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<Inspired by "The Ghost of General Lee">

Tonight on the Dukes: When Enos doesn't come up after going in the pond, it's a heyday for Hughie Hogg, who plans to take everything Enos has. But what he didn't plan on was the deputy's will.

Bo and Luke are tearing down the road as usual with Rosco and Enos right behind them.

Bo: Ah, what a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than running from the law.

Luke: You know, if we take that shortcut there, we could lose 'em.

Bo: It don't look like much of a shortcut to me.

Luke: It will once you go there won't it?

Bo: You got a point.

Bo takes the shortcut, or rather creates it, as there isn't a road. But Rosco's one step ahead of them...for once.

Rosco: (into CB) All right Enos. They took the bait. Now you keep going on this road and I'm gonna go around and cut 'em off.

Enos: Sure thing Sherriff.

Luke: I dunno. It seemed too easy.

Bo: Yeah. We've taken this shortcut before, now that I remember. There's almost a road.

Luke: Better pull back onto the main one.

Bo pulls back to the main road and Enos is back behind them.

Luke: I knew it. I'll bet Rosco planned that.

Bo: I think you're right. Here he comes.

Luke: Take a left.

Bo swerves the car in a sharp turn.

Luke: I said a left!

Bo: Sorry.

Luke: This road goes down to the bog.

Bo: Well we better be careful. There's quicksand in the bottom of that bog.

Luke: And this is the only way in and we got two smokeys on our tail.

Bo: Well, jail time is better than drowning.

Bo turns at the bog and comes to a stop. Rosco's car runs into the General and stops as well, but Enos's car makes a wild swerve the other way and splashes into the bog.

Bo: Enos!

Luke: Oh man!

Rosco: Enos!

They all get out of their cars and rush to the side of the bog. Bo and Luke both jump in the water, but can't go very far in due to the quicksand at the bottom.


Luke: It's no use Bo. He's gone.

Bo: He can't be gone...He can't...

Luke drags Bo out of the water. Rosco has already radioed an ambulance and Cooter, but knows it's no use.

Rosco: You dang dipstick! Why'd you have to go and do that!

Luke: Rosco...we're sorry...

The three of them stand there, staring at the bog, hoping against hope that Enos will surface.


Balladeer: Now in case ya'll are wondering, ain't nobody died.

Enos comes up on the other side of the bog behind the reeds and trees, coughing and sputtering. It had taken him a while to get free from the car and get through all the weeds. Bo and Luke and Rosco can't see him, as they keep looking at the spot his car went in. Enos crawls out of the water and lies on the ground, exausted from the swim, and passes out.

Rosco, forgetting about arresting Bo and Luke, is still stunned. Bo and Luke stand with him when an ambulance arrives with Cooter.

Cooter: (jumping out) What's going on?

Luke: Enos...he's...

Bo: He can't be...he just can't be...

Cooter: (looking over the bog) You mean...?

The ambulance waits a while, and then turns back up the road, as there's no one to take in for medical attention.

Cooter: You gotta be wrong...you gotta be wrong...

Luke: I wish I was...

Cooter: I mean...they were wrong when they thought ya'll two were dead...maybe...

Rosco: Not this time Cooter...Enos was definately in that car...I heard him on the CB...

The four of them stand there a minute. Rosco suddenly throws a rock into the bog. He throws several in before he breaks down crying. The three younger men help him into Cooter's truck. Cooter hooks up Rosco's car and tows it back to town, while Bo and Luke drive away...slowly.

Bo: Luke?

Luke: Yeah?

Bo: What are we gonna tell Daisy?

Luke: I have no idea.

Balladeer: Now just because Enos ain't dead, don't mean he ain't in trouble.

Enos wakes up and finds himself tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth and thinks, "Oh great, not again."

Meanwhile, Bo and Luke reluctanly walk into the Boar's Nest.

Luke: (taking out a coin) Call it. (flips the coin)

Bo: Heads.

Luke: (catches the coin and looks at it) Heads it is. You get to tell Boss.

