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Here's another story that features Vicki capturing the Hazzard Stalker while on her summer vacation! :smile:

This story features the romance side of Hazzard mixed with drama & adventure!

Story originally written (with many errors)--> August-Sept. 1999

parts of it re-written-->December 2002

Story #2 Hazzard Stalker Series

**For more info on villian Jasper Johnson, read The Lone Hostage before reading this one!**

- Borderline Rated PG+ for violence

**If y'all would like to borrow my character Vicki, be sure to E-mail or send me a private message first!**

I hope that y'all will like it! :smile:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LittleRedVicki on 2002-04-12 07:45 ]</font>

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Sunday, July 13, 1980 - Early morning hours

On a beautiful morning in mid-July, Vicki stares wearily at the crystal clear lake. *What a beautiful morning* thought Vicki as she was casting her reel into the lake.

The 18-year-old redhead was enjoying the last day of her vacation in style. Spending it with her family at Mountain Creek Lake near the Tennessee border in Chickasaw County.

After not getting a bite on her line, Vicki sighs loudly as she moves to a different spot on the boat.

"You're not having any luck getting a bite?" asked her mother Mary.

After her mother asked her, Vicki sneezed very loudly.

"Blesh you," said Pam. "Thanks," said Vicki, blowing her nose on her tissue.

"I take it that you didn't get a bite?" asked Mary. "No," said Vicki, wiping her nose.

"Are you feeling any better, little sister?" asked Pam a few minutes later.

Vicki gave Pam a dirty look before answering her. "Well thanks to your boyfriend & his cousin, I am just now getting over the flu."

Pam giggled at her sister, but then gave her back a dirty look. "Luke had the flu over a month ago, and I don't think that it was his fault for you being sick."

Vicki giggled back at her sister as she was reeling her line in. Then she was stroking her reddish-brown hair back into a ponytail. "Well, it was probably my boyfriend's fault that I got sick anyway. Bo got the flu right after Luke had it, and he probably gave it to me."

Pam giggled back at Vicki. "Yeah, it was your boyfriend instead of mine that got you sick," she said as she placed her hand on her sister's shoulder.

"Are y'all ready to head back towards the cabin?" asked Mary. "Yeah, I still need to pack before we head home," said Vicki as she was walking off the boat dock.


A few minutes later, the girls were walking slowly back to the cabin.

Pam turned on her small battery power CB.

"Let's see if I can get my knight to talk to me on the CB."

"We can't get out of the state without you calling Luke," said Vicki sarcastically as she blew her nose.

"I can't help it that I miss Luke," said Pam with a smile then added, "I bet that you miss Bo too." *More than you ever know* thought Vicki smiling at her sister as she backed away as she heard Luke's voice sassing back into the CB.

Meanwhile, back at the farm, Bo's dark blue eyes widen as he was listening to Luke talk to Pam on the CB.

*I need to check on my sweet angel. I miss her sweet voice so much* thought Bo as he was getting a drink of coffee.

Not wanting to interrupt them, Bo nudged Luke's arm. "Sweetie, hold on," said Luke into the CB mike. "Okay," said Pam as she sat down on a porch swing.

"What is it, cousin?" asked Luke turning to Bo. Pam realized that he still had the CB mike button pushed in, so she overheard Bo & Luke's conversation.

"Can I talk to Vicki for a minute?" asked Bo, grinning at his cousin.

"Sure, how come?" asked Luke.

Bo took a deep breath then added excitedly,

"Because I miss her and love her very much."

"I knew that you couldn't go a whole week without talking to your girlfriend," said Luke, grinning at Bo.

"It's only been 2 days, Luke."

"That is probably your record without talking to Vicki," said Luke, laughing at his cousin then added back to Pam into the CB, "Sweetie, I'm going to have to let you go. My cousin wants to say hello to his girlfriend."

"Sure, that's fine! I need to go pack to go home anyway. We'll be home later this afternoon," said Pam with a smile as she walk inside the cabin.

"That's good. Come over when y'all get home," said Luke with a smile.

Bo took the CB mike away from Luke then added into the CB mike, "Pam, you make sure that you bring that beautiful little redhead sister over here with you. I miss her too much."

"Sure, Bo. Hold on a minute and I'll let you talk to her yourself," said Pam with a smile into the CB mike as she headed towards the bedroom. "Great!" said Bo excitedly into the CB mike.


A few minutes later, Pam found Vicki in their bedroom at the cabin lying down on the bed. She noticed that Vicki had tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong, little sister?" asked Pam. Turning her red head away from her, Vicki sneezed very loudly.

"Nothing is wrong, Pam. I'm just a little tired," said Vicki as she noticed that Pam was holding the portable CB behind her back.

*What's going on now? What has her & Luke shuck-n-jive me into doing now?* thought Vicki to herself.

"You sound awful," said Pam, watching Vicki blow her nose.

