DixieDavenport Posted April 10, 2010 Author Posted April 10, 2010 NOTE: Life has been getting in the way of good fiction, but the good news is with a little luck Bethie88 and myself shoudl have some more time in the near future to continue this adventure. This is still reposts of the orginal post that was lost during the transfer to this board. These are combined posts by Bethie88 and myself as I can not tell who posted what orginally. Hate that, but when you find a good writing partner you really can't tell where one post stops and the other begins!!! Which is the idea right??? Enjoy!0101010101Jake had joined Bo and Bo, Jr. at the table in the back of the bar. He had seen the whole thing from the other side of the room but it was a one on one fight and in his opinion Bo, Jr. hadn't needed any help. He said with a smirk, "Want a towel?"Bo, Jr. glared at him.Bo, Sr. was still mad but this exchange was far too close to something he and Luke had been through more times than he'd care to remember. Luckily for Bo, Sr. it was usually Luke who had been in the fight. Bo, Sr. almost couldn't contain his amusement at the two, even though less than a minute ago he'd like to have hung his son up by his toes. Bo, Sr. nodded 'yes' to Jake.Jake walked over to where Luke sat at the bar. He said with a laugh, "Laura, Honey, can I gat a towel for the drowned rat back there?"Laura smiled, "Sure thing." She turned to get a towel from a bottom shelf behind the bar.Luke said, "When you get a chance can you also give me a couple root beers for these two?"Laura tossed the towel over her shoulder and filled two mugs. She returned to the bar setting the mugs down with a smile. She felt much better now that she a Luke had had their talk. Though she had known him since before he had gotten married she still had dreaded facing him. She thought he'd look down on her for being with Jake. "Here ya go. Can I get ya anything else?"No one had noticed Mr. Campbell walk into the bar. It was at just that moment Bo, Jr. saw him and nudged his Dad.Mr. Campbell walked up to Luke and Jake, then said to his daughter, "It's not bad enough you lower yourself to be with this bast --- but now you are flirting with his Father too?"Luke heard the bast---, turned and had downed Laura's Father before he even saw who he was. He frankly didn't care. No one would talk about his son that way.Bo, Sr. was on his feet and crossing the bar before Bo, Jr. knew what was happening. Mr. Campbell's friend had been setting down the bar, when he saw Bo, Sr. coming towards them he hauled off and hit Bo, Sr. thinking that he and Luke would double team Mr. Campbell. Luke hit the man who'd hit Bo, Sr. as Mr. Campbell came off the floor toward Luke. Jake pushed him away only to be hit himself by Mr. Campbell. Bo, Jr. grabbed Mr. Campbell's arm to try to stop him and also found himself sat down on the floor.BALLADEER: "Just wouldn't ya know, that right about now the Sheriff decided to stop in the Boar's Nest for a cup of coffee! This doesn't look good!"0101010101Meanwhile back at the farm the girls were digging for details about Jeb and Debbie.Beth had just put the little ones to bed, and had joined Dixie and Debbie in the living room. Jeb, Coy, and Vance had left soon after Bo and Luke to go to the garage and hang out with Cooter and LB.Dixie was stretched out on one couch, Beth in a recliner, and Debbie lazily dangling her legs over the arm of the living room chair she sat in."So, Miss Debbie..." Dixie said. "How are things goin' with you and Jeb?"Debbie blushed. "Girls..."Beth laughed, "Come on, honey... we're Duke women. Have been for a long time, whether by law or by love."Dixie nodded. "And we know one thing about Duke men is, they do their time of runnin' around and all, and then they find the right woman, and nothin'll ever take them away from her but dyin'."Beth agreed. "So, honey... will Jeb be settlin' down?"Debbie answered, as she felt her face becoming hot and red, "Well, we talked and we'd like to get to know each other better. I think that I'll be putting in for a transfer pretty soon to Tri-Counties (Jail). After Dixie and Luke move into their place, I think I'll talk to Cooter about renting the upstairs."Being evil Dixie looked at Beth and said, "We'll, have to call Daisy. I'll get some patterns. You can make sure the sewing machine is all in working order." The others were looking at her as if she'd lost her mind. "I think I hear wedding bells!"Debbied blushed to an almost purple!Beth nearly doubled over laughing until she received a swift kick in the rib from the baby. "Ouch!" she said setting up straight and rubbing her side. "Lord, this has got to be another boy the way 'he' kicks. That's sll we need is another Duke boy around here." she said still smiling.Dixie rubbed her still flat stomach, "Yeah, or TWO!"Beth saw a little Bo and Luke running around the yard in her head. "Oh, Please, don't go there! I don't think this old County could take another set of Duke Boys!"Debbie had to join in the laughter, "Well, you do remember both your husbands are out looking for the current set of Duke Boys."Dixie stopped laughing for just a second as she looked at the clock. It was getting late. Luke knew she had to work in the morning. He should have dragged the others home by now since they had planned to stay in town to keep from over crowding Bo and Beth's house. "Yeah, don't remind us!" Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 10, 2010 Author Posted April 10, 2010 Sheriff Linda Straight who had gotten interested in law enforcement from her cousin Enos, had patroled all of Hazzard three times since coming on duty. As usual nothing was happening. She decided to make an appearance at the Boar's Nest just for the sake of doing so and to get a cup of coffee. She could see why Enos had wanted to move on the California. She had been Sheriff for over two years, still had the same ticket book, and could count the incidents where anyone was arrested on one hand. Of course since Enos's time as a Deputy things had changed. Rosco had retired. Boss Hogg had passed on. The Duke boys were now responsible family men who had successfully completed many years on probation for running moonshine. Moonshining and the once corrupt system was now all but a memory. She could honestly say that the few times that she did have to arrest anyone it was for something minor. As she opened the door to the Boar's Nest she could not believe what she saw! Tables and chairs were still flying, as were the patrons, of the place. There was tables, popcorn, beer, chairs and men laying everywhere. The jukebox was still playing loudly, several squeals could be heard from the girls in the place.Since the corruption had ended the Sheriffs Department now had a few dollars for needed equipment. One such piece of needed equipment was a hand held two way radio. Hazzard County Police and Fire now were dispatched from Tri-County Control since none of the Counties had the money to have their own system. As Sheriff Straight swore to herself, she step back out the door for a brief second, "Hazzard 101 to Control. I have a situation at the Boar's Nest on Rt 3. Request back up and a van from Tri-Counties Jail." she said calmly."10-4 Hazzard 101. Back up and a van will be heading to you.""10-4 Control I'll be out at this location." she said stepping once again into the bar. She tried once to command the action stop. "Hold it!" It only took once to realize she'd never be heard over the commotion. She shook her head, pulled her .357 Magnum and fired into the roof, then reholstered and began to break up the fight. With all the excitement she hadn't even realized who was fighting. She was used to working alone and thus carried several pair of handcuffs for just this type situation. At a quick glance their were at least six people involved, she pulled the first two young men from the fight and promptly cuffed them with their wrists together. Next she pulled a guy off someone else wearing a blue plaid shirt, then the next one off the floor to her surprise was Bo Duke, Sr. As she cuffed him to the other man she realized it was Luke Duke who she'd first pulled off the man. At the bottom of the pile but still full of fight was Mr. Campbell who was a very well known man in Hazzard and his friend Mr. Potter. She cuffed them just as her Deputy arrived. He looked on in awwhhh and disbelief. Since she figured he was too shocked to be much help the Sheriff told him to get statements from the witnesses and a damage amount from the Manager. She told the six, "Move out." and pointed towards the lot. All six walked quietly towards the parking lot, each lost in their own thoughts of how much trouble they would be in when this got out.As the exited the bar the van from Tri Counties jail rolled in. Sheriff Straight much to the relief of the six men said, "Hi guys. I just needed you all to transport these guys to my office. I was here alone and knew there was more involved than I could transport in one cruiser." She held open the van's side door.In the van Luke wanted to tell Bo he was sorry about all this but refused to give Mr. Campbell the satisfation. He and Bo just gave each other a knowing look, 'Yep, they were in trouble.' Luke still thought he did the wrong thing for the right reason. No one would call his son a bast---!0101010101Cooter was sipping on a beer, having his own fun with Jeb, "Boy, oh, boy, you've sure been spending a lot of time here in Hazzard lately. It wouldn't have anything to do with a pretty young lady, now would it?" he asked punching Jeb in the arm.Jeb could give as good as he could take, he sipped his own beer and without a seconds hesitation he confirmed Cooter's statement, "Well, it sure ain't the like of YOU!"The friends were having a good time just like old times when they'd all spend a Friday night working on the runners to make a moonshine run Saturday night.0101010101Meanwhile, the men were at the Hazzard County jail. As Sheriff Strate unloaded them, she shook her head. Bo Duke and his family had never been trouble before. She found herself wondering about this cousin of his. This was the second time she'd arrested them since Luke had been back around.Luke asked to make his phone call, and Sheriff Strate let him. He dialed the farm number, and prayed that Dixie would pick up instead of Beth or one of the kids. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 18, 2010 Author Posted April 18, 2010 At the Boar's Nest, Jessica had come in just in time to see Sheriff Strate taking her boyfriend and the others away. She ran over to Laura and asked, "What happened?"Laura was shaking like a leaf. "My dad came in and called Jake a bast---... Luke hauled off and punched him, and then Bo, Sr. walked over to 'have Luke's back,' and Mr. Potter hit him, and then Bo, Jr. and Jake came over to try and stop the fight, and they just got involved, and Sheriff Strate came in, and arrested all of 'em!"Jessica shook her head. Too bad there wasn't another pitcher of water handy. She wished she'd let things with Joe wait until later so that she could have tried to break things up inside.Unfortunately, she had to get back to work, so she headed to it.0101010101At the farm, the girls heard the phone ring. Beth said, "I'll get it." Beth answered the phone, "Duke Farm."Thinking to himself, 'Man I can't get a break at all here tonight.' Luke sighed heavily, "Beth is Dixie there and awake?"Beth said as more a question than an answer, "Yeah? Hang on." She handed the phone to Dixie and said, "It's Luke."Dixie took the phone, "Luke?"Luke began, "I love you and I'm sorry.......""Oh, Sh---. ...... What?" she asked, knowing she probably didn't want to hear this.Luke continued, "Honey I did something rather stupid but it was for the right reason......"Dixie put her hand to her forehead and started rubbing her forehead tiredly. Beth and Debbie were watching and didn't have a clue yet what was going on but it didn't look good.Luke continued to explain, thankful that Mr. Campbell and Potter were on the other side of the room where they couldn't hear everything he said, "Laura's Dad showed up at the Boar's Nest where we had found the boys. When he came in he called Jake a bast---. I swung before I knew it."Dixie sighed heavily, then looked toward heaven for strenght from Uncle Jesse and even asked a loud, 'Uncle Jessse how did you deal with them?' Then to Luke she asked, "Soooo, I can assume you are in jail? Where are the others?"Luke looked at the floor, "Yeah. They are here too. You've seen fights at the Boar's Nest." he reminded her.True she had seen Boar's Nest's fights. They usually ended up in a free for all. "Let me talk to Sheriff Strate. I love you and I'll do something."Luke smiled just a bit. He knew why he loved this woman. Most women probably would have at least hung up on him about now. "I love you too. Thanks Honey." then he said, "Sheriff?" Handing her the phone.She took the phone and said, "Sheriff Strate.""Sheriff, this is Dixie Duke, Luke's wife. What do we need to do to get that bunch off your hands?" Dixie asked.The Sheriff walked out of the others hearing range, "Well, Mrs. Duke, I haven't gotten the report from my Deputy yet as to the damages, but usually the Boar's Nest does not file charges after a fight. If Mr. Campbell also doesn't file charges, then all that I'll have is the fighting its self. If that is the case then I'll let them go about noon if someone can pick them up. The Judge may have the person picking them up sign a Personal Bond saying they'll show up for Court which will probably be nothing more than a formality in which he'll give them 'time served' and the matter will be over with. That is if the Boar's Nest or Mr. Campbell don't press any other charges.Dixie crossed her fingers that noone would press charges. She had to work the next day, so Beth and Debbie would have to go, and maybe Jeb. She was just glad that he wasn't in on this, too.She thanked the Sheriff, then hung up the phone. She walked into the living room and heaved a sigh as she sat back down on the couch.Beth looked at her evenly. She could still be strong if she needed to, and despite the fact that she was hormonal and pregnant, she braced herself well as she asked. "What's going on?"Dixie shook her head. "Bo and Luke, along with Bo, Jr. and Jake, are all keepin' each other company at the Hazzard County Jail tonight, along with Laura's dad and one of his friends.""Sh--," Beth said, wishing she could get her hands on her husband and son. She thought to herself that she hoped that Jessica would settle that boy down before he went too far bein' crazy and ended up in alot of trouble.The baby chose that moment to kick again, this time toward her belly button. "Save that for your daddy," she said with a sigh.Dixie had to laugh, knowing what Beth was talking about.Debbie looked shocked. "Your husbands are in jail along with the boys, and you're not upset?"Dixie replied, "Yeah, I'm upset, but I got the explaination and though the Hazzard jail ain't the 'Hilton' like our jail, it's not a hard labor camp either." She sat down on the couch. "The explaination that I got was that Luke heard Laura's Dad call Jake a bast---." she paused seeing the situation become crystal clear to Beth and Debbie. "You got it. It struck a deep nerve with Luke and as he said he swung on him before he knew it. He said he did the wrong thing for the right reason. As for the others, from what I gather it was a chain reaction as usual. I talked to Sheriff Strate. She said if someone can pick them up about noon they may have to show up for Court but unless other charges are filed it will just be for the Judge to likely give them 'time served'. So see it hopefully will be just for the night and it isn't any one of thems first time and likely won't be their last."Beth shook her head and said, "Thanks Dixie!"Dixie smiled. She knew Beth was referring to her last remark.Debbie still didn't see how these two could be so calm about this. