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Everything posted by MinDuke

  1. *Please note that this is a joint post with both Brian and Min* The scent of a slow-cooking stew coaxed Brian's slumbering mind to consciousness. He awoke from his long rest with a soft groan, his dark eyes opening to find a female presence hovering nearby. “Welcome back--†Min smiled as she leaned over and touched his forehead, relieved to find it cool to the touch. She brushed Brian’s dark hair from his face and carefully sat down on the edge of the bed. Giving the comforter a pull, she brought it up higher on the outlaw’s bare chest. “How are you feeling?†"Alive,†he murmured, his eyes focusing on the saloon girl. A smile creased his face. "Nice to see ya again, Min." Her smile widened at the mention of her name and she touched Brian's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I didn't know you knew my name. I didn't know yours till I got here." She glanced over her shoulder a moment at the bubbling kettle on the fire. "The stew is done, I really think you should try and eat some of it. What do you say?" "I heard yer name when all you hens were talkin'," Brian explained. He lifted his head from the pillow and gazed in the direction of the fireplace cook pot. Giving a nod, he began to push the blanket down. "Reckon I could eat a bite. First tho', you'll have to excuse me. Ah'll be right back." After the half-bottle of medicinal whiskey, the call of nature was a screaming demand. Brian freed himself from the blanket, getting a good look at the bandage around his lower torso for the first time. There was some residual pain, but the blood staining was minimal. He had been well-cared for, and the clean bandaging was testimony to that. His lower body was still covered in black denim jeans, though his boots and socks had been liberated. Not that Min hadn't seen him in less...but when on the lam, it paid to be clothed enough to run on short notice. Brian managed to swing his legs out from the bed and stand. He moved slowly, and used the wall to brace himself while he straightened up. Finding that he was steady enough, he walked to the door, peered through it cautiously, then walked outside. After making good use of a tree's privacy, Brian walked to a nearby stream and waded into the water. The cold spring was invigorating, and the sun on his bare shoulders heightened the glorious sensations of life. Carefully, he knelt into the water, dunked his head beneath it a moment, then tossed it back up with a sputter, shaking water everywhere. He spent a moment washing the dust, sweat and blood from his body, until the cold water had him shivering. Dripping wet, Brian returned to the cabin. He wasted no time getting back inside and taking position by the cook fire. He stood there and basked in the warmth, combing back his mane of brown hair with his hands. It was good to be alive. Very good.... “If you wanted to clean up I could have helped you.†Min wrapped a thinner blanket around him, rubbing his arms to not only dry him off but help him warm up. “Come on, I think you’ve had enough activity for one day.†She grasped his arm, led him back to the bed and sat him down on the edge of it, then wrapped the blanket tighter around him. She picked up an end of the blanket and wiped the water droplets from his face. “You could have fallen and hurt yourself worse out there.†Going over to the table, she picked up a bowl and spoon and served a hearty portion of the steaming stew from the pot. “Here, let’s try some.†Min set the chair directly in front of Brian and sat down, then dipped the spoon into the stew and held it up for him to taste. “I made it myself.†Brian chuckled. "Ah'm a grown outlaw. No need to fuss over me so." All the same, he didn't object to the nursemaiding. He recognized the concern for what it was, and accepted it...along with the mouthful of stew. He nodded to show it was tasty. "Mmm. Dee-licious. Gimmie the spoon, there, and ah'll do some real damage." Min sighed and reluctantly handed over the bowl and spoon. “Some nurse I turned out to be.†She stood up and ran her fingers through Brian’s wet hair trying to fix it. “But I’m still glad you’re up and around, shows how strong you are.†She took the comforter from the bed and set it over his shoulders. “There.†She took a seat beside him watching him eat. “Now that you’re feeling better, what are you going to do?