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Posts posted by daisyn'enos

  1. Here's Chatper 3 hope ya'll enjoy it!!!!!

    “Mommy! I saw a sign that said Hazzard!†Jenna said, pointing out the window.

    “That said ‘Road Hazzard’ honey.†Daisy said “That means something is in the road up ahead that shouldn’t be.â€

    “Oh,†Jenna said. “How long until we get into Hazzard?†She asked for what felt like the millionth time.

    Daisy was about to say “I’m not sure Jenna†for the millionth time When Lulu said “We’ll be getting in about an hour Angel.â€

    Thank you Daisy mouthed to Lulu. Lulu just nodded Your welcome she mouthed back.

    "How long is an hour?†Jenna asked. Jenna was in kindergarten and still hadn’t learned how to tell time yet.

    “An hour is two episodes of Full House†Daisy said. Jenna loved watching Full house, it was her favorite show.

    “Okay.†Jenna said. She looked out the window “Are we there yet?†she asked.

    “No.†Daisy said, gritting her teeth, she could tell that, next to labor time this was going to be the longest hour of her life.

    A very long hour later, Daisy’s Jeep pulled into the Duke farm after dropping Lulu off at her house.

    Daisy got out and walked around to Jenna’s car seat. She undid the seat belt and let Jenna down “Is this the Duke farm?†Jenna whispered.

    “Yes, this is where Mommy grew up.†Daisy said.

    “Cool.†Jenna said. “Can I grow up here too?†she asked.

    “We’ll see.†Daisy said.

    They walked up to the front door and Daisy knocked on the door. She heard somebody get up and go to the door. The door opened and there stood Luke.

    “Hi Luke.†Daisy said, shyly. “C-Can I come in?†she asked. “I came to see Uncle Jesse.â€

    “Yeah.†Luke said, then he asked “Where’s Howard?â€

    “Ummm Howard left when Jenna was a baby.†Daisy said taking Jenna’s hand, “I have full custody of Jenna.†She explained.

    “Howard what?†Luke asked, his eyes darkening as he quickly thought of torture techniques to inflict on Howard.

    “Howard left.†Daisy repeated. “I was too proud to call and tell you guys about it.†she admitted. “I’m sorry.â€

    “How are you doing?†Luke asked concerned about Daisy.

    “I’m good; I’ve got a good job and Jenna’s in school.†Daisy said.

    “I’m in Kindergarten.†Jenna spoke up from next to Daisy.

    “You are?†Luke knelt down next to her and said “How old are you?â€

    “I’m 5.†Jenna said, holding up 5 fingers.

    “You are?†Luke said, pretending to be surprised. “You look older then 5.†Luke said.

    “I do?†Jenna asked smiling “How old do you think I look? 7? 8?†she asked, grinning.

    “9†Luke said, a serious look on his face.

    Jenna gasped and smiled “Really?†she asked.

    “Well, maybe 8 ½ but you look about 9 years old.†Luke said, still serious.

    “Who’s out there Luke?†a voice called. Another man got up and walked to the door.

    “COOT!†Daisy cried she hugged him and then pulled back and hugged him again. “How are you Coot?†she asked.

    “Good, just going over something with Luke here, how are you?†Cooter asked.

    “I’m good, how’s Uncle Jesse by the way?’ Daisy asked.

    “He’s good, he hates being sick, but he’s resting in his room right now.†Luke said, he’d barely gotten the sentence out when Daisy pushed passed him and walked to Uncle Jesse’s room.

    “Uncle Jesse?†Daisy quietly walked into the room. She closed the door quietly, but it woke Uncle Jesse and he looked at her in shock.

    “Well, Daisy, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes…†Uncle Jesse said, slowly, Daisy couldn’t help but think he looked like he’d aged 15 years instead of 5.

    “Hi Uncle Jesse.†Daisy said, she sat next to his bed “How ya feeling?†she whispered.

    “Fine, Bo and Luke don’t want me to be up and around all day now.†Uncle

    Jesse nearly growled the words. It was obvious he didn’t want to stay in bed.

    “Bo and Luke didn’t tell me what you’ve got.†Daisy said. “What is it?â€

    “They didn’t tell you?†If Uncle Jesse was angry about having to stay in bed before, now he was downright furious.

    “No.†Daisy said, “Bo called a few months ago and asked me to come home to Hazzard. I couldn’t take Jenna out of school though.

    “You could have left her with Howard.†Jesse said, again nearly growling the words to show his distaste for the man.

    Daisy sighed. “Howard left when Jenna was 6 months old.†She explained.

    “Oh, I could hunt him down and….†Uncle Jesse started.

