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Everything posted by jhm
eh maybe. I mean it was either because of that or because she filled the outfit best and the producers of something else. She got a deer caught in the head lights IQ
Oh yea now if the producers of this little waste of film would put any though in to the movie other than who fills out the costume best they might have considered Cathy Bell. But then agian that would show some sign of inteligence from hollywood.
Oh yea now if the producers of this little waste of film would put any though in to the movie other than who fills out the costume best they might have considered Cathy Bell. But then agian that would show some sign of inteligence from hollywood.
Yea maybe thats true about the publicity thing but I'm sorry no one can act like a brain dead moron 24/7. :x Yea thats about all they got on that channel is a bunch of music related shows. Actually they ran "one" smart show called smart ass the ed the sock report. I'm not sure if anyone else watched it, it was typical canadain advertising "Tell no one about a show then complain when no one watches it." I got an email from ed because I sent in my comments about how I loved the show and stuff. Well a few weeks later Ed sent out a mass email basically saying that the show was the highest in ratings for the day there was alot of feed back 97% good 3 bad and they still canceled it because they didn't like Eds style. Oh well thats Canadain media for ya. Yes well I still would have liked to see the third choice of Ms. Bell added to the rooster. The only reason why Jess probably took the roll was so she could rip off a country song or two. Of course I'm refering to her "remakes" of take my breath away from the top gun movie or the Nancy Sinatra classic these boots are made for walking.
Yea jesses looks got her every thing shes got. Nothing on brain power there. The tune thats rolling though her head is a slow one. How she landed the role of Daisy Duke or who she had to roll over is beyond me. There are so many other actress out there that could have been a better choice
Yea let’s hope but hey what can you expect from someone who’s whole verbal arsenal comes from a thesaurus and the electronic dictionary used in the microsoft word programs lol .
Yea I must admit that even though I like both of em as drivers old Bo is pure poetry behind the wheel. That and Bo wants to be in the NASCAR circut so he'll do anything to get it.
Oh yea has anyone head of a woman named Catherine Bell. She was in the movie Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey. To me and apperently many others she would be a dead ringer for Daisy. Hell she could have been Daisy’s stunt double if the show was done today. They should have really put more thought into who will play this character and not just give the role to first thing the directors saw in hot pants.
sorry for knocking the new movie to shreds !
jhm replied to dukefan's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
yea oh well no harm no fowl I guess lol On a positive note I did enjoy talking with ya. -
LOL REALLY well I guess you scared him off
sorry for knocking the new movie to shreds !
jhm replied to dukefan's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Well mostly because of my experense. When ever a Tv show gets turned into a movie then the die hard fans go in and will either love it or hate it. There is no inbetween on these matters. I think that everyone can agree with that fact anyway. I just get the impression that no one in this part particalarly likes the movie because of casting or layout or what ever. Okay once again I am happy that they are keeping with tradition just using the CGI to kick up some of the F/X. Well no I'm not a critic I admit that right off. But I have seen enough off the trailers to form an option of the movie at http://canmag.com/news/4/3/928 www.imdb.com/title/tt0377818/ http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hv&cf=trailer&id=1808509770 to name but a few sites. I didn't read anything I was just in there to watch the trailers. Actually I have sorta been glancing though the thread for the most part it's about the new duke movie and how people feel about it. To borrow what you said capt I am not here to change anyone's opinions about the movie. Everyone has their own right to think what they will. lol Yes I am aware of the spelling but I am thinking of Hazard KY where I always thought thats where the show was shot and when ever I would write a report for school I would spell Hazzard the correct way but the teachers would knock marks off so I got into the habbit of spelling it Hazard. Now I won't admit to being the biggest Dukes fan out there because...well there are bigger fans out there, I started watching the dukes towards the end of the series because I was born in "81. -
sorry for knocking the new movie to shreds !