†"Ride like hell,†he answered between mouthfuls. "That ruckus in town ain't gonna be forgotten anytime soon." "Well no, of course it’s not forgotten...Chet Duke is alive." Min shook her head. "Brian you can't just ride off, no doubt your kin are looking for you and what about your friend?" The stew was nearly spat out, but Brian stopped himself. "Chet Duke survived? Damn...gonna have to look over mah shoulder a whole lot more." Sitting the empty bowl down, Brian looked at Min. "That's more than enuff reason to ride off. Besides, I'm gonna try to meet up with Alex...he's bound to have some cash by now. And I'm sure my kin's gonna be lookin' for me.....but it's best if they don't find me, under the circumstances." "Brian..." Min sighed a moment as she shifted to the other chair, looking him directly in the face. "Alex isn't on the trail, MaryAnne arrested him. Daisy told me she saw him being taken to the jail with his hands tied along with those horses." "Oh Lord." Brian threw the covers off his back and stood up. The movement was too quick, and he hissed and pressed a hand to his side. He paced around barefoot, obviously disturbed by the news. "She'll hang 'em for a horse thief. Ah've gotta bust 'em outta there.....damn!" Min got to her feet fast and touched his bandaged side, covering his hand. “Brian, you’re in no shape to go staging a jail break.†She blocked his path bringing his pacing to a stop. “I know you’re worried for your friend but you’ve been through a lot and you have to give yourself a little time to recover.†She saw the concern on his face and her expression softened. “MaryAnne is a good Deputy, she’s tough but fair. I doubt she would just find the nearest tree to string Alex up, a lot has happened in town and she and Rosco are going to have to sort some stuff out before they start tying nooses.†"I can't take that risk." Brian's tone was low and troubled. "It's mah fault Alex is mixed up in this. And Lord knows what story Chet spun to the law...or what his gang might try next. Alex is in danger from both the law and the lawless." Gently, Brian pushed his way past Min and headed for the rest of his clothing. His articles had been washed and hung on pegs near the fire. He pulled on socks and boots, then grabbed his black shirt and shrugged into it, wincing a little. She watched him get dressed then put herself between the outlaw and the door. "All right, if you want to go back to town that's fine, but you're not going alone." Min planted her bottom firmly against the wooden door, her gaze as equally as determined. Brian tucked in his shirt, not answering. He pulled on his long black coat and then placed the rustler's hat on his head. He pulled the brim down and looked at Min from beneath it. "Ma'am, ah appreciate what you n' Chance did for me. But heah is where we part ways." Min held her ground, though she offered little resistance to the outlaw, who towered over her. "Take me back to town with you; I don't have any other way back." She stepped closer to him and put a hand on his arm. "You can’t just go charging back to Hazzard like one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse Brian. You can hide out on the upper level of the saloon until you can determine what’s going on and the best way to get Alex out of the jail.†Min’s hand roamed down Brian’s arm and touched his hand, her small fingers curling around his. “Please…I don’t want to have to help patch another hole in you.†"It ain't safe for you to be seen with me,†Brian explained. "Min, ah'm in a whole helluva lotta trouble. Chet could have more of his gang roamin' the county...and seein' as how I dispatched a number of 'em, they've got no reason to be kind if they find me." Pausing, Brian added, “The law is a problem all its own. You don't wanna be sharin' any rope with horse thieves." "Don't you think that should be my choice? I knew you were in trouble when I came out here, but that didn't stop me than and its not going to stop me now. We can take the back way into town and go straight to the saloon." Min sighed a moment closing her eyes briefly. “After that, if you don't want anything more to do with me...I'll understand." "Oh, it's yer choice." Brian placed his hands around her waist, moving Min aside firmly, but without being rough. "If you got your own horse heah, I can't stop you from followin'. But if you don't...then you'll have to wait until your gamblin' friend comes back." Brian flung the door open and practically jumped outside. "Damascus!" He called to his horse. "Damaaaaascus! Git over heah! I got sugar!" A bellowing whinny sounded from a short distance away in the woods. Something large came bounding and crashing through the trees, heading for the cabin. The large black horse galloped into view, still wearing saddle and tack. Brambles were stuck in the horse’s tail, and the animal looked as though a mud bath had been indulged in....but the horse's ears were up, and Damascus nickered happily at the sugar cubes Brian dug from his coat pocket. The