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Everything posted by AlexJackson

  1. Alex and Showdown were moving slow and easy through the woods, not sure of exactly who or what could jump out from behind the heavy trees or plump bushes. Senses on full alert, every noise forced the outlaw to quickly draw his gun and **** it. The forest around them didn’t offer comfort; it only seemed to grow denser and more ominous with every step, the thick branches twisted like gnarled knuckles ready to pluck some hapless rider from his steed. Swallowing hard, Alex closed his eyes a moment and took in a deep breath forcing back the adrenaline rush the latest noise had inspired. Showdown could sense the distress of his owner and he too seemed ready to jump sky high at every shadow, he stopped on the trail and backed up a few steps, snorting as he threw his head from side to side. “Easy Show, I think I’m wound up enough for both of us.†Alex whispered as he stroked his hand over the buckskin’s neck trying to reassure both himself and his horse. “Just my imagination’s a little active right now. After all Brian and I have been through with Chet Duke….†He sighed shaking his head. “He owes me a piece of hot lead and from how he was talking, he’s going to make good on the delivery.†Still gazing around cautiously Alex nudged the horse to move, his gun tight in his hand. He tipped the brim of his hat up a little to get a better view of the trail ahead as they kept on it. Suddenly another noise cut through the air that wasn’t just an outlaw’s heightened sense of imagination. A distant rumbling that sounded a lot like a deep booming thunder, as if the sky was about to crack open. Alex pulled Showdown to a stop creasing his brow as he looked around, then looked straight up. He saw nothing but blue sky. “Okay so we’re not about to get soaked…so what the hell was--?†The sound rang out again, this time growing closer and the ground beneath the yellow buckskin’s hooves began to vibrate, the dirt kicking up. Alex’s eyes grew round at the realization of what that sound was. He had heard it before back in Hazzard, when a stampede of wild horses had cut through town and he stood amongst them as they galloped by. He quickly tucked his gun away. “We best get out of sight Show, I think we’re about to have company. Either those horses are coming back for another gallop through Hazzard, or Chet Duke found some friends--†Getting off the trail, Alex spotted a thicket of nearby bushes, then ducked down low as he and Showdown stepped through them. Turning his horse around, Alex parted the branches waiting for whatever or whoever it was to make an appearance. He didn’t have to wait long, within moments an Appaloosa horse with a dark haired rider went galloping by, quickly followed by a familiar red colored horse being ridden by a dark haired man in a dark brown duster. The pair of riders were being pursued by three men on horseback, their guns drawn. Recognizing the fleeing pair immediately, Alex closed his eyes a moment. “Oh God…MaryAnne and Chet!" Straightening in the saddle, Alex nudged his horse's sides. "Come on Showdown! We have to catch up! MaryAnne’s good but those odds aren’t in her favor!†Drawing his gun again, Alex and Showdown parted the bushes as the yellow buckskin took off in a fast gallop, hoping to join the others and make the odds a little more even… (Cue Anyone!!)
  2. AlexJackson


    The answer is.... Ive Got a Gal in Kalamazoo By Glenn Miller! What do I win for answering it right??
  3. A large explosion rippled through the forest, shaking the trees and causing birds to take off in flights of panic. Alex nearly got dumped from his saddle, the blast caused Showdown to stop in his tracks and the frightened horse had reared up from the noise. "Easy Showdown, just take it easy." Alex patted his horse's neck trying to soothe the buckskin, even while his own heart pounded hard in his chest. When the horse returned to all four hooves, a shaking hand stroked over the buckskin's butter colored coat until both rider and horse were calm. "The only thing that I know of that makes that big a noise is dynamite." The thought of Chet Duke suddenly popped into his head and a grin came to Alex's face. Using dynamite in the middle of the woods would be just the sort of thing that horse thief would pull. After all, Chet did say he had scores to settle with both him and Brian. How else could the rascal let not only the two outlaws, but the rest of the county know where he was? "He wants to play...we'll play." Nudging Showdown's sides, Alex headed in the direction of the blast. He pulled his holster out of his saddlebag and strapped it around his waist. If Chet Duke was behind that blast, he would be ready for him. (Cue Anyone!)
  4. Alex pulled Showdown to a stop and faced the pair of siblings. Both Enos and Val stretched out their right hands to him and he took them without hesitation, giving each one a firm shake. There were no hard feelings between the three of them, after all the Strates were just doing what the Deputy had asked of them. When the handshakes were over, Alex gave them both a nod. "Thanks for the escort, you two be careful heading back to town." He glanced around the woods, his instincts still nagging at him. With those last words spoken, Alex turned Showdown back around and flicked the reins. "Come on Showdown, let's get out of here." The buckskin took off in a fast gallop, looking like a yellow streak as both horse and rider headed deeper into the dense woods. (Cue Anyone!!)
