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Daisy Duke Rox

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  1. OMG!!!! Bo Duke is HOTT!!!! He can drive so good...lol and he's not too smart which in my opinion makes him funny. I LUV BO!!!!!!
  2. omg!! i luv it when Rosco does the "Kew Kew Kew" thing!!!!! I start laughing hilariously!!!! Rosco Rox!!!
  3. that's sooooooo cool i hope i can meet her someday!!! she does seem like a very sweet person. u r sooo lucky to get to meet her and have ur pcture taken with her!!!
  4. There is no doubt about it that cathy bach is THE only one to fit Daisy Duke! She's so pretty and smart and Jessica is pretty (not as pretty as Cathy) but not smart. I get mad at the thought of a different Daisy. If their gonna change the characters and the way everything was why even make the movie. Anyway the one and only true Daisy Duke is in fact Cathy Bach!!
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