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Jeff groaned as he was moved, "Oooo..... dangit.. why's my head hurt so dang much Jess?" He muttered, pushing himself up, discovering his hands were tied behind his back. Jessi started to cry harder and squeezed her eyes shut for a moment before she reached into her pocket and pulled out a knife cutting the ropes around Jeff's wrists. "Cause we were attacked." She mumbled through her tears. The dark hair of the Duke flew around as Jeff shook his head in disbelief, "No we weren't. Were we? We were just on our way to town to find Bo and my cousin." He stammered, rubbing his red wrists were they'd been tied. Jessi shook her head and sobbed. "We were attacked some men shot out the tire of your car and made us go off the road. They were gonna take me with them. They hit you over the head with a gun." She sobbed clenching her firsts. She wanted nothing more then to go after those men and teach them another lesson. "Shh Shhh.. relax Jess." Jeff coaxed softly, although his head pounded with each rush of blood. He gently took Jessi's wrists and unfolded her hands, "It's ok.... we're both alright. I'm ok.. and you're right here, safe and sound." He whispered. Jeff sighed and creased his brow in thought as he tried to remember what had happened. Jessi sniffled and choked back another sob as she looked at the gun she'd laid next to her on the ground. "I was all set to hurt them if I had to. I was angry and scared." She murmured softly, her blue eyes looking everywhere but at Jeff. He reached his hand out and turned her chin towards him, deep blue eyes looking into hers. "Jess, it's over now. Ya don't need to be scared." He said softly and put his arms around her, pulling her close. Jeff closed his eyes, digging deep to find some memory as he took a deep breath of the scent of Jessi's hair. "It's ok." He muttered. Jessi sighed and rested her face against Jeff's chest and wrapped her arms around him relaxing her body as much as she could. She knew they needed to get away from there in case them fella's did come back. She wasn't sure she could take them both on by herself and she also doubted Jeff would be much help. "Shepard callin Lost Sheep and Rebel!" Luke's familar voice cried out from the CB radio in Jeff's car. Jeff opened his eyes and looked up at the window of the car. "Dad?" He asked, still confused. He shook his head, the radio, duh Jeff. He thought. Jeff kissed Jessi's forehead and gently pushed her up pulling himself to his feet with the trunk of the tree. He wavered a minute before stumbling over to the car, leaning against it. "Yeah Shepard, ya got Lost Sheep here." He replied to his father. "Jeff, git into town, now.... we need to have a lil family discussion." Was the only reply that came from Luke. Jessi raised an eyebrow at this not sure what to think about it as she slowly followed Jeff to the car holding a hand to her ribs. She must have gotten hit and been too angry and upset to notice it till now. She closed her eyes and tried to picture the men's faces and struggled to remember if she'd seen them before. "Awright, we're on our way. Lost Sheep over an out." Jeff said, tossing the CB mic into the front seat of the old Fury. He looked to Jess, he head spinning, he could have sworn there was two of her, and at any other moment that could have been fun. He shook his head trying to clear it, without much luck. "Can you dirve? I'm dizzy"
Luke pushed open the doors to the court house and stormed through the booking office, "What's goin' on? Bo, everyone alright?" He asked. Bo sighed and nodded to his cousin, "Yeah we're ok Luke, jus calm yerself. Thought you might like to know this." Bo started As Bo and Bailey were explaining what was goin on to Luke.... Jeff and Jessi were gettin' into a whole other mess of trouble. "Okay.... get out plowboy." A voice instructed. Jeff squinted his eyes tightly and held his hands up. They'd been driving towards town to look for Bo and Bailey when one of the tires blew, and not by accident. A gang of misfits had taken careful aim and shot the tire out, sending the old blue Fury into a fast spin off the road. With a sigh the young Duke boy began to pull himself from the window, feeling the cool steel of the gun jabbing into his ribs. Jeff watched as another man hauled Jess from the car and began to drag her away. "You let her go....She ain't got nothin' to do with you!" He cried angrily. "Sorry Duke... We can't do that." The voice behind him snarled. Jeff paused, something he said triggered something. Duke. How did he know I was a Duke? Jeff thought. How did he know? He asked himself again, lost in a trance-like state as he was lead away, hands bound with rope. "Jess..... Ya'll just let h-----" Jeff never finished his sentance. His head throbbed only breifly before darkness closed in around him and he lost consciousness, sinking to the ground. He was laid face down in the dirt beside an old oak tree alongside the road and left there. Jeff didn't know who was still with him, who had gone, or were he was. He didn't even know who he was. (cue anyone.)