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 18, 2010 Author Posted April 18, 2010 Sheriff Strate thought it would be better to put Mr. Campbell and Mr. Potter in the cell upstairs rather than beside the Dukes since they had been fighting each other. The two men looked totally shocked at the sound of the cell door closing behind them. Mr. Campbell said, "You can't do this!" he said a bit excited.The young Sheriff, said, "I can. And I did. Come on fellas." she shaid to the four Duke men.When they stood up Luke put his arm on Jake's shoulder gently guiding him toward the cells below.Mr. Campbell said to Mr. Potter, "Did you see that? They knew exactlly where the Sheriff wanted them to go?"Potter replied, "I saw that." They were both shocked.Downstairs Sheriff Strate waved her hand toward the two empty cells with the doors open.Luke this time put his hand on Bo's shoulder, "Well, Cousin, home sweet home." he said sarcastically.Bo, Sr. looked at Luke, "Well, I know who's not sleeping on the top bunk tonight.""Alright, I'll take it." Luke said. Bo had always hated the top bunk.Jake and Bo, Jr. took their places in the other cell and sat down on the thin mattress with a loud sigh.Luke called to Sheriff Strate as she was locking the bottom gate, "Sheriff, Bo, fellas I'm sorry about all this. I just don't take it to well when my family is talked about."Jake looked at his Father, "No, Dad, it's my fault. If I hadn't let my hormones control me instead of me controling them, then none of this would be happening at all.0101010101Jeb, Vance and Coy walked into the living room to find the girls still up. Well, Jeb and Vance walked in, they were mostly carrying a pretty drunk Coy. Jeb asked, "Ya'll are still up?"Beth replied with a weary smile. "Yes. Your cousins, and their sons, are all spending an all expenses paid evening at the Hazzard County Iron Hotel."Jeb shook his head. "Dang. Them two..."Vance shook his head. Those two cousins of his seemed to carry trouble in their back pockets. "C'mon, Jeb... we better get him laid down somewhere."Jeb helped Vance get Coy up the steps, all the while trying to keep him from singing "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" at the top of his lungs.Beth shook her head. "At least our husbands aren't the only crazy ones," she said to Dixie.Debbie waited until Jeb got downstairs, then walked over to give him a hug and a long kiss.Jeb smiled. "Boy, it sure is nice to get that for a hello."Debbie leaned against him and sighed. "How are you?""Just lovely," he said. "You wanna take a walk?" he asked."Yeah," she said. "That'd be nice."He took her hand and the two of them walked out the door.Walking out the door, Jeb asked, "How about another 'Hello' like that, but in private?"Debbie was blushing but had to ask something though before she concentrated on fun, "Jeb, I'm a little unnverved about all this tonight. I saw you all practically carry Coy upstairs." she paused, feeling she had no right to ask this and thinking he would get mad and tell her to mind her own business, "But, I need to ask you something, but if you don't want to answer I won't get mad. Just don't hate me for asking, cause it may not be my place."Jeb smiled that Duke smile. He couldn't think of anything she could ask that would make him that mad. "Ok, shoot."Debbie took a long moment before asking in a low voice, "Jeb how much have you drank tonight? I know you drove home, ......... and I tasted it when we kissed."Letting out a sigh of relief at the question, he smiled, "Honey, we've been gone about, what 8 hours?"She nodded 'yes'."Well I drank one 12 oz beer on a full stomach about 8 hours ago." he said gently brushing her hair back from her face. "Now, do I get another 'Hello'?"Debbie .................. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 2, 2010 Author Posted May 2, 2010 At the jail, the Sheriff had not told Bo or Luke what she had told Dixie about them being released at noon if no other charges had been filed. It was the wee hours of the night and both Bo and Luke were laying down hoping for sleep which had not came yet.Thinking their Fathers were asleep, Jake said quietly, "You asleep?"Bo, Jr. replied, "Not a chance on this bunk."Jake said, even lower, "Are you worried, we messed up? With the girls I mean? I know I care for Laura. I may even love her, but I sure as he-- hope we didn't, ........ That's she not, ........" He couldn't bare to here himself say what he feared."I hear ya, but I don't think I'd mind. At least I'd know that no one could stop us from seeing each other and we'd have each other." Bo, Jr. said.In the other cell the Father's of the two Duke boys listened and bit their lips hard to keep from putting their opinions in the conversation. They had learned years ago you learn more by listening than talking.Jake asked, "Did you see Dad tonight? He knocked Mr. Campbell for a loop! There is NO WAY that Mr. Miller would do that, he's just too proper."Bo, Jr. asked, "Exactly what are the chances that Mr. Miller will ever share a night in jail with us?"Jake smiled at the thought, "AB, ..... so, ......lute, .......ly, ....... NONE! Though the picture in my mind is priceless. Kind of like the one of Sheriff Strate locking the door behind Mr. Campbell!" he had to laugh at the image in his head!Bo, Jr. added, "Too bad Jessica's brother, Joe, missed this trip."Jake agreed, "Yeah, yeah, it is. Got to admit I liked the pitcher of water thing Jessica used though.""Oh, ya, did. Did ya? Well, next time I'll let her use it on you." Bo, Jr. turned toward the wall hoping to find some sleep there. His jeans were still damp from that pitcher of water.Jake layed on his bunk thinking about Laura going to see the Doctor tomorrow. 'Let it be negative. It was the only time we ever did THAT. Give us a break.' He said to himself.0101010101Hazzard County dawned on the Campbell home ........................Mrs. Campbell had been alseep when Laura got in from work so Laura chose to wait until this morning to tell her about her Father and Luke Duke.Mrs. Campbell awoke with the first light through her window. She turned to find her husband was not in bed. She had went to bed after he went to check on Laura. She didn't remember waking when he came in and had not heard him get up. She put on her robe and went to the window. The car that Laura had driven to work was in the drive way but her husbands Oldsmobile was not there. Getting a bit concerned she started toward Laura's room.Laura heard her Mother moving around in her room and decided to tell her about her Father before she got too worried. She met her Mom in the hall way. "Mom, Dad is OK." She got out just before the phone began to ring.Her Mother picked up the phone on the desk in the hall, "Campbell residence."Mr. Campbell was still upset and very embarrassed about his situation, especially having to call his wife like a common 'criminal', "Clara you are not going to believe what is going on. I am in JAIL of all places and it seems I need you to come get me out. I'm telling you, this is one Sheriff who has lost my vote and I know a lot of important people in this town. The nerve of her throwing me in jail like a 'common criminal' after all I've done for this town."Sheriff Strate thought he had worked himself into enough of a 'lather' "Ok, tell her what you need to time's just about up." she said. She loved people who thought they were important enough to 'cost' her her job.Clara Campbell hadn't been able to get a word in edgewise as he had went on about the Sheriff. "What happened?" she asked."I get assaulted last night and I end up in jail! Look I've got to go. Get down here Ok?" he said still aggitated."Ok, I'll be right down." She said. After hanging up the phone she turned to her daughter. "Can you tell me what happened last night and make more sense of it than your Father just did?""He's angery? Isn't he?" Laura asked."Yes, but at this point I think it is directed toward the Sheriff. Now, what happened." Clara asked.Laura began, "Daddy came in the Boar's Nest and acted just aweful. Jake's real Dad was at the bar. He had order something for him, his cousin, and the boys? I sat the order on the bar and smiled like I always do and Daddy came in and accused me of flirting with Luke! Then he called Jake a bast--- and well, that's not something anyone can get by with especially if Luke hears it."Her Mother took in the information. "You said you Father said you were flirting with Luke? Luke who? Is he new around here?"Laura had to smile at her Mom. She had been content to stay at home and take care of her house, and family and didn't get out much. "No, Mom. Luke Duke. Jake's Dad." Laura just remembered that her Mom had opted not to be present for the conversation her husband and Jake had had. "I figured that Daddy would have told you since he was so steamed about it. Jake found out a while back that unknown to his Father he had been adopted when he was born. Luke Duke is his Father.""I see." Clara said, "But you call Mr. Duke, Luke? That is not acceptable. You must show your friends parents respect.""Mom, Luke, Dixie, his wife, as well as Bo, Sr. and his wife, Beth have repeatedly told me to call them by their first names.""Well, it's just not proper." she said, "Now tell me the rest about you Father so I can go see what I have to do.""Ok, well, Luke heard Daddy call Jake a bast--- and before anyone could say or do anything Luke had floored Daddy. From there things went down hill, Bo, Sr., Jake and Bo, Jr. along with Daddy's friend from the hunting club, Mr. Potter all ended up into a huge fight. Then the Sheriff came in and arrested all of them for fighting."Clara was shocked, "Mr. Potter and your Father were in a bar room brawl? I have never liked you working there. Do things like this happen often?""Only about once a weekend." Laura said with a bit of a smile. Knowing her Mother would take the other car and she'd have no way to town she asked, "Do you want me to go with you Mom? I have a few earns to do in town myself today.""Yes you can go with me, but don't want you to go the the Courthouse with. What are the ladies at the garden club going to think?" Clara asked as she walked away to get dressed.Sometimes Laura could not believe her parents. She decided to call the Duke farm after all Jake wouldn't be there to see what they were going to do about the guys. She just hoped that Dixie answered and not Beth who had seemed really furious the other night. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 2, 2010 Author Posted May 2, 2010 Luke's eyes popped open as Sheriff Strate unlocked the bottom gate bringing down four breakfasts and coffee from the Diner. It had been a long sleepless night on a steel bunk with a thin mattress. "Sheriff when do you think we'll see the Judge?""Well, like I told your wife last night it will probably be noon before he gets here and gets around to seeing you all. Traveling between the three Counties like he does it just depends on who has what going on that day." she explained.Luke nodded, "Thanks." The clock on the wall said 6:30 am Luke once again 'kicked' himself for his actions last night.Bo said, "Ya know I've had plenty of time to think. I sure hope we can get those floors finished soon and that you have plenty of room for me and Bo, Jr. I think after last time Beth just might have all she can take of this kind of stuff."Luke smiled weakly, "Now, Bo, I'll tell her it was my fault. She'll get made at me and not you."Bo, Jr. spoke up from the other cell, "Well, I know my goose is cooked. She hasn't ever got to get her mad out of her system at me over the cave thing."Bo, Sr. said, "Son, do me and you a favor. Don't mention the word 'cave' to your Mother for several years. You think she hasn't gotten her mad at you out yet, well, she did, but I was the target.""What???" Bo, Jr. asked shocked."It's a long story son." Bo, Sr. said.Bo, Jr. said, "Well, we've got at least five and a half hours for you to tell it in."Luke smickered, "Bo, I think he's got ya there."0101010101At the Duke farm Dixie was getting ready for work. Usually she dressed at work but this morning decided since she'd been up late last night she'd stay in bed as long as she could though sleep may not have been the right word. She had gotten used to Luke being gone sometimes at night while at work and though she tried to convience herself it was the same, she coud not stop thinking about Luke being locked up in a cell. She had even tried tried to be the voice of reason to both Beth and Debbie but alone in bed she could not reason with herself. She came into the kitchen where Jeb, Debbie and Beth were, dressed in her uniform.Jeb was the first to speak, "Da-- I wish you two would warn a person before you walk into a room dressed like that. It still makes me nervous."Beth found this morning she had to agree, "Well, Jeb, this morning I'll have to agree that uniform isn't doing my nerves any good either."Debbie asked, "Hey, I'm off today and I'm in a robe. How did I get put into this?"Dixie laughed at the three. "I'm sorry ya'll I'm just leaving later today so I didn't have time to change at work. Jeb if you ever put a drunk Coy in the next room to me again I will make you more than nervous! I have never heard "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" so many times before and each one more off key! Everytime I'd doze off I'd hear him start singing again. Beth are you sure you don't mind bringing the wayward one home? I would have called in but I figure I need to say my vacation and sick time for when the little one gets here." She reached for the coffee pot.Beth took this time to seek revenge, "At at, wrong pot! Ours is the little one on the back eye. You know the decaf one. And no I don't mind picking up Luke. I just may be serving them bread and water when you get home though."Dixie rolled her eyes at her friend and faked innocence, "Oooops!" She really 'needed' the caffiene this morning but Beth was right the baby didn't. She had to laugh at Beth, "You would probably get away with it without complains to as long as you go get them. Got to run or I'll be late. Call me if ya need me, but Lord I HOPE things work out ok. I'll leave work early if I have to."Jeb said, "I'm going too. Go to work and don't worry."Dixie looked at Jeb, "You're going and that's suppose to make me NOT worry. If I recall correctly your name is still Duke and I'm pretty sure you are male. Later!" She ducked out the door.Jeb playfully tossed his biscuit at Dixie, but missed. Dixie, who hadn't closed the door yet, reached for the biscuit to throw it back at Jeb, but Beth quickly said, "Don't even think about it!" Dixie froze in the middle of bending over and laughed.Beth turned to Jeb. "Now, Jeb Stuart Duke, I'd appreciate it if you'd go pick up that biscuit... and sweep up the crumbs, too."Jeb moaned, but dutifully cleaned up his mess as Dixie headed off to work.Beth told Debbie to keep an eye on Jeb while she went to take her shower. Unfortunately, ten year old Michaela, who was a complete daddy's girl (and big brother's girl), chose that moment to come downstairs. "Where's Daddy and Bo?" she asked.Beth gave her an awkward hug due to the baby, and said, "Daddy and Bo are in town. They'll be back after lunch."Michaela looked sad. "Why didn't they take me with 'em?""Well, honey, they left so early that they couldn't take you."Michaela asked, "What about Uncle Luke?""He and Jake are with Daddy and Bo," Beth said. It wasn't a lie, just a very vague version of the truth. "Honey," Beth said. "Go sit with Uncle Jeb and Aunt Debbie and have some breakfast while I go take a shower."As Beth headed upstairs, Michaela walked over and sat on Jeb's lap. "Uncle Jeb," she said. "Can you tell me a story while I eat my breakfast? Daddy and Bo always do, but they're in town."Jeb grinned. Making up stories was not his specialty, but for this little angel with blond hair and blue eyes, he was willing to try. He began his story as Debbie watched carefully to see him interact with this child who's morning routine was wasn't normal this morning. "Once up on a time there were three Duke boys ......"Debbie smacked him. "Don't frighten her with tails of you three!"Jeb smiled, "Oh, Ok, then, Once upon a time there were three little bears, ....."Michaela stuck out her lip and said, "I like Uncle Jeb's story better!" Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 6, 2010 Author Posted May 6, 2010 The Boar's Nest manager came in to the Courthouse as soon as it opened. She had managed the bar for quite some time and knew how to get things done. "Sheriff is the Judge in yet?"Sheriff Strate replied, "No, not yet. Should be here between 11 and 1.""Well, you know that usually we don't press charges after an incident like last night, but, when you fired the shoot to stop the fight it placed yet another hole in the bad roof. The reason I came buy was to ask the Judge to give that bunch the option of a Destruction of Property charge or a roofing job. I frankly, would like the the roofing job better than loosing my best costumers for 30 days." The manager explained."I'll explain this to the Judge and have him call you if he needs to." the Sheriff replied."Thanks, I'll even get most of the materials since it was in bad shape to begin with." the manager offered.0101010101Mrs. Campbell pulled up in front of the General Store. "I'll be at the Courthouse. I have no idea how long this will take.""I'll be fine Mom. I'll get a ride to Jessica's or home when I'm done." She tried to seem as if nothing was out of the ordinary, but with Jake in jail and her planning to go to the Doctor alone for the first time in her life, Laura was a bit jumpy. She decided to go in the General Store until her Mother went inside the Courthouse. After several minutes of trying to look very interested in items she had no interest in Jessica starting walking toward the Doctors office hoping not to be seen by anyone. Being Hazzard County her luck was running right up to steam.Just as she started to walk up the walk to Doc's office Cooter said from out of nowhere, "Jessica. What brings you to town so early?""Ah, ...... Cooter, ...... town, ..... early, ...... Me?" She studdered. "Yeah, me. Ah, ......" she was thinking hard but nothing came. Then she remembered, "Oh, you weren't at the Boar's Nest last night?""No, I was at the garage with Jeb, Coy and Vance." he said.Laura looked up with a bit of relief that he didn't know about Jake and the others. "Well, my Dad came in and said some horrible things about Jake, and Luke was there.....""Ot - OH!" he exclaimed."Yeah! Well, Mom went over to see about getting Dad out of jail and I was stalling trying to see Jake after they leave so I was just walking the square." she explained."Oh, no! Well, now, you don't have to do all that. The garage is open to ya anytime. You know its Hazzard Central right?" Cooter explained, "But I just don't see how I missed all that goings on and we were right over there all evening. Oh, wait I know. We had our hands full with Coy. That boy still can't hold his shine. He was singing, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" at the top of his lungs when they left. I think Jeb was worried he'd get the law called on him if they didn't get him out of town."Laura started walking towards the General Store again with Cooter, "Thanks for the offer of the garage. I'll be over in a bit I need to go in the Store and check on something but I'll be by for a Coke before I leave town."Cooter replied, "You got it. Come get me if you need me to help with them boys.""I will. Thanks Cooter." For the second time that day Laura went into the General Store to let Cooter get to the garage and get busy. Finally she made her way to Doc's office. As she walked in she saw that Doc was alone. "Doc I was wondering how much it would be to get a physical?"Doc replied, "Is anything wrong?""No, no, just I'm used to getting a physical for school every year and since I'm not in school I haven't gotten one yet this year." she explained."Ok, then it will be twenty dollars, but your Father's insurance should cover it." the kind Doctor said."Doc how am I ever going to learn responsiblilty if I don't start paying my own bills?" Laura asked sweetly."Ok, Dear, step into my office and we'll get started. You do want a complete physical right?" Doc asked.Laura had butterflies from he-- going on here. "Yes." she said shyly.After checking her eyes, ears, throat, heartbeat, and pulse Doc said, "Ok, you're looking just fine. Now I need you to step into the restroom and get me a sample so I can run a routine pregnancy test."Laura tried to act normal. She rolled her eye at him, "Dooccc."He said, "Why must we go through this every year? You said you wanted a comlete physical this is all part of it.""I know." she said acting like she was giving up as she went into the other room.After returning Doc finished her exam and finished by collecting her twenty dollars and saying. "Well, that's it, except for the pregnancy test. You can stop in three days from now for the results.""Three days?" She asked.Doc explained, "All those new types are just expensive. I still use the old fashion type -- just as accurate only takes a little longer but this is just a formality? Right?""Oh, yeah, sure it is. I was just wondering why so long? I don't remember it taking this long before." she said."Well, that's because being a minor the last time, I called and gave the results to your Mother. She probably never mention it." he said."I think you're probably right. I'll see ya in a couple days and thanks Doc." she said. As she walked outside to herself she asked aloud. "Now what am I supposed to do for three days? I'll be crazy .... and I have to tell Jake it will be another three days before we can see each other. She looked down the street he Mother's car was still in town. She wondered, not knowing it would be after 11 am before the Judge came in, what was taking so long. She walked to Cooter's. Laura had wanted to call the Duke farm last night but chickened out maybe she'd call now and see who and when they were coming after the guys. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 6, 2010 Author Posted May 6, 2010 Luke and Bo, Jr. were cooling their heels watching Bo and Jake both pacing the small cell. "Bo would you two sat down for goodness sake?""Luke it's 10 am and no one is here. I'm telling you Beth has had it. You got us into this and you have talked to your wife and I'm not supposed to worry about Beth being mad?" Bo exclaimed.Luke calmly said, "Bo. It will work out, besides Beth knows the Judge won't be in for awhile yet or she would have been here."Bo shook his head. "She's gonna kill me."Bo, Jr. spoke up. "Dad, you'll just make up like you always do.""I don't think I'll be THAT lucky even if she DOES forgive me," Bo said, grinning a little, remembering the last time he and Beth had 'made up'. Luke shook his head and kicked Bo in the shin."Owww!" Bo yelped. "That hurt!""It was supposed to," Luke said with a sly smile."Cute, Luke," Bo said, his look clearly saying, 'You're gonna get it later.'Luke just shrugged his cousin off.Bo kept pacing like a caged lion. Jake, however, was pacing for different reasons. He knew Laura was going to the doctor that day, and he couldn't help worrying. Was she pregnant? Was she OK? Was she going to be able to see him again?Bo, Jr., however, seemed calm. If anything, he hoped Jessica WAS pregnant. At least then, he could be with her, and there was nothing he wanted more than to hold her close to him and know she was his. But he didn't want her to give up her dreams for him. He loved her so much that the thoughts of not seeing her caused a dull ache inside of him. And knowing that it was his fault only made it worse.Maybe he wasn't so calm after all.0101010101Michaela seemed to have wrapped Jeb around her little finger. He told her his original story, which, much to Debbie's relief, was not as bad as she'd expected. He'd told Michaela about the time he, Bo, and Luke had skipped school to go swimming. But Jesse had caught them, and spanked them all good.Michaela found the thoughts of her Daddy and "Uncles" getting spanked rather amusing. "But what about Aunt Daisy and Uncle Coy and Uncle Vance?""Well, Aunt Daisy was smarter than we were," Jeb said. "She knew better... and Coy and Vance didn't go to the same school as us."Michaela gave Jeb a big hug and said. "Thanks, Uncle Jeb! That was a good story."Jeb grinned. He was definately whipped. And by a ten year old, no less. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 8, 2010 Author Posted May 8, 2010 An hour or so later, when Jeb, Debbie, Beth, Coy, and Vance were all showered and dressed, and Ruth Anne had agreed to take care of the kids, the adults were on their way to town.From the garage Laura spotted the Duke clan park in front of the Courthouse, "Oh, Sh--!" she exclaimed.Cooter who was under the hood of a car promptly banged his head on the hood at her outburst. "Ouch! What?""Cooter, the last time I saw most of the Dukes wasn't under 'ideal' situations and the whole bunch just showed up at the Courthouse. Surely it doesn't take all them to get the guys?" She questioned.Rubbing his sore head Cooter began to explain, "That's what being a family is about. They (the Dukes) do things that way.""So the other night was a BIG deal? Jake said they had a big pow-wow." She said.Cooter replied, "We did have a major meeting.""We? as in you, too?" she asked. Laura knew the Dukes were close to the Davenports for years even before Luke and Dixie got married, but she had no idea they were that close!Cooter smiled, "Yeap, I guess I have always been a Duke at heart."0101010101Sheriff Strate had already explained things to the Judge about the manager's offer to let the guys fix the Boar's Nest roof. She also voiced her concern at the 'trouble' this 'good' family had suddenly been involved in.The Judge decided since Mrs. Campbell had been there so long that he would see Mr. Campbell first.When Sheriff Strate unlocked the cell upstairs to take Mr. Campbell into the Judge's office, the looks he gave the Dukes would have killed but he wisely kept his mouth shut for now.Inside the Judge's Office where he held informal court hearings the Judge explained that he would let Mr.Cmapbell go home if his wife would sign that he'd return for Court and then explained the matter of the Boar's Nest roof. Since the Judge figured that it was about a $600 job he suggested that Mr. Campbell pay $100 towards the expenses.Mr. Campbell was NOT happy! but agreed to keep other charges down. He also asked his wife to sign for Mr. Potter which she did and he was also made to pay $100.Giving the others time to exit the Courthouse the Judge said he'd see all the Dukes.0101010101The Dukes were told they could go in as Sheriff Strate went down stairs to get the guys. She unlocked the downstairs gate and took the keys from her pocket (not off the wall -- as Rosco and Enos had done). "The Judge is going to see you all at the same time unless you object?" she questioned.Luke as usual was the 'spokesperson for the group'. "Together is fine."Sheriff Strate unlocked both cell doors, then lead the way to the office.Bo wasn't sure whether he was relieved to see Beth and the whole family or scared. He noticed that Dixie wasn't there -- forgetting she was scheduled to work -- he began to worry if Luke's marriage was in more trouble than his.From Luke's conversation with Dixie he knew if things weren't bad she'd go to work and let the others handle this so he was more at ease than he had been.The Judge began, "Gentlemen, if we can work out a matter of a roofing job I'll let these good people sign a Personal bond so you can go home. I figure that the roofing job is about a $600 job. The manager of the Boar's Nest knew the roof was in bad shape even before the Sheriff was forced to shoot into the roof to stop the fight."Bo knew right then he'd pay when he got home!The Judge continued, "Mr. Campbell and Mr. Potter have agreed to pay $100 each toward supplies. The manager has said she'd buy the rest, if you four can manage to do the job?"Each of the four hated roofing jobs and the other three knew it from past experience. Luke had even hired the roofing job of his own house out, but quickly spoke for the group and said, "She names the date we'll be there."The Judge looked to Beth, "Can I get your signature here ma'am? It just states that they will all show up for Court which will be set for a later date."The chair in the office were made where a very pregnant Beth found it hard to get out of. Jeb was on his feet quickly to help Beth up. As he turned he saw Debbie seemed pleased for his support of his cousin's wife. Beth signed the paperwork for all four Duke 'boys'. The look she gave each of them as she turned made them all swollow hard.The Judge said, "Well, you all can go. Have that roof finished by the time your Court date is set so we can tie this all up. Until then stay out of trouble."Luke and Bo both nodded that they 'understood' as they went outside. Coming down the Courthouse steps Bo, Jr. saw Jessica pulling up across the street.Luke also got a glimspe of Laura over at Cooter's........When Luke saw Laura, he looked at Jake, who said, "Dad... I need to talk to her..."Luke shrugged. "That's what got us into this mess to start with. But if you have to... I won't stop you."Jake knew he shouldn't. But he had to. "Dad... I have to."Luke nodded. "Wait a little bit... we'll see if an opportunity arises."In the meantime, Bo, Jr. was making strides toward Jessica's car. He had to talk to her. Bo, Sr. looked around, making sure there was no one in sight who would be willing to kill his son over this.At that moment, Beth looked at Bo, Sr. "Have you lost your mind? Stop him!"Before Bo could reply, Luke nodded for Jake to go on to Laura, as he stepped to the other side of Beth as the rest of the family held their breath. Luke put his arm around Beth. "Beth, Honey, neither Bo, nor I, can stop those two right now anymore than Jesse could stop either of us from making our mistakes or our destinys."Bo had followed Luke's lead and also put his arm around Beth as the two gently steered her to the waiting vehicles.With tears in her eyes, Beth, turned to Luke and said, "If you're wrong, Luke Duke, I'll never forgive you."Luke nodded. "Fair enough.""Beth," Bo added. "We have to let them go. They're men now, no matter how hard we try to deny it. We can't keep them little boys any more than we can keep the sun from goin' down.""They're going to have to make their own mistakes now, Beth," Luke said, gently hugging her from the side. "And I wish we could, but we can't do that for them."Beth sighed. It sounded logical, but she was pregnant, and for the time, she wasn't doing logical. She tried to keep her hormones in check, but it just wasn't working. "Bo," she said. "My son's only 18 years old, and I've already had to bail him out of jail twice. I can't keep doing this. Bo...""Shhh..." Bo said, pulling her close to him. "It's going to be OK. I promise.""How can you promise that?" she asked, big tears rolling down her cheeks."I can promise that, because I know Dukes. And we don't just stay down. If the boys get in trouble, they won't stay in trouble."She looked up at him with a sigh. "Bo... I hope you're right."He helped her into her Camaro, taking the driver's seat. Luke went with Jeb, Debbie, and Coy in Debbie's Accord, and Vance rode with Cooter in the wrecker. All of them were praying that the younger two would stay out of trouble until they got back with the General and Stormy.Debbie dropped Luke off at the Boar's Nest to get the General Lee. He knew that with Jessica having a ride that the boys would end up back at Stormy. "Thanks, Debbie. See you all at the farm. Tell, Bo if he beats me to the shower he'd better hurry."Knowingly, Jeb nodded, "Will do, cousin, but I think he'll have his hands full with Beth for awhile."Luke knew as well as he knew his name was Duke, that if the girls Father's happened into town there would be War War III right in the middle of Hazzard. He knew from being Jake's age that there was a time to back him up, a time to fight for him and a time to stand back and watch, then help pick up the pieces when they fell apart. Now was the time to advice him not to go to Laura, but he'd insisted, so it was Luke's time to wait. He remembered living with Jesse when he could do no more for him than wait, it wasn't nice. He only hoped he could be as understanding.Once he reached the farm, Bo was in the shower, Luke went to the farm and called the Tri Counties Jail. He didn't call Dixie at work anymore than she did him, but now he felt he should call, "Officer Duke, please." He asked. That still almost stuck in his throat when he said it."Officer Duke?" Dixie replied."Whatever ya did, thanks." Luke said.Dixie laughed, "So you are home?""Yeah, I'm here at the farm. I plan on being here or at the house when you get home. Maybe I can get something done there." Luke said."I'm glad your home. I missed you last night." she said quietly in the phone so the others couldn't hear her."Trust me it was no more than I missed you and our bed!" Luke said."I should be home by 5:30 or 6. I'll call if I'm going to be later." Dixie said. