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"Why is Vicki speeding up in front of me?" Bo asked to himself as he watched the black mustang speed up in front of him.

As Bo was trying to keep up with Vicki, a red Ford sedan comes up suddenly beside Bo.

Dave pushes into the back bumper of Bo's car slightly but then roughly. BUMP! BUMP!

"Bo! Are you all right?" Vicki asked into the CB mike as she watched in her rear-view mirror as Dave bumps forcefully into Bo's back bumper.

"No, sugar! I'm getting attacked by Jasper's men back here! I need your help!" said Bo fearfully back into the CB mike as Dave moves slightly in front of Bo in the red Ford.

"Oh...no! Bo, I'm on my way!" said Vicki worriedly back into the CB mike.

Vicki turns her black mustang sharply around in the road. She knew then that somehow her plan to capture Jasper had backfired. :)


**AUTHOR NOTE: Happy Holidays y'all! Parts of this post could be rated PG+ for minor violence. As y'all can tell from my writing, I tend to add just a little drama, romance, and action into my stories. Just thought that I should warn y'all! Take Care!** :)


After Dave pulls in front of Bo, he forces him off the road.

Bo hestiantly gets out of the white sportscar. With no idea of the danger that he was walking in, Bo heads towards the red Ford sedan, with his fists up ready for a fight, unaware that Dave & Harry were sneaking up behind him.

As Bo approached the red Ford, Dave had sneaked up behind Bo, wrapping his arm tightly around Bo's neck in a stranglehold. Bo struggled to escape out of Dave's hold, but his air was low, and he was getting weaker.

"Now we're going to get even with you for sending our Boss to jail a couple of years ago!" said Dave in a harsh voice into Bo's ear.

"And I think that this should do the job too," said Harry, holding a needle as he approached Bo. Always hating needles, Bo fought harder to escape out of Dave's hold.

BALLADEER: "Don't worry y'all! This does eventually get better. They always do in Hazzard County, Don't they??"


**At the Duke Farm**

Meanwhile, out at the Duke farm, Luke was pacing around the living room worrying about Bo & Vicki.

*Those two lovebirds should have called in by now,* thought Luke as he glanced up at the clock on the wall. *It has been well over 2 hours since Bo started tailing Vicki at the bank. I hope that my lovesick cousin didn't get his nose into trouble again.*

"Luke, did Bo or Vicki call you yet?" asked Jesse as he walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"No, Uncle Jesse, they didn't. Bo should have called me by now. He knows not to follow the crooks, even if Vicki is involved," Luke said shaking his head.

"Yeah, but that boy is stubborn also," said Jesse. "When Vicki is involved into something, Bo doesn't know to keep his nose out of trouble."

"That's for sure, Uncle Jesse." Luke said, as he was getting the keys to the General off the table then added, "I'm going into Chickasaw to talk to Vicki's supervisor about this whole mess, then I'm going to start looking for Bo & Vicki."

"Okay, Be careful, Luke. Call me if you find those kids," said Jesse.

"Okay, Uncle Jesse. I'm going to pick up Daisy at the Boar's Nest, then we're heading towards Chickasaw. See you later," said Luke as he rushed outside towards the General Lee. :)


*Something tells me that my day won't get any better anytime soon* Vicki thought as she was sitting in her car at Jasper's hideout.

"LittleRed, do you have your ears on?" asked Luke back into the CB mike.

Vicki opened her eyes wide after hearing Luke's worried voice.

"Hi, Lost Sheep. This is LittleRed. What's your 20 right now?" asked Vicki back into the Cb mike.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing, sugar." Luke said. "Where are you at right now?"

"Inside Hazzard Swamp near the Chickasaw County Line. I was just waiting for Jasper to show up at his cabin," said Vicki back into her Cb mike.

"Vicki, is Bo with you?" asked Daisy as she took the Cb mike away from Luke.

"I wish he was, Daisy. I lost contact with Bo nearly 2 hours ago. I think that maybe Jasper & his men got him," said Vicki.