Bo sighs. He doesn't want to tell Boss, but he wants to tell Daisy even less. He goes up to the office door and knocks on it.

Boss: Come in...Bo Duke? What do you want?

Bo: Um Boss...You uh...might want to sit down.

Boss: I am sitting down Duke boy. What is it?

Bo: I might want to sit then.

Bo sits in a chair as Boss stares at him over his cigar and newspaper.

Bo: You uh...might want to go to town soon and uh...take care of Rosco...

Boss: Take care of Rosco? What'd he do?

Bo: Nothing...he's just real upset...

Boss: Than let Enos take care of him...I'm busy...

Bo: That's just it Boss...Enos is gone...

Boss: (looking up) What?

Bo: They were chasing us and...Enos went into the bog...

Boss: So?...Enos can swim...Better him than Rosco...

Bo: But he didn't...he didn't...come up...

Boss looks at Bo and gasps.

Boss: Bo Duke...are you tellin' me Enos is...?

Bo nods.

Boss: Our very own deputy...dead.

Bo: I didn't want to say it Boss but...

Boss: Does Daisy know?

Bo: Luke is telling her.

Luke had the really hard part.

Luke: Daisy? I uh...need to talk to you...outside.

Daisy: Sure Luke.

Daisy puts down her tray and goes outside.

Luke: You might want to sit down.

Daisy: (sitting on her car) What? You two ain't in trouble are you?

Luke: No...it's just that...I really hate telling you this...

Daisy: Telling me what? What is it Luke?

Luke: Rosco and Enos were chasing us and Enos went into the bog.

Daisy: Don't tell me he's hurt!

Luke: It's worse than that.

Daisy clasps her hands over her mouth. Luke can't even look up at her.

Luke: Daisy I'm sorry. He's gone.

Daisy: He's...He's...

Daisy sits stunned for a minute. She doesn't want to believe it. Then Boss comes outside with Bo.

Bo: Did you tell her?

Luke nods.

Boss: You two take her home. She has the rest of the week off...with pay.

Boss gets into his convertible and instructs the driver to take him to the sheriff's office. Luke takes Daisy home in her Jeep as Bo takes the General. At the house, Luke takes Daisy to her room as Uncle Jesse stands by.

Jesse: What's going on?

Bo: Sit down Uncle Jesse.

Bo tells Uncle Jesse what happened and the old man sits quietly. Luke finally comes back.

Jesse: How's Daisy?

Luke: She's crying.

Jesse: <sighs> I'm not surprised...poor thing.

Bo: I just can't believe it...he's gone.

Luke: Me either.

With a nod from Uncle Jesse, the two Duke boys let their emotions catch up with them.


Enos looks around and can't figure out where he is. He knows it's an old fishing shack, probably with a still close by, but there are plenty in Hazzard county. He looks up as a familiar face walks in.

Hughie: Well well, how are we doing Enos old friend?

Enos: MMhpppphh gurrmmph

Hughie: Oh right.

Hughie takes the gag off. Enos coughs a couple of times.

Enos: What are you up to now?

Hughie: Oh I'm just paying my last respects. There was a wake this morning.

Enos: Huh? It's morning?

Hughie: You've been passed out for a while.

Enos: Wait a minute...a wake? Who died?

Hughie: You did.

Enos: What?

Hughie: You should have seen it. Uncle Boss had to practically carry poor Rosco. The sheriff was so upset. Not to mention Daisy...

Enos: Daisy?...Daisy thinks I'm...?

Hughie: Well they all do. You did go into the bog.

Enos: My brakes went out.

Hughie: Oh I know. See, I did that. I didn't think you'd actually go into the bog but...

Enos: You cut my brakes? Well possum on a gumbush, why'd you want to do that?

Hughie: You just don't get it do you?

Enos shakes his head. The last person out to kill him at least had a reason.

Hughie: You see, I found out about that small fortune your father left you..what was left from his ridgerunner days...and with you gone...

Enos: You were gonna murder me?