horse halted smartly beside his black-clad owner, and slobbered up the sugar. "Good boy..." Brian murmured. "Now stand still, this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you...." Brian stuck one boot in a stirrup, reached up to grab the saddle horn, and pulled himself up, swinging a leg over the back of the large horse. He gritted his teeth as he settled into the saddle. He could ride, but it wasn't going to be pretty. Taking the reins in hand, Brian looked back at the cabin. Min came out of the open door watching him. Though her face bore a less than happy expression, she went over to where he and Damascus stood and stared up at him. “You be careful all right? Chet Duke is bad news, when you and Alex get out of this you ride out of Hazzard as fast as you can.†A small smile spread across her lips then, lighting up her face brighter than the sun that shone down on her. “I still owe you for saving me from him; I’d like to repay that debt one day.†"You don't owe me anythin',†Brian said quietly. "But ah'd be honored to be one of your regular customers, once all this trouble settles down." With that, Brian reached up and touched the brim of his hat in farewell. Then he shook the reins and gave Damascus a light kick to the sides. "HYAAAH!" The big horse sprang forward, collecting its long legs into a gallop and thundering away. Raising her hand, Min waved goodbye as Brian and Damascus took off in a cloud of dust. She crossed her arms over her chest as she watched the outlaw shrink in the distance until he finally disappeared. A smile came to her face knowing she would see him again and that took some of the sting out of his hasty departure. They would have much more time together in the future…hopefully the near future. Sighing, Min went back inside the cabin and closed the door. (Cue anyone!!)
  2. It is good to be back! Nothing made me happier than when Hnet returned last night! Meadowmufn, MaryAnne, Brian... you guys worked hard to get Hnet back and I for one am grateful for it. I know a little bit of stuff got lost but like you said MaryAnne, better that then the whole board! Good job! Jax
  3. *Note: This is a joint post* Min carefully climbed down Gambit and unloaded the saddle bag and the cloth bag she had tied to the saddle horn. The ride from town had been a long one and she took a moment to straighten up. Plucking a white lace handkerchief from her sleeve she patted her face and neck with it, giving the small rustic cabin the once over. “My goodness, this place could definitely use a woman’s touch.†Turning back to the cabin, Min tucked her handkerchief away she went to the door and tried the latch, giving the door a good shove. It didn’t move and it only took her a split second to realize it had been locked. “Oh great--†Min pulled the shawl off of her shoulders and set it down, along with everything she carried. She spotted a window and went over to it, moving aside the foliage that covered it. Leaning over, she peered through the glass as best she could but saw nothing. Going back to the door, she raised a hand and knocked on it. “Chance! Chance open up its me Min!†She did it again, a little harder this time rattling the door on its hinges. Chance meanwhile, having fallen asleep, was unaware that the shifting of her weight was causing the chair she was sitting on to tilt. At the pounding, she jerked awake and the chair jerked with her, sending them both to the floor. A bit disgruntled at the rude wake up call, she got up and checked Brian, laying a hand lightly on his chest, relieved to feel the steady, strong beat. Then went to the door, carefully unbolting and allowing just enough room for the saloon girl to slip in. "About time. Did you get everything we need?" “I think so. I raided the kitchen of the saloon and got some supplies from the general store--†Min carried her cargo inside, setting it down on the table. She saw a black hat and picked it up, shaking her head. “I’ve seen this hat before.†The sound of heavy breathing reached her ears and she glanced at the bed in the corner, going over to it. She recognized the dark haired man in it and sighed. “God I was hoping I was wrong about whose button you sent along Chance.†She set the hat down on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed, watching the wounded man sleep. The bandage around his torso got her attention and she gently touched his forehead. “You did good; he doesn’t seem to have a fever--†Min glanced over her shoulder at her friend. “I don’t even know what his name is.