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Jasper laughed as he walked away from the barn.

"Even if y'all find him, I have y'all locked in there so tight, that I'll be long gone by the time y'all get out!" he said to himself as he was getting into his black sedan.

After hearing what Jasper said, Pam walked out on the front porch with Jesse. "Did you hear what that creep said?" asked Pam furiously.

"Sure did, honey," said Jesse as he walked outside, carrying his shotgun then added, "Let's go see what that crook did to my barn, and why Luke, Daisy, and Vicki are in there!"

"I can tell you the only reason why they're in there is because they're looking for where that creep stashed Bo!" said Pam angrily as she followed Jesse towards the barn.

"What happened to Bo?" asked Jesse.

"I really don't know for sure, but Luke saw signs of a struggle outside the barn door," said Pam worriedly looking at her watch then added, "It has been well over 2 hours since Bo disappeared."

"Oh...no! Look what that crazy idiot put up against the barn door," said Jesse angrily, stopping in front of the closed barn door.

"Oh, my gosh!" said Pam excitedly.

It was the General parked in front of the barn door, loaded with dynamite...

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"What are we going to do?" asked Pam nervousily then added, "If we try to move it, the bomb will explode!"

"Honey, it will be all right!" said Jesse, trying to calm the strawberry redhead down then added, "All we have to do is check the timer on the box of dynamite, and we have to remove the right wire from the box."

"I hope so. I'm going to call Rosco & Enos on the CB. We're going to need help trying to undo those wires," said Pam worriedly then added to herself, "If my little sister finds Bo in time, I wonder if he is tied to an explosive too??"

Meanwhile, near the back of the barn, Vicki, Luke, & Daisy continue their search for Bo...


As Jesse & Pam were looking at the denomator box on how to undo the bomb without blowing up the General, Daisy, Luke, and Vicki continued their search at the back of the barn for Bo.

"Bo, if you can hear me, darling, please tell me..." said Vicki in a barely audiable tone as she frantically keeps searching the hay.

"Sweet Angel, HELP! Get me out of here!" screamed Bo through his gag, as he was pulling against his restraints.

Vicki's eyes widen after hearing Bo's muffled scream.

"Bo, if that was you. Keep screaming," said Vicki as she continued to pitching the hay right & left then added towards Luke & Daisy, "Hey, Y'all. I think that I hear him in front of me!"

"That's good," said Luke as he rushed over to the redhead.

Daisy added, "At least we know that the creep didn't take Bo with him."

"Yeah, only because I think that I walked out on them as the creep was leaving," said Vicki sarcastically as she continues to pitch the hay behind her until her eyes caught something bright under the hay. She gasped outloud as her hand brushed across some fabric. "OH...MY...GOSH"

"What is it, Little Red?" asked Luke, putting a hand on the redhead.

"Luke, look directly in front of me!" said Vicki frantically.

Luke noticed directly in front of them. He noticed that Bo's yellow shirt was directly in front of them still semi-buried under the hay.

Luke smiled at the redhead as he got down on his knees and started helping Vicki pitched the hay away.

"Vicki, I think that you & me found Bo."

The three young people continue to pitch the hay for a few more minutes.

"What on earth..." gasped Daisy in shock.

"Holy smokes!" said Luke angrily as the last of the hay was removed then added, "I can't believe that the crazed lunatic would do such a thing like that! I can't believe that he would booby trap Bo like that!"

Vicki just stared in a daze as she saw Bo lying on the floor, tied to a bomb box...

  • 1 month later...

"Daisy, do me a favor and call Rosco & Jesse on the CB. We're going to need help into finding the crook that did this. Plus, we need to get that bomb checked out," said Luke worriedly.

"Sure, Luke. I'll be right back!" said Daisy as she headed towards the front of the barn.

"Well, this is CERTAINLY a nice way of coming back from vacation!" said Vicki angrily as she knelt down in the hay beside Bo and started pulling at the knot in the blindfold & gag.

"Little Red, just calm down. We'll get him untied without letting the bomb go off," said Luke as he was on his knees, trying to pull at the knots on the ropes bounding Bo.

"Yeah, right! I'm going to clobber whoever did this to him," said Vicki angrily as she tore away the handkerchief around Bo's eyes. It took Bo a couple of seconds to adjust to the blinding sunlight, but then he stared directly into Vicki's furious eyes.

