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Posts posted by YouHush!

  1. Thanks, I'm gonna have to check it out and see if it's the right episode.

    I appreciate the help.

    For some reason I could have sworn it was in season 2, but I went through season 2 checking out those little previews at the start of the episode, and no luck. Must be in a later season like season 3-4, cuz I know it's not in seasons 5-7.

    I'll definitely check out Dukescam Scam though, that does sound a bit familiar.

    thanks again

  2. Hi, can someone help me out with an episode? I've got the whole series on dvd, including the 2 tv movies that were released, and I want to go back and see this one episode again, but can't remember the name of it. The Dukes packaging is pretty vague as to what episode is what, so I'll just say, the episode I want to see is where Boss Hogg and Jesse get locked in the Hazzard Bank vault, and they need Emory Potter to get em out because he's the only one with a key.

    I'm pretty sure it's in season 2, but I read each episode to see if it said anything about them getting locked in the vault, and nada. So if someone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it.



  3. Since posting those proper order dates I've been watching season 5 with Coy and Vance, and I remember that the second episode on the disc was filmed first according to the site. And what do ya know, it was correct. If you go and watch the second episode, which I think is called Dukes Strike It Rich, not sure though. You'll noticed that they had coy and vance dressed in the same clothes as Bo And Luke. Coy wore a yellow shirt, and Vance wore a blue plaid shirt. I guess after filming that episode they decided to not make them direct copies of Bo and Luke, and give them somewhat their own identities. So they changed the colours of their shirts. So in the rest you see Coy with a Blue shirt, and Vance in a yellow one, which is the direct opposite of what Bo and Luke wore.

    it's a stupid bit of info, but I just thought I would share it since I found it kind of interesting.

  4. well my favourite character on the show is Rosco obviously, but when I was a kid I wanted to be Luke Duke. He was the smarter of the two (What with being an ex-marine and all) and the older one. I always liked how Luke took charge, and was the one with more common sense (refer back to Carnival Of Thrills to see what I mean) when it came to the women. Bo always seems to get into those predicaments where he can't see the full picture cuz he's too close to it, and Luke is always there to pick him up when he falls. But I think if I was to be someone it would be Luke, and then maybe Cooter.

    Rosco's heart is in the right place, but he always gets the short end of the stick so to speak, not because he's stupid by any means. He just trusts people too much I think. Like in the first episode he said he was a straight as an arrow law man for 20 years, and where is his pension? so he turned to corruption to get his slice of the pie, even though he can't even get a nibble most times hehe (and I do mean nibble, he's always trying to nibble at whatever Boss is eating.)

  5. you wonder if there'll be another dukes game? or gta game?

    GTA game yeah, it's coming out in october on ps3 called Grand Theft Auto IV, but as for another Dukes game, I have no idea. I would personally love for them to put a lot more effort into it if they do, cuz it's a shame that such a great show can't come out with a great game too. Like I thought the game for Scarface would suck, and it turned out pretty good. I heard there's supposed to be a miami vice game out or coming out, and not sure of what to think of that, so I can't really comment on it. I seen screens of it, and it looks cheesy.

    Dukes however I had a feeling about right away that the game was gonna suck. The moment I seen it for rent in a video store I got excited, then a few weeks later I seen it in a department store for like 30 bucks, and was a new release? that says something right there!

  6. yeah that's exactly the kind of stuff I meant. Whoever did this game I find did a pretty bad job cuz the car is all over the place, and the missions are real stinkers. Aren't missions supposed to be fun? I'm stuck on that one with Jesse following some moonshiner, and if he gets off the screen for even 1 second he's gone! like how realistic is that?

    but oh well. At least the original PS1 game, didn't it have real storylines from the show? I'm pretty sure it did, but it wasn't much better than this game but if I remember correct I think it was a tad better.

  7. Okay I checked out that site, and went through all the numbers, and if it is correct then this is the proper order of the episodes for anyone interested in watching them in the proper order.

    I'm not sure how accurate this is, but if it isn't feel free to let me know. The thing is SO inaccurate on the dvds if this list is correct. I had to shuffle episodes all over the place. So anyway, here's the list. If you ask me, this paints a better picture of how a season SHOULD BE laid out. You start the season with a great episode like 10 Million Dollar Sheriff or Enos Strate To The Top, and end with a great episode like Carnival of Thrills part 1 & 2. They should rerelease the dvds in this order, but I doubt they will. And I just wanted to say thanks to Daney for your help. I really appreciate it. thanks a million!