Hughie: Indirectly...yes...but seeing as you didn't die like you were supposed to, I figured I'd keep you alive for a while so you could see the results of my plan...then I'll kill you...or rather...my backer will...he'll be here in a few days.

Enos: Oh no...not him...

Hughie: Yes...he'll actually be glad you survived...I think he'd rather take you out himself...

Enos swallows hard. How in the world did Frank Scanlon get free?


Back at the courthouse, Rosco hangs the memorial on the wall. Inside is a folded flag, a plaque, and a picture of his faithful deputy.

Deputy Enos Michael Strate

1958 - 1985

Boss: Well, that looks real nice Rosco...real nice.

Rosco: It's the least I could do for him...the very least...

Hughie: (coming in) I suppose his family is coming?

Rosco: No...no family. He didn't have any real close. Just some distant cousins who don't really know who he is.

Hughie: <with fake sympathy> What a shame. So what will become of all his belongings?

Boss: I suppose they'll have to be auctioned off and the money sent to those cousins. Not that he had much.

Rosco: Oh but Boss, you only auction off the property if the deceased has no will.

Boss: Oh Rosco, I know that.

Rosco: But Enos has a will.

Boss: <slightly surprised> I didn't know that.

Hughie: <shocked> Neither did I.

Rosco: Well, see those folks out in L.A. had him write one, seeing as it was a dangerous job and all...

Boss: Well how come you know about it and not me?

Rosco: Well he called and told me about it, seeing as I'm the executor of his will.

Boss: Why in the world would he pick you as the executor of his will?

Rosco: Well, he wanted to pick Daisy, but didn't think it'd be polite.

Boss: Well?

Rosco: Where is the will?

Hughie: Yes, where is it?

Rosco: Oh...I think it's in his safety deposit box. I'm gonna get it out this afternoon.

Hughie stormed into the hideout.


Enos: <calmly> You didn't ask.

Hughie: How am I supposed to get all your property, including that secret stash from your father, if it doesn't go up for public auction?

Enos: Search me. I'm a dipstick, remember?

Enos grins as Hughie stomps around the room.

Enos: Can I have lunch now? I'm starved.

Hughie: NO! Not until you tell me where that stash of money is your father left you.

Enos: <sighs> That's just my luck. I done forgot. Now I'm gonna be hungry.

Balladeer: You know, I sure wish everyone else knew he was hungry. At least he ain't dead.


At the courthouse, Rosco sits at the head of a long table. All of the Dukes are present along with Boss, Cooter and Cletus, who came back to town for the wake.

Rosco: I, Enos Michael Strate, being of sound mind and body...

Bo, Luke and Cooter snigger a bit, but Uncle Jesse glares at them and they remain quiet.

Rosco: To my friend and superior officer, Rosco P. Coltrane, I leave my gun collection and gun safe.

Rosco sniffs a bit...

Rosco: With the exception of my Colt .45, which I leave to Cletus Hogg.

Luke: He had a Colt .45?

Cletus: <sighs> Yeah.

Rosco: My old ridgerunning car, a 1971 dodge challenger, I leave to Cooter Davenport, on the stipulation that he can get it to run.

Cooter nods.

Rosco: All other earthly possessions, I leave to the Duke family, to sell or use as they see fit.

Uncle Jesse nods and Daisy sighs. She hasn't said a word since Luke told her the news.

Boss: He didn't leave me nothin'?

Rosco: Uh...no.

Boss: Well that's some...

Rosco: Oh wait, the fine print here says that you can have $500 out of his savings.

Boss: Is that it?

Rosco: Well he didn't have much.

Boss: That's true.

Rosco: On the stipulation that you give Cletus his old job.

Boss: Oh, well I was gonna do that anyway.

They leave the courthouse gravely. Hughie stands on the front steps.

Hughie: So how'd you make out Uncle Boss?

Boss: Oh don't look so happy...a man just died! I got $500.

Hughie: That's it?

Boss: On the stipulation that I give our vacant deputy position to Cletus.

Hughie: But uh Uncle Boss...I was gonna ask for that job.