Vicki then pulled the gag down with a furious, but gentle pull. Calming down slightly, she added to Bo, "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, thanks..." said Bo, taking a deep breath of air then added in a dry voice, "You wouldn't have any water on you?"

"No, but we'll get some as soon as you're free," said Vicki, smiling at Bo then added as she reached into her pocket, "Luke, since your knife is a little dull, do you think that Bo's knife will work?"

"Yeah, Little Red. It will work just fine. Bo's knife is a lot sharper than my knife," said Luke as the redhead handed him the knife.

A few minutes later, Bo's hands were free. "Thanks, Luke. That does feel better. Even though I can't feel my hands," said Bo, moving his numbed hands in front of him so he could rub the feeling back into them. "You're welcome, cousin," said Luke, who was now kneeling in front of Bo, cutting through the ropes around his ankles.

After a few moments, Bo was completely free.

Vicki & Luke then helped Bo stand up. Bo was having trouble standing due to inactivity in his legs from sitting in that cramped pisition for the last couple of hours. So he used Vicki for support just until he stopped swaying.

"Let's get away from that bomb box!" said Bo excitedly as he, Luke, & Vicki were walking towards the front of the barn.

"We're with you, cousin!" said Luke as he & Vicki helped Bo towards the door.

Just then, outside in the distance, an explosion occured...


  • 3 weeks later...


"DRAT! Those bombs just barely missed them! That old farmer threw the bomb boxes into the pond! I'll have to find another way of getting even with them!" said Jasper angrily to himself as he gets back into his car, which was parked on top of a hill overlooking the farm.

Looking around in his stolen car, he then smiles as his hand fell across a large rock. Smiling, he then uses his slingshot and takes careful aim towards the young people below him.

When he saw his target, which was Vicki, he snickered loudly as he let go of the rock. "Night, night. Sleeping Beauty. Pleasant Dreams..."

He then took off fast in his sedan towards Hazzard Swamp.

As the explosions occured, Bo, Luke, Daisy, and Vicki try to shield themselves from any falling debris. As Vicki looked up after the final explosion, a large rock was heading straight towards her...

  • 3 weeks later...

Jasper laughed as he aimed the large rock directly at the redhead.

"Vicki! Look out!" yelled Luke as he pushes Vicki out of the way, just narrowing getting hit by the large rock.

Vicki rolled over quickly, and right into Bo's arms.

"Are you all right, sweetheart?" asked Bo as he helped the redhead sit up.

Vicki gasped as she saw the blood dripping off his arms & wrists. "I'm fine, but your arms are covered in blood, Bo."

"Oh...Lord. Vicki, it is just rope burns. It doesn't hurt too bad," said Bo, showing Vicki the deep red welts on his wrists.

"If you say so, sweetheart. I'm going to clean your wounds when we get inside the farmhouse," said Vicki, putting an arm around Bo's waist as he winced in pain.

"Bo, you have been hurt by whoever grabbed you," said Daisy worriedly as she & Luke caught up with Bo & Vicki.

"Daisy, I'm fine," said Bo.

"Yeah, you're fine all right," said Vicki, looking at Bo closely then added,

"You have a cut on your lip, right side of your face is swollen, and you have 2 deep cuts on your wrists. It looks like to me that you have been assaulted, Bo."

"Vicki, Bo wasn't assaulted. Someone tried to murder him!" said Luke excitedly.

Vicki gasped outloud in shock. "Oh...my...gosh!" :p

  • 2 weeks later...

"Luke, I really don't think that someone is trying to kill us, I think that it might be someone trying to get revenge on us for something," said Vicki as she & Luke were following Bo & Daisy towards the farmhouse a few minutes later.

"That could be it, Little Red," said Luke.

"Maybe, Luke. Do you think that whoever it is also gave Daisy the phone threats," said Vicki.

"Yeah, not to mention the stray arrow that caught me in the shoulder, and the car that forced us off the road yesterday," said Luke worriedly.

"Bo didn't tell me about that one," gasped Vicki in shock.

"I don't think that he had a chance to tell you. He was going to tell you after he cleaned the stalls for me right before he was grabbed earlier," said Luke.