†"His name is Brian Coltrane. Why does that name sound familiar? Have we heard it in town?" Chance rummaged through the bags Min brought, it contained usual supplies...canned food, clothes, a bottle of whiskey and the like. But at the bottom of the bag held a couple of boxes of pistol and rifle ammunition, along with an extra pistol, and the pieces of a rifle for Chance. She took those out and set them on the table to be assembled. "I used herbs to keep the fever down; all we should have to do is change the bandage every few hours." The final thing she found made her smile as she pulled the long length of coiled leather from the bag. "There we are, back in business." “You and your whips--†Min shook her head as she crossed her legs and hefted her skirt up a little, revealing the black lace up boots on her feet. She bent down and reached beneath the folds of material and pulled out a small silver Derringer pistol. “This is my weapon of choice.†She showed it to Chance then replaced it, smoothing out her dress. Min stood up and went back over to the table, picking up the cloth bag and took out the food. “We better make him something to eat; he’s going to need it when he wakes up.†"You better do that, Min. My cooking can scare off a grizzly. We need to make him better, not worse." Chance began putting the long rifle together. Daisy tried not to worry as she left her cousins at the blacksmith's shop and headed for the livery. The last she had seen of her cousin Min, the dark haired woman was heading to the upper level of the saloon. But now hours had passed and when word of the lady gambler and the dark haired stranger had reached her ears, courtesy of her cousins, it didn't take a genius to figure out where Min had gone. And this wasn’t all Bo and Luke had provided, in low whispers they had passed on the location of where the two people had been seen and the fact the dark haired stranger seemed injured. “There must be a cabin around there somewhere--†Daisy said to herself as she slipped inside the barn and borrowed Min’s white horse, Lady. “We have some trouble Lady, I hope you don’t mind but I need to find my cousin.†As quick as she could, Daisy mounted the quarter horse and took off at high speed towards the woods. Some time later, the sounds of an approaching horse reached the ears of one lady gambler. The reaction was instant, Chance stood from where she sat on the bed while changing Brian's bandage and cautiously peeked out the window. Seeing nothing, she clicked a bullet into her rifle and silently motioned for Min, who had been cooking over the fire, to lower the lantern and be quiet. If an enemy had found the cabin, they wouldn't live to regret it. Daisy saw the horses gathered around the cabin and added Lady to the mix. She went over to the door and started to knock but then stopped. “Min? Min are you in there? It’s Daisy!†“Daisy?†Min said as she waved to Chance to lower her rifle. “It’s just my cousin.†Chance rolled her eyes, but unbolted the door. "What did you do, put out an ad in the local newspaper? This is called a HIDE out for a reason." She shook her head ruefully and went back to her business of tending the patient. "No, I didn’t tell anyone where I was going--" Min opened the door and pulled her cousin inside, relocking the door. “Daisy…how did you find us?†“Bo and Luke--†Daisy stepped inside the small cabin. “They were worried when you disappeared and told me that they had seen the two of them.†She motioned to Chance and Brian. “Since she’s your friend I figured you’d be here.†Daisy approached the bed, watching Chance. “You know that blond stranger that Brian was hanging around with?†"I remember him. Tall, lanky, kinda good-looking, if you ask me." Chance glanced up from what she was doing. "Why do you ask?" Daisy’s gaze bounced from Chance to her cousin. “Me and the boys saw MaryAnne Coltrane, she had three horses with her and Brian’s blond friend. His hands were bound and she took him to the Sheriff’s office. It looked to me like he was under arrest.†Min’s dark eyes grew round and her mouth dropped open. “Arrested? For what?†Working behind the bar of the Boar's Nest, Daisy was privy to a lot of gossip, her ability to keep secrets sometimes paid off and this seemed to be one of those times. “Chet Duke was talking about horses when he was with Brian and that blond. He talked about them being stolen.†"Wait...Wait....MaryAnne COLTRANE? Brian's related to the deputy and sheriff?" Chance looked at Min, sighing. "We don't know if that blonde fellow is a friend or an enemy." “If he was an enemy he wouldn’t be with the kin of MaryAnne Coltrane--†Min went to the bed and sat down at the foot of it gazing at Brian. “He’s not going to be too happy when he wakes up.†“Yeah and you haven’t even heard the good news yet--†Daisy piped up and both women gazed at her. “Chet Duke survived the gun battle.†(cue Brian or anyone!)
