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Virgin Enos

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Everything posted by Virgin Enos

  1. http://adcache.collectorcartraderonline.com/10/8/6/81634286.htm
  2. http://adcache.collectorcartraderonline.com/10/8/6/81634286.htm'>http://adcache.collectorcartraderonline.com/10/8/6/81634286.htm http://adcache.collectorcartraderonline.com/10/8/6/81634286.htm
  3. Any one know where you could buy the the movie DVD before DEC 6. A cuple of weeks ago someone was selling a overseas version Ebay. The cover had Japinese subtitles on it E bay removed it for copyright issues.
  4. Is it me or does the Super Trupers Director have a lack of respect for the original cast? The whole thing about how the movie was casted "If it was 1979 Burt Renolds would be BO" " Theres really nobody else besides Burt who could fill Bosses shoes" Burt Renolds and Dukes of Hazzard is a good idea but I would rather see him behind the wheel rather than counting money as county commisoner. If any thing Burt should have played Roscoe. I wonder what Jay would have thought of Danny Deveto as Boss or some of the other popular casting Ideas?
  5. http://media.movieweb.com/galleries/2732/notes.pdf http://media.movieweb.com/galleries/2732/notes.pdf
  6. Im cirious why they painted it Blue instead of Orange? I could understand if for whatever reason they could not use an exact General Lee. All they would have to do is take off the decals and Push Bar. On a side note the preview for exposed surprisingly did not show anything about Toms apperence (just Clark in a strip club). You would think that Tom's appearence would be a selling point
  7. sorry about the pic http://www.devotedtomichaelrosenbaum.com/DTS/temps/Exposed6.jpg Just cut and paste on to your browser...
  8. Compared to the number of Dodge chargers that where mass produced in 1968- 1970, 300-400 isn't that many. I couldn't find the all the figures but for 1968 there where 92,590
  9. Only one man to blame... Jay Chandrasekhar
  10. Thats an aftermarket racing shifter . Looks like a B&M Mega shifter a very popular shiftter used in Chevys, Fords, and Mopars
  11. http://www.ourmedia.org/node/36931
  12. sadly many of our luisiana cusins (and many on the golf coast) have nearly lost every thing. It makes me realize the things that are taken for granted in life. This tradgic event is truely devistating
  13. JRS said in an interview if he was making the movie he would do a nation wide search for daisy duke. mabe some acting student in the south has enough talent for dasy wernt casting auditions for the original show held in the south. in any event even though jessica exeded my expectations as Daisy I still think the casting director shoud have been very selective in choosing an actor for the part
  14. I wonder if the General Lee will get a cameo in this episode . that would be awsome. I know john drove an orange dodge truck
  15. I aggree . I wanted to see jessica in it until I saw her video. She couldn't even climb out of the window. I d like to see Burt or Whillie behind the wheel of the legendary hot rod in the next movie.
  16. I wonder what Gy Waldren thinks of the new film. Im ciourius to see what he would have done if had a chance to do a new take on the dukes
  17. I based that cast off other fans input and some of which seemed like they could do the part justice. I hate to break it to you but considering the current cast is raking in money at the box office I don't think we will see a new cast in the sequel (SWS hopes to do a couple more dukes movies). I think the current cast had fun making this film and they would be upset if they where rejected for a sequel. Then again you never know... Pierce Brosan was rejected for the next 007 flick. Hasn't James Bond been played by 5 differnt actors?
  18. BO Paul Walker Luke Tom Welling or Ashton Kutcher Daisy Gretchen Willson Jesse Willie Nelson Boss Danny Devito or John Goodman Rosco Robin Williams could probobly master the laugh Ed Oneil Cletus Kevin James Enos Jasson Biggs SWS costar on American Pie always nervous around the ladies and some what looks the part Cooter David Kohetcher Jack Black or Larry the cable guy Lulu Roseanne
  19. If any thing you should blame the director. I think the actors did a good job portraying the charactors the way director wanted them to. I still would have liked to see Danny Devito as Hogg. I think Tom Welling and Paul Walker would have portrayed Bo and Luke more like the origanls. I know Gretchen Willson was a much more popular choice than Jessica simpson
  20. If any thing you should blame the director. I think the actors did a good job portraying the charactors the way director wanted them to. I still would have liked to see Danny Devito as Hogg. I think Tom Welling and Paul Walker would have portrayed Bo and Luke more like the origanls. I know Gretchen Willson was a much more popular choice than Jessica simpson
  21. How many of you belive Ben Jones saw the movie? Considering schnieder approved( mabe he told him about it) and the feed back from fans was good I think he should give it a chance. Besides I havent heard ONE person post somthing along the lines of " gee since Ben Jones says the movie is bad im not going to see it" not one. Just because fans might not agree with every thing thats in the movie dosn't mean where not going to go see it. I think the editors did clean it up a bit. you don't actully see them smoking pot ( this would have upset some people including Ben Jones) and theres no nutiy . the languge isn't as bad as it could have been. He might not admit it publicly that he saw the movie but he'll ether love it or hate it
  22. How many of you belive Ben Jones saw the movie? Considering schnieder approved( mabe he told him about it) and the feed back from fans was good I think he should give it a chance. Besides I havent heard ONE person post somthing along the lines of " gee since Ben Jones says the movie is bad im not going to see it" not one. Just because fans might not agree with every thing thats in the movie dosn't mean where not going to go see it. I think the editors did clean it up a bit. you don't actully see them smoking pot ( this would have upset some people including Ben Jones) and theres no nutiy . the languge isn't as bad as it could have been. He might not admit it publicly that he saw the movie but he'll ether love it or hate it
  23. in an Interview Jay (the director) was askedwhy they hired Burt to play Boss since he isn't fat or short like the origanal. He said somthing like "in movies they always hire the short man who could be beat up to play the bad guy and as the audiance we don't really like to see some one who could be beat up as the bad guy" I disagree with his theory. Boss and Rosco where a comidy duo. They wern't the type of villans you wanted to see end up in prison somtimes you actully wanted to see them succed. They might of been crooked or greedy but they never had the intentions of hurting anyone If Burt and MC can't make the audiance laugh like the originals then they are not Boss and Rosco
  24. in an Interview Jay (the director) was askedwhy they hired Burt to play Boss since he isn't fat or short like the origanal. He said somthing like "in movies they always hire the short man who could be beat up to play the bad guy and as the audiance we don't really like to see some one who could be beat up as the bad guy" I disagree with his theory. Boss and Rosco where a comidy duo. They wern't the type of villans you wanted to see end up in prison somtimes you actully wanted to see them succed. They might of been crooked or greedy but they never had the intentions of hurting anyone If Burt and MC can't make the audiance laugh like the originals then they are not Boss and Rosco
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