"I'll be alright in a minute. I just took some aspirin," said Vicki as she noticed that Pam gave her the portable CB then added, "I take it that I have a CB call?"

"How did you know?" asked Pam in shock.

Vicki smiled at her sister. "Because I heard you talking to Luke outside on the porch, and I heard Bo's voice in the background. He told you that he wanted to talk to me."

"Do you feel like talking to him or wait until we get home?" asked Pam.

Smiling, Vicki walked away from her sister with the portable CB. "I'm going to go ahead and talk to him right now. I miss him too much."

"That's exactly what Bo said about you," said Pam, giggling as she watch Vicki walk out on the front porch.


"Hey, Little Red. This is your handsome prince. Come back," said Bo nervously into the CB mike.

"Hi, Lost Sheep. This is Little Red. Come back," said Vicki into the CB mike.

"Hey, sweet angel! I miss hearing your voice. How are you feeling?" asked Bo.

"I'm feeling a lot better than I did a few days ago since the last time I talked to you on the CB," said Vicki cheerfully into the CB mike.

"Yeah, you sound a lot better, sweetheart. When are you coming home so we can be together?" asked Bo excitedly.

Vicki looked at her wristwatch. It was almost noon. She knew that if she left right now, she could be home in less than 2 hours.

"How about in a couple of hours. I'm done packing now, and we are getting ready to leave the lake."

"Sweet Angel, if you are feeling better, would you & Pam like to come over later this afternoon and have supper with us?" asked Bo.

Vicki's blue-gray eyes lit up brightly.

"That sounds like fun. Of course I will come over. I'll have Pam bring me over later this afternoon."

"YEE-HAW, Little Red! I can't wait until you get here so I can tell you how much I really missed you!" said Bo excitedly.

Vicki giggled as she heard Bo's wildly rebel yell in the background.

Pam walked outside with the suitcases after hearing the commotion over the CB.

"Vicki, what did you tell Bo?" asked Pam.

Vicki smiled at her sister as she got into the passenger side of the mustang. "Well, Bo asked me over for supper tonight at the farm, and I accepted," said Vicki excitedly.

As Pam pulled the blue mustang out of the driveway leading up to the cabin, Vicki continued her conversation with Bo over the CB. "Darling, do I take it that you're excited about me coming over?"

"What do you think, my sweet angel? I can't wait to have you in my arms again," said Bo laughing excitedly into the CB mike.

"I know, darling. Neither can I. But I'm happy to tell you that we will probably be home in about an hour. We just left the lake," said Vicki cheerfully into the CB mike.

"YEE-HAW, Sweet Angel!" said Bo excitedly into the CB mike.

Vicki giggled and Pam looked wide-eyed at her sister as they heard Bo's wildly rebel yell over the CB again.

"That's a big 10-4, Little Red. If you don't mind, I need to let you go, so I can get my chores done before you get here," said Bo excitedly into the CB mike.

"That's fine, Lost Sheep. I will see you in a couple of hours. We're gone," said Vicki, who was near tears as she put the CB mike down.

"Little Red, before I go, I need to tell you one last thing," said Bo into the CB mike nervously.

With her heart beating fast, Vicki picked the CB mike up. "Go ahead, sweetheart."

"Sweet Angel, I love you very much! I'm falling more in love with you everyday. I'm gone," said Bo as he put the CB mike up in the kitchen at the farmhouse.

Vicki's eyes widen as she heard those sweet words from Bo. "Vicki, what's wrong?" asked Pam in shock then added, "What did you tell him this time? If he does that yell one more time, I'm going to have Luke stuff a handkerchief down his throat!"

Wiping her tears away, Vicki puts a hand on her sister's shoulder. "I'm not really sure what I told him. I think that he's just excited that I'm coming home. Besides, I know an easier way of quieting my boyfriend down."

For the next few minutes, the sister drove home in silence. "Vicki, you never did answer my question a minute ago. Are you all right? You had tears in your eyes."

"I'm fine, Pam. I was just thinking about what Bo told me right before he got off the CB," said Vicki as a stray tear fell down her face.

"Did you hear what Bo said to you as you were turning off the CB?" asked Pam, smiling at her sister.

Vicki didn't respond to her. Instead, she looked outside the window, looking at the wildflowers, thinking about what Bo said. She then felt another tear come down her face. It was a tear of true happiness.


DUKE FARM - (About an hour later)

As Pam crossed the mustang back into Hazzard County, back at the farm, Daisy was watching her 2 cousins practicing their archery.

THONK! She smiled when she saw Luke hit the far-left side of the center of the target.

"Good shot, Luke!"

"Thanks, Bo, but I think that it could have been better," said Luke smiling at Bo as he picked up another arrow off the ground.

About 20 minutes later, Pam pulled the blue mustang up slowly in the driveway at the farm. Luke smiled when he noticed who was coming in the driveway.