Boss: You? No way! Enos'd turn over in his grave...if he was in one...if you got his old job. It goes to Cletus. Now git!

Balladeer: Well, Enos isn't turning over in a grave, just in his chair.

Enos lies on the floor as his chair got tipped over from him rocking in it. Hughie comes in angry again.

Enos: Oh, I'm glad you're back. I kinda got knocked over here and...

Hughie: Aw shut up. You made sure Cletus got your job didn't you?

Enos: Well yeah. Without me, he's the closest thing to an honest lawman around here.

Hughie: That doesn't matter. That's not what I'm really after.

Enos: Sorry. I still don't remember where that money is.

Hughie: Oh I'm not talking about that.

Enos: What? Then why get me out of the way and hand me over to Scanlon then?

Hughie: (walking out) So I can have your girl.

Enos: Oh no you don't! HUGHIE! YOU LAY ONE HAND ON DAISY AND I'LL...Oh ding dang it...How am I gonna git out of here?

Balladeer: I don't know about you, but I sure get nervous when anyone's going after Daisy.


Bo and Cooter go out to get the car and check out the old Strate farm, which Enos still had the deed to.

Cooter: Well, this is it.

Bo: He lived here?

Cooter: Grew up here. Now you know why he lived in the boarding house.

Bo: It's falling apart.

Cooter: Yeah. I doubt there's anything of value in there.

Bo: Hey. There's something under a tarp back here.

They go to the back of the farm and whisk off a tarp.

Bo: Aw, that's just an old still.

Cooter: So where's the car?

Bo: Oh maybe that's it.

Bo pulls some branches back from a bush to reveal a car. It's overgrown with weeds and grass and has a family of possums living in the backseat.

Cooter: And he expects me to make it run?

Bo: If anyone can do it, you can.

Uncle Jesse and Luke are at Enos's apartment at the boarding house, taking an inventory of what he has.

Luke: Sure had a lot of pictures of Daisy.

Jesse: Can you blame him?

Luke: Not really...but man...they're all over the place.

Jesse: Everyone's gotta have a hobby.

Luke: I hope she says something soon. This depression can't be good for her.

Jesse: That's why I left her with Lulu. Maybe some woman talk can cheer her up.

Luke: (looking under bed) Maybe...what's this?

Luke pulls out a large cardboard box with a label on the top.



Luke: Do not send?

Jesse: Maybe stuff he wrote that he didn't want her to know.

Luke: Then why write it? Just because?

Jesse: Who knows?

Luke: (taking a letter out) Hmmmmm

Jesse: Now you put that back. If anyone should read those, it should be Daisy.

Luke: (putting letter back) Oh okay.

They take the box back to the farm, where they meet up with Bo.

Bo: Yeah, Cooter got the car all right. But he doesn't know if even he can get that old thing to run.

Luke: That bad?

Bo: That bad. You find anything interesting?

Luke: Just this box. But we can't read what's inside.

Bo: What's inside?

Luke: Letters he never sent to Daisy.

Bo: Dang it Luke...you got me all curious now.

Jesse: Now you boys leave those letters alone.

Jesse takes the box and puts it in Daisy's room. Just then, Daisy comes in, as Lulu just dropped her off.

Luke: Hey Daisy.

Bo: How you feeling?

Daisy just looks at them and takes off her coat.

Luke: We uh...found something that might interest you.

Bo: Uncle Jesse just put it in your room.

Jesse: (coming in) Yes dear, you just go back there. There's a big box with your name on it.

Daisy looks at Uncle Jesse and goes to her room. There on the bed is the box. She reads the lid and shivers. Bo and Luke stand at the door.

Luke: If you don't read one...

Bo: We will

Jesse: You will not now leave her be!

Daisy sits on her bed and nervously pulls out a letter. It has her name and address on it, and his name and return address from California, but no stamp. It's also sealed and has "swak"** written across the back. It looks just like the letters she used to get from California during those long years when he was gone. But why didn't he send it?

Daisy opens the letter and starts to read it. The more she reads, the wider her eyes get and the more her mouth drops open.