"Oh, no. Vicki, do you think that he's okay?" Daisy asked.

"I hope so, Daisy. I hope so," said Vicki as she glanced outside her car as she watched Jasper walk down the steps of the cabin then added, "I'll call y'all back in a minute. Jasper just walked outside. Bye."

"10-4, we're gone," said Daisy as she hung up the CB mike.

"I sure hope that Vicki knows what she's doing," Luke said as he turned onto Hazzard Swamp road.

"Me too, Luke. I hope that Vicki can keep herself out of trouble and save Bo too," said Daisy as she looked outside at the wildflowers...


BALLADEER: **Hmmm...what a strange site. The crook & the redhead talking to each other. I wonder what's going to happen?? I bet that the crook will have something valuable Hidden away for the redhead! Y'all better not go to the refrigerator yet!** :wink:


"Jasper! I didn't know that you were here," said Vicki, a bit startled as the crook approached the redhead.

"Yeah, I was taking a nap until Dave called me on the CB about an hour ago. He said that we were going to have a 'guest' for supper tonight," said Jasper laughing meanly.

*Guest??* thought Vicki as her face grew quite pale. *I wonder who he's talking about? I have a strong feeling that I already know who our guest is...*

"Red, are you all right? You made a face when I told you that Dave was bringing me a 'guest'?" Jasper asked, placing a hand on the redhead's shoulder.

Not saying anything, Vicki abruptly walked away from Jasper.


--->Just then Lucy walked outside the cabin.

"Jasper! What's wrong with Vicki?" Lucy asked as she watched the redhead walk back towards the black mustang.

"I don't know, Lucy. All I said to her that we are going to have a 'guest' for supper and she took off! Maybe she's just tired," said Jasper, looking at Vicki.

"Maybe, sugar," said Lucy, taking Jasper by the hand then added, "Let's leave her alone for a few minutes. Maybe that'll cool her off some."

Jasper smiled at his girlfriend. "Yeah, you're right, honey. Let's go out to the shed and get some supplies that we're going to be using later."

"Okay, let's go," said Lucy as she followed Jasper towards the shed.

Watching Lucy & Jasper walk towards the shed, Vicki walks back to the mustang, hoping that she can call someone to help her outfox Jasper.


AUTHOR NOTE: *Happy Holiday's y'all. For the next few posts, they will be through Bo's point of view. Just a few of this thoughts as he was being taken to Jasper's hideout.* :wink:


As Vicki was calling her supervisor on the CB, near the Chickasaw/Hazzard County Line on the northern edge of Hazzard Swamp, Bo stirred briefly as he came to consciousness.

He was lying still in the backseat of the red sedan as the throbbing of his limbs told him that something was wrong. Every bone in his body ached, and his arms & legs felt somewhat numb & tingling.

With a start, Bo remembered what had happened the night before with Vicki, and began to curse himself that he couldn't talk the redhead out of her mission to capture Jasper Johnson.

When he made a mess of things, he did it royally. He was a bloody fool. No doubt about it. It was all his fault that he got captured by tailing Vicki, all of it.

Worse, he knew that Vicki would be suffering soon for his mistake, blaming herself for his capture. She had amazing ability to take on guilt, even if it didn't belong to her.

Bo looked around slightly as he was in a cramped position of the floorboards of the red sedan. He knew that he had to escape, as much as for her as for himself.

  • 2 weeks later...

While Bo was trying to figure out where he was being taken just before the chloroform fumes overtook him, at Jasper's cabin, Vicki was on her portable 2-way radio talking to her supervisor.

"Vicki, are you sure of what you're telling me is correct?" asked Agent Jim Barnes, Atlanta FBI department. He was parked near the Chickasaw/Hazzard County Line near the northern edge of Hazzard Swamp.

"Jim, I'm positive! Bo was tailing me several miles back until he got into a fight with Jasper's men. I just know that there is something wrong. I know that Jasper's men have caught Bo!" said Vicki slightly agitated with worry in her voice.

