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Dusty Rose Duke

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Posts posted by Dusty Rose Duke

  1. Mac looked at Dusty as if she growin a second head. "Six Dusty! You and Michael have six kids? Where did you find the time?" Mac said with a cheeky grin.

    Dusty hit him again.

    "I'm just full of time Mac. But Luke., Mike and myself seemed to remember a sertin Cap. Taylor who could have six girls at once when we were in the Marines together." Dusty said with smug grin.

    "Ha Ha Dusty. Your so funny! You should really do a stand up comedy routine." Mac said sarcasticlly with a grin.

    Dusty just smiled sweetly up at him.

    Cue Julieduke

  2. Dusty was all sweaty and tired from delivering their new born son into the world. She looked up at Rosco as he walked across the room and sat down on the bed with his new born son.

    "Honey he's so beautiful. What are we going to name him?" Rosco asked with tears in his eyes.

    "I thought of a name, and please don't get mad at me, how Lucas Beueguard Coltrane?" Dusty said.

    "It's prefect." Rosco said with a smile and kissed both Dusty and Lucas.

    Cue dukesrule2000

  3. Dusty, Bo and Rosco walked in the room to see Luke sitting up in the bed grinning like a cheshire cat with a bowel of Milk.

    "Luke please don't knock yourself out again, because I don't know how I can handel a depressed Bo again." Dusty said sternly.

    Cue dukesrule2000

  4. "Yes that would be me ma'am." Mac said as he blushed. Mac didn't like being centered out like was some sort of movie star. It made him feel really unconfortable.

    Dusty looked at Mac with a mock glar. She hit him playfully in the chest.

    "Stella e-mailed me after that case, told me about that stupid stunt you pulled, like jumping that fence one handed, you could have broken your ankle." Dusty said as she playfully hit him again. She shook her head at how much Luke and Mac were alike.

    "Hey Ow, I'm sorry I was doing my job. But hey I could pass up the oppurtunity of seeing Uncle Jesse. I mean it's not like I did anything..." The words died on Mac's lips as he saw the brunett standing there.

    "Michael?" Mac asked in shock.

    Cue Julieduke

  5. "Oh Kathy, this was suppose to be so easy. I mean Rosco and I were so prepared for this birth, but that all changed when Hughie's pericous daughter started a fight with Calico." Dusty said angry and then winced when a huge sharp pain hit her.

    "Kath, you think this baby is telling me something." Dusty said with a smile.

    Cue dukesrule2000

  6. Dusty had finished off her sandwich and chocolate milk and looked at Bo and noticed that he didn't touch any of his hambuger and french fries. Now Dusty something was wrong with Bo.

    "Bo what's wrong? I know somethings when you can't finish off: a hambuger paltter, a garden salad, a pumpkin pie, a lemon pie, and a dish of chocolate pudding with a large coke." Dusty said as she sent a cheeky grin to her younger cousin.

    Dusty looked up and saw her husbabnd walking towards them.

    Cue dukesrule2000

  7. "I got him covered Uncle Jesse." Dusty said as she pated her uncles arm affectionatly.

    "Com'on Bo, let's go to the cafeteria and get something to eat because I'm hungry." Dusty said as she lead her cousin to the elevators and went to the cafeteria for some food and to talk to Bo.

    Cue dukesrule2000

  8. Dusty reluntly got into the wheel chair and let Kathy and Dr. Beth wheel her to the birthing room. As soon as Dusty was settled into the bed she looked right at Kathy.

    "Kathy is it possible to grab a gun and SHOOT ROSCO FOR DOING THIS TO ME?" Dusty screamed as a wave a pain hit her again.

    Cue dukesrule2000

  9. Dusty sat with Rosco and held his hand as they watched their son play on the floor. Dusty laid her head on his shoulder while he put his arm around her. Dusty let out a breath.

    "Oh Rosco. I feel so bad for Kathy and Luke." Dusty said in a sad voice.

    Cue dukesrule2000

  10. Dusty looked at her cousin's wife and her best friend. Dusty felt sort of calm that Kathy was here for her. SHe let out of breath and a smile. But then she realised that Calli was still in the hospital.

