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- Birthday 09/28/1988
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dukes, elvis, indiana jones, and makin movies
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Poll for Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning
Gibbers replied to Meadowmufn's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Umm....I know that I'm gonna get blasted for this....but a lot of people need to get a grip. Plot inaccuracies? There were none. End of story. Hate to say it, but "The Beginning" is not the original show. It's a remake. It's what some might call a retcon, meaning they completely disregard anything that was set before, and tell the story their own way. It happens all the time in comic book series, like Superman, or Spiderman, when they just decide to retell the original events. For example, the original Superman (back in Action Comics) couldn't fly, he could only jump far distances, and he wasn't entirely invincible either. But how about in Superman Returns last year? I'm pretty sure he took a bullet to the eye and took Lois for a cruise in the air. Same way with "The Beginning." If this is truly the pilot episode for a new series, like I've heard, then those people need to just understand that it's not going to be exactly like the old show. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but as far as what was wrong with the movie, we can't just say "oh, Denver Pyle's Uncle Jesse would never do those things" or "The boys don't look anything like Tom or John." and have it really mean anything, because let's face it - although it's true, IT'S NOT THE SAME SHOW. Now obviously there's going to be problems anytime a retcon happens, because people will be attached to the old version and not willing to accept some liberties that are taken with the new one. That's okay. Sometimes it takes a while to come to grips with the reality, and some may never like the new product at all. Sometimes it's for the better and sometimes it's for the worse. But don't complain that it's not like the original show, because that's not what the purpose of the movies were. They were in tribute (however skewed that tribute may be) to the original, not trying to emulate every detail of the original. We can just be thankful that the writer of "The Beginning" thought it was appropriate to give more nods to the original than Broken Lizard did. I'm going to say what I've heard a lot of other people say too, but now I want to clarify it differently: The original cast are done making reunion movies. They won't be making anything Dukes-related, besides appearing at Dukefest, or perhaps doing a project that has some nods to the Dukes - i.e. Collier and Co. or the Smallville episode, or another Dukes video game. Why? The reason is simple. It would never be the same. Waylon, Sorrell, and Denver are gone. They were the backbone of the entire series. Yes, everyone else held their own, but there's a hole in the Duke family, and we'll never get them back. And we'll never get the original Dukes back either. Which is why they retconned the series and made "The Beginning." I know that it's easy to say that WB is just milking the fans of DOH for their money, and it's true, but I think there's another level to the story that's positive. Someone thought that the Dukes of Hazzard was a good enough story that kids today should be able to enjoy and relate to it. Maybe once they've seen the new one, then they'll go back and become fans of the original. Maybe not, and they never will be able to relate to a show from the 70's and 80's is for the mere reason that it IS from that long ago. Kids today aren't as stupid as a lot of people think. Maybe I'm wrong but I was born in 88, and I consider myself one of the last of the class generation - before the techno generation. We enjoy life's little things, and we can live without technology to an extent. And I think "The Beginning" reaches out to that audience - my peers - in that it is about knowing that somewhere in America, two boys can still fight the system the way two good ol boys could some 25 years or so ago. Because it doesn't happen today. There is too much fine print. Too many unnecessary little things that used to happen all the time, that if it happened today there'd be a lawsuit or something, and we could never do it today. That's really what the Dukes of Hazzard is about, anyway, right? Celebrating the little things, and being able to do them with your family? I'm done. Gibbers -
Reviews of Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning
Gibbers replied to Meadowmufn's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Well, I came, I saw, I watched....and it was good! The jokes were funny, the acting was on par with the show (which I KNOW i'm gonna get criticized for saying), and even though the sex and such is all still there (and worse on the DVD - my friend was able to rent it a week early, he works at Movie Gallery) it didn't detract as much as I thought it would from the presentation of the movie itself. In some details, the freeze-frames that were present in the movie as a tribute to the show are gone, but the Balladeer plays a much bigger role in "The Beginning" than he did in "The Movie" (where he ONLY spoke when the freeze-frame happened) Cooter wasn't as bad as everyone thought, portrayed as a high school senior who's been a senior three years in row. Enos was played well, but played a much smaller role, first as a hall monitor, then as Deputy Enos. Lulu's made out to be a sex maniac, but Rosco's much more comedic than his film counterpart (but he's still not the Best - pun intended) The biggest surprise? It has heart. Instead of being merely about a road warrior, a stuntman/ladiesman, and a pretty butt/face, there are some touching scenes including one where Bo catches up to Luke at the county line after a fight and says "I can't follow you across that line. I love it in Hazzard." and he continues on....gets a thumbs-up from me The toilet humor's still there, the sex gags are still there and it's obvious a lot was cut out of the ABC Family version, but it goes to prove that at its heart, the DOH: The Beginning is really a good tribute to the show. (and it in no way ties itself plotwise into the first movie - thank god) A small note: I read an article about the screenwriter, and he mentioned that as research for the movie, he watched every episode of the Dukes on DVD (something Chandrasekhar didn't do) and used that as basis for his final script. Smart Guy. -
Hey I submitted the script to my fanfilm for the Hazzardnet fanfic section today but I wanted to get some early feedback, so I'm posting the first two parts of it. Then if it's posted next month you can read it there, if not, I'll post the rest of it here. The film will be complete by the last week of September or first week of October. Yes I did rip off the Fortune Teller ep and the movie, but working with limited time and budget, gotta comprimise some originality. So here we go with the first two parts of the Dukes of Hazzard Fanfilm Script. (Note: The balladeer's part is not in because we're editing that all in later, we're not sure what he's gonna say) Enjoy and I hope you can give me some feed back The Dukes of Hazzard “Hurricane Fundraiser, Hazzard Style†By Justin Gausman ACT 1 (Titles. A brown jeep drives into Hazzard County. Inside are two people, Mr. Joe Hellwung and his fiancee Ms. Paulina Tigbits. Paulina fumbles with a map.) PAULINA Do you have any idea where we are? JOE We can't be too far from civilization...(points to road sign) see? Now entering Hazzard County, Georgia. 3 miles to Hazzard. PAULINA Are you sure? I don't think it's on the map. JOE We'll get some directions (laughs evilly) Maybe it's better that way. If we leave the jeep here they'll never trace it. PAULINA Yeah....hey, there we go! Boar's Nest, fundraiser for Hurricane Katrina victims. Sounds like a winner. JOE Not a lot of people here.....Must be over..... PAULINA Perfect. Time to show off my skills. (both laugh. Cut to int. Boar's Nest. Daisy Duke is counting up all the money made. The phone rings.She sets down the money and gets up to pick up the phone.) DAISY Oh, hi Uncle Jesse! Yeah, I'm just finishing up. I'll be home soon. There's a lot of money here. Yeah, I think every bit helps. Okay. Tell Bo and Luke I need a ride, okay? Thanks, Uncle Jesse. Yep. Love you! (as this happens, Paulina and Joe poke their head in the door quietly.) JOE Go! Go! Go! (Paulina sneaks in, scoops up the money, runs back) Hey! Grab that donut, I'm hungry! (She runs back and grabs a donut and hurries back out the door, making sure to close it entirely. Daisy hangs up the phone, turns around and sees that they money's gone. She gasps and looks around frantically. Enos enters.) ENOS Well hello Daisy, how did the fundraiser go? DAISY Enos! Thanks goodness! I was counting the money we made, and then I went to pick up the phone, I turned my back for a minute and then I turned around and it was gone. It was gone Enos! ENOS Well did you see who took the money? DAISY Of course not, Enos, I had my back turned! ENOS Oh.....(he glances down and takes off his hat) You know Daisy, I don't want to do this, but Rosco'd be mighty angry if I didn't. (He pulls out his handcuffs. Daisy gasps and shakes her head.) DAISY No, Enos! I didn't steal the money, I swear! ENOS Sorry, Daisy ....I believe you, but I've gotta take you in so Rosco can question you while I look around. As much as I hate to do this....I've gotta arrest you! (as he talks, Daisy backs up ever so slowly. Enos moves toward her with the last line and she dodges him, goes around a chair, pushing it and a table together to create a blockade, and runs out the door. Freeze.) ACT 2 (Unfreeze. Daisy runs outside as Enos trips over the chairs and gets up. Ext. Boar's Nest. As Cooter drives by in his truck, Daisy runs over and Cooter stops) DAISY Cooter! Cooter! COOTER Hey, Daisy, what's going on? DAISY I need a ride quick! (Enos runs outside. Cooter nods.) COOTER Hop in. DAISY Thanks! (she runs around and gets in. Cooter takes off as Enos runs up.) ENOS Hey! Wait up! (Enos stomps his foot.) Oh, Rosco's gonna burn my hide....