Daisy: Enos...oh Enos...Enos!

Luke: Well...she's talking.

Bo: What's in there Daisy?

Daisy stuffs the letter back in the envelope and tears it up.

Luke: What?

Daisy takes the pieces, brushes past them, and goes into the kitchen, where she throws the remains of the letter into the fire of the wood stove.

Bo: What was in it?

Daisy: Never you mind.

Daisy then goes back to her room to read another one.

Balladeer: I don't know about you, but I'm sure wonderin' what was in it now.

** s.w.a.k. - sealed with a kiss


Hughie arrives at the old shack with a couple of ugly thugs with guns.

Hughie: It seems my backer will be taking a bit longer to arrive, so my associates will be here to tend to your needs.

Enos: Well that's nice of you...cuz I REALLY gotta use the gent's room.

Hughie: Certainly...as long as you don't mind using the woods out back.

The ugly thugs keep a gun to Enos when they set him free from the chair. They also provide some food for him.

Hughie: My backer wants you to be healthy when he arrives.

Enos: (eating a bologna sandwich) Yeah, Frank is like that.

Enos tries to hide it, but he's really terrified at the idea of Scanlon showing up again. However, he's also terrified at the thought of Hughie going after Daisy.

The next day, Hughie walks into the Boar's Nest and finds Daisy has come back to work. However, much to the dismay of the patrons, she's wearing jeans and a flannel shirt.

Hughie: Well I'm glad you're feeling better Miss Daisy.

Daisy: <glares> Are you gonna pester me or buy a drink?

Hughie: I'll take a beer.

Daisy serves him one, but doesn't appear very happy about it.

Hughie: You know Miss Daisy...I'm sure you miss Enos a lot...

Daisy: You have no idea.

Hughie: And I know I could never take his place...

Hughie reaches for her hand but she pulls it away.

Daisy: Know this now Hughie...I am NOT available.

Hughie: What?

Daisy: No man ever loved me like Enos did, and no one ever will, and I don't intend to ever let a man get near me again, if I live to be a hundred!

Daisy strides away to the bar and Hughie stands there with his mouth open. Bo and Luke grin at each other at a nearby table.

Bo: Uh...guess we should've warned him.

Luke: Nah...I liked the way Daisy handled it.

Bo: Do you think she really will? Never see another man I mean?

Luke: I dunno. But if she does, or doesn't rather, I'll bet it has something to do with what was in those letters.

Bo: You're probably right...as usual.

Luke: I'm always right.

Bo: You are not.

Bo and Luke bicker over this while Hughie walks out.

Balladeer: And Daisy ain't the only one acting like that. Ol' Rosco's in on it too.

Boss: What do you mean 'No'? I gave you an order.

Rosco: Now you listen here you fat little meadowmuffin! Enos was the only honest lawman around here and we did nothing but take it for granted.

Boss: But...

Rosco: No buts! And don't you threaten me with divorcin' Lulu either, cuz I know you ain't got the guts to do it. Now I ain't takin' no more orders from you unless they are law-abidng, just, and fair. You got that Mr. Jefferson Davis Hogg?

Boss just stares at him and nods sheepishly.

Balladeer: You know, it's amazing how someone's death can have an impact on people. And he ain't even really dead.


Balladeer: Well, it's been a good five days now since Enos...well, since the accident. Rosco's out at the speed trap as usual, although now he only intends to catch people if they really are speeding.

Rosco: What is it Flash? Oh you want out? Okay darlin'. (opens car door) While you're doin' that, I may just sneak a snooze.

Rosco leans back, pulls his hat over his eyes, and dozes off. Flash wanders off into the trees.

Balladeer: Now for any of you who may have forgot, Flash is one smart dog and came with a guarantee that she can smell a crook a mile away. Which is exactly what she's startin' to smell now.

Flash comes out of the trees following a scent. She sniffs her way deeper into the woods and it becomes stronger. Finally, she comes upon an old shack. She sticks her nose in the door and sees someone alone in the middle of the room, tied to a chair.

Flash: WOOF!

Enos: Flash! Is that you girl?

