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Write a story from this line.

"Bo and Luke Duke were cousins. Best friends. Until something happened that tore their friendship apart."

Happy writing!


*grins big possum grin*

  • 2 months later...

I'm Seeking Help with this story so could Somebody start it for me

Thanks tell me when you have posted .

Tonight on the Dukes : When Luke falls in Love with a young woman named Kate this time he thinks it is for real but little does he know that this girl is no good but unfortunetly Luke is too in love to know the truth and Unfortunetly When Bo tries to tell Luke the truth Luke get's mad at him he says " Bo How dare you it's just like you to ruin my love life go away i don't believe you then Bo and Luke get into a big argument about it Unforttunetly the boys friendship is put to the ultimate Test

Will Bo and Luke go from being Best Friends to Bad Company ?


Well Folks Today is rather quite day in Hazzard considering Rosco hasn't

Chased the Boys all this week so Bo and Luke Duke was happy as two clams but unfortunetly friends their happy tune may not last for long.

Anyway The Boys was on their way to the Boars Nest which is what they normally do after finishing their Chores for some reason O'l Bo was in a hurry while Luke was taking a snooze in the Passenger seat cause the boys was out late last nite hunting for Bore.

So Luke being not a big morning person was still trying to catch up on his sleep . " Hey C'mon Luke wake up you can't sleep the morning away sleeping too long ain't good for you then Luke said " Bo i wouldn't be sleeping if you hadn't of kept me awake all night last night ", " look Luke

I said i was sorry this morning you can't stay mad at me forever you know you were Close as two peas in a pod .

Well Friends unfortunetly that may change on accont of Luke is gonna get very upset at Bo for ruining another chance for him to get serious with someone but this time this girl ain't no good Luke will be too in love with her to see that .

meanwhile over at the Boars Nest a pretty , and sexy young woman named Kathleen kate for short was sitting at bar waiting for a hansom young man to walk in so she could steal his heart " Oh i wish one of those Dukeboys would show up i just would love to play with fire.

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