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Chapter I

“So what do you think about Hazzard Elly?†Daisy asked her new cousin as the two of them laid on their beds before going to sleep.

Not too long before --about five or six months ago Bo and Luke had been in California for a big NASCAR race and had gotten in trouble causing Daisy and Uncle Jesse to come and get them out of it. Wasn’t anything with the law for a change, but rather that Bo had been in a rather serious crash and even though it was bad, now he was back to his old self even if his leg still hurt occasionally, it didn’t stop him, but regardless Uncle Jesse had decided that it was in their best interest to take a break and go back next season.

However, while they were in California Bo and Luke wound up in Beverly Hills where they had been forced to talk to the bank about where

they would be able to go with their future, not because of the crash necessarily, but just what had been put into their life, which unfortunately left them in the hands of a cruel man by the name of Mr. Drysdale, but luckily for them a certain kind little old lady by the name of Daisy May had reason to talk with him the same time as the boys did and from there the boys had been offered a home until Bo could recover.

The boys were taken in and treated kindly by all the members of this charming family. Daisy May, who the rest of the family called ‘Granny’ and had insisted that the boys did too, which made them comfortable since it would seem odd to them with her having the same name as their cousin, Jed, who was officially the one in charge and took to the boys and was willing to talk to them if needed, Elly May, his daughter who took to the boys and was more than happy to swim in the ‘cement pond’ with them as doing so would help Bo’s leg heal, even Jethro took to them in his own way.

The boys had called Uncle Jesse, who immediately decided that he and Daisy were coming up there, even if the boys were in perfectly capable hands. So the next thing they knew their Uncle and cousin were up in California and were taken in by the Clampetts also. Jed and Jesse spent hours talking about farming, their kids and everything else, Daisy and Elly quickly became friends as did Jethro and the boys and then one night it happened. Granny and Uncle Jesse had been out front sitting on one of the benches when suddenly Jesse turned to her and asked her to come back to Georgia with him. At first she was confused when he then mentioned his wife and everything with her dying when the young’uns were young and then he mentioned how even if he had only known her for a few months he felt connected to her somehow and sprung the question reaching out to her the ring that he had given his Martha the first time that he had asked her. She had once told Jesse that he should keep it in a special place because even if she ever died then he should be happy, but of course he had never found anyone like his Martha until now. He knew that Daisy needed someone to look up to even if she was able to take care of herself. Jesse knew that Daisy needed it if he was to ever die. So with every honest good intention of his three young’uns in his heart he asked her to marry him, and of course she said yes. (y’all know Granny wanted a man now she‘s got a pure southern one)

So not long after the wedding the Clampetts packed up their truck once again moved, but this time to their beloved Dixie, and with a new family.

So now Daisy and Elly were talking in the room that they now shared

“Never thought thet Granny would go fer livin’ in Georgia, tho as long as it’s in Dixie she don’t mind.â€

“Well I never thought my Uncle Jesse would get married again neither.†Daisy laughed.

“Well you sure are lucky to have Bo and Luke fer yer cousins tho Jethro is a heap of fun to wrassle with.â€

“Yeah, but Elly I have to admit that I’m slightly jealous of you havin Uncle Jed for your Pa . . . I didn’t have mine for long. I came to live with Uncle Jesse after they were killed runin’ shine. I know I have so much, but it would’ve been nice.â€

“Well Daisy, my Pa always said thet we just have to make the best of what we got. Uncle Jesse seems to be like a Pa to you and now I have an Uncle and you got a new one too.â€

“Yeah, your right Elly.â€

“Maybe Daisy, but I reckon we ought to get to sleep afore Granny catches us awake.â€

Daisy chuckled. She had to admit that even though Uncle Jesse was similar she hadn’t known someone in her life to beat Granny and agreed. So with that she blew out the kerosene lamp that was on the stand between their beds and both of them huddled down into their beds.

Well here's the first Chapter hope y'all enjoyed it. if you have ideas about where this will go let me know. i should have the second chapeter up soon


Chapter II

Bo and Luke, had since they were small boys driven any car that they could find themselves to be aloud to drive, especially their pride the ‘General Lee’ and for them it paid off because the boys had earned their rightful spot in the NASCAR circuit.

(though as they say one little thing can go wrong and the next thing you know your life has completely changed. Well if y’all can guess that’s what happened to Bo during one day while the boys were racing in California, near Beverly Hills. So needles to say that’s where this tale of woe starts)

“Well Bo, I guess this ain’t it for you, but I don’t reckon Uncle Jesse is going to be so lenient with us from now on.†Luke sighed saying to his younger cousin who laid in the hospital bed beside where he sat.

“I know Luke, but I wasn’t my fault, somehow the motor just started leaking oil and I couldn’t stop.â€

“I know that Bo. I’m not saying it’s your fault. I’m just saying that I’m not sure what you and I are going to do. We don’t know anybody here in California except for the team and that’s not the best contact we know since we really ain’t got any money. We need somewhere that you can stay and heal.â€

“I really am sorry Luke.†Bo sighed turning his head painfully to look out the window of his room.â€

“Bo, I know. Now I know you’ll be all right until I get back. I got to go meet some idiotic banker over at the Commerce Bank. I’ll be back soon, but in the meantime these are for you.†he nodded laying a stack of car magazines beside his cousin.