jhm replied to dukefan's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Find a bar in walking distance to the theater and get there early! lol yea for people in small towns its easy to find a bar that is walking distanse but for prople who live in a big city like me walking distanse is a joke. I livein Toronto Ont. So everything is all spread out parking is at outragious prices, cabbies are theifs on wheels and thats even before I get to the theater itself. Thats a good thing at least there sticking to tradion. I don't think anyone is really comfortable with the trailers. Its a real catch 22 situation lol. Actually we can tell alot from the trailer and from pervious movies made from tv shows also looking at the market there trying to get in on can tell a bit. The alt reality thing is about the only way to go with this movie and that is a truely sad fact . A hazard movie should be watched and enjoyed in a natural way not with any exceptions. -
Yea just drop kick bamamediamafia out of hazard. Now I will admit that I have said some questionable things on other treads but I have never used words like F%$# this and all the other questionable/ colorful words. But hey like it says above there when your seriously out matched in the vocab department you generally rely on the colourful words to make a point
GOD DAM thats hot.
Personally I hate the thought of Jessica simpson playing the part of the lovely Daisy. Daisy to me at least was always a smart sexy character played beautifully by Catherine Bach. Now Jessica as sexy as she is she is, is about as smart as a bag full of wet hair, which means that I just insulted bags of wet hair everywhere. Well that and I HATE Jessica Simpson, Now all you who are Canadian like myself will agree on this one. We got a channel up here called Much Music I’m not sure how far into the USA it goes so let me explain my hatred. The “geniuses†at much run all these stupid shows morning night and noon. Now they did run a smart show called Smartass the ed the sock report. It was smart and funny...and had to go. But regardless they also run this stupid reality show called Newly weds staring Jessica Simpson and Nick Lache I believe is how its spelled. You can tune into Much anytime cause they run this show till the tape falls apart. Now I had the misfortune of watching one episode. In this episode Jessica admitted to the fact that she has never done a lick of house work she’s always had a maid or something come in. She let her husband go to the playboy mansion and made him promise not to look at any other girls. That is stupidity in it simplicity not looking at girls in the playboy mansion is like going to Nevada with the promise that you won’t gamble. I mean why go then. Agree disagree or other post it here I may argue you but I will not judge.
I think that either driver is great. But Luke dosen't get to drive the general to much.
sorry for knocking the new movie to shreds !
jhm replied to dukefan's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
lol yea beer might help this movie to be better but what movie theater sells beer and will allow it in the show room. oh no the stunts won't suck thats a given what with CGI and all. Personaly I still like series where most of the stunts where done by actual people. Okay the stunt people but still it was pretty cool. And yea I suppose the alternate reality thing might work if your drunk enough but everyone else will know the difference. Whoa comparing the duke movie to starski and hutch. Well okay I can see that two movies that are...well... a stinker. And yes in there hearts the true die hard hazardites probably think this new movie will be a huge bomb just waiting to go off. -
sorry for knocking the new movie to shreds !
jhm replied to dukefan's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Okay lost sheep this is good info to know and I thank you for it. I got my info on the shows time directly from www.cmtcanada.com/ there is a box there that says catch the show weeknights at 10 pm. I also live in the Eastern Time zone in Toronto. Ah okay well then there is the difference I am a travel tourism recent graduate (This year) I am still looking for work mind you but I got a few things I got to do before I start work. Know I wouldn’t go as far as hating country music I do like that Allen Jackson guy but that’s about it. lol yea CMT has gotten me I will admit to that but I don’t watch it enough to have know of the programming change. But as far as the “Networks air the shows that bring them audiences†I’m not going to argue that. I only want to say that it’s not always true. Much music had a show on called Smartass the Ed the sock report. The ratings were tops...highest for the day on Much Music. Now if you saw the show over that weekend, you witnessed something unique for Much Music...a show they won't be playing to death. But not because they all of a sudden had an attack of rerun itis lol. Now this is a channel that runs programs like Newlyweds and Punk'd and Pimp My Ride over and over. And sure, people may enjoy those programs, but let's face it...there's no cerebral content there. The channel really hasn't had anything with any IQ content in some time. Personally, I think that the ratings for Smartass and the possible response (both positive and negative) that there is an audience out there that has been dying for something of substance to be added to Much's programming mix. Oh yea I don’t doubt that fact. With all the crap that is out there it’s good to know that there is still a few good shows like the Dukes on TV. Yes it is fun to see everyone’s options on the new movie and in some cases quite funny. As for the complaints and debate about the new movie - it's fun to hear everyone's view, even if you don't necessarily agree. Capt redneck I’m glad you like what I have to say but the title of this thread is about the new duke movie I saw a couple a trailers and I didn’t like what I saw. But what I said is nothing different from that of what anyone else on this site has said about the movie. Yes I live in Canada. My facts about CMT are okay for the level that I watch it. No I don’t know exactly what’s in the script. But from what I’ve seen from the trailers the characters aren’t exactly based on the original show. The movie execs would have to update the characters for the younger audience they are trying to hit on. Luke in the movies wouldn’t have fought in Nam for example but the TV version did. No I didn’t see the DVD that came out a few weeks ago. All I got is what I know about tv shows and movies they try to turn in to from tv shows. Maybe this movie will be good but it is infantile more likely that the real die hard fans will go in with X expectations and base what they see on that expectation. It has happen with every movie based on a tv show since the 80’s when this all started with... I can’t exactly remember which came first it was either teenage mutant ninja turtles or the ghost busters. -
sorry for knocking the new movie to shreds !