"Jim, let me talk to that deputy of mine," said Sheriff Little, taking the 2-way radio away from Jim.

"Sure, Sheriff," said Jim as he handed the radio to him.

"Vicki, what are you so worried about? I know that you're capable of catching these crooks." asked Sheriff Little.

"I'm worried about what is going to happen if I don't catch Jasper and his men. No telling what they're going to do," said Vicki uneasily back into her 2-way radio.


"Vicki, wasn't Bo following you?" asked Luke into Jim's 2-way radio.

"Yeah, Luke. Bo was following me until Jasper's henchmen forced him off the road," said Vicki fretfully.

"Then what happened? Did Bo escape from them?" asked Daisy into the 2-way radio.

"I really don't know, Daisy. Bo never did call me back after he was forced off the road. I think that is when Jasper's men captured Bo!" said Vicki fearfully.

Agent Barnes took the 2-way radio way from Luke & Daisy.

"Vicki, where did Bo last contact you?" Jim asked back into the 2-way radio.

"Just a couple miles behind me near the intersection of Clear Creek Road and Hazzard Swamp Road," Vicki said back into her 2-way radio.

"Vicki, just don't do anything risky. We'll be there in a few minutes to help you get Jasper's men," said Agent Barnes, then giving the radio to Luke.

"And to rescue Bo too," said Luke.

"Okay," said the redhead sighing loudly then added, "I'll be careful and you too."


*AUTHOR NOTE: Happy Holiday's Y'all! This will be the last post on this storyline for a few days. As for me starting a new winter story in the next few days. I'll get back to this storyline soon! Take Care!*


Vicki cautiously looked around outside her car after putting her 2-way radio back into the glove compartment of her car.

There was nothing but oak and maple trees all around her.

*Something just doesn't seem right around here...* thought the redhead as she got out of her car.

Vicki looked around at the surroundings in front of her. She glanced up towards Jasper's cabin. Everything seemed to be all in one piece, she decided as she watched Jasper & his girlfriend Lucy bring up supplies from the supply shed.

As Vicki studied the grounds, she was trying to decide where it would be the best place to hide or to stay hidden out of sight until Jasper's henchmen arrived.

*Where was Bo?* Vicki wondered as she walked up onto the front porch of Jasper's cabin.

Her mouth was dry when she swallowed thinking about what have happened to Bo. Thinking about it, Vicki decided that she will just go along with Jasper's plan, whatever it was, until she could figure out a way to stop Jasper and his men.

Vicki fought back the anxiety and fear that was building inside of her as she walked inside the cabin...

  • 2 weeks later...

AUTHOR NOTE: *Merry Christmas Y'all. In this short post, the cell phone of the 80's was more likely an mobile phone in an car. Just a little info for y'all. Keep Smiling & Happy Holidays.* :)


As Vicki walked inside the hideout to talk to Jasper & his girlfriend Lucy, Dave had pulled up in front of the hideout.

"So what did Jasper say about what we caught for him?" Dave asked, pulling to a stop behind Vicki's black mustang.

Harry turned off his mobile phone, then putting it back in the glove compartment. "He said that we did just fine. He seemed rather pleased about it."

Dave glanced at his wristwatch. "Ready to make that delivery to Jasper? It's time."

Harry grinned meanly as he glanced in the backseat at an nearly unconscious Bo, who was stirring slightly. "Yeah, let's get this overwith. Maybe Jasper will pay us early for what we did for him."

Dave laughed. "Maybe so. I wonder why he was tailing Vicki like that?"

"I don't know. Let's get him out and deliver him to Jasper," said Harry as he opened the back door to the red sedan...


As Vicki was inside the bedroom resting, (actually she was watching out the window for Jasper's henchmen to show up with Bo), Jasper & Lucy were talking in the living room.

