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Meanwhile Bo, Jr. was trying to explain to the entire Tri-Counties law enforcement officers not only the reason for Luke's speed and running his red lights but also the reason why he hadn't yielded to the officers.

He shook his head. "Listen here, my mama's havin' a baby, and my Uncle Luke needed to get here to help my Dad..."

One of the police officers, a young man, said, "Aww, come on, fellas... That'd be reason enough for any man to be in a hurry. Let's let him off with a warning."

Bo, Jr. shook his head in disbelief as every officer handed him a "warning ticket" and told him to keep an eye on that Uncle of his.

He looked at the tickets, then shook his head again, walking back inside.


Meanwhile, Bo, Luke, and Dixie were all standing around Beth, who was squeezing Bo's hand until the bones came together.

She looked at her husband. "Bo, what're we gonna name this baby?"

Bo's face was blank. "I don't know... what do you think?"

At that point, a contraction hit her, and she couldn't do any thinking, except about the pain she was in.

Bo felt horrible when he saw Beth in pain like this. Always had. It had always killed him to see her like this and know that it was half his fault. Though both of them always forgot when they held their child.

Luke looked up at Bo. "I can see the head, Beth," he said. "You're gonna have to push one good time."

Beth squeezed Bo's hand and pushed hard.

The baby's crying filled up the room as Luke gave a little bottom a good smack. "Well, Beth," he said. "Lemme clean this baby up, and then you can see."

Beth sighed. She was worn out. Bo stroked her cheek as Luke cleaned the baby up. "I love you," he said. "More than anything."

Beth smiled weakly. "You better after all this!"

Luke cleaned the baby up and laid it in Beth's arm. "Well, Bo and Beth, it's a boy!"

"Lord help us," Beth said. "Here we go again."

Bo just grinned and touched the baby's cheek. "Hey, there, son," he said.

Luke washed his hands and put his arm around Dixie as the two of them left the parents to their baby boy.


About an hour later, Beth and Bo called everyone up to their room. The room was packed, as Bo, Jr. had called Jake and Jessica, and Jake had called Laura. Jeb had called Debbie, who'd come home from work, and the room filled up with people.

Beth smiled and said, "Everyone, we'd like you to meet Braxton Bragg Duke."

Luke said, "We've already met."

And Beth said, "Braxton, you better be forever grateful to this Uncle of yours."

Luke didn't say anything, but just beamed with pride at having helped to delivery this new little Duke just as Uncle Jesse had the rest.

The silence of the moment was interrupted by a voice in the hallway, "Well, it looks like I'm just a bit late." Said the Doctor. "I'll be glad to check everyone out if you'd like."

Everyone cleared out of the room so the Doctor could check out Beth and Braxton.

Luke and Dixie were the last to head to the kitchen. He stopped Dixie outside of his and Bo's old room and took her in his arms, "I hope things go just as smooth for us in a few months."

Looking up into Luke's blue eyes, Dixie said, "But, I'd like to make it to the hospital. Honey, I trust you with my life, but I'd just as soon NOT have Bo know me quiet that well."

Luke smiled down at her, "You do have a point. I don't think I want him knowing you that well either." He brushed her hair back and said remembering with pride, "You know Uncle Jesse was one of the best mid-wives this County has ever had and we won't tell Beth this, but up until now the only experience Bo and I have had was with calves, goats, Daisy's colt and a few kittens and puppies." Luke became slightly choked up as he continued, "I can't explain how it felt to hold that little one in there. It was nothing less than a miracle, but I'm not looking to give up Smokejumping to become a mid-wife that's for sure!" Luke turned toward the kitchen, "Now let's go check out Jake's hand before Doc gets done. Ya'll never did tell me what exactly happened."

Dixie wrapped her arms around her husband and pulled him close, "Luke I love you and I was so proud of you in there." She kissed him and continued, "As for Jake, well, I think I'll let you talk to him about that."

Walking into the kitchen Luke saw Bo, Jr. pick up a stack of yellow papers.

Bo, Jr. said without expression, "Uncle Luke these are for you."

Luke sighed. He could see dollar signs at the thick stack of papers he knew to be tickets. He took the tickets and glanced at them. Then, looking closer, he saw that they were all warning tickets. He looked over at Bo, Jr., and asked with surprise, "How did you pull this off?"

"Told them the truth." Bo, Jr. said simply.

Luke smiled at Bo's oldest son. "Well, the next time me and your Dad decide to get into trouble we're hiring you as the lawyer!" Luke turned to Dixie and the others, and explained. "Everyone one of these are warning tickets. Even from Chickasaw County." Luke shook his head, "Good thing it wasn't Sheriff Big Ed Little."

"Ah, Luke, I thought you and Bo were planning on giving up getting into trouble." Dixie asked with just a trace of a smile.

Luke said totally serious, "We did. We planned that YEARS ago." then smiling he continued, "Someone has just not informed the Hazzard law of it yet, and until they do I figure we can use all the help we can get. Of course, you, do know how plans go here in Hazzard!"

Dixie promptly elbowed Luke in his ribs and said to Jake, "Now, can I see that hand?"

Jake unwrapped the hand from the towel where he still had ice on it and looked totally embarrassed in front of Laura.

Dixie looked at Luke, who had not missed Jake's embarrassment.

Luke simply asked, "Can you move you fingers or wrist?"

Jake moved all the fingers and gritted his teeth as he moved his wrist.

Luke nodded as he heard the Doctor coming in.

The Doctor said to Luke, "Well, it sure looks like Jesse taught you and Bo well. I couldn't have done a better job up there. Both Mother and son are perfect."

Luke smiled, "Thanks, Doc. But, it looks like me and Bo have also passed a couple traits down too. Could you look at Jake's hand? It looks pretty bad to me but I'm not sure if he broke it or not."

"Sure. Let's take a look." the Doctor replied.

Dixie wisely said, "Ok, then let's all head out on the porch and give the Doctor room to move in here." She then managed to herd all the young adults and children outside.


Once the room was clear, except for Jake, Luke and the Doctor. The Doctor asked, "Son, just what did you do here?"

Jake looked up at the Doctor and his father and replied, "I had a little run in with the..." he hesitated, knowing how stupid he was about to look. "With the post in the barn."

Luke shook his head. He knew that post all too well.

The doctor said, "Can you wiggle your fingers son?"

Jake nodded. "Just barely."

"Might be cracked, but I'll have to take an x-ray."

Luke nodded. "All righty, Doc. I'll follow you out."

Laura walked over to Jake, kissing his cheek. "I love you," she whispered to him.

Jake whispered back, "I love you, too, lady."

Luke helped Jake into the truck. "Let's go."

Jake had broken two fingers, but luckily, they weren't out of place. Doc just put a cast on them, and around Jake's cracked wrist. He'd be wearing that for a few weeks.


The weeks passed quickly, with a new baby around. Laura spent as much time as possible with Jake, keeping an eye on him.

Then one day, Laura realized something. Something that scared her more than anything. Something that could change her life forever.


Laura was talking to Jessica the next day. "Jessica, I'm in trouble," she said, her eyes full of tears.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Jessica asked.

"I think I'm..." she trailed off. "Jessica, I think I'm pregnant."

"But you had that pregnancy test, honey. You're not..."

"I read up on them things," Laura said. "And they can't tell that early. And I'm late. Very late."

Jessica's one word summarized the whole situation. "Sh--!"

Laura looked up trying to keep her tears from falling. She knew it had been awhile since her and Jessica had talked, well, had a good long girl talk. With work; her trying to keep an eye on Jake; and both girls, while at the Dukes, had tried to help Beth out when they could. Something else occurred to Laura, "Jess, I know we haven't really talked in awhile but, ... if I'm late, unless you just haven't mentioned it. I mean, have you, ... are you .... late too? Oh God, Jess." was about all Laura could say before the tears gave way.


In the previous weeks, Luke had finished up the Smoke Jumper's class and while the ladies took turns with little Braxton, he and the guys had moved enough of Luke and Dixie's things in so that they could be comfortable but not in the way of the work that still needed to be done.

Tonight was a rare occasion, both Luke and Dixie would be off tomorrow. Jake was camping with Bo, Jr., due to the girls having a slumber party at Jessica's. Luke had hustled Dixie home early, using the excuse, 'that Bo and Beth may like some quiet time with Braxton'. Actually, it was Luke wanting the quiet time with Dixie.

Dixie came out of the shower and found Luke stretched out on the couch with the lights off and several candles lite. He, Bo and the guys had also worked out a system so that they would know if the other didn't want to be bothered. Luke had closed the shade on the kitchen window as he had refused to put locks on his doors at 'home' in Hazzard County.

Dixie smiled, "So, what's this all about?"

Luke replied, "Come over here and I'll show you."

"I thought you said that they needed some quiet time." she said impishly.

"They do, and so do we. Besides, I'd like to enjoy our new home and my wife some," Luke paused as Dixie sat down by him. He placed his hand on her stomach that just wasn't as flat as it had been when they had gotten married, but wasn't showing to everyone else, yet. "Before we get company ourselves."

Dixie snuggled into his arms and said, "Sounds nice."


Luke and Dixie had spent an enjoyable evening talking and not talking, until Luke noticed Dixie's eyes were beginning to get heavy. He pulled her gently onto his lap and stood up with her.

She held on to his neck and said, "What's this all about?"

"Well, it looks to me like somebody needs her rest." he said as he started toward the bedroom.

Luke cut off the light. Dixie snuggled up to him. Several minutes later, as Luke was just about to drift off to sleep, Dixie's eyes flew open as she cupped her mouth with her hands and headed to the bathroom. She had been lucky after her first episode of morning sickness not to have been bothered again, until now.

Luke didn't dare let her see the slight grin on his face as he tossed back the sheet and followed her. He'd lived through this with Beth several times. Being the calm considerate husband, he went to the kitchen and poured a glass of ginger ale he'd bought the last time he was at the store without even telling Dixie. Though he felt for her, Luke couldn't help but find this amusing. Well, that was until he stepped into the bathroom. Dixie had turned a shade of 'green' Luke knew he'd never seen before. Now, it wasn't funny. Now, he was totally freaked and down right scared.

Dixie was setting on the tub, holding a cool wash cloth to her face.

Luke managed to find his voice, "Honey?"

At the moment Dixie was trying to will herself not pass out. She was also fighting not to throw up again.

"Would some ginger ale help?" Luke asked.

Dixie looked up, just seeing the ginger ale was more than she could take and became violently ill.

Luke reached for a towel and said, "I'm calling Beth."

Dixie reached out to stop him, "Don't. I don't want witnesses to your murder." she said weakly.

Though it didn't look like she could fight her way out of a wet paper bag, Luke almost thought she was serious until he saw her attempt a small smile. He was glad she hadn't saw him with that grin on his face or she might very well have killed him.

"Besides, YOU got US into this with out back up. Don't go getting scared now." Dixie was beginning to feel just a bit better, "If I live through this, you had better not even think about anymore."

Luke simply replied, "Yes, ma'am." Though he knew as well as she did, that this baby as well as everything they had been through since she was fifteen, had been a joint effort, he'd take the blame and let her say whatever she needed to as long as she felt better. Grinning once again to himself, he didn't think now would be a good time to tell Dixie how beautiful he thought she looked.


At the lake, Jake and Bo, Jr. had built a fire and were working their way through a case of beer that Jeb had been talked into buying for them. After all he couldn't count the number of times their father's had done the same for him.

Jake said, "I sure am glad you were able to talk Jeb into doing this for us. You know we've not had a good year. I think ever since ya'll had that family reunion there has been something going on. We found out your parents were having a baby, then Luke and Dixie decided to get married, we've gotten into fights, we've been put in jail, more than once. I found out Luke was my Dad. Then, of all things we get caught with the girls, and after that scare with Laura and the run in with her father. Then, the baby being born and, well, this." he held up his casted arm. "Man, it's just been too much! I thought life in the country was supposed to be slow and laid back."

Bo, Jr. was listening. He knew all of what Jake had said was true. "Well, Dad and Uncle Luke would just tell you that's life in Hazzard. But, I think you are right. I was in college out of here and never. I mean never had anything like this stuff happen." He opened another beer. "Yeah, we needed this."

"How were you able to talk Jeb into this?" Jake asked.

"It wasn't that hard. I just asked him. He made me promise that we'd not drink until we got here and not go anywhere after we started drinking until morning." Bo, Jr. replied. "You do know Dad and Luke are older than him, right? I kinda got the idea that they may have done the same thing for him once or twice. That's why I asked him."

Jake shook his head and said, as he struggled to open another beer with his casted hand, "Good thinking." he took a drink and continued, "I'm sure glad things are getting back to normal. Things have calmed down with Laura. Her dad and I have kind of squared off and as long as we stay in our own corners, we should be okay. I just don't know what I would have done if she'd been pregnant. I mean I love her and all but I'm not sure that she's the one I want to spend my entire life with. That's a long time. I think I'd like to do a little more 'window shopping' before I actually decide to 'buy'. All in the name of being sure she's the right one if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do." Bo, Jr. replied, "Dad's always telling me not to rush into anything. Though he'd never admit it, I think he envied Luke having the chance to, for lack of better words, 'compare and choose' Dixie from all the others. I know Dad loves Mom but he still did what he had to because of me. Yeah, it worked for them and I don't think they'd ever even look at anyone else, but how many people in the same situation could have made it work like they did?"

Jake took another long drink of beer and said with relief, "I'm sure glad I don't have to worry about trying to make it work out with Laura and me. I mean, I hope it does, but now I'm not pressured to 'make' it work."

"I do know what you mean. I kicked myself more than once over it. I tell you what, you'll not catch me without 'something' again." Bo, Jr. replied.

"Yeah, I mean the chances had to be really low that after just one time, but knowing it was without protection. Then, with Dad and Bo driving home the consequences, I don't care to tell you, I didn't do a lot of sleeping until she got the results back." Jake admitted.

NARRATOR: "I'm sure glad those two have things all figured out. Ain't you?"