"Hey, Bo! It looks like that we have company coming," said Luke, grinning at his cousin.

When Bo turned around, he grinned and waved at Pam & Vicki. He then whistled and let out a rebel yell when he saw Vicki.

Vicki giggled as she inspected herself in the mirror as her sister pulls the mustang to a stop behind the General Lee.

"Vicki, what did I tell you what I was going to do with him if he did that again?" asked Pam, giggling at her sister.

"Don't worry, Pam. I know what I'm going to do to him. I know an easy way of keeping him quiet," said Vicki, looking in her mirror as she noticed that Daisy, Luke, and Bo were heading towards them.

Vicki watched as Luke opened the car door and took Pam into his arms and kissed her passionately.

"Hey, Little Red," said Luke, not taking his eyes off of Pam after they separated.

"Hey, Luke! Where's that crazy leadfoot cousin of yours?" asked Vicki, looking around.

"I really don't know. He was right behind me. Maybe you should get out and start looking for him," said Luke, grinning as he started walking away from her.

As Vicki started to get out of the mustang, Bo peeked his blonde head inside the mustang and gave Vicki a long kiss on the mouth.

"Bo! You startled me! But, I liked it!" said Vicki, getting out of the mustang and pulled her boyfriend into her arms.

"So did you like that surprise, sweet angel?"

asked Bo, as he kissed Vicki sweetly.

"Yeah," murmured Vicki as they pulled apart then added, "It was the nicest surprise that I have ever gotten by you."

The couple walked in silence for a minute.

"I take it that you're glad to see me?" asked Vicki, looking into Bo's dark blue eyes.

Bo didn't respond to her. Instead, he pulled her into his arms and kissed Vicki long, hard, and swift.

Vicki smiled at Bo as they pulled away from each other. "Do you want to get my cold and get sick again?"

"Sweet Angel," said Bo as he kissed her deeply then added, "All I want is to be with you right now." "I feel the same way," said Vicki as she gave Bo a hug.

The couple pulled out of their embrace when they saw Pam, Luke, and Daisy watching them.

Luke has his arm around Pam laughed at the couple.

"Now I know where you two went. Y'all wanted to go somewhere and be by yourselves for a while," said Luke, patting Bo on his back.

"We just wanted to be by ourselves for a while," said Vicki, taking Bo's hand.

"Yeah, I haven't seen my sweet angel all week, and I wanted to show her how much I missed her and love her," said Bo, giving Vicki a kiss on the cheek.


Daisy giggled at her best friend as she pulled Bo away from Vicki.

"Okay, knock it off, you lovebirds! Let's go practice some archery," said Daisy, pulling Bo away from Vicki.

"Daisy, since when do you shoot?" asked Luke in shock.

"Luke, I've been taking lessons for a while now. My bows & arrows are in the back of "Dixie" right now," said Daisy as she was walking towards her jeep.

"Daisy, why don't you go get them so you can show us how good you are," said Bo sarcastically, grinning at his cousin as he was walking over to where Pam & Vicki were sitting down by the target.

"Sure, I'll be back in a minute," said Daisy as she walked over to her jeep.

Watching Luke aiming his arrow at the target, Vicki gasped in shock as she watched a stray arrow, coming out of the trees, towards Luke.

"Luke! Look out!" screamed Daisy as she watched in horror the stray arrow, shot out of nowhere by an unknown assiliant, hit Luke just above his shoulder, pinning him to a small tree behind him.

"Someone, HELP! I can't move!" yelled Luke, trying to free his arm from the arrow.

"Oh, my gosh! Luke!" screamed Daisy.

"Luke! Are you all right?" asked Pam as she and Daisy rushed over to the small tree where the arrow had Luke pinned.

"Yeah, darlin. I think so. I can't move or the arrow will go into my shoulder," said Luke worriedly to Pam.

"Cousin! What happened?" asked Bo, as he was pulling on the arrow, trying to free Luke.

In shock, Vicki started helping Bo by pulling on the arrow.

"I don't know, Bo. All I remember is that I was getting ready to shoot my arrow when an stray arrow hit me just above my shoulder," said Luke as Bo & Vicki finally pulled the arrow away then added, "Thanks you two."

"You're welcome, Luke!" said Bo, grinning at his cousin as he was helping Luke to his feet.

"Are you all right, Luke?" asked Vicki.

"Just dandy, Little Red. I wonder who that was trying to kill me with that arrow?" asked Luke.

"I don't know, Luke! But I'm going to do my best to keep an eye on y'all so that they don't try that again," said Vicki angrily as she looked around the farm for the unknown assiliant.


"I can believe that some jerk tried to kill you," said Daisy in shock to Luke.

"I know. I don't know what would have happened if that arrow would have been any lower," said Luke grimancing in pain as Pam doctored his nicked shoulder then added,

"Ow...Darling, that hurts!"