    “Don’t,†Daisy interrupted “I don’t know where he is now, but good riddance to him is all I can say, he just up and left one day.â€

    “Yeah, good riddance.†Uncle Jesse agreed, his voice was getting stronger as the talked.

    Daisy was about to say something else when Luke poked his head in to Uncle Jesse’s room. “Daisy, Bo just got home.†He said.

  2. Apparently....

    The reason Bo appears so out of breath after a short run or a fight is because he has asthama, which is why so many fan fics have Bo having asthma.

    In reality, it is John Schneider who has slight asthma and this just came over in the character, Bo was never in fact meant to have it

    That's awesome! I never knew that!!!!!! thanks for sharing that with us.

  3. (Episode Limo One Is Missing. Enos is at the farm looking for the presidents limo, and Daisy is hanging up clothes)

    Luke: Now Daisy, what did Uncle Jesse tell you about hanging up those unmeantionables out in the open like that?

    Daisy: Enos, do you see anything wrong with what I'm doing?


    Luke: Now Daisy, I told you to stop that!

    Daisy: Uncle Jesse never said anything about hanging up bikini's!

    I just loved those lines. And the ones someone posted earlier from Daisy's Song.

    I love that ENTIRE Scene!!!! You can just tell that Enos is imagining Daisy in her "Unmentionables" lol I love the look on Enos' face in that scene.

  4. I can see people are reading this, so I'll post the next chapter.

    Chapter 2:

    5 years later, Lulu Hogg was having car trouble, and although what she DIDN’T know about cars could fill the Hazzard County public library, she knew enough to know that it would cost a lot more then JD wanted to pay. Well, it’s a dang good thing JD ain’t here with me she thought as she walked to the nearest payphone and dialed her home number. Thankfully the answering machine kicked on, JD was apparently in his office.

    “Hi JD, It’s Lulu, I’m just calling to say that there is a little problem with the car, but I’m having it fixed and then I’ll drive back to Hazzard tomorrow. Bye.†And Lulu hung up.

    She walked down the street and found a small café. “Excuse me, but is there a garage close to here? My car broke down.†She asked the hostess.

    “One of my waitress’s sifts is done in 10 minutes, she has a car in the shop, and I’ll have her walk you to the closest one.†The hostess said “While you wait do you want something to eat?â€

    “Yes, I’d just like a glazed doughnut.†Lulu said, looking at the chalk board where it announced the prices of the various kinds of doughnuts.

    “All right.†The hostess said, got Lulu a glazed doughnut and went in the back.

    “Hey Daisy!†Lulu heard the hostess say “There’s a woman here who needs you to walk her to the garage as soon as your done with your shift okay?â€

    “All right.†Daisy said, after finishing up her shift Daisy walked out to the front of the café.

    “Lulu?†Daisy gasped, she couldn’t believe it someone from home was there in her café.

    “Daisy!†Lulu said happily, they hugged and Lulu asked “Why haven’t you come down to Hazzard? Uncle Jesse would really like to see you.â€

    “I’m sure he would, I’ve been meaning to go down...†Daisy started.

    “Especially now that he’s so sick….†Lulu continued. “He’d really like to meet the new little one in the family. Although I suppose they wouldn’t be new now would they? Jesse said you were expecting over 5 years ago…..â€

    “Uncle Jesse is sick? Why didn’t anyone tell me?†Daisy asked. “I knew Bo and Luke were mad at me, but I didn’t think they were that mad!†she cried, tears filling her eyes.

    “You…You didn’t know?†Lulu asked, surprised. “I was delivering something for Uncle Jesse when Bo came in, picked up the phone, and announced he had to call you to tell you about Uncle Jesse’s illness.†She said.

    “Bo did call.†Daisy remembered. “He left a message on my machine a few months ago saying He, Luke, and Uncle Jesse would like it if I came down for a visit, but he said for me to come alone, I can’t get a babysitter for Jenna for an unknown length of time so, I called back and said if I couldn’t come alone, I wasn’t coming at all.†Daisy said “I never thought Uncle Jesse would be sick, I'll go down, but I guess I’ll bring Jenna with me.†Daisy said.

    “Uncle Jesse has also wanted to meet your baby.†Lulu added “I’m sorry you had to find out about Jesse’s illness this way.â€

    “I’m just glad I did find out about it. Ooooo, now I’m so mad at Bo, why didn’t he say in his message that Uncle Jesse was sick? I thought they just wanted me to come down for a visit, they didn’t tell me Jesse was sick.†Daisy fumed. “I couldn’t exactly pull Jenna out of school, for a simple visit to Hazzard.†She sighed, “But if Uncle Jesse is sick, I can pull her out for that.â€

    Daisy decided. “Besides, it’s nearly spring Break, it’s not like she’ll miss much.â€

    “I have to get my car fixed,†Lulu interrupted “We can drive back together tomorrow after getting it fixed.â€

    “That sounds great. Lets go.†and Daisy quickly headed for the café door.

