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Everything posted by DixieDavenport

  1. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 Beth replied to Laura's question. "Honey, if she ain't close, my name ain't Beth Duke." Laura grinned. No one could wait to have another baby around. "She'll be all right, won't she? I mean, all this working strange hours and stuff won't hurt, will it?" "Not anymore than it hurts anybody," Beth replied. "But she does need her rest." Debbie sighed. She was tired. "Reckon the boys'll be out all night, huh?" Beth nodded. "They're probably gonna be pretty sleepy... If you know what I mean." She halfway laughed. Debbie nodded. Dukes were Dukes, no matter how old they might be.
  2. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Luke reached over and popped Bo lightly on the back of the head like he had done when they were kids. Bo ............... This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 glared at his cousin. "Cute, Luke. Real cute." This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 At her home, Dixie went inside leaving the back door unlocked for Debbie and Laura if they decided to come there instead of staying with Beth. She went in the bathroom and ran a tub of hot water. After getting in the tub Dixie took a few minutes just to relax and soak in the water. She took a large cup and poured it over her stomach. Immediately the baby began moving. Dixie said, "It sure looks like you like baths as much as I do. I just hope you continue to feel that way." It was right then when she received a swift kick. "Owe." She said though it didn't actually hurt that time. "Ok, Kiddo, let's get this done so that we can go to work early in the morning." Dixie finished her bath and went to bed. She hoped that Luke would be home, but if they were at a still site she really doubted it. The next thing Dixie knew was a very annoying sound invaded her dreams. It was the alarm clock. Dixie was dressed and in the car on her way to work even before dawn.
  3. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 Luke nodded, knowing full well what Bo meant. Jesse Duke's presence had always had a calming effect... On all of them, really. And his being gone sure didn't help them to have a good frame of mind about stuff like babies and wives. He'd always known just what to say or do, and now the Duke family, though still strong, felt sometimes like things weren't the same anymore. Luke sighed. "I know she'll be fine, I really do... But for some reason, knowin' and believin are two different things, and I'm having a hard time..." Bo nodded. "I understand, cousin. But we're here for ya... Me and Beth, and the kids, too, for that matter... You know Beth's been through it enough times... She'll get Dixie through... And I'll do whatever I can to help." Luke smiled. "You know somethin', Bo? I never thought I'd see the day you'd be givin' me advice." Bo grinned. "Yeah... usually was you gettin' me outta trouble, huh?"
  4. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Beth understood Dixie's point, but it didn't stop her from worrying. Dixie looked at the clock. If she had to be at work at 4am she needed to get home and get ready, "Well, ya'll it's been nice but I need to get a shower and get things ready. 230 am comes early." It was already nearly 10 pm. Beth said, "You don't have to go, you can stay here." Dixie smiled, "Yeah, I know but I'd have to go get clothes and all anyway. I'll see ya'll about 530 tomorrow." After Dixie left, Laura who had been deep in thought most of the evening asked, "Do you really think she is that close?" 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 After all the guys got a drink everyone settled down, Luke asked Bo, "So, how is it that you never took Jesse camping out? Don't tell me Beth wouldn't let you. I know better than that. She never really objected to us going camping occasionally even after ya'll got married, as long as we didn't do it none too often or she wasn't pregnant." Luke said with a laugh. Bo sighed, "I'll tell you, just as long as you tell me why in the pitch blackness of night you decided to challenge Jeb to a foot race up a mountain." Luke took a long drink and smiled, "Deal." They hadn't realized that the room had several sets of ears that were hearing the conversation. They assumed the others deep in their own conversations. Bo shook his head finding it hard to believe what he was about to say, "Luke you were gone by the time the boys got big enough for me to take two boys camping. By the time Jesse was 4, Bo, Jr was 8 and I could have watched them fine. It would have been a bit tricky to set up and break down if we were near a stream but Luke that would have left Beth home with a newborn, a 2 year old and a six year old. I know Uncle Jesse and even Daisy were there to help but I guess I just figured if I was away long enough to help make a livin' then I should be home to help when I wasn't working on the farm or somewhere." Luke could see Bo's logic with what he'd said, but had to add, "Bo I know it's sure fun makin' younin's, but after Bo, Jr. didn't you learn what caused them?" Bo fumed, "Cute, Luke! Real cute!!" After a glass of Jesse's finest, Luke must admit it did sound sort of cute when he said it. Bo added, "So how about that race?" Luke laughed. It was good to have a night out with the guys. He wasn't on call and hadn't even took his pager to hear what if anything the other crew members were up to. He took a drink of shine, then a deep breath and finally replied, "Seems kind of strange, I remember getting you through Bo, Jr.'s birth as well as helping with Braxton, but........." Bo grinned. Luke warned, "BO! Don't even go there. It's just that, .... I'm worried about Dixie. You know about loosing her. It took so long to get this far and things seem right, really right, the first time in a long time that I felt that way and what if, ......." Bo interrupted Luke's thoughts, "Luke I've been there. Six times now. I know what you are going through. I think I was almost more worried with Braxton than I was with Bo, Jr." he paused, choked up and continued with tears in his eyes, "I knew Uncle Jesse was there with the others. With Braxton, ....." Luke tried to get Bo on another direction, "All you had was me, and I'm a poor substitute for Uncle Jesse." Bo frowned, "I didn't say all that. It's just that as long as he was there, even if I was worried, I knew he could handle anything that came at him. Just like he did when we got caught running shine. He fixed it."