"Sorry, sugar," said Pam as she was putting a band-aid on Luke's shoulder then added,

"All I was trying to do was making you feel better."

"Don't worry, darling," said Luke as he puts his arms around his girlfriend then added, "I already do feel better."

Vicki looked around in the yard. "I'd think that whoever did this is long gone now. Let's do something to calm our nerves."

"That's a good idea, sweet angel," said Bo as he gave his girlfriend a hug.

"Do y'all want to continue to practice some archery to calm our nerves?" asked Daisy.

"Sounds like fun to me," said Luke as he & Pam walked over to Daisy, Vicki, & Bo.

"I would love to learn how to shoot an arrow," said Vicki excitedly.

"Sweet Angel, do you want me to show you how to shoot an arrow?" asked Bo, holding Vicki's hand.

"If you want to, sugar. I'm not very good at it yet," said Vicki, smiling at Bo.

"Daisy, do you mind if Vicki borrows your arrows for a minute?" asked Bo as he was helping Vicki drawing her arrow back.

Vicki giggled loudly as she felt her boyfriend's arms around her waist.

"Well, how about after I put the cake into the oven, then I will show Vicki the proper way to shoot an arrow," said Daisy as she was going inside the farmhouse.

"That's a good idea, cousin!" yelled Bo as he helped Vicki shoot an arrow into the target.

THONK! The arrow almost hit the center of the target. Pam & Luke's mouths dropped wide open in shock.

"Good shot, Little Red," said Luke, patting Vicki on the back.

"Thanks," said Vicki as she puts her bow on the ground.

"Vicki, where did you learn how to do that?" asked Pam, smiling at her sister.

"I give you one guess," said Vicki, giggling at her sister then added, "He has his arms wrapped around me right now."

Pam giggled back at her sister. "Yeah, I'll have Luke show me how to shoot an arrow too."

"You're on, darling," said Luke, pulling Pam into his arms and gave her a hug.

Watching her sister embracing her boyfriend, Vicki sighed loudly.

"Sweetheart," said Bo, kissing Vicki's neck lightly then added, "Turn you face a little to the right."

Just as Vicki was turning her face a little to the right, Bo brushed his lips against Vicki's lips for a few seconds.

"Good shot, sweet angel," said Bo as they pulled apart. "Thanks," said Vicki as they were walking down to the target, holding hands.


"Hey, Daisy! You have to come outside for a minute! You won't believe what Vicki just did with one of your arrows," said Luke, hollering inside the farmhouse.

"What is it?" asked Daisy as she came outside about a minute later, and picked up her arrows off the table.

"She hit the center of the target with your arrows," said Pam, smiling at Daisy.

"I don't believe it! She did hit the center of the target," said Daisy in shock, looking at the target.

"Yeah, thanks to your big cousin for showing me a relaxing way to shoot an arrow," said Vicki, smiling at Daisy as she puts her arms around Bo.

"Now, its my turn to shoot," said Daisy as she put her arrow into the slot and drew it back, making sure that the arrow was in there correctly.

"Show me how it is done the right way, although I personally preferred the relaxing way to shoot an arrow," said Vicki as she was eyeing Bo down.

Daisy walked over to where Bo & Luke were standing. "Do you gentlemen mind if a lady joins you?" asked Daisy sweetly to Bo & Luke.

Bo stepped aside, giving her room to shoot.

Luke winked an eye at Bo and looked at Daisy.

He bowed deeply and smiled at her.

"We would be honored!" said Luke, grinning at Daisy. Bo began to laugh, and Daisy rolled her eyes at him.

"Show them how to do it!" said Pam, giggling at Daisy.

Daisy aimed her arrow and released it.

THONK! Her arrow struck in the middle of the target and the boys' jaws dropped open.

"Daisy, how in the world did you do that?" asked Luke in shock.

Daisy smiled at Luke speechless.

"I don't believe it! She struck the middle of the target like you did, sweet angel!" said Bo in shock as he linked arms with Vicki.

"Yeah, she just showed you how to shoot an arrow the right way," said Vicki, giggling as she & Bo walked over to where Daisy, Luke, and Pam were standing by the target.


"Daisy, can you show me how to shoot like that?" asked Bo, several minutes later, still looking at the target in shock.

"Sure, honey! Come here," said Daisy, sweetly to Bo.

Bo walked over to Daisy and drew back his bow. Daisy tried to look through at his aim, but she found that she was too short.

"Daisy, what's wrong?" asked Bo as he was waiting for Daisy to help him with his shooting.

"Bo! You're too tall! I still can't see!" said Daisy, who was standing on her tip toes.

Bo began to laugh, and Luke joined him.

"Yeah, I know exactly how you feel, Daisy. Bo is almost a foot taller than me," said Vicki, who smiled at Bo. Bo smiled shyly at Vicki as Daisy took another look at Bo's aim.