Vicki glanced at Bo in front of her. "You know, Luke, I'm glad that I came over today."

"Me too. I have a bad gut feeling that this person would have finished Bo off if you & Pam hadn't showed up today," said Luke.

Vicki giggled slightly. "Yeah, thanks to Bo for talking me into coming over today, even though I have a cold."

Stopping Vicki by placing a hand on her arm, Luke smiled at the redhead. "Yeah, thanks to my lovesick cousin. You know, I've just thought of something."

"What Luke?" asked Vicki.

"You've saved my cousin's life," said Luke gratefully, giving the redhead a hug.


"Sweet Angel, I'm not feeling so good," said Bo weakly as he puts his arm around the redhead's shoulder as they were following Luke & Daisy towards the farmhouse.

"What's wrong, sugar?" asked Vicki, placing her hand on Bo's bruised face.

"I hurt all over. It feels like that I don't have any strength left," said Bo weakly.

"Sugar, you have been kidnapped and assaulted. That is the reason why you don't have any energy left," said Vicki worriedly, placing her arm around Bo's waist.

"Is Bo okay?" asked Luke, looking back at the couple, who were walking slowly behind him & Daisy.

"I think so, Luke. Bo is just complaining that he hurt all over," said Vicki.

"Little Red, Bo's cuts might be infected. We need to go inside and let Uncle Jesse look at them," said Daisy as she turned around and watched Bo & Vicki walk slowly towards them.

"Okay. We'll be right behind y'all," said Vicki, and she was tugging gently on Bo's arm them added, "Just a few more steps, sweetheart. Then we'll be inside completely safe from that lunatic."

  • 2 weeks later...

"How are you holding up, sugar?" asked Vicki as she & Bo were walking slow behind Daisy & Luke.

"Just peachy, Little Red. My arms & legs are killing me," said Bo, moaning slightly.

"You'll be fine in a minute, sugar. We're almost inside the back door," said Vicki.

"I hope so, sweetheart," said Bo, putting his arm around Vicki's shoulder for support.

Moments later, Luke, Daisy, Bo, and Vicki were walking slowly into the back door of the farmhouse.

"Sweetheart, can you help me to a chair?" moaned Bo then added, "My legs are hurting some." "Of course, sugar. The circulation in your legs must not have returned yet," said Vicki, putting her arm around Bo's waist then added, "Just a few more steps."

"Uncle Jesse, we finally found Bo," announced Luke as Jesse, Vicki's sister Pam, and Vicki's best friend Katie Williams came walking into the kitchen.

Jesse looked wide-eyed at Bo. "Bo, what in tarnation happened to you?"

"It's nothing, Uncle Jesse."

"Yeah, right. Why do both of your wrists look infected?" asked Jesse.

"Uncle Jesse, I'm fine. Really, it's nothing," said Bo.

"Vicki, did you do something to Bo?" asked Pam.

"Well, the only thing that I did was that Luke, Daisy, & I found him beaten up and tied to a bomb box out in the barn," said Vicki.

"Well, that would explained the explosion that we heard earlier," said Katie.

"Bo, I know that you have been attacked," said Jesse worriedly, looking Bo over then added, "I think that I better clean those cuts on your hands, and then call Doc Petticord to have him come out here and check you over good. You have bruises all over your face."

"No, Uncle Jesse. You don't need to call Doc Petticord. Honestly, I'm fine. I'm very grateful that I was found inside the barn," said Bo as he stared into Vicki's blue-gray eyes as he gingerly grabbed Vicki's hand across the table. Vicki smiled back at Bo speechless. :)


A few hours later, Bo, Luke, and Daisy were cleaning up the kitchen after supper.

Jesse was watching and looking concerned at Bo. Bo was very quiet since the attack earlier this afternoon.

"All right, you kids just sit down at the table. I want to talk to you," said Jesse.

"Why?" asked Bo as he was putting the dishes up in the cabinet then added, "I don't really want to talk about the attack, Uncle Jesse."

"I want to know everything that happened earlier this afternoon out in the barn. Now sit down!" said Jesse in a stern voice.

"Yes, sir," said Bo as he, Luke, and Daisy sat down at the kitchen table.

"All right, now tell me everything that happened inside the barn, and why our creekbed exploded," said Jesse.