  5. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 Bo paused, unsure of the best course of action at this point. On one hand, they were away from the farm and Beth might never know. But on the other, Jesse's shine, to the untrained drinker, could cause quite a hangover, and if his uncle's namesake had a bit too much, Bo and Jesse would both have a lot of explaining to do. He erred on the Duke side of things most of the time though, and gave Jesse a nod. "You can have some. But not too much, or your Mama'll tan me." All of the men settled in, as Jeb and Luke made their way back with a couple of jars of Jesse's finest. Now, the party could begin. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Beth's mothering instinct was as strong as ever, as she told Dixie, "Promise me if you feel bad you'll call somebody in." Debbie nodded in agreement. "Call me, Dix, I'll take care of it." Dixie nodded. "I will, but I hope I don't have to. Need all the extra money I can make before this one gets here."
  6. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Dixie laughed at her friends' uneasiness. She knew Beth was not a prude or a saint, but there were a lot of things the Beth had a problem admitting to in front of the kids. Jessica asked, "You did work at the Boar's Nest some too, didn't you?" "Yeah, I was working there when I found out I was pregnant with Bo, Jr." Beth replied as she noticed Dixie's hand not just resting on the baby but more holding or rubbing her lower abdomen. She had also noticed her change position a several times. It was then that the phone rang. Beth looked at Laura, who was the closest to it, "Do you care to answer that?" Laura answered the phone with the familiar greeting that she always got no matter who answered the phone there, "Duke Farm." A male voice, not Luke or any of the guys asked, "Is Dixie Daven.... ah, ..... Duke there?" Laura gave the phone a strange look and said as she handed Dixie the phone, "Yeah, she's here. Dixie the phone is for you." Dixie sighed. A phone call at this time of night wasn't good. "Hello?" "Dixie I need you to come in at 4 am." It was the familiar voice of the evening shift's Watch Commander at the jail. Dixie frowned then said with a sigh, "I'll be there." The male at the other end replied, "Hey, now you ain't the only one stuck. I'm the one you are relieving." "Yeah? So who called in?" She had been there long enough to about guess. The Watch Commander replied, "Jones........ said he had a toothache." "Great!" Dixie said, "Only for you will I be there at 4." He replied, "You'd better be here I've got to come in at noon tomorrow anyway." Dixie remember that he had already volunteered for part of that shift. "Yeah I know. See ya at 4." She said as she hung up the phone. Beth had heard Dixie's conversation and didn't like it with what she was seeing from Dixie's actions. She was still appearing to feel uncomfortable to say the least, "You are going in at 4am? And working a twelve hour shift?" Dixie replied, "No choice. It's my turn and Don will be stuck until 8am if I don't and he has to be back at noon." Beth asked, "When do you go back to see Doc?" "Monday?" Dixie said with a questioning tone. "Why?" Beth asked, "Has he mentioned taking you off work?" Dixie shrugged, "He mentioned it months ago. Said it was possible when I got further along. Why?" Beth replied, "Well I think you are 'further along'." Dixie heard Debbie, Laura and Jessica's excitement at Beth's comment and replied, "Why do you say something like that?" Beth replied, "Because other that the one at the dinner, you've been having contractions for the last half hour." Dixie had not been having any pain since the one at the dinner and replied, "I am not." Beth rolled her eyes a bit and said, "Laura put your hand on Dixie's belly and leave it a few minutes." Laura shrugged and did as Beth said. She and Jessica had done this often after the baby started kicking. "I don't know what you are talking about Beth, 'he', " Though Dixie didn't know for sure what she was having she had gotten into the habit of calling the baby a 'he'. "Isn't even kicking much tonight." Beth started to explain, "That's because, ........." She was interrupted by Laura who suddenly set up really straight and exclaimed, "Hey! That's weird! What is the world?" Beth gave a smug grin at Dixie before answering Laura's question, "Her belly just went from relaxed to as hard as a basket ball?" Dixie frowned. That was exactly what had happened. Laura replied, "Yeah! That's exactly what it felt like." Beth said with a grin. " 'He's' moving. Your body is just practicing for the real thing." Dixie was still in a bit of denial, "But I'm not feeling any pain." "You likely won't until you are really in active labor." Beth said and added, "But, you are getting close." "Close?" Dixie asked. She had to admit to herself the Beth was un-nerving her just a little." Beth laughed, "Well, closer than you were a few months ago." "Geeehhh, thanks!!!" Dixie replied. Beth said, “Look your due date is what about two weeks away?" She saw Dixie nod 'yes', "Well, if Doc hasn't taken you off work and you have no other symptoms, I don't see going after Luke tonight or you not working tomorrow, but I bet you that you won't work after your appointment on Monday." Debbie replied, "You make me feel much better, there Beth." She knew they were short handed and though the jail was prepared for Dixie to go on maternity leave. It wasn't going to be any easier covering yet another shift with the small staff they had. Dixie sort of 'ducked', "Sorry. You know I really didn't plan on this, " she rubbed her belly as she finished the sentence, "quite SO soon, but, ..... ah, ...... it just sort of, ......... happened." It was true, she and Luke had talked about children and though they really wanted to 'try' often for them, they wanted some time to their selves as a married couple before becoming parents. They had 'discovered' that God had a sense of humor and had given them the family they had wanted years ago quick, fast, and in a hurry. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Luke then looked at Jesse and replied, "Son, there are no electric lights here." Luke wondered how Bo had only made the time to take Bo, Jr. camping. Cooter said in a care free manner, "Sooo, where is something to get this 'party' started?" Jesse asked, "Party?" Bo warned, "Cooter!" Luke shook his head at them both, "Get a fire going. I'll be back. Jeb you want to go?" Jeb grinned widely. "You bet!" he had never been privilege to most of the 'hiding' spots. As the two left, Jake asked Bo, "So just where are they going?" Bo laughed and said with a sigh, "They are going after some of Jesse's finest that was put down about the time you or Bo, Jr. was born." Jesse exclaimed, "Really?!!!" Bo sighed heavily, "Yeah, I'm afraid so." He was not happy about this turn of events because he knew the next question and Jesse didn't let him down. Jesse said more than asked, "DAD you have got to let me at LEAST try it. I mean, I was named after Uncle Jesse and I've heard stories about his shine ALL my life. PLEASE??" Cooter couldn't help but smile and wait on Bo's reply. He knew that even his 'little sister, Dixie' had tried Jesse shine before she was Jesse's age. He knew what Beth's reply would be but he wasn't quite sure of Bo's answer. Bo
  7. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 Bo shrugged. "I reckon not. I took Junior campin', just not here..." Luke raised his eyebrows, and looked at his cousin. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Beth sighed, hearing the topic of conversation. She settled down in a chair near the other girls, and cracked a can of Diet Pepsi. "Dixie's right," she said. "More times than I'd like to admit, I'd have a sip or two of Bo's beer..." She sighed. "It's not something I'm proud of, but I'd be lying to say it didn't happen more often than not. We all drank back then... I didn't get drunk, but the boys wouldn't keep us from it." She stretched out a bit in her chair, and took another sip of her soda. "Y'all, I won't ever lie or be a hypocrite. I drank when I was younger... But it did lead to some mistakes along the way." Dixie smiled. It was nice to see some of the Beth she'd known as a girl shining through the "Mama" exterior. Beth grinned. "Anything else about my checkered past y'all are wondering? Cuz it sure seems to be the night for asking questions I don't wanna answer." She laughed out loud.
