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as soon as i clean uo myself from drooling at the new star wars movie i will be in line for the dukes.

it sickens me how many goody 2 shoes ther are that are offended by the simpliest things.

willie smoking pot as not as bad as running moonshine.

80% of people today now more about pot than they do about moonshine.


It's not the Dukes of Hazzard movie I wanted, but since I'm a glutton for punishment I will be there an hour early just to get a good seat. I know this won't be a real Dukes movie (after this they won't even try for another 25 years!); I'm just hoping to see a new Broken Lizard movie. Club Dread sucked! I'm going into this thing thinking it's Super Troopers with a sweet '69 orange Charger and Burt Reynolds. I expect nothing else from this movie... Which is a real disappointment.


willie smoking pot as not as bad as running moonshine.

Bama, this might be your preference, but it doesn't fit with the Dukes.

Moonshine was part of the family tradition, and it's a part of Southern heritage. Pot is neither of those things. The original Uncle Jesse would never have condoned the use of pot or any other drug



I'm there. The worst thing about going to see this movie is the fact it was filmed here...so EVERYBODY will be the first in line. Regardless if the movie sucks or not (which it won't), the lines in Baton Rouge will be long.


Thanks to this site (and you guys ;) ) Im right on top of it! i really cant wait for the final release, I'll be there first day - first showing.

im gone.


willie smoking pot as not as bad as running moonshine.

80% of people today now more about pot than they do about moonshine.

Of course smoking pot isn't as bad as running moonshine, it's MUCH WORSE. At least there's a logical reason to run moonshine. Making and transporting moonshine doesn't impair your brain and reproductive organs. And furthermore, the Dukes weren't running moonshine during the whole run of the series. They had that in their past and it was because of family tradition ("The Dukes were making shine long before there was a US government to tell us we couldn't.") But once they were caught, they quit, because it was illegal. They don't break the law just so they can temporarily shut down their brains and become idiots. And the only time they do break the law is to save someone's life or to fight corruption.

Sadly, people do know more about pot than moonshine today, but does that mean we can only make movies about things that people already know about? Should they cancel the opening of the next Star Wars film because people don't know enough about space travel?


Hmmm... before this whole discussion, how did everyone feel about the fact that a pot smoker was cast as Jesse?

Plus, bad 'shine can kill ya quick... just a thought.

Hmmm... before this whole discussion, how did everyone feel about the fact that a pot smoker was cast as Jesse?

Plus, bad 'shine can kill ya quick... just a thought.

I wasn't too happy about it, but Willie Nelson's fame comes from his music, and he makes good music, and he's an icon from the genre of the Dukes of Hazzard. Between that and the fact that he was close to Waylon Jennings, I was willing to overlook it. In fact, I thought of him for the role way back in the early discussions about the film. I hope Willie one day becomes a spokesman against drug use. I would really admire that. But right now, he's the closest person in the world

Bad shine can kill people or leave them permanently disabled. However, even on the series that wouldn't have affected the Dukes themselves, because they didn't drink moonshine. The only moonshine they had was Uncle Jesse's little bottle that was left over and only used for medicinal purposes.


what the hell is this nonsense about the original uncle jesse, you speak like he was a real person, he wasn't he was just a name on a piece of paper.

it's just a movie, i'm sorry you are offended by pot smoking, i smoke, willie smokes, everyone smokes, it's common place now, sure it's illegal but that is the whole point, same with moonshine, shiner ran because they stuff was and still is illegal.

bootleggers still are in operation today, i know first hand because in my spare time i work for an agency that hunts down and flushes out moonshiners, sort of like a bounty hunter, i track down and chase moonshiners.

there really is no concrete proof about the effects of pot smoking, in fact it's widely known effects are for medicinal reasons, i smoke, like others, for recreational reasons.


there really is no concrete proof about the effects of pot smoking...

I don't know about that. I personally witnessed a pothead using really weak arguments in an attempt to make a point extremely recently. And studies have shown the mental and sexual effects of smoking pot with a frequency beyond that which a doctor would prescribe. Hippies are just in denial about it.

The fact that Uncle Jesse is a fictitious character is irrelevant. I said in another post that this is like making Superman a rapist. Once a fictitious character has been established, it's stupid to completely change them. IF they feel they must, just introduce a new character. Have Jesse's mysterious Cousin Jethro show up who smokes pot, and the Dukes wouldn't trust him because of his pointless lawlessness. Then it would fit right in to the Dukes universe.