Back at Jessica's the girls were still talking. Jessica said, "No, honey. I'm not late."

Laura said, "Jessica, I'm in so much trouble. My Daddy'll never let me see Jake again."

Jessica patted her friend's arm. "Honey, your Daddy can't do anything about it. You're an adult. By law, your Daddy can't do a thing. And Jake'll take care of you. I know he will."

Laura sighed, wiping away the tears. "We can go to Atlanta tomorrow, to the Wal-Mart to get a test. I'll find out for sure, and then I'll talk to Jake." Atlanta was the only place to go. Close enough not to be too much trouble, but far enough that no one would see her buying it. At least no one she would have to worry about.

Jessica nodded. "I'll drive you."

The two girls lay down, trying to get some sleep. And as they lay there, Jessica was happy that it wasn't her, but worried and sad about her friend.

Laura had a bad feeling that the trip to Atlanta wasn't going to be a good one.


Jake and Bo, Jr. woke up the next morning. Bo, Jr. had somewhat of a headache, but Jake was fine. So Jake took the wheel of Stormy to get them home.

He smiled. "What say we take the girls out to the Boar's Nest tonight. Just jukin', no funny stuff."

Bo, Jr. grinned. "I think that'll be just fine."


That night, the two young couples were ready to go out to the Boar's Nest. While the guys were ready for a good time dancing the night away, the girls knew better.

They went in Luke's truck, but not without instructions that no one could drive who'd been drinking.

They arrived at the Boar's Nest and went inside, the boys convinced that they were just going to have a good time. They got a table and ordered drinks (all sodas, since no one was willing to sneak them a beer) and sat around talking for a while. Jake noticed that Laura wasn't her normal self, and Bo, Jr. noticed the same thing about Jessica. Neither of the guys could stand it.

Jake took advantage of the next slow song, saying, "Hey, Laura, you wanna dance?"

Laura nodded silently, and Jake reached for her hand across the table. "Come on," he said.

They walked onto the floor to the sound of "Rose Colored Glasses," and Jake wrapped his arms around Laura. She leaned her head into his chest, blinking against tears. She couldn't cry. Not now.

Jake looked down at the pretty face nestled in his chest. "Laura, what's wrong," he whispered, touching her cheek. "Darlin', talk to me."

She looked at him, shaking her head. "Oh, Jake," she breathed. As hard as she tried, she just couldn't tell him, couldn't destroy this last minute of happiness. "Jake."

His blue eyes, so much like Luke's, now held a look of worry and fear. "Laura, do we need to talk?"

"Yeah," she managed to choke out past the knot in her throat. "Yeah, we do."

She took his hand and led him outside.

  • 2 weeks later...

"What was that all about?" Bo Jr. asked Jessica, as he watched Laura leading Jake by the hand outside.

Jessica shook her head. "It's something Laura's got to get through, Bo. I can't say anything about it."

Bo, Jr. held her tighter, hoping against hope that his cousin would be OK.


Debbie had been staying at the small apartment above the garage more and more lately. She couldn't completely move until all of Dixie's stuff was moved into the new house but when her off days came around especially when she had extra days off you could almost count on her pulling in from one direction while Jeb came in from the other. This had been the case today. Of course Cooter had seen the whole thing several times before.

As Jeb parked his motorcycle at the side of the garage, Cooter walked over and said jokingly, "Well, look who's here. I'm surprised to see you. Debbie's only been here maybe fifteen minutes."

Jeb turned as red as his bike but said, "Cooter!"

"Just wanted to know if I should be sending my suit to the cleaners and buying a razor anytime soon." The bearded man in greasy clothes said. People would never guess that this was an important Congressman when he was home on vacation.

Jeb eyed the man before him, "Not on my account, but Cooter a little soap and water wouldn't hurt." He had taken a low blow at his lifetime friend, knowing very well that Cooter cleaned up right nice when the notion struck him.

"Now, Jeb Stuart Duke that ain't a nice thing to say!" He said to the retreating man as he took the steps two at a time just in case that Cooter had thrown the wrench in his hand.

Debbie eyed Jeb strangely as he barged through the door and and closed it with a slight slam breathing hard. "What is wrong? Someone chasing you?"

Jeb said as he peeked through the curtains, "Maybe!" he said, catching his breath, "But don't worry if they are it's only Cooter."

"What did you do to Cooter?" Debbie asked.

"I only gave as good as I got." Jeb answered, then moved closer to Debbie, leaning in for a long kiss. After which he said, "So you're off …"

"Three days." she answered, "Did you come in today?"

Jeb replied, "Nah, got here in time to be hit up by Jake and Bo, Jr. for a case of beer last night for their camping trip."

Debbie's eyebrows went up.

"It's nothing Bo or Luke hasn't done for me in the past. What's the harm as long as they are out in the woods and stay there until morning?" he asked.

Debbie replied, "Nothing other than it's illegal."

Jeb waved off her concern, "It's not like I gave it to them in town." he said deciding now would be a real good time to change the subject. "Say, what do you think about a little jukin' tonight?"

"You are a mind reader. I brought frozen pizza. How about putting it in the oven and I'll shower." She said smiling.


Luke was happy that Dixie had a better day than she had last night. He and Bo had gotten everything finished now except the baby's room and the spare room that Luke hoped that Jake would use occasionally.

Dixie had insisted on fixing dinner for Bo, Beth, and the kids that didn't have plans. She had fixed a huge pot of homemade spaghetti sauce, pasta and a salad.

Luke had given his truck keys to Jake earlier, so neither Jake or Bo, Jr. were expected. Much to Bo's grief, Ruth Ann had a date, also.

Bo and Beth arrived just before six with Bo carrying Braxton's bassinet while Caroline, Jesse, and Michaela all three came in looking for 'their' room.

Luke smiled at the three and said, "Well, we're still working on 'your' room, but I'm sure Aunt Dixie will enjoy the help once your new cousin arrives while I'm at work."

"Absolutely! In fact, who wants to help set the table?" she replied, as the four went to the kitchen.

Beth asked Luke, "How did she do that? I have to threaten them to get them to get the table set at home."

Luke pulled at his collar a bit, "I'm not real sure, but she has been working with inmates for several years."

They all had a good laugh as Dixie looked at the three from the kitchen, "Did I miss something?"

"Not a thing honey!" Luke replied taking Braxton from Bo and placing the bassinet on a sturdy record cabinet that had been Luke's parents and still contained their old 78 records.

Dixie walked over and peeked at the sleeping Braxton. "Let's eat before someone else gets hungry."


When Jeb and Debbie pulled into the Boar's Nest, Jeb spotted Jake and Laura outside. They were having what seemed like a very serious conversation. He and Debbie entered the Boar's Nest and took a table near the band and ordered a couple beers as Bo, Jr. and Jessica walked by. Jeb asked, "Hey, I saw Jake and Laura outside. Are they fighting?"

Jessica answered a little too quick, "No." then said as an almost silent plea, "I hope not."

Bo, Jr. replied at the same time, "I'm not sure."

Jeb looked at them both and said all to serious for Jeb, "Spill it. What's up?"

Bo, Jr. looked truly innocent as he replied, "I don't know either."

Jessica dropped her eyes and said very lowly, "It's something they have to work out. I promised not to tell anyone, even Bo, Jr., at least until after they talk this out."

Jeb offered some good advice that they had learned over the years, "Honey. Loyalty is a good thing, but if it can hurt someone or someone could get hurt because others don't know, then it's not 'ratting' them out. You may actually be doing them a favor. Just don't keep the wrong secrets or keep them too long."

Jessica closed her eyes and bite her bottom lip, before smiling, "Thanks Jeb. I won't, but how did you become so wise?"

"Sweetheart, my cousins and I were raised by the smartest man I know and I've lived in Hazzard County most of my life, so I've seen a lot come down the pike, so odds are, whatever they are going through out there, me, Bo, Luke, Coy, Vance or Daisy have dealt with one side or the other of it. Just remember, there can be a lot said for 'been there, done that' kind of advice and we're all here for all of you." Jeb said without a moments hesitation.

Bo, Jr. and Jessica thanked Jeb and moved back to their table.

Jeb noticed Debbie looking at him like he'd grown three heads, "What?"

She smiled warmly, "Jeb I've known you almost a year and you still amaze me. I just saw a totally different side of you."


Outside the Boar's Nest, Jake asked Laura, "Honey, what is wrong. Talk to me please."

Laura looked up with tears threatening to fall and hoarsely squeaked out, "Just please don't hate me."

A million things ran through Jake's head. 'She had found someone else? She had been going out on him? She decided to go to college far away?' before he could find his voice to say, "Laura I don't think I could ever hate you."

"First off, I'm stupid. You know that already..." she began.

"You are not stupid...." Jake said before being interrupted.

Laura continued, "Yes, I am. Now hear me out." She took a deep breath, "Jake, I'm sorry. All this is my fault." she managed to get out before having to look up and bite her lip just to keep from totally loosing it.......

Jake stepped closer to Laura. "Honey, talk to me, please."

Laura looked up at him. There was nothing else to say to keep this time from coming, so she had to say it. "Jake, that pregnancy test I took..."

Jake began to feel a sinking feeling in his stomach. This couldn't be...

"It was wrong, Jake... I took another one, and it came back positive..."

Jake looked at her like she'd just arrived from Mars. Then he hugged her. "Oh, Laura... I'm so sorry."

Laura looked at him. "Please don't hate me Jake."

"No... No, Laura, I don't hate you... Not at all. I love you."

"Promise?" she whispered.

"I promise." Jake sighed. "Maybe we should go home and talk."

Laura looked at him. "OK."

Jake walked in and over to Bo, Jr. and Jessica. "We gotta get home," he said. "It's important."

Bo, Jr. replied, "Sure, Jake." He had heard the urgency in Jake's voice and saw the looks on his and Laura's faces. Bo, Jr. stood and reached for Jessica's hand.

The four walked quickly toward the front door.


At the far table, this didn't go unnoticed by Jeb.

Debbie had her back to the crowd asked, "What is it?"

Jeb replied, "Something's up. Those four just headed out of here." He motioned with his head to the table previously occupied by his younger cousins. Then checked his watch. It was still early. Way too early for them to be going home, unless, something was wrong. Jeb decided to give them a little time then he might just call to see if they were home. He tried to shake off the worry and said to Debbie, "Come on, Honey." He lead her to the Donce floor as Tanya Tucker's - San Antonio Stroll began to play.


Braxton had indeed slept while the others ate, now, with his brother and sisters arguing about what color 'their' room should be painted, he was awake and hungry.

"Pink." insisted Michaela.

"Blue." Said the out numbered Jesse.

"A nice hot pink!" said the older Caroline.

"No way! Royal blue." Jesse had began to get louder. "You wouldn't let them have it pink would you Uncle Luke? Daaaddddd."

Bo intervened sternly, "That's enough." then less serious, teased, "Jesse I have nothing to do with the color of paint here."

Jesse said quietly as he went to further argue his point with his sisters in the unfinished bedroom, "It's not fair, there are more boys around here than GIRLS!"

When Beth heard Braxton begin to stir in the bassinet, she started to get up from where she was setting on Bo's lap.

Bo un-noticed by anyone else, gently held her just a bit tighter and gave her a smile as he saw what he knew would happen. He motioned to her toward the bassinet.

Luke was already up and moving to pick up the little one that he had helped bring into the world. Having been a bachelor for years Luke hadn't had much experience with a newborn, in fact the only experience he could recall was when Bo, Jr. was a baby. Jesse had insisted that everyone do their share to help Bo and Beth. Truth be known, Jesse didn't have to insist as all the cousins were eager to help with Bo, Jr. just as everyone had been with Braxton, which was why Luke hadn't been able to get close to him since he was born. Everyone had beaten him there.

Bo knew his older cousin only too well, he knew he wanted his turn with Braxton but wouldn't knock anyone else out of their turn. He had watched Luke since Braxton had been born. It seemed every time Luke had started toward the baby someone had gotten there first which was why he had stopped Beth tonight.

Luke slowly and carefully picked up the little blue eyed bundle that was staring up at him. Braxton had stopped the mild fussing that he was doing as soon as he knew he was about to be picked up. Luke went back to his place on the couch and cradled Braxton to him.

Neither Bo or Beth had seen Dixie go after the bottle until she handed it to Luke. As Bo watched the scene before him unfold. He knew that both Luke and Dixie were 'practicing' for the arrival of their own little one. Beth looked at Bo and was surprised to see tears in his eyes.

Bo whispered, "I wish Uncle Jesse could see this."

Beth hugged him just a bit tighter and assured him, "He can. Believe me, he can."


Outside the Boar's Nest, Jake handed the truck keys to Bo, Jr., who didn't question the action. Jake helped Laura into the king cab of the truck and followed her. It was obvious that they were both upset. It looked like either Laura had been crying or wanted to.

Jessica got in the passenger side of the truck and moved close to Bo, Jr. He could see she knew what was up and was also upset. The drive was a quiet one, in fact, it was becoming down right eerie. No one had said anything since leaving the Boar's Nest. A million things were running through Jake and Laura's minds -- most of which weren't pleasant. Before reaching the Duke farm, Bo, Jr. could not stand the silence any longer.

He pulled the truck off the road into a wide spot before the lake and said as he turned off the truck's engine and looked at Jake, "Ok, I'm tired of being the only one in this truck not knowing what is going on ....."

Jake cleared his throat and said, "Look, Bo I'm sorry. You're right. I didn't even realize. . ." Jake's voice had faded to nothing. Had they been alone Jake could told Bo, Jr. his 'problem' but he didn't want it to come across as a 'problem' in front of Laura. He knew she was feeling bad enough as it was without him making her feel worse. Jake simply said, "Well, . . . ya, see Bo, . . .

Bo, Jr. looked at Jake, waiting for him to tell him what was going on. "Bo," the older boy said. "It's somethin' kinda personal... Between me and Laura. You'll find out soon enough. Just give me some time."