  8. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Laura got her a soda and set down closer to Dixie. She just had to ask, but got the picture that it wasn't a conversation that was open for discussions far as Beth was concerned. "How did you all manage to drink at the Boar's Nest without getting caught?" Dixie grinned at the memories and replied, "Well, it was more me than Beth. In fact, I'm not sure if she ever did do any drinking there. I went to the Boar's Nest rather often. The reason, or should I say, the excuse for me going was to help Jeb's band set up equipment." Dixie noticed that Debbie was also all ears at the mention of Jeb. "That way I was able to get in with the band and no one thought to really ID me. Then, I ended up setting with Cooter, Luke, Bo, all their friends and as much as I'd like not to think about it, their dates. I guess that was a lot of the reason that everyone except my father pretty much thought that I was as old as the others. Anyway, Cooter and Luke knew that Dad had tried to use Jesse's ideas where alcohol was concerned, if you didn't forbid it or hide it then we'd be more apt to not think it was a big deal and wouldn't drink as much or as often." Dixie laughed, and said, "I'm sure they both only wished that it had worked that way more often. Needless to say both Cooter and Luke managed to look the other way when I'd snitch a drink, but it took them awhile to figure out that I was snitching from them both." By this time, Beth had noticed the others gathered around Dixie and figured she would go see what they were talking about. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Luke was working hard not to act as winded from the race with Jeb as he really was. Jeb was bent over with his hands on his knees trying to breath as Cooter, Bo and the others came into the opening where the small 'hunting cabin' was located. It had been used more for making moonshine than for hunting or camping back when Bo, Luke and Jeb were Bo, Jr., Jake and Jesse's ages. Bo was the first into the clearing. He looked at them both and could tell that Luke had beaten Jeb by the look on Luke's face. Jeb finally said as the others got there, "I'll get you next time Luke." Luke replied, "No, you won't." He said taking a deep breath, then added, "I'm not going to be stupid enough to challenge you again." Jesse asked a bit in amazement since Luke was older than Jeb, "You mean you really beat Uncle Jeb, Uncle Luke?" Jeb was now getting his own wind back and said, "Yeah, he sure did." Luke added, "Remember I do have an advantage. I walk and run in the woods at work far more often than I'd like to." The guys went into the cabin where Luke reached for a lantern on the wall. He lit it and found the old cabin just as he and Bo had left it years ago. There was still a large stack of dry wood by the wood stove that used also used to provide the heat for the still that was still covered up on the outside of the cabin. The guys had sleeping bags in the General Lee as well as a couple that they had left behind in the cabin. Bo, Sr. moved by the others as they checked out the cabin, "I'll get the fire started." Jesse looked around and asked, "So, where's the light switch?" Luke looked at Bo, Sr. who was giving his son a puzzled look. Luke said, "Bo ain't you ever taken these boys camping up here?" Bo
  9. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 Beth glared at Dixie as she let the information out about the pre-legal drinking they used to do at the Boar's Nest. "We were young and stupid, Dixie," she said, her tone just short of snappy. "Doesn't mean our kids have to make the same mistakes." Dixie raised her eyebrows, surprised at Beth's biting tone. "Oh, Lord," she said. "I'm sorry, Dixie. I didn't mean to be short with you. I just worry too much." Dixie nodded. "I know you do, but your kids are near grown. You can't decide for 'em anymore." Beth knew Dixie was right. The kids had to make their own mistakes. But Beth didn't want them to make all the same ones she had, including getting pregnant too young. She wouldn't trade a day of what she had, but she wanted her kids to have the chance to get an education if they so chose. She settled in a chair with a cold soda.
