. and My friend is Michael Knight.(looking behind then) You better pull over if you know what is good for you. because my boyfriend is on your tail. Marcus looked back and he saw the General Lee and an Black Trans-am behind him.
  3. K.I.T.T SAID MICHAEL... Michael looked at K.I.T.T AND SAID YA K.I.T.T K.I.T.T said Michael Kathleen better be getting in there Marcus is out and he is looking for her. Michael looked at her and Kathy said ok and she took a deep breath and went back in to the Boars Nest. IN THE bOARS nEST.. Kathy walked over to Marcus and he looked at her and said where were you? Kathy looked at him and said I was talking a walk. it get borning here when you don't know anyone. and Marcus said Ok and they left. KITT BEEPED IN. mICHAEL SAID ya K.I.T.T AND k.I.T.T SAID mICHAEL kATHLEEN IS IN DANGER he knows that she is a cop. we need to follow them. Michael said On it and they ran out. Daisy road with Michael and Bo and Luke got in the general Lee.
  4. Michael looked at Daisy and Kathy and K.I.T.T SAID michael.. Michael said Yes, I'm. and Kathy flew into her brothers arms and she hugged him. Daisy just stood there in shock.
  5. Kathy was looking at the guy that had left with Daisy and she though he acted like someone she knew, and SHE yELLED MIKEY... Michael stopped and he looked at her. and then he went out the door Kathy started to cry and she ran after him.
  6. Luke Looked at him and said Hi I'm Luke Duke are you from the foundation? Michael said Yes and Luke looked and he handed him the papers that Kathy had given him. Michael Looked at them and said I will make sure that they will get to the right people and maybe we can get Kathleen out of there sooner.
  7. Michael was watching were he was going and said really? Just then he pulled K.I.T.T. UP TO THE bOARs Nest. Daisty said see that orange car. Michael smiled and said Ya, Daisy said That is My Cousin's Luke and Bo car The General Lee. They get out of K.I.T.T and walk into the Boars Nest. INSIDE THE bOARS nEST. Kathy was waiting at the Bar for Marcus and Daisy said there are My Cousins. Michael saw Kathy and he though My sister is beautiful.
  8. Michael smiles and said Well Hello Miss Duke and My charote awats and they walked over to K.I.T.T he opened the door and Daisy got in and he closed it and then he got on the drives side and gets in and they drive and Daisy tells him how to get to the Boars Nest. Even though he knew how to get there.
  9. Luke said Sweetheart How are you feeling? Kathy said I didn't sleep very well. The baby kept moving all night.So I'm beat. Luke looked at her and said Sit down and relax and drink the cold milk and Maybe that will calm the baby down. Kathy did as she was told and she sat down. Luke sat down beside her.and He put his hand on her stomach and said Now Little one you need to let mommy get her rest.
  10. Michael seen it was Daisy and he smiled and said No It's.. My Fault. I was just admiring your town. Oh Hi I'm Michael Knight I'm from the foundation for Law and Goverment. I here to met A Luke Duke. Do you know him?
  11. NEXT MORNING.... Luke was up already. and he had coffee going. and then he heard his beautiful wife's voice and he walked over to her and handed her a glass for milk and said Hello beautiful. Kathy smiled and said I don't feel beautiful and she looked down at her growing stomach. Luke took her in his arms and Kissed he and said I Love you. Kathy Just smiled and said Luke Duke You have a way with words.
  12. michael wasn't paying attion he was looking around Hazzard and remembering the time he had here. and the people. MEANWHILE Kathy was coming out of the Hotel and she seen Daisy and she smiled and then Marcus grabbed her arm and said Lets go. and they headed for the Boars Nest.
  13. Luke said Hay, Daisy I ain't Like That.I admit, I have had a lot of woman. But the only one I have ever said those 3 words to was Kath. and I do Love her. Uncle Jesse just smiled. MEANWHILE A BLACK TRAN-AM WAS ENTERING HAZZARD. K.I.T.T said Michael wake up we just entered hazzard. Michael sat up and he took control and said Lets go to town and check in to the hotel. and then we can get a freash start in the morning. K.I.T.T. said Michael are you all right? Michael said No, But I have to get over it. Like you said K.I.T.T. I can't let anyone know who I really am. exprelly Kat and Daisy.
