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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. They went into the Long House and Linda walked over to Kathy and said Kathleen we Just remembered what day it is today and she hugged her daughter and Then Linda Hugged Luke. Kathy smiles and said Mom I told Lukeabout Linda Rose. and Linda amiled. And then Amanda said Grammy. and Linda picked up her graddaughter. and she looked at Daisy and said Thanks for Letting us have her for the day.
  2. Kathy walked to the park and she saw Luke sitting on the bench watching the little ones play. Kathy smiled and she walked over to him and she touched him on the shoulder. Luke looked at her and he smiled and he touched her hand. and asked her to sit with him. Kathy did. Luke looked at her and said Sorry, Sweetheart. Kathy smiled and said Luke you don't need to be sorry for how you were feeling. I felt the same way when our daughter died. I didn't have anyone to talk to. Luke looked at her and said you were wrong there Sweetheart you had and still have Me. Kathy said I know that now. and he took her in his arms. Then they saw KITT. His door opened and Michael Got out and said Need a ride. Luke and Kathy just smiled and then they got in KITT. They headed for the Long House so Amanda could spend some time with her grandparents while she was in Chicago.
  3. Michael walked over to his sister and said he will be all right he just needs time to accept this. Kathy smiled and sid I know. I just hope that he doesn't do what I did. Michael said he has you, me and Daisy to come to and talk when he is ready. Kathy looked at him and smiled and said you are right. MEANWHILE Luke was walking and he stopped at a park and he sat down on a bench and he looked at the picture of Kathy and Linda and he heard a little voice say mister could you please hand me my dolly. and Luke looked and he saw a Doll laying right beside him and he smiled and picked up the doll and handed it to her. and she said Thank you and ran off to play. and he pictured a little girl with long dark hair and blue eyes playing with her and he smiled.
  4. Hi I hope you had a Merry Christmas.

  5. Luke was quite for a minute and Kathy looked at him and she saw a teir run down his cheek. and then he said(looking down at the gravestone) Hay Baby, this is Your Daddy, I just want to say that I love you,(He stopped) He walked away. Kathy followed him. she cought up to him and he looked at her and said Sorry Kath, I can't. and he walked away. Kathy just stood there and watched him go. and she started to cry.
  6. Kathy smiled and said well lets go. and they left and got in KITT and headed for the cemtery. AT THE CEMTERY Kathy lead the way to Linda's grave.and she sat on the bench and Luke sat beside her and Kathy smiled and said Well Baby, Here is your Daddy, Sorry it took me so long to get him here. but I was hurting and Hiding. well here he is along with your Aunt Daisy and (WHISPERS) Uncle Michael.
  7. Kathy looked at Daisy and she walked over to her and hugged her and said I don't hate you because Amanda Survied and Linda didn't I Love Amanda.Luke and I will have children.at least I hope. Luke smiles and said Ya, and then he went to Kathy and then Luke said Lets go sweetheart.
  8. Luke said Kath, lets go to the cemotery I want to say Hello and Good-bye to my daughter. Kathy smiled and said Ok. She looked at Michael and Daisy and said if you want to come you can but you don't have to.
  9. Michael got up and he took his sister in his arms and said Sorry, Kathy looked at him and said Thanks Bro. But I want to remember her as a happy time not a sad time. she was and is Luke and My Daughter. Luke smiled and said She sure is. Kathy looked at them and said she is buried at the cemertery were we buried Mike. (LOOKING AT MICHAEL WITH A SMILE) we buried her right next to her Uncle. Mom took it hard. and that's when I went in to Undercover work. I guess I wanted to forget who I was. and that was the way to do it.
  10. Kathy Smiled She Looked at Luke and then she handed Daisy the picture with tears in her eyes. and said That is your neace Linda Rose Duke she would be 4 today. She died 3 hours after this picture was taken. She died in my arms.
  11. Luke looked at her and said Daisy would Understand. She is a mother.Kathy looked at her and said come with me. Luke smiles and said always. Kathy smiled still holding the picrure os her and Linda. Luke was holding her hand. downstairs.......... They walked over to Daisy and Michael. Daisy knew that Kathy wanted to tell them something.
  12. Luke and Kathy walked in the house and Luke saw Michael and Daisy talking and Luke said Sorry to interuped. We are just going threw. Kathy was quite. and Michael Knew something was wronge. Kathy went upstairs and she went to her room and she took out a picture and she looked at it. and she started to cry. and Luke walked in and said ok Sweetheart what is going on? Kathy handed him the picture and he took it and he looked at it and it was a picture of Kathy in the hospital room holding a baby. Luke looked at her. Kathy started to cry and said that is our daughter. she would be 4 today. She died 3 hours after that picture was taken. Luke she died in my arms. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about her. but with everything going on I never had time to tell you. Luke took her in his arms and kissed her and said sweetheart it's all right. and Kathy said I named her Linda Rose Duke. After both our mother's. Luke smiled. and he Just Held her.
  13. OUTSIDE.... Luke and Kathy were talking. and Luke said Kath, are really all right? Kathy smiled and she looked at him and said Yes, My Love I;m fine. Luke looked at her and said Ok. He knew something was bothering her. but he also knew that she would tell him when she was ready. They walked to the end of her road and then they walked back to the house. and they were laughing and talking about their wedding.
  14. Luke took Kathy's hand and said want to go for a Walk. Kathy smiled and said Well Mr Duke I will follow you anywhere. Luke smiled and he said lets go Miss Long. and they went out the door.