  4. (*This is a joint post*) Chance heard what Brian whispered before he fell asleep and smiled. She was getting to see why Min liked this outlaw so much. Which reminded her... She was gonna need help. With the loss of her whip, she was weaponless to protect Brian if one of his seemingly many enemies came calling. And Brian himself was in no shape to protect either of them. Plus they would need provisions for the next few days while he healed. Currently, there was only one person in town she trusted with the task. Stepping outside the cabin, she whistled for Gambit. As the mustang trotted up, Chance withdrew her pack of cards from her saddlebag. She separated two from it....the queen of diamonds and the king of spades. Tying those cards together, she added one of the bloody buttons from Brian's black shirt. Chance figured her saloon girl friend probably got a very good look at those recently. After placing the message in her saddlebag, she grasped the grey horse's head to look into its eyes, speaking softly but firmly. "Go find Min, old friend." With that, she gave the Gambit a firm swat on the rump with her hat, sending the horse galloping towards town. Gambit, trained by Chance early on to carry messages between the gambler and on her partner, used his instincts and backtracked to town. He neither stopped or slowed down, except once to drink quickly at a nearby stream. But with the distance from town to the small cabin, it was a few hours before the grey approached the familiar saloon, headed into the back alley, under Min's window. Chance watched the grey disappear through the woods. There was little she could do now, but wait and watch over the sleeping man. She pulled a chair up next to the bed, and propped her feet onto another. But watching the steady breathing had its own hypnotic effect, and soon Chance's own eyelids lowered as she dozed in the chair, hat dropping down to cover her face. (Thanks, Jax, for posting for me. Just tacking this onto the end.) Min sighed heavily as she climbed the steps up to her room. Things in town had been quiet after the shootout, a little too quiet. The few cowboys that were daring enough to venture into the saloon seemed more interested in whiskey and cards then her, and that suited her just fine; she had other things on her mind and would no doubt make for poor company. Shutting the door to her room, she went over by the window and opened it, wanting a breath of fresh air. She started to turn away, wanting to change into something more comfortable, when the chuffing of a horse caught her ears. Poking her head out, she looked down and saw the familiar grey horse and for the first time since the bloody gun battle, a smile came to her face. “Gambit!†Climbing through the window as lady like as possible, Min hurried down the back steps. Gambit approached her, nuzzling her hand in search of a treat as she scratched his nose. “I know what you want, but you’ll get some hard candy in a second.†Min saw the saddlebag and untied the leather strings that held it closed. Reaching inside her fingers brushed something and she pulled out two cards and a black button. She untied the cards and studied the button a moment, recognizing it and the crimson stain that covered it. “Oh no...†She whispered, swallowing hard. Everyone in town knew that one of the strangers had been injured in the battle, now Min knew which it was. Working quickly, she took the saddlebag off of the horse, slinging it over one shoulder. “I’ll be right back Gambit and I’ll bring you some candy, I promise.†Turning back, Min raced up the steps as fast as she could. She came down a short time later, looking very different than she had just moments ago. The fancy silk dress had been replaced with a more modest one, a tan calico. Her hair, minus the curls she usually put in it, now hung loose down her back with only part of it tied away from her face. “Here you go, as promised.†Min flatted her hand and stuck it under Gambit’s nose giving the horse two pieces of strawberry candy. He crunched on them while Min slung the now full saddlebag across his spine, then tied a much heftier cloth bag to the saddle horn. “I hope I’ve got everything.†Setting her left foot in the stirrup, Min swung up onto Gambit’s back ride then shifted to the side as she wrapped a dark shawl around her shoulders trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. “All right Gambit, take me to Chance.†Min turned Gambit in the opposite direction, then gave his reins a flick. The grey horse didn’t stop until it reached the cabin. (cue anyone!)