jhm replied to dukefan's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Oh really, well it’s interesting that you would bring this fact up lost. Not trying to sound sarcastic or nothing I just find it interesting See the live of a show is like any other product on the market. For all of you who don’t know the market life span are divided into 4 stages the introduction, growth, maturity and decline stages. The same is true for television cept that it’s divided into 8 time spots it don’t matter which way you look at it to keep it simple I will lay it out so anyone can follow it. Which are: early morning (4-6am), Morning (6-8am), mid morning (9-1200), noon (1200-100pm_ afternoon (1-4pm) Primetime (5-9pm) evening (10pm-1200am) Infomercials/repeats (1-3am). The first to are reserved for little kids show. Midmornings are the talk/game show circuit noon and afternoon are soap opera times, Prime time is when the networks show there best stuff, evenings are when like everyone else start to wind down and the infomercials/repeats are just the dead air time. Now the Dukes have two spots on this chart they held the evenings and repeats sections. But CMT has started to show more and more of the show, I believe it’s called CMT Central. The show where they show 3 country music stars and the audience gets to vote on who they think is best. I’m sorry I don’t listen to country music I don’t waste my time with channels like much music or anything like that. Music to me has just gotten WAY to weird so I just stopped listening. I got Q107 on my radio only because they play music I can stand. CMT still has dukes on TV but its way out in no mans land a.k.a repeats time zone listed above. Now it’s pretty clear that I watch way too much TV during my day. But this has lead me to the following theory: A show can start out any where on the list they can start off in early morning move to...whatever. But once that show is solely in no mans land it’s pretty much over. The network is trying to push it out of the way so people will not notice. CMT will still play the Dukes at 10 for a few more months. They have already started to phase it out though. Okay the dukesfest will influence the decision a little. But if you’re a network executive and you see that there is a movie based on a TV show that is on your channel. If more people go to the movie than are at the festival and the movie gets some bad reviews. Then that tells me (anyway) that the show might be turning stale and it’s time to phase it out. Now I’m not a TV exec I just watch way too much of it. No it’s more than just a possibility unfortunately the "new" dukes is a fact. Just look at another show that just recently came out the new Battlestar Gallactica series. It started out as a 4 part mini series all new characters the space battles were WAY better than the original series. A lot of people didn’t like it but it did well on the nelson ratings so they made a show out of it. So if people boycott the movie than that will show Hollywood that the real fans don’t want a new duke’s series. Now this situation is sorta a catch 22 and I bet that CMT will be watching the numbers. I know that there are some people out there who don’t want the movie to do well but at the same time they want to see it just because of the general lee or what ever there reason maybe. The only thing that I could suggest is a downloaded version of the movie of off the net. There are lots of video pirates out there making copies of movies off of the big screen. Downloading movies is wrong; you don’t get the sound or the image or nothing. As I have said previously I love the dukes. I don’t want to see them go anywhere but I also know a great deal about television and how it works so I can see how a show will turn out. Yes the movie is targeting a younger audience but it is giving the wrong idea of what the Dukes stood for. The original dukes where fighting for the little guy against the establishment or what ever you want to call boss Hogg and his plans to make money. The new dukes are looking like they are always getting into trouble and acting like a group of a-holes who are just looking to get into trouble. Okay so if it’s such a “hit†then why are they showing more and more of the show CMT central during the week. While it’s true the movie has not come out yet I can see why people are “b****in†& “gripin†over the new movie. People have seen the previews on the internet and have made a call based on the original series and how the movie compares that’s why people are trashing it. They don’t have to wait until a date to know a stinker when they see it. Look I don’t care what time it is Uncle Jessie would never dress as a hippie. Look at Willie Nelson and his hair he’s going to use that same hair in the movie. Maybe if the producers made him get a hair cut then some of the thoughts might be different. If people are tired of reading other peoples thoughts on a movie or idea maybe they should stop reading all the comments on the internet and go back in time to before the internet was created. -
sorry for knocking the new movie to shreds !