The crystal blue eyes of Bo Duke opened wide, and he sprang from the hood of the General Lee. He raced across the street with the grace and ease of a gazelle. Although he ran with every ounce of strength he possed, he knew deep down he'd never get there in time. He was about to witness his only son getting crumpled and mangled by the front end of a Chevy Malibu. The young Duke boy turned his head to see the sedan barreling ever closer to him. Bailey felt as if his feet were frozen in time and space. He no longer had control over his own body, he wanted to move, knew he had to, but could not. He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for iminent contact. Contact that never came. Enos had come sailing out of the police impound lot in his patrol car. He was off in a dream world, most likely thinking about Daisy. Enos' patrol car t-boned the side of the sedan, knocking it off course. The Mailbu spun out of control and slid off the road and onto the soft wet grass of Hazzard Square. The slippery grass only added to the spin-out, the driver losing all traction and control of the vehicle. Bailey stood awe-struck in the middle of the street as his father reached him, all this taking places in mere seconds. "Son? You ok?" Bo cried, examining the young Duke for any injuires. "Yeah..I'm Fine...." The deputy sat in his car, knuckles white, he gripped the steering wheel so tight. He was in as much shock and awe as Bailey. When the Dukes and Enos had regained they composure, and were joined out on the street by Cooter, they made their way towards the sedan. It sat in the square, wrapped around a tall oak tree. (cue anyone...whos the driver, are they alright?)
(This is another joint post with Jessi and Jeff) "You have an idea why he's doin this?" Anna asked as she set a cool pitcher of lemonade on the table in front of Jeff. Who nodded and replied, "Yeah, Jess and I were talkin and we think we may have come up with a couple more ideas." Luke raised a curious eyebrow, and glanced across the table from Jessi to his son, "Well....let's hear em." Jessi smiled and nodded, her eyes sparkling. "It seems to me like Boss wants to get Jeff and Bailey outta the way for some strange reason and maybe you and Bo to. I'm just wondering if maybe he might be using that woman to cause problems between y'all or something." She said quickly. "We're thinkin that maybe Boss hired her... to cause trouble." Jeff added, as he smiled over at Jessi, his father's eyes narrowing curiously as he watched. Jeff continued, "A distraction, something to keep our minds preoccupied, so we don't see what's really goin' on." Luke's blue eyes scanned the yard outside of the window, he was lost in thought. A warm hand rested on his shoulder, Anna's, and brought him back to reality. "My best guess is that it'll have somethin to do with Rosco tryin' to slip shine into yer car Jeff." Jessi nodded and looked over at Jeff a gentle smile on her face. "I also have a plan to keep Rosco away from Jeff, at least for awhile and it'll give me some time to do some diggin' of my own." She said. Luke raised an eyebrow and Anna sat down beside him and warned gently, "Jessi Mae, I don't think it's such a good idea for you to get tangled up in all this." Jeff left out a sigh and stepped in before Jessi could, "Mom....there's no way to stop Jessi from helping." He smiled softly at the young woman beside him, "I've tried to convice her otherwise..." His handsome face reddened and he looked away from all the others. Jessi smiled at Jeff her own face reddening and she reached over gently squeezing Jeff's hand. "I think if we hide Jeff's car where Rosco won't look and Jeff came to stay with me for awhile we may be able to figure it out." She said determinedly. Anna's brows went up high at this, she opened her mouth to protest. "I think that's a good idea....get him where Rosco can't find him. We oughta find somewhere to hide Bailey as