"I still can't see! Luke, could you come here for a minute?" asked Daisy. Luke put down his bow and squatted down. Daisy then carefully got onto Luke's back and told Bo how to aim at the target.

After getting instructions from Daisy, Bo took his aim and released the arrow. It flew through the air and landed in the center of the target. THONK!

Bo's eyes dropped wide opened as he hit the arrow dead center of the target.

"YEE-HAW, I can't believe that I did that! Daisy, thanks!" said Bo happily as he pulled Vicki off the hay bale and started swinging her around playfully.

"Bo! Stop that! I'm getting dizzy!" said Vicki, giggling as she was clinging on to Bo's neck.

Bo laughed as he put Vicki back down on the ground. "Sweet Angel, I'll stop as long as you let me take you out later to Hazzard Pond."

"You're on," said Vicki, smiling at Bo as he gave Daisy a high five.

"I knew that you could do it, Bo!" said Daisy, giving Bo back a high five.

"Yeah, thanks to you, I know how to shoot my arrow better," said Bo, smiling at Daisy as he noticed that Luke & Pam were walking inside the barn.


Watching Luke & Pam walk inside the barn, Bo walked over to his girlfriend.

"Sweet Angel, do you want to go inside and watch Daisy put icing on the cake?"

Vicki smiled at Bo. "How about after we finished what we started earlier before we were rudely interuppeted."

Bo laughed as he pulled Vicki into his arms.

"You're on, sweet angel," he said as he kissed her deeply on the mouth. They stayed that way for the next 30 minutes.


A few minutes later as Bo & Vicki were walking inside the farmhouse hand-in-hand, Luke & Pam were watching the couple from the barn.

"Sweetheart, I don't think that it is a good idea for us to play a dirty trick on those 2 lovebirds. This is the happiest I have seen Bo in the last few months," said Luke as he watch the couple go inside the farmhouse.

"It's not like we're going to do anything wrong. Since it is your turn to clean out the stalls, I figured that we can talk him into cleaning out the stalls for us while we go swimming in Hazzard Pond," said Pam as she put her arms around Luke & kissed him.

Luke laughed as they pulled apart, putting his arm around his girlfriend. "Yeah, I hope that we can shuck-n-jive Bo into letting us use him for a while."


While Pam & Luke were outside in the barn talking, Bo & Vicki were inside the kitchen seated at the table watching Daisy put icing on the chocolate cake.

"Bo, can you come out here for a minute?" hollered Luke from inside the barn.

"Sweet Angel, do you mind if I go out there and talk to Luke for a minute?" asked Bo, taking Vicki's hand.

"No, that's fine, sweetheart. I'll be fine in here talking to Daisy," said Vicki, smiling at Bo.

"Thanks, sweetheart," said Bo, giving Vicki a kiss on the cheek as he was walking outside on the back porch.

Daisy smiled as she watched her cousin walk outside towards the barn.

As Bo was walking outside towards the barn, a black sedan pulls up behind the barn...


"You know, I've never seen my cousin so happy," said Daisy as she watched Bo walk across the yard towards the barn. "I know," said Vicki smiling at Daisy as she watched Bo going into the barn then added, "He's been this happy since my birthday a couple of months ago."

"Yeah, I remember that day. I remember that you saved Bo from carbon minoxide poisioning after he was abducted by Carl, Diane's Manager with the Auto Circus. I remember that after you revived Bo, he woke up and told you that he loved you for the very first time," said Daisy as she was taking the coffee pot off the stove.

Vicki smiled at Daisy. "That was right before he made that huge jump in the General Lee. That was also the 1st time that he ever called me "Sweet Angel"

"Bo told me that he called you that when he thought that you were glowing over him, after you revived him from carbon minoxide poisioning," said Daisy, taking a butterknife out of the drawer. "And he's been calling me that ever since," said Vicki smiling at Daisy.

"Vicki, he's also your best friend. He tells me that all the time, especially when y'all are arguing about something," questioned Daisy. "Yeah, just like you are one of my closest friends," said Vicki, taking a drink of her iced tea.

"Bo & I are pretty close. Not as cousins, but also as best friends," said Daisy, smiling at Vicki. Vicki giggled at her friend. "Yeah, your cousin & I started out just being friends, and now we do everything together."

"Including kissing in the back seat of the General Lee late at night," said Daisy, smiling at Vicki. Vicki gave Daisy a dirty look. "Well, we have been best friends for about 2 years, ever since my family moved here from Oklahoma," she said smiling at Daisy then added,

"Besides, we have been dating steadily since my birthday."


Meanwhile, out in the barn, Bo was talking to Pam & Luke. "Luke, are you sure that you want me to clean the stalls now? I am on a date with Vicki." "It'll only take you probably about 30 minutes, Bo. Vicki will be all right until then," said Luke as he handed Bo a pitchfork. "Yeah, I was wanting Luke to take me out to Hazzard Pond to go swimming," said Pam, putting her arm around Luke's waist.

