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Love Thy Lee


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Well here we are again dropping some more pictures of the old conversion that we have done to the once anonymous repmobile, to the now resplendant poor mans Lee conversion, and so the story is over, but NO!! We have the internals to discuss.

1. Music. That easy we got both Hazard sound tracks......Hey guys the song Flash, Superb. Could you keep a straight face with that song playing? :rofl:

This is pumping through 2 mighty 400watt bins in the rear

2. We got a cb radio, which we thought was gubbed, but with the advent of mobile phones, there is little airplay to be heard. We hear distant talk so all well here we hope!!!

However the rest is as incipid as the once externals used to be!


What to do please?

Tartan curtains, and fluffy dice you think?

We even got the cooters sticker under the bonnet...wee hee!!!

Any suggestions apart from "GET A LIFE" will be acted on and done, honest.

49 days to go before we off to European mainland :-o



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