"I can't believe how much that redhead has changed, Lucy. When she gave me that money that she stole earlier, it was like she wanted to do it, like she was a born criminal like us," Jasper said in shock to Lucy.

Lucy took a drink of her coffee, nodding her head in agreement with Jasper.

"Yeah, it's hard to imagine that Vicki was once a cop at one time in Hazzard County."

"Now she's a cop turned crook. It's no wonder that she knows the inside of a bank so well. Especially that bank in Hazzard. All she did was get on the town's good side long enough to steal that money for us," said Jasper laughing meanly.

"I wonder how Vicki is going to react to WHO Dave & Harry snatched?" questioned Lucy.

"Vicki will see soon enough when they get here. They were less than 5 minutes away when they called earlier," Jasper said, taking a drink of his coffee as he glanced out the window.

  • 2 weeks later...

*AUTHOR NOTE: Happy New Year Y'all. Parts of this post is through Vicki's point of view. Take Care!* :D


*Now what do I do?* Vicki thought sighing loudly as she continue to look outside for the red sedan. *After hearing Jasper's conversation do I continue to go along as planned, or do I try to shuck-n-jive them a little?*

Her supervisor's thought kept echoing her mind. "Vicki, don't blame yourself. Bo should have known better than to tail you like that. Don't worry about it. We have the edge. With you there, they won't kill him unless he tells them what he knows."

Vicki kept thinking of what her supervisor told her earlier when she was talking to him through the 2-way radio, with the thought echoing her mind. She knew what it implied, and the thought of it burned deep inside her.

Jasper and his henchmen might try to make Bo talk, Vicki knew for sure. The methods that they might use, she didn't want to think of...She couldn't allow herself to think of it. She only hoped that Bo wasn't stubborn enough to try being brave. It wouldn't do him any good in the long run if he would accidently blow Vicki's cover.

Vicki glanced at her watch then outside. She knew that Jasper's henchmen would be here soon with Bo. Her internal clock ticked relentlessly as she struggled to maintain the rigorous discipline of her years on the job either as a deputy or as an occasional federal agent.

"Be cool, calm, and professional or he'll die. Use your brain, and not your emotions," Vicki repeated to herself over and over again as she continue to look out the bedroom window of the cabin. But the knowledge that it was Bo in danger, her Bo, not some impersonal subject, made the discipline a form of torture that she never want to repeat.

When Vicki closed her eyes, all she could see was Bo gazing at her. "I will not let them hurt you," Vicki promised the image in her mind.

Blinking back a stray tear, Vicki takes a look outside the window and sees a red sedan pull up in the driveway...


Not really wanting to take a look outside, Vicki opens the curtain a little, watching as Dave & Harry got out of the red sedan. *Where was Bo?* she thought as she watched Jasper's henchmen opening the back door of the red sedan.

"It's time to make that delivery to Jasper," said Dave laughing as he got out of the red sedan. "Yeah. The sooner, the better. Let's go deliver this kid to him. Jasper will know what to do with a snooper," said Harry as he reached inside and grabbed Bo's arm.

Dave held a small pistol in his hand, aiming at Bo as Harry untied Bo's feet. Bo stared at Dave as he was being forced out of the red sedan by Harry. "Make no sudden moves, plowboy, and I'll make sure that it will be your last move," Dave said as he pushed Bo in front of him.

"Okay, okay," Bo said as he held his bound hands up in front of him as he glances up at the cabin, making direct eye contact with a semi-hidden Vicki as he walked up the steps in front of him.

Vicki's heart starts to beat rapidly after seeing Bo like that.

*Try not to panic, try not to panic...* Vicki kept telling herself over and over again as she heard a commotion in the front of the cabin...

  • 2 weeks later...


