Even out of Bo's anger, Enos didn't get mad. Maybe frustrated was more of the word he wanted to use, but he still smiled at Luke. "You ain't got to apologize for him Luke, I know he didn't mean too." After a moment of thinking, Enos spoke again, "Just tell Bo that he wouldn't agree with me arguin' with Sammy, then leaving her by herself on by the road. I'm liable to give him a piece of my mind, but I'll just have to save it for when he ain't mad. The Cassie you use to know, your friend, she's in there Luke. I know she is because boy does she shine out in California. Her past is behind her.. and if she's misunderstood by ya'll even today, then give her a try when you can." He sighed, "After Sara, I know you don't want too, but when you're ready maybe you can see the Cassie you remember.. the Cassie that I know. She's truly extraordinary." Looking down, he spoke again, "I know you didn't want to hear that but I thought you should know. Now, I don't know if she knows about Sara because I didn't tell her. So, don't take it too personal when she's friendly.. I know that even now she misses talking to you. She won't tell you that, but she does. I don't believe she loves you anymore.. not like that. After so long, that just goes away.." He spoke as if he knew. "It's a fond memory.. and you find someone else to pass the time with." Enos indirectly was speaking about himself, even though he was explaining Cassie to Luke. It wasn't his place to explain her to him, but he had lived a good portion of Cassie's life with her, and he knew what she felt. He also knew what Luke had gone through without knowing what he was going through internally. He couldn't believe what all had went on while he was making a few phone calls back to Los Angeles. Cassie was just out there, and he didn't have a clue where she would go. In the back of his mind, he figured she might head back to the hotel, but he couldn't be sure. Right now, he was really concerned about what was going on, and he wanted more than anything to know what she could've said to make Bo so angry. "I better go.." His voice drifted a little, "Tell Sammy I'm sorry that I'll have to miss out on her good cookin'."