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 8, 2010 Author Posted May 8, 2010 Meanwhile, in town the boys were talking to the girls. Bo, Jr. was sitting in the passengers seat of Jessica's car, and Jake was over at Cooter's. Cooter, wisely, pretended that he heard the phone ring and went inside.0101010101Bo, Jr. was talking to Jessica. "Honey, when will you be able to find out if... If you're...""Pregnant?" she supplied. "In a week, I think. I'm worried, Bo.""Worried? About?""What if I am pregnant, and we can be together, but things don't work out, or the baby gets hurt... or what if I'm not, and my parents won't let us be together?"Bo, Jr. replied, "However it happens, we'll deal with it, together." He said.BALLADEER: "Looks like he's learned something from his Dad don't it."0101010101Jake couldn't not know any longer. He and Laura were outside the garage away from the others, when he asked, "Well?"Before she could explain totally Laura shook her head 'no'.Jake took this as a good sign and immediately thought she meant she wasn't pregnant.Laura burst his bubble before he could react, "Doc said it would take three days for the test results to get back.""Huh?" Jake asked confused then finished, "Ah, no. So if you Dad happens to drive by here right now this won't be good?Laura replied, "Jake, if my dad shows up... We are in more trouble than you'll ever know."Jake looked at her for a moment. "Are you sure you're OK with this?""Jake, I love you. And I'm not afraid of being in trouble with my parents." She stepped closer to him. "The only thing I'm afraid of is losing you."Jake pulled her close to him, and wrapped his arms around her. "I love you, Laura," he said, then kissed her.0101010101Back at the farm Luke had gotten his shower and a cup of coffee before going out to his and Dixie's house. He walked through it, looking to see what all had been done and what needed to be done. He was thinking about the old farm house that he was raised in, that Bo now lived in. The basic house had been under its roof in a day of course it took longer to do the inside and it had also been added to through out the years. He was thinking how times had changed. He'd been at this house for about six months and likely would still be working on it six months from now, though he hoped to be in it within the month it wouldn't be anywhere near done. He and Dixie were both working full time jobs though part of the reason it was taking so much longer to build this house than it had the farm house is that things just were costing so darned much that he was having to buy supplies a little at a time. Jesse's Dad on the other hand made a couple of whiskey runs, and a couple trips to a saw mill which didn't exsist in Hazzard now, then he had thrown a house rising party. All the Duke family and friends from far and wide had shown up to construct the farm house. For the most part all the Duke family had had their hand in putting this house up also, but it was just taking longer. Luke's plan was to finish the floors, then to complete the kitchen, bath and bedroom. The rest could be worked on after he and Dixie got moved in. Luke gathered his tools and began to work on the floors. He knew that Coy, Jeb and Vance would be by later, though he didn't expect Bo today.0101010101At work Dixie hadn't been herself all morning, but to her co-workers relief seemed to do a total about face after getting that phone call. Now, she just had to finish her shift, get home, and deal with her husband! She could understand his reaction to the remark about Jake, but they were going to have a long serious talk when she got home, whether Luke knew it or not. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 15, 2010 Author Posted May 15, 2010 Meanwhile, another 'talk' was happening in Bo and Beth's room. Beth, who was still very hormonal, was telling Bo off. "Beauregard Jackson Duke, I don't know WHAT is going on here, but I'm ready for it to stop. I haven't had to bail you out of jail in years, and here, I've done it twice in 6 months!""But, Beth...""Don't 'But Beth' me, Bo! I've had it up to here with you gallavantin' around like a teenager! You're not a teenager anymore, Bo. You're a man with responsibilities and a family to take care of. What about me? And this baby? Bo, what if you get in too much trouble next time, and I can't get you out anymore?""Beth, I'm not going to get in too much trouble. It ain't like I'm runnin' shine anymore.""But still..."Bo was up and across the room before Beth could say another word, holding her hands in his. "Nothing will happen like that, honey..." he said, kissing each of her hands. "I promise you, nothing will happen that we can't get through.""Bo, I...""Shhh..." Bo whispered into her hair. "Don't worry, Beth..."He held her against him, and she looked up into those blue eyes. No matter how she tried, she was a sucker for those eyes every time.Bo kissed her, and as much as she wanted to, she didn't pull away. "Too bad I love him so much," she said to herself.010101010101 Meanwhile, in Jessica's car, Bo, Jr. (who had fought Jessica's brother last night over her, then spent the night in jail over Luke and Laura's Dad getting into it, and of course he'd jumped into it too) was holding Jessica gladly taking in the scent of her shampoo in her hair as he spoke to her, "There is no way that I'd ever want to ruin your life or make you change what's important to you for me, but if you are or aren't, ....... well, you know what I mean," he couldn't bring himself to say it, "and your father won't let us date we are both adults here. We wouldn't have to have premission to, ah, ... um, ....... get married, but your Father is going to pay the bill for your schoolin' and there would be no way right off the bat I could do that ..............."Jessica's eyes were wide with surprise. Since she'd been dating Bo, Jr. she had been told by three generations of people that the Duke boy was playing her only to get what he wanted. She didn't believe that. She didn't want to believe that. Since they had crossed 'that' line however, she had wondered for a brief second or two if it was possible that the others were right, but he'd actually said the "M" word. "If it comes to that, school can wait......"Bo, Jr. shook his head, "I understand my Mom said much of the same thing, oh, about eighteen years ago. Eighteen years, and now six kids later school is still waiting for her."Jessica now realized why the looks that her and Bo, Jr. had gotten from his Dad and Mom the night at the lake. "Oh, God, Bo, I had no idea. NO wonder! The night at the lake they saw history repeat itself and they want 'better' than they had for you."Bo shook his head that she had correctly put those pieces together, "Look around next time you are out at the farm, Honey, my Mom may not have gotten to go to school and Dad had to work really hard but they don't have it bad." He said totally leaving out the fact that the Duke farm had been an established working farm since the Dukes first came to Hazzard hundreds of years before and that their had been a whole family that had at one time or other done without to see that he himself had what he needed. Bo, Jr. was like his Father, a dreamer, who thought if his parents had made it on love that he and Jessica could too. They knew what they wanted, each other, and if need be they could make it on their own without any help from anybody!Though Jessica didn't say anything she felt that Bo, Jr. had left out a few details in his account of his parents. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 15, 2010 Author Posted May 15, 2010 Dixie was glad this day was over, she had finally made it to Bo and Beth's to find that Luke was out at their house working on the flooring. She drove across the fields to find as she exited the car hammering ringing from several locations in the house. As she walked in she saw that the last pieces of the flooring were being nailed down by Luke and the boys. She took in the scene of how hard they guys were working to get her into her house........Finally Luke looked up feeling someone watching him. He stood up and came to her. "Dix, I'm sorry about last night."She shook her head 'no', "No need to explain anymore than you have already. Had I been there I'd have punched him too!""That's why I love ya, but ya better not be punching anyone for quiet awhile." he said with his hand on her belly. "We get done here, lay the tile, put in the kitchen stuff, carpet the bedroom, we'll be ready to move into two rooms anyway in say a week?""That will be great! What can I do? Me and Beth can start painting .........." she started to say.Luke looked at her, "Like he--! Neither one of you need to be around paint fumes. Ya'll can make curtains or something at Bo's."Dixie glared at him. "Make curtains? ME? Sew? I'd be better off helping you lay floor.""Well, maybe, but not now you ain't!" Luke said. He knew she was partially right. She could probably help with the carpentry and moving furniture as good as the guys, and any other time he'd welcomed her help, but not while she was carrying his child!Beth was at the house trying to get some cleaning done, which wasn't working out very well, considering the fact that Bo was trying to keep her from doing 'too much'. Which translated to, he was trying to keep her from doing anything.Dixie walked back up to the house. Beth and Bo met her at the door, Beth trying to get outside to shake out a rug, and Bo trying his darndest not to let her. Dixie laughed at the two, and said, "Last time I checked, Beth was pregnant, Bo... Not dying."Bo shrugged. "I just don't want her to hurt herself or the baby.""Bo, honey... I've had 5 kids. And out of those 5, only one gave any trouble before she was born, and that wasn't my fault." Beth was referring to Michaela, who had decided not to come down head-first and to give Beth the fit of her life. But, wise Uncle Jesse had handled that birth just as well as any of the others.Dixie smiled. Bo and Beth were something.010101010101 Meanwhile, Jake and Laura were still kissing by the garage. Jake was being torn between two of the strongest memories he'd ever had: The first was how Laura had felt in his arms the other night at the lake. The Second was his silent prayer while in jail the night before to let the test be negative. He reminded himself that it was the only time they had ever done THAT. Again he said to himself, 'Give us a break, please?'Laura had felt Jake tense up. "What is it?"Jake smiled weakly then said, "You know I love you and I'll do anything to keep you, especially if the test comes back positive, but Honey, just what kind of odds do you think there is that you are? I mean it WAS our only time."Laura looked at Jake trying to read between the lines of his question, and said trying to stay calm and not fall apart as she answered, "Jake I love you but I'd never want you to do anything that you didn't want to do just because you were expected to and I sure as he-- don't want pity from you. I can take care of myself and anyone else that may come along....." She was getting louder becoming visibly upset.Jake placed his fingers to her mouth, and hushed her, "Shhh, I didn't mean it like that. Come on Honey." He held her tighter, "Really, I just wanted to be prepared is all. I mean I have three days to try to get something together here if you think it's really possible. After last night, if it is positive I don't think I'll be one of your Dad's favorite people, but it was only once....." Jake remembered the night he told the Miller's about the night at the lake. They were more than unhappy with him and though they loved him they had let him know real quick that if he was man enough to start a family of his own he was man enough to provide for them without their help. Jake had only told Laura and the Dukes that he had told the Miller's, not of their reaction, but he'd stayed pretty clear of them since. He knew any support they would get would be from the Dukes. Again, he silently said, 'Please, just let it be negative.'Laura saw the carring in Jake's eyes, though he had masked the fear well, she replied, "Jake, Honey, ......... if I am... I'm not going to let my father come between us. But I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me and a baby, if we had one..."Jake touched Laura's cheek. "Honey, I want to be with you. And if there's a baby, I want to take care of it."Laura kissed him. "Only if you're sure.""I'm absolutely sure," he said, holding her close to him.All he could think was, "How in the he-- could something like that be so wrong and cause so much trouble?" It hadn't felt wrong. He knew he loved her. "Laura," he said, softly, past the lump in his throat. "I want to marry you anyway. Not right now, because the time's not right. I mean, you're only 19, and you've got things you need to do and want to do. And I know your family don't like me much. I'd like for them to trust me a little more before we go gettin' married. But I love you. I know that, now."She replied, "Jake I love you too and yes I'll marry you." she said with a smile. "And I agree we should give things sometime to calm down a bit with our families, but I want to be your wife."He bent down kissing her as he picked her up in his arms in a bear hug. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 22, 2010 Author Posted May 22, 2010 Having his usual timing Cooter picked this moment to lock up the garage. He had offered to take the boys to the Boar's Nest to get Stormy. He looked around not seeing the boys but he knew they weren't far away. He let out a loud whistle. In a minute or two he saw Jake and Laura come around the side of the garage as Jessica and Bo, Jr. got out of the car across the street. Being his tactful self Cooter asked, "So am I taking you two to the Boar's Nest for the car or do ya'll intend to get caught together again tonight and cause World War Three?"Jake smiled, "That was not our fault last night. It was Dad that ....... "Cooter jumped in the middle of his thought, "Your Fathers would not have been at odds to begin with if you all hadn't been at the lake."Jake knew he was on the loosing end of this, he held up his hands in defeat. "Ok, you're right. Let's roll." He turned and gave Laura a kiss before getting into Cooter's truck.Cooter cleared his throat to get Bo, Jr's attention, who had not came up for air from kissing Jessica."I'm coming already!" Bo, Jr. said annoyed, "Got to go Honey." Then to Cooter with a playful banter that reminded Cooter of the young man Dad years ago, "Gee, you'd think you had something important to do already!" he said slapping Jake to make him scoot over.As the guys pulled out Jessica asked Laura, "What are we going to do with them?"010101010101 At the farm after supper, Dixie was in the shower when Luke walked out on the front porch to find Beth on the porch swing with a sleeping Bo's head in her lap and his feet hanging off the swing. He smiled at the two and shook his head. Taking a drink of coffee Luke said, "Beth last night was all my fault. Well, it was mostly my fault. When Laura's Dad called Jake a Bas---, well, I wasn't going to take that. I didn't ask Bo or the others to get involved. I don't think they even had intentions of getting involved. Bo was coming over to stop me when he got hit himself, ....... and well Bo being a Duke, he ......"Beth said, "Didn't take kindly to being hit?" she finished."He told you?" Luke asked."No, you have given me more details than I've gotten from him all day." She said, then finished, "I just know him far too well. Look, Luke this probably wouldn't bother me so much if I wasn't just being so over emotional because I'm pregnant. Just wait. You'll see."Luke smiled again thinking of his wife carrying their child. "Ya, know I really can't wait."Before either could continue, young loud voices could be heard in the house, "You cheated!" Jesse yelled."Didn't NOT! MOM!!!! DAD!!!!" came the shrill voice of Michaela.Luke waved his hand for Beth to stay put. "I'll get them." He headed toward the door.Bo never even moved.Luke walked into the house, and with his best "Marine barking-orders" voice, said, "Jesse Allan Duke! Michaela Marie Duke! Get your little rear-ends in here right this minute!"Beth smiled, looking at Bo's sleeping face. "You know, Luke just might make a father after all."Michaela and Jesse heard their "Uncle's" voice, and knew better than to make him mad when he sounded like that already. "Yessir?" they said."What's goin' on here?" Luke asked, already calmed down a little."We were playin' checkers, and Michaela cheated," said Jesse, feeling a little childish in front of Luke. He was