Bo looked around the barn. He knew that if he used a couple of shortcuts, he could be done in about 10 minutes. Then he could have Vicki to himself the rest of the day & night.

"I guess I can do this for y'all." "Thanks, Bo," said Pam, smiling sweetly at Bo.

Bo smiled at Pam then at Luke. "But only if you'll do my chores tomorrow so I can take Vicki fishing at Hazzard Lake tomorrow morning."

"Cousin, its a deal," said Luke as he shook Bo's hand then added, "We're going inside now to tell Daisy that we're leaving for a while." Bo smiled at Luke as they were leaving the barn.

As Bo started pitching hay, an arm grabbed him from behind, dragging him away from the stall...


Bo started fighting his attacker, but it was useless when the attacker puts a dark hood over his face.

The dark cloth was soaked with chloroform, and Bo fell unconscious when he dropped to the ground with a thud.

Pulling the black ski mask off, the attacker laughed at the young man as he takes the hood off of Bo's face.

"Now its my turn to have some fun with you for a while," said Jasper, taking some rope out of his bag then added as he pulled out a couple of handkerchiefs as well, "Now we're going to see how long it takes your girlfriend to find you."


While the stalker was taking Bo away, Vicki & Daisy continued talking inside the farmhouse. They were unaware of the trouble outside in the barn.

Pam & Luke came inside the farmhouse. "Well, its about time that you two came back. I'm getting ready to cut the cake," said Daisy, noticing that Bo was not with them then added, "Where's Bo?"

"I don't know, Daisy," said Luke worriedly, looking around the farmhouse then added, "I thought that he might be done cleaning the stalls out by now."

Pam looked at her watch. "That was almost 30 minutes ago."

Vicki gave her sister a dirty look. "You shuck-n-jived Bo into cleaning out the stalls?"

"Yeah, Little Red. He shuck-n-jived me back by talking me into doing his chores tomorrow morning while he takes you fishing," said Luke grinning at Vicki.

Vicki smiled at Luke. She knew if she talked Rosco into letting her off tomorrow morning, she will be able to go fishing with Bo.

As Vicki walked outside to start searching for Bo, a shot was fired towards her. BANG!


"Oh...my...gosh! Someone just took a shot at me!" said Vicki in shock as she fell to the ground, shielding herself from the gunshots.

"Vicki! Are you all right?" asked Luke as he helped Vicki off the ground near the steps near the back kitchen door.

"I think so, Luke! Someone just took a shot at me! When I came outside to start looking for Bo," said Vicki, shaking slightly.

Just then from a black sedan on top of a hill, overlooking the Duke farm, Jasper takes a second shot at Vicki & Luke. BANG! BANG!

"Dang! I missed them!" said Jasper laughing as he watched Vicki & Luke ducked back inside the farmhouse for cover.

As Jasper was watching Vicki & Luke, with his gun pointed down towards them, Bo regains consciousness in the back seat of a black sedan. Looking around outside, he noticed that they were on top of a hill overlooking the farm. Noticing that Jasper had his gun pointed down towards the farm, Bo then lunges at Jasper in the front seat...

"Leave my girlfriend alone!" yelled Bo, trying to take the mask off of Jasper. "Try and make me, plowboy!" said Jasper as he crams a chloroform soaked rag in Bo's mouth.

As Bo falls unconscious, Jasper leaves in the black sedan fast!


As Jasper was taking Bo on what could be his last ride, Vicki & Luke was inside the farmhouse trying to catch their breath from nearly getting shot by the lunatic crook.

"Vicki, are you sure that you're all right?" asked Luke, putting an arm around the trembling redhead.

"Vicki, you're as pale as a ghost!" said Pam, looking at her sister curiously.

"Y'all, I'm fine..." said Vicki, taking a deep breath then added, "I just don't like the idea that I was shot at!"

"I wonder what's keeping Bo? He should have been done by now," said Daisy, looking at the clock on the stove in the kitchen.

"He told me that he could have the stalls cleaned out in about 10 minutes," said Luke worriedly.

"If he wanted it done real fast, he would have called me to come out there and help him," said Vicki worriedly as she walked back outside the farmhouse.

"What's wrong with Vicki?" asked Pam in a low tone to Luke as they watched Vicki walk out of the farmhouse.

"I don't know. I think that she's worried about Bo," said Luke as he & Pam walk outside the farmhouse to join Vicki.

As Vicki was looking around for Bo, she came across the General Lee, with 2 slashed tires. She then noticed a note on the windshield.

Picking up the note, her eyes grew wide with anger as she read it.



Vicki gasped in shock after reading the note. "I don't believe this. Someone is just trying to scare me."

"Yeah, Little Red," said Luke after inspecting the note then added, "Someone is playing with us."

"You mean like a minute ago when we were almost shot by some crazy person?" asked Vicki sarcastically to Luke.