Flash: (coming in) Woof!

Enos: Boy am I glad to see you. Them ugly dudes'll be back in about five minutes so you gotta get me out of here.

Flash jumps up on Enos's lap and knocks the chair over again.

Enos: Ooof!

Flash: Woof! (licks his face)

Enos: Yeah I love you too...now get me out of...hey...the chair broke.

The chair has cracked enough for Enos to work his way out of the ropes.

Enos: Okay Flash. Now where's Rosco?

Flash takes off and Enos follows her through the woods. She leads him back to where Rosco is dozing in his car. Enos opens the driver's side door and Flash jumps in. He then pushes Rosco over and gets behind the wheel.

Rosco: <waking up> Huh? What?

Enos: (starting up car) Don't worry Sheriff. I'll give it back in a second.

Rosco: Enos! But you're...oh I get it...I'm having a dream...it's just a dream.

Enos: (driving car onto the road) Sheriff, I need a favor. Once I get out at the Duke farm, I need you to go back to the office and send out an APB for Frank Scanlon.

Rosco: Frank Scanlon! How'd he get out?

Enos: I don't know, but we'd better catch him before hurts anybody.

Rosco: Well, all right. But what are you doing going to the Duke farm?

Enos: I remembered something.

Balladeer: Now what Enos remembered was those letters, which he figured the Dukes would have by now, and he aims to get them back before she reads too many of them. But he doesn't aim to tell ol' Rosco that.

They drive up to the Duke farm, keeping out of sight in the trees, as Bo and Luke are outside.

Enos: Now Sheriff, I want you to get Bo and Luke away from here.

Rosco: How do I do that?

Enos: I dunno. How do you usually do it?

Rosco: Now Enos, I've turned over a new leaf. No more trumped up charges.

Enos: (raising his eyebrows) Well how about that? Then think of an honest way to get them to come with ya to town.

Enos gets out of the car and hides in the trees. Rosco, thinking this is a very strange dream indeed, drives over to the farm.

Luke: Hey Rosco.

Bo: We didn't do it.

Rosco: (getting out) Do what?

Bo: Nothin'.

Rosco: Now, before you get all riled up, I simply wanted your help with something.

Luke: What?

Rosco: I got a tip that Frank Scanlon is coming to town...and I may need help rounding him up.

Bo: That guy that was after Enos?

Rosco: Exactly. With Enos gone and all...it's the least we could do for him.

Luke: Yeah...Scanlon's best left behind bars. We'll follow you Rosco.


As Rosco leads the boys away from the farm, Enos sneaks in and looks around. A lot of his old things are there in boxes.

Enos: I sure hope it's not...

Enos peeks into Daisy's room and sees her lying on the bed asleep. One of the open letters is still in her hand and she has tears on her face. The box is also on the bed, but it's empty.

Enos: What'd she do with them? I sure hope she didn't...

He sees the one in her hand and tries to remove it slowly, but then Daisy opens her eyes and gasps.

Enos: Uh oh.

Daisy: Enos?

Daisy, like Rosco, assumes she must be dreaming.

Enos: Go back to sleep.

Daisy: Enos...oh Enos...

She sits up and reaches out to him but he pulls away.

Enos: Please Daisy...can I have my letter back?

Daisy: (looking at the letter) But...

Enos: I know...I shouldn't have written it to begin with...I never meant for you to read that.

He reaches out and takes it from her.

Daisy: I was done with it anyway.

Enos: <sighs> What about the other ones?

Daisy: I burned them.

Enos: Well that's good. Before or after you...?

Daisy: <grins> After I read them.

Enos: Doh...You read...ALL of them?

Daisy nods.

Daisy: Enos...I had no idea...

Enos: At least you burned them...and don't tell anybody what was in those okay?

Daisy: I won't.

Enos: I gotta go.

Daisy: But Enos...

Enos gently pushes her back down on the bed.

Enos: Go to sleep.

Daisy: But I miss you.

Enos: Don't you worry about that. I'll always be close by.

Daisy: Enos?