almost 15 after all. "I mean..." he trailed off."I did NOT!" Michaela said, giving Jesse the evil eye. Then she turned to Luke. "I didn't cheat, Uncle Luke!""How do you say Michaela here cheated, Jesse?" he asked."She jumped me backwards with a checker that wasn't kinged!"Luke shook his head. This reminded him a little too much of he and Bo at that age. "OK, kids... I don't know who cheated and who didn't, but here's the bottom line. If you did cheat, that was a bad thing to do, and I don't ever want to hear of you doing it again. Dukes don't cheat. But if she didn't, Jesse, you need to be a better loser. You can't win every game. And you have to admit it if you're beaten fairly. But either way, if you can't be good sports, don't even play."The stern look on Luke's face made both Michaela and Jesse feel bad. He still thought she cheated, and she still thought she hadn't, but both were sorry for yelling at one another and disappointing Luke. Michaela walked over to Luke and reached up to give him a hug. "I'm sorry I yelled, Uncle Luke," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I really am."Luke's heart melted as that little girl hugged him. "I'm glad," Luke said.Jesse mumbled, "I'm sorry, too, Uncle Luke.""It's OK, son. Just don't let this happen again."Luke walked back outside after making sure that the kids were calm enough not to kill each other. He walked over to Beth. "You know somethin'? I think that Jesse's gonna be more trouble than me, Bo, Jake, and Bo, Jr. put together."Beth laughed. "That's what I'm afraid of." She patted her stomach. "Let's just hope this little one breaks the mold.""Lord... you hope for too much, Beth. He'll be a Duke boy, won't he?"Beth shook her head. "You have a point there, Uncle Luke."At that point, Dixie came down from her shower, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, her hair soaking wet. "I heard Jesse and Michaela. What happened?""Just a little sibling dispute over a checker game," Luke said."Which your husband took care of quite well," Beth said, winking at Dixie.Dixie replied as she wrapped her arms around Luke, "Ah, yeah, I heard the rafters rattling in the shower." She smiled at Luke, "Just where did such a gentle man find a voice that would shake a house?"Luke said grinning from ear to ear, "A certain Drill Sargent Course I took once. I have to use it occassionly at work too." he explained.Beth smiled, "Well, it sure worked on the kids!" Beth sighed, "I was sort of hoping they'd wake sleeping beauty here. After all he's woke them up a couple times with his yelling while they are asleep, but he didn't even move!The three just laughed at the sleeping Bo. Luke confessed, "He was really worried that you would be really mad at him last night. I mean mad enough to kick him out. I'm truly sorry to the both of you for putting him and you through that. He--, we've spent more time here than we ever thought about the garage, but I guess Mr. Campbell just hit a sore spot and I freaked. I usually think before I act but I'd hit him before I knew it." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 22, 2010 Author Posted May 22, 2010 Jake looked at Bo, Jr. as they drove the roads of Hazzard back to the house. "Bo, can we talk a bit before we make it to the farm?"Bo, Jr. replied, "Sure." and pulled Stormy off in the next wide spot.Jake sighed, "First of all, Laura went to the Doctor today," he paused for several minutes, then continued, "we won't know anything for a couple of days ................ Bo I'm worried! I love her. I even asked her to marry me sometime in the future. She is 19! I'm only 20. That was the ONLY time we, .... ever, ...... well, ya know? She has so many plans. I'm not working regular. The Miller's have pretty much told me that if I'm man enough to start a family I'm man enought to support it. There's so much I didn't think through before we went to the lake. I know I want to take care of Laura and, ...... a, ...... baby, ....... IF, ............ she is, .......... but I don't know how I'll do it. It just won't be fair if she is after just ONE time."Bo, Jr. heard the pain in Jake's voice. "Jake. Life ain't fair, but I have known Luke and my Dad longer than you have, if either of us end up in trouble over this they will be there."Jake looked Bo, Jr. in the eye, "But, ....... I can't ask him to help ME. I put myself and you, for that matter, in this mess."Bo, Jr. replied, "Jake you won't have to ask. They will be there. They may not be happy, but they will be there. We are all family!"Jake was still having a time realizing he had been accepted unconditionally into Luke's family. He replied, "Are you sure, man? I mean... Dad didn't even know about me till less than a year ago. What makes you think he'd want to help me now?""Jake, you still don't know Uncle Luke very well. He'd give his right arm for you in a heartbeat, and you know it."Jake shrugged. "I just gotta think through this thing, Bo. I mean, I have to consider anything that could possibly go wrong and be ready for it.""You wanna think that way? OK... Maybe a massive earthquake will destroy Hazzard! Or, maybe, Jessica'll decide she likes you better than me! Or maybe..."Jake interrupted him. "Point proven, cousin."Bo, Jr. grinned. "I thought that might work."Jake shrugged. "Oh, well. Reckon there's no use worryin'."Bo, Jr. laughed his most carefree laugh. "I sure ain't worried about Jessica. We're gonna be fine."Jake looked at his younger cousin. He was shocked to see tears streaming down Bo, Jr.'s face. And then he knew. It was all just an act. Bo, Jr. was scared to death, maybe even worse than Jake was."You OK, Bo?" Jake asked."Yeah," Bo, Jr. said, wiping his face with his shirt sleeve. "Just dandy."Jake looked at Bo, Jr., shaking his head. "No, you're not."Bo, Jr. sighed. "No, I'm not. I mean... Oh, da--. What the he-- have I done? What if I messed up, Jake?""And what if a massive hurricane destroys Hazzard?" he replied, taking his cousin's words. He shook his head. "It'll be OK," he said. "Jessica's strong. She's a good girl. I know that. And... you're a good man, Bo. A real good man."Bo, Jr. smiled just slightly at his cousin. "Thanks, Jake.""No problem. Now let's get home before they start to wonder about us. Besides, supper's prob'ly cold."Bo, Jr. nodded. "OK. Your parents expectin' you home?""Nah. They don't much anymore. I'm usually late anyhow, and they're not the kind to sit up and wait for me."Bo, Jr. smiled. "You're stayin' at the house, then."Jake grinned. "Your mama's gonna skin you alive."To which Bo, Jr. replied, "It won't be the first time." then added, "Besides if you're there the odds may be about equal or at least maybe she won't kill me in front of you."Neither Jake or Bo, Jr. knew exactly what had caused Luke to hit Mr. Campbell. They were too surprised when it happened, then ended up in the fight themselves, and then spent the night in jail, they had some how managed to not ask why Luke had hit Mr. Campbell. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 22, 2010 Author Posted May 22, 2010 BALLADEER: It was one of those lovely days in Hazzard where the skies were blue, the lake was calm, the Hazzard rodes were quiet as Luke, Bo, and Jeb worked on the house. Debbie along with Dixie and Beth, who had been barred from the house because of paint and glue smells, were taking care of things at Beth's. While still not allowed to see the girls the younger guys were repairing a fence out back that they had attempted to jump last week and misjudged it. Jessica had called Laura and planned to pick her up so they could stop in town before work. Now, with everything clicking right along like a well oiled machine you just know somethings got to go wrong.As Laura hung up the phone with Jessica, she finished getting ready as the phone rang again. Thinking Jessica had called back she answered, "Yeah, what did you forget?"The voice of an older man came on the line, "Excuse me?""Oh, I'm sorry I thought you were someone else." Laura said.The male voice asked, "Is this Laura Campbell?""Um, ..... Uh, ..... yeah?" she said not reconizing the voice."This is Doctor Applebee. Your tests are back. You can come by the office anytime for the results." he informed her.Surprised to get the call in the first place Laura simple said, "Ok, thanks." Then she began to wonder why he hadn't given her the results over the phone, but knowing the Hazzard phone lines she was then relieved that he hadn't and had not mentioned even what kind of test results. She could just run by while she was in town, he'd tell her the test was negative and then she could see Jake again. She pushed the haunting question, 'What if it's not negative?' out of her mind as she heard Jessica blow the horn. In the car Laura asked Jessica, "Did you ever go see Doc?"Knowing what she was asking she replied, "No. I'm waiting until I'm off after we get paid to go out of here where everyone doesn't know my business and I'll buy one of those home tests if nothing happens first.""I couldn't wait that long. I've got to run by Doc's while we are in town." she informed her."Ok, I have something I need at the store anyway." Jessica replied.In town Laura watched as she walked toward Doc's, town was so quiet that no one was anywhere near her. She was also glad to see Doc in the office alone again, "Hi, Doc. Sorry about earlier, I thought you were Jessica calling me right back."The older doctor smiled. 'Teenagers!' He thought! "Well, let me get your file." He picked up the file opened it and gave her a smile of approval, "As usual your test was negative, which is what you told me in the first place."Laura kept holding the breath she had been holding since the doctor had called. "Yep, sure did! Can I have a copy of that please?""Sure." Though he looked at her confussed he handed her a copy of the results."Thanks Doc! Got to get to work." She was out the door and heading towards Jessica when she felt herself let out the held breath. It felt as is a thousand pounds had been lifted from her shoulders. In the car she held out the paper. "Shhhewww! Remind me not to go through THAT again! I got to call Jake!"Jessica smiled. "Thank God," she said. "I wish I WERE pregnant," she added. "At least then, I could marry Bo, and we'd be together. No one could say we couldn't.""But, Jess," Laura said. "Honey, do you know what being pregnant will do? You'll have to give up any dreams you've ever had.""Not every dream..." Jessica said. "Because one of those dreams is to be Bo Duke, Jr.'s wife.""But, Jessica... That dream should wait until you've gotten the others taken care of."Jessica could be hard headed when she wanted to. "I'll get to the other dreams later if need be.""Jessica Lauren Hansen!" Laura exclaimed. "You know better than that. You won't be able to go back to school and get a degree when you're bouncin' a half-dozen Duke babies.""Who said anything about a half-dozen?""Look at Beth, Jessica. You do know she wanted to be a teacher? And she ended up stayin' in Hazzard and having babies. Not that there's anything wrong with that as long as it doesn't bother her, but you're not going to go back to school if you don't go now."Jessica looked at her best friend. She knew that Laura was right, but at the same time, she wanted so much to be with Bo, Jr. She replied, "Maybe I don't want to go to school that bad after all. There's plenty of things I can do with out college and there's nothing wrong with staying home and raising a family.""Oh, come on! You? A 'stay at home Mom'? Remember I had Home Ec. with you. The kid and Bo would strave to death in a week!" Laura was feeling really good and couldn't resist picking on Jessica. With a more serious note she added, "Just how do you plan on having the money to feed, cloth and house you three, especially if you are going to be a 'stay at home Mom'? I guess you can raise a garden? Or freeze and can foods to save money? Then you could always bake your own breads. As for the baby you can nurse it and you can get a cow for milk for the house. Jessica you can milk a cow right? You know all those brand name clothes you like, those will have to go. But I'm sure you learned enough in Home Ec. Class to be able to make all of your own clothes, right? Besides you've heard Bo, Jr. and how well he likes helping at the farm. I'm sure he'd love to do it full time and farming makes good money. You never have to worry about to much or too little rain. It's an over all a sure way of making a guaranteed income." she paused, the said, "You can't raise a family on love alone."Jessica looked at Laura. She wanted to be mad at her best friend for her sarcasim, but as much as she wanted to she just couldn't because she knew she was right. "You're right. I'd be a lousy Mother.""No you wouldn't, but I'm sure you'd be better at taking care of others after you learn how to take care of you first. The same goes for Bo, Jr., Jake and myself. We need to live and learn before we jump in over our heads. None of us thought this out, we just got caught up in the 'heat' of the moment that's all." she said a bit gentlier to Jessica. "Now let's get to work so I can call Jake and see if he can take me home tonight. God, I've missed that!" Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 22, 2010 Author Posted May 22, 2010 At the farm there were several very hungry and tired men approaching the house. When Luke came in the house he took Dixie in his arms and said, "Well, it's not done, but we can go out after supper and see if you're ready for us to start moving you into your home."She smiled at him, "Luke anywhere with you is home Honey." she said kissing his cheek, then added, "We'll go take a look, see after super, but if you said its ready to start moving I'm all for it."Ruth Ann called from the living room, "Uncle Luke phone.""Now what?" he asked taking the phone, "This is Luke.""Luke, Buddy......." said the voice on the other end.Luke sighed, recognizing the voice. "Ok, Randy what's wrong?""Now what would make you think something is wrong?" Randy, Luke's partner at work said."Because I know you to well, and any time you call me, Buddy, something is wrong." Luke said.Randy explained, "Well, we have a new class of 'Jumpers' ready to learn how to jump and I have an instructor layed up. It seems he was showing them how to land today and as he hit the ground, his foot went right in a goffer hole and he broke his leg in like three places. And, ........""And, I'm the only other one with enough jumps to qualify me as an instructor." Luke finished.Randy on the other end of the line said, "You got it on the FIRST try!""You have great timing there Randy, I just told Dixie that I think I have the house ready to move into." Luke said. Then asked, "What time do you want me there in the morning?""How's seven?" Randy said more as a statement than a question.Luke rubbed his neck tirely, "Seven." then sighed. That meant he would have to leave by five so he'd have to be up by four AM. "See ya, at seven. Have coffee ready.""You got it Buddy!" Randy said with a laugh.Luke didn't like that laugh as he hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen. "Honey? You work in the morning right?" He sometimes had to ask because her off days changed every week.Dixie replied, "Yeah, why?""Looks like the big move may be slower than I figured. I just got roped into finishing this class of 'jumpers'. The instructor landed in a goffer hole and broke his leg and I'm the only other one that has enough jumps to be quailified as an instructor." Luke explained.Looking at him with a mischievous grin, Dixie asked the others, "Have you all noticed everytime it's time to move that..." pointing to Luke, "Someone has to work. Tell me Jeb, cause Bo won't tell on him, did he call Randy and ask for an escape?"As Bo, Jr. and Jake came in the house, Jeb replied, "I can't answer that question, or Luke'll..."Luke swatted Jeb in the back of the head, and Jeb said, "Do that."Dixie laughed. "You boys won't do."Beth smiled at the cousins. They were still just a couple of kids at heart.Bo, Jr. and Jake both went into the kitchen to get sodas out of the fridge.The phone rang, and Beth picked up. It was Laura. "Beth, it's Laura. Is Jake there?"Beth heard the tone of joy in Laura's voice, even through the phone line. "Yes, honey," she said, taking the cordless phone to Jake."Hello?" he said softly, worry in his tone."Hey, honey. You can come pick me up for work today.""You mean...""I'm not pregnant!" she said excitedly."Yeeehaaa!" Jake