    The Dukes Of Hazzard: Original Production Date/Order List

    Credit:Thomas D.L. Sisco

    Season 1

    1.One Armed Bandits

    2.Daisy's Song

    3.Repo Men

    4.Mary Kaye's Baby

    5.High Octane

    6.Luke's Love Story

    7.Swamp Molly

    8.The Big Heist

    9.Limo One Is Missing

    10.Deputy Dukes

    11.Route 7-11

    12.Money To Burn

    13.Double Sting

    Season 2

    1.The Meeting

    2.Road Pirates

    3.Find Loretta Lynn

    4.Days Of Shine And Roses

    5.Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough

    6.Hazzard Connection

    7.Uncle Boss (Aired In Season 3, But filmed in Season 2)

    8.The Rustlers

    9.The Ghost Of General Lee

    10.People's Choice

    11.Gold Fever

    12.Witness For The Persecution

    13.Granny Annie

    14.Follow That Still

    15.Duke Of Duke

    16.The Runaway (The End Of Daisy's Car, Gets Jeep)

    17.Arrest Jesse Duke

    18.Treasure Of Hazzard

    19.Officer Daisy Duke

    20.Jude Emery

    21.Return Of The Ridge Raiders

    22.Mason Dixon's Girls

    23.R.I.P. Henry Flatt

    24.Southern Comfurts

    25.Carnival Of Thrills Part 1 (Aired In Season 3, But filmed in Season 2)

    26.Carnival Of Thrills Part 2 (Aired In Season 3, But filmed in Season 2)

    Season 3

    1.Enos Strate To The Top

    2.Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane

    3.The Late J.D. Hogg

    4.And In This Corner, Luke Duke

    5.The Hazzardville Horror

    6.The Great Santa Claus Chase

    7.Good Neighbors Duke

    8.The Legacy

    9.Duke Vs. Duke

    10.My Son, Bo Hogg

    11.To Catch A Duke

    12.Along Came A Duke

    13.State Of The County

    14.The Return Of Hughie Hogg

    15.Bye, Bye, Boss

    16.The Canterbury Crock

    17.The Hack Of Hazzard

    18.By-Line, Daisy Duke

    19.Dukescam Scam (Aired In Season 4, But filmed in Season 3)

    20.The Great Hazzard Hijack

    21.The Fugitive (Aired In Season 4, But filmed in Season 3)

    Season 4

    1.10 Million Dollar Sheriff Part 1

    2.10 Million Dollar Sheriff Part 2

    3.Sadie Hogg Day

    4.Double Dukes

    5.Trouble At Cooters

    6.Hughie Hogg Strikes Again

    7.Mrs Daisy Hogg

    8.The Great Bank Robbery

    9.Diamonds In The Rough

    10.Coltrane vs. Duke

    11.Goodbye General Lee

    12.The Sound Of Music - Hazzard Style

    13.Cletus Falls In Love

    14.Shine On Hazzard Moon

    15.Pin The Tail On The Dukes

    16.Nothin' But The Truth

    17.Dear Diary

    18.Miz Tisdale On The Lamb

    19.New Deputy In Town

    20.Bird's Gotta Fly

    21.Bad Day In Hazzard

    22.Miss Tri-Counties

    23.Share And Share Alike

    24.The Law And Jesse Duke

    25.Dukes In Danger

    Season 5

    1.The New Dukes

    2.Dukes Strike It Rich (This was filmed first, but aired second as it should have)

    3.Lawman Of The Year

    4.Big Daddy

    5.Coy Meets Girl

    6.The Hazzardgate Tape

    7.Vance's Lady

    8.Hazzard Hustle

    9.Enos In Trouble

    10.A Little Game Of Pool

    11.The Great Insurance Fraud

    12.The Treasure Of Soggy Marsh

    13.The Revenge Of Hughie Hogg

    14.The Return Of The Mean Green Machine

    15.Ding, Dong, The Boss Is Dead

    16.Coy vs. Vance

    17.Comrade Duke

    18.Witness: Jesse Duke

    19.Welcome Back Bo 'N' Luke

    20.Big Brothers, Duke (Actually filmed as #19, but wouldn't make sense to watch it in that order.)