Bo, Jr. sighed. He and Jake shared everything, and he couldn't stand being left out.


At Luke's house, everyone was surprised to hear Luke's truck in the driveway so early.

Dixie looked out the window, then looked at Luke. "The boys are back already. They have the girls with them."

Jesse was up and running before Beth and Bo could get up. "Jake and Bo won't let 'em paint the room pink!" he yelled.

Luke, being closer to Jesse than Bo and Beth were, grabbed Jesse with one arm, while still expertly holding Braxton in the other. "Hold it right there, you wild Indian!" he said, half-way teasing. "But I think your brother and cousin are with their young lady friends tonight."

"So?" Jesse said.

"Jesse Allan Duke!" Beth said from her seat on Bo's lap. "You are not to talk to your Uncle Luke like that, young man."

Jesse suddenly seemed very interested in digging his toe into the floor, and not looking at his mother. "Sorry, Uncle Luke," he mumbled.

Bo sighed. "Looks like we might have to go home," he said, looking at Jesse.

"I said 'sorry,' Dad," Jesse said softly.

"Well, you need to act like you mean it," Bo replied.

"Yessir," Jesse said, sounding for all the world like a young Bo Duke who'd just been whipped by Uncle Jesse for talking back.

Luke tried not to laugh at the boy, but it WAS a little on the funny side. "Hey, Jesse," he said. "Why don't you run in the kitchen and get a few drinks out of the fridge?"

Dixie smiled. "Caroline, you help him."

"What do you want?"

"Beer," rang out the chorus of Bo and Luke's voices.

"Diet Pepsi," said Beth, echoed by Dixie.

The kids went into the kitchen.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jake and Laura walked away from the other two. "God, Laura," Jake said. "I never saw that comin'."

Jessica and Bo, Jr. walked toward Luke's as Bo, Jr. said, "Come on let's go in and I'll show you what we've gotten done. Maybe they won't figure there's anything wrong if we go keep everyone busy awhile.

Laura sighed. "Me neither. But... It doesn't have to be... I mean... I can give the baby up for adoption or something. You'd never have to even see it, and I wouldn't either... Somebody else could take it and take care of it, and..."

Jake's thoughts went to his own father. What would Luke have done if he'd known about Jake? Would the young man have been a Duke instead of a Miller? He interrupted Laura. "Laura, you know that my Dad never got his chance to know me until a short time ago. I know how I've wondered what it would have been like to have had Luke as a Dad, instead of the father who raised me. There is so much I've felt and wanted to do that the Miller's would not have never understood or approved of, but ya know, I really think that the Duke's would have. The Miller's take their cars to Cooter's, I never understood where I got the love for cars until I got to know Luke. Sometimes it scares me how much a like we are in some ways. I know things would be less complicated and easier without our child, but now that I know about 'him', ..... I just don't think I could do it." He laid his hand on her very flat stomach, "That's part of both of us in there." He took her face in his hands, "God knows I don't know how we will make this work, but we will, if you're willing......" The thought that maybe she wasn't willing popped into his head. He felt a lump in his throat, that he tried to swallow, but couldn't completely get rid of before he squeaked quietly, "And, if ya aren't willing to do this with me, ...... then, .... meet me half way. Have our child, and ..... I'll raise 'him' alone if I have to."

Laura felt both broken hearted and joy by Jake's decision. She replied, "Jake... This is your baby as much as mine, and I'll do whatever you want me to..." Tears were running down her face. "And if you want me there, I'll be there. I'll do this with you. If that's what you want."

Jake smiled a little through his tears. "That's what I want, Sweetheart. I love you."

"I love you, too," she replied, kissing his cheek.

"Listen," Jake said softly. "I have to talk to Luke about this, OK? Not right now, but soon."

Laura looked at him. "Jake... I..."

"He'll know what to do. He'll help us," Jake said, having firm faith that there was nothing his father couldn't help him with.

Laura's eyes met Jake's. "OK... Whatever you want... But I'm not telling my parents. At least not right now. I'm planning on getting out of their house before they can kick me out of it. Jessi and I were thinking of getting an apartment together anyway, and..."

Jake sighed. "OK. But we have to tell them sometime."

"Why?" Laura asked. "We're both of age. It's none of their business."

"I think both our families would beg to differ on that one," Jake replied softly.


Meanwhile, in the house, Jesse had cornered Bo, Jr. as soon as he walked into the house. "Bo, the girls want to paint our room pink!" the younger boy said. "And I told them no way!"

Bo, Jr. half-way grinned. "Well, it's Uncle Luke and Aunt Dixie's house, Jesse. I reckon they decide what color it is."

Dixie laughed. "I say we just paint it white and forget the whole thing."

Jesse looked at his aunt, then back at his brother. "I want it blue, Bo," he said.

"Well, I think white oughta work just fine... How 'bout this, though? I'll be goin' back to work soon, and when I get my paycheck, I'll buy two sets of bed stuff for the room. One set'll be pink for the girls, and the other one'll be blue for you, me, and Jake," he said, patting Jesse's shoulder. "Dong," he thought to himself. "He's gettin' tall." Jesse's head had already reached Bo, Jr.'s shoulder. He couldn't believe his "little" brother was 15 already.

Jessica kept a smile on for the group, too. She knew everything, and yet, she couldn't help worrying. She knew that Jake would want to do the right thing, but she just didn't know how he and Laura were going to manage a baby.

Braxton cooed from his spot in Luke's arms. The dark-haired man smiled down at the little boy in his arms. He couldn't imagine what it was going to feel like to hold a baby and know that it was his and Dixie's. He found himself wondering what he would have felt had he been able to hold Jake as a baby. He sighed. "Little fella's sleepy, I think," he said softly, still looking down at Braxton, who'd figured out a way to get his fist into his mouth.

Beth smiled. "Why don't you sing to him, Luke. He loves music already."

Luke smiled, cuddling the baby even closer as he walked over to the rocking chair he'd bought for Dixie. He began to rock, and to sing at the same time. The first song to come to mind was an old Skynyrd song called "All I Can Do Is Write About It."

Well this life that I've lead has took me everywhere

There ain't no place I ain't never gone

But its kind of like the saying that you heard so many times

Well there just ain't no place like home.

Did you ever see a she-gator protect her young

Or a fish in a river swimming free?

Did you ever see the beauty of the hills of Carolina

Or the sweetness of the grass in Tennessee?

And Lord I can't make any changes

All I can do is write 'em in a song

I can see the concrete slowly creepin'

Lord take me and mine before that comes.

Do you like to see a mountain stream a-flowin'?

Do you like to see a youngun with his dog?

Did you ever stop to think about, well, the air your breathin'?

Well you better listen to my song.

And Lord I can't make any changes

All I can do is write 'em in a song

I can see the concrete slowly creepin'

Lord take me and mine before that comes

I'm not tryin' to put down no big cities

But the things they write about us is just a bore

Well you can take a boy out of ol' Dixieland

But you'll never take ol' Dixie from a boy

And Lord I can't make any changes

All I can do is write 'em in a song

I can see the concrete slowly creepin'

Lord take me and mine before that comes

'Cause I can see the concrete slowly creepin'

Lord take me and mine before that comes

Dixie walked over to stand behind Luke. The baby had fallen asleep in his arms. Beth smiled from her place on Bo's lap. "Great job, Uncle Luke," she said softly.

Luke grinned as he stood up and took the baby over to put him down in his bassinet. "'Night, little fella," he said softly, kissing the top of the baby's head.

Dixie's heart was swelling so she thought it would burst. She knew she could never have married a better man.

Being young adults, Jessica, Bo, Jr. and the others, usually saw Bo, Sr., Luke, Beth and Dixie as 'parents', Bo, Jr. was the one to voice his and the other 'kids' thoughts, "You not only like, but know all the words to that Lynyrd Skynyrd song?"

Luke shot him 'a look', "Yeah, that one and several more. I was corrupted by your Uncle Jeb."

Jessica elbowed Bo, Jr. for his comment as Luke replied.

Caroline stated from the hallway, "I about fell out the other day, Mom and Dixie were playing Posion!"

Dixie replied, acting hurt, "And ya'll's point is? There's not too many songs that you know, that at least one of us doesn't know well enough to sing or play."

It was Jessica that tried to cover for the younger group, "It's just that we are use to parents acting 'old', like mine. I mean, like when you've all sang and Donced at the Boar's Nest and especially when you guys had that fight at the Boar's Nest."

Bo, Sr. was the first to try to cut her off before the younger kids got wind of her explanation, "Well, Luke, thanks for getting Braxton to sleep for us. I guess we better be getting these guys home." He looked to his oldest son, Bo, Jr., "Son are ya'll coming too?"


Jake sighed. "OK. But we have to tell them sometime."

"Why?" Laura asked. "We're both of age. It's none of their business."

"I think both our families would beg to differ on that one," Jake replied softly, then continued, "Honey, if you and Jessica get an apartment, what's that going to solve?" he sighed, "I love you, and I don't want you in some apartment with Jessica while I'm here or at the Miller's alone. We're in this thing this far, we need to try to 'right' a couple of things." he caught himself and didn't say wrongs, "We need to do this together. We need to be a family. The only way I can think of doing that, with the least resistance from everyone, would be for us, ...... to get married," he had suddenly lowered his voice without even trying to, "and get a place of our own." He looked into he eyes for her reaction......

Laura looked up at Jake. "If that's what you want... Let's do it.” Laura smiled just a little.

"OK, baby. Let's do it." Jake nodded. "We gotta go tell the folks..." he said softly.

"OK," she said. "Together."

Jake took her hand and they walked into the house. Luke looked up from where he sat.

Bo, Jr. had just told his dad that he was going to take Jessica home first, when Jake and Laura walked in. "Everybody, we gotta talk," Jake said.

"Alright," Luke said slowly.

"Dad, Dixie... everybody... Me and Laura are getting married."

Luke looked at his son. He knew that boy too well, and he knew that Jake hadn't just been planning this for a while. Something was not right about this.

Jake fought the urge to look at his feet and say nothing else, but instead, he looked his father in the eye and said evenly, "Seems we've got us a little one on the way."

Luke had known something was up when Jake and Laura came in the door. He had felt himself tense even before Jake announced that they needed to talk. Everyone had been standing as Bo and his family were preparing to leave. Then, with the following announcement that Jake and Laura were getting married, he really was wishing that his Uncle Jesse was here. He couldn't help but think this was a spur of the moment thing.

Bo, Sr. had also picked up on the fact that something wasn't right and had moved to Luke's side and just behind him, backing him as always.

At the final statement, 'We've got us a little one on the way.' Luke closed his eyes for a brief second and sighed. He'd deal with Jake later, for now, with a calmness he didn't feel, Luke replied, "Laura, Honey, it's not like I haven't been expecting you to be my daughter-in-law for sometime now, but a baby isn't necessarily the best thing to base a marriage on." Luke felt Bo behind him.

Dixie had been holding her breath. She was so afraid that Luke had forgotten what they had been through. She prayed he'd not push Jake and Laura away for their 'mistake'. When she heard Luke's response, she knew it was the voice of calm reason of a caring father, not an irrational response of a disappointed parent. Though, she did figure Luke and Jake would be having a long discussion, real soon......

Bo and Beth stood side by side, Braxton in Beth's arms. Bo put his arm around Beth.

Jake sighed. "I'm sorry, Dad."

Luke shook his head. "Son... Sorry ain't the important thing. The important thing is to do the right thing. For you, and Laura, and the baby."

"Mr. Du... I mean, Luke," Laura said, remembering that he'd told her to call him Luke. "Jake and me want to give our baby a family."

"Well," Luke said. "It's only right that a baby has a family. But Honey, sometimes it just ain't the right thing. A baby needs a family that wants to be a family. Not a thrown together half-family that's only together because they feel like they have to be."

Jake shook his head. "Dad..."

Luke raised his hand to stop him. "Just a minute. Now, I ain't tellin' you that you can't get married. I ain't even tryin' to discourage it. But I just want you to know that there are problems that will arise, and that you shouldn't build a family on the fact that you made a mistake. But you listen here... That baby is a Duke. And should you decide not to get married, and to give the baby up, I think Dixie'll agree with me when I say that we will raise that baby right here."

Dixie nodded. It was a big decision, but Luke was right. That baby was a Duke. And he or she needed to be raised a Duke.

Laura shook her head. "I'm not givin' my baby to nobody, Luke... I want to keep it. I was only gonna give it up if Jake wanted to give it up, and he doesn't. So I think we're gonna raise it together."

Luke nodded. "Well, good. I'm proud of y'all for that."

Jake smiled weakly. "I'm glad..."

Bo glanced at Beth, then back at Luke. "I figure y'all need some time alone, so, we'll head out."

"'Preciate y'all stayin' this long," Luke said. "I'll see ya tomorrow."

On the way back to the house, Michaela spoke up. "Daddy, why is Uncle Luke upset at Jake?"

Bo glanced at Beth. Ah, the joys of a child with a million questions up her sleeve. "Baby, Jake and Laura, well, they did somethin' they shouldn't have done... At least not right now..."

"Oh..." Michaela said. She was 10 years old, and had already had that talk with Beth, but she still hadn't quite come to grips with everything as it applied to those she actually knew. "I mean, I know they're havin' a baby, but... Why is that so bad? I mean, mama said that God loves all the babies, no matter what."

Bo smiled just a little. "He does, Sweetheart... It's just that sometimes... Babies are born in bad circumstances."

"But... Oh, never mind," Michaela said. She was just getting confused.

  • 2 weeks later...

"Jake, come on, son... Let's go take a walk..."

Jake stood at his father's words, the two men going out to the barn.

Dixie patted the sofa beside her. "Come on, Sugar... Let's talk."

Laura moved to sit beside the other woman. "I'm sorry, Dixie."

"It's too late for sorries, Honey... But we do need to talk..."

Luke had figured he barn was far enough from the house from both houses to be able to talk to Jake without being heard if either Duke's temper got out of hand. Luke leaned against a pile of hay bails trying to appear more calm than he was. He watched his son stand before him, waiting, looking more at his boots than at his father.