After a few minutes, Bo, Daisy, and Luke told Jesse everything that happened inside the barn. Jesse listened to the story. He couldn't believe that Bo was assaulted & beaten out in the barn by a crazed killer.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge rock was thrown into the open kitchen window towards Daisy & Bo! :p


"Daisy! Look out!" hollered Bo as he pushed Daisy out of the way just in time.

"Daisy! Are you all right?" Luke asked as he helped Daisy off the kitchen floor. "I'm all right," said Daisy shakely then added, "What happened?"

"Cousin, you were narrowly gotten hit by a huge rock that was thrown in here," said Bo angrily as he picked up a note that was wrapped around the rock. "Hey! There's a note wrapped around this rock, and its addressed to you." Bo gave Daisy the note.

"Thanks, I think," said Daisy a bit dazed as she opened the note. Daisy read a couple of words, then gasped loudly. "Oh...my...gosh!"

"Honey, what is it?" asked Jesse worriedly.

"It's this note! Someone is out to kill us!" said Daisy as she handed Luke the note.


Angrily, Luke then crumbled the note, and threw it in the trash.


Daisy looked petrified with fear. "Why is this crazy killer trying to hurt us?" she asked fearfully.

"I have no idea, Daisy. But I wish I knew who this killer was," said Bo angrily trying to calm Daisy down.

"I don't know either, cousin. This person is after us for a reason," said Luke, taking a look out the kitchen window.

Daisy looked up at her cousins shaking. "Shouldn't we try and find out why we're getting attacked?"

Bo nodded his head. "Yeah, we have enough here to tell Rosco about the attacks. I have proof that I was attacked and beatened." Bo showed Luke, Daisy, and Jesse the rope burn welts on his wrists.

"But Rosco will probably say that we made all this up," said Daisy worriedly.

"I know, but with Vicki around here when the attacks happened, he'll have to believe us," said Bo as he looked out the kitchen window. :wink:


Meanwhile, Vicki was reading a magazine in her bedroom when Pam walked in.

"Hi," said Vicki, not looking up from her magazine.

"Hi, little sister. You're being awfully quiet," said Pam as she sat down on the bed next to Vicki.

Vicki sighed loudly. "I'm sorry. I have a lot on my mind right now."

"What is it, little sister?" asked Pam.

"I was just thinking WHY some crazed killer is terrorizing the Duke family. It eats me alive knowing that Bo was almost killed earlier this afternoon," said Vicki angrily as she looked out the window.

"I know, little sister. I know," said Pam as she gave Vicki a hug.

"I keep asking myself WHY? Who do I know would want to hurt the Dukes like that? I want to know some answers, NOW!" said Vicki angrily as a tear falls down her face.

"Maybe you should go talk to Rosco about the attacks," said Pam in a comforting voice.

"I could, but I'm not sure if Rosco will believe us. He might think that we're making them up," said Vicki as she looked out the window.

"Vicki, I wouldn't fret over it. Afterall, Rosco is our god-father. I know that he will believe you tomorrow morning," said Pam, giving Vicki a hug then added, "I'm sure that everything will be all right."

Vicki sighed loudly looking out the window towards the Duke property. "I hope so, Pam. I hope so." :p:-?:p

  • 2 weeks later...

Vicki awoke early the next morning, not really wanting to get up. She looked at her clock on the nightstand. It was a few minutes until 5a.m. "Well, I guess that I need to get up," thought the redhead as she sat up in her bed.

Not really into working today, Vicki sighed loudly as she walked over to her closet to get her police uniform. "I wish that I would have taken an extra day off. I have a feeling that this is going to be a BAD day."

"But at least I am only working until noon. Maybe nothing bad won't happen until after I get off," thought the redhead as she walked down the hall towards the bathroom.

About 30 minutes later, Vicki walked outside the house towards her patrol car.

As she was walking towards her car, she was staring at her dad's barn, thinking about what happened yesterday next door at the Duke farm. "I've got to get it out of my mind. I had nightmares all night about it," thought Vicki, shivering slightly as she was getting into her patrol car then added, "No telling what would have happened yesterday if I wouldn't have come home from the lake." :-?


About 15 minutes later, Vicki pulls the patrol car up in front of the Courthouse.