    21.Farewell, Hazzard

    22.Daisy's Shotgun Wedding

    Season 6

    1.Lulu's Gone Away

    2.A Baby For The Dukes

    3.Brotherly Love

    4.Too Many Rosco's

    5.Cooter's Girl

    6.Enos's Last Chance

    7.Undercover Dukes Part 1

    8.Undercover Dukes Part 2

    9.The Boar's Nest Bears

    10.Boss Behind Bars

    11.A Boy's Best Friend

    12.Targets: Daisu And Lulu

    13.Twin Trouble

    14.High Flyin' Dukes (production # reads as 185133, but It Might be a typo that's really 185113, since there's no 185113.)

    15.Heiress Daisy Duke

    16.Dead And Alive

    17.Play It Again, Luke

    18.How To Succeed In Hazzard

    19.The Fortune Tellers

    20.Close Call For Daisy

    21.The Ransom Of Hazzard County

    22.Cooter's Confession

    Season 7

    1.Happy Birthday, General Lee

    2.Dr. Jeckyll And Mr. Duke

    3.Welcome, Waylon Jennings

    4.No More Mr. Nice Guy

    5.Robot P. Coltrane

    6.Danger On Hazzard Express

    7.Cool Hands, Luke & Bo

    8.Go West, Young Dukes

    9.The Dukes In Hollywood

    10.Cale Yarborough Comes To Hazzard

    11.Sittin' Dukes

    12.Sky Bandits Over Hazzard

    13.The Haunting Of J.D. Hogg

    14.When You Wish Upon A Hogg

    15.Strange Visotor To Hazzard

    16.Enos And Daisy's Wedding

    17.Opening Night At The Boar's Nest

  8. yeah the game had so much potential, but failed miserably. I think if Rockstar Games took a stab at it, the game would come out a classic. But oh well.

    The town did look kinda like the season 1 town in Covington, but that doesn't say much, cuz there wasn't much of a town. I prefer the season 2-7 town square cuz there's a lot more space, hidden alleys, and places to escape. This town had i think 2-3 ways out and that's it. One way ya come in, the other way ya go out, and i think there was a road by the impound lot wasn't there? I can't remember. But someone should really do a game and study the town in the dukes, and make it more accurate. They did a good job with the layout of the town and roads, but there was nothing to do even in free roam.

    Cruising alone isn't fun. Ya need something else to do besides drive to make a game fun. Grand Theft Auto is probably the best games on the planet, and other games should really take notice of it, and incorporate some of those features into games to make them better.

    I think if you could grab a dirtbike out of the duke barn, and go cruising cross country that would be one great feature, and another would be having missions up at your numerous still sites. Maybe you have to blow them up before Rosco or Boss get to them, or something. Blow em up with dynamite arrows.

  9. okay i'll try that thanks.

    I just wanna be able to watch them next time around in the proper order, and not have to see that all over the place stuff storywise.

    thanks for the help...

    I went to the site you said, and there's nothing saying what date the episodes were produced on.

    Kinda sucks. So basically if anyone wants to watch them in order, you'll have to take a guess at it, and write it down, what episodes make sense in what order, and all that.

    they should have it on some site for people that want to know.

  10. I agree that the game leaves you wanting more. To me replay value is everything. and a game shouldn't just be about BEATING IT. If there were side missions in this game it would add greatly to the REPLAY VALUE.

    I'll weigh the pros and cons that I liked and disliked about the game for anyone interested, and if you agree or disagree feel free to let me know.

    I just gotta warn ya, there'll probably be more cons than pros.


    -Free Roam mode was cool

    -Doing Jumps was cool too

    -Pretty good graphics

    -I liked the fact that the missions are kinda like GTA, where you go to a certain location to do them.


    -No speed traps that I saw

    -Hazzard Square was nothing like it was in the show, it was about 10% of the size. I would have liked it to be exactly the same as the show, with alleys and everything. The map seemed really inaccurate, and I didn't see too many shortcuts, which should have been a must in the game. You should be able to cut across fields, hide in bushed with the cars, etc. But the map was decent.

    -The car handled like crap, I know in the show you always see them sliding, but it was intentional because THEY wanted to do it. You shouldn't try to drive and the car automatically slides on you.

    -The missions weren't fun, they were kinda boring.

    -Not enough things to do

    -you can't get out of the car

    That's all I can think of at the moment. Another thing that would improve this game though is townspeople, wouldn't it?

    Since it is a small town, don't you think that in certain missions you should be able to walk around town and talk to people to hopefully get some clues or info about where the bad guys are, or went? I think that would rule!

  11. The original idea I think isn't so good, but all the other ones I like.

    I would say other counties would be a must, breaking out of jail definitely, races (even though i hate em) outrunning the cops, tailing people, no guns like in the show, but you can use bows and arrow, and add dynamite to em, etc. I'll just make a list of what I think they should start with.