Jake had followed Luke into the barn. His father hadn't said anything since leaving the house. He watched Luke quietly sat against the hay bail. Luke still hadn't said anything as he looked in his coffee cup.

Luke was searching his memory for some words of wisdom from Jesse Duke but wasn't having much luck finding any that fit this moment or at least that's what he thought now. Looking at Jake, he was reminded of how much alike they both were at the same ages and that's what was rubbing him the wrong way at the moment. He just 'knew' that Jake hadn't listened to anything he'd been told, Luke began, "Son, .... for starters, look at me."

Jake looked his father in the eyes.

Luke continued, "All the talking that we have done went right in one ear and out the other didn't it?"

Jake was now confused, "Huh?"

Luke couldn't understand his son's confusion, "Oh come on now. The incident at the lake and everything that followed wasn't enough for you to learn from, so you went and tempted fate again? The sad part of it is, … that I see me standing about where you are right now when I was your age being warned about temping fate. I guess I didn't listen real well either." Luke sighed.

Jake was being to see what Luke was thinking. Jake said quietly, "We did learn from the night at the lake."

Luke heard what Jake had said, but he hadn't 'heard' him, "I don't think now is a good time to discuss EXACTLY what you learned at the lake Son." Luke's temper was raising.

"Dad, you have it wrong. The night at the lake was the only time." Jake explained.

Now it was Luke's turn to look confused.

Jake began, "Look I don't know about all that girl stuff, but Laura went to Doc's he said the test was negative. We all thought everything was fine. Then, she realized this week she was late. The test was wrong or she took it too early. Like I said, I don't know about that stuff."

"So she's pregnant with your child from the night at the lake?" Luke asked.

Jake nodded, "Yeah, we haven't even went parking since then, ask Bo, Jr."

Luke took a drink of his coffee, took a long deep breath and switched gears, "Ok. I'll take your word on that matter, but the offer I made you you and Laura stands ......"

Jake took this moment to interrupt his father, "About that, you spoke for you and Dixie. How could you be so sure that she'd agree with you on it without even talking to her?"

Luke had to smile at his son, "Because she is my wife, I have known her since she was 15 and she knows how important family has always been to us Dukes. Just like Uncle Jesse took in not only me, but Bo, and Daisy, and Jeb, and Vance, and Coy. For a couple that had no children of their own he sure put a lot on Aunt Martha, just as I would be doing by taking in your child and raising it as my own. I knew before I said it that it would be putting a lot on Dixie. Hell, it would almost be like raising twins. I also knew that I may be asking her to have to give up working." Luke continued, " And for some reason she happens to like her job so, yes, I knew I was asking a lot of her, but I didn't see her bat an eye or hesitate in the least before agreeing with me. All I am saying here is that your child is a Duke and will be raised as one whether it is by you or me. That is yours and Laura's decision and I'll stand behind you both no matter what you all decide. I'll also give you the same warning that Uncle Jesse gave Bo. Don't ever let me hear you tell that girl in there that you married her because you HAD to, because if you do you'll have me to answer to and I can assure you it won't be pleasant."

Jake swallowed hard before replying.


Dixie patted the sofa besides her, "Come on Sugar ... Let's talk."

Laura moved to sit beside the other woman. “I'm sorry, Dixie."

"It's too late for sorries, Honey.....But we do need to talk. You said something earlier that bothers me. You said, 'I'm not givin' my baby to nobody, I want to keep it. I was only gonna give it up if Jake wanted to give it up, and he doesn't. So I think we're gonna raise it together'.â€

Laura looked at the older woman and replied, "Yeah."

"Laura, Honey, I was younger than you are when I knew I could have been pregnant with Luke's child. Had I been, I also, know that I would have been totally on my own as far as my family was concerned. I also, knew we thought at the time, that I'd be raising that child without Luke. I would have been hard pressed to have asked the Dukes for anything, though I knew deep down that I wouldn't have had to ask, but my point is, no one could have convinced me not to have had Luke's child." she paused, “Not my father, not Uncle Jesse, and not even Luke, yet you said that had Jake wanted to give up this child that you would have? Honey, no man is worth compromising your opinion in any matter. Luke spoke for me in here a few minutes ago and I know what he was asking of me when he did. He also knew that I'd support him in this even though I'd be raising two children instead of one. Had I had an objection, believe me I would have voiced it. There is nothing that I can't talk to my husband about. We may not always agree, but on the important things, like family, we both will support each other without question. Even when we don't agree, we can always talk about the situation. I may not always win, but I wouldn't want a man that was wrapped around my finger to the point of being spineless and I'm sure that Luke wouldn't want a woman who kept quiet and never voiced her opinion, even though he might say otherwise, when I'm not around."

Both ladies had a good laugh before Laura explained her comment..........


After putting Braxton to bed, Bo and Beth went to their room. Bo had been very quiet since leaving Luke's house. He shut the door and let out a long sigh.

Beth looked at him, "Ok, you're home now. Spill it."

Bo looked at his wife, "Good Lord, Beth... I don't know what to say... Jake and Laura... They're too young... Too damn young... Too..."

"Much like us?" Beth supplied when Bo couldn't say anything else.

Bo nodded, sinking down onto the bed. "Beth, what have they done?"

"Nothing we never did," she said softly. "But I couldn't help hoping that the boys would stay out of this kind of trouble."

"Me, too," Bo replied, shaking his head. "They, ... They just don't know what they're fallin' into. They don't know the first thing about being married or raising a family."

"Neither did we," Beth said with a sigh. "They'll make it somehow, Bo... It ain't gonna be easy, but they will."

Bo's blue eyes met Beth's. "I love you, Darlin'."

"I love you, too," she whispered, as she began to drift off.


Laura began to explain to Dixie what she'd meant by her comment. "Dixie... The thing is... I couldn't take care of this baby on my own... I need Jake's help. And if I didn't get it, I was going to give the baby up... I'd never not have the baby... That's not Jake's decision... He couldn't change that... I would just... Have to find another way of having it taken care of. I couldn't raise it alone, and Lord knows my parents wouldn't help me..."

Dixie was quiet for a moment, thinking of what she needed to say to the girl...

  • 2 months later...

Jake in the meantime had finally gotten together what he wanted to say. "Dad... I ain't gonna tell Laura I had to marry her... I mean, this ain't no more her fault than mine... And, hell... I'd have married her anyway... Not this soon... But I would have..."

Luke smiled. "Good. That's good, son."

The men walked across the back 40 in silence, giving Dixie and Laura time to talk.

After walking in silence for awhile Luke spoke quietly, "Jake I hope you and Laura realize that being married means more than just having someone to keep your feet warm on a cold night. As you know, you two aren't the first in this family, ......." Luke felt a knot come into his throat as he remembered a conversation that had taken place not long after Bo and Beth had gotten married. One evening after dinner Jesse came into the living room with the old Duke family Bible. It was the one that had came to this country with the first Dukes and had been passed down to the oldest child of each generation since. In many a hand writing, was recorded every Duke marriage, birth and death since. Bo, Beth, and Luke who was driving the wrecker that night were the only ones home that evening. Jesse sat the Bible on the coffee table in front of them and began, "Bo, Beth I think its time you both see this. Luke I'd also like you to look with them though I know you and Bo have both about memorized every name in the front of this here Bible, but I think it might do you some good to be here for this. I want you three to look back at all the Duke marriages. Marriage and its vows aren't something we Dukes take lightly. Out of all the marriages you'll notice their are no divorces. You all know that I love you all and the little one we're expecting, but I still say you put the cart before the horse, ....." Jesse looked right at Luke and continued, "And, Luke I can't help but worry about the way you've been behaving. Though I don't agree with enjoying the privileges of marriage before hand, I'd also like for you all to do a little math between some of the marriages and births and you'll see that you two aren't the only ones to have a baby show up less than nine months after their wedding, but it won't be easy and it will be way to easy in hard times to blame each other for being in whatever situation you are in. The only advice I can offer you is: don't blame each other for things you are both responsible for nor things neither of you can change. Don't go to bed fighting -- talk, work, or pray it out first. And, most of all NEVER raise a hand toward each other."

Luke swallowed the lump in his throat and silently thanked Jesse for the words of wisdom he intended to convey to his oldest son, he began again, "As you know you two aren't the first in this family, ... that ever had a baby less than nine months after their wedding, " Luke paused to edit Jesse's speech so as not to look a hypocrite, "and everyone one knows I am not the Saint my Uncle Jesse was but I remember some good advice he gave to Bo and Beth after they got married. That advice and their love for each other has gotten them through a lot of bad times and a lot of good times, I hope it can do the same for you and Laura. I hope you have been around long enough to know that to us Dukes marriage and its vows aren't something we Dukes take lightly. Out of all the marriages their are no divorces. Getting married at such a young age and especially in the times of today when it seems our society has little regard for it's vows you two are facing a stacked deck against you before you ever start. It won't be easy and it will be way to easy in hard times to blame each other for being in whatever situation you are in. The only advice I can offer you is that advice that Jesse gave Bo and I have remembered all this time: don't blame each other for things you are both responsible for nor things neither of you can change. Don't go to bed fighting -- talk, work, or pray it out first. And, most of all NEVER raise a hand toward each other." Luke smiled just a bit at Jake and added, "Also, remember that anything that doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. I know me and Dixie haven't been married all that long but I like to think we have already lived through all our bad times though I know that's not likely but, with as much we went through to be able to get together I can't think of anything that could make us ever want to leave each other now."

Jake also felt a lump in his throat before replying .........


Dixie finally said, "Laura, Honey, I know things wouldn't be easy for you without Jake's help, but I have all the faith in the world in the fact that you could raise this child on your own. Now, whether you choose to do so, or whether you and Jake decide to raise it together is up to you two, but Luke's offer stands. Believe me when I tell you that your entire life is going to drastically change. I know me and Luke haven't been married long and ours is a very different situation, but Laura I can't tell you that if Luke and I had gotten married all those years ago that we would have been able to make it work and still be as happy as we are now. We are both working and were both established before getting married. Now, I know Jake has been working and isn't by any means lazy, but he has been working for money for car parts, gas and beer money. It's going to be different to have to work to support not only himself but also you, as well as preparing for the little ones arrival. He's going to but stressed and under pressure which as his wife you'll feel. Tension and stress can cause tempers to flare and before you know it if you two aren't really careful you both try to blame the other --- don't. You two have got to be able to talk to each other about anything and everything. Don't talk at each other but talk and listen to each other. Know when he may snap at you because lunch isn't ready that he may be snapping because the car had a flat." Dixie heard the men coming, "Just don't rush into a marriage that may not be the best thing for the three of you before you and Jake think long and hard about it."


Bo was still awake thinking about Jake and Laura and wondering how Luke was handling it, when he heard Braxton. He slide quietly out of the bed hoping to get to his son before he woke Beth ........


Bo, Jr and Jessica had driven in silence since they had left Luke's. They were each lost in their own thoughts about Jake and Laura. Finally the silence was broken when, Bo, Jr. said, "Dammit... Jessi, Baby... You ain't... I mean... Laura's the only one, right?"

Jessica nodded. "Yeah... She is... I tested a few times... I'm fine."

Bo, Jr. seemed relieved. "It ain't that I don't want us to have a family sometime... But I'd like for us to somewhat be able to decide when... And be settled down first."

She nodded. "Same here... But..." she smiled just a little. "You want to have a family with me?"

Bo, Jr. swallowed hard. He'd said it, and it was true. He nodded. "Yes, ma'am, I do... Jessica, I want you to be my wife one day... I want my kids to have you for their mama."

Jessica smiled again. "Well, when that time comes... I'll be there..."

The blonde smiled. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she replied, reaching to pat his hand.


Bo, in the meantime, had gotten to Braxton quickly. Unfortunately, however, the little one was hungry... And since Beth was nursing, there was nothing Bo could do about it.

Beth woke up, her dark brown hair tousled from pulling the blankets over her head as she often liked to do. "Bring him here, Sweetie," she said, reaching out to touch Bo's cheek.

The blonde man smiled as he lowered the baby into his wife's arms, that beaming smile on her face that he'd seen so many times before. "Hey, Sweety-pie," she said, stroking the tiny face with a finger. She began to hum softly as Braxton began to nurse. She glanced up at Bo, who had a big smile on his face. "Get back in bed, Honey, I'll put him back down when he's finished."

Bo sighed. "Honey, I'll do it... You got enough to worry about."

She shook her head. She was so grateful for this sweetheart of a man.

Bo leaned over them, kissing first Beth on the lips, then Braxton on the head. He sat in the rocking chair by the bed and just watched Beth and the baby.

After a while, Braxton had gone back to sleep. Bo took him and put him back down to sleep.

He crawled back into the bed beside Beth, who reached for him. He wrapped his arms around her gently. "Somethin' wrong, Baby?"

"No," she said softly. "I don't think so... I just wanted to be with you."

He grinned and pulled her closer, kissing her. "Well, in that case..."

Beth giggled and returned Bo's kiss, .......................


ake also felt a lump in his throat before replying, "Dad... I'll never hurt Laura... I mean, not physically. I'll do my best not to hurt her any other way, either. I swear... And I know both of us are gonna be doin' a lot of prayin', and a lot of talkin', and hopin'... I just can't believe this is it... I mean, I kinda pictured things different than this..."

Luke nodded. "I know, Son. We all did... but things ain't always the way we hoped they'd be..."

The younger man nodded, swallowing again to fight the lump in his throat. "I... I know... Thanks, though, Dad... Thanks for bein' willin' to raise my baby... I don't know how many folks woulda done that, but it meant a lot... I love you, Dad..."

Tears filled Luke's eyes as he replied, "I love you, too, son."

The two men walked toward the house and stepped in the door to find.

Laura had to at least admitted to herself that Dixie was making a lot of sense, but replied, "Ok, Dixie, I'll talk to him and we'll talk things over before making any final plans."