Enos was walking down the steps as Vicki was getting out of the patrol car.

"Hey Enos," said Vicki, smiling at her friend.

"Hey Little Red," said Enos as he opened the door for Vicki.

"Thanks, Enos. Has it been quiet around here since I was on vacation last week?" she asked, smiling at Enos.

"Yeah, Little Red. Almost too quiet," said Enos.

"That's good," said Vicki as she sat down at a desk.

"By the way, how was your vacation last week?" asked Enos.

"It was fine until Pam & I came home yesterday, then everything went downhill when we went over to the Duke farm," said Vicki angrily as a stray tear fell down her face.

"It's all right, sugar. Daisy told me what happened yesterday afternoon," said Enos, reassuring Vicki to calm down.

"Yeah, right! I am still upset that Bo was nearly killed yesterday by some crazed killer!" said Vicki sarcastically.

"Vicki, it's all right. Maybe that killer is long gone by now. Besides, Daisy told me that they would be in sometime this morning to fill out a statement about what happened yesterday," said Enos, still trying to calm Vicki down.

"So they are coming in this morning?" asked Vicki, sighing loudly.

"Yeah, I'm sure that they will probably be in pretty soon," said Enos as he sat down at a table next to Vicki.

"Enos, thanks for making me feel better," said Vicki, giving the shy deputy a hug.

"You're welcome. I'll always do anything to make you feel better," said Enos, returning the hug.

"Enos, the only way that I will feel 100% better would be to put this crazy killer behind bars before he tries to do anything else to anyone!" said Vicki furiously as she looked out the window... :-? :x :-?



Meanwhile, at the farm, everyone had gathered to eat breakfast except for Daisy, who was staring out the kitchen window with fear in her brown eyes.

"Daisy, aren't you going to eat? Your breakfast is getting cold," asked Luke, noticing that Daisy wasn't eating a bite of her bacon & eggs.

"Luke, I'm not hungry right now. I don't have much of an appetite to eat," sighed Daisy as she stared at her plate of bacon & eggs.

"Honey, you need to keep your strength up. Look at Bo," said Jesse, motioning for Daisy to look at Bo then added, "He's eating well. Considering what happened to him yesterday."

"Uncle Jesse, he was nearly killed yesterday! I can't get it out of my mind about what happened yesterday," said Daisy, who started trembling.

"Daisy, I had nightmares too about what happened yesterday. I keep seeing that killer's face in my dreams, and how the killer attacked me," said Bo as he put a arm around her shoulder then added, "Then I saw Vicki in that nightmare. I knew then that I was in safe hands. Despite that killer being on the loose in Hazzard."

Daisy looked at her uncle, then at Bo & Luke. Jesse smiled at Daisy. "Honey, it will be allright. We going into town afterwhile and fill out a report about what happened yesterday."

"Yeah, Daisy. We're going into town after breakfast to talk to Rosco about what happened," said Luke, taking a bite of his eggs then added, "You have to trust us that everything will work out."

"I hope so..." sighed Daisy as she picked up her fork and began to eat her breakfast.

The tension that was building inside Daisy had began to diminish and she began to feel better knowing that everyone was looking out for her. :wink:



Meanwhile, inside the courthouse, Vicki was inside the Sheriff's office talking to Rosco about everything that happened yesterday after she got home from her vacation.

Vicki told Rosco about Bo getting attacked and nearly killed by some crazed stalker out at the farm yesterday. Rosco listened to Vicki's story in shock.

"Are you sure that you're not shuck-n-jiving me, Vicki? This sounds serious," asked Rosco, taking a drink of his coffee.

"Rosco, in the last 2 years that I have been a deputy to you, I have never lied to you. It is the truth," said Vicki, brushing her red hair back away from her face.

"I don't believe it. This couldn't have happened. Not in MY county," said Rosco in shock.

"Rosco, I am serious. It's the truth. In fact, Bo should be in here in a little while and fill out an assault report about what happened to him yesterday," said Vicki, taking a drink of her Dr. Pepper.

"Vicki, I do believe you. You're as honest as Enos, but much smarter than Cletus," said Rosco, grinning at Vicki.

"Thanks, Rosco for believing in me," said Vicki, smiling at Rosco.