*Now what do I do?* Vicki thought as she paced around the small bedroom. *Do I go along as we planned it with Bo's life in jeopardy?*

Vicki sighs loudly as she closes her eyes for a minute. *I guess that I can go along as planned. I will just act like that I don't recognize Bo at all, and hope for the best that Jasper doesn't put 2 and 2 together.*

*What I need to do is get a plan of somesort together. What I need is to get Bo out of Jasper's clutches before something bad happens. I can't let that happen...* Vicki thought as she opened the small bedroom door a little, trying to overhear the commotion in the front of the cabin.

*Maybe if I can talk to Lucy, maybe I'll tell her that I don't want anything to happen to Bo, and maybe that I can take Bo off Jasper's hands for a while. Maybe that will work if Bo doesn't blow my cover...* Vicki thought as she walked out of the bedroom, and headed towards where Jasper was on the front porch with Dave, Harry, and Bo.


Deciding not to go confront Jasper about Bo, Vicki decided to stay back in the tiny bedroom. She didn't think that she could have talked to Bo right now. She didn't want to risk anything by making the situation worse on them.

Vicki sat back down on the bed as a stray tear fell down her face. She was thinking about last night when Bo declared his love to her. Vicki smiled just thinking about it.

It was only for a short while, though. Vicki frowned when she started thinking about what she saw when Bo was being herded out of the back of the red sedan by Jasper's men. She didn't like what she saw.

It terrified her, actually. *Face your fears, Vicki...* she thought, closing her eyes. *Or you and Bo will become a victim of them...*

Her fears were of having recurrent nightmares about Jasper winning. Even though Jasper thought that Vicki was on his side, Vicki was still fearful of him.

*Okay, fine. But I'm not about to let that happen. Jasper is not going to win this time...* Vicki thought as she crossed across the floor and looked out the window, eyeing the red sedan parked behind her black mustang.

She feared of losing Bo, relinquishing the dream of their happiness together.

Still, it terrified Vicki to think of the predictament that she and Bo was in. Her insides felt fragile and tender. In her wildest dreams all she wanted was to curl up around Bo and fall asleep in his arms.

She didn't want all of this to happen in the first place.

"Why had Bo followed me here?" Vicki said quivering as a stray tear fell down her face as she sat back down on the bed hoping that she can figure out a plan of rescue before Jasper decides to move to another hiding place...


About 15 minutes, Lucy, Jasper's girlfriend, knocked on the bedroom door. "Vicki, are you awake?" she asked as she opened the bedroom door.

"I am now, Lucy. Is there something wrong?" Vicki asked, blinking back a tear as she sat up on the bed.

"Not really except that Jasper wanted to talk to you in the front room. He said that he had something of interest to you," said Lucy as she smiled at the redhead.

Vicki's heart thumped with fear. She knew what Jasper had for her. She didn't know if she was really ready to face it and her fears of Jasper. "Lucy, I'm not up for whatever Jasper has for me."

"Vicki, I think that you should see this before Jasper decides to hide it somewhere in case the cops come," said Lucy, nudging Vicki on the arm.

Vicki glanced out into the front room. There, she saw what Lucy was talking about. Jasper had a gun aiming directly at Bo's neck.

Vicki gasped outloud, rushing out the bedroom door. "Oh...my...gosh!"

  • 3 weeks later...

**AUTHOR NOTE: I'm back to writing y'all, but only for a limited time. Parts of this post and next one could be rated PG+ for mild violence.** :wink:


"Jasper! No! Don't do it!" Vicki yelled as she walked into the front of the cabin.

Bo turned his head slightly, watching as Vicki rushed into the room.

"Maybe I should waste you right here!" Jasper growled as he jabbed his revolver into Bo's neck.

"No! Jasper! He isn't worth hurting! It'll just make it worse on us!" said Vicki as she got in between Jasper and Bo.

Jasper ignored her as he cocked back the trigger of his revolver.

*Don't do anything rash, Sweet Angel...* Bo thought as he looked directly into Vicki's eyes, with Jasper's gun still pressing hard into his neck...


Vicki looked at Bo, then at Jasper. She was trying to decide which approach she should take in the dangerous situation that she and Bo are in. If she made one wrong move, it may cost her something dearly to her. Bo's life...

