Divia Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 Well, this is my first DOH fanfic. Since I dont have a beta reader I'm afraid I had to do it on my own. So I'll just say I'm sorry for the mistakes in advance. PM me with suggestions, comments etc. Be Gentle Nothing had been going right for Daisy since her alarm went off. In fact, her alarm did not go off because she had mistakenly set it for P.M instead of A.M, and was an hour late for work. To make matters worse, she burnt the eggs and toast because she was busy chasing a chicken around the kitchen that wandered in through a hole in the screen door Luke was supposed to fix two days ago. Daisy couldn’t find the shorts she wanted to wear, and the strap on her brand new pair of heals broke. She wouldn’t have been so upset about the shoes if they hadn’t cost her a week’s worth of tip money. Now she was being chased by Enos, and for no apparent reason. She was going 45 in a 50, and as far as she knew she wasn’t in a speed trap. The boys hadn’t caused any trouble in over a week.Daisy pressed her foot further down on the accelerator when she heard Enos’ voice come over the CB. -Daisy, pull it over please.--No way, Enos. I ain’t speeding and I don’t have time to talk. I’m late for work. Boss is already gonna give me an earful. Sorry honey, we’ll have to chat later.--Daisy, please it over. Please.-Sighing, her foot let up, and she pulled over to the shoulder of the road. Despite her horrible morning she couldn’t find it in herself to be mean to Enos.“Hey ya, Daisy.†He had a huge smile on his face as he greeted her.Not one for formality, Daisy decided to find out why he wanted her to stop. “Enos, why’d ya pull me over?â€â€œOh, that.†His smile never faded. “I just wanted to say happy birthday.â€â€œEnos, honey, you could have waited until the party tonight?â€â€œI’m sorry, Daisy, but I can’t come to the party. Sheriff has me on patrol tonight. He says I’m not making my monthly quota of speeding tickets.†As he spoke his forehead rose and fell. “So he has me on night patrol the entire month.â€â€œEnos, everyone in Hazzard will be at the Boar’s Nest for the party. Ain’t no one gonna be speeding.â€â€œShucks Daisy, I know that. But I have my orders. Please forgive me.â€Daisy leaned out the jeep and touched his cheek. “I’m sorry to hear that Enos. I was hoping to save you a dance tonight.â€The deputy colored. “Thanks, Daisy. Oh, I almost forgot.†He reached down into his pocket and handed her a small box. “Here ya go. Happy birthday.â€â€œEnos!†Daisy gasped, as she took the small shinny blue object. “You shouldn’t have.â€â€œI hope you like it. The ding dang thing just came in this morning.â€Daisy began to unwrap her gift when Rosco’s voice came over the CB.-Enos, this is your superior officer, you got your ears on? Enos? Enos, if I don’t hear you say “howdy sheriff†in thirty seconds you are gonna become the new chicken plucker at the Hazzard County Chicken and Feed Mill.-“I’m sorry, Daisy,†Enos said, reaching over her as he grabbed the CB. –Howdy sheriff--That’s better. The Boss wants you over at the jail on the double.--Ok, sheriff this is Enos over and out.- The deputy handed Daisy the CB. “I have to go, Daisy.â€â€œWait, Enos, don’t you want me to open it while you’re here?â€â€œIf I don’t get to the jail Mr. Hogg will fire me. Bye. Happy birthday.†Enos ran back to his car, hoped in, and sped off. Daisy watched him and smiled. Then her attention came back to her gift. Holding the small box in her hands she wondered what it could be.When the wrapping had been discarded and thrown into the passenger’s seat Daisy found herself looking at a black velvet ring box. In a million years, she had never expected to be looking at such a gift. Her hands began to shake as she gazed at it, and she wondered was inside. Daisy was afraid to open the ring box in case it was an engagement ring. And as she sat there motionless a part of her hoped it wasn’t an engagement ring, but another part of her hoped it was.He wouldn’t purpose to me like this, would he? Daisy thought to herself. Quote
Dixie Lee_01 Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 Very nice, Divia... more please? <smile> Quote
Divia Posted March 23, 2005 Author Posted March 23, 2005 Same disclaimer as before If ya want post replies in this thread. I dont mind. Hope ya enjoy it! Chapter 2Slowly, Daisy opened the box. She didn’t know if she felt relief or sadness when she found a simple white gold band with a princess cut sapphire flanked by two diamonds. It wasn’t the engagement ring she had expected, but it was still a gorgeous ring. Daisy slid it on her finger and held out her hand, admiring her new ring. No one had ever bought her anything so pretty in her entire life. As she continued to marvel at the ring, she wondered how much it cost and if she should accept the gift. It had to be expensive, and Enos should be buying other things with his money than buying jewelry for a woman who had never confessed her feelings for him.But what were those feelings?Guilt washed