  5. Alex gazed up ahead at the tall pine tree that Enos mentioned and nodded. The sooner he was released and free of the double helping of Strates, the better he would be. He had an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, his instincts warning him of trouble that might be coming. The vow Alex had made to Brian stuck out in his mind, a pact between the outlaws to avenge one another should Chet take his revenge. But was Chet the threat that flared his instincts? Or was it someone else? The question would remained unanswered until Alex reached the two mile mark and was allowed to go free. The pine tree loomed up ahead and Alex could feel his hands tighten on Showdown's reigns. When the word was given he would urge the buckskin to take off as fast as he could, but whether Alex was riding from trouble or straight into it, the outlaw couldn't be sure... (Cue Brian!)
  6. Alex sat atop of Showdown, gripping the Buckskin's reigns firmly. He rode between two armed siblings, who seemed to be taking the job the Deputy had given them extremely seriously. Enos seemed deep in thought and Val kept an eagle eye on every move Alex made. She looked ready to dispense some frontier justice at a moment's notice, and that thought didn't set well with the outlaw. Val's words forced Alex to look at her once more, seeing the way she held her rifle across her lap, with a quick snap of a wrist she could have it cocked and aimed right at him. But despite this fact, he raised his chin and looked Val straight in the eye as he answered her. "A lot of things can happen in two miles Miss Strate...perhaps you best remember that." With that, Alex turned back and stared straight ahead as they rode towards the end of Hazzard and the woods beyond it. (Cue Anyone!)
  7. As MaryAnne had instructed Alex was led out of his cell, escorted by the Strate siblings. He went outside to where the horses were tied and watched with a fair amount of satisfaction at the way Chet Duke had been tied to his saddle. With his rear in the air, the unconscious outlaw looked pretty undignified in that position and Alex almost smiled at the wayward thought of the bound and helpless Duke running into a few lonely cowboys on the trail. He watched as MaryAnne rode away and sighed, knowing it probably wouldn't be the last time either he or Brian saw the horse thief. Chet would probably come gunning for one or both of them the moment he was awake. These thoughts were suddenly broken by the voice of Enos Strate, Alex listened to all he had to say and shook his head. "No, no questions." He then moved and stood directly in Val's line of sight while Enos got on his horse, then turned and climbed onto Showdown's back. He gave the buckskin's neck a pat as he watched Val mount her horse. Whether he liked it or not, he was ready to ride out of Hazzard. (Cue Anyone!)
  8. Standing face to face, Alex considered Brian's words carefully and the jovial expression dropped from his face. He was right, Chet couldn't follow the both and since he had scores to settle with both of them, it was anyone's guess who Chet would go after. At the offer, Alex nodded and after a moment's consideration he stuck his hand through the bars. "It's a deal Brian, and I vow the same. I'll follow that low down mangy egg sucking fool 'til Gabriel's trumpet to avenge you. You've got my word on that." His hand held out, he waited for Brian to shake it. The man in black did without hesitation, their two right hands clasping in a strong shake that not only sealed their pact, but perhaps Chet Duke's fate as well... (Cue MaryAnne!)
  9. Alex had climbed down from his bunk when Chet had hit the floor. He watched the pool of blood form around the less than bright outlaw from the gash in his forehead, courtesy of the cell door. At the sound of Brian's maniacal laughter, Alex turned around and stared at the man in black. At Brian's explanation, Alex glanced back over his shoulder at the unconscious fool that had mamed himself in the name of safety. "Desperate men do desperate things Brian, and most of the time they're not the smartest thing to do either." With a sigh, Alex returned to his cot. "It sure wasn't wise of Chet to insult the Deputy by thinking he could scheme just to get released last." He grinned suddenly and hopped back off the cot and went to the wall where Brian stood. "Hey...maybe MaryAnne will wake this moron with a bucket of water and make him go first regardless! What do you think?" (Cue Brian!!)
  10. Alex sat quietly on his cot, his long legs drawn up close to his body. He listened to the plans made and the escorts assigned, giving no comment or protest. He would ride east with a pair of siblings which suited Alex just fine, at least it wouldn't be a quiet and lonely ride out of town. His thoughts were broken by activity in the cell in front of him, Chet had asked the Deputy about breakfast and begun to pace back and forth. Alex rolled his eyes at this and shook his head, leave it to Chet to make a jackass out of himself at every given moment. The Deputy's decision to throw the three outlaws out of town instead of hanging them was a gift, but of course the horse thief didn't have the sense the good Lord gave a mule to see it that way. The more this rustler opened his mouth, the deeper a grave he seemed to be making for himself. No longer wearing out the floor, Chet had turned his attention to the cell beside him. A cold and hateful gaze came Alex's way, the promise of led reflected in Chet's eyes. Alex returned the glare, though unlike the staring weasel, he kept his mouth shut. Turning in the direction of the other cell, Alex saw Brian shake his head and gave a short nod of acknowledgement. Alex wasn't about to say one word that might inspire the Deputy to change her mind. The lipflapping skunk was right about one thing though...now the three men knew exactly which direction each of them was going. Whether this was a good or bad thing, remained to be seen... (Cue Anyone!)
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