Dixie nodded as the door opened, "Good. We all just want what's best for all three of you."

Luke and Jake came into the living room. Luke took the arm of the couch and gently put his arm around his wife. Dixie laid her head over against Luke's waist.

Jake noticed that Dixie looked like she should have gone to bed a couple of hours ago, "Look ya'll, I'm really sorry for keeping you up this late. We really appreciate everything you've done tonight."

"Not a problem, Son. That's what family is for." Luke tightened his arm around Dixie's shoulder. Checking the time on the clock on the mantle of the fire place Luke noticed it was getting quiet late, "Jake are you coming back here after you take Laura home? It will be really late by the time you get to the Millers."

Jake nodded, "If you don't mind, I'd like that."

"Not at all. Your room isn't exactly finished but the couch is open." Luke said.

Dixie added, "I'll put you a pillow and blanket out before I go to bed."

"Don't go to any trouble for me. A sleeping bag on the floor is fine." Jake said as he reached for Laura's hand. "I shouldn't be too long and I'll try to be quiet."

Luke replied, "Don't worry about Dixie, a bomb could go off and you wouldn't wake her."

Dixie promptly smacked Luke's arm playfully, "Don't let him fool you. He only hears the (His Smokejumper) pager going off."

Luke glared at her, "You had to say that didn't you."

Dixie laughed, "Sorry. I didn't realize you were that superstitious."

"Yeah, well, just don't complain when I have to leave in the middle of the night after you make a comment like that." Luke declared.

The two couples shared a laugh as Laura and Jake prepared to leave and Luke and Dixie headed to bed after they left.


Luke was setting in the bed against the stacked pillows, when Dixie came into the bedroom from the bathroom. She dropped her robe onto the rocker that Luke had already insisted on putting in the bedroom. She pulled the sheets back and took her place on her side of the bed which actually was the middle of the bed. She scooted up against Luke's muscular form and began gently rubbing her hair along his bare chest. Luke's arm was around her waist.

Dixie looked up at him, "You OK?"

Looking down at his wife, "Yeah."

"Luke." Dixie said gently.

He sighed, "Really, I'm fine. Just worried about them. I want them to be happy, but the chances for a young couple today with the deck stacked against them isn't going to be easy."

"And it was easy for Bo and Beth or for us for that matter?" Dixie asked.

"No, I don't guess its easy for anybody, but da--it, it could have been easier to only have to worry about each other, now they will have a child to worry about shortly too." Luke said with a bit of agitation.

Dixie snuggled closer to Luke and put her leg across his legs, "It would have been easier on us to have done this say ten years ago, too, right?" She asked, as if on cue the youngest member of their family decided to make it's presence known and moved enough that Luke felt it move on his side where Dixie had snuggled her stomach close to him.

Her question never registered in Luke's head as he felt for the first time in his life a child of his own move for the first time. "Dixie?"

"Yeah?" She said reaching for his hand and placing it on her stomach between them.

Luke felt just a slight flutter under his hand as he said, "I love you... Do you know how happy I am right now?"

Dixie grinned. "Only if you're as happy as I am..."

  • 2 months later...

Meanwhile, Bo had his arms around Beth, kissing her. After a short while, Beth put her hand to his chest and smiled. "Bo, I don't think I'm ready to start on number 7 yet!"

Bo burst into laughter, and had to bury his face in his pillow to avoid being heard by the kids.

Beth laughed, too, and rested her head on Bo's shoulder. "And, just for the record, Sweetheart, that's the last time I EVER help you clean the barn!"

Bo was about to fall out of the bed by this point as he glanced at her and said, "Well, there's always cleaning the vinyl in the backseat of the General."

Beth smacked his arm and laughed even harder. "Bo," she said softly. "I hope that Jake and Laura's story turns out like ours has."

Bo nodded. "I gotta feelin' they'll be doin' a lot of barn cleanin' themselves..."

Beth shook her head. "Beauregard Jackson Duke!"

Bo looked at Beth, solemn as can be, and said, "I'm sorry."

She couldn't help laughing. He looked so much like their son Jesse, and Beth snorted with laughter. "Bo, I always thought Bo, Jr. looked just like you, but now it seems that YOU look just like Jesse Allan."

Bo couldn't help laughing at Beth's snort, and her declaration that he looked like Jesse. "Oh, Lord," he said, the whole bed shaking from their laughter.

Beth rolled into Bo's arms and said, "I really meant what I said earlier. I do hope that Jake and Laura have this much happiness."

Bo nodded, suddenly very serious again. "Me, too, Sunshine... I love you."

"I love you, too," she replied, kissing him gently, then closing her eyes.


The next morning, Dixie and Luke awoke to the sound of .... (beep, beep. BEEEPPPP!!!) Luke tossed the covers toward Dixie, quickly jumped up and grabbed his pager. At that very moment the phone started ringing. Luke unthinkingly turned on the light as he reached for the phone and his jeans at the same time.

Dixie had just gotten over the sudden bright light as she watched her husband operate on automatic pilot. She would have gotten up but at the moment it may have been Dangerous. It was as if Luke were all over the room at once.

Luke was doing, well trying to do, several things at once. Listen to the page, answer the phone and get dressed. He was so tuned into what he was doing that it was almost if Dixie didn't exist let alone be setting up in bed watching him. Dixie listened as he said, "Where? .....When? .....Yeah, OK got it. No wait, I can drive it and be there by then. See ya in a few." He sat down on the bed to put on his boots when he realized Dixie was setting up in bed watching him in amazement. Luke's first comment to Dixie through a bit of a smile was, "Don't say anything."

"I haven't said anything." she smiled. "But, you're blaming this on me right?"

"The fire no. The call yes." Luke said wickedly. He looked at the clock and added, "I've got to get to base camp and be ready to fly in an hour and a half." He grabbed one of his smokejumper shirts from a drawer and finally slowed down for just a moment as he went to Dixie's side of the bed where there was plenty of room as she was in the middle of the bed almost on his side. "I don't know when I'll be back but if anybody needs the truck come get it." Luke had placed his hand on her now plump belly, "Keep the boys out of trouble. I love you." He said taking Dixie in his arms for a kiss. Soon the adrenaline hit him once again as his mind continued to race.

Dixie said as he almost jumped off the bed, "Hey, I love you too! Be careful. Do you want coffee?"

"Always! As for the coffee, no time." Luke called back to Dixie from the hallway leading to the living room where Jake was asleep on the couch. Flipping on lights as he went. He was being none to quiet as he stomped through the house, grabbed his keys and slammed the door as he went out leaving on the trail of lights he'd turned on.

Dixie laughed as she heard the door slam, then the truck door, and finally heard the truck quickly pull out. It was just dark enough to catch a glimpse of the red lights flashing through the window. "Nope I don't think he even needed coffee this morning." Only now did she get up to turn off the bedroom light when she saw all the other lights on. She shook her head. In the living room Jake was setting up on the couch when she walked in.

"What just came through here?" he said sleepily.

Dixie laughed, "Your Dad. You know how he gets when he gets a call and he's not at base. I'll get these lights and you can go back to sleep. I'll call Debbie in a bit so she can give me a ride to work. Make yourself at home when you get up."

Jake replied, "Ok, thanks."

"No problem." Dixie said as she entered the bathroom. It seemed that the baby had been from day one laying right on her bladder. She got back in bed and wrapped the covers tightly around her snuggling Luke's pillow. Several minutes later it hit her. She opened her eyes and asked out loud, "Keep the boys out of trouble? Now what makes him think you are a boy?"


Luke had cut across the farm to hit the main road. He was running his red light at least until he got to the County line for two reasons: one, so the law would leave him alone and two, because though he wasn't the Sheriff anymore, it still annoyed Rosco. Luke knew he'd be going right by Rosco's.


A flash of red swept through Bo and Beth's bedroom window waking both of them. Beth squinted against the bright light, and Bo rolled over to look toward the window. The sound of the engine gave it away to both of them, and Bo said, "That's Luke's truck."

Beth nodded. "Oh, my Lord... I hope Dixie's OK."

Bo shrugged and said, "There's only one way to find out."

He turned on the CB base beside their bed and keyed the mic. "Lost Sheep 2 to Lost Sheep 1. Everything OK?"

Luke smiled in his truck. This was one of the things he had missed about Hazzard. Having the family around to keep an eye on everybody. "Yeah, Bo... It's just a Smokejumper call... Dixie jinxed me for sure."

Bo laughed. "Well, just checkin'. Hope everything goes OK, cousin."

"Me, too," Luke replied. "I'll catch ya later."

Beth smiled and snuggled back into the blankets. "Hm... What time is it?"

Bo put an arm around her and kissed her head. "Time for you to get a little more sleep before Braxton decides it's breakfast time."

Beth smiled and closed her eyes, snuggling into Bo's chest.


When Jake woke up again, Dixie was stirring around in the kitchen. The smell of coffee made the young man smile, and he said, "Hey, Dixie, what's for breakfast?"

The woman looked up and smiled. "Bacon and eggs... And grits and greens."

Jake grinned. Good ol' home cookin'. He loved home cookin'. Not that he got it much at the Millers anymore. Mrs. Miller was a good cook, but as time went on, she'd become less and less likely to cook and more and more likely to keep a supply of cereal and sandwich items available.

He rolled off of the couch and pulled on a pair of jeans. "Dixie," he said, kissing the woman on the cheek. "My dad's a lucky man to have you."

Dixie laughed. "And you, young man, are quite the charmer."

Jake shrugged. "What can I say? I got it honest."

She smiled softly and said, "Was Laura OK when you dropped her off last night?"

"Yes ma'am," he said. "But I gotta feelin' it ain't gonna be easy to tell her parents... We're gonna do it today."

"Hm... Good luck," Dixie said, giving him a meaningful look. "But you know, you're welcome to have them to dinner and tell them here... At least that way, you got family around to keep you from gettin' yourself killed."

Jake smiled a little. "Ya know somethin', Dixie. You're a regular genius."

"No... I just know that this is how Bo and Beth did it, and Bo's still alive to tell the story."

Jake nodded. "Well, still... I'll call Laura right now."

The young man went back to the living room to call Laura.


Meanwhile, Bo, Jr. had just been awakened by a knock on the door of his bedroom. He rolled over and reached for the pair of jeans at the side of his bed. "Just a sec," he called as he pulled them on. He went to the door and opened it to see Ruth Anne standing there. "Bo," she said quietly. "I gotta talk to you about something."

Bo, Jr. sighed as he opened the door wider to let her in. No good conversation had ever started like that. He sure hoped his little sister wasn't in any trouble.

Jake got Laura on the phone, "Laura, Honey, Dixie just had a wonderful idea. Do you think you can get your parents to come to dinner over here tonight? We can tell them here. Tell them Dixie and Luke are wanting to have a few people over to see the new house."

Laura was not all that convinced that it was a wonderful idea after the fight her father and Luke had which had resulted in them all spending the night in jail which her father still wouldn't let her forget. "Ah, Jake it may be easier to get the cow to jump over the moon. You know my father can be a very stubborn man. After the night he spent in jail which he still blames your Dad for I just don't see getting him to come to dinner at his house."

The Dukes had repaired the roof at the Boar's Nest and for the most part forgotten all about the incident. "He isn't over that yet?" Jake asked surprised.

"I don't think he'll ever get over that." Laura explained.

Jake replied, "Ok, well we'll just have to come up with another idea."


Ruth Anne was usually up early but it was barely light outside. Bo, Jr's radar was beginning to tune into trouble as he noticed she was still dressed in the clothes she was in before her date last night and she looked as if she'd been crying. Shutting the door quietly, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Jake walked into the kitchen. "Dixie, Laura said her Dad'll never come eat here, 'cuz he still hates Dad. He's still mad about that night he had to spend in jail."

Dixie shook her head. "Well, we'll think of something else..." But deep down she wasn't sure. Because Mr. Campbell was going to be angry enough no matter how they worked it out.

Jake hung his head. "Dixie, this is crazy! This whole thing... I mean, I know her daddy has a right to be mad, but I can't help it now."

Dixie nodded. "Trust me, Honey... I know all of us have seen angry daddies in our time, whether it be someone else's or our own." She sighed, remembering her father, Luther Davenport, when he heard about her getting caught with Luke.

Jake sighed. "Oh, Dixie, I don't know what the hell the man wants me to do! I'd go to hell and back for Laura's sake, and he can't respect me for that... I know what I did was wrong, but still..."

Dixie sighed, replying......


Bo and Beth were still in bed. Beth had dozed back off, but Bo was wide awake. He couldn't go back to sleep now. He was worried about Jake. Of all times for Luke to get called out, it had to be this day.

He looked down at Beth, who was lying in his arms, sleeping quietly, and hoped that Jake would look down at Laura in his arms in 18 or 20 years and feel the same love in his heart for her... A love that threatened to make his heart burst.

Braxton's crying broke the silence... and woke Beth, who sat up. Bo was about to go after him, but Beth put her hand to his chest to stop him. "It's my turn, Daddy," she said with a small smile.

She went to get Braxton, and returned to the bed, oblivious to the fact that Ruth Anne was in Bo, Jr's. room, crying her eyes out to her big brother.


Balladeer: Speaking of Ruth Anne and Bo, Jr......

Bo, Jr. did everything he knew to do. He took his sister in his arms when she had began to cry. He said to her, "Hey, Ruthie, come on now things can't be that bad. Talk to me."

She had answered with only teary eyes as she said, "Oh, Bo, Jr. it's just to aweful to tell!"


Dixie sighed, replying, "I hope your Dad is back tonight. Maybe then you, him, and Bo can go over and had a talk with Mr. Campbell. Maybe you can take along the voice of reason, Jeb or Cooter, to run interference. Lord knows my father was in no mood to listen to anyone, and me and your Dad had only been caught in the back seat! Sometimes I wished I had have been pregnant then maybe we wouldn't have had to wait so long for what we have now." Dixie said in agitation. "Look, promise me you won't tell Laura's parents anything until I can talk to your Dad or he gets home. Dixie well remembered the unreasonable way her Father had talked to her, Luke, and even Uncle Jesse. Looking at her watch Dixie picked up the phone to call Debbie at the apartment above the garage where she had been staying recently since transferring to the Tri -County jail with Dixie.