Enos: Yeah?

Daisy: Why'd you have to die? Why'd you have to die for me to realize how much I love you?

Enos: (stares at her) You...you love me?

Daisy: (nods) I ain't ever gonna see another man again.

Enos: You don't have to do that...

Daisy: Never again Enos. I love you too much.

Enos can hardly believe it and it takes him a minute to remember where he is.

Enos: I gotta go Daisy.

Daisy: But...

Enos: <kisses her forehead> Go to sleep.

Daisy: Oh Enos.

Daisy drifts back to sleep as Enos sneaks out, throwing the letter into the wood stove fire on his way out.


Balladeer: Back in town, Rosco sends out an APB on Scanlon while Bo and Luke discuss the situation with Cletus.

Cletus: But who told you Scanlon was coming Rosco?

Rosco: Enos did.

Cletus: Well uh...I hate to break this to ya but...

Rosco: I had a dream okay you lugnut. Enos told me to send out an APB for Scanlon.

Luke: Rosco...I think you're taking Enos's death pretty hard.

Bo: Maybe you need a day off.

Rosco: I don't need a day off. I fell asleep in my car, then Enos was in it and drove it to your place. Then he told me to bring you two here and mmmm....

Luke: Wait, Enos told you to bring us here?

Rosco: Yes.

Luke: But Rosco...you're not dreaming now.

Bo: You're as awake as we are.

Rosco: Doh...you're right...I haven't woke up yet...

Bo: Luke?

Luke: I don't know...but I'm getting back to the farm.

Just then, Hughie bursts in.

Hughie: Rosco! I need you to send out an APB quick! There's a fella coming who's gonna kill me!

Rosco: Oh not you too. Who is it?

Hughie: Frank Scanlon!

Everyone turns and looks at Hughie.

Luke: This is more than a coincidence. Let's go Bo.

Bo and Luke tear out of the police station as Rosco and Cletus assure Hughie that they'd already sent out the APB.

Hughie: Oh good. Enos must've told you.

Rosco: How'd you know about that?

Hughie: Well that'd be the first thing he'd do after he busted out.

Cletus: Busted out? You mean he ain't dead?

Hughie: No he ain't...but he will be and so will I if Frank Scanlon finds us!

Meanwhile, Bo and Luke run into the farmhouse to find Daisy walking around in a daze.

Luke: Daisy! Are you okay?

Daisy: Huh. I'm fine. I just had the strangest dream.

Bo: Was Enos in it?

Daisy: Well yeah...how'd you know?

Luke: What'd he say?

Daisy: That...is none of your business.

Bo: Must not have been about Scanlon then.

Luke: Well he wouldn't want to worry her.

Daisy: What are you two talking about?

Luke: Daisy...sit down.

Daisy: <sitting> All right, but you two know something and I want to know what it is.

Bo: Daisy...you weren't dreaming.

Luke: Enos is alive.

Daisy gasps...

Balladeer: Friends and neighbors, I'm sure glad they had her sit down first.


Frank Scanlon drives along calmly in an ordinary car, not wishing to stand out. He arrives at the meeting place in the woods, where a nervous Hughie waits for him.

Frank: All right Hogg. Where is he?

Hughie: I'm afraid...you're a little late.

Frank: What do you mean?

Hughie holds up a shirt that's stained with blood.

Hughie: He was trying to get away. We had to do it, or else he'd go for the sheriff.

Frank: <sighs> As long as he's out of the way...finally...

Hughie: Well, at least you got what you wanted. I didn't get a durn thing.

Frank: Nothing?

Hughie: The dipstick had a will. Left everything to those Dukes.

Frank: Well...not my problem. I'm home free now.

Suddenly, an eerie voice calls out from the trees.

Voice: Oh you think so do you?

Frank spins around and Hughie looks up, terrified.

Hughie: Did you hear that?

Frank: Who said that?

Voice: I did Frank...you know my voice...you remember it from when I testified against you...

Frank: There's no such thing as ghosts!

Voice: Only to the innocent Frank...as you're as guilty as I'll get out...guilty...