  10. This one I'm sure was written by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Dixie seen the look of worry on Beth's face as they were all settling down with something cold to drink after putting Braxton to bed. "What?" Beth replied, "What? What are you talking about?" "I know you too well, what is bothering you?" Dixie knew without waiting for Beth to reply, "If you are worried about Jesse, Beth, Honey he's almost 18. You do remember that when we were growing up the drinking age was 18, and how many of us waited until we were 18 to drink at the Boar's Nest???" When she seen the surprised looks on Debbie, Laura and Jessica's faces, Dixie had to laugh. Beth ....... 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Jake replied, "Well, I trust ya and all but I think I'd have liked it better if I could have seen where we were going." Cooter was still laughing, "Nooo! That's part of the fun!" Luke swore that his brother-in-law, one of their states Congressmen, at that moment was the same Crazy Cooter who had herded Hershel Perrison's turkeys over a cliff. Only later to swear to Rosco that he thought turkey's could fly. "Well, since you all liked the ride, how about a nice nature walk?" "Walk?" Jesse asked. "Why would we want to walk?" Bo, Sr. replied, "Cause this is as far as you can get a vehicle." Luke added, "Ya'll see moonshining wasn't as easy a job as you may think. We used to make this walk carrying sugar, corn, and jars up it and shine back down....." Jeb could not resist adding to Luke's tale of woe, "Yeah, fellas and it was ten miles both ways, up hill, in the SNOW!!" Luke glared at Jeb. He knew what Jeb was doing and decided to see if Jeb still thought him as old after they got to the moonshine shed at the top on the hill, "Well, since I'm so old that I sound like Grandpa Duke. Since I'm on my cane and all, maybe you want to race me to the top?" Bo, Sr. put his hands out and moved both Bo, Jr. and Jesse back because he KNEW what was about to happen. Jeb got a surprised look on his face. It had been years since he'd been challenged to a foot race by either of his cousins. "YOU are on, Gramps!!" he said as he broke and ran!!!! Luke was already in motion. Jake looked surprised at Bo, Sr. "Where are they going off like that in total darkness?" Bo, Sr. replied, "The top of this hill. Come on I want to see who wins!" Cooter replied, as he started walking, "You got that right! Come on boys." 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 It was obvious to Jeb as he watched his older cousin pass him that Luke may be older than himself but was in far better shape as Luke easily beat him to the top of the hill. To Jeb, it may have looked like Luke beat him easily. Luke refused to let it show that the run up the steep hill was far harder than he'd ever admit even though he was in good shape. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 NOTE: The part about walking them "walking ten miles both ways, up hill, in the SNOW!!" comes from my Father-in-law, he and some of his friends used to be talking and telling how poor they were as kids and piece from Bill Cosby when he used to tell how things were back in his father's day.
  11. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 Bo, Jr. laughed at his dad's comment. "You two really did do everything together, huh?" Bo nodded. "Sure did." Jake was still mildly rattled from the trek through the dark in the truck, but had to smile just a little at that. He wondered what life might have been like if he and Bo, Jr. had grown up together like their dads had, instead of as a Duke and a Miller. Luke grinned. "How'd ya like that, son?" 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Meanwhile, the girls arrived back at the farm, glad to know that their men were at least safely on Duke property again. Beth, of course, was a little worried about Jesse, knowing that Bo and Luke wouldn't keep him from drinking.
  12. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 It took a few minutes before Dixie decided to attempt to get up again, but she decided to try it just a bit slower this time. Beth seen her start to stand up and said, "Are you Ok?" Dixie replied, "Yeah, I think so. That just sort of took me by surprise." She was relieved not to have another of the so called practice contractions while walking to the car. Dixie was sure that if this was a practice one that she wasn't sure if she was ready for the real thing. As the ladies were getting into their cars, Sheriff Strate pulled up beside them. She seen a look of dread pass between Beth, Daisy and Dixie. As she rolled down her window, she smiled at the ladies before saying, "They are fine and are currently heading toward Still Site # 3, if I heard them right. Now, I don't know where that is but I have a feeling ya'll might." Dixie nodded and replied, "Thanks Linda." "It's not a problem." Sheriff Strate said. She was sure hoping not to have to arrest the guys anytime soon. She wasn't an expert or anything but from the looks of things to her, it looked like there was going to be another Duke in Hazzard in the near future. She could only hope that it was not another boy!!! 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 All the men had decided to combine forces and take the two vehicles that Bo and Luke knew would make the trip. The General Lee and Luke's pickup. Luke drove his truck, Bo the General Lee. As they pulled off the at a wide spot barely big enough to get both vehicles. Luke stopped and said to Jake in the back, "How about locking in the hubs?" Jake looked at Bo, Jr., shrugged and jumped over the side of the truck to do as Luke asked. Once back in the truck Jake asked, "Where is he going?" Bo, Jr. replied, "How should I know. Remember until just a short while ago I lead a very 'sheltered' life." Jesse added, "Can't be anymore sheltered than mine." Bo, Jr. replied, "You got to go to the Boar's Nest at 16, I was 18!! And Mom still had a cow!!" From the front of the cab Luke yelled, "Hang on back there." Cooter asked as Luke put the truck in reverse, "Have you been up here lately?" Luke replied, "Nope." As he popped the clutch and gunned the motor of the truck, heading it up an unseen and untraveled trail. By the time he got to the top his windshield was covered in Hazzard clay and he had cut to the left just in time for Bo to get the top of the hill and turn right. This had been done to the total amazement of the younger three boys and both Bo and Luke did it without lights. Cooter was the first out of Luke's truck yelling to the top of his lungs, "WHHHHOooooo HOOOOooo!!!! MOTHER DOG!!!!!" He walked around the truck and declared, "You have been up here. You both could not have know that the road was clear and nothing was across it!" Both Bo and Luke were out and looking at him and each other. Then Luke replied, "Honest, Coot I ain't been up here since, ..............." He thought about it and decided that he had better not tell Cooter the exact last time he was there, since it had been back when they were much younger and Dixie just happened to be with him. He shuddered just a bit, "In, ..........ummmmm, at least twenty some years!" Bo, Jr. looked at his father, "HOW did you know he went left???" Bo replied, "He always goes left!"