  5. There are lots of memorable food scenes involving Boss... his desk drawer full of bags of potato chips, that time he had (I think it was a tray) piled higher than him full of donuts...the MASSIVE bowl he had a sundae in. But for me the most memorable isnt the AMOUNT of food but what he ate. One Armed Bandits...the RAW LIVER!!! *shudder* and the fact it was REAL and Sorrell ACTUALLY ate it! And seemed to enjoy it too!! AHHHH!!! Ive never been able to stand liver but just watching him gets me every time! Jax
  6. Min had ducked behind a nearby table, having watched everything from around a chair. With Chet now apprehended she sighed in relief and rose up, then approached the three men. She stood close to her dark haired rescuer, a warm smile coming to her face. "Well...looks like I owe you one." Her gaze shifted to Chet and the blond man a moment before returning to the man in black. "When you get through collecting your bounty on this scoundrel, you know where to find me. I'd love nothing more than to..." Her grin deepened a moment, her teeth flashing. "Show you my appreciation." With that said she turned and headed to her room, she cast a heated glance over her shoulder at the dark haired man, a look that promised he would be duly rewarded for his deeds. Alex watched this and raised an eyebrow. "That's reason enough to make our trip to the Sheriff a short one." He chuckled then that smile faded as he grabbed the dark haired kid by one of his arms and shoved him a little towards the swinging doors. "As for you...you best hope we don't find a tall tree on the way to the Sheriff, might just save him the time and trouble of having to lock you up." He glanced at Brian and gave a nod. "Let's get this kid to the Sheriff before something else happens. Are we going to turn in those horses I tucked away?" Alex reached out and gripped the kid by the scruff of his neck not giving him any chance to make a break for it. The barrel of his gun dug into the back of the varmit's coat, insuring his cooperation as Alex waited for Brian to answer his question.
  7. Just at that moment, the swinging doors opened and Min came into the saloon. Looking a tad worse for wears she gazed down at herself and began brushing some dust from her face and fancy dress. "Paid a fortune for this! It's imported silk!" She muttered to herself as she headed for her room but then stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the two crouching men with their guns drawn and raised an eyebrow. "Am I missing something boys?" Min then gazed around the bar seeing the tense faces of the other patrons. Whatever was going on, she walked right into the middle of it... (Cue Alex or Brian)
  8. Hey Everyone! Well, I'll be heading out in the AM to Austin for 7 glorious days of fun! I'll still be checking this board and my email, so I wont be THAT far out of touch! LOL Talk to you all as soon as I get back! Dont do nothing I wouldnt do.. which doesnt leave much! Jax
  9. Min watched the dark haired stranger ride away and put her hands on her hips. Despite the fact both women were now stranded, a smile came to her lips as she thought about the wink he had given her. "He's quite a man...even when he leaves us out in the middle of nowhere horseless." She sighed wistfully shaking her head wondering to herself if she and the stranger would ever meet up again. That smile grew wider at the prospect that they might. "Well, I appreciate the rescue Chance, even if we both need the rescuing now. We best get started back to town, that is...unless you got any ideas?" She then turned to Chance waiting to for her answer.
  10. Happy Birthday!! All the best to you Jimmie, may you have many, many, MANY more birthdays!
  11. *Rising to feet, in a standing ovation, giving a hearty applause* Bravo Brian! WELL said! You're absolutely right, you can't let other people's comments, innuendos or just plain lack of an open mind, get in the way of one's hopes and dreams. You have to be strong and follow your dreams! Thank you for putting it so eloquently! Jax
  12. Down in the saloon below, the sounds of piano music, flinging poker chips and rowdiness stirred in the smoke filled room. With the setting sun came all sorts of night creatures, cowboys, outlaws and ranch hands from all over that had come for the cheap beer and friendly company. Min had dressed in her best, a green dress, the petticoats and ruffles black beneath the flared skirt. She had lent a hand behind the bar, passing out drinks to the cowboys that came in. Despite the men that filled the bar, the pickings seemed a little slim and still a little tired from her earlier encounter with the stranger in black, Min decided to call it a night. Saying her goodbyes to the men, most of them expressed disappointment that she had decided to call it an early evening. Climbing up the steps to her room, she rubbed the back of her neck looking forward to a nice hot bath and her clean sheets. Grasping the knob, she pushed the door open and stepped into the dimly lit room...