well. Bo and I know how to handle them." Luke quickly cut his wife off. Anna let out a sigh and closed her eyes. Luke placed his hand gently on her back and said softly, "We want what's best for everyone Anna." "I know Luke. I hate this....I ca--" Luke wrapped her in a warm hug and lead her into the living room. He called back into Jess and Jeff, "We can talk about this later...for now...get over to Bo's, tell him and Bailey the plan and see if ya can think of somewhere for Bailey to stay." Jessi looked over at Jeff and smiled then leaned over and pressed her lips against his ear. "Shall we hide Bailey at my place too?" She teased gently. A loud snort of laughter escaped his lips, "Oh gawd no...he can sleep in the barn before I let him in your house." Jeff shook his head quickly and smiled softly at Jessi, "Nah..we'll have to find somewhere else....I wonder of Cooter'd have 'im." He pondered aloud. Jessi smiled and shoved her chair back getting to her feet. "Well what are we waiting for then? Let's go tell Bo and Bailey the plan and then head out to my place so we can have more time to ourselves." She softly, a smirk on her face as she headed for the door.Jessi smiled and shived her chair back getting to her feet. "Well what are we waiting for then? Let's go tell Bo and Bailey the plan and then head out to my place so we can have more time to ourselves." She softly, a smirk on her face as she headed for the door. A chair toppled to the hardwood floor of the old farm house kitchen as the dark-haired Duke boy eagerly stood to his full, towering height. Jeff chuckled and set the chair back on it's feet and lead Jessi out through the house to her car out front, giving a small wave to his parents. Luke looked up from Anna and gave his eldest son a small smile and told him gently, "Good luck. Be careful Jeff. (Cue anyone...where's Mira and Boss and Rosco? Antbody else gonna confuse the Dukes more?)
(This post is a joint effort between Jessi Mae Parker and Jeffery Duke) Jessi yawned and opened her eyes, blinking them rapidly, as she struggled to bring everything back into focus. She looked at Jeff and smiled not really wanting to wake him up but she knew they needed to go talk to Luke. "Sugar wake up." She whispered,gently shaking his shoulder. A low groan came from the young Duke boy, "Stop shakin' me Jessi." Jeff grumbled and slowly opened one blue eye, to peek out at her. A wide smile crossed his face when he remembered where he was and who he was with. Jeff's mouth gaped open in a wide yawn, "Ahhhh.......sleep well?" He asked softly. Jessi smiled, her eyes soft and gentle and full of the love she felt for Jeff. " I slept fine. Did you?" She asked gently. He nodded and sat up, stretching his well built arms above his head, "Wonderfully thanks." Jeff smiled brightly and leant over, kissing Jessi's cheek before pulling his red wrangler shirt over his shoulders. With a soft sigh he said, "Spose we should go find my dad. We came up with some good ideas.....I think he should hear em." He paused, just looking down at Jessi, he'd never thought they'd ever get together. He'd been in love with her from the moment he first laid eyes on her, and now he knew she felt the same. His face broke into a warm smile once again and he whispered, "Thank you." Jessi smiled and sat up looking at him. "Thank you for what?" She asked curiously as she pull her shirt back on over her head. Jeff grinned, "For lovin me." (Cue Jess and Jeff....we ain't done yet, we're havin technical difficulties)