  13. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 Beth thought for a minute. "I think it's just sort of a practice run, so to speak," she said. "It happened to me a lot with the boys when it got closer to time." She paused, not quite sure what was the best plan of action. "If it happens again, let me know, and we'll decide what to do." Dixie nodded, as the contraction subsided. She gave a sigh of relief. Laura, in the meantime, was holding Braxton, smiling down at the tiny Duke boy. She wondered what it would feel like to hold her own child... She truly hoped that she and Jake would have this kind of life.
  14. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Joe glared as he said, "How'd she get knocked up then, Miller?? Or is it, ..... " he paused, the said as if he had tasted something foul, "DUKE??" Across the table, Luke turned when he heard the raised voices on the other end of the table, "Looks like it's gonna be sooner!" Jeb was near the band when he heard the raised voices and also turned. Cooter had walked over to the bar also heard the raised voices and told the man he was talking to, "I'll be back." He hoped he could calm the situation down. Bo scanned the area where Jesse had been a minute ago with Jeb. He wasn't there. As his eyes reached the other end of the table he found Jesse right beside Jake and Bo, Jr. Now, Bo, Sr., seen what Jesse Duke had seen more times that he'd ever wanted to, the boys were at the 'ready' and he knew if something didn't defuse the situation it was gonna get bad real quick! All it would take, no matter how much any of them didn't want trouble was for someone to blink wrong or just say the wrong thing. Though the older Dukes feared it would be Jake who put the young Campbell in his place, it was the youngest of the bunch who felt 'froggy'. With the reaction that was mixed somewhere between that of a man and a two year old, Jesse stepped toe to toe with Joe Campbell and said, "Take that back!" With an equally childish reaction, Joe Campbell pushed Jesse out of the way. It was Jake who he wanted to fight. Bo, Sr. saw his son being pushed out of the way an immediately flew mad! Before Luke or anyone else could stop Bo he had already leaped head first into the situation! "Don't you go pushing HIM!!!" Jesse stepped forward in spite of having been pushed backwards, "I'll handle this!" then he turned toward Joe Campbell, "I'm not about to let you talk like that about Laura!" Luke knew exactly what he would have done twenty odd years ago, but for some reason he was seeing things differently tonight. Maybe it was the fact that he had been expecting trouble with the Campbells being here and had time to think or maybe it was Dixie. But the main thing stopping Luke from jumping head first into the situation was the unpleasant thoughts of seeing Dixie at work and in a professional manner rather than as his wife. Jesse had no more than got out the words, "I'll handle this!" when Sheriff Strate walked in and immediately replied, as Jesse continued his sentence while heading toward Joe Campbell, "No! I'll handle THIS!!!" she said in her most authoritative voice. She looked at Joe Campbell who was breathing fire, "Go to the bar, get a cold NON-alcoholic beverage and cool down. I'll talk to you in a minute." Joe wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he really didn't want to go to jail. He knew that the Sheriff wouldn't hesitate to arrest him since she had locked up his father before, so he turned away from the Dukes and headed toward the bar....... Sheriff Strate turned back to Bo, Jesse as well as the others, "I'd like to see you ALL outside, now." Though the Dukes and one Davenport, knew that they really hadn't done anything (yet) to be arrested for, each of them felt a bit of dread as they headed outside. Once outside Sheriff Strate took a calming breath before she began, "I don't know what I just walked in on, and I'm not really sure that I want to know. For starters, I'm not going to ask if you boys were drinking, nor am I going to ask how old Jesse is. What I am going to do is highly suggest that if you all want to continue this get together that you do it at the garage, the farm or one of ya'lls old still sights." It was obvious, to the older Dukes, that she had been talking to Enos. She looked at the group before her, "Now is there anything that I should be arresting anyone for out of this incident?" Bo really wanted to have Joe Campbell arrested for pushing Jesse, but Luke interrupted his thoughts by saying, "No, none at all. The Campbell boy just jumped in on a conversation that he should never have heard." Sheriff Strate reminded, "I know this is a small town and ya'll are going to keep running into each other. I also know that tensions are running hot on both sides of this and I expect that they will continue at least until the wedding or so I am told by my cousin. Both Enos and I can understand this, but fellas I'm getting a bit tired of having to get in the middle of this and trust me, Judge Hardcastle said as much the last time I had to break ya'll up......" Luke heard the warning the Sheriff spoke loud and clear. He held up his hand, stopping her in mid thought, "We're going, that is if you'll let us." Cooter added, "Yeah, what about No 3?" He said referring to still site number 3 which was near the back of the Duke farm. Jeb knew that Bo was still hot so he agreed with Cooter, hoping that Luke and Bo would also agree, "Yeah that sounds like a plan." Cooter and Jeb knew that no one would bother them there and that there was plenty of beverages still hidden near by that was guaranteed to keep them all happy all night long. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 After a pleasant dinner, without being interrupted by any reports of the guys being into trouble the ladies were getting ready to go to their cars. Dixie, who even to the surprise of Beth, had not had any difficulties thus far in her pregnancy except for morning sickness once and a few incidents of night sickness. She had worked every shift but one up to this point and had totally enjoyed most every aspect of caring Luke's child except for being sick and of course gaining several pounds. Luke had been kind enough to remind her that her weight gain only meant that their child was healthy. As Dixie went to get up a 'practice contract' hit her as the baby kicked her under her ribs. It was a combination that to say the least was uncomfortable. Seeing the way Dixie gasped as she set back down in her seat and held her stomach, even though her due date was still a few weeks away, it would not have surprised Beth if she had seen the floor becoming wet right about now. She handed Braxton to Laura and knelt beside Dixie, "Are you Ok?" Dixie was struggling to gain any composure she could, "Not sure. What was that?"