(he goes over to a bicycle, picks up the CB off it) This is Enos calling Sheriff Rosco, Sheriff Rosco, are you there? Over. (Cut to int. office. Rosco picks up CB.) ROSCO This is Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane. What seems to be the problem, Enos? ENOS Well, I came down to check on Daisy Duke, and she stole the money made at the fundraiser and made a getaway with Cooter! BOSS HOGG (from another room) What's going on! ROSCO I'll get right on it, Enos. (Boss enters the room. He has apparantly been “working outâ€) HOGG What in tarnation is going on, Rosco? ROSCO Well, Daisy Duke stole the money from the fundraiser. HOGG Stole the money?! Well, get it back, get it back! That's a big shot at my reelection! ROSCO Oh. Okay, fat lil buddy. (he squeezes Boss's cheek. Boss hits Rosco's hand.) HOGG Knock that off! Tell that dipstick to get the money back! ROSCO Okay, Enos, Boss says so get it back pronto or faster! ENOS Uh...right away, Rosco...over. (Rosco turns to Boss) ROSCO Well, I don't believe it. Daisy Duke stealing money from the poor. HOGG Them Dukes must be hard up for money if they're stealing..... ROSCO Doesn't it just hurt your poor little heart? HOGG It sure does........ Hey! What're you waiting for, get going! Git that money! (Rosco hurries out the door, then comes back as Boss chomps on a donut.) ROSCO Uh...Boss? HOGG Yes? ROSCO Do I have to use a bicycle? It hurts my little hiney! HOGG I don't care if it hurts your hiney, we've gone over budget and can't afford any more cars, because you keep crashing them trying to catch them Dukes. Now git! ROSCO Oh...okay....(he leaves, and Boss sits down in a chair and continues to eat the donut. Cut to field. Bo grabs a bow while Luke sits on the hood of the General. Bo lights up the arrow and prepares to shoot.) BO You ready to be blown away, cuz? LUKE You just try it. (Bo nods and aims. He releases and the arrow flies off, completely missing the gas tank. Luke cracks up. Bo frowns.) BO You messed me up....you think you can do better? LUKE Heck yeah! (Bo tosses him the bow) BO I bet you a phone book you won't hit that from here. LUKE (shakes his head) Deal. (Bo lights up the arrow as Luke takes aim. He shoots and the gas tank blows up. Bo gives a nervous laugh as Luke turns and grins. Luke sets the bow in the General and pulls out a phone book.) Okay, Bo, where d'you want it? Left or right? (the CB goes off) DAISY Bo Peep to Lost Sheep, Lost sheep are you there? Bo? Luke? (Bo reaches in) BO Hey, Daisy, what's going on? DAISY I'm at Cooter's hiding out. The money from the fundraiser got stolen when I turned my back and now Enos is trying to arrest me. (Bo looks up at Luke who shrugs) LUKE That about figures. BO Tell you what. You stay there, we'll go tell Uncle Jesse, go do some investigating, then we'll pick you up. Sound good? DAISY Sounds just fine to me. BO Okay. Sit tight. Bye. DAISY Be careful. Bye. (Bo sets the CB down in the General. Luke immediately smacks Bo with the phone book, then tosses it in the car. Bo holds his jaw and shakes his head.) LUKE (going to the other side of the car) What're you waiting for? Get in! (He gets in, Bo follows and they drive off. Cut to int. farm. Uncle Jesse Duke, Paulina and Joe are around the table. Paulina and Joe get up. Joe sheaks Jesse's hand.) JOE Well, thank you, Mr. Duke, those directions will be helpful more than you can imagine. PAULINA You're all so very courteous here. JESSE Well, we try to do the best we can. Just be careful out there. Some people will just do anything to get what they want. JOE Oh, we'll keep watch. PAULINA No one will get anything of ours. (Cut to ext. farm as Bo and Luke drive up and see the jeep.) BO Hey, cuz, who's that? LUKE I don't know...plates are South Dakota. Let's take a look. BO Good idea. (They hop out and go past the jeep, peering in the window. Luke gasps.) LUKE Hey cuz! Look at this! What's that look like to you? (He points in to the back of the vehicle. Bo looks in) BO That looks like the fundraiser money! LUKE Sure does. If it's not someone's got too much money too be traveling around in a jeep. It doesn't make sense. Do you think you can help me get in this window? BO Yeah. (He helps Luke crawl in the window. Luke digs through all the stuff. Bo taps his feet and fingers nervously) C'mon Luke, hurry up! (Luke's head pops up with bra on it) LUKE I'm tryin, but there's a lot of money here, just thrown in! (His head dives down again. Bo looks over and sees Paulina, Joe and Uncle Jesse come outside. He runs over and grabs Joe's hand.) BO Hey there. What's your name? JOE Well I'm Joe Hellwung and this is my fiancee Paulina Tigbits. BO Uh...huh.... JESSE This is my nephew Bo and.....um....where's Luke? BO He...had to take the General in to have Cooter look at it. It was making this weird noise like BRAWGAWAGAWAGAWAGAWAGA! (he looks back nervously, then smacks his head.) C'mon Bo, wake up! (turns to the group again.) Yeah and Daisy's over there too. Apparantly someone stole the money from the fundraiser when she had her back turned. (Joe and Paulina glance at each other.) JESSE Oh, no. I bet Rosco thinks she did it, huh? When I get my hands on the person who would steal from people less fortunate than them. It just makes me want to...