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We don't have a regular Chat schedule. ( We ain't that organized, plus we're lazy.) Usually if somebody wants to organize a chat, they just post the date and time, and whoever wants to show up, does.

Not all chats are moderated ( have I mentioned we're lazy?) so it's about as casual as you can get.

Once in awhile, if the HazzardNet staff is startin' to get lonesome, we'll post a chat time ourselves. Normally, our chats fall on a Saturday night. Meanwhile, feel welcome to bring friends into the chatroom anytime.



What can I say, we're a shy bunch. Heh heh.

I usually wander into the chatroom once each night to make sure it's still standing. Most times, it's empty. Other times, I just missed somebody going in or coming out. Your best bet is to post an invite, give a date and time, and leave the door open. If the chat has a theme or specific discussion in mind, post that too.

Sometimes it helps to be a little sensational about it, to draw a crowd. Somethin' like..."Tonight, in the HazzardNet Chatroom!! Brian reveals childhood traumas involving an orange skateboard and an ill-fated dare to jump a shopping cart!! Be there at 8 pm Eastern to laugh in his face!!"


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