over Daisy. Their entire lives she had been toying with Enos’ feelings. The whole county knew how he loved her, and how he would give anything to be with her, but she never considered his feelings. Daisy never really thought about how she hurt Enos when she manipulated him to free her cousins, or would use him to make another man jealous. Daisy had treated the only man to ever love her unconditionally with indifference. There were those rare occasions when they went on a picnic or to dinner when she was happy to be by his side. After all, Enos was one of the few men in Hazzard who did not try to take advantage of her. And she did enjoy those times, but did she love him?Sliding down in her seat, Daisy felt awful. And the more she looked at her ring the more she felt guilty for all the mean and deceitful things she had done to Enos. All he ever wanted to do was please her, and the only thing Daisy had ever done was misuse his trust and generosity.Unable to think about it any longer, Daisy turned onto the road and headed towards the Boar’s Nest. She knew she was going to be yelled at, if not fired for being late. She just hoped that Boss was in a good mood so he would not give her a hard time. If she were fired, it would not surprise Daisy, especially after the day she was having.“Well, well, well, what do we have here?†Boss asked, looking at his gold pocket watch. He caught Daisy trying to sneak into the Boar’s Nest through the back door. “Lookie here, Rosco. A Duke can’t tell time.â€â€œYeah.†Rosco agreed, standing behind Boss. “Shame. Shame.â€Being berated by Boss was bad enough but to have Rosco involved was almost too much to bear. “Boss I know I’m late. And I’m sorry. The alarm didn’t go off and then…â€â€œExcuses!†He pointed his finger and cigar in her face. “That’s all you Dukes ever give. I have customers who are waiting to be served.â€â€œYeah! Served!â€â€œOh will you hush!†Boss snapped, and then turned his attention back to Daisy. “So go out there and wait on them!†He shoved his cigar in his mouth and glared at Daisy.“Yes, Boss.†Daisy turned to go out into the bar.“And your first hours tips will be mine.â€â€œBoss!†Daisy protested. “You can’t…â€â€œI can and have. Maybe next time you’ll be here on time. Of course, if you think this job is too much for you…†“No. Fine.†Daisy stormed out.The rest of the day was a series of unfortunate events. She managed to spill beer on a customer from out of town, screwed up three orders, and slammed a door into Rosco’s face on accident. Boss took the rest of her tip money to pay for the dry cleaning on the man’s suit. Daisy later found out that he was a businessman from Texas who was in town to discuss a business matter with Boss Hogg. The men’s orders she had gotten wrong didn’t tip her and refused to pay. They complained the food was horrible and Boss tried to calm their tempers by giving them a free round of drinks, which he took out of Daisy’s tips the following day. Rosco threatened to sue because Daisy had “scuffed†his “nose.†However, after his temper subsided he decided not to proceed with the threat because Daisy was “poor as a dirty farmer†and couldn’t afford to pay anyway. Enos also plagued her mind as she wondered what she should do with her gift. Daisy knew if she gave it back, Enos would be crushed. But, if she kept the ring would she be encouraging him? Or did she want to encourage him? Everyone in Hazzard at one time or another had urged her to marry Enos. Normally, she would just smile and forget about it, but now she wondered if marrying Enos would be a bad thing. He was honest, loyal and kind. However, the issue of love continued to come up. She wondered if she truly loved him.By six o’clock, Daisy was tired and cranky. She slipped out the back door for a moment of rest, but all she could think about was her party. The thought of having to go to party she did not want to attend was not on her list of priorities. If she had it her way she’d go home and sink into a warm bath. To make matters worse she was starting to get a headache. “This isn’t my day.†Daisy rubbed her temples in small circular motions. “I’ll be glad when it’s over and I’m in bed. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.â€â€œWhere is that Duke?â€Daisy heard Boss yell from the bar. He sounded mad. No doubt she had done something wrong, again. Taking a deep breath the opened the door and went to see what she had done. Quote