(getting more agitated. Joe clears his throat.) JOE Well, we'd better be going. Thanks again for the directions, and it was nice meeting you Bo. (He starts to leave. Bo stops him) BO Wait! ..... Before you go, I want you to hear me sing. I'm...uh...gonna be a famous Nashville musician someday. Uncle Jesse, could you get my guitar? (Joe and Paulina looks back as they answer. Bo mouths “They stole the money! They stole the money!†JOE/PAULINA That's not necessary. It's okay. I'm sure he's great. (Jesse nods as he gets the message.) JESSE You know, I think I'd like to hear Bo's song too. (he goes to get the guitar. Joe and Paulina turn around. Bo stops gesturing and scratches the back of his head. Jesse coems back. Bo strums it once and begins to sing.) JESSE Oh, I just love this song. (he joins in. Cut to int. Jeep. Luke looks up.) LUKE Bo! I can't find it all! Bo? BO! (he looks around. Cut back as Bo and Jesse continue to sing. Joe angrily pushes Bo aside and runs as Luke climbs out of the jeep.) JOE Enough of this....HEY! Hey you! Get back here! BO Uh-oh. (he hands the guitar to Uncle Jesse, who continues to sing. He runs over to the General and hops in as Luke slides over the hood of it and gets in. They take off. The jeep follows quickly after them. The chase goes down the dirt road. Bo gets on the CB) BO Lost sheep to Crazy Cooter. Crazy Cooter, do you copy? COOTER Breaker one, breaker-one, might be crazy but I ain't dumb this is Crazy Cooter comin' at ya, what's up Bo? BO Tell Daisy we'll be there a little sooner than we thought. We found the people who stole the money. COOTER Will do. (the Dukes are forced off the road to a side road by Joe and Paulina.) BO (looking back) What do they think they're doing? LUKE uh...Bo? Watch the road... BO I can't believe them. LUKE Watch the road, Bo. (he reaches over to grab the wheel) BO I swear if they do that again, I'll.... LUKE WATCH THE ROAD, BO! BO I AM!!! (turns to face forward. They comes toward a cement ramp. Bo lets go of the wheel and they hug each other as they go up the ramp. They scream like girls. Freeze Mid-jump.)
Hi, I'm a newbie, pretty much just recently got into the Dukes, but already I would consider myself a pretty big fan. But anyway, my friends and I have yet to see the Dukes movie, which comes out this next weekend here in my town. A couple weeks back, two friends and I were out and about, being bored as usual, and we saw some little kids on bikes trying to ramp off some dirt piles. I'd been bombarding them with my new 1st season dvd set, so my friends probably had the Dukes on the brain. Anywho, knowing that I write short stories, just finished my first original screenplay, and am planning to go to film school, they mentioned, jokingly, that we should do a Dukes short using bikes. Well I, being the type of guy who takes any idea I like and blows it full-scale, started planning out an entire 45-minute short fanfilm based on the Dukes. My friends were blown away and immediately recognized this as a really great idea. We started working out all the bugs and I finished the first draft a couple days ago. Having heard about the new Dukes movie, but not having seen it, I took it as my cue to give my own spin on the Dukes, part-parody, but mostly true to the tv show source, which I've heard the new movie has a bit of trouble doing at times. This aside, I don't want to do anything that's not up to par in terms of really being like the Dukes. Our no-budget abilities and lack of any spare Chargers lying around lol ( ) has led to me putting the Duke family, and Rosco and Enos, on bicycles, chasing the "Crappie Bandits," who've been selling fake fishing licenses and then robbing the daylights out of the poor folk of Hazzard County while they're out fishing (and getting in trouble with the game warden) I didn't know quite where to post this so I figured this was good as any, just wanted some opinions on even just the concept of people doing a Dukes fanfilm, and my storyline, which does have (because i'm working with immature 15-18 year olds) some sexual innuendo and some more comedic elements to it (no drugs or language though). Thanks for listening to my rambling and I hope you all (y'all) might lend me a hand as I try to do this.
Name - Justin Age - 16 Location - Hot Springs, SD Occupation - Student, Amateur film director/writer Married or Single - single Children - none Favorite Movie - Raiders of the Lost Ark Favorite musician - Elvis Presley Favorite TV show - DOH and Family Guy