A sleepy male voice said, "Hello?" Obviously surprised to get a call this early.

Without thinking, Dixie said with a bit of surprise, "Jeb?"

Jeb was now awake and kicking himself for answering Debbie's phone while she was in the shower, "Dixie?"

NARRATOR: "Well, now that we have that cleared up!"

Trying to contain the shock Dixie explained, "Yeah, Luke got called out earlier. I need a ride to work since you have all determined my car not safe. Can Debbie pick me up at the house?'

Jeb replied, "Hang on." Then to Debbie, "Honey, Dixie is on the phone. Can you pick her up at the house? Luke got called out."

Debbie turned fifteen shades of purple. Dixie now would not only suspect that Jeb was staying with her sometimes but now would KNOW! Glancing at her watch on the shelf, " ****! Tell her to be ready. We're gonna have to move or be late."

Jeb was also now a bit embarrassed, "She said, 'Be ready!' "

Dixie replied, "I'll be on the porch and if we're late I'll tell them I had morning sickness on the way!"

Laughing, Jeb said, "Your on! I'll tell her."


Dixie and Debbie made it to work on time but barely. They were in to big of a hurry to talk on the way but the return trip would be interesting.


By this time Luke and his team had landed safely in the landing zone and were now settling down to the work of putting a forest fire out. Things looked good on the way in and Luke hoped to be wrapped up by evening if the weather held. He stopped long enough for a drink from his canteen as he watched his crew of two females, five males and himself make short order of the raging beast headed their way. With luck they would have a fire break made to stop the fire when it got there. Luke had a great crew. He knew it and they knew he felt that way.


Meanwhile, Bo, Jr., had his own problems trying to figure out what Ruth Anne's problem was .................

She was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Come on, honey," he said softly. "Talk to me."

She blinked against the tears and said, "Bo, it's... It's Nathan..."

"What about him?" Bo asked softly, trying to get her to calm down.

"He... He's moving away, Bo... And he asked me to marry him... and I told him no..." She burst into sobs all over again. "But I really want to marry him Bo, I was just scared and..." she sniffled. "And now he thinks I don't love him..."

Bo, Jr.'s face was blank. He had no idea what to tell her. But he knew that she was too young to get married, being a little over a month short of 17.

Ruth Anne in the meantime was still crying. "And, Bo, he begged me to change my mind... He... He said he'd be a good husband and take care of me and everything, and I knew he would, but I couldn't say yes, even though I wanted to."

Bo, Jr. shook his head. "Come here," he said, putting his arms around his sister. Sure she was almost 17, but she was still his little sister, and he loved her.

She closed her eyes and leaned into her brother's arms, crying like a child.

He held her and said, "You should talk to Mama. She'll know what to do."


A few minutes later, after Bo and Beth had put Braxton back down, they heard a knock at their door. Bo went to the door to see his oldest daughter, still in her clothes from the night before, and crying.

Bo, being Bo, automatically assumed that Nathan had done something to Ruth Anne, and said, "What'd he do?" angrily.

"No, Daddy," she said softly. "He didn't do anything wrong... I just need to talk to Mama."

Bo looked at Beth and said, "I'll go get dressed and head over to check on Dixie... Make sure she don't need nothin'."

Beth's eyes thanked him.

She patted the bed beside her and Ruth Anne sat down. "Now, honey, what's wrong?" Beth asked.

Ruth Anne replied, "Oh, Mama, it's terrible! Nathan's father is getting transferred. He has to move. He wasn't me to marry him and I want to but I couldn't tell him that. I told him no and now he thinks I don't love him!" Ruth Anne cried.

Beth reached out and took her oldest daughter in her arms, "Honey, you did the right thing telling him no. If he's man enough to take care of you, he's man enough to stand on his own two feet and stay here when his folks leave. Then, if he can take care of himself for a year or so then he might be able to take care of you."

Ruth Anne knew deep down her mother was right but it made it no easier, "But, Mama!"

Bo went over to check on Dixie only to find Jake at the table finishing his breakfast.

Bo asked, "Where's Dixie?"

"Debbie picked her up for work a little while ago since Luke took the truck. She said to tell you if you need the truck to go get it." Jake said, "Bo can I ask you something?"

Bo, Sr. replied, "Sure, Son you can ask me anything and I'll do my best to answer it."

"Laura's father is still having problems with spending the night in jail 'because of Dad'. Dixie had suggested getting them over here for dinner to tell them about the baby, but Laura said he'll never go for it. Do you have any ideas?" Jake asked hopeful.

Bo thought for a minute and replied, "We wait for your Dad to get home and the three of us take us a ride over to the Campbell's. Unless your Dad can think or something better. It will either defuse the situation or light a stack of dynamite."

Some how Jake hoped Luke would have a better idea, but at least Bo was offering to go with them. "Thanks Bo. I really appreciate the offer."

Bo replied, "Hey, it is Uncle Bo after all."

Meanwhile, back at the house, Beth was still trying to comfort Ruth Anne. "Mama, why would he think I don't love him? I only said no because I'm not ready to get married... But when I am, I really do wanna marry him..."

Beth nodded. "I know, honey... But you have to wait. He needs to be a man... And to be honest, you need to be a woman. I know you take care of your little brother and sisters, but could you do that 24-7? Can you take care of a family like that?"

Ruth Anne knew Beth was right, but it was hard to admit it to her.

Beth hugged her daughter. "Honey, I don't mean that you're immature or anything like that, because you're very mature... But you aren't ready for all those responsibilities."

Ruth Anne just leaned against her mother and cried.


In the meantime, Bo and Jake had decided to come back to Bo and Beth's. When Beth was still in her room, Bo knew something was up. "I'll be back in a minute, Jake," he said, heading up the stairs.


Meanwhile, Dixie had asked Debbie about Jeb.

Turning bright red, the other woman said, "What about Jeb?" She knew exactly what Dixie was talking about.

Dixie saw her embarrassment and added, "Out with it! you had to hear all the 'details' of my coming back to Hazzard when I got home. And," she stressed, "We have let a couple really good opportunities pass by when 'certain' people missed sleeping in the house and stayed in the barn instead." Dixie laughed as she patted her now showing belly, "Beth and I really should have warned ya about that ole barn."

Debbie looked away from the road as they drove home. "Warned me about the barn?" She was afraid she knew what Dixie was referring to.


Bo opened his bedroom door to find Ruth Anne still crying on her mother's shoulder. When he uttered the single word. "Beth?" he looked more like Jesse Duke than she had ever seen him.

Beth gave him a slight smile, held up her hand, and nodded 'things were OK'.

Bo trusted his wife's judgment but he still wanted to take care of what or who was making his daughter cry. Though he wanted an explanation soon he suggested, "I'll start breakfast." and went back out the door to give the 'women' their time.

Beth and Ruth Anne looked at each other then at the closed door.

Ruth Anne said, "Mom?"

Beth gave her an assuring look, "Here let's dry up and and get downstairs before he gets anything but coffee started."

They both enjoyed a good laugh as they went to rescue the family from Bo's cooking. Beth would put Bo's mind to rest as soon as she could.


Bo, Bo, Jr., Jake and Jesse spent the day doing outside chores. Jeb had even 'dropped' by to help out since he was in town. While Beth and the girls worked inside. The guys were just taking a break when they saw Debbie's car coming up Bo's driveway. Even though Luke and Dixie had their own home it was still habit to stop by Bo's on the way home.

Dixie and Debbie had gotten out of the car still in uniform, threw up their hands and headed for the house.

Bo replied, "Da--, I wish they would change clothes at work!"

Jeb agreed, "Kinda give ya the 'willies' don't they?"

The four had a good laugh as they heard another very familiar vehicle on the road nearing the drive way. This time Luke was going much slower than he had left that morning.

Jake was relieved to see Luke home.

Bo read his look, "That's Luke. We'll see what he thinks about how to tell Laura's family.

Just as the girls got into the house, Luke's truck was in the driveway. Beth was relieved to see her cousin-in-law as much as Jake and Bo were. Knowing that Luke and Jake needed to talk, Dixie kept to the house for the time being, having a glass of tea with Beth.

Sitting on the couch, Beth told Dixie about Ruth Anne's night, and how upset the poor girl had been. Dixie shook her head as she replied, "Oh, Lord! What else could happen? ..... No, don't answer that! I've been around this family too long to ask something like that." She was silent for several minutes, then said, "Beth, she's a smart girl to know that's he may be right for her, but that she's not ready for marriage. Sometimes I wished I would have gotten pregnant all those years ago and been able to marry Luke then. But, then I truly have to wonder if we were really ready to be with each other then. God knows I love that man as much today as I did then, but would I if we had gotten married then? I guess we're just lucky that things did finally work out between us so that we can be together after all that has happened. I'd really like to think that I could have held on to Luke or that he would have kept walking by all the girls he's been with if we had been married. I've heard the stories and I'll tell ya if some of them showed back up I'd be a whole lot insecure until they left, especially with me looking like this." She patted her round belly.

Beth replied, "I know she's a smart girl. I just hope she knows that. As for you and Luke, Honey, don't second guess anything. That man out there would move heaven and Earth for ya."


Bo, Jr. looked at his dad. "Gah, I don't know what Jake's gonna do... He's so scared." He sighed. "I don't know what I'd do."

He looked at Bo, blue eyes showing his worry.

Bo nodded. "But, Son, Jake's a Duke, and if there's anything Uncle Jesse taught us, it's that nothing brings a Duke down. Least not so much that he can't stand back up."

Jake made his way over to Luke, looking his father in the eyes as he said, his tone shy, but brave, "Dad, I need your help."

Luke saw the pain in his son's eyes, "Sure, Son. What can I do?"

Jake looked at his father. "Um... can we go talk on the back 40 a while?" he asked, knowing that his father would understand the urgency.

"Yeah, let's go," Luke replied, following his son, letting him take his time.


In the house, Dixie and Beth were still talking. Until Braxton decided it was time to interrupt with a loud squall. Beth shook her head as she started up to the room where her little man had just awoken from his nap with an empty belly.

She brought him back down to the living room to feed him. Once he started eating, the tears stopped, and Beth rocked him gently while she talked to Dixie. "I don't know what got into that Nathan, but he's going to have to grow up a bit before he can even think of getting married. But still... I think when the time comes for him to get married, he's gonna be callin' on our Ruth Anne."

Dixie smiled. "Lord, don't I remember those courtin' days," she said, hand resting on her belly. "I can just remember hoping for this. Course I was always hoping it'd come earlier."

Beth smiled. "Same here, honey... I can remember thinkin' Bo Duke was the cutest thing, but he'd probably always see me like he saw Daisy. Like a little sister. And then the next thing I know, he's askin' me to go to a dance with him..." She grinned. "Then one dance followed another, and next thing ya know, BAM! Bo, Jr."

Dixie laughed. She knew that Beth wouldn't have traded it for the world. Not a single second of it.

Looking out the window as Luke and Jake walked by, Dixie turned to Beth. She had seen the look on her husband's face. If there was one look she knew it was this one. His jaw was set and his neck muscle were tense. It was his look of sheer determination. Luke Duke was a very strong willed and determined man in any situation. Dixie had always admired these qualities in her husband even when they tended to get him in trouble with Rosco. She knew that with his job, these qualities were what had often brought him home at night just like they had brought him home from Vietnam, but with the situation at hand, Dixie had suddenly gotten a chill when she saw this look on Luke's face. She felt herself hold his unborn child just a little tighter as she said, "Beth, what ever is up, we're not going to like."

Beth looked from Dixie to the now opening front door as Luke, Jake, Bo, and Bo, Jr. walked in. Luke had stopped only long enough on the porch to let Bo and Bo, Jr. in on his plan. Luke was the only one of the bunch to continue across the room as the others waited just inside the door.

NARRATOR: "It almost looks like they are ready for a fast 'escape' don't it?"

Jeb and Debbie came through the back door and stopped in their tracks when they saw the look on Luke's face as he stood in front of Dixie and Beth.

Luke took Dixie's hand and said firmly, "We're going over to Laura's and most likely bringing her back here so you might want to set up the baby's room as a guest room." He glared slightly at Jake, warning him not to challenge him on this matter.

Jake may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but Luke's look made him swallow hard with the understanding that Laura may be welcome at Luke's house but not in Jake's bed until she was his wife. Jake thought silently to himself, 'Ok, ready or not, you are about to cross a bridge you can't come back from.'

Bo, Jr could see Jake's distress. He put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed it for moral support.

Jake was grateful for the family he now knew. He knew he would never get half this support from the Millers.

Dixie said the only thing she could under the circumstances, "I'll have it ready, …"

Luke saw she wanted to continue the conversation. He stopped her sentence with a kiss and a whisper in her ear, "It'll be fine. Don't worry and I love you."

Dixie gave him a slight smile. She wished she could have given him a more supportive one. "I love you too. We'll both be waiting."


Luke looked at Bo as he turned the key to the General Lee, "Do they always hit below the belt like that?"

Bo knew Luke was referring to Dixie's comment about both her and the baby would be waiting. Bo replied, "Been there too many times to lie to ya cousin. Always!"

Luke just nodded and replied rather sarcastically, "Thanks!" as he headed the General Lee towards the Campbell place. Luke knew that him going there would cause a scene even if you didn't consider the fact they were going there to tell Mr. Campbell that his daughter was pregnant by Luke's son. He could only hope for a somewhat peaceful meeting, though he truly didn't see it happening.

Beth and Dixie busied themselves about the house, knowing they'd both go stark raving mad if they didn't. Debbie joined in the cleaning, and poor Jeb looked like a long tailed cat in a room full of rockin' chairs. Part of him wanted to go with his cousins in case there was trouble. And part of him was pretty darn glad that he wasn't in the General at this moment.