  13. Alex watched the kid, noting the slight hostility in both his tone and movements. The way he gripped his beer mug, the intense look on his face and the tension that hunched his spine. "No, there's nothing on my mind except your staring problem--"
  14. Min raised an eyebrow and moved even closer, wrapping one arm around the man in black's neck. "Oh Darling, I'm almost positive you can afford me." She nuzzled the side of his face, her painted lips brushing his ear. "And you know I'm worth every penny."
  15. Alex nodded in agreement as he took the shot glass and downed the amber liquid in one gulp. “I wouldn’t be surprised either if we saw Lady Gambler again, considering how friendly she was towards us.†He glanced at the bar maid and nodded, silently requesting another drink. Standing up a moment he touched his coat pocket and plunked down some coins on the bar. “Here, you bought the first drink, the rest are on me.†All the commotion in the bar attracted yet another person to the already crowded room. Located in the back of the bar, a single door stood at the top of a set of wooden steps. The door opened with a creak and a pair of black lady's lace up shoes began to descend the steps. Everyone turned at the steady thumps and smiles broke out on the faces of the men present, while looks of disapproval shown on the women's faces. The woman now sauntering across the bar had dark hair; all shiny and glossy, the brown, slightly curly locks cascaded down her chest and she brushed them over her shoulder. She approached the bar; the woman dressed from head to foot in deep red. The satin dress wrapped around her accentuated her curves; the bodice tight enough to show off her shapely hips and slim waist; the top of it low cut enough to accentuate her ample charms, and the sleeveless style gave a full view of her bare shoulders and slender neck. Spotting the blond man and the man in black, a smile came to her face as she went over to them. "What's going on down here? You boys behaving yourselves?" Min's hand came to rest gently on the dark man's arm, her fingers lightly stroking over the sleeve of his black cattlemen's coat. Her dark eyes looked directly into his face; they held a twinkle in them that spoke of more than professional interest. "You look mighty thirsty Stranger...is there anything I can get you?" Her grin seemed to widen as her gaze traveled up and down the tall handsome man in black. She leaned closer to him, standing close enough for them to breathe in one another’s air. "Anything at all?"
  16. A tall, blond man got down from his buckskin horse. Alex Jackson stretched his long legs a moment before taking the tan Stetson from his head and wiping his forearm across his brow. The ride had been a long one and he sighed, his eyes slid closed as a sudden blast of hot wind blew his long blond hair back from his shoulders and cooled the thin layer of sweat that covered his face. Topping his head with his hat once more, he gave the butter colored coat of his trusty horse, Showdown a pat. Tied to the saddle was everything he needed to survive, a bedroll, canteen and a pair of well-worn saddlebags nearly filled to busting. The blond man removed them and slung them over the shoulder of the tan frock coat he wore. Glancing around he took a hold of his horse's reins and secured him beside the water trough, allowing enough slack for the horse to drink at his leisure. Alex ran his hand down Sky's black mane a moment before glancing at the saloon's sign across from where he stood. "The Boars Nest--Let's see what we can find in this place Show." Taking another look around Alex made his away across the road; no one seemed to pay much mind to his arrival but that could change at a moment's notice. A pair of weathered swinging doors greeted him and he pushed them open with enough force that they banged back against the door frame getting everyone's attention in the saloon. He felt the patrons gazes and steeled his expression as he reached down towards his side. One by one the stares dropped off and he went over to the bar setting his saddlebags down on top of it. "Whiskey--" He said to the bartender before turning towards the end of the bar. He saw a man all dressed in black having a beer and reached down to move his coat away from his holster.