"Yeah, and then finding the General with 2 slashed tires."

Just then, a black car tore out of the driveway behind the barn. "What was that?" asked Daisy. Luke looked around then watching as the black car came bareeling around in front of the farmhouse, speeding towards Luke.

"Luke! Watch out!" screamed Vicki at the top of her lungs.


As the speeding black sedan was coming closer towards him, Luke jumped out of the way, just narrowing getting hit by the speeding car.

As he jumped out of the way, Luke hit his head hard on the picnic table.

"Luke! Are you all right?" asked Vicki as she rushed over to him.

"Ouch!" said Luke as he was brushing dirt off his jeans then added as he noticed blood coming off his face, "Oh, great! I'm bleeding!"

"Luke! You're hurt!" said Pam excitedly, walking off the porch to notice her boyfriend sitting on the ground, wiping blood off his face.

"Sweetheart," said Luke, giving Pam a light hug then added, "I'm fine. I just have a little cut right above my eye is all."

"Luke, are you sure that you're all right?" asked Vicki, looking at Luke closely. "Little Red, if it wasn't for you, I might have been really hurt by now," said Luke, giving Vicki a hug.

Vicki smiled at Luke. "You know that I would do anything for you & Bo. Let's go inside and let Daisy look at that cut."

"Yeah, then I need to take another look at that note," said Luke as he, Pam, and Vicki walked back inside the farmhouse.

"Maybe we should take you to see Doc Petticord," said Daisy, a few minutes later as she was doctoring Luke's head.

"Daisy, that stings!" wimpering Luke then added, "I am fine, really. Vicki, let me take another look at that note you found on the General."

Pam nudged Luke's arm. "Luke, you look worried."

"Yeah, I am. I'm worried about Bo. He should have been in here over an hour ago," said Luke as he gave Vicki back that note.

"Do you think that something has happened to Bo?" asked Pam worriedly as she slipped her arm around Luke's waist.

"Well, the way that the black sedan tore out of here a minute ago, I think that Bo might have been kidnapped," said Luke worriedly.


"Why would someone want to kidnap Bo? He hasn't got on anyone's nerves that I know of. Maybe you & Bo crossed the wrong people lately," said Vicki sarcastically to Luke a few minutes later as they were inside the kitchen, drinking some coffee.

"Vicki, I have no idea. Unless it was one of those crooks that we put in jail a couple of months ago," said Luke worriedly.

Vicki walked over to the kitchen window. "I do remember a couple of months back that one of the crooks said that he would get even with us. Maybe this is his way of doing it."

"Yeah, I remember that too," said Luke as he opened the back kitchen door then added to Vicki, "Let's go take a look for Bo outside in the barn."

"Y'all be careful. That lunatic might still be outside waiting for y'all to come out!" said Daisy worriedly as she watched her cousin & her best friend walked out the kitchen door.

  • 2 weeks later...

As everyone was going outside to start searching for Bo, the phone rings in the kitchen. Luke went to answer the phone.

"Hello," said Luke as he answered the phone on the 3rd ring. "Hi," said Jasper in a cool voice into a pay phone then added, "Is Daisy there please?"

"Sure, hold on for a minute," said Luke quizzingly then added to Daisy, "Daisy, it's for you."

Daisy walked into the living room and picked up the phone. "Hello."

There was silence. "Hello?" She said again, still there was silence.

Vicki picked up the extension in the kitchen when she noticed that there was something wrong.

"Hello?" said Daisy a third time. After the third time, Daisy was about to hang up when a deep voice came over the line. "WATCH YOUR BACK, OR YOUR FAMILY WILL GET HURT!!!"


"WATCH YOUR BACK! YOU & YOUR FAMILY WILL GET HURT!" said Jasper harshly into the pay phone.

Daisy couldn't believe what she was hearing. She could feel that this person was serious. "Who is this??" asked Daisy fearfully.

There was a harsh laugh in the phone. "I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU. YOU WILL KNOW THAT SOON ENOUGH!"

There was some more harsh laughs in the background of the phone. Then Jasper came back on the line. "BY THE WAY, I'VE LEFT YOUR FRIEND A SURPRISE IN THE BARN OR WHAT'S LEFT OF HER SURPRISE! HAVE A GOOD DAY!"

Daisy began to tremble as she hung up the phone. She then broke down sobbing loudly.

Vicki's eyes grew wide with fear as she hung up the phone in the kitchen.

Looking out the window, Vicki began to worry about what the voice said on the phone about her surprise...


Trembling, Daisy sank down in a kitchen chair and began to wept.

"Cousin, are you okay?" asked Luke, putting his arm around Daisy. He noticed that she was pale, and there was a look of terror in her eyes.

"I don't know," said Daisy, with fear in her voice then added, "I keep thinking about what the voice said into the phone."

"I feel the same way, Daisy," said Vicki as she sat down in a chair next to her friend then added, "I am so scared about what the voice said on the phone too."