Divia Posted March 25, 2005 Author Posted March 25, 2005 Last chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed my first try. Hopefully, with more practice I'll get better.Chapter 3Daisy wasn’t enjoying her birthday party. The music was loud, which made her headache worse, and the smoke was irritating her eyes. She tired to put on a front that she was happy, but the day’s events prevented her from enjoying the evening. No one seemed to notice. Everyone was too busy enjoying their beer, the gossip, and having a good time retelling stories about running shine to notice Daisy. Deciding she needed time to herself, Daisy once again slipped out the backdoor and stood in the cool night air. She was thankful to get away for a moment and relax. The fresh country air helped clear her mind. It would only be a couple more hours before she could go home. The only thing getting her through the night was counting down until she could slip into her bubble bath.As she stared at the waxing moon in the star filled sky a voice interrupted her thoughts.“Nice night.â€Daisy turned to see her Uncle Jesse leaning against the building. “Yeah.â€â€œBut why do I get the feelin’ you don’t care much. What’s wrong?†Daisy shrugged and began to rub her arms. Uncle Jesse decided to take a different approach. “Well, if you want to tell me I’m here.†He turned towards the door and said, “That’s a mighty pretty ring you got on your finger.†A shocked expression came over her face. “You noticed? Bo and Luke didn’t see it.â€â€œOf course I noticed. And Bo and Luke wouldn’t notice anything unless it had a fast motor and a shinny paintjob.†She smiled. “That’s better. You want to talk about it?â€â€œEnos gave it to me,†she said, quietly. “Uncle Jesse I don’t know what to do.†Mindlessly she twisted the ring. “It’s pretty, but if I keep it am I encouraging him?â€â€œWell,†he sat down on wooden crate. “You’ve been dangling the boy since you were both seven.â€â€œI know. And I know it’s wrong. I was thinking about it today. Uncle Jesse, I don’t know what to do about Enos.â€â€œDo you love him?â€Daisy paused. She was unsure of how to answer. “I don’t know. I thought I loved other men but they always hurt me. I don’t want to get hurt.â€â€œWell,†he stood. “That’s one thing Enos would never do. And you better figure out how you feel. It ain’t fair to the both of you for this to go on. Now then, did you thank him for it?â€â€œI couldn’t he drove off before I opened it.â€Uncle Jesse raised his finger. “Now just because that might be doesn’t mean you shouldn’t thank him. You should have done it hours ago. I didn’t raise you to forget your manners. Now go find him. Get.â€â€œNow?â€â€œYes now! Everyone’s so busy with their own affairs they won’t notice.â€â€œBut should I keep it?â€â€œThat’s up to you. You need to do what you think is right. I ain’t gonna tell you what you should do. I’ll just tell ya this. Enos is one of the few men in Hazzard that the boys and I like, but it’s your life.â€Daisy hugged the elderly man. “Thanks Uncle Jesse.â€**Daisy found Enos in his patrol car on the main street leading into town. No doubt Rosco told him to park there to catch speeders and drunk drivers who were leaving the Boar’s Nest. Quietly, she walked over to the passenger’s side door and peered through the window. Enos was sleeping in his seat with his hat over his eyes. He was mumbling to himself, but Daisy couldn’t make out the words. Smiling, she opened the door and slid into the seat. “Hi Enos!â€â€œCome out!†He yelled, jumping in his seat and upsetting the hat. “We have you surrounded!†When he realized where he was, and that Daisy was laughing he looked a little annoyed. “Shucks Daisy, that’s not very nice.â€â€œI’m sorry, Enos.†She tried to suppress her smile as he pushed his hair back and placed his hat on his head. “Shouldn’t you be at the Boar’s Nest?â€â€œYes,†she agreed. “But I wanted to thank you for the ring. It’s really beautiful. You shouldn’t have gotten it.â€â€œI wanted to find something as pretty as you.â€Daisy felt her eyes become moist. No matter how bad she felt about herself, or how horrible her day was going Enos always made her feel better. There wasn’t anyone else in Hazzard who could lift her spirits the way Enos could. “Thank you, Enos. You know how to make a girl feel special.â€His brown eyes looked into hers. “Daisy, you are special. Any man who can’t see that is blind.â€â€œEnos, you really are something, you know that.†She slid closer to him.His body tensed. “But, Daisy, I’m on duty.â€â€œEnos, everyone in Hazzard is at the Boar’s Nest.†Daisy sat up. “But if you want me to go I understand.â€â€œWait, Daisy…†Before he could finish his sentence, she slid against him and placed her head on his shoulder, and wrapped her arms around him. For one night, Daisy did not want to worry about a man’s intentions. She only wanted to be held. She wanted to forget about her horrible day and relax with someone she knew who would listen and care what she had to say. While she was unsure if she truly loved Enos, she knew there was a special place in her heart for the deputy and that if he ever left for L.A again she would be hurt. “Thanks.â€â€œFor what?†he asked, a little confused.“For the ring. For everything.†Enos smiled. “Shucks, Daisy it’s just a little ol’ ring.â€Daisy sat up. “It means a lot to me, Enos.†She pushed up his hat, and noticed his cheeks were red. Daisy leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. As usual, he did not kiss her back, much to Daisy’s dismay. The kiss was fleeting, but when she snuggled up to him, Enos put his arm around her. Quote
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