MaryAnne Posted October 12, 2003 Posted October 12, 2003 Details on this section coming soon.... Quote
MaryAnne Posted October 26, 2003 Author Posted October 26, 2003 Okay folks, here's what this is all about! I'm lookin' to challenge yer brains and spark some creativity. I'm currently putting together a lil' web page that will go into some more details, but I've been trying to come up with some fanfic challenges. So far I have a few categories with a few challenges all ready to go. Here's a breakdown of the categories I have so far....Photo Challenge (write a story/scene based on a photo or image)Spark Word Challenge (write a story based on a spark word)Time Period Challenge (write a story/scene that takes place in Hazzard during a certain time period in history)Specific Elements Challenge (write a story that mentions specific items)One Set Challenges (write a story that takes place in one set, ie the Boar's Nest only, the Bank only, ect...)I'm gonna have three challenges up at once and you guys can pick n' choose which one's ya wanna do (or ya can do all three! LOL). I know with so many of us out there, that there's potential for a lot of neat and creative ideas. So get your thinkin' caps on folks! November 1st is the big date.... =)Lisa Quote
MaryAnne Posted November 4, 2003 Author Posted November 4, 2003 Well I missed November 1st because I was sick all weekend. So, y'all stay tuned I'm gonna try to get the thing unveiled this week. =)Also forgot to mention above that there's a Story Starter category too. Ya konw, where I give ya a line like "It was a dark and stormy night" and you go off from there and write the great American novel. LOL. So, y'all stick around ya hear? =) Quote
MaryAnne Posted November 6, 2003 Author Posted November 6, 2003 Okay! Here it is!! also left a message on the front page of saying for folks to please, please give me feedback and suggestions and whatever else about this concept. Please keep in mind I'll be refinin' this as we go along so your input is important! =)Lisa Quote
MaryAnne Posted November 7, 2003 Author Posted November 7, 2003 Hi folks!I was just recently made aware that nobody could reply to this topic. (Hey all I did was create the topic, I didn't know the thing defaulted to not letting anyone post to it! EEEK! LOL) Anyway, I've fixed it now so y'all can post replies or questions or whatever. Lisa Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted November 8, 2003 Posted November 8, 2003 Sonofagun! Yeah, allowin' folks to post to the topic will do wonders for collectin' feedback. Seriously tho', I'm diggin' the ideas. Might have a go at it myself. The time-period ones interest me the most, as the possibilities are wide open there. I'll see what I can come up with. Quote
MaryAnne Posted November 8, 2003 Author Posted November 8, 2003 Good! And yeah, openin' up the topic so folks can post will probably encourage more feedback. LOL Quote
DaneyDuke Posted November 8, 2003 Posted November 8, 2003 Can two challenges be combined together, like spark word and picture for one story? It's great to see this section up. Yay, Deputy! 8) Quote
MaryAnne Posted November 9, 2003 Author Posted November 9, 2003 Thank ya! I hope folks dig it. Yeah, two challenges can be combined together. That's a neat idea. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted November 9, 2003 Posted November 9, 2003 Awright, havin' had time to ponder the matter....I hereby declare myself as a registered par-ticipant for the Photo Story. ( We'll soon find out if a picture does paint 1,000 words. KHEE!)I'm also considerin' entry for the Spark Word challenge, tho' I'm havin' a hard time coming up with inspiration for the word "Reprobate." (yeah, riiiiiight....heh heh.)Movin' forward, I have a ree-quest for the Time Period category. I realize it's not in this round of challenges ( just as well, 'cause I'm already over-committed) but I'd like to offer a suggestion. Some folks are more experienced in this than others; and everyone's grasp of historical reference is stronger or weaker dependin' on the period. So to give everyone a sportin' chance to participate, I'd like to see the first time-period challenge as an "open" field, allowin' folks to choose whatever time period appeals to them. And since I'm fairly fluent in the western category, I'd challenge myself by going into the Medieval period. (chaos for all. Khee!) Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 Oh God Brian, just don't change History too much!! I and a friend of mine, who we all know and love are working on that one with the beginning already typed out, ferget what it's called.But I'm seriously worried what Brian will do to us all if he goes back to Midevil times!I myself am very fluent in Revolutionary war, and Working a little on studying Civil war too. Hey, my author is a fifer afterall who holds her own around reinactors and such. 8) But Brian, DO NOT ALTER HISTORY! If you had it your way, this world would be a criminals heaven. Don't change teh course of History to meet your own fancy. MaryAnne, keep an eye on him! LoL Quote
MacGyver Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 Yo Hilery--Take a chill pill girl... If Brian wants to change history than i say GO FOR IT! In fact the idea of altering certain events is VERY intriguing...makes me wonder about A LOT of important historical events! Thanks for the suggestion Brian its a GREAT one and I can't wait to see you in a suit of armor...LOLJax Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 Me, alter history? Y'all give me far too much credit. An' I hardly think the medieval period constitutes an opportune time to be a bad guy. Hello, you'd have to be nuts, you'd have to be bona-fide insane, you'd have to be stark ravin' bonkers to even THINK about bein' on the wrong side of the law in those days. Think about it, Ye Olde Hazzard County Jail in circa 1479 was probably equipped with all kinds of discouraging items, designed to extract fast confessions. Dig? Nope, you ain't gonna see me tanglin' with the law in this one. Fergit it. Tho' I do think Ye Olde Towne Sheriff and Ye Olde Towne Deputy may bear some resemblance to a modern-day Rosco n' MaryAnne, if one can overlook the crossbows. Hmm...and the idea of me, wearing a few peices of armor, leather pants, high-topped boots...astride a black horse, sword at my side? Nah....nevah gave it the slightest thought. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted November 11, 2003 Posted November 11, 2003 Brian, you never cease to surprise me. I would have figured your time period of choice would have been the 1920s or 30s. Speakeasies, Prohibition, flappers, running around with the likes of Al Capone and Bugs Moran, avoiding being the target of the Untouchables and Elliot Ness.Personally, I can very much picture you in a black three piece pinstrip suit, black fedora hat, wingtip shoes...reading to risk it all on the roll of a dice. Sorry, just had a Guys and Dolls moment there. I guess my love for theater is showing through tonight. In fact, if i ever had the time and energy I wouldnt mind doing a period piece myself. Not too many female doctors back then though....Doc Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted November 12, 2003 Posted November 12, 2003 Doc, nevah let reality be a barrier. Khee! Maybe there weren't many female doctors back then, but so what? If you went back in time, there'd be at least one!For example, there weren't many female deputies back in the old west, but that doesn't stop me from puttin' MaryAnne into it. (With her permission, o' course.) But that's part of the fun. Now about this 20's n' 30's era. Yeah, I know quite a bit about it. I'm well-versed in criminal history, as ya might guess. An' tho' I've nevah felt as natural in a pinstripe suit as I do my everyday garb...I'm sure I could pull it off. Problem is, I could come back from that period with all kinds of ideas, n' maybe it's wiser to leave bad enough alone. Khee! Quote
DaneyDuke Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 I have another question considerin' for time period, I was thinkin' of going back to the days of Gods, Godesses and Titans.Do the guildelines apply to challenges as well? Thank ya. 8) Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 Not to interject, 'cause it's the Deputy's decision - but that would be more of a Greek Mythology thing, than a time period. Of course, Ancient Greece itself would be a time period. An' just thinkin' aloud here, the mythos of Mt. Olympus and the immortal dwellers within was a core part of ancient Greek culture. So it could be considered either fantasy, or time-period, dependin' on interpretation n' application. Either way, it spells toga party. Heh heh!Deputy, it's your call. Quote
MaryAnne Posted November 13, 2003 Author Posted November 13, 2003 First lemme address the guidelines question....Pretty much the answer is yes. LOL. What I should do is add various things to the "General Rules" section on the challenge page (like the bit about submitting stories that have no punctuation, capitalization, quotation marks or are one great big run on paragraph. Man, I hate those! And yes people still send them to me like that!! ARGH!!) Ok, I'm over it. LOL. Anyway, yeah I sould refine those rules a bit just so that's it clear that it's pretty much the same guidelines as On yer other question....what I was thinkin' originally with the time period stuff was strictly within known human history. However, that doesn't mean we can't do like a Fantasy/Mythology/Sci-Fi kinda category too. Oh brother. I can just see this now....Daisy Duke's been kidnapped by the Cardassians and it's up to the rest of the Dukes and the crew of the Enterprise to save her. Gaaaahh....ROFL. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Star Trek but...I can't see puttin' those two shows together. LOL. However, I *can* see Sci-Fi'ing the DOH characters a bit if y'all dig what I'm sayin'. So anyway! There ya have it. I'm appreciating the feedback folks, let's keep talkin'. =)Lisa Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 Hi, Hello, & Howdy Everyone!I have a question about the fanfic challenges: Can you do a story that was based on an episode??I've thought about doing one about the episode where Hughie Hogg illegally arrests Jesse Duke for car stripping cars.It was just a thought that I had anyway...Take Care!Vicki Quote
MaryAnne Posted November 14, 2003 Author Posted November 14, 2003 Ooo....that's an idea for a potential category too, stories based on episodes or some part of an episode. I've often said there's a couple of episodes I would re-write if given the opportunity. Think I'll add that to the category list... Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted November 17, 2003 Posted November 17, 2003 Thanks, MA!I hope that it works out. I thought about adding Hughie Hogg more into that storyline that involved him arresting Jesse Duke, but in my revision of that episode, Jesse Doesn't get arrested! LOL!Take Care & Have A Great Day!Vicki Quote
MaryAnne Posted November 20, 2003 Author Posted November 20, 2003 Just an' FYI y'all...I've updated the General Rules on the Challenge page. 8) Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted December 11, 2003 Posted December 11, 2003 What about doing crossovers in the fanfic challenge? I know that a few people have all ready done it! I've thought about moving my character Vicki to California where she'll start working as a student nurse at Community General Hospital (Diagnosis Murder). LOL! It was just a curious thought that I had... LOL!Take Care Y'all and Have a Great Night!Vicki Quote
pendragon1980 Posted December 12, 2003 Posted December 12, 2003 This has nothintg to do with the challedges but I can't resist the oppurtunity. Vicki, If you like medical dramas, and need a cowriter, let me know. I'm always looking for something to write with, since I'm a lousy solo writer. I'm trying some ER style stories. Email me if you like. It's nice to find someone else interested in medcine. Doc Quote
MaryAnne Posted December 12, 2003 Author Posted December 12, 2003 Well, there may be a challenge fic that involves a crossover at some point....but unless otherwise stated I'd like to keep the various challenges strictly within the DOH world and not have crossovers. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't go ahead and do your crossover! LOL. Lisa Quote
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