  15. IN THE POLICE STATION.. Luke and Kathy walked in and there was the Cheif he saw Kathy and he smiled and then they told them everything that happened and the Chief said there is no way he;s getting out this time and we will have someone go and picke up his father I guess they will be sharing a cell. Randy hugged his daughter and said I guess we have a wedding to plan. Linda said you can stay at the house. Kathy smiled and said Mom I think we will stay at my house. and Linda said Ok. and then they all left the station and Michael dropped off Randy and Linda at their house and then they went to Kathy's house. AT KATHY'S HOUSE.. They all got out of KITT. AND WENT In. Amanda played in the back yard.
  16. Kathy looked at her Partner Josh and he smiled and said great to have you back Long. Kathy smiled and said you won't have me for Long I getting Married this Summer. Josh Smiled and said well congradulations Who's the lucky Guy? Kathy saw Luke and she called to him and he walked over to her and Kathy said Josh I would Like you to met My fenc'e Luke Duke. and Josh smiles and shook Luke's Hand. John Walked over and said Long we need you to come down to the station and make a Statement. Kathy said I will be down and I want to press kidnapping chargers agaist Mr. Johnson. and Josh said we will do that when you come down to the station. Kathy smiled and said Ok and then they all left and headed to the police station.
  17. Randy Just smiled. He knew his daughter wouldn't come alone. Marcus grabbed Kathy and his men had a gun to her parents and said Marry me. Kathy smiled and said Never and she turned around and punched him. and then randy got free and went to fight and then Luke,Michael and Daisy came in. Kathy untied her mother and Kathy started to fight and then they heard police sirons.
  18. Kathy got out of KITT. and Before she left Luke Kissed her and said we will be in there to back you up and Kathy smiled. and Kathy smiled and Luke followed Michael to the garage and threw the secret door. Kathy walked threw the door and when she did Marcus's men grabbed her. and took her to the living room and when she walked in she saw her parents and they were tied up.
  19. At the long house... Marcus and his men were waiting for Kathy. and Linda and Randy were tied up. and he walked over to Linda and said Hello mother. and Linda said, I'm not your mother and I never will be. Marcus started to laugh. and said Now I know were she gets her attude from. and I will be your son when I marry Kathleen . Randy said. you will never marry my daughter,
  20. Michael looked at Daisy and said Amanda is safe in KITT, He won't let anything happen to her.
  21. Kathy said they told me to met themat mom and Dad's house in 4 hours. Michael said Ok Now you think that they will have the house staked out. Oh Kat Does day still have that secert door that leads out to the garage. Kathy thought about it and she smiles and said Ya he does. and Michael said Ok thet will be our entrence Kit Kat you will have to go threw the front while the rest of us uses that door. Amanda will stay with KITT. AND KITT keep ypur scaners on in case we need you.
  22. Michael said we will get them . Kathy said this is all my fault. Michael looked at her and said Kit Kat this isn't your fault and Mom and Dad would agree. Now we need to get them back...
  23. Kathy snuggled in and she fell a sleep also. MEANWHILE AT THE long house.. They were getting vistors. Marcus and his Men. and they were looking for Kathy and when they couldn't find Kathy. he looked at his men and said bring them with us we will forse Kathleen to come to us. and then they left. IN KITT.... Michael parked KITT in a hotel parking lot. and he woke up Daisy and said sweetheart we are here .and he picked up Amanda. and Daisy got out of KITT. K athy and Luke got out and they rented a room and they went to sleep... NEXT MORNING..... Kathy, Michael, Luke and Daisy and Amanda.were getting in KITT when Kathy's cell rings and she answers it and it was Marcus, Kathy said what do you want? Marcus said I have someone here that would like to saw hi. and then she heard her father's voice. and she said Dad. Michael looked at her. Kathy said Dad Randy said Kathleen, don't worry about us you stay safe that is all we care about. and then Marcus gets on the phone and said meet me at your parents house in 3 hours or you will never see them again. Oh and Kathleen no tricks. and then he hung up...
  24. Luke was starting to get worried cause Kathy should have been there by now and he looked towards KITT. ANd he know if something was wronge KITT would know. Kathy was still hiding by the tree and she over heard Marcus on the phone saw once he marries her he was going to have his father killed and that way he would be head of the family. Kathy couldn't allow that but she needed to get to Luke. so she started to head towards the fence where Luke was and she climed over the fence But Marcus had seen her go over the fence and he yelled Kathleen. and he started to run towards her and he called the guards. on the other side. Luke grabbed Kathy and they started to run towards KITT Michael saw them coming and he got out and Luke and Kathy got in and then Michael got in and then they took off. Kathy said Michael we need to get to the police department because I over heard Marcus on the phone putting on a hit on his father. and Michael said Ok we will go there but I will go in and tell them you will stay in KITT. AND Kathy said Ok. and they headed for the police station and Michael told them what had happened and they ssaid ok. and then Michael left and he got in KITT. he smiled when he saw luke and Kathy. Kathy was in Luke's arms and Luke was holding her tight. Amanda had finily calmed down and she went to sleep.
  25. Kathy went to the Kitchen and the other maids just smiled and they showed her were the door was and she said thank you and then she ran to the gate but she saw Marcus he was was taking a walk and Kathy said Shoot. and she hit behind a tree. OUTSIDE THE GATE.... Luke was by the fence where Kathy told him to wait. and KITT was montering. Michael was ready for action in case some thing went wronge. and Daisy was tring to keep Amanda quite.
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