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Hi everyone, this is my first Dukes of Hazzard fanfic. There's so little Enos fanfic out there and this story just called to me.

"Beneath a Hazzard Moon" is probably one of the more serious and darker of the Hazzard stories you'll find. I like to take comedies and explore the more serious side of the characters – giving them challenges where they must either sink or swim.

I've just started writing fanfic recently, and it seems I'm incapable of writing a story that's shorter than a 300 page novel, but if I keep getting feedback, it will definitely be finished. Hope you enjoy it!

Here's the link --> "Beneath a Hazzard Moon"


Forgot the synopsis:

Set 4 years after the series. When a serial killer begins targeting the women of rural Georgia, LAPD Detective Enos Strate must make a choice - stay in Los Angeles or face the painful past that drove him away from his beloved Hazzard County.


I changed the make of the car in chapter 3, I forgot about the Javelin and it was just what I was picturing. I so wanted to give Enos a car that at least had the potential of being cool (even though his needs a lot of TLC).

Thanks for the review, i1976 :)


Your fic is very interesting, and you're really talented.

Very interesting this darkness inside Hazzard's fics (a serial killer in Hazzard, and Daisy could be one of his victim.... so scary).

I like how you describe Enos's feelings and his pain 'bout Daisy's marrying another man (so realistic).

I like how you mentioned "Enos and Daisy's wedding" episode, in particular Enos's suspicion about Daisy's real feelings, and then his blaming hives to give Daisy a chance out of it (something so similar to my own opinion 'bout that episode, and something I mention in the same way in one of my old fics).

I HATE reunion movie because Enos and Daisy are not married (despite a postponed, and not a called off, wedding in the second last episode) and because Enos and Daisy relationship is so far away from how it's showed in the series (expecially in the last series).

I HATE to think 'bout Daisy marrying another man and I hope you'll avenge this scorn towards all Enos/Daisy fans out there ;)

So, I'm waiting to read more, and more, and more from your very talented mind. And Iim feeling your writing will wash away my current writer's block.

Thank you again.


Thanks for your kind words, i1976!

Yes, the primary motive for this fic was that the Reunion movie was so far out in left field where Enos and Daisy's relationship is concerned. Not only about them seemingly engaged- sort of- at the end of the series, and then Daisy suddenly married someone else, but how the writers wrote the interaction between the 2 characters.

Daisy would have never blown off Enos's proposal like that. While many things about DOH are cheesy, like plots and villains and such, on a whole the personal relationships between all the characters were very realistic and genuine. Daisy seemed way too ditsy in the movie for my tastes as well.

I've created quite a bit of backstory for Enos and the Duke family, particularly Daisy, which you'll see in Chp 4. The series alludes to this, Enos always says about how he and the Duke boys practically grew up together, and I'm pretty sure it talks about his dad running shine (got that from wikapedia). Also, here's an interesting fact...have you noticed that Enos is the only person (that I've noticed) who calls Jesse Duke "Uncle Jesse" and doesn't get told "I'm not yer Uncle Jesse!" That tells me just how close he is with the family.

Glad you're enjoying the story :) I'm finishing up Chapter 5 now and I'll post chapter 4 as soon as I'm well into 6. I like to keep a few chapters ahead in case I need to change anything.


Chapter 4 is up!

It's so much fun to write all these characters that I've loved for so long.

There's a lot of back-story that I'm working on creating so you'll see more of Enos's past unfold over this and the next chapter. There's not much concrete in the series as far as Enos's history goes, but we do get glimpses of things here and there so I've tried to expound on what we know and weave more into what we don't know.

Link ----> "Beneath a Hazzard Moon"


I guess Fanfiction.net is updating servers. I keep getting error messages and then it will work for an hour and be down again. The next chapter's all ready to post, but I guess people's reviews are getting logged right now, so I'm going to wait a bit longer to post it. I need reviews, lol :popcorn:


Chapter 17 is Up!

Link to Ch. 17 ----->"Beneath a Hazzard Moon"

Okay, here's th' deal... FF.net occasionally really stinks, especially when they're updating stuff. The traffic section has been down since last Wednesday, so even if 50 people read this chapter, to me it looks like a big fat "0". So, please review on FF.net. It is logging reviews. Thanks!

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