Just the fact that they took the General alone was proof enough to Jeb, Beth, and Dixie that there was going to be trouble. In normal circumstances, Luke would have taken the truck.

Braxton's crying broke the silence as Beth, Dixie, and Debbie worked away at the living room. Beth walked out without a word, and brought her little man back into the room. She sat in the rocking chair and sang gently to him until he was quiet.

Dixie had to smile at the baby despite the overwhelming sense that something was going to go wrong at the Campbells'. She wished that Luke would call, even though she knew that, even if he did, it would be a while.

Beth rocked Braxton gently, praying that Bo would be all right.

These were the days that being a Duke woman just wasn't so much fun.


Meanwhile at the Campbells, …. Luke Duke pulled the General Lee into the Campbell drive way. Luke couldn't help but think of Uncle Jesse. He wondered how Jesse would have handled this situation.

Bo asked, "You got a plan, right?"

Luke looked him dead in the eye and replied, "No."

"Great." Bo replied.

"You and Bo, Jr. just hang tight and be ready for anything. OK?" Luke said.

"Right." Bo sighed. It didn't sound like much of a plan to him. He knew Mr. Campbell. Bo knew he'd been known to blow his stack at a lot less.

At the end of the driveway, Luke turned the General where he was pointed back out.

Bo, Jr. saw what Luke had done and asked Jake, "What is he doing?"

Following Luke's lead Jake also made sure he could get out in a hurry, "The same thing I am. Making sure we can get outta here in a hurry."

As Luke got out of the General Lee he motioned for Bo, Jr. to stay put.

Jake said in a low voice as he got out of the driver's seat, "You might want to slide over here."

Bo, Jr. sighed, "Ah, Yeah."

Luke took the lead as they stepped up on the large porch. He was about to knock when Mr. Campbell stepped to the door and onto the porch. Fire was in his eyes as he spotted Luke. "What are you doing here, Duke?" He spat the last name like he had a bad taste in his mouth.

Luke began with more respect than he felt, "Mr. Campbell my son has somethings to talk to you about. I'm only here to make sure he get the chance."

At this point Laura came out on the porch.

Jake moved as to put himself between her and her father.

Mr. Campbell glared at them both. "So talk." He said to Jake.

Jake immediately began to stutter. This wasn't going to be easy.


Meanwhile, back at the farm, Dixie and Beth were starting to lose patience with waiting on their men folk. They knew they had to let it go, but it was hard. They didn't know what was going on, and that was never a good thing.

For Beth, the waiting brought back old memories. Memories that were hard to deal with, of a time when she was a young wife, expecting a child, with her husband running moonshine to God only knew where. She remembered so many nights, lying in bed, unable to sleep, and sick with worry about her husband.

Those were the nights that made it hard to be Bo's wife. The nights when she didn't know if he'd make it home, and cried herself to sleep just wishing he were there to hold her.

She fought back those memories and told herself that Bo would be just fine.

Dixie, in the meantime, stayed busy. The house would be pretty close to spotless by the time three nervous women got through with it.

And the clock kept ticking.

Jake began, "Mr. Campbell,..... Ah,..... I'm sure you remember,..... that night that me and Laura got a,..... ah,..... little carried away up at the caves?"

Mr.Campbell's face quickly became redder than Jake thought possible, "Of COURSE, I REMEMBER that YOU took advantage of my DAUGHTER, then insisted upon flaunting it in MY FACE!"

Before Mr. Campbell could continue his outburst, Luke spoke up and made his points crystal clear, "Mr. Campbell, as I SAID earlier, I AM HERE to make sure you hear Jake out!"

From the General Lee, Bo saw things were not going well.

"Look here now, DUKE! This is my property and you'll not talk to ME like THAT!"

Bo, Jr. said just loud enough for Bo to hear him, "Dad?"

"Calm down, Son," Bo said, glancing at the younger man. "Just hold tight."

Luke understood Mr. Campbell's anger. He really did. He couldn't imagine if he and Dixie had a little girl for some boy to come and tell him that he'd slept with her. Luke had half a mind that he'd snap the boy in half.

But Jake was his son, and he wouldn't let Mr. Campbell hurt him.

"Mr. Campbell," he said, more calmly. "I'm sorry about this, but for the sake of both my son and your daughter, would you please hear him out?"

Mr. Campbell, sensing a certain urgency and sincerity in the dark-haired man's voice, sat down and nodded. "OK. Carry on, Jake."

Jake hadn't expected this, and now, he didn't know how to respond.

"Um..." Jake looked to his father for moral support.

Luke nodded for him to continue while he was trying his best to calm his own temper down a notch or two. He had to admit, he had been just about to loose it, when he felt a presence so strong that he had almost turned around. From some where deep in his soul he had heard so clearly Jesse Duke say just one word to him. The word had been, "Luke", but it was said with conviction, urgency and a bit of warning. The one words meaning was not missed by Luke when he heard it. He had heard Jesse many times give him such a warning to calm down and re-think the situation. It only took him about twenty-two years to learn to heed it's meaning BEFORE the situation went further.

"Well, Sir, I know we all thought, ...." Jake saw Mr. Campbell growing more impatient. He thought that maybe he had better reword his thoughts, "Sir, Laura and I are planning to be married."

Mr. Campbell's face turned as purple as Jake had ever seen. He was glad Mr. Campbell had set down. As fast a a cat, Mr. Campbell was up, on his feet, crossed the small distance and had grabbed Jake by the shirt front. He bellowed with a deep, loud, rumbling voice, "You BASTARD! She's with child!" He said as statement more than a question.

Seeing this both Bo and Bo, Jr's feet hit the ground ready for anything.

The action was not missed by Mr. Campbell.

There is was, again. That word that had resulted in the entire bunch being guest at the Hazzard Iron Bar Hotel. Luke moved quickly to put himself between his son and Mr. Campbell. "Now, listen here, Mr. Campbell," he said, fire flashing in his blue eyes in a way that more than got his point across. "I don't want a fight here, all right?"

"Daddy, no!" Laura exclaimed, in the same second in which Luke had moved. "Don't!"

Jake had clenched his fists, just to be ready in case he needed to swing, and Bo and Bo, Jr. were both ready to fight if need be.

Though neither of them wanted to face Beth if it came down to that.

With one hand on Mr. Campbell's shoulder, holding him back firmly, and the other giving Jake's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, Luke looked at Mr. Campbell. "Now, Mr. Campbell......."

"…..... Our children are planning to be married. They are both adults here. I think we should support them in their decisions." Luke said, much more calmly than he felt. He really wanted to slug Mr. Campbell like he had at the Boar's Nest, but at least this time he was expecting the situation and had somehow managed to hold his temper thus far. He knew Dixie would support him in this situation no matter what the outcome, but he didn't want to put her through anymore than necessary.

Bo and Bo, Jr. had eased up to the bottom of the porch steps. Bo wasn't sure how Luke was controlling his temper, but he was sure glad he was. They always knew Jesse had the patience of a Saint and just maybe some of it had indeed rubbed off on Luke.

Mr. Campbell never backed up, but it seemed he at least re-thought his reaction. He began again, "But the reason they are wanting to be married is that she is pregnant?"

Luke looked to Jake to answer Mr. Campbell.

With Luke still between the two, Jake answered, "Yes, Sir, ......"

Mr. Campbell shoved hard towards Jake. Though Luke was still between the two, he was able to push Jake against the wall of the house. Luke released his grip of Jake's shoulder, placed both hands on Mr.Campbell and pushed back. He quickly and efficiently was able to turn the tables on Mr. Campbell and had him against the wall of the house. "Look here, Mr. Campbell. I've took more from you here, than I ever would have anywhere else. BUT, I will not take you calling my son a Bastard and I da-- sure will not take you pushing him around. I told you I was here to make sure you heard Jake out, but you're making that rather difficult. So, I'll lay it out for you, ....."

Bo was now on the porch. Bo, Jr. looked at Jake with a small grin that said, 'I told you he'd support ya!'

Luke continued firmly, "Our children ARE adults. The decisions they make are decisions THEY will have to live to with. Just like Uncle Jesse couldn't make my choices and your father couldn't make yours; we can not make theirs. Remember, nothing melts the heart like a grandchild will."

Mr. Campbell replied, "...............


With the house as clean as it had been in years, except where Jeb had been pacing, Beth was making a pitcher of tea.

Jeb walked with a purpose over to the wooden peg by the door, picked up the set of keys to Luke's truck. He felt the three sets of eyes on his back as he turned, "Look, I can't just set here. I got to go see what's up." Not waiting on a comment from any of the three he was out the door and on his way kicking up a large cloud of dust.

Dixie looked at the expression on her friend's face. She was sure she'd seen it on Beth's face a million times over the years and knew she'd been guilty of it many times in the past also. She offered, "I knew he couldn't set here much longer."

Beth smiled a little, "I was sort of shocked when he didn't go with them to begin with."

Debbie asked, "Are they all crazy or what?"

"Maybe," Beth replied, "But, they are a team. They have been since before they got caught runnin' shine."

At that particular moment, Dixie who had been setting at the kitchen table relaxing suddenly set up really straight.

Both Beth and Debbie looked at her with concern.

"I think someone else wanted to go." Dixie said as she rubbed her left ribcage where the baby's kick had felt like it would take her breath.

Beth sighed loudly before saying, "Just another Duke boy trait Darlin'."

Still rubbing her side, Dixie said, "Thanks, Beth, I needed that about now."

Beth smiled impishly, "No problem."

Dixie glared at her 'friend'!


Luke continued firmly, "Our children ARE adults. The decisions they make are decisions THEY will have to live to with. Just like Uncle Jesse couldn't make my choices and your father couldn't make yours; we can not make theirs. Remember, nothing melts the heart like a grandchild will."

Mr. Campbell replied, "Well, I don't plan to help them one bit financially." Luke glared but said nothing, knowing full well that the Campbells were well-off, much more so than the Dukes. "So I hope your son knows how to do something, because he'll need a job."

Luke slowly let go of Mr. Campbell, shaking his head. "Well, one way or another, my grandchild will be taken care of. I hope one day you'll realize how special a grandchild is." Luke backed away from Mr. Campbell, not trusting the man enough to turn his back. Following his cousin's lead, Bo, too, moved back toward the General, his son following suit.

Jake squeezed Laura's hand and said, "I'll see you after while, OK?"

Laura nodded, unable to speak for the knot in her throat. She stood on her toes to kiss his cheek, and turned to go back into the house. Only when the door was closed did Jake join his family in heading toward the General.


Beth and Dixie didn't even move when they heard the General in the driveway. They knew the sound of that engine like a mother knew her babies by their cries. The men folk trooped into the house, including Jeb, who'd seen the General on the road, and turned around to follow.

"Well?" Dixie asked, looking up at her husband.

Luke replied, "…..........


"Well, he's alive."

Jake nodded, then added, "Barely!"

Bo, Sr. complemented, "Yeah, but you and Jesse would have been REAL proud of that there husband of yours." Bo smiled as he put his hand on Luke's shoulder, "Though he did worry me a couple times...."

Bo, Jr. added, "Like when he put Mr. Campbell up against the wall by his collar! That was sooo cool!!!!"

Luke grimaced, and,.......


Inside the Campbells the dishes rattled in the house as Mr. Campbell slammed the door!

His wife who had not heard any of the outside conversation came hurrying into the room just as she saw her husband of so many years heading toward there daughter with fire in his eyes. It was a scene that scared her so much she found herself jump in between the two.

Mr. Campbell knew at that moment he was about to cross a line that he he could never go back across. So he stopped and said none to quietly, "You better get that 'Duke Loving Whore' out of my sight!"

Laura's mother reached behind her and moved Laura towards the doorway where the steps went upstairs, "Go on I'll be right there." She gave Laura a good head start and turned to go after her leaving her husband fuming like a mad bull.


Once upstairs she closed the door to Laura's bedroom and said, "What on Earth has gotten into him? I thought this whole mess was over with..."

Laura .............


Luke grimaced, and rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with his wife like he'd done millions of times with his Uncle Jesse.

Dixie, not in the mood to hear that Luke was pushing his luck staying out of jail, stood up. In an uncommonly strong moment of emotion, she gave her husband a look that Bo and Jeb could have sworn would have killed a lesser man. "Lucas Keith Duke," she exclaimed, in a voice Bo almost wondered if Beth had taught her. "I don't know what you think you're doing, but I don't know if I can take one more night of you being in jail."

Luke blinked, not quite having expected that from his usually entirely rational wife. But Luke, having been around Beth when she was pregnant, knew enough to let her have her say.

"Now, you listen here, Luke Duke," she said, fighting back tears of anger. "I will not go through what Beth went through. You and Bo were kids then. You can't be actin' like kids now!"

Bo hung his head a little, thinking of all the crazy things poor Beth had gone through in the early days of their marriage. He was ashamed of himself.

Dixie knew deep down that she was being irrational and that, in all honesty, Luke had probably acted out of the sheer need to keep Mr. Campbell away from Jake. But for some reason, what she knew and how she felt were conflicting. And she just couldn't make her head win over her heart right now.

Luke looked up at his wife once she'd said her piece, and............


Laura looked up at her mother, tears in her eyes. "Mama, I'm pregnant... And... And me and Jake wanna get married, and Daddy's..." she shook her head, not even sure how to say what she was thinking.

Laura's mother embraced her, stroking her hair. "Honey, it's gonna be fine... You'll make it."

Both women tensed, as suddenly, they heard Mr. Campbell's heavy footfalls coming up the stairs. He flung the door open and, still furious, but sure that he wouldn't physically hurt her, he yelled, "I thought I told you you better not do any more than KISS that damn Duke boy again. I thought I told you that you could do better!" he was getting louder and louder.

Shaking his head, he looked at the girl like he despised her. "Then you just ignore me, and go off and do it again. And now you're gonna have a basta---'s basta--!"

With that, Laura stood up, anger making her eyes bright. "For your information," she said, standing straight and proud. "We didn't do anything else after the first time. The test was wrong. And I love Jake, and he is not and will never be a basta--. I'm done!"