jhm replied to dukefan's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Yea Sad enough as it is once hollywood gets though with a tv series no network will carry said show or the show get canceled soon after the realese because Holly wood totaly screws the series over distorying what the loyal fans have always loved about the show. It happened to the Ghostbusters, teenage mutant ninja turtles (1980s) and many others. Sure the creators will try and resurect some thing close to what they had The real ghostbuster, or all the teenage mutant ninja turtle shows that have been on the air over the years. But fans will know it's not the same thing as the orignal as close as it maybe. I wounldn't be suprised if one of those hacks in hollywood tried to relase a show called "the new dukes of hazards." If the movie dose well and I guess thats the main reason why I ain't goin to the movie. As I have said I hate everything about the movie and I couldn't stand to see it again and again daily. Which I suppose is the saddest thing of all cause I really like the dukes on CMT (Country Music Televison). So I'm asking that all true Duke fans out there don't go to the movie. Talk your friends out of going and have them take there freinds etc. Don't give those 80 point IQ dorks a reason to make a tv series basied on the movie. Just look at the current movie thats out that bewitched thing just another example of hollywood deadbeats with nothing in em so they try and drag up an old show. I found the orignal bewitched on tv. Its on 1:30am monday-Friday on Prime. Sorry Yanks Canadians only. lol Well then to the orignal Duke family and friends RIP. Maybe some time down the road some other channel will take you in. -
sorry for knocking the new movie to shreds !
jhm replied to dukefan's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Yes I believe they could have done with out that. The Dukes have never done anything remotely criminal. Cept making shine but that was to win a contest for a cleaner fuel source. Yes they should have at least tried to stay as close to the original script as possible. That’s a sad thing they did to Daisy and all the other characters. But that’s what you get when Hollywood starts rolling low on ideas, I mean they have to hit X amount of movies per year. Now this is a personal theory of mine. See when Hollywood starts running a little low they just go in and rehack another show. For example a movie is coming out called the honeymooners. This was sorta a funny show. So they rehacked it and made the cast all African Americans, now if the movie follows the show then Ralf will be actually beating on his wife because it’s a movie. Gee this is a new theory for a media outlet. It’s only been done on Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones, Maury and any other talk show on TV today. I would be willing to give the movie a chance except that pervious experiences has taught me otherwise Hollywood has totally ruined many classic shows. For example the Beverly hillbillies’ great show quite funny at times Milburn Drysdale a money hungry guy. Hollywood got there tentacles on it and ruined the whole show for me. But it’s not only old TV shows there are no morals in Hollywood where anything goes. They are making a movie called War of the Worlds an old radio show that brought mass panic to the American public who didn’t tune in at the start. Also they have remade a movie the most recent version of the movie is called Down to Earth I think. Chris Rock plays an up and coming comedian trying to get a spot on the last Amateur night at the Apollo. He gets killed and is sent up to heaven early well the angles up there decide okay we screwed up we’ll give you a body to life out the rest of your life. This movie was made originally in the 70’s it was about a football player who was going to the big game and got killed to early. The end is still the same. Oh well one good thing about this movie thing is that they will try and give a roll to one of the original cast like in the Beverly hillbillies movie. People go in expecting a movie to be certain way and will leave either in a good mood or just hating the movie and that’s why I’m not going to the movie. I love the dukes of hazard as a kid I had a metal General Lee stock car. Nothing will make me go to the movie. And what’s this about Britney Spears playing Daisy. OH that would be soooo wrong. I mean if they want a hooker/dumb girl why didn't they just ask Paris Hilton. I hate the layout of the movie I hate the cast choices just everything about this movie is wrong. The Hollywood hacks have taken an American classic and twisted it all around so there’s nothing left of the original idea except the characters name. Which is the truly sad point to all of this But hey that’s Hollywood for ya, if ya can't come up with a new idea rip something off. I even hear that there is an A-team movie in the makes for sometime down the road. And also a Karla Homokia/Paul Bernardo movie...nothing is sacred anymore. -
sorry for knocking the new movie to shreds !
