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Dixie Davenport --- (Maybe Duke one of these days!)

CB Handle --- "Lady Shotgun!"

She is Cooter's LITTLE sister making Luke Duke just over 4 years older than her.

She is your true "Good hearted woman, Locing a goodtiming man!"

Cooter's Mother and Father split up when she was at a very young age; but she returns to Hazzard to spend the summer and maybe more with her father at the age of 15. Well, let's say 15 going on 25 (with a little help from Daisy). Things go from bad to worse and she leaves Hazzard County swearing NEVER to return.

After years of going through life, having men not measure up she is talked into returning to Hazzard to see if she can rekindal the flames she and Luke once shared! AND FOKES THESE FLAMES END UP BEING MORE THA EVEN A SMOKE JUMPER CAN HANDLE!!!!

SHe is talented too! She used to sing (sometimes with Luke) and run sound for Jeb, Coy and Vances Band "The Rebels". This is how she used to get into the Boars Nest and snitch Cooter and Luke's beers when she was only 15!!!!!!

Her current job will be reveiled in the plot!

Her current ride is yet to be determined --- but she can handle a wrecker as good as Cooter!!!!!

Being as Luke Duke hates skinny women --- she is a little above average weight & height. She is physically and mentally strong -- though she does reveal a sensitive side to her closest friends. She has med. Brown hair and is an above average height of 5'6". Her best quality is she -- like Cooter--- has always been a Duke at heart!

If you are interested in using Dixie, please contact me.


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