She wasn't sure which way she should go...

"What should I do?" Vicki questioned, mouthing the words to Bo.

"Try to get Jasper to take his gun away from me would help..." Bo mouthed the words to the redhead.

Vicki nodded slightly to Bo.

"How about if I take that gun away before it accidently goes off?" Vicki asked in a sweet voice to Jasper.

Ignoring Vicki, Jasper shoved Bo into a straight back chair at the table.

"I should have taken care of you a couple of years ago while I had the chance!" Jasper growled at Bo, nodding to Dave & Harry to tie Bo to the chair.

"Yeah, right!" said Bo angrily then added, "The only reason why you didn't was because my girlfriend and I captured you before you had the chance to finish my cousin and I off!"

Jasper laughed meanly then smiled at Vicki slightly. "That pretty little redhead? She's as crooked as us now! Aren't ya, Vicki?"

Vicki giggled wildly. "I'm as crooked as they come, Jasper." Walking over to Bo, who was now tied securely, Vicki lightly brushed her lips against Bo's lips for a split second. Surprised, but knowing what Vicki was doing without blowing her cover, Bo pulled back from Vicki's light peck on his lips.

"Sweetie...do you have any ideas on what I should do with you?" Vicki asked wildly to Bo. Bo just stared back at the redhead... :wink:


Bo pulled on the ropes as he tried to get away from the wild redhead.

"I don't want you to do anything. Don't let her come near me!" Bo shouted, trying to get away from Vicki.

"Quit moving," said Jasper harshly as he slaps Bo across the face. Bo immediately felt blood across his split lip.

Glancing at Jasper, who was smiling meanly, Vicki laughed hysterically.

"Sugar, I could take you somewhere away from here. Away from my boss's punches," Vicki said as she lightly places her hand along Bo's bruised cheek. Bo looked away from Vicki, pretending to be hurt.

"Vicki, that would probably be a mistake," Lucy said as she walked into the room. "If you were the only one watching him, he'll probably escape and go staight to the cops."

Vicki walked away from Bo, towards the front door of the cabin. "That's the risk that I was willing to take."

"Vicki, it's too risky. I'll just take care of him right now," said Jasper as he picks up his revolver off the table.

Turning back towards Jasper, Vicki added as she eyed Bo down, "I just wanted to get him out of your hair for a while. If he's with me, then no cop will be able to track us down, unless they have something that we want."

"Hmmm...that may be an idea. Maybe it could work if we had somewhere to stash him," said Jasper as he smiled at the redhead.

  • 2 weeks later...

Looking at Jasper, then at Vicki, Bo had no idea what was going on right now or at the situation that he was in.

Still, he continued to pull on the ropes. He was hoping that he could free himself before Jasper decided on what to do with him.

But the knots in the ropes held firm. There wasn't any way to budge them. Not without a knife.

Moving his tied wrists behind him, Bo started reaching behind him to get at his pocketknife.

Bo looked at Vicki. He was wondering if she had a new plan. He knew that something was up when Vicki was trying to trick Jasper into letting him think that she was really a crazy crook. Bo was hoping that Vicki could really trick Jasper into letting him go.


Knowing how nervous and scared Bo was, Vicki walked over to his chair and gently put her arms around him. She was lightly rubbing Bo's shoulders and neck, trying to relax him.

"You shouldn't be doing this, sugar," said Bo in a low tone, trying to look away from the redhead as Vicki was rubbing his shoulders.

Watching across the room as Jasper and Lucy were walking out onto the porch talking, and not paying any attention to them, Vicki lightly brushes her lips across Bo's for a minute. "No, I shouldn't be doing this, sweetheart," Vicki said as she sighed loudly then added as she started to loosen the ropes on Bo's wrists. "But I'm going to make extra sure that you're going to be okay."

"Whatever it takes to get us out of this mess, Sweet Angel, I'm all for it," Bo said in a low tone as he watched Vicki freeing him from the chair...