(This post is a joint effort between Jessi Mae Parker and Jeffery Duke.) Jessi smiled when she felt Jeff's arm over her shoulders and felt him move closer. "So any suggestions of where to go?" She said, wanting to help get his mind off what was happening. Jeff smiled and looked down at Jessi, "I dunno, somewhere nice and quiet." He nearly laughed and added, "Don't matter, just so long as it's you and me." Jessi laughed. "Sugar we could go lots of places nice and quiet where it would be just you and me." She thought for a moment, then pull off on a path through the trees, pulling to a spot out of sight from the road. Jeff shook his head a little and glanced out the back window, looking to see if the General Lee had followed them. He sat back in his seat and turned to Jessi, "I guess it is just you an me!" Jessi grinned and nodded. "Well that's what you wanted and I wanted it to." She said, her cheeks flushing slightly as she looked down at her boots. Jeff chuckled quietly to himself and pulled Jessi closer to him, "Jess, we been friends a long time. Ya don't gotta blush around me." Jessi smiled and lifted her head resting it on Jeff's shoulder as she leaned against him. "I know that." She said softly. "Good." He replied as he found himself kissing the top of her head through her blonde hair. Jeff let out an audible sigh and allowed his blue eyes to drift closed. Jessi smiled gently and wrapped her arms around him holding him tightly. She felt a rush of anger at this woman for interfering and hurting him so bad. "What am I gonna do Jessi?" He whispered softly, truly feeling hurt and slightly afraid. "What am I gonna do?" He repeated. Jessi sighed and held him tighter. " I wish I knew but I meant what I said about looking into this. But I may need some help." she said softly. He nodded and ran a hand through Jessi's locks, "I wouldn't let you do this alone." Jeff's deep blue eyes gazed into Jessi's and he said, "There's no way you're doin this without help. And there's no way I coulda done it without help." Jessi smiled gently and met Jeff's eyes. " I seriously doubt I'm in any danger. Why would anyone wanna hurt me?" She asked. Jeff shook his head, "Why does anybody hurt anyone?" He smiled softly and placed one strong hand on the back of Jessi's head and added, "I certainly don't wanna hurt ya." Jeff's face broke into a true, genuine grin and he pressed his smiling lips to Jessi. He'd never wanted to kiss another woman more than he wanted to kiss her at that very moment, and for a time, he forgot all his worries. (Cue anyone)
"Jit!! Gyuk Gyuk!! I got em this time Flash! I really got those Duke boys!!" Sheriff Rosco chuckled as he stepped out of his patrol car. *Woof!! Woof!* Flash responded, you shouldn't be doin that. Rosco snickered to himself as he snuck across the farm yard of Bo Duke's house. His blue eyes widened in excitment when he saw the shiney black Dodge Dakota. He pulled the door open and whispered to himself, "I'm sure Bailey won't mind...if I just put this in here." The sheriff placed a galllon jug of moonshine whiskey under the young Duke boys seat and quietly closed the door. He run across the yard back to his car as fast sa he could before Sara or Nicole could catch him. Before long the crooked, kiniving, low down, polecat of a Sheriif was on his way back to the Boar's Nest to tell Boss what he'd done. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "C'mon Luke...let's get outta here." Bo said softly to his older cousin as he glanced over his shoulder back at Mira. The dark haired Duke just nodded and headed straight out the front door. Luke never once looked back, he walked directly to the General Lee and slid in with ease. Bo looked over at his son with a shrug. Bailey shook his blonde head and held his hands up in the air. "C'mon Bo." Luke muttered from inside the stock car. Bailey creased his brow and looked up at his father, "What about Jeff?" Bo shook his head and replied, barely above a whisper, "He can handle himself." Indeed Jeffery Duke was more than capable of helping himself, and he was at the moment in good hands. The only exception to this was when Rosco decided he was going to railroad Jeff, or any Duke for that matter. Rosoc deserves some credit, he is a very determined man. (cue Jessi...yes..Jessi...or anyone who has an idea for Boss an Rosco!)
