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Ashley and Matt's Love Story(Fours Years Later)

What gender should Ashley and Matt's Baby Be?  

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  1. 1. What gender should Ashley and Matt's Baby Be?

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Daisy said "I'm closer to Lizzy Step and always have been..I'll help her i promised her i would"

Stephanie Says "Well tomorrow I'm going to visit Brian and well I know it's scary there but he's my cousin as well Daisy."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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Daisy said "My best friend is Davenport and Cooter is a good friend of mine too... I do not think that! Now you wanna start accusing me of things huh?!"

"Both of you stop it." Lizzy snaps. "You are both my cousins whether by blood or by law. And it doesn't matter anyway because I'm not gonna get custody of Josh if Elaine's giving him up. I can't afford it." Lizzy glares at the wall then walks outside.

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Daisy said "Then why do i feel like you dont wanna even be around me anymore...Is it because you think I'm dumb because of what i let Jimmy do to me? What is it Liz?"

"It's just...it's so hard to take care of them all. We're struggling as it is and I don't...I don't know how we're gonna keep doing this especially if we take in Josh...I'm so worried Daisy. I'm sorry it comes off as me slipping away but I don't know what to do." Lizzy says.

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"It's just...it's so hard to take care of them all. We're struggling as it is and I don't...I don't know how we're gonna keep doing this especially if we take in Josh...I'm so worried Daisy. I'm sorry it comes off as me slipping away but I don't know what to do." Lizzy says.

Daisy huged her "I dont want us to hit a dead end we've been best friends too long...i would take Josh in for you like i took Vidalia in if you'd let me...I wanna help you.. Please dont leave...I need your help and you need mine and Lukes...And im sorry i ever brought up that vacation idea...its stupid, really stupid im selfish and dumb thats all i am"

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Daisy huged her "I dont want us to hit a dead end we've been best friends too long...i would take Josh in for you like i took Vidalia in if you'd let me...I wanna help you.. Please dont leave...I need your help and you need mine and Lukes...And im sorry i ever brought up that vacation idea...its stupid, really stupid im selfish and dumb thats all i am"

"Daisy you can't afford it either. I know you can't. You make less than I do. I appreciate the offer really I do but...I know realistically the best thing for him would probably be adoption." Lizzy says.

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"Daisy you can't afford it either. I know you can't. You make less than I do. I appreciate the offer really I do but...I know realistically the best thing for him would probably be adoption." Lizzy says.

Daisy sighed "I'm scared that if i dont help in some way you'll hate me...Lizzy im sorry i suggested what i did...im stupid..you and Luke need each other and I'll just get in the way"

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"Daisy you and I know that isn't true. Besides I don't have the time or money to go somewhere." Lizzy says.

Daisy said "Just don't worry about it okay" she wanted to get out of Hazzard to reconnect with Enos and Lizzy and Luke but she thought to her self that she didnt deserve it "You deserve this...its all gonna work out and you and Luke will have fun since ya'll deserve it"

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Daisy said "Just don't worry about it okay" she wanted to get out of Hazzard to reconnect with Enos and Lizzy and Luke but she thought to her self that she didnt deserve it "You deserve this...its all gonna work out and you and Luke will have fun since ya'll deserve it"

"Alright... Maybe one day Daisy...maybe one day we'll get that vacation." Lizzy sighs.

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