exclaimed in true Duke fashion. "Honey, I'm so glad!"Bo, Jr. looked at Jake, almost laughing at his older cousin.After talking a few minutes, they said their goodbyes and hung up. Jake slid down onto the floor, heaving a sigh of relief. "She's not pregnant!" he said, a wide smile on his face.Bo, Jr. smiled. "Good! Now if we can just find out that Jessica's not."Jake sighed. He felt as if a ton had been lifted off his shoulders."I'm happy for you, Jake," Beth said. "You two really need to finish growing up before you bring another person into the picture."Bo, Jr. said, "I know Mom. We've learned our lesson."Beth said, "I'll be the judge of THAT!"It was then Michaela made her presence known, "Find out Jessica's not what? Who's the other person Bo, Jr.'s wanting to bring into what picture? And what lesson?"Beth looked at her youngest born child that was so much resembling a 'Paul Parrot'. For once she was at a lost for words. She looked at Bo, Sr. hoping he'd find the words she couldn't to deal with their little eavesdropper.Bo, Sr. looked helplessly back at Beth. Bo, Jr. and Jake looked at each other, and Jake thought for a minute. Then, he dropped down to Michaela's level, and said, "Well, honey. Laura thought she and Jessica might be a little... well, sick..." He thought to himself that "sick" and "pregnant" weren't exactly interchangeable, but he figured that pregnant women did have morning sickness sometimes. "And we were going to go out tonight, but we couldn't if the girls were sick. But, Laura just called. She's not sick. We just have to find out if Jessica is.""Well," Michaela said, "Who's the person that Bo wants to bring into the picture? And what lesson?""The other person is... a new friend," Jake said. "And the lesson is... Be careful before you share too many things with other people. Like a drink. If they're sick, and you share a drink, you might get sick, too." He figured it could be a metaphor, so it wasn't exactly lying.Michaela looked at Jake as if she was sizing him up. But she seemed to take his answer. She walked out of the room and back upstairs.It was then, and only then, that Bo, Sr., Luke, and Jeb let out the laughs they had been stifling. "Jake Miller, you sure know how to lay it on thick!" Luke said."Just like your Father, here," Jeb said, indicating Luke. This time, he ducked in time to miss Luke's swat at his head.Jake replied, "I'll take that as a compliment. ...... I think!"Beth shot the guys all a stern look, "You've got to remember there are little ones with big ears around that don't need any ideas from you all, especially Jesse. God, help me. Bo I really am not sure I can do this for another eightteen years if this baby is a boy." She said only half serious.Bo gave her an impish grin and said a little louder than he planned to (he had only meant for her to hear), "Well, my dear, you should have thought of that BEFORE you let me in your jeans in the bar---" Bo realized immediately that he'd said just a bit more than he intended to. This time he ducked and ran out the door leaving Beth to the stunned looks of Bo, Jr. and Jake while Luke and Dixie had the good since to 'act' like they hadn't heard a thing though Luke was turning red in the face to keep from laughing, then he took off out the other door. The laughter of what had to be two stray hiennas reached the ears of those in the house.Knowing there are somethings you DO NOT ask your Mother, and he wanted more informatin, Bo, Jr. said, "Come on Jake lets go see if those two are Ok."Beth warned, "One word about THIS and the four of you will sleep in the BARN with each other until Spring!"After the guys had cleared the room Dixie was laughing so hard she was crying. Though Beth could strangle Bo, she had to laugh too now that it was only her and Dixie. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 28, 2010 Author Posted May 28, 2010 Meanwhile a 'safe' distance from the house found the guys laughing at Bo and his big mouth. Bo, Jr. was a little sickened at the idea of his parents doing THAT. Jeb looked at Bo, "Cousin, I always thought I had the big mouth."Bo shot him daggers. "You do, Jeb. It's just that you don't have a wife to get in trouble with.""Not yet," Jeb said softly.Luke shook his head. "You'll be sleepin' in the barn tonight!" Then he added, "Or, she might be sympathetic and let you have the couch."Bo, Jr. said nothing. Jake said, "Bo, I think Luke's right. Beth looked fit to be tied.""Well," Bo said. "Don't you two get any ideas about using the barn for anything, all right? If you do, Beth WILL kill me.""I hadn't thought about that before," Bo, Jr. said. "But now that you mention it." Bo gave Bo, Jr. a look, and the younger man ended his sentence with, "It still sounds like a bad idea."010101010101 Meanwhile, in the kitchen Dixie said through smiling lips, "Come on Beth, we ALL have been in that hayloft a time or two. What's the big deal?""The big deal is, we all might have known it, BUT my son didn't know it unitl his father opened his mouth!" Beth said still annoyed.Dixie tried to be tactful, "Honey he's a grown man, I think he knows how he and his sisters and brother came into this world. Better it be known that it was by passion than accident. Wouldn't ya think?"Beth had to agree, "Well, yes, but in the barn?! What will he think of his parents?"Dixie smiled, "That they are human and as in love today as they were when they made him!"Speechless Beth stared at Dixie....... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 28, 2010 Author Posted May 28, 2010 Luke was just short of hyperventilating, "Cousin! ...... I ......Got ....to hand .....it to ya!..... When you decide to stick your foot in your mouth, ....... you put it in all the way to the hip! ..... She is gonna kill you! You do know that right?" Luke said through his laughter.Bo shook his head. "Dang it. My feet don't exactly taste like peach pie neither."Luke laughed. "They don't smell like it, either!"Bo smacked Luke across the back of the head.Jake and Bo, Jr. laughed, until Bo turned around and said, "You two aren't exactly lacking in the 'open-mouth-insert-foot' category either."Jake grinned. "I don't know about me, but Bo, Jr. sure ain't."Bo, Jr. replied, "Hey, it wasn't me that woke the dead in there awhile ago."Jake smiled, "I wasn't THAT loud, ....... was I?"The three other Duke males all nodded 'yes'.Blushing a bit, Jake knew he had let his Dad and Bo know how worried he had been about Laura being pregnant.Luke smiled, telling more by his statement than he intended. "Son, sometimes there's not a better teacher than a real good scare!" Luke suddenly realized he'd also stuck his foot in his own mouth. "Ah, ..... guys, ..... what I mean is ........"Luke rubbed the back of his neck. "Ok, you both know I did a lot of things. ....... Ok, yes, I've had a scare or two of my own, unfortunately I didn't know about the one that counted." Luke said looking at Jake. "Now, if I can get in the house I need to get my things ready so I can get out of here early in the morning. 4 am will come way too soon.""Well, I'm taking Laura home after work!" Jake said with conviction.Luke turned, "Want to take the pick up then come back here afterwards? Just as long as it's here by 4 am sharp!"Jake had been riding with Bo, Jr. and his own ride was at the Miller's. "Sure. Thanks, Dad. I'll have it home as soon as I take Laura home."Luke smiled. It was becoming more natural on his and Jake's part for him to be called 'Dad'. He pointed a finger at Jake, "Learn from the scare. Don't play with 'fire'." He cautioned, then added. "Let me get my bag out of the truck before you leave.""Me? play with fire? You are the one who jumps out of perfectly good airplanes into the fire!" He joked. Jake was still very relieved that Laura wasn't pregnant. "Believe me I learned my lesson. I might not even kiss her 'goodnight'!" he claimed.The others looked at him in disbelief, "SUUUuuuurrrrreeeeee!!!!!!!!" They all said.Jake replied, "OK, so maybe I WILL kiss her good night." Then he grinned. "But not where her daddy can see me! He'll shoot me dead."Luke laughed. "Boy, you're askin' for it! And the sad part is... You're so much like me it scares me. You're too da-- stubborn for your own good."Bo, Jr. laughed, but Bo, Sr. said, "You've got no room to talk. You're worse than Jake is."Jake grinned, but said nothing. He, like Luke, USUALLY knew when to keep his mouth shut."Hot da--," Bo, Sr. said. "Don't matter who the most hard headed is. The fact of the matter is, we're all havin' a good helpin' of foot for supper tonight."Luke grinned. "You should be used to it by now."Bo swatted Luke again. "Oh, yeah? Well at least I haven't had 'a scare or two of my own'!"Luke grinned. "I didn't announce to my cousin, his wife, and our sons just exactly how my wife got pregnant.""Uncle Luke, we know how women get pregnant," Bo, Jr. said."I imagine so," Luke said. "Especially considering how your dad caught you and Jessica and Jake and Laura the other night."Bo, Jr. turned bright red as Luke jokingly swatted his arm."Oh, come on, Uncle Luke!" Bo, Jr. said.Jake didn't even smile this time. He knew better than to say anything considering that he and Bo, Jr. were in the same boat."But..." Luke said. "I'm sure Bo, Jr. had no desire to know how you and his mother spend your time in the barn."Bo stuttered a little before he finally said, "Now, Luke, I've found the barn lights on and YOU not in the house. Rather recently, I might add, my own self. Like, as in before you got married."Luke tried to look innocent as he said, "That's beside the point. We were talking!"Bo gave him a wide eyed nod, "Sure you were!"Jake declared, "Ok, you two! I for one and probably Bo, Jr. too have heard far more 'details' than we wanted to tonight! ......... As a matter of fact, the 'images' are down right scary! We may be scared for life!"Both Bo and Luke crossed their arms and rolled their eyes at the 'boys'. Together they both exclaimed, "Funny!"Luke added, "At least hearing about it is better than 'seeing' it! Right Bo?" he asked to Bo who had witnessed the 'goings on at the lake."Yeah, I can swear to that. It was far worse seeing what they were doing than remembering what WE did at their age!" Bo said with a shudder. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 1, 2010 Author Posted June 1, 2010 Jake pulled into the Boars Nest in Luke's truck. He hoped things had been settled with Laura's father. Jake stepped into the dimly lite Boar's Nest.010101010101 At the Duke Farm, Bo and Luke decided it was time they 'tired' to get back into the house! Dixie and Beth were sitting at the table when Bo and Luke came in.Bo looked at Beth, convinced that she had the power to kill him with her eyes. She was trying to remain angry with him, but the urge to laugh was killing her. When she looked at Dixie, she lost it, both of them bursting into laughter.Bo heaved a sigh of relief. He was off the hook. At least for the moment."Where are the boys?" Beth asked when she finally stopped laughing."Jake went to pick up Laura at work. Bo, Jr.'s probably trying to get rid of the images in his mind of you and Bo in the barn," Luke said, trying to be serious, but failing miserably. In fact, he was headed toward hyperventilating again.Beth rolled her eyes. "Poor thing. If his Daddy wasn't such a big mouth he wouldn't have those images IN his mind." She looked at Bo for a moment, then said, "Bo Duke, if we find Bo, Jr. and Jessica or Jake and Laura in that barn or any other, by cracky, I'll make you sorry!"Bo winced, but Luke quickly jumped to his defense. "I'm sure Bo, Jr. and Jake learned their lesson," he said."Why would you think that?" Beth asked. "You two didn't."Luke almost became angry, but when Dixie laughed, he had to laugh with her. He figured that if she could live with it, so could he.Bo's reaction was different. He pulled Beth close. "Well, when I had my scare, it was for real, and I got me a woman... so I didn't have to learn. I couldn't get in any more trouble than I was already in."Beth laughed and kissed him. "I love you." She gave him a second kiss that told him she loved him more than words ever could."Mm..." Bo grinned as he pulled away. "So I guess that means I get to sleep in bed with you tonight?"To which Beth replied with a very serious look on her her face and shook her head 'no'.Luke and Dixie froze. They, like Bo had thought this was over.Beth continued, "You have 'barn duty' to make sure the boys don't take you up on your idea!"Bo looked worried. She really sounded like she meant it.It was then that the baby kicked Beth very hard under her rib. It was so hard that she sat up straight and put her hand on her rib and said, "Oowwee! ..... Ok, I didn't mean it. But he deserved it. Well, Honey someone is on your side about all this." She said moving to straighten herself out to hopefully avoid being kicked like that again.010101010101 At the Boar's Nest Jake parked Luke's truck and almost bounced into the bar. The place wasn't crowded and Laura's boss was in the back so he snuck a quick kiss. "Honey, I'm so glad you called to say I could take you home. I bet you Dad was glad to when you told him you weren't, ah ..... well."Laura gave Jake a blank look."You did tell him? He is Ok with this?" Jake asked a bit worried.Laura shook her head 'no'. "I haven't seen my Dad yet, but he did say we couldn't see each other until he had proof that I wasn't, ....." They were both watching what they said because the walls at the Boar's Nest tended to have ears. "Weeellllll, we have proof right here." she said patting her pocket. "So we can go out.""I hear, ya, Honey, but that was before Dad knocked his lights out and he spent the night in jail." Jake reminded.Laura used her warped scene of logic, "Well, that's not what he said. I'm holding him to what he said. He held us to not seeing each other and we were in a public place! Besides the night he spent in jail was his fault!"Jake was now curious, "Yeah, you were there. What did go on between my Dad and your Dad? By the time I got there it was a free for all.""You don't know?" she hung her head ashamed of her Father's actions. "Darlin' I won't lie for my Dad, it shames me what he did. I really think it would be better coming from your Dad what he did. If he won't tell you I will, but will you ask him first?"Though she wasn't telling him what her Dad did, it seemed like a reasonable request to Jake since he could see how upset she was by what her Dad had done and she did say if Luke didn't tell him she would. "Ok, Sweety. No problem I can ask Dad." He took a deep breath and asked, "So what is your Dad going to say when we pull up at your house? I'm in Dad's truck which isn't exactly small or quiet."Laura said, "Well, honey. He's a big boy. He can get over it."Jake sighed. "Well, what if he doesn't 'get over it' and if he's got a gun or some other way to kill me, by God, I might not either."Laura laughed. "He's not going to kill you, Jake.""How do you know?" he asked. "He might."Laura laughed. "Come on, baby. Let's go."Jake put his arm around her and led her out to Luke's truck. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 1, 2010 Author Posted June 1, 2010 At Bo's Debbie had just came in from work and said, "Hey everyone what's up?"Jeb, who had witnessed Bo's foot being put in his mouth, turned purple with laughter, "You're not going to believe what Bo did!" he exclaimed. Seeing the looks from both Bo and Beth he quickly said, "But I'll tell ya outside. Come on."Meanwhile, at the farm, Jeb and Debbie were discussing Bo's big mouth."What happened?"Jeb burst into laughter, and was barely able to start telling her. "Beth and Bo were talking about the boys. And Beth said she wasn't sure she could put up with another one for another 18 years, meaning the baby. And Bo says, 'You should have thought about that before you let me in your jeans in the barn.'"Debbie's eyes were like saucers. "He didn't!" She laughed. "In front of the boys."Jeb nodded, about to die of laughter. "Oh, yeah."Debbie replied, without thinking what she was saying, "Jeb Duke if you ever tell our kids about us in the barn I will shoot you!"As it registered on Jeb's face what she had said they just stared at each other................010101010101While Bo, Beth and Dixie were still talking in the kitchen they hadn't noticed Luke take his bag into the living room. Dixie called to him, "Want some coffee?"Without coming back into the kitchen Luke called back, "Yeah, sounds real good."A few miuntes later the three walked into the living room to find that Luke had his gear all out of his bag and spread from one end of the room to the other and the faint smell of forest fire covered the room.Dixie spoke for Beth, "Honey what are you doing?"Checking out my stuff now so I don't have to at 4am. With a new class of trainees I won't have time when I get there." he looked over at Beth. "Sorry. Give me a minute I'll have all this put up and ready to go."Beth said leaning against Bo's chest as he wrapped his arms around her. "You're fine Luke. I just can't imagine carrying all that through a fire."Luke smiled, "Sometimes I think Lisa and Casey carry more than I do." he said referring to the female members of his team.Beth was still standing in front of Bo with his arms around her when the baby kicked her under her ribs again. She straightened up as Bo too felt the kick. Bo asked, "Is someone getting anxious?"She shook her head 'no', "Just like Bo, Jr. and Jesse. Just getting a little cramped in there and I'm not supposed to relax." She said standing a bit straighter.Luke asked, "So when are we expecting 'company'?"Beth smiled. "Lord only knows. These Duke boys seem to have their own idea of timing." She thought about the day Bo, Jr. had been born, and how they hadn't expected him for another few weeks. Uncle Jesse had been forced to deliver him. "But probably... Sometime next month is what the Doctor said... Early next month. He'll be my second June Baby." Bo, Jr. was also born in June. She smiled lovingly at Bo. "What that danged old barn can do, huh?" she said, winking at him.Bo held her closer and kissed her lips. "I love you," he said, trying to hold her close without hurting her or the baby.Luke winked at Dixie, then smacked Bo in the back of the head. "Aw, get a room!" he said. "Or maybe a hayloft."Beth and Dixie looked at each other and burst into laughter. Beth turned to face Luke. "Honey, from the looks of things, I'd say both us and y'all already did that part."Luke turned red trying to hold the laughter back, but then, he just let it go. "Lord, Beth," he said, putting his arm around Dixie. "You never have been one to mince words."Beth smiled as Bo added, "At least not as long as her children are safely out of earshot."Beth sighed as she rested against Bo's chest again. "Honey," she said, her blue eyes meeting his. "You're somethin' and a half."Bo grinned, that boyish grin that still made Beth melt. "I agree."She looked at him, one eyebrow raised. "Oh, dear. Bo Duke, sometimes I'd like to smack you."He grinned. "Well go right ahead." He pulled her close and kissed her soundly. "How's that?"Luke and Dixie grinned at each other as they watched the other couple. "Honey, why did we wait so long?" Luke asked her. "I should have tried to find you when you were 18... I should've..."Dixie shushed him. "Hush, now. Don't let yourself lose sight of all we have by worryin' about what we don't have. I love you, Luke Duke."He kissed her. "And I love you, too." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 3, 2010 Author Posted June 3, 2010 Meanwhile, Jake and Laura had just arrived at her house when her father walked on to the porch. He had indeed heard Luke's truck.Seeing Laura's father Jake said, "Ah, sh--!""It will be OK." Laura said.Jake opened the truck door and walked around the back of the truck. (Making himself less of a target -- should Laura's father want to shoot him.) He opened the door for Laura and escorted her to the porch where her father waited.Mr. Campbell said, "What's the meaning of THIS? I haven't given you permission to see my daughter....... I should call the Sheriff."Jake inhaled a deep breath before answering, "The meaning of this is, .......... You said we could not see each other until we had proof that she wasn't pregnant." .......... Jake held out his hand to Laura, who placed a slip of paper in his hand. Jake held it up, and said, "Well, we have that. She isn't pregnant. And, we intend to see each other..................010101010101At Bo's, bedtime came early for Luke and Dixie, since Luke had to be gone by 5 am. Shutting the door to the bedroom they were in, Luke promptly locked it, to at least warn them of the younger ones attempts to find their Uncle and Aunt. Luke them stepped in behind Dixie and wrapped his arms around her, taking in the scent of her hair, he said, "God, I missed you. More than you know!"Dixie turned in his arms and started unbuttoning his shirt, "Don't bet on it!" she said, as she kissed his neck.Luke set the clock and turned off the lights, then laid his wife on the bed.010101010101Bo, Sr. was just glad to be in his own bed. Glad he wasn't on the steel bunk that he'd been on last night. Glad he wasn't in the barn. And glad he wasn't on the couch!Bo was holding Beth close to him. "Dang it, honey," he said. "It sure is better sleeping with my wife in my arms than sleepin' on a cold steel bunk."Beth smiled. "And even this nice comfy bed ain't much fun without you in it."Bo raised one eyebrow. "Is that so, Mrs. Duke."Beth grinned and licked the corner of her lip. "Mm-hmm." She kissed him behind the ear. "Let's make the best of it, hm? Knowing you, you'll be in jail again tomorrow night."Bo grinned. "Next time I think of doin' somethin' stupid, I think I'll just think about you all warm and soft in my arms, and that oughta be the ticket, right there."Beth smiled. "It's a wonder you ain't done any hard time, Beauregard."Bo's face fell. "Are you still mad at me?"She grinned. "Nope... Just gotta keep you in line, Sugar."Bo snuggled her close to him. "Honey, I can't wait for this little one to get on out of there..."Beth, catching his meaning, whispered low, "Neither can I, Darlin'. Neither can I." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 3, 2010 Author Posted June 3, 2010 Jake and Laura were facing Mr. Campbell, who's face had turned roughly the shade of beets. "Well, da--it, my big mouth got me in trouble."Laura looked at him. "Daddy, I'm not pregnant, now you better keep your word and let me see Jake again."Jake looked at Mr. Campbell, his blue eyes so much like Luke's. And that was nearly enough to drive the older man over the edge, being that his sister had been out with Luke a time or two, and there sure wasn't any love lost between the two of them. "Fine," Mr. Campbell finally said. "But Laura Lynne Campbell, so help me, if I even HEAR of you two doin' any more than kissin', I don't want you to come back to my house."Laura looked at her dad, her eyes full of stubbornness and aggravation. "Don't worry," she said, her tone hard as nails. "I won't."Mr. Campbell glared. "Listen here, Duke boy," he said to Jake. "I ain't never had any use for a Duke, except maybe Jesse. But I'm tellin' you now, whether or not I should, I'm trusting you with this girl, and I better not see or hear anything about you doin' what you've done again. You've already ruined her." He shook his head. "But, he--, after what you done, you might be the only one that wants her."Jake's eyes flashed. "Mr. Campbell, I love Laura. And I won't stand for nobody, not even her daddy, to talk about her that way."Mr. Campbell replied gruffly, "How dare YOU think you can stand there on MY porch and tell me how I can talk! You are more like that no account father of yours than you should be, being a bast--- and all."Laura scolded, "Daddy!"Somewhere in the back of his mind he remembered his promise to have Luke's truck home. As Jakes' blue eyes flashed with a cold anger he balled up his fist, started to swing. Then, like Luke, he also used some good Duke sense. He was on private property. He knew if he hit this man, especially in front of Laura, it wouldn't be good. Besides, he also remembered that jail cell. Jake stopped his swing, balled up both fists and hoped he could keep from hitting the man as he said, "Mr. Campbell both my families have taught me to respect ladies. I don't want trouble with you, but I meant what I said, I will not listen to you talk about Laura or MY FATHER like that again. You can say anything you like about me, but you'll leave them out of it!" Jake said full of determination."Or?" Laura's Dad asked."Or, I won't be leaving near as nicely as I am right now." Jake said calmly as he turned to Laura. "Good night, Honey." He leaned over and kissed her before he started off the porch.0101010101014am came way too early for Luke when the alarm clock went off. He turned away from his wife, silenced the alarm and hit the snooze button, then settled back into his place in bed. Dixie had her leg wrapped securely across his legs with her arm still across his chest. Her head had been on his shoulder until the alarm called her 'pillow' away. Luke was more setting in the bed than laying as he watched his wife sleep. She had barely moved when he reached for the clock. He pulled the blanket around her bare shoulders. The straps of her sleeveless gown would do little to keep her warm especially when Luke left the bed in a few short minutes. For now, he was content to just hold her as she slept.Luke had almost dozed back off when the dreaded alarm clock sounded again. After turning it off for the second time, he tossed his share of the covers back. While trying not to wake Dixie, Luke sat up and reached for his jeans and boots.As he stood up and started to straighten the covers back up, Dixie spoke for the first time to him, "Set the clock back for 5:30. Be careful and I love you." She said sleepily, while never opening her eyes.Luke smiled, "I'm setting the clock now. I love you too and I'm always careful." He said kissing her.Dixie returned his kiss.Luke had picked up his shirt and left the room so Dixie could get as much sleep as she could before getting up. Luke washed up, shaved, brushed his teeth after dressing. He grabbed his gear and headed toward the front door. For the first time the thought came to him that his keys had better be hanging up by the door and his truck had better have been returned by his son. Luke smiled when he eyed the firefighter key ring hanging on the key peg by the door. 'Maybe there was hope for the boys yet!', he thought. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 3, 2010 Author Posted June 3, 2010 Dixie was semi awake when she heard Luke pull out. She had intended to get up and see him off but had dozed back off. After glancing at the clock, she hugged his pillow and settled down for the last hour of sleep before getting herself ready for work. As she closed her eyes it first felt like her stomach had did a flip flop, she opened her eyes and swallowed hard trying to will herself not to get sick. After several deep breaths she closed her eyes again, this time the room spun. Dixie opened her eyes and gritted her teeth as she made a speedy trip to the bathroom not taking the time to close the door she set on the edge of the tub. Dixie had hoped that this particular part of pregnancy would by pass her as she had felt fine up until this point. Fine would not describe her right now. She would say 'deadly sick' would be a more accurate description.010101010101Jeb had stayed at the farm the night before and had slept in Bo, Jr.'s room with him and Jake. Jeb heard someone in the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom. It sounded as if someone was very ill. He slide on only his jeans and stepped out of the room. Seeing that Dixie had left the door open he stepped to the door and asked quietly, "Anything I can do?" Dixie looked absolutely 'green'.She shook her head 'no' and waved him off."Ok, but I'm close by." Jeb said as he went to the kitchen to start coffee. After several minutes Jeb noticed that Dixie was now quiet. He walked to the bathroom and saw her still setting on the tubs edge with her head and arms folded on a towel on the back of the toilet. Jeb and Dixie had gotten to be very close friends after she and Luke were caught together as teenagers before Dixie left Hazzard. He had been there for Dixie, when like now, Luke couldn't be. Jeb had stepped in as her friend, confidant, and protector though he would never have betrayed Luke's trust. For Dixie, Jeb had been there and was 'safe' because she knew he'd never do anything to hurt her or Luke. Jeb reached for the glass on the sink and handed Dixie a drink and a cold cloth to wash her face.Dixie said weakly, "Thanks. Sorry I woke you.""Nothing to be sorry for." Jeb said, then asked, "Are you Okay now?""I don't know." Dixie said. "Don't think I could fight my way out of a wet paper bag.""Want some help to the couch?" Jeb asked.Dixie was not one to ask for help and seemed to be embarrassed that she might actually need help. "I think I got it." She attempted to stand up.Jeb had moved closer. She had not appeared to be real steady and her appearance in general scared him. When Dixie stood up her knees almost gave out, but she managed to catch herself, just before Jeb picked her up in his arms and carried her to the couch. He pulled the blanket that Beth kept on the back of the couch around Dixie. He pulled up the foot stool, sat down on it by the couch, then asked, "Want me to call you in sick?"Before Dixie could answer Debbie came out of the girls room and saw Jeb talking in a low voice to Dixie. Her first reaction was a pang of jealousy, which passed in less than a second when she saw her friends face. "What's wrong? Should I get Luke?" she asked.Jeb said, "Morning sickness. Luke's already left for work." He saw the look on Dixie's face. "Hand me that small trash can and call her in sick."Dixie's eyes shot open to protest."I'm not taking no for an answer. She calls or I do. There is no way you need to go to work at a jail when you are this sick." Jeb saw the protests coming and played his trump card. "It's too dangerous for you and the baby.""Oh, God." Dixie moaned. Loosing the battle with the next wave of sickness, Dixie gasped, "Okay. Call." As she reached for the trash can. She was certain she had never been this sick. Furthermore, IF she lived, she planned on telling a certain husband of hers that he had better be content with only two children -- Jake and this one. She had no intention of ever replaying this scene.010101010101Down the hall in Beth and Bo's room. Beth was beginning to stir. She had to push Bo's arm off of her so that she could see what was going on, as she had heard voices speaking in hushed tones, first in the bathroom, then walking downstairs. She wrapped up in her robe and headed downstairs, one hand on her back. The little Duke was getting heavy.She walked into the living room to see a very sick Dixie, and a very worried looking couple in the form of Debbie and Jeb. She sighed. Poor Dixie. But at the same time, she couldn't contain a small smile. "It's a boy, honey," she said with a smile. "God help us all."Jeb looked at her, sheer confusion on his face, but Debbie was laughing.Beth smiled at Jeb. "The boys always hit us first thing in the morning the first time, then they start 'night sickness'." Beth shook her head when Jeb still looked confused. "Never mind, Jeb. Just be glad you aren't, have never been, and never will be pregnant with a Duke baby."Debbie sighed. "Lord have mercy, what am I getting myself into," she thought.Beth walked into the kitchen and got Dixie a package of saltines and a glass of room temperature Ginger Ale. She set it on the coffee table. "I know you're not hungry or thirsty now, but when you get that way, eat this."Dixie nodded weakly. Lord, when Luke got back, he was going to have to hold her a little while and love her and... well, that was, if she didn't kill him first.Debbie had went to work, the men and children had cleared out of the house by the time Dixie heard Beth come into the living room with a cup of coffee and set down by the couch in Jesse's old chair to give her feet and legs a break from the added weight. Without opening her eyes, Dixie asked, "What time is it?"Beth smiled at Dixie full of compassion as she had felt exactly what Dixie was feeling more times than she cared to remember. "It's about 9. Debbie called you in sick. Everyone else is gone so just relax. The first time was always my worst. If I'm right, you won't get sick at all in the mornings again."Dixie looked up a glimmer of relief showing, "Really?" she asked weakly.Beth nodded 'yes' and continued, "Really. The next time will be at night. At least that way you get to rest afterwards all night."The slight glimmer of hope drained from Dixie's pale face, "And just how long do I have to live with these pleasures of Motherhood?"Beth smiled just a bit, "Only about, well ....... , say, ....... a month maybe six weeks and you shouldn't be bothered again.""Oh, God." Dixie sighed, "Who has kept you from killing Bo? I sure hope Luke is happy with only two children. Jake and this one." she added.Beth just grinned, "You'll forget all about this the first time you hold that little one.""You didn't." Dixie replied.Beth nodded, 'yes', "Oh, yes, .... I did. Right up until the next time it happened! I only hope I can remember just enough of it to remember that Bo doesn't need my 'help' to clean the barn."They both had a good laugh. Dixie was feeling a lot better but Lord help Lucas Duke when he got home. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 6, 2010 Author Posted June 6, 2010 In the barn Bo, Jr. asked, "How did things go at Laura's last night?"Jake's jaw and neck muscles tensed just like Luke's did when he was mad. "Well, he didn't shoot me. I can see Laura. And," Jake thought for a minute.Bo, Jr. watched Jake. That all sounded good but the way Jake acted something was wrong.Jake continued, "I didn't hit her Father. And, I didn't end up in jail."Bo, Jr. had to ask, "And?"Jake's eyes flashed with anger, "And, I won't stand for even him to talk about Laura like she's trash!" Jake was so angry that he was turning red in the face and beginning to sweat. He had his fists balled up. "He talked about her like she was a WHORE!" Jake then swung a right fist, no longer being able to contain himself, right at the same old pole that Bo, Sr. himself had swung at so long ago.Bo, Jr.'s eyes went wide in surprise at the sudden display of fury.Jake clinched his teeth, now due to pain, not anger, as he grabbed his right wrist and held it close to his chest. Jake never uttered a single word, but he was also holding his breath to keep from saying anything as the waves of pain radiated through his hand, wrist and arm.Bo, Jr. came closer, "Let me see."Jake's teeth were still clinched as he nodded 'no'.Bo, Jr. walked straight to the barn door and yelled, "DAD!"Bo, Sr. hear the urgency in his son's voice and thought that he was hurt. Maybe a snake! On a farm there was uncountable ways in which to get injured. Bo, Sr. as well as Jeb, who had been working a short distance away, both broke and ran full speed to the barn to make sure Bo, Jr. was Ok. They reached the barn only to find Bo, Jr. fine ............010101010101In the house Beth and Dixie heard Bo, Jr.'s call to Bo, Sr. It could only be described as a call for 'HELP' by the tone Bo, Jr. had used ..........Beth stood up, and walked toward the window to see Bo, Sr. and Jeb running toward the barn. She stepped outside, then tried to run toward the barn, albeit, without much speed.She wasn't covering much ground, so she was relieved when Bo, Sr. and Jeb walked out, Jake between them, and Bo, Jr. bringing up the rear. Her husband looked up and saw her. He waved her back to the house, so she headed back inside.010101010101Bo, Sr. and Jeb walked Jake to Dixie and Luke's almost completed house, rather than bothering the women. It was Bo, Sr. who spoke first somewhere between annoyed and understanding, "You know, Jake, I don't know what brought this on, but I have a feeling that you are more like me than your Dad realizes. Now, let me have a look at that arm." then to Bo, Jr., Bo instructed, "You can start by telling me what brought this on." Bo, Sr. didn't have to ask what had happened after finding Jake holding his arm in front of the same pole that Bo had hit out of frustration years before.Bo, Jr. looked at his Dad and replied, "Well, he was telling me about taking Laura home last night, ......."010101010101Beth had known that Bo and Jeb had things, whatever they were, well under control as she made her way back to the farmhouse slower than she had exited it. Beth felt a 'catch' in her side as she was running toward the barn. She walked in the house, sat down in Jesse's chair beside the couch where Dixie was looking over at her for an explanation. As she sat down, she was trying to get her breath from the unusual amount of activity. Beth tried to adjust her position to easy the 'catch' as she rubbed her side where the dull pain was.Dixie was now setting up. "Beth are you OK?"Beth shook her head 'yes', then after another minute she attempted to try to explain, "Yeah, I'm fine. .... It's just that I'm a little larger than the last time I ran anywhere.""Do you want me to get Bo?" Dixie asked.Beth declined, "No, he has his hands full with the boys." Beth changed her position in the chair again.Dixie asked, while still watching Beth closely, "Yeah, what happened out there?""I'm not sure, Bo waved me off as they were all heading toward your house." Beth explained. "It looked to me, that whatever was going on involved Jake, though it was, ....... ah, ......." Beth let out a slight moan, as she once again moved in her seat while rubbing her side, "Bo, Jr. that called out for Bo."Dixie tossed the cover back and said, "Well, I'm going to go check and get Bo for you."Beth reached out for her hand, "Wait. Give me a minute or two. Really, I'm Ok. There is no reason to get Bo so worked up this early in the game. I still have quiet awhile left and he's almost as jumpy this time as he was with Bo, Jr. I'll just put my feet up here and we'll talk, if it doesn't get better soon you can go get him, OK?"Dixie didn't like it, but figured Beth was the 'expert' on this subject after five previous pregnancies. She replied, "Ok, but the minute you think its trouble you tell me?"Beth replied, "Absolutely. Thanks. You'll see. I will bet you that this being the first time Luke has had this experience, he'll be far worse than Bo. He will drive you crazy! But, enjoy it. He wouldn't if he didn't love you."010101010101Meanwhile at Luke and Dixie's, Jake was finally able to get the nerve up to let go of his right hand so that Bo, Sr. and Jeb could look at it.Once Jake removed his left hand, Bo, Jr. gasped at the sight of Jake's hand and wrist.Bo, Sr. shook his head. He looked at his watch. Luke wouldn't be home for several hours yet.Jeb reached in his pocket for the keys to Jesse's old pickup truck.Bo waved off Jeb's suggestion, as he said to Jake, "We can get some ice on that hand and give it sometime to see if it feels better, but I got to tell you, I think it's a waste of time."Jake looked at Bo and silently asked with his eyes, 'How would you know?'Bo answered the unasked question, "I told you. We are more a like than you or your Dad know." Bo, Sr. looked a bit embarrassed before continuing, "See, I once had my own run in with that pole. And you won't like the rest of the story." He sighed, "So what's it going to be? Doctor or ice?"Jake was still gritting his teeth at the pain, but answered, "Ice, Uncle Bo. Da--it, I need some ice."Bo shook his head. He wondered how he'd ever been so hard headed.And the more he thought about it, he felt sorry knowing that he had done the same thing to Uncle Jesse as Jake was doing to him. "Fine, son. Have it your way. But you're gonna be sorry."Jake nodded, angrily fighting tears. He hated to cry. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 6, 2010 Author Posted June 6, 2010 Beth was moaning, holding onto her belly. "Oh, Lord!" she exclaimed. The contraction passed, and she looked at Dixie. "This one's gonna be just like Bo, Jr. He's got no patience."Dixie looked at the clock. This had been going on too long. "Beth, I'm going to get Bo now."Beth looked at her. This time she didn't protest. She only nodded. "Hurry."Dixie ran outside, glad she wasn't feeling sick so that she could get Bo."Bo!" she yelled. "I'd get back to the house if I were you. Unless you want your baby born in the living room."Bo's eyes were wide as he took off at a run, Bo, Jr. close behind, and Jeb torn between going inside and helping Jake along.Bo burst into the house to find Beth very pale. "We gotta get you to the hospital," he said. "Quick."Beth looked down at the floor where her water had broken. "There's not that much time," she said.Bo quickly swept his wife up into his arms and carried her up the stairs to their bedroom. He laid her on the bed, trying to think clearly.Suddenly, the Uncle Jesse in him took over. "Ruth Anne!" he yelled, to his daughter, who was standing in the hall. "Go boil some water. Bo, Jr." he added. "Go tear up some clean sheets. Dixie, you know where that jar of shine is in the kitchen? Bring it to me... and bring me the scissors."Dixie went after the shine and the scissors, when Bo heard a small voice at the door. It was Michaela. "Daddy, what's wrong with Mama?"Bo smiled just a little at his little girl. "It's all right, Sweety. Nothing's wrong with Mama. It's just that the baby's getting ready to come, and he's... real excited about meetin' you."Michaela smiled. "Really?""Yeah, honey," Bo said. "But I need you to go downstairs and find Uncle Jeb so I can help the baby get here."Michaela nodded, but peeked into her parent's room. "I love you, Mama."Beth smiled. "I love you, too."Bo walked over to Beth. "It's gonna be OK, honey," he said. "I promise."Beth nodded but said nothing. She couldn't talk for the contractions.Bo held her hand until Dixie got there with the shine and the scissors.Being very resourceful, Dixie showed up with the shine, scissors and the phone. Her first call was to the Doctor in town who said he'd be on his way. The second call was to Luke's base camp. Luckily, Luke was giving some added ground training to the new smoke jumpers before he took them up after the instructor had been hurt in the previous jump, Luke had figured better safe than sorry. When he heard the call, "Duke. Wife's on the phone." Luke knew Dixie didn't call him at work unless she needed something important. He said to the new jumpers, "Double check your equipment. I'll be right back." He went into the office. "Dixie? What's wrong?""I'm fine. Calm down." she knew she would scare him by calling. "Honey, I think you need to head home if you can."Luke's imagination was already getting wound up.Dixie continued, "First, Jeb is taking care of Jake who just might have broken his wrist." she said regretfully.Luke was thinking to himself. 'She want's me to come home because of a broken wrist? With all them there?' But he asked, "Tell me they didn't call you at work too? Over a broken wrist?"Dixie knew that family meant everything to Luke so she ignored the disbelief in his question. "No, Honey they didn't have to call me. Debbie and Beth insisted that I be called in sick after being sick for hours after you left this morning."Yes, now she had really gotten Luke's attention. "Are you OK? Did you go to the Doctor?""Honey, calm down I'm fine, now! There for awhile though I wondered, but you may want to reserve a wing at the hospital if this keeps up." Before he could reply, Dixie continued, "Jeb and Bo, Jr. have their hands full with Jake and at the moment it looks like Bo and I are going to get first hand training at mid-wifing."It was now that a sudden sharp contraction hit Beth. Luke heard her pain through the phone as he reached for the file cabinet he said, "Honey, I'm on my way. I'll be there in 30 minutes tops." He hung the phone up and handed the office assistant a study guide. "Give this to them. Tell them test in the morning. Keep them here until 5 looking up these answers. I've got to go!" Luke was out the door and off the property in a cloud of dust.Bo looked at Dixie as she hung up the phone. She replied, "Said he'd be here in 30 minutes." She and Bo knew he was an hour and a half away.010101010101Amidst red lights on Luke's truck, and blue lights on several police vehicles, exactly 32 minutes later Luke put his truck next to the back steps in a cloud of dust as he slide it to a stop. He tossed Bo, Jr. his wallet and said, "Insurance and registration's above the sun visor. License is in the wallet. Take care of them." as he kept walking toward the house.Totally surprised, Bo, Jr. looked at the law enforcement officers getting out of their cars. It wasn't just Hazzard County, but Chickasaw, and Placid County as well as two State Police units. In the kitchen Luke stopped to check Jake's hand. "I'm not even going to ask how. Now. Just keep that ice on it until Doc gets here." Luke had only seen one other hand look that bad. He took the stairs three at a time and asked as he topped out, "Dixie? Bo?".......Dixie ran out to meet Luke. "I'm so glad you're here," she said, as he put his arms around her.Luke nodded. "How's Beth?""She's fine so far. It's just that... She's almost a month early.""Lemme guess, Bo, Jr. and Jake got her so worked up that she went into labor early... Them two boys."Dixie stopped him. "There's no reason to be placin' blame. I'm sure the baby's fine, but the thing is that Bo needs some help, I think."Luke nodded. He knocked on the door and said, "Bo, it's me. Anything I can do for ya?"Bo answered, "You ever delivered a baby before? All I've ever done is delivered calves and goats... And Daisy's horse's colt that one time..."Luke grinned. "Well, there was that one time... When Mattie Lee Greene decided to up and have her baby right on the sidewalk in town square..."Bo sighed. "I hope this works. Lord, I wish Uncle Jesse was here.""Me, too," Beth moaned as the pressure of the baby's weight increased.Bo looked distraught as he yelled, "Well, da--it, Luke, get in here!"Luke looked at Dixie before walking into the room, saying, "I'll never be like this!"As he closed the door behind him, Dixie giggled. "We'll see about that, Lucas Duke."010101010101Meanwhile, Bo, Jr. was trying to make heads or tails of what the police were saying to him about his Uncle.Luke walked in to Bo and Beth's room trying to be the calm voice of reason. He walked to the bed and set on the edge. "Now, Beth, don't let him worry you. Uncle Jesse has taught us more about this probably than we realize. Besides, what he don't know is I've had a little training in this during my Smokejumper training." Luke looked at Bo hoping to not only gain his trust but through him to gain Beth's.Bo looked up at Luke. He had no idea that Luke had taken any such training but at this point some training was better than none.Luke asked, "Your water broke?"Beth was now holding on to Luke's hand in one hand and Bo's in the other. She replied, "Yeah, maybe forty minutes ago.""Ok, let me pull these covers back and feel your stomach." Luke pried his hand back from Beth and began to feel Beth's stomach as a contraction hit her. Though he was pretty new at this he could tell the baby was in the birth canal. Luke had looked at the bedside clock when he'd felt Beth's stomach tense with the contraction.Dixie returned with a large pot of hot water, the torn sheets, a stack of towels and a couple baby blankets. She made a place for them all to wash their hands in the hot water and then in a separate pan she placed the scissors and then poured some moonshine over them as a disinfectant. She also poured a small amount of shine in a glass for Beth and handed it to Bo. "Bo give this to Beth. I don't think even this would calm you down right now." She was trying to lighten the mood in the room just a bit.Luke looked at the clock again as the next contraction began. "Did you call Doc?"Dixie replied, "Yeah, before I called you.""That's been forty five minutes ago. I bet him here?" Luke looked surprised."He said he'd be over shortly, but I don't think he had the escort that you had." Dixie nodded toward the yard.Luke replied, "Hey, they might have followed me, but they were not an escort."Bo looked up puzzled at Luke's comment as he held the glass for Beth to take a sip of the shine.Dixie explained. "You have more blue lights out front than I've ever seem here, .... and that's saying something."Luke shot her a look. Then, to Bo he said, "Bo, Jr.'s taking care of it. Gave him all my paperwork and they can write until they are blue in the face. I'll deal with it later." Luke said very matter of factly. He was more concerned with Beth who's contractions were under three minutes apart. He got up to wash his hands and motioned for Bo as Dixie took his place on the bed. Luke said for only Bo to hear, "Looks like we're about to have company whether Doc joins us or not." He could only hope there were no complications. Like Jesse had always told them, 'Without complications the Mama's don't even need anyone around. They do all the work.' Quote
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