  5. Okay, I've got info from a fan of his that has actually MET John, so this info is authentic, it's real. John doesn't have any kids from his first marraige, he and Tawny never had any kids.

    Leah and Chasen are John's stepkids, I heard that he actually adoped one of them (I'm not sure which one it is though, I wasn't given that info, but I'm pretty sure it's Chasen.) However, Karis is John's ONLY biological child, he took in Elly's nephew Andre, a couple of years ago, I'm not sure why (some other info I wasn't given) but he has 4 kids, either adopted or, step or biological children, from oldest to youngest the list is: Leah, Andre, Chasen and Karis. I'm not sure of thier exact ages, but I know Leah is in her early 20's Andres is either 17-18 Chasen is 15-16 and Karis is 12-13.

  6. :) Gotta love ol' Enos! He cracks me up as much as Rosco does at times. I love the part in "Limo One is Missing" where the Dukes try to side track him with Daisy hanging up her undergarments. Enos couldn't take his eyes off of her! Luke shaming Daisy over her showing them in public was just as funny...well I thought so anyways! :D That was a great episode.

    I love that scene! I alway laugh so hard when I watch that episode, cause Enos is just imagining Daisy in her "unmentionables" and Luke all yelling at her because of it. LOL :D

  7. Daisy sighed as she watched Howard pull out of the driveway and turn the corner. Bo had seen it coming, so had Luke, Uncle Jesse, Cooter, and Enos, heck, even Roscoe and Boss Hogg had seen it coming, but had she listened to them? No, for once, she hadn’t listened to the 5 men in her life that meant everything to her. Roscoe and Boss didn’t count because A.) Roscoe never counted and B). Boss Hogg was her well…Boss. For once, she had gone and done something stupid with her life and now her two cousins didn’t even want to talk to her, she knew. She had called a year ago, Uncle Jesse had answered...............


    “Hello?†Was it just her or did Uncle Jesse’s voice seem even older then it used to?

    “U-Uncle Jesse? I-It’s Daisy†Daisy had stammered nervously

    “Daisy! It’s great to hear from you, how are you and Howard?†Uncle Jesse asked, even though he still felt like Howard had stolen his little girl away from him, he wanted to sound polite.

    Daisy fought back a few tears as she said “Well, Uncle Jesse, I’m expecting a baby, how’s that for how were doing?â€

    “A baby?†Uncle Jesse seemed even happier then she was at the news “When's it due?â€

    “October†Daisy said “A-Are Bo and Luke there?†she asked “I kinda wanta to tell them about the baby myself.â€

    “Bo’s here†Uncle Jesse said “I’ll put him on.†Daisy heard Uncle Jesse get up and walk into a different room, after a few minutes Daisy heard “I’d love to talk to her, she cumin’ home?â€

    “Not from what she’s told me, but she has…..â€

    “I don’t want to talk to her then.†Was the immediate response.

    “Bo…†Uncle Jesse tried to reason with the stubborn blonde.

    “You know what Uncle Jesse?†Daisy said, taking care to talk loud enough for Bo would hear her “I don’t have to tell him about the baby, he can just wonder what’s been going on in my life until he grows up enough to get over my moving out.†And with that she slammed the phone down. Tears were streaking down her cheeks as she struggled to control her rage.

    Bo and Luke could be so dog-gone stubborn sometimes, then again so could she, she knew it.

    Daisy jerked back to the present as Jenna started crying inside. Daisy turned and went back inside; she needed to find the blanket she’d been looking for when Howard had left. Daisy walked into the house preparing a list of things she needed to get 1. A better job 2. A sitter, But first, before any of those, she needed to find a pink blanket. Jenna came first on her list and always would.

    Please PM me any feed back you've got, I'd appariciate any and all reviews you can send my way. I'm actually nearly done with writing this, but I want to know if ya'll like it or not.

  8. jessica simpson does not hold a candle to cathy bach theres only one daisy duke :D that new dukes of hazzard movie was a complete disgrace to all of the origanal cast even shorrel brooke an denver pyle who are now dead rip Boss an jessy.

    Y'all are so right!!! Catherine Bach is the one and only Daisy Duke in my book and there can be no better. No one can get even close! and there is only one Uncle Jesse and Willie Nelson ain't it!!!

    I wish John Snchnieder had been the one to cast the movie, then there would be a GOOD actress playing Daisy. He (John) once said if he had been in charge of casting Daisy he would have searched the entire world and made sure she was treated like a queen when he finally found her.

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