  14. Luke Smiled and said I know Michael and I talked about it I was going to popose to Kath as well. but then he had to leave cause duty called and then 2 months later we found out he was killed. and Then Luke said Oh I need to do something for Kath so he walked to the phone and he call her parents and told them what Kathy had told him to tell them. Randy said Ok Luke , I have called F.L.A.G. and they are sending someone to help her. I gave them your name cause I knew Kathleen would contact you somehow. So You are their concact. and Luke said Ok Sir We will keep a look out Bye and Luke Put the Phone down and he walked back over to Daisy, Bo and Uncle Jesse.
  15. Luke said Kath and I were just talking about her brother. She misses him so much. Daisy if you feel you need to tell Enos how you feel about Michael Long then do it after all Enos Knew Michael as well. and they were friend sand he knows you dated him. So he might understand. Bo said Ya,(Looking at Luke) How come you are home early? Luke said Kath Had to get back before Marcus Missed her.
  16. Luke walked over to Daisy and sat down beside her and said Daisy what's the matter?
  17. K.I.T.T SaiD Michael you can't just like you can't tell Kathleen who you really are. you have alot of emenys now and if they find out about them. Michael said I know they will go after them to get to me. But it's going to be so hard to see them again outside of my mother Daisy and Kathy are the two woman that I have loved the most. K.I.T.T sAI mICHAEL.. Michael got quite. BACK IN HAZZARD AT THE HAZZARD POND Kathy looked at the time and said I better get going back. Before Marcus starts missing me. She went to get up. But Luke grabbed her hand and said Don't go. Kathy looked at him with a teir run down her face and said Baby I would love to stay here with you but I can't. and she pulled away and ran to her car. and got in and took off.
  18. Luke said Good-night Buddy see you in the morning and don't saw anything about this to Daisy or Kathy.
  19. Kathy looked at him and said why is she scared?
  20. Kathy just smiled. And then she got quite. and he said Sweetheart, what's wrong? Kathy said the last time we were here. was 4 years ago. Luke said I know That's when we found out that your brother Michael was killed. You and Daisy took it hard. and to tell you the truth I still think she thinks about him. Kathy smiled.
  21. Michael Just smiled. and said she use to have a crush on me. K.I.T.T Said you mean Michael Long. Michael just looked at him. IN HAZZARD.. AT HAZZARD POND... Luke was waiting for Kathy and he started to get worried. and then he saw her. he walked over to her and took her in his arms and kissed her. and then she told him that she was an Undercover cop and thay she Was Under cover and that she hadn't been able to contact her parents and her caption because Marcus has been watching her and if he finds out she was a cop. he will kill her. and then she took out some papers and said can you make sure that the Chicago police get this. It's what he wanted with Boss. But Boss turned him down. Luke said I will make sure. They get this. and I will call your parents. Kathy smiled and said Thanks Luke. and then she walked over to him and got real close to him and Kissed Him.
  22. K.I.T.T SAID Michael, They are moon shiners. Michael said ex-moonshiners. Woooo Daisy is as pretty as ever.
  23. Michael said I remember the Dukes,Kat was going out with one of them. I think his name is Luke Duke. and then he smiled and then he left. and then he went outside to K.I.T.T. outside.. Michael got in K.I.T.T and said Come On Buddy we are on our way to a Small town called Hazzard County Georgia. K.I.T.T Said not another small town, Michael everytime we go to a small town I end up in the impound yard. and You end up in Jail.
  24. (No I Don't Mind) OUTSIDE... Kathy pulled away from Marcus and said Don't ever grab me like that again and she got in his car and they left. IN CALIFORNIA.. AT F.L.A.G HEADQUARTERS... Devin was talking to Bonnie about the phone call he Just got. Bonnie said Devin you should tell him. Michael walked in and said tell me what? Devin looked at him and said Michael we just got a call from Randy Long. Michael said My dad. Devin said Yes, He called cause he hasn't heard from Kathleen in 3 weeks and he's worried she went Under Cover to get evidence on a Drug smuggler and Murder Marcus Johnson. Michael looked at Devin and said I'm on it. and he went to leave When Devin said Michael, You need to know where she's at.
  25. Cooter said Daisy Beleive me Kathy can handle herself. Bo, Luke and Daisy looked at him. Bo said You know something. and Cooter said Yes I do But Kathy should be the one to tell you. I think that is what she wants to tell Luke.
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