She grabbed her purse and keys and ran out the door, knowing that she'd be safe at the Duke farm.

Luke looked up at his wife once she'd said her piece, and started to reply just as a car was heard coming up the drive fast and hard!

Jake bolted at the sound of the car coming up the drive WAY too fast!

Luke followed as did the rest of the family.....

What greeted them after the car slide sideways up to the porch, was a nearly hysterical Laura. It was obvious she had cried all the way to the Duke farm.......

Jake had nearly been hit by the sliding car in his rush to get to Laura....

As he dodged the car, and ran over to the driver's side door, Jake looked terrified. "Honey, what is it?" he asked, as the crying girl practically collapsed against him.

Jake held her, looking helplessly from Bo to Luke, hoping one of the older men would be able to help him out, considering that both of them had some experience in talking to emotional pregnant women. Laura finally calmed down enough to tell him what was wrong. "My Daddy called our baby a 'basta--'s basta--, and..." she couldn't say anything else. She was still out of breath.

Jake's eyes were flashing with a fire that only a Duke could have. Luke, noticing that look, walked over to his son, trying hard not to be just as angry as Jake was. He hated the way that man talked about his son, and now, his grandchild.

The Dukes walked Laura into the house and got her settled in on the couch. Beth brought her a cup of hot chocolate, and they waited for her to calm down enough to talk.

As they sat there, patiently waiting, the quiet was broken by a loud banging on the door, so loud that it work Braxton, who started to cry.

"Crap," Bo said, cringing as he made his way toward the door..........

followed by Luke and Jeb who were both on Bo's heels.

NARRATOR: Ya'll see the problem is here, that there are certain things you just don't do and even old Rosco and Boss would never had knocked on Jesse Duke's door like that! Now, I ain't certain who's behind the door but I don't think they will be welcomed with the Duke's normal hospitality.

All three 'boys' had a pretty good idea who was on the other side of the door and were ready for about anything.

Beth had gotten Braxton out of his bassinet which had been in the living room and the little fellow was still crying with all his might at being awoken and scared by such a loud noise. Beth was mad her own self about the baby being woken up like that as she tried to sooth him.

Though Debbie was relatively new to Hazzard's ways, even she saw the look that was on Jeb's face as well as Bo and Luke's, they were mad.

Dixie who had not fifteen minutes ago been upset about Luke's reported behavior at the Campbell's found her first reaction was not of a wife or mother but as a correctional officer. She set up quickly to get up off the couch that she was on to go see just what was going on, but with the softness of the couch and her added weigh she was not going to be getting off the couch as quickly as she thought. Then she seen the look on Luke's face and could only hope that who ever was on the other side of that door was not the man who'd called this man's unborn grandchild a bastard.

Bo opened the door and there stood Mr. Campbell red faced with anger getting ready to knock again!!!!!

Bo knew what he wanted to do, which was clean Mr. Campbell's clock. But he further knew that Beth was in no mood for him to mess with trouble, since she was already somewhat irritated at having to put Braxton back to sleep.

The squalling boy had quieted down a bit, and Beth's eyes were on her husband.

"Mr. Campbell," Bo said, evenly, but nowhere near calm. "I do not appreciate you wakin' my baby, or knockin' on my door like that at all hours."

Luke's blue eyes were flashing as he added, "And I don't appreciate you callin' my son and grandchild basta--s!" Starting toward the door, Luke was fit to be tied, and, though Bo knew Beth and Dixie wouldn't appreciate his just letting it happen, he also knew better to get between Luke Duke and anything that made him that mad.

Just as Luke was getting ready to grab Mr. Campbell and teach him a few manners, Beth called Bo's name. All three Duke men looked at Bo's wife, who was gesturing toward the staircase, with a very interested Jesse Allen Duke, waiting to see what his "Uncle" Luke was going to do to the rude man at the door.

Luke stopped short, having seen the boy standing there.

Eyes turned back to Mr. Campbell, Bo said, not even looking at Jesse anymore, "Son, go back upstairs."

Jesse knew that voice... The Jesse Duke voice, as his mama called it. But he didn't want to leave just yet, so he stood there, watching quietly. Beth glared at her son, but given the precarious situation, said nothing.

Luke stepped back, trying to control his anger as Bo said, "Mr. Campbell, I'd appreciate if you'd leave my house before I call the Sheriff."

Mr. Campbell was shocked at Bo Duke's comment and it showed even as he said, "Good call the Sheriff I tell him exactly how you bas---s corrupted my baby girl!" Mr. Campbell still could not get it in his mind that the Sheriff was a woman.

Jake was up and heading toward the front door as he felt Laura holding on to his entire arm. She was upset, crying and shaking like a leaf! Jake knew right then he had as few choices of reactions as did Bo, Jeb and his father. He gathered Laura in his arms and held on to her while gently telling her it would be alright, while giving Bo, Jr. a look that said, 'What else could I do?'

Up until now Bo had tried to be the voice of reason yet he felt both Jeb and Luke nearly breathing fire down his neck as he stood between Mr. Campbell and them.

Jesse was now glued to his spot and hoped the adults were far more concerned with the matters at hand than him standing on the top step of the stairs. Jesse had heard enough bits and pieces of stories to realize the his Dad and Uncle Luke use to have a lot more fun when his mother and Dixie weren't around. He'd sure like to have seen what would have happened if the women weren't around.

Mr. Campbell didn't know when to not push his luck as he said, "I want Laura in my car now or she is never to step foot in my home again! and when you call the Sheriff tell him that I want to report my car stolen!" Mr. Campbell had always been a bullying sort of man who thought he could bluff his way through life as he had in high school when he was on all the teams and due to his size and money even now he tended to get his way with the 'gentlemen' of the lodges and businesses he dealt with. So by stepping toward Bo he thought the man would back down.....

Luke and Jeb were just waiting for Bo to have enough and move since neither could get by Bo's broad form in the door way.

Bo ........................


leaned a little closer so that only Mr. Campbell, and Luke and Jeb, who were closely flanking him, could hear his words. “Mr. Campbell, I do not appreciate you coming onto my land and calling my family names. Now, you can leave quietly, or I really will call the Sheriff. Don’t think I’m bluffing just because that’s the kind of game you play.â€

Mr. Campbell could tell from Bo’s face and his voice that the Duke wasn’t kidding, but he wasn’t prepared to leave just yet. “Tell my daughter to come home.â€

“She’s an adult, Mr. Campbell, and as long as she wants to be at this house, she’s welcome here. I don’t know about your car, but I’m sure Laura will turn the keys over to you if need be.†He stood up to his full height, which was considerably taller than Mr. Campbell.

The man still didn’t budge. Bo could still feel the two men behind him, both ready to pounce at a moment’s notice.

“Dixie,†he said, without looking over his shoulder, knowing that his cousin’s wife would probably have all the law enforcement in the Tri-Counties in her speed dial.

“Yeah?†Dixie responded, phone in hand as if she already knew what he was going to ask.

“Give Sheriff Strate a call, please? Tell her we’ve got a trespasser trying to start trouble, and I’d appreciate her comin’ out to give us a hand.†Bo never took his eye off of the man in front of him.

Dixie dialed the speed dial for the Hazzard County Sheriff, and told Sheriff Strate when she answered exactly what Bo’d told her to.

“She’s on her way,†she said, loudly enough that Mr. Campbell could hear her.

Jesse, in the meantime, was disappointed that it didn’t sound like he’d be seeing the hoped for action tonight. But he was impressed with his dad’s calm tone.

Mr. Campbell now had a dilemma. Stand there, and prove that he meant what he said, or avoid another run in with the sheriff. He had to think fast.

Normally Mr. Campbell wasn't one to be backed down but he really didn't want to deal with that power hungry female deputy again either. He never had trouble like this when JD Hogg ran the County and Rosco was his Sheriff! Finally he said, "I'm leaving but only to find out just what I can do about this situation." He looked Luke right in the eye and said, "This isn't over with DUKE!" He said the name like it was a bad taste in his mouth as he turned to go off the porch.

Bo felt Luke nearly push him forward as he leaned forward to respond to Mr. Campbell in a very low tone of voice that got every bodies attention, "Anytime, any place MR. Campbell."

Mr. Campbell heard Luke loud and clear and the tone that was used actually sent a cold chill down his spine as he got into his Buick and drove quickly down the drive way.

Bo wisely hadn't moved yet, as he could still feel the presence of Luke and Jeb behind him, which gave them a birds eye view of Sheriff Strate turning on Mr. Campbell and promptly turning on her blue lights signaling him to stop. The dead silence and tension of the prior moment was lost as all three Duke 'boys' nearly fell face first onto the porch laughing like three hyenas!!!

Inside the Duke home, they could hear bits and pieces of what could only be referred to as cheers. Everyone that had been in the living room and even Jesse on the stairs headed to the porch to see what could possible be so funny. Dixie had finally managed to extricate herself from the couch and vowed not to set on it again at least for a few weeks. When they got out on the porch they still hadn't seen the reason behind the laughter until Jeb who was laughing so hard that he couldn't speak pointed to the blue lights behind Mr. Campbell's car just off the Duke property. The entire family burst into laughter watching the scene in front of them.

Sheriff Strate had been told by Dixie who the person was trying to start trouble there, so when she had seen Mr. Campbell's car come off of the Duke property before her arrival she decided to stop him and talk to him and find out his side of the situation. She left her blue lights on as she approached the Buick, "Mr. Campbell, please get out of the car."

Mr. Campbell wasn't in the mood to co-operate as he replied, "Get out of my car? Why? What right do you have to stop me like a common criminal?"

Sheriff Strate said calmly, "I have every right since I've received a complaint about you trying to start trouble at the Dukes and I just seen you leave their driveway. Now, I'd like you to get out of the car so I can get your side of the story. I won't ask again. I'll arrest you for Obstructing an Officer, then I'll go see if there are any other charges that need to be filed."

Reluctantly, Mr. Campbell opened the car door and began to tell the Sheriff the truth as he'd seen it since her arresting them all at the Boar's Nest. From Jake talking Laura into being with him and convincing her to see him even after he had forbidden it right up until the Duke clan came to his home to rub it in his face that them being with each other was going to result in another 'Duke bas---d' and that now his daughter has ran off with his car to the Dukes and they refused to make her go home. While he talked with the Sheriff on the side of the road with the blue lights of the patrol car flashing he could have sworn that every person in three counties drove by and seen him pulled over. There had been his friend, Mr. Potter, his lodge buddy, the preacher, and several of his business associates.

After several questions, the Sheriff confirmed most of what she was pretty sure of; that Laura was indeed eighteen which put most of Mr. Campbell's claims to nothing. Sheriff Strate said, "I'll go up here and talk to the Dukes as well as your daughter to see exactly what their side in this matter is. I'll also check on the car for you, however, I strongly advise you to stay away from the Dukes and their property Mr. Campbell." She paused, "I'll let you go for now, until I hear the rest of the story."

"Let me go!?!? You are going to LET me go" Mr. Campbell nearly bellowed.

Sheriff Strate warned, "Mr. Campbell I suggest you loose you attitude with me, get in your car and go before I change my mind."

Mr. Campbell turned to do as she had told him, but all the while was mumbling, "Let me go, just who does she think she is? I'll go talk to someone who knows what I can do about her and all this! I'll go talk to Rosco!"

Sheriff Strate's ears were keen from years of police work, and she heard Mr. Campbell's remark. "I'm sure that Mr. Coltrane would appreciate it if you didn't bother him this time of night. And he also believes I'm a highly qualified officer of the law, so don't think he can or would get me fired."

Mr. Campbell knew better than to offer a little extra incentive for her to let this all go, because all of the Strates were cut from the same honest cloth. So he simply got into his car and left.

She walked toward the Duke house, planning to ask the family what really happened with Mr. Campbell, and to make sure that Laura was OK.

She walked into the door, where all of the Dukes were still laughing hysterically. Sheriff Strate wanted to laugh with them, but for the moment refrained, trying to keep it all business, and leave out the close friendship with the Dukes that the Strate family had always had.

Knowing exactly who to ask about what happened, the woman walked right past the Duke men, who were much more like boys right now, to their wives, both of whom were brushing away tears from their laughter. All the raucous laughter, however, was making Beth's job of putting Braxton to sleep and keeping him that way very difficult. "What happened, y'all?" Linda asked.

Beth and Dixie both looked at each other, neither able to keep their composure long enough to say.

Dixie said as she turned to go back into the house, "I'll tell you all I can just as long as I don't set anywhere near that couch." After going into the kitchen, Dixie began, "Bo and Luke went with Jake and Bo, Jr. earlier to Laura's house to speak with her father. I'm sure you've heard this part from Mr. Campbell, but it seems that Jake and Laura, whom are both adults, have decided to get married. Jake knew that Mr. Campbell would not take this information real well, so Luke went just to make sure he got to say what needed said." Dixie paused, as she looked over at Laura and Jake who had also came into the kitchen. "They also had the pleasure of telling him he was going to be a grandfather."

Sheriff Strate nodded her understanding.

Dixie continued, "The guys left the Campbell place and came home. They had barely gotten in the door when Laura showed up in hysterics! We were trying to get her calmed down then their was a knock at the door."

Beth added, "If he'd knocked any louder the pictures on the wall would be in the floor."

"Bo went to answer the door and having been raised in this house, Luke and Jeb didn't take it to well either and went with him. It was Mr. Campbell and he was demanding Laura come home, calling everyone names and totally disrespecting everyone here." Dixie explained.

Sheriff Strate said, "Ok, for starters, Laura and Jake are over eighteen?"

Jake replied, "Yes, we are."

Linda said, "Good, and I think it's safe to say that Laura is welcome here and that she wants to be here?"

Beth nodded. "Of course it is. This house has always had room enough for one more."

Laura smiled. "And I want to be here very much."

Linda grinned. "I reckon it's all settled then. If he bothers y'all again, just let me know."

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