With a loud sigh Luke replied with genuine sympathy, "I'm sorry Ms. Finnagin, I truly am. But just because your son is gone doesn't mean you can come looking for mine to replace him." Luke's deep blue eyes reflected the slightest hint of pain from deep inside. He'd never thought of the notion that someone might try to claim one of his childern as their own. Jeff could feel the boil of aner and frustration welling up inside and he burst, "Look lady! Luke Duke is my father. And Anna Duke is my mother! I'm not your son!" He suddenly pushed his chair back and stood to his full looming height, tipping the chair over. He continued, his voice rising in anger, "You are not my mother! I'm Jeffery Duke! Get it? D-U-K-E.....DUKE!!!" Luke's eyes went as wide as the rims of the General Lee. He opened his mouth to say something to his son, but Jeff was moving away. The young Duke pushed his way through the crowd in a less than friendly manner. Bailey leapt up from his stool at the bar and tried to catch his cousin. The blue eyes of the young Dukes meet for a breif moment before Jeff shoved his younger cousin out of his way. *Crash* Bailey stumbled backwards and slammed into a tabletop, crushing it beneath his weight. Bailey closed his eyes and his handsome young face twisted as he slammed into the hard floor. By the time Bailey had caught his breath and cleared the stars from his eyes, Jeff was nowhere in sight. He'd rushed outside in the chaos, away from all the prying eyes. Jeff took long pruposful strides towards the General Lee, where he collapsed his upper body over the hood. Dark blue eyes shut heavily as he lay with his cheek against the cold metal, groaning in anger. (cue anyone)
( please note: this post is a joint effort between Goodolboy85 and JefferyDuke) Jeff walked into the Boar's Nest with his father. His eyes widened and he stepped behind Luke, wishing he could shrink into the floor at that moment. He'd never wanted to be short, but now he'd give anything if he could duck down out of sight behind the wall of people. Duck down low and scurry away across the floor like a mouse. "Dad....I don't wanna do this." He admitted loud enough for only his father to hear. "Jeff, now I raised you better than that, to know you ain't gonna solve yer problems by runnin away from them. Your Great Uncle Jesse taught me an Bo that. Now let's be men together, and go talk with this lady, cause nothin she's sayin is makin much sense," Luke said knowingly to his son. Jeffery shook his head in acknowledgment and followed behind his father's steady footsteps toward the small table, in the dimly lit corner. Jeff shifted back and forth from foot to foot. He tried to look somewhere else beside the small table. He looked at the bar, back to Bo and Bailey who both shruged and smiled reassuringly. He watched Daisy serve a table. Jeff's deep blue eyes drifted to Cooter, tail tucked as he lost another game of pool. He watched some young women, who smiled brightly at him and motioned for him to join them. He was alomst tempted but turned his attention back to the table, "Ms. Finnagin. I think there's been some sort of misunderstanding." Luke looked Miss Finnigan right in the eye, quizically, with his deep blue eyes. Jeff was so nervous, he found himself staring around the room and tapping his boots on the floor, half-covered with nutshells and beer bottle caps. Ms. Finnigan stared right back at Luke with the same intensity and then past him at her son, Jeffery. "I'm afraid not, Luke," she said confidently. Her reply forced Jeff to jerk his head at least somewhat in this woman's direction, his hands shaking a little bit, in the pockets of his faded denim jacket. Luke sighed, his frustration growing, but he managed to stay calm, "Ma'am....Jeffery is not your son. I watched my wife give birth to that boy, with my own eyes. I don't know what's made ya think that he's your son. But your tearing the boy up inside. He doens't know what to think." Jeff shot his father an angry glare, I do so know what to think; She's crazy. Luke continued, "I'd like to discuss this. I want to know why you think Jeff's your son." He paused and waited for her response. Jeff was so angry he could have punched his father, stop calling me her son. He sighed, he knew why Luke said it the way he did. That was to make her more comfortable, so Luke could get some answers. (Cue redneckwoman)
So what do ya'll think so far? Got any comments? Questions? Suggestions? Do ya like it? Hate it? Wanna add to it? Love to hear what ya gotta say, so open up and let's have it!