  17. The NEW Kin layout is GREAT! I really like it you did a TERRIFIC job Lolly! Congrats! All your hard work really paid off I think the new page is fantastic! Hell's Tapwater was a great story! I really enjoyed the horse play, the time period was fun. Everyone seemed to fit in perfectly and you couldnt tell at all they were modern characters thrust back into the Old West. I especially cracked up over the beginning segment with Brian on the roof and Damascus showing his master how much he appreciate his new BRAND LOL. You did an amazing job Cuz with a pretty tough time period and you pulled it off BEAUTIFULL! Cant wait to see what the next book Brian brings home is... Jax
  18. This article was on the Internet Movie Database! Britney Spears's hopes of landing the role of Daisy Duke in the forthcoming movie version of The Dukes Of Hazzard have been dashed - after bosses handed it to Jessica Simpson. While star Spears had expressed an interest in playing the sexy character from the '70s/'80s TV show, singer Simpson has been chosen as the blonde who will fill the extra-short shorts of original Daisy Duke Catherine Bach. Simpson's manager father Joe tells America's Star magazine, "She is really excited." Simpson herself adds, "I wanna wear those shorts so bad!" The film, about three redneck cousins, two corrupt public officials and a souped- up Dodge Charger car, begins production this summer.
  19. Today is a very special someone's birthday!! You know who you are! I want to wish a VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to someone I consider a close friend! May all your wishes and dreams come true and may you have many many more birthdays! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA!!!!! Jax
  20. Hey Everybody-- Well here's a link to who would play Min. It's Catherine Zeta-Jones. http://imdb.com/gallery/virtual/oscar04-parties/39 Jax
  21. Min saw the look in Rosco's eyes and a smile came to her face. She had done the right thing, there was no doubt at all about that. Taking a step forward she opened her arms and put them around Rosco in a gentle embrace. "You fight Brian next--I wish you two didnt have to--" She whispered before releasing the hug. It was time to leave the ring but the truth was she didnt want to, especially with the impending battle between the two Coltrane men. A battle no one seemed to be looking forward too, if the tension in the air was any indication. Finally she turned and climbed down from the ring, taking her seat beside Alex in the first row. She watched Rosco in the squared circle and swallowed hard, soon Brian would arrive and the fight would begin.
  22. Min watched the Sheriff prepare to do battle, his face bore a bit of a sad expression that she no doubt mirrored. She had a score to settle with Chet, it had been no problem at all fighting him but things were different now. She had no issues with Rosco and shook her head taking a step back. "Rosco--I appreciate the respect and all but I can't. I can't fight you. You're practically kin to me and I respect you way too much to raise my fists against you." She swallowed hard and raised her chin. "I'm afraid I have to forfeit."
  23. "Excuse me-- beg your pardon--" Min worked her way through the bustling crowd finally making it to the ring. She saw the Sheriff peering down at her and she swallowed hard as she climbed the side steps and slipped through the ropes. Though she wore the same fighting clothes she wore when she faced Chet, her face betrayed other intentions than fighting. "I'm here Rosco--"
  24. Like Rosco, Min signed up to prove a point but unfortunately the point got lost when her fight with Chet proved too be a whole lot more than she bargained for. She had to resort to tactics that were not only brutal but in my opinion, unsportsmanlike. But as Brian pointed out, we all went into this contest without a script so it was pretty much anyone's game. But at the same time, this contest WAS a challenge and fight scenes are among the most difficult to script. If nothing else this contest helped sharpen the skills of those of us that have fighting experience and gave experience to those of us that don't. But maybe it could have been done a little more civilly and for that I feel that I must add my apology to the growing list here. Min
  25. Min panted, sensing the end was near she raised her elbow high and with a shout drove it down as hard as she could into the base of Chet's neck. He bounced against the floor then slumped beneath her his head lolling to the side. She stopped in a moment and climbed off of him, moving around him she lifted his head seeing that he had indeed passed out. "He's out--" Min closed her eyes and sighed both in relief that she won and joy that it was over. She bowed her head a moment and took a deep breath though it caused pain in her ribs. "I'm sorry Chet--" She whispered as she slowly got to her feet and climbed out of the ring; her body battered beyond belief.
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