  15. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 And, of course, as Duke luck would have it, he caught Bo, Jr's comment about Jessica and Laura. He turned to Jake and sneered, "Like Laura will be soon? You got people believin' she ain't already in your bed every night?" Jake was all but shaking with anger at what the other man had said. "She ain't already in my bed," he said. "So you best mind your own business. I ain't got no desire for this to get nasty." Bo, Jr., despite Jake's comment, was all set for things to get nasty if they did.
  16. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Bo looked at Luke, trying not to let his face show that something was wrong. He quietly said, "Don't look now, but we have some mighty unfriendly looking fellas burning holes in our backs from that back table." Luke nodded as if Bo had told him that their last name was Duke, took a drink of his beer, then turned as if to say something to Jeb so that he could see who Bo was talking about. It only took a half a glance to see the Campbells nearly breathing fire at the Dukes mere existence. He turned back to Bo and said, "The way I see it is, ..... we can leave with our tails tucked or, ..... continue to enjoy our evening and I'm not much for the first one." Bo felt he had to insist, "Luke you know they are going to start something sooner or later." 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Across the large table the younger guys weren't paying Bo and Luke or the Campbells any attention. They were far more into their own conversations. Bo, Jr. had his Daddy's knack for saying all the wrong things at precisely the wrong times. "You know Jake, I sure was glad Jessica wasn't pregnant, but I really kind wish that she were soon going to be sharing my bed soon like Laura will be yours soon." Jesse was standing near by and couldn't help but wonder what it was like to actually be with a woman. It was at that moment, that Joe, Laura's brother, walked by the table.......
  17. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 apparently, having a good time. How dare they, after what that Duke boy had done to his daughter? Mr. Campbell had already had one drink too many for the night, and he was in no mood to see smiling Dukes around. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Bo and Luke looked at each other, the Duke 6th sense for trouble perking both of them up. Something was coming, and when Bo looked back at the table where the Campbells were sitting, he knew why.
  18. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 "Well, he did do Ok with you, that is, ummmm............ after Bo. Jr. got rid of three counties of law officers out of your yard. You should have seen!" Dixie replied then thought with a laugh, "Or are you referring to that big tuff Marine in him?" Beth replied, "Yeah. I love Luke like a brother, but he always acts SO tuff. Just once I'd like to see him fall on his face, and I would still pay dearly for a video of that since I was just a little pre occupied at the time." Dixie laughed, "Well you know the old saying, you can take the man out of the Marines but you can't take the Marine out of the man." Beth noticed that Laura was being really quiet tonight. "Laura is everything alright?" She smiled weakly at Beth and answered far shyer than normal, "It's just that Braxton is the only baby I've ever really been around and with everything that's been going on, I haven't been around him much....." Jessica on the other hand was still silently wishing that she had been the one to be carrying a Duke baby. Dixie nodded at her, "Honey, trust me I haven't been around any babies for any length of time either, but you got plenty of time and a couple little Dukes to practice on before your baby gets here. But we have more important things to talk about, ......." she smiled widely, "We have a wedding to plan!" 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Jake finished his sentence, "Do either of you all know how hard it is to sleep on the couch with Laura in on the other side of the wall?" 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Luke laughed at Jake and replied, "Yes, I do. I dated a girl for about two years when I was a bit younger than you and I stayed at her house often. It was real hard to turn left to Mark's room at the top of the stairs instead of right to hers." Bo decided a bit of pay back was in order, "You know you didn't sleep in the boys room! David told me that the closet connected the two rooms. After all these years and you still don't tell the truth about that." Luke grinned like a cheesie cat and replied, "Ask Mark sometime about it. It was HIS room I was staying in." Bo looked at Luke and said, "You're lying." "Well, since you are so interested in the lay out of Robin's house, did you also learn that her parents room was on the other side of her room? Do you really think I'd buck her Dad?" Luke said smugly. Bo frowned, he knew her father was not one to rile up, he mumbled, "Yeah, I ain't got that part figured out yet." Bo, Jr., Jake and especially Jesse were enjoying the banter between the two cousins. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Across the the room was Laura's brother and father. Her brother looked at his dad and said, "Look over there. They sure seem to be having a good time." Mr. Campbell looked over at the crowded tables where the Dukes were..................
  19. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 Beth grinned at Dixie. "Our luck, if we sent him with them, he'd go to jail, too." Dixie and Daisy laughed out loud at that, because neither could argue with it. Beth, too, was laughing. Years of being a Duke woman, while not quite having taken away the worry, had helped her learn to deal with it somewhat better. She cuddled her baby boy close, and sighed. "Thank God for tonight... Just us girls and the one Duke boy who isn't trouble." Looking at Dixie, she grinned. "I can't wait to see Luke when yours comes along." 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 NOTE -- Sorry some of these are short but that is the way it was orginally posted.