Meanwhile about 30 minutes away, a red Suburban crosses into Chickasaw County...

As Jim was driving, Luke and Daisy was scouring the countryside hoping to find Bo and Vicki.

"Is something on your mind, Luke?" Jim asked as he turned onto Mountain Creek Road.

"Yeah, there is," said Luke as he looked outside the window.

"It's Bo," Daisy replied worriedly. "He's been kidnapped by that killer, and Vicki is now missing as well. I sure hope that nothing happens to them."

"Daisy, I wouldn't worry if I were you. Vicki is a trained police officer." Jim said as he turned the truck onto Pine Hill Road.

"Yeah, Daisy. Vicki will get Bo out of there," said Luke, putting his hand on Daisy's shoulder. He was trying to calm his cousin down.

"Unless...Jasper has them both," said Daisy worriedly as she continued to look out the window.

  • 4 weeks later...


Knowing that Jasper and his gang were outside talking about what they're going to do next, Vicki was busy trying to slice through the ropes bounding Bo to the chair.

"Sugar, I knew that you had to be shuck-n-jiving them," Bo said breathing a sigh of relief. Bo had tried to get out of the ropes, but his struggles had only tightened them more.

Vicki giggled as she used Bo's dull pocketknife to slice through the ropes.

"Bo! Sugar, sit still! I can't get at that rope if you keep moving! If you keep moving, I'm liable to cut you somewhere!"

Bo stopped moving in his chair. "Just hurry, sweet angel! They'll be in here any minute!"


Bo just stared at the redhead as he watched Vicki free him from the chair.

He couldn't believe that Vicki shuck-n-jived Jasper like that. He couldn't believe that Vicki had talked Jasper out of hurting him.

"You okay, Bo?" Vicki asked as she untangle the ropes off Bo's arms.

"Yeah, you're quite a sweet lady from being a crook one minute to being my resurer the next minute," said Bo as he smiled gratefully at the redhead. "I don't know what I would do without you in my life sometimes."

"Bo, you've always told me in the past that I was your guardian angel."

"That is true, sugar. That is true," Bo said as he smiled at Vicki.

Vicki just smiled back at Bo as she continued to tug at the ropes around his wrists. At last, the rope finally loosened enough. Vicki gingerly pulled the rope off Bo's wrists.

"There! Sugar, you're free!" said Vicki as she giggled happily.

The exclamation was a surprise from Vicki, as Bo felt the thin ropes loosen, then sag over his wrists. Awkardly, Bo leaned against Vicki for a minute, then painfully straightened his stiff shoulder joints to rotate his arms back to a more natural position.

"Thanks, sugar." Bo said, rubbing his wrists to restore circulation.

"You're welcome, sweetheart. I'll feel better after we get out of here!" said Vicki worriedly as she gingerly rubbed Bo's right wrist.

"Same here, Sugar. We need to get out of here now! Let's go!" said Bo excitedly grabbing Vicki's hand as they headed towards the front door of the cabin.


Within a few seconds, they were safely outside the cabin.

Grabbing Bo's hand, Vicki took off at a dead run towards the shelter of the trees, and then towards her black mustang.

Bo stumbled a bit due to lack of circulation in his legs, but Vicki pulled him along until they reached the relative safety of Vicki's mustang.

"Bo, do you think that they know by now that we escaped?" Vicki asked as she gazed over her shoulder while retrieving the key from her pocket.

"Probably by now, sugar," Bo said as he looked behind him.



Back at the cabin, Jasper and his gang returned. Fuming, Jasper looked around and found that Bo and Vicki were no where to be seen.

"Lucy, come here! There's something wrong!" Jasper barked loudly.

"What is it, sweetie?" Lucy asked as she walked to Jasper's side.

"I knew that I couldn't trust that redhead," said Jasper angrily as he walked over to the chair where Bo sat earlier then added after looking at the cut ropes, "She let our captive escape. Let's go after them!"

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