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Ashley and Jack's Baby(This is a spinoff of Three Amigos In A Big Pond)


What do you think of Julie getting pregnant so quickly after having twins?  

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  1. 1. What do you think of Julie getting pregnant so quickly after having twins?

    • Good
    • A Little fast now

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"That's what he says. Do you want me to bring him over?" Luke asks.

Cue anyone.

Enos Says "Yeah bring him over, and listen do you have the Sammy Kershaw cd with "Vidalia" on it I need to play the song for Vidalia she thinks right now she's got the worst name she can have I think her Mom must've loved that song when she had her that has to be the only explanation now. And listen, I listed my name has Clay's father so Jimmy wouldn't find him. Hey is there any way that Mike could make it Angel's campus and get that gun she bought I really don't like that fact that she has it Luke it makes me nervous right now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

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Enos Says "Yeah bring him over, and listen do you have the Sammy Kershaw cd with "Vidalia" on it I need to play the song for Vidalia she thinks right now she's got the worst name she can have I think her Mom must've loved that song when she had her that has to be the only explanation now. And listen, I listed my name has Clay's father so Jimmy wouldn't find him. Hey is there any way that Mike could make it Angel's campus and get that gun she bought I really don't like that fact that she has it Luke it makes me nervous right now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Julie Says "Angel, is the only reason you got that gun was for protection and it's not for revenge, I don't want to have to hire a lawyer for you someday and stay away from your real father. If you stoop to getting revenge well then he's winning and your not getting anywhere ahead do you really want to become your real father now. Your getting so bitter right now what happened to the fun loving kid from last year, your so different right now and please don't try to take anything into your hands what I did to my ex-husband was different he was hitting me and you and I was upset because I lost my baby at the time as well. And Angel, if you do something really stupid well you'll be taking yourself from me and that would really hurt not only me but your entire family as well. Do you really want that, I've heard that it's a kind of heatache that's the worst Angelena."

Angel Says "But he shot at me last year, my own Great-Grandfather had me kidnapped and drugged and carted me off to Columbus, Ohio along with my two cousins how can I not be bitter right now. And my own real father, well he's a real piece of work his men kidnap Salena thinking it's me only to get to me, Molly and Aunt Lizzy. It's awfully hard not be bitter right now Mom."

Julie Says "But just think your just found a brother, you have your little sister Molly and the twins I think that's four reasons not to be bitter don't you think Angel. And you got two brand new cousins and the next baby coming as well and what about Uncle Luke and Aunt Lizzy's baby and Aunt Daisy and Uncle Enos's baby as well."

Angel Says "But he'll never stop Mom, and neither will my Great-Grandfather either why can't they just leave me the hell alone right now I'm sick of this right now!"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Edited by Julieduke
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"Because you're the only one who has never seen me drunk, except for that time at the mill. Too much time here has cooled me off." Jimmy admits.

"Thank you." Lizzy says standing to leave.

Cue anyone.

Brian Says "Lizzy, I miss having you visit me now. I'm really sorry about what I did to Daisy now I really regret it as well Lizzy, how come you won't even look at me as I'm talking to you right now. And Elizabeth Natalie Jackson-Davenport I hired Ben Matlock to defend he's the best in the state how come you can talk to the same guy that attacked you at summer camp, and raped two of your best friend now wait a minute make that three now. How am I worst that he is right now Lizzy, and you know what walk away if you want that's fine with me now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

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Brian Says "Lizzy, I miss having you visit me now. I'm really sorry about what I did to Daisy now I really regret it as well Lizzy, how come you won't even look at me as I'm talking to you right now. And Elizabeth Natalie Jackson-Davenport I hired Ben Matlock to defend he's the best in the state how come you can talk to the same guy that attacked you at summer camp, and raped two of your best friend now wait a minute make that three now. How am I worst that he is right now Lizzy, and you know what walk away if you want that's fine with me now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

"Because I know him. Just trust me alright? I know...and I pray to god that you'll be ok. He is good and he'll defend you but I'm not sure if you'll walk away without jail time. He'll do what he can. I hope you get cleaned up Brian Lee Davenport because I hate the man you've become. You two children who want a father and...you're ruining that. Just like Jimmy did. Take care of yourself brother and become the man I know you can be." Lizzy says walking out of the jail house.

Cue anyone.

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"Because I know him. Just trust me alright? I know...and I pray to god that you'll be ok. He is good and he'll defend you but I'm not sure if you'll walk away without jail time. He'll do what he can. I hope you get cleaned up Brian Lee Davenport because I hate the man you've become. You two children who want a father and...you're ruining that. Just like Jimmy did. Take care of yourself brother and become the man I know you can be." Lizzy says walking out of the jail house.

Cue anyone.

Brian Says "Well Lizzy, Kramer is moving in on Elaine on me and I can't do nothing about it now! He better not put his name on my son's birth certifacte I won't stand for that now and you know what I don't need you as well."

Just then Ben Matlock walks and Says 'Lets see I can handle the drug possesion it's not my area but I can handle it but you tried to strangle a girl over a rude comment what's was you thinking Mr. Davenport."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

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Brian Says "Well Lizzy, Kramer is moving in on Elaine on me and I can't do nothing about it now! He better not put his name on my son's birth certifacte I won't stand for that now and you know what I don't need you as well."

Just then Ben Matlock walks and Says 'Lets see I can handle the drug possesion it's not my area but I can handle it but you tried to strangle a girl over a rude comment what's was you thinking Mr. Davenport."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy said "yeah Luke, bring him over"

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