Rosco grinned back at Vicki. "You're quite welcome."

"Vicki, do you think that this attacker might be still around Hazzard?" asked Rosco as he looked out the window a few minutes later.

"I hope not, Rosco. But if this person is still around Hazzard, I'm going to make extra sure that NO ONE will get attacked anymore!" said Vicki as she looked out the open window worriedly, hoping that she, Rosco, Enos, and Cletus can keep this county safe from danger... :-? 8)

  • 2 weeks later...

"Vicki, there's nothing to be worried about," said Rosco, as he walked over to the window then added, "Maybe that crook is long gone by now."

"Rosco, I really don't think that the crook is away from Hazzard County. I bet that this crook is still hiding out somewhere," said Vicki sighing loudly as she continued to look out the open window.

"Then why are you still worried?" asked Rosco.

"You know me, Rosco. I'm a worry-wort. I just know that this killer is still out there lurking for his next victim," said Vicki worriedly as she continued to look out the window. "Or that this killer might go back and try to finish his previous victim off. That is what I'm not about to let happen."


About 5 minutes later, Bo, Luke, Jesse, and Daisy walked inside the Courthouse together.

"I wonder where Vicki's at?" asked Bo as he looked around the booking room.

"Bo, Vicki is in Rosco's office talking to him about what happened yesterday. She will be out in a minute. Why don't y'all have a seat?" asked Enos, taking a stack of papers to the desk.

"Okay. Come on, Luke. We'll get some coffee while I'm waiting on Vicki to come out of Rosco's office," said Bo.

"Okay, Cousin. If it will make you calm down, I'll go with you," said Luke as he followed Bo over towards the coffee maker.

Meanwhile, Enos was sitting at his desk sorting through the latest stack of wanted posters. One of the posters was a picture of Jasper Johnson and how he escaped from jail.

"Possum on a Gumbush! If Vicki sees this, she will be furious!" exclaimed Enos.

"What will Vicki be furious about, Enos?" asked Daisy.

"This," said Enos as he handed Daisy the wanted poster of Jasper Johnson then added, "Does this guy look familiar to you?"

"Oh...my...Gosh!" exclaimed Daisy then added, "Maybe that is who tried to kill Bo yesterday and attacked us last night!"

"You were attacked last night, Daisy?" asked Enos in shock then added as he was heading towards Rosco's office, "Possum on a Gumbush! I wonder WHO will be next to get attacked around here?" :o:p


While Enos was talking to Bo, Luke, and Daisy, Vicki was in Rosco's office talking to the Sheriff.

"Are you sure that you're not shuck-n-jiving me, Vicki? I don't think that anything like this have happened in this county before," asked Rosco worriedly.

"I'm sure, Rosco. I wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't true," said Vicki, looking out the window as she noticed the General Lee parked outside behind her patrol car.

"Judist Priest on a Pony..." said Rosco in shock.

Just then there was a knock at the door. KNOCK! KNOCK!

"Sheriff, can I come in?" asked Enos, peeking his head inside Rosco's office.

"I guess so, dipstick!" barked Rosco.

Enos shakily walked inside Rosco's office.

"Enos, are you okay?" asked Vicki as she watched the shy deputy sat down in a chair next to her.

"No. Vicki, you need to look at this, but it might make you mad," said Enos apologetically as he handed Vicki the wanted poster of Jasper Johnson... :-?

  • 2 weeks later...

"I don't believe this at all. This really makes my day a whole lot better," said Vicki sarcastically as she looked at the wanted poster.

She then added angrily as she threw the poster accidentally across Rosco's desk, "Well at least now I know who has been stalking and terrorizing the Duke family! He better watch out if he's coming back here!"

"Vicki! Are you okay? I haven't seen you this mad in a long time!" said Rosco, looking concernedly at his young furious lady deputy and god-daughter.

"No Sheriff, I ain't all right! That killer is loose here in Hazzard County!" said Vicki as she stared at Rosco, then walked away from him as she stared outside the open window.

"I'm sorry that you're upset, Vicki. I just had to show you this, considering at one time this killer said that he wanted to get revenge on you," said Enos, placing a hand on the trembling redhead's arm.

"It's all right, Enos," said Vicki, smiling at Enos then added to Rosco, "I'm sorry, Sheriff."