“Thanks Luke.†Bo smiled, but then suddenly looked at his cousin questioningly “Say Luke have you called Uncle Jesse yet?†he asked.

“No, I haven’t Bo. Here, you can do it while I’m gone. From what I’ve heard of this banker we might need his help.†Luke said handing the phone to his cousin.

“All right. Good Luck Luke.†Bo sighed as his cousin walked off.

“Well, I guess I probably need it more than he does.†Bo sighed as he dialed the number for connection to Georgia from where he got Uncle Jesse.

“Hey, Sheppard. Lost Sheep here.†he sighed nervously.

“All right son, we’re not on CB, but I’m glad to hear from you.â€

“So am I, but well . . . Uncle Jesse first I’m going to say that Luke and I are fine, but I had an accident in the race today and I’m in the hospital at Beverly Hills. It’s mostly my leg. It’s a minor break, but still will be a bit of recovery time. I got banged up kinda bad.â€

“All right. I know Daisy and I saw the race. You’ve been doing good until today. Where’s Luke?â€

“Gone down to the bank. I’m not sure what the banker wants, but everybody around here talks about him like he’s bad news.â€

“Hmm. You need us to come. I know you’re a grown man Bo, but I think it might ease Daisy’s nerves if we did. She’s getting Supper ready, but the two of us can be ready to fly out in the morning. You know Daisy has faith in you, but somehow she just can‘t help it.â€

“Yeah. That’d be great Uncle Jesse. Luke thinks we might need your help dealing with this banker.â€

“Well, get some rest son and hopefully we’ll see you sometime tomorrow.â€

“All right. Bye Shepherd.â€

“Over and out my Lost Sheep.†Uncle Jesse smiled and hung up.

“That was Bo wasn’t it Uncle Jesse?†Daisy asked a slight hint of concern in her voice.

“Sure was. They’re all right. From what Bo told me the worst was that he broke his leg, not too badly tho, but I told him that the two of us would fly to California in the morning to see them.â€

Daisy smiled. She wouldn’t have normally admitted it, but the news did make her happy.

Down at the bank Luke was having a time of his own. Mr. Drysdale was not being too friendly.

“So if you’re just another broke hillbilly then why did you come down here?â€

“Because I was ordered to and I’m not a hillbilly.†Luke said standing up, the fire in his eyes obvious “Now either help me out or let me go!†he said loudly when suddenly--

“Mr. Drysdale, Granny is here to see you.†Miss Hathaway his secretary announced.

“Fine. Let her in. At least I can talk to somebody who has some money other than what their being given for stupid races.†he sighed.

“All right. Come on in Granny.†and the next minute a little old lady walked in. She wore a light jacket over a button down shirt, an old skirt and mountain boots.

“Morin’ Mr. Drysdale.†she smiled and then noticed the other gentleman in the room with him “Hello darlin†she smiled up at Luke.

“Well what can I do for you Granny?†Mr. Drysdale asked kindly.

“Well Jed asked Jethro to bring me down here to give you another check. Apparently more oil was discovered on our land.†she sighed shaking her head at the thought of more money they didn’t need.

“I’ll take care of that right away Granny.†he smiled and walked out to talk with his secretary.

“Well, what you here fer darlin’?†Granny asked looking again to Luke.

“Well, you see ma’am my cousin and I are up here for a race and now my cousin’s in the hospital and I’m havin a heap of a time with this banker. What we heard was right Mr. Drysdale is trouble.†Luke sighed smiling at Granny “I guess he’s nice to you huh?â€

“Well I reckon so. My son-in-law has some 95 million dollars. I guess banks do like that kind of thing.â€

“So where are you from? You mentioned that land that had oil.â€

“Back in Tennessee darlin’. Everyday I wish I could go back, but no we have to stay here because that banker will get upset.â€

“I see.†Luke nodded his head seeing where she was going.

“So do you have a place to stay?†Granny asked him.

“Our home back in Georgia, but out here we don’t know any body.†Luke shrugged.

“Well, honey you could stay with us. We have more than enough room fer you and yer cousin.â€

“Well we wouldn’t want to cause you any trouble besides my other cousin and my Uncle are flying here from Georgia and should be here sometime tomorrow night.â€

“That’s okay honey. We have plenty of room.â€

“Well that’s right nice of you ma’am. We’d be happy to stay in the home of people from our kind of place. You know that hospital that’s just around the corner from here?â€

“Sure do honey.†Granny sighed shaking her head.

“Well, I reckon my cousin wouldn’t mind if you came to visit. He’s a bit lonely and maybe your family can come and you could give me directions to your house.â€

“All right honey.†Granny smiled and turned to leave “I reckon I wouldn’t know what kind of race would hurt a person that bad, but I’ll be back to see yer cousin honey.â€

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