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Everything posted by snaplesugar

  1. I've finally made a dision myself who i like better. BO!!! He is sweet and wild and i love him for every moment. Even now john schindler is just so....purrrrr.....
  2. To each there own right!!!?
  3. Thanks i'm glad that i was missed (lol)! Amber
  4. I've been gone about a month and a half!!!! Did yall miss me??? lol well what's up with everyone???? Ok bye bye! Amber
  5. Wow that's alot of reasponce!!!! Groovy! I still can't choose between bo or cooter!!! Maybe i should flip a coin (lol)
  6. I'm sorry for you. My mom and a bunch of family smokes i hate the damn things! My pops's lungs got so bad he had to carry air tanks. I feel the same way you feel. I'm glad though that at least that's not all you sell! i'm sorry though!
  7. I'm sorry for you. My mom and a bunch of family smokes i hate the damn things! My pops's lungs got so bad he had to carry air tanks. I feel the same way you feel. I'm glad though that at least that's not all you sell! i'm sorry though!
  8. Thanks i'll try it!
  9. Thanks i'll try it!
  10. I like both Bo and Cooter but i think i like Bo just alittle better!
  11. I like both Bo and Cooter but i think i like Bo just alittle better!
  12. I like both Bo and Cooter but i think i like Bo just alittle better!
  13. I like both Bo and Cooter but i think i like Bo just alittle better!
  14. who would you choose out of these dudes...Bo, Luke, Cooter, Rosco? I like cooter but i think i'd go with bo!
  15. who would you choose out of these dudes...Bo, Luke, Cooter, Rosco? I like cooter but i think i'd go with bo!
  16. Glad everthing worked dude!!!
  17. Glad everthing worked dude!!!
  18. That's groovy hope it goes well!
  19. That's groovy hope it goes well!
  20. Last time i tried quoting it highlighted the whole thing! and it didn't put me at the top of the comments for newest to oldest...i don't get it!
  21. Last time i tried quoting it highlighted the whole thing! and it didn't put me at the top of the comments for newest to oldest...i don't get it!
  22. . Someone else also pointed out good plotlines and how much fun the local law were in season 5. Pretty much whatever else I was going to say, DukesFan said. <shrug> So go read her post.That aside though... as honestly put off by those two "scruffy troublemakers" as I at first was when I saw Luke and Bo <chuckling at myself>, I've grown to know them both *very* well, and love them as the people they are. Yes, I prefer them... Still, I'll buy season 5. And as for seasons 6 and 7... don't knock 'em. Honestly I think those two seasons had some of the best episodes in the series. Not every one was a gem, true, but there were also some very interesting stories that looked deeper into the characters of the Dukes and their friends, in various ways. Some of the most serious drama in the series could be found here, in my opinion. I love all the seasons mostly... but 6 and 7 do have a special place for me, perhaps partly because as a writer I honestly eat up personal details and interactions such as were shown there. <slight smile> With that little box that encloses the quote i want...coy did have potential and vance...well we know all about him
  23. . Someone else also pointed out good plotlines and how much fun the local law were in season 5. Pretty much whatever else I was going to say, DukesFan said. <shrug> So go read her post.That aside though... as honestly put off by those two "scruffy troublemakers" as I at first was when I saw Luke and Bo <chuckling at myself>, I've grown to know them both *very* well, and love them as the people they are. Yes, I prefer them... Still, I'll buy season 5. And as for seasons 6 and 7... don't knock 'em. Honestly I think those two seasons had some of the best episodes in the series. Not every one was a gem, true, but there were also some very interesting stories that looked deeper into the characters of the Dukes and their friends, in various ways. Some of the most serious drama in the series could be found here, in my opinion. I love all the seasons mostly... but 6 and 7 do have a special place for me, perhaps partly because as a writer I honestly eat up personal details and interactions such as were shown there. <slight smile> With that little box that encloses the quote i want...coy did have potential and vance...well we know all about him
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