The Dukes were never criminals, they were rebels. There is an enormous difference between the two. A rebel will break the law only if it is necessary for the greater good. Criminals break the law because they are so mentally screwed up that they think it's "fun" to be deviant.

What I don't understand is why a criminal personality would even take interest in the Dukes of Hazzard. I would think the notion of a family who does whatever it takes to stop corruption would be offensive to someone who breaks the law for "recreation." Breathe some clean air for a while and maybe once those neurons shake the dust off, you'll comprehend my point.

And don't do that typical thing where people list a bunch of successful people who smoke pot. I am aware that Willie Nelson himself is a very gifted musician and I admire him. But it's not the marijuana that got him there, that's just a stupid hobby of an otherwise gifted man.

Despite how it sounds, I think the medicinal use of marijuana is very practical, but the "recreational" use is completely stupid. They should legalize it for medicinal purposes (it would be stupid not to), and the only reason they don't is because they know that a bunch of slack-jawed boneheads will dumb themselves down even further with it. So even the health industry is suffering because of the irresponsible use of the drug. Why can't the druggies just find a "recreational" use of hemmorhoid cream?

And I AM looking forward to seeing the movie. I just hope that they are currently finding ways to cut out the pointless and offensive drug scenes (they can leave in any scene that has anyone other than the Dukes using or being affected by drugs). There is potential that the rest of the movie will be good, if the just cut the "Dukes-using-drugs" garbage out.

UPDATE: I did just read on the Confederate boards that the drug-use review was a hoax. If that's true, I'm definitely very relieved. I have to wonder if the motivation of that hoax was to make us see how "it could be worse." Suddenly, a dumb, blonde Daisy doesn't seem so bad. Clever little fart.


UPDATE: I did just read on the Confederate boards that the drug-use review was a hoax. If that's true, I'm definitely very relieved. I have to wonder if the motivation of that hoax was to make us see how "it could be worse." Suddenly, a dumb, blonde Daisy doesn't seem so bad. Clever little fart.

I really hope that this was a hoax...then again, I'm no longer sure what to believe. Is there any chance that the whole "stoner Duke's" thing is a hoax too? I just can't see any of the Duke's doing any type of drugs...even something as supposedly harmless as pot (and if you believe it's harmless, I'll sell you some swamp land in Arizona).

Going back to the comment about Uncle Jesse, you're right, the fact that he was a fictional character is irrelevant. What is relevant is what Jesse, and the whole Duke's family stood for.

I am still planning to see this movie (just because I'm a huge pessimist doesn't mean I won't watch it), and I'll try to keep an open mind...

I really hope that this was a hoax...then again, I'm no longer sure what to believe. Is there any chance that the whole "stoner Duke's" thing is a hoax too?

Yes! Supposedly, the stupid smoking-from-an-apple scene and the Dukes getting high at the university is all part of the hoax.

Here's what concerns me, though. If it is a hoax, the guy did his research. There is a scene at the college. The Super Troopers DO show up as campus security. So there was some truth in what he wrote. I just hope ALL of the drug stuff is a hoax.


The entire screenplay is a hoax, when ya get right down to it. But what the hell, I'm cheered by the thought of media critics hating this movie more than the original series, and there's something satisfying in the irony.

I'll see the movie the opening weekend. No matter what side of the debate anybody's on, I think we all gotta admit we're curious.


For anyone still debating about the whole Dukes and drug issue...

Watch Season 2 Episode 21: Mason Dixon's Girls

EvilErnie13 - if you're referring to the "hot-water heater" that is really pot. If anything this episode shows why drugs should not be part of the Duke's universe. They never used the stuff, and they never sold the stuff.

Unless you're seeing something in the episode that I missed.

Again the whole "Duke's and Drugs issue" is not that there is mention of drugs in the movie (if indeed there is), but that drugs should not be used, under any circumstances, by any member of the Duke family.



It's just a bridge too far to imagine any of the Dukes involved with drug use. ( What is this, Cheech & Chong go to Hazzard?) Now, if they showed any of the Dukes chewin' Skoal, or Uncle Jesse was smoking an ordinary pipe out on the front porch - it would be a surprise, but not a flat-out shock.

Jessica mighta picked up a Skoal endorsement, too. There's a career booster..... pting!


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