jhm replied to dukefan's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Hey dukefan Don't apologize you made some valid comments. I watched the trailer on one of those downloads sites and I can tell all of you right now I'm not going to see it. I am now going to rant about a few jey characters please don’t try and stop me. If I offend some one with my comments well... go watch the original show then come back to this site and talk to me. I mean come on Jessica Simpson as Daisy Duke come on there. Daisy to me at least was always a smart sexy character played beautifully by Catherine Bach. Now Jessica as sexy as she is she is, is about as smart as a bag full of wet hair, which means that I just insulted bags of wet hair everywhere. Catherine Bell would be a dead ringer for Daisy hell she could have been Daisy’s stunt double. They should have really put more thought into who will play this character. Well that and I HATE Jessica Simpson, Now all you who are Canadian like myself will agree on this one. We got a channel up here called Much Music I’m not sure how far into the USA it goes so let me explain my hatred. The “geniuses†at much run all these stupid shows morning night and noon. Now they did run a smart show called Smartass the ed the sock report. It was smart and funny...and had to go. But regardless they also run this stupid reality show called Newly weds staring Jessica Simpson and Nick Lache I believe is how its spelled. You can tune into Much anytime cause they run this show till the tape falls apart. Now I had the misfortune of watching one episode. In this episode Jessica admitted to the fact that she has never done a lick of house work she’s always had a maid or something come in. She let her husband go to the playboy mansion and made him promise not to look at any other girls. That is stupidity in it simplicity not looking at girls in the playboy mansion is like going to Nevada with the promise that you won’t gamble. I mean why go then. Willy Nelson as Uncle Jessie. Now you know that poor old Denver Pyle must be spinning in his grave, god rest his soul. Now I know the man needs work and is trying very hard to get back into the whole media thing but Jesus was that ever the wrong role for him to try and fill. Denver Pyle played the duke patriarch as wise caring old man from what I saw on the trailer Wile is going to play him as kinda a silly guy. Now don’t get me wrong I am a pretty big Willy fan I still have a tape of his (yes I said tape) called Willy Nelsons greatest hit or soon will be. And honestly I can’t see him doing this roll. Burt Reynolds as Boss Hogg one word for that Smokey and the bandit that movie was... well actually I enjoyed that movie. So I’m torn on this one, in most of Burt’s movies he’s a smart ass wise cracking funny guy. I guess it will depend on peoples taste. Bo and Luke duke the originals were great they set the characters up as...well Luke he was an ex army guy he fought in nam. Great, now how is that going to translate to the new movie. In a word it can’t. The younger crowd is going to look up and say “what’s this Vietnam thing there always talking about?†Okay I’m referring to younger people here. If they try and tie it in that would put Luke at... well old enough to know not to get in a stock car. Now Bo was set up as a guy who cared about the ladies but could always be counted on in a pinch. The actors in the movie MORONS REDNECKS or just plain idiots what ever you want to call em they just suck. Now seeing the General back in action (Okay not the original 70s Dodge charger but hey come on that car would have been a rusted pile of metal by now.) This is a good thing not good enough for me to pay my $15 but still pretty cool. Has anyone heard anything about the baiter and who will fill his shoes? I think they changed the person with the other movies that they have done but am unsure. The Canadain dukefan