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Hey y'all.

I was cycling home from my friends house earlier after staying the night. The route I take is about 5 miles, and I travel on a main road, a few country roads with grass in the middle and a rutted track. It was raining hard, and I was probably going a little too quick for the conditions. Anyway I was going down one of the country roads when I clipped a pothole with my rear wheel. This caused the back end to slip and spin, and I ended up with the General Lee's front wheel and forks resting in a muddy ditch. Initially I had trouble breathing, but I just assumed that I was winded. However when the winded sensation didn't go away I started to get worried. I called my parents and they brought me straight to the hospital. By the time I got to the hospital I had gotten my breath back, but my mom still insisted on getting me checked by a doctor.

After sitting around for a bit I was examined, and was found to have bruised ribs. The only logical explanation is that I must have smacked my chest into the handlebars as I went into the ditch.

I still have a slight pain when I take a deep breath, so I have to take pain killers and can't do any physical exercise for a few days :(

Luckily my dad went out and brought the General Lee home, so I'm going to spent the next few days watching Dukes episodes and tinkering with the General.


I regret what happened, FRIEND. Everyday life is danger everywhere, I'm glad you're okay now. They are rugged vacation seems ha ha ha.

When you come home you have to fix your GENERAL LEE.

Speedy recovery for you!.

Hug from Argentina.: Wink:


Thanks for the messages guys :)

It's driving me crazy being housebound. I checked the General Lee earlier when I first woke up, and luckily he only suffered a burst front tire. Unfortunately that only took me 20 minutes to repair, so I quickly became bored again. I'm planning on walking down to the local shop later to buy a sketch pad to help me pass the time. The only flaw in the slaw is that the shop is down at the bottom of a steep hill, so I could struggle to walk back up the hill.

I forgot to include pictures of yesterday. I only got two taken before my parents showed up.

The pictures may not look bad, but I was going fairly fast when I stopped.



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