Looking at Vicki, Pam gasped in shock at her sister. "What did the voice say to you?" "Well, he said it to Daisy, but it was addressed to me," said Vicki, trembling slightly.

"Who was on the phone?" asked Luke, giving Daisy a hug.

"I don't know...It was just a harsh mean voice telling me that we would..." said Daisy as she started to shake again as the sound of that voice echoed in her mind.

Luke gently touched Daisy's shoulder and squeezed it. "It's okay, Daisy. We won't let anything happen to you."

Daisy touched Luke's hand and smiled at him for a minute before remembering the last thing that the voice said before she hung up the phone.

After looking at a worried Vicki, Daisy rose out of her chair. "The voice also said that he left a surprise for Vicki inside the barn, and I bet that it has something to do with Bo!"

Vicki's blue-gray eyes grew wide with worry. "I wonder how the voice knew about me?" asked the redhead to Luke in a fearful voice.

"I don't know, Little Red," said Luke, putting his arm around Vicki's shoulder, trying to calm her down then added as he opened the back kitchen door, "Maybe you'll feel better after we take a look out in the barn for Bo. Let's go!"

  • 3 weeks later...

Meanwhile, near the back of the barn, Bo regains consciousness.

"Where am I" thought Bo moaning as he opened his eyes slowly. He tried to look around, but couldn't because of something tied around his eyes. He knew then that he was blindfolded.

He then try to yell, but he felt something sticky across his mouth. "Somebody, help!" screamed Bo, but all that came out was a muffled scream.

He also felt straw around him, and knew that someone had covered him with straw.

He tried to pull himself up to a sitting position, but realized that he couldn't. He was tied securely hand & foot. Moving clightly, he felt a box of somesort behind him.

"I've got to get out of here! Before whoever did this to me comes back!" thought Bo, furiously as he began to pull on the ropes bounding him. He stopped pulling on the ropes after a few minutes when he realized that the ropes around his arms & hands seemed to tightened & bite into his skin, so he stopped moving. He then tried to reach with his numbed fingers behind him to his pocketknife, but to his horror, the knife was gone.

"There is no way that I can move or yell for help," thought Bo as he tossed & turned effortlessly trying to break free of the ropes.

As he was trying to free himself, Bo didn't know about the ticking sound behind him...


While Bo was trying to free himself of the ropes, Luke, Vicki, & Daisy walked towards the barn.

"That's funny. The barn door wasn't closed when I left Bo over an hour ago," said Luke, looking curiously at the barn door as he opened it.

Vicki looked around inside the barn. Bo was no where to be seen.

"Well, it looks like Bo didn't do a good job cleaning up in here. There is hay everywhere," said Vicki looking around the barn.

"No! Wait a minute, Y'all!" said Luke excitedly then added, "Take a look at these tracks on the ground in front of us under the hay."

"It looks like Bo was dragged off somewhere," said Daisy, trying to find the direction of the tracks.

"The tracks look like they're heading towards the back of the barn," said Vicki as she noticed something shiny on the ground in the hay in front of her.

Picking it up, she gasped in shock. Vicki realized it then that it was Bo's pocketknife. She knew then that they were on the trail to find Bo. "Hey, y'all! I found Bo's pocketknife on the ground."

"That's great, Little Red! That means we're on the right track!" said Luke, smiling at the redhead then added, "Let's head towards the back of the barn."

"I hope that we can find him before it's too late," said Daisy worriedly as she & Vicki followed Luke towards the back of the barn.

Hearing Vicki's, Daisy's, and Luke's voices near the front of the barn, Bo started screaming through his gag, hoping that they would hear him. "Somebody, Help!" screamed Bo through his gag. Bo stopped screaming when he realized that he was having trouble getting his breath. "Someone HELP me! I can't breathe!" said Bo, through the gag as he was gasping for air. "Little Red, HELP!!!"

Suddenly, Vicki stopped in her tracks as she heard Bo's muffled screaming from the back of the barn. She knew that Bo was in trouble.

"What is it, Vicki?" asked Luke, looking curiously at the redhead.

"I can hear Bo screaming for help. I think that he is in serious troble!" said Vicki in a furious voice as she, Luke, & Daisy started rushing towards the back of the barn.

  • 2 weeks later...

Luke, Daisy, & Vicki followed the tracks all the way to the far end of the barn. "Well, the tracks end here," said Luke, looking at the tracks on the dusty floor.

Vicki looked in front of her at the pile of hay in the far corner. She thought that she saw something or someone move under it.

"Wait a minute, Y'all! I think that I see something moving under the hay in front of us!"

"It must be Bo trapped under that hay!" said Luke worriedly as he, Daisy, & Vicki started moving the hay around, trying to find Bo.

Meanwhile at the front of the barn, Jasper laughed loudly as he shuts the barn door & locks it, trapping the young people in there...

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