Anna walked up behind her husband and wrapped her arms around his chest. Luke jumped at first, surprised she was up. She rested her chin on his shoulder and they both looked out at the bright Hazzard sunrise. Mr and Mrs. Duke were quite happy to have a moments peace with each other. Luke turned around and set his coffee down on the counter. He held Anna close to him as thoughts rolled through his head. Luke looked down at his wife and held her face in his hands, "Anna, I love you." She smiled up at him and replied, "I know. I love you too Luke." Her left eyebrow was raised slightly and Luke knew what she was thinking, "I just don't think I say that to you often enough." Anna was about to answer when they heard the small cooes of Wiley Jon as he waddled across the kitchen floor, bare feet making small slapping sounds on the tiles. A loud rumble and the sounds of four pairs of feet stomping down the stairs startled Wiley into tears. He stomped across the floor as fast as his feet would carry him and grasped onto Luke's pant leg. Luke swooped down and scooped his small son up in one arm, the other holding his wife. Jesse and Kevin plowed into the back of Jeff as he skidded to a halt in the kitchen door way when he saw the look on his parents faces, and the tears in his brother's eyes. Steph scrambled as she reached the bottom of the stairs, trying to avoid pinning her younger brothers against Jeff. Wiley cried loudly in his father's arms, he was scared an angry with Jeff. Wiley was not your average two year old, he knew things most others wouldn't. Jeff knew better than to get their other siblings so riled up so early. For all he knew his parents both could have been sleeping, then Jeff would have been truly sorry. "Uh...Wiley I'm so sorry lil buddy!!!" Jeff cried as he stepped into the kitchen and walked over to his parents and brother. Luke and Anna were still upset, but got on with the day. Jeff and Steph told the family everything that had happened the last night. And after breakfast the tidyed up and went about their morning chores while they waited for Bo and Bailey to arrive. (cue anyone)
Daisy Duke put her hands on her hips as she stared at the Sheriff. Jeff and his sister clrwaled out the passenger side and glared at Rosco. "Just what do ya think yer doin Sheriff?" Daisy cried. Jeff stepped around the front of his car to his aunt. His questioning came from the dark glare in the sheriff's direction. "Jit!! Guck....I was....jus....uh." Rosco stuttered. "You were what Rosco?" Steph cried as she crossed her arms over her chest. The Sheriff's blue eyes widened as he stared between Daisy and Steph, carefully avoiding the dark eyes of Jeff. "I was....." He quickly holds the jug of moonshine behind his back, hoping they haven't noticed it. But unfortunatly Jeffery's sharp eyed missed little, and he had seen the clear liquid in Rosco's hands. "You were trying to set me up again, with yer lil jug a shine there." Jeff growled in a low voice. Daisy's eyes widened slightly before she squinted them, looking at the sheriff's hands behind his back. "I..I....was not. I was........was comin' to share a drink with yer pa!" Rosco fibbed, although he knew it was useless. "Rosco I wouldn't share no drink with you." Luke Duke called from the front porch of his farm house. His eyes hardened and he glared at Rosco with the same intentesity as Jeff. The sheriff felt as if the walls of a jailcell were tightening around him slowly. He needed to get out. "Uh...well. Um So sorry to bother ya'll....heh knee...have a nice night!" And with that he raced into his patrol car and tore off into the dark cold night. Anna came out onto the porch, with a wide awake Wiley Jon on her hip, "Luke? What's going on out here?" She asked with a yawn. Luke turned to his wife and ushered her into the house, "I'll explain in a minute Ann...go back to bed." He gave her a kiss on the cheek and she reluctanly carried their smallest son back onto the house. Daisy shook her head and shut her car off, "Is there anything he won't try." Steph sighed loudly and Jeff wrapped his arm around her, "No. Anything to get Bailey and Me behind bars." Luke jogged down the step and out to his cousin and childern. "Daisy, you go on home. Enos'll be worryin'." Daisy gave her older cousin a small glare but nodded in agreement, "I'm gonna stop by Bo and Sara's....she if Rosco's been around there." "That's a good idea Aunt Daisy....have Bailey call me first thing in the morning." Jeff added. Luke, Jeff and Steph watched from the porch as Daisy took off toward Bo's farm. "C'mon...let's get to bed. You can tell me what happened in the morning." Luke spoke as he guided his daughter towards the door. "C'mon Jeff...you too." Jeff stared out into the night as he wondered what the Dukes had ever done to make ol Boss and Rosco so hell-bent on gettin' rid of em. "Hmmm?? Yeah I'm comin' dad." (cue anyone)
Yeah that's true.....where's double zero? And I do remember Lucifer was number 13. But Brian your probably right..they just made it up.
I thought it was gonna be a really dumb show til I watched it when there was nothing else on. It was fricken hillarious....House is such a jerk. And they get along sooooo well. Made me laugh..that's a good thing!