    -Stealth Missions (sneaking up on the bad guys)

    -outrunning the cops

    -being framed and trying to get rid of the moonshine from your trunk before you get caught.

    -breaking out of jail.

    -use of any car you want (daisy's car,jeep,cooter's truck,jesse's truck,general lee, or supe up your own custom hot rod that you can buy from that car lot in season 1:repo men)

    -bar fights at the boar's nest

    -women that double cross you

    -have it so that you can explore the countryside for hidden still sites, weapons, vehicles, and money. money can be found in old shacks or something in an old metal can hehe

    -have traps along the countryside like Quicksand, cliffs, gators, etc

    -find all the hidden jumps

    -have it so that your car disappears like in GTA, so the use of safehouse garages come into play. Have a bunch of places you can hide your car, like garages, old barns, etc.

    I honestly think the possibilities are endless if the game company were to listen, and put some effort into the game.

    I would definitely buy it for ps3 or whatever in the future.

  12. Wow, you must have read my mind!

    I played the original game on PS1, and to be honest it sucked! it was kinda funny having Rosco chasing you, and crashing into the wall saying WHAT A HURRENDOUS CRASH! but other than that it was boring. So when I seen the game for ps2 I kinda got excited, but waited for it to lower in price, so I ended up getting it in the cheap bin for 20 bucks at Wal-Mart. Man was I disappointed. It's just basically a stupid driving game. The show was more than just driving, I mean come on! I betcha it took em 5 mins to make this game, no effort whatsoever went into making it I bet. The voice acting seemed so stale too. I remember Luke doing a line or something and it didn't sound natural at all. On the show their lines all sounded natural, no acting there. But this sounded like he was reading from a script that made no sense, he kinda sounded confused about what he was saying.

    but yeah, they should make it so you can do stuff like in Grand Theft Auto, but Dukes Style. Bar Fights, fixing up cars and racing em, use of bows and arrows, moonshine, and things of that nature. There's so many possibilities that they didn't even explore in the game. They just kept it basic to driving, which is stupid. I would love it if there was side missions, and doing odd jobs for people around town for money, and you use the money to supe up the General, or things like that. maybe even have some stealth missions where you have to sneak up on someone, and have the bad guys hiding out in real remote areas like old barns, etc like in the show. I could probably go on forever with ideas.

    One thing I didn't like either was how small Hazzard was, the show makes it look so huge, with all of the surrounding counties added into the mix. They should add those things and you have to outrun people like Sheriff Little, and all those other cops, not just Rosco, Enos and Cletus.

    Another good idea would be picking your character. You can go through the game as any of your favourite characters Bo,Luke,Daisy,Uncle Jesse,Cooter, or whoever. Maybe even have an alternate mode where you can be on the other side of the law, and be either Boss,Rosco,Enos or Cletus.

    So I hope if there is another game that they at least put some effort into it.

  13. Hi, I have a question that's really bugging me. I'm currently watching my Season 2 dvd's and they are really getting aggravating!

    I watched I don't know how many episodes so far, and they are all out of whack. They say that they were aired in that order that they list in the packaging, but if that is the case then They must be insane.

    I watch an episode and it has Daisy's Car, and then I see an episode with her jeep, and then another episode with her car again, and then they wreck the car, and she gets the jeep for the first time, and then it goes to the Loretta Lynn episode and her car is back again, and then in season 3 there's an episode which I think is the Return of Hughie Hogg, which is blatantly obvious that it's from season 2, and there's no way it got aired during season 3 on it's original airdate. I can't believe that WB would release this thing when the episodes are so out of order. So my question is this. Some people say to watch the episodes in whatever order you want. So does anyone have a list of what ORDER the episodes SHOULD BE in? and not these stupid airdates, cuz you can't rely on them.

    I bought these boxed sets so I could watch all the episodes from when I was a kid in chronological order, and so far it hasn't seemed anything close to chronological order. If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it. I tried looking up a listing of airdates that would be anything close to the way they should be and came up with nothing. If I keep watching the episodes the way they are, which is OUT OF SYNC I'm gonna throw them out the window.

  14. Hi, this is Chris, I just signed up. I live in Canada in Northern Ontario, and been a dukes fan since I was a kid, and am now collecting the series on DVD. I have 5 out of the 7 seasons so far.

    Just thought I would say hi and all that.

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