Hughie: Now Enos...I didn't want to...I didn't mean...

Voice: And you're just as guilty Hughie Hogg...just as guilty...of murder...

Hughie runs off into the woods away from the voice.

Voice: Murder...murder...

Frank: Now you don't scare me...you can't do anything to me now...

Voice: I can't...but he can...

Frank: Who?

Sheriff Little comes up behind Scanlon, along with Rosco and Cletus, and slaps the cuffs on him.

Little: You are under arrest.

Rosco: I still think I coulda done it.

Voice: Take him away Sheriff...

Little only raises an eyebrow to the voice and escorts Scanlon away.

Frank: I'll get you one of these days Strate!

Voice: Too late for that...too late for that...

Rosco and Cletus wait for Sheriff Little to drive Scanlon away.

Cletus: Okay now Enos. They're gone.

Enos: (jumping down from a tree) About time too. I'm sore all over.

Enos doesn't have time to complain, as both Rosco and Cletus grab him up in a bear hug.

Enos: Hey, don't hurt me now! I missed ya'll too.

Hughie: (running up) Did he take the bait?

Enos: Yeah, and hopefully he'll keep believing I'm dead and I won't have to worry about him no more.

Rosco: Now Enos, should we arrest him too?

Enos: Nah, just run him out of town...like before.

Hughie: Now...I helped ya'll catch Scanlon remember?

Cletus: Only cuz you were in trouble too.

Rosco: Now git!

Hughie runs off, again.


Balladeer: I don't know about ya'll, but if he comes back again, I may just pack up and leave town.

Bo, Luke and Cooter are at the Boar's Nest, cheering and drinking beer.

Bo: Luke, that had to be one of your best plans ever.

Luke: I know. I just wish I could have been there to see it.

Cooter: Me too. I ain't even seen ol' Enos yet.

Bo: Us either. Rosco had to use Flash to find him and tell him about the plan.

Cooter: So how do you know it worked?

Bo: Cletus told us. Oh, and here's your voice device back.

Cooter: Thanks. So where's Enos now? The whole town knows he ain't dead.

Luke: I think I have a good idea.

Out at the farm, Daisy is hanging laundry when she sees a familiar hat peeking around a tree. Unlike before, she drops her unmentionables and runs over. Enos laughs and hugs her.

Daisy: Oh Enos, don't you ever die on me again!

Enos: Well, it'll happen one of these days you know...

Daisy: I know...but I hope it doesn't for a long long time.

Enos: Me either.

Daisy giggles and rubs his face.

Daisy: You know, I didn't even notice how scruffy you've gotten.

Enos: Well, I was kind of too tied up to shave or anything. I'm sure I smell real bad too.

Daisy: I don't even care.

Enos: I could sure use a shower.

Daisy: A cold one?

Enos: A really cold one.

Daisy: Well too bad.

Daisy leans up and kisses him and he kisses her back.

Enos: Do you really love me Daisy?

Daisy: Oh Enos, you know I love you.

Enos: I love you too Daisy.

Daisy: I know.

Enos: Daisy? How much do you love me?

Daisy: Enough to never want you to leave again, enough to never leave you...

Enos: Enough to marry me?

Daisy doesn't answer, but smiles and kisses him again. He takes that as a yes and kisses her back.

Enos: We may have to wait a bit. The state still thinks I'm dead.

Daisy: Well, you've waited for me long enough. I guess I can wait a little bit.

Two weeks later, Uncle Jesse finds a note on the kitchen table and isn't the least bit surprised.

Uncle Jesse, Bo and Luke,

Enos was legally declared alive yesterday, so we've gone off to elope. We'll be back in two weeks.


Balladeer: You know, I always figured that'd happen one of these days.

  • 8 years later...

A so sweet and funny story!

I remember it, I really liked it the first time I read it, and I like it even now.

Compliments to Jamanda and their stories (I LOVED ALL of them, and I think it's also one of the reasons why I started to write fanfic).

I want to remember them renewing this thread. ;)

  • 1 month later...

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