Emy-Rae Duke Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 ok this is a round robbin with Jami and me. joining this is by invitation only. In this story Luke and Jami has been married for 3 years and they have a two year old son Jeremy Nathaniel Jefferson Duke. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke opens his eyes the sits up he looked at his wife Jami as she slept, smiled a bit then stood up. he opened the two glass double doors that led to the bedroom porch and walked out then inhaled the fresh crisp Hazzard morning air dawn had just broken and he looked at the breath taking country scenery and whispered a soft prayer of contentment. taking in one last sigh he walked back into the bedroom closed the door that led to the porch. He went over to Jamis side of the bed and kissed her softly. "Morning beautiful." He smiled
Jami Lee Hogg Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Feeling two soft lips touching her's slowly Jami starts to wake up. *mmm I could get use to walking up like this* she thought to herself. "Morning...." pulling Luke back into bed with her."Mommy, Mommy" yelled Jeremy as ran into the room. Groaning Jami pulled away from Luke and made room for Jeremy."Daddy what are you doing to mommy?" he asked as he tried to climb into the bed with them. "Daddy help..." he demanded as he put his arm up in the air waiting to be picked up
Emy-Rae Duke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 Luke smiled. " well we could make it a habit." he began when Jeremy came in. Luke chuckled and picked him up. "morning tiger." He said giving him a quick hug and placed him near jami.
Jami Lee Hogg Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 "How's mommy little man?" Jami asked as tickled him. "Mommy stop." said Jeremy as tried to move out of her reach. "Mommy I hunwy." Jeremy said as settle next to her."ok sweetheart what would you like for breakfast?" asking as she took the blankets off her." me want pancakes." he said as scrabble down the bed and landing on his but."all right let's go." she said as she got and walk over to where her son was picking him up and heading into the kitchen.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 "i'll be down in a while I gotta take a shower first." *he said as he gave Jami and Jeremy a quick kiss then headed to the bathroom
Jami Lee Hogg Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Stopping half way through the hallway and looking back towards the bedroom "say ok daddy," jami told her son. "ok...daddy." he said laughing as she tickled his tummy. Heading back towards the kitchen. "all-right big guy how do you want your pancakes done asking as she sat her son down his chair."ocolate chips, ocolate chips mommy" jumping up in down in his seat."ok sweety.." getting ever thing she would need to make them.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted August 22, 2009 Author Posted August 22, 2009 Luke takes a quick shower them hads dowmstairs wearing his signiture blue plad shirt and a pair oj jeans. He walks up behind jami and puts his arms around her
Jami Lee Hogg Posted August 24, 2009 Posted August 24, 2009 Feeling his arm go around her, "Your just in time for pancakes." putting the last pancake on the plate beside."yeah...pancake" called Jeremy from his chair.'o.k sport here you go" placing them in front of him.Then turn back to Luke. "what where your plans for the day?" she asked as played with bottom of his shirt.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted August 24, 2009 Author Posted August 24, 2009 Luke smiled. "great, I love pancakes." He said as he sat down and served himselh. " well I gotta go and help uncle jesse on the farm, then I gotta head down to the fire station to take a shift."He finished. "what about you darlin' ? "he asked as he sipped his coffee
Jami Lee Hogg Posted August 25, 2009 Posted August 25, 2009 "Well I was thinking that I might take Jeremy to the park and maybe if we have enough time take him to see Aunt LuLu." she said in between bites.
Emy-Rae Duke Posted August 25, 2009 Author Posted August 25, 2009 "sounds great." Luke said as he finished up. " well I gotta go now have fun kiddo...rememer that curve ball I thaught ya."Luke said to Jeremy as he ruffled his hsair then gave Jami a kiss then headed out
Emy-Rae Duke Posted September 26, 2009 Author Posted September 26, 2009 (im gonna try and make this a story instead of online )Jami looked over to Jeremy. "finished honey?" She said as she cleared the other dishes. Jeremy looked up from her empty plate and smiled and nodded. "done momma!" he said cheerfully.Jami turned around. "lets get you cleaned up eh?" she said as she scooped up the toddler and carried her upstairs. She carried him to the bathroom and drew him a bath. "no bath!" the toddler protested but Jami let out a soft chuckle and picked the littl boy up and started giving him his bath. Jeremy splashed and laughed. "Hey cut that out." Jami said as she finished up and carried him to his room, dried him up thun put on a dark green tee shirt and a pair of overalls. "we're gonna go see "auntie Lulu today." Jami said as she put him in his playpen. "mommas gonna go get ready." She said as she put on Sesame Street for the child. She took a quick shower and put on a white shirt and a pair of jeans. "lets go honey." she said as she picked Jeremy up and headed out to Boss and Lulus house.
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