  20. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~01 As the band walked over at Jeb's invitation for their break, Luke swallowed his drink of beer and replied with a bit of a 'toasting acting', "Looks like, there Father of THREE boys and THREE girls." Luke grinned like a Cheshire cat. He was relaxed and having a good time so it was time to pick on Bo. "So what ya going to do when a boy like US shows up on your door for one of YOUR girls?" Bo's face lost all it's previous humor and color, then turned serious and pale. As Bo, Sr. remembered seeing his oldest daughter, Ruth Ann, crying to her Momma not to very long ago. He knew she was getting close to that age when he would indeed find a boy at his door looking for her. "That ain't funny Luke." The older group of men who had grown up with Bo, Sr. and Luke all thought it was very funny until they saw the look on Bo's face and quickly tried to hide their laughter. Luke said, "But watching you deal with it may be." Before Bo, Sr. could reply, Cooter interrupted by flagging the older waitress down, "This next round is on me, "Bring us ten drafts." he figured that would be enough with what was on the table for the them, the band as well as Bo, Jr, Jake and Jesse to have at least a mug of the watered down brew and surely with the night being so young they were sure to be drank. Bo, Sr. had been glaring at Luke but now frowned at Cooter. The waitress couldn't have been more happy to be waiting on this particular table, "Why sure Congressman Davenport." Cooter sighed, "Can we drop all that? I'm Cooter tonight, ok?" "Whatever you say." the waitress said as she bounced off to get their orders and quickly returned, "So fellas, not that I EVER mind waiting on ya'll but what's the occasion that brings all you handsome men out her together and VERY MUCH ALONE ?" Luke looked at Jake either for him to answer or a go ahead to spill the beans himself. Jake gladly took the opportunity for a couple of reasons, one to make sure he could actually say it and two he felt if he could say it he may begin to believe it MAY just actually work out, "Well, let's say it's kind of early bachelor party." Jeb was quick to add, "And IF we survive tonight we may actually get to have the real thing when they set a date." The older waitress knew that Bo, Sr., and Luke were married, but with so many of the guys at the table she wasn't sure who they were talking about so she decided to stick her foot in deeper, "So who's the lucky couple?" Jake replied with a bit of a grin, "You may be getting to work for Laura a lot more if I have anything to say about it." NARRATOR: Now don't go getting to involved to see who just walked into the Boar's Nest .......... (Mr. Campbell and Laura's brother)...... The waitress had basically been hired to work so that the regular waitresses such and Laura and Jessica could have at least a day or two off each week. She put two and two and exclaimed for all the bar to hear since the band wasn't playing, "Oh, MY!! YOU and LAURA are getting married!!!!" With all the band standing around the table talking to this person or that one it was easy for Jeb to slide a beer to each of the underage fellas. He knew the only one they had to really watch to make sure the wrong people didn't see was Jesse because he was younger than the other two whom most people thought were old enough to have a beer. Jesse had managed to stand close enough to the table to be drinking the beer as yet unnoticed, but still far enough away to continue his conversation with the young girl, so Bo hadn't gotten to tell him how proud he was of his singing. Jake replied, "Yes, Ma'am, just as soon as she will have me." Bo, Jr. picked, "I thought you said Luke's couch was comfortable." Luke and Jake at the same time said, "No, it's not." to which Jake added, "I'd much rather be in a nice soft bed .......... 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 As the ladies got out of the car Dixie picked up the diaper bag for Beth and said, "Poor Braxton, alone with all us girls. Maybe we should have sent him with the men?"
  21. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 looked around the room as if there were another Jesse in the room that Jeb MUST be talking about. Seeing no one else, he glared at Jeb, but walked toward the stage, as Luke and Bo sat laughing at him. He walked up on stage, drawing a complete blank on what he wanted to sing. He grinned nervously. He mouthed the name of the song to Jeb, who told the rest of the band quickly what to play and in what key. Then, Jesse started singing a Conway Twitty song that he'd learned from years of hearing his parent's music. There's a lot of ways of saying What I wanna say to you There's songs and poems and promises And dreams that might come true But I won't talk of starry skies Or moonlight on the ground I'll come right out and tell you I'd just love to lay you down Lay you down and softly whisper Pretty love words in your ear Lay you down and tell you all the things A woman loves to hear I'll let you know how much it means Just havin' you around Oh, darlin', how I'd love to lay you down There's so many ways your sweet love's Made this house into a home You've got a way of doing Little things that turn me on Like standing in the kitchen In your faded cotton gown With your hair all up in curlers I still love to lay you down Lay you down and softly whisper Pretty love words in your ear Lay you down and tell you all the things [ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/dzS ] A woman loves to hear I'll let you know how much it means Just havin' you around Oh, darlin' how I'd love to lay you down When a whole lot of Decembers Are showin' in your face Your auburn hair has faded And silver takes it's place You'll be just as lovely and I'll still be around And if I can't I know that I'd still love to lay you down Lay you down and softly whisper Pretty love words in your ear Lay you down and tell you all the things A woman loves to hear I'll let you know how much it means Just havin' you around Oh, darlin' how I'd love to lay you down Lay you down and softly whisper Pretty love words in your ear Lay you down and tell you all the things My woman loves to hear I'll let you know how much it means Just havin' you around Oh, darlin' how I love to lay you down Lay you down and softly whisper Pretty love words in your ear Lay you down and tell you all the things My woman loves to hear I'll let you know how much it means Just havin' you around Oh, Darlin, how I'd love to lay you down. When he finished singing, Bo was nearly incredulous. His youngest son had always been kind of quiet about his talent. Bo knew he could do it, but had never seen him so readily try. And to nail a Conway song, at that. The boy walked off stage before Bo could get his bearings. A young waitress took quick notice of the youngest Duke, and upon seeing her look him up and down, Jesse walked over to make her acquaintance. Seeing the exchange, Bo shook his head, and said, "Oh, sh--. Not another one."