"It's all right, Vicki. You're just upset. But don't worry. Me, Enos, and Cletus will protect you from that killer. You don't have to worry about him. We'll cuff and stuff him."

"Maybe so, Rosco. Enos, let me look at that poster again," said Vicki, smiling slightly at Rosco and Enos.

"Sure," said Enos as he handed the redhead the wanted poster.


*This is what the poster said as Vicki was reading it. The picture shows Jasper Johnson with a mean looking grin on his face.*

NAME: Jasper Johnson

DATE OF BIRTH: March 9, 1959

AGE: 21



HEIGHT: Approximately 6'0 - According to Georgia State Prison Records

WEIGHT: Unknown. Some would say about average

WHERE & WHEN HE WAS LAST SEEN: Friday, July 11, 1980 early morning

*He was leaving Georgia State Prison in a black sedan heading north towards the Tennessee State Line. The sedan that he was driving is probably stolen. Some of the inmates said that he could be heading towards Hazzard County.

CRIMES THAT HE COMMITTED RECENTLY: Assault with a dangerous weapon, 1st degree armed robbery with intent to kill, attempted murder, and kidnapping.


Vicki's blue-gray eyes grew angrier as she looked at the wanted poster.

"You okay, Vicki?" asked Rosco.

"No, I'm not okay!" said Vicki angrily. "My life might be threatened if we don't capture this killer soon. I'm not sure when & where he will strike next."

"Vicki, don't you worry. You have us to protect ya," said Rosco as he tried to comfort the redhead down.

"Thanks, Rosco. I do feel a little better, but I'm scared," said Vicki as she looked out the window.

"Vicki, I know that you can handle this killer again. You already shown how much courage you have when you & Bo captured him a few months ago. You were very brave and you still are," said Rosco as he walked over to the window to join Vicki.

"Thanks, Rosco. That makes me feel better. But is it enough to outsmart that killer to capture him again?" asked Vicki as she continued to look out the window.


A few minutes later, Vicki was peeking her red head outside of Rosco's office.

There she noticed that Bo was looking around the Courthouse for her. She shut the door again.

"Rosco, do you need me to do anything for you right now?" asked Vicki as she opened the door.

"No, Vicki. Not right now. But after they leave, I want you to go on patrol for me," said Rosco, grinning at the redhead then added, "Maybe you'll even catch them!"

"Works for me, Rosco. I bet that it would be fun if I illegally arrested Bo for something," said Vicki giggling as she walked out of his office, eyeing Bo down.

"Whatever makes you happy, Little Red. See ya later," said Rosco, grinning at his lady deputy as he closed his office door.


About a minute or so later, Vicki walked out of Rosco's office and sneaked up behind Bo.

"How about a kiss, sugar?" asked Vicki as she grabbed Bo playfully around the arm.

Laughing, Bo pulled Vicki into his arms. "With pleasure, Sweet Angel." He then kissed her full & hard on the lips.

"I think that you missed me some," giggled Vicki as they pulled apart.

"Sugar, I did miss you. A lot has happened after you & your sister left the farm last night," said Bo as he & Vicki sat down by Vicki's desk.

"I thought that you seemed quiet, sugar. What's wrong?" asked Vicki, grabbing Bo's hand from across her desk.

"Sweetheart, nothing is wrong. I was just thinking about what happened to me yesterday," said Bo worriedly, pulling away from Vicki as he walked over towards the window.

"Bo, what is it? Did something happened after Pam & I left the farm last night?" asked Vicki worriedly as she walked over to the window to join him.

"Yeah, Vicki. I really shouldn't tell you this, but I have to," said Bo, placing a hand on Vicki's face.

"Bo, what is it??" asked Vicki worriedly then added, "If it is about Jasper Johnson, I think that he was the one behind all those attacks yesterday at the farm."

"Oh...Lord. Vicki, I think that we are in major danger right now. I think that he was the one that threw a huge rock into the kitchen window last night when me & Daisy were doing the dishes!" said Bo fearfully, pulling Vicki close to him.

"Oh, my gosh! He tried to attack you again! I have to send an APB to the state police right now!" said Vicki excitedly, taking Bo by the hand back over to her desk inside the booking room...

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