    "Kathy I can't have a baby right now. Calico needs me." Dusty said as a screaming pain ripped through her body once more.

    Cue dukesrule2000 or Julieduke

  11. Dusty began to pace like a cage tiger. She went up and down and up and down. She went back and forth. Dusty felt like her world was crashing down around her. Rosco and Dusty's world evoloved around Calico Dixie. But something else was happening.

    "Sweety, you need to calm down. Calli is in the best of hands. And Luke and Kathy are on their way." Rosco said as he put his arms her belly.

    "Ross this is our ba.." The words dies in Dusty's throat as she flet a huge pain in her stomach.

    Dusty took a deep breath and then fellt it again.

    Rosco saw Dusty's face contort in pain. Lead Dusty to a seat and tried to get her to consintrate on her breathing.

    "Baby what's wrong?" Rosco asked.

    "Rosco I think I'm in labour." Dusty said as another pain shot through her stomach.

    Rosco looked up at the doors and let out sigh of relife. Luke and Kathy came running through the big doors, not really knowing that Dusty was in labour at all.

    Cue dukesrule2000 or Julieduke

  12. Dusty and Rosco rushed through the doors of the hospital waiting room carring year old Jude Emery. Dusty looked at the solm faces of Uncle Jesse, Daisy, Bo, Kathy.

    "How is Luke doing Kath?" Dusty asked as she sat Little Jude on the floor and went over and gave Kathy a big hug.

    Cue dukesrule2000

  13. Dusty took a couple of deep breaths and started again. "Luke the ambulance is on it's way to my house. Jude Emery came tearin through the house carrin Calli. She unconsuious. Jude told me that she was in fight in school, Enos had to bring Jude and Calli home. Jude said Calli got into a hazzing fight with Di Di Hogg, Hughie's daughter." Dusty said in one breath.

    "Were on our way to the hospital now. Meet us there, and please hurry." Dusty said as she pleaded her older cousin. "Dusty the ambulance is here." Rosco yelled. "Luke please say Rosoc and me will see you at the hospital?" Dusty pleaded.

    Cue dukesrule2000 or Julieduke

  14. While the buzz was going on in the house, nobody had noticed a Chevy Avalanch pull up in the drive. The driver side opened and a man with reddish brown hair stepped out. He took a look at everything around him and shook his head with a smirk.

    "Yup, this was Dusty's work alright." The man thought.

    He walked towards the house, up the stairs and to the door which was opened. He just shook his head and walked inside.

    "Do you people know that a person with bad attentions could walk in here and injure every single one of you and then where I be? I'd be man without best friends." Then man said with a smirk.

    Dusty looked up from Michael's chest to the new comers voice. Dustu's eyes nearly bugged out of her head. "Mac Taylor?" Dusty asked as she she started towards him. He nodded with a grin.

    Dusty squealed for joy and tackled hugged Mac. "Oh Mac it's so great to see you." Dusty said as squeesed Mac tight.

    "Dusty, little problem with the air flow." Mac whized.

    "I'm so sorry." Dusty said as let go of him then took a step back to get a good look at him.

    Cue Julieduke

  15. Mac grabbged his wife by the waist and held her back.

    "Mac Taylor, let me go! My cousin is going to be killed." Dusty said as she struggled against her husbands grip.

    "Sweetheart you need to calm down and think about the baby. Bo is just acting like a jackass! But honey you need to think about yourself right and not Bo." Mac explained.

    "Fine, but if we have to investgate Bo's murder, don't blame me." Dusty said solleny. Mac just smiled and kissed his wife on the forehead.

    Cue iloveluke'ssmileCNH320

  16. Dusty looked at her husband and cousin. "Oh God! Bo's a dead man." Dusty thought to herself. She went over to Rachel and helped her off the floor.

    "Rach will please tell me what in the world is going on with Bo? I mean sure I leave for New York to work at the crime lab with my husband but I know Bo would never something like get drunk, so what happened?" Dusty asked Rachel sternly.

    CUe iloveluke'ssmileCNH320

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