  22. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 "Do ya'll need refills yet? Sure look mighty thirsty ta me." she said with her sweetest voice. Luke had always been the 'spokes person' for the group so it was him who replied, "Well, it looks like those three are Ok. But, you can bring us three a round and go ahead and bring three more too. It looks as if the band will be taking a break soon." This was an age old way to get more glasses on the table than people at the table. Bo knew what Luke was doing and the fact that he had included Jesse in the 'game' earned Luke a stern glare from Bo. Luke grinned at his up tight cousin. The waitress was more than happy to accommodate the guys and would have likely brought them the keg itself if they'd so much as asked. She replied, "Sure thang, Darlin'. Say you wouldn't be up for a little dance later would ya?" Luke seen the look of shock on Jesse and even Jake and Bo, Jr's face, as well as indescribable looks on Jeb and Bo's faces before he replied, "Afraid not, but you keep up the good service and I'll see you get a good tip." Though she indeed wanted the tip, she would have preferred the Donce. But the night was early and she knew Luke Duke had left there with plenty of women before so surely him being married wouldn't stop that. Maybe she'd asked far to early in the evening. She thought as she filled the glasses. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Meanwhile, on stage David, the singer for the band and long time friend of the older Dukes, spotted none other than Cooter Davenport walk into the local bar. He took this opportunity to hopefully get good times kicked off right. He motioned for Jeb to come over at the end of his current song. After a couple of words with Jeb he took the mic and said, "Folks, ya'll should remember one of the people who got me started coming out and playing for ya'll instead of just singing in the shower. Now, it's been a few years since Jeb here had a band, but I think ya'll may be able to convince him to sing one for ya that he wrote far too long ago to talk about." The small crowd in the bar began to whoop and holler. Jesse looked at Bo and asked, "What's going on?" "Well, I think he just shucked and jived Jeb into singing for us." Bo replied as Cooter took a seat at the table. Now, Cooter may have been just in from Washington, but he was dressed in a stained, but clean outfit of jeans and work shirt, "Hey, ya'll. Are one of these mine?" Luke laughed, "Go ahead. I'll get Jesse another." Jesse's eyes widened at the statement. Luke warned Bo, Sr. "And you were HOW old when I bought you your first beer?" Bo, Sr. sighed as Jeb took the mic and readied to sing as the band started a song he knew immediately. He quickly said, "I wrote this one day while watching one of our Congressmen over there talking to my cousins." He began to sing, "I wear a greasy ball cap I like my shirt untucked I spend Saturdays working on my truck I don't like to fight But I ain't scared to bleed Most don't mess with a guy like me (Chorus) 'Cause guys like me drink too many beers on Friday after work Our best blue jeans have skoal rings We wear our boots to church So rough around the edges It's hard to believe That girls like you Love guys like me Your daddy worked at the bank Mine worked on cars You went to college I pulled graveyard You must have had your pick Of all the trust fund types But you came back to me and only God knows why (Repeat Chorus) Now there's a lot of guys like me out there In a lot of little towns And tellin' all our buddies, we won't ever settle down We say thats just the way we are and the way we'll always be So God sends girls like you for guys like me Thank God there's girls like you, for guys like me" Jesse had his total attention on Jeb as he had sung the song and found it hard to believe Jeb had wrote it about Cooter, Bo and Luke. Then he got a bigger suprise as he heard, .............. Jeb had finished the song and said into the mic, "Now, David thinks he's good getting me up here for ya'll but let's see if we can get another up coming musician up here." He paused. The crowd clapped, hooped and hollered with out knowing who Jeb was talking about, each looking around to see who he meant..... Jeb smiled, "Now this might take some doing cause I don't think he's ever sang for a crowd before but I'm sure that if ya'll get him to come up here the band here knows anything he would like ta sing for ya'll,..... How about it Jesse????" Bo, Sr. nearly spit his beer across the table. Luke couldn't help but laugh at his cousins, as well as Jesse's expression. Jesse, himself, ........................
  23. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 Dixie grinned and nodded, to which Beth added, "But if they get in another fight, they're gonna wish we'd killed 'em." Daisy had to laugh at that. "So," she asked, grinning happily as the ladies of Beth's brood came down the stairs, all dressed very nicely. "Where we goin' for supper?" They finally decided on a nicer restaurant in town, and after Beth had gotten Braxton to sleep so that the car ride would be bearable, the ladies, and the tiniest Duke boy made their way to the car. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Meanwhile, the band was playing some old favorites at the Boar's Nest this evening, and everyone was enjoying it. There were couples dancing, and all of them seemed to be having a good time. A waitress walked over to pay some "special" attention to the gaggle of handsome men who'd just settled in.............
  24. This was written I'm about 95% sure by DixieDavenport 01~~~~~~~~~~~01 as everyone was glad to see Daisy pull up. She had even came home for the weekend, so that she could be in on all the preparations for the upcoming baby shower for Dixie and putting the final touches on the baby's room. Out of habit Daisy pulled up to Bo and Beth's. She got out of Dixie and walked in the back door to find a house full of girls and none of the men. "Ok, what gives? Where did you all bury the bodies?" Jessica looked at her strangely and replied, "Bodies?" Daisy explained, "There isn't a Duke male around anywhere. Ya'll finally done killed them all right?" Dixie replied from the living room, "If its that obvious to you then we're in a heap of trouble when the Sheriff arrives." Then added, "But, really they are all decked out to kill and have already headed out to the Boar's Nest." Daisy looked a bit surprised, "You are kidding right? They went where? Alone?"
  25. This was written I'm about 95% sure by Bethie88 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 The guys all ordered beers except for those who were too young, and stuck with Coke for the time being. Jeb and Jesse got set up for the evening, and then joined the guys at the table. It was going to be a fun night, and all of the men were excited to just relax and enjoy the evening. 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~01 Meanwhile, at the farm, the girls were having some fun of their own...
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