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Bo leaves Daisy's room and spots Enos back in the waiting room. "Hey, Daisy wanted to talk to you about something." Bo says.

Enos nodds and goes into the room where Daisy is and Daisy says "Enos, the doctors are afraid if i have anymore kids i could die, they want me to get an operation to stop me from having anymore kids"

Posted (edited)
Enos nodds and goes into the room where Daisy is and Daisy says "Enos, the doctors are afraid if i have anymore kids i could die, they want me to get an operation to stop me from having anymore kids"

Julie is just listening to everything going on and thinking about her little affair she had in college and why she never came back four years ago as well. Micheal treated her more than a like a little sister, and they had a beautiful baby girl and she was going on to law school and she put the baby up for the adoption after staying out of his way for an entire year not even telling him about the baby. Only her and Devon knew she was pregnant as well and she looks at Luke and Says "Luke, I lied to Micheal about something we was more than just friends in fact four years ago I had a baby girl that was his that I put up for adoption but you see he never knew about the baby she had his hair and his eyes as well, Oh Austin would've had a cousin right now I just didn't think working at the Foundation and raising a baby and going to law school was a good mix I so sorry about that. But at least Lizzy will be happy that I didn't have an abortion that would've been so wrong now. Luke, I got to tell Micheal that I put his daughter up for adoption he has a right know I kinda of wished I hadn't put her up adoption right now, with everything going on as well well I just don't know I think I made a huge mistake right now as well. I have the newborn picture that the adoptive parents had sent me they was being nice you know how that goes about it."

Julie pulls out the picture and hands the picture and the baby's name is right on top, and she looks at her cousin and Says "What's wrong right now?"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Edited by Julieduke
Julie is just listening to everything going on and thinking about her little affair she had in college and why she never came back four years ago as well. Micheal treated her more than a like a little sister, and they had a beautiful baby girl and she was going on to law school and she put the baby up for the adoption after staying out of his way for an entire year not even telling him about the baby. Only her and Devon knew she was pregnant as well and she looks at Luke and Says "Luke, I lied to Micheal about something we was more than just friends in fact four years ago I had a baby girl that was his that I put up for adoption but you see he never knew about the baby she had his hair and his eyes as well, Oh Austin would've had a cousin right now I just didn't think working at the Foundation and raising a baby and going to law school was a good mix I so sorry about that. But at least Lizzy will be happy that I didn't have an abortion that would've been so wrong now. Luke, I got to tell Micheal that I put his daughter up for adoption he has a right know I kinda of wished I hadn't put her up adoption right now, with everything going on as well well I just don't know I think I made a huge mistake right now as well. I have the newborn picture that the adoptive parents had sent me they was being nice you know how that goes about it."

Julie pulls out the picture and hands the picture and the baby's name is right on top, and she looks at her cousin and Says "What's wrong right now?"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Julie Says "Oh Jennifer Knight is the babies adoptive mother and she is also Wilton Knights daughter as well. She couldn't have any kids and Wilton had another son who Micheal looks exactly like named Garthe but I think he's in prison right now. I know she's beautiful and looks just like Mom as well. From what I've seen her pictures, I never did have the chance to meet my mother Luke, but I kinda of wished I had known her as well sometimes she would be so pround of all of us here right now look at Bo raising Austin all by himself that doesn't seem right at all. Lizzy should be here as well Luke, I got to do something about that as well."

Just then Ben Matlock walks and Says "Are you Ms. Julie Duke, well I'm Ben Matlock and you told me on the phone that your sister-in-law you want to work on a appeal for here. First of all what name is her stuff under right now."

Julie Says "Hello, and this is my cousin Luke Duke and records are under Lizzy Davenport and well it's hard as well. But you see that little blonde six year old son right there that's her and Bo's son Austin and well he hasn't seen his Momma since he was two years old. That's not very fair, is their something we can do about and it's gets kinda of complicated as well you got to talk to my cousin and my brother as well and Tom as well to really here the whole story Mr. Matlock as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport to daisydukeXenosstrait

Julie is just listening to everything going on and thinking about her little affair she had in college and why she never came back four years ago as well. Micheal treated her more than a like a little sister, and they had a beautiful baby girl and she was going on to law school and she put the baby up for the adoption after staying out of his way for an entire year not even telling him about the baby. Only her and Devon knew she was pregnant as well and she looks at Luke and Says "Luke, I lied to Micheal about something we was more than just friends in fact four years ago I had a baby girl that was his that I put up for adoption but you see he never knew about the baby she had his hair and his eyes as well, Oh Austin would've had a cousin right now I just didn't think working at the Foundation and raising a baby and going to law school was a good mix I so sorry about that. But at least Lizzy will be happy that I didn't have an abortion that would've been so wrong now. Luke, I got to tell Micheal that I put his daughter up for adoption he has a right know I kinda of wished I hadn't put her up adoption right now, with everything going on as well well I just don't know I think I made a huge mistake right now as well. I have the newborn picture that the adoptive parents had sent me they was being nice you know how that goes about it."

Julie pulls out the picture and hands the picture and the baby's name is right on top, and she looks at her cousin and Says "What's wrong right now?"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Luke said "you should tell Daisy about your affair too, and ya'lls little girl"

Luke said "you should tell Daisy about your affair too, and ya'lls little girl"

Julie Says "Do you think she would understand, and do you think I made a mistake putting her up for adoption now Luke."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Julie Says "Do you think she would understand, and do you think I made a mistake putting her up for adoption now Luke."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Luke said "Daisy will understand, and yes, you did what you had to, and theres also something you should know about Daisy before you go up and talk to her"

Luke said "Daisy will understand, and yes, you did what you had to, and theres also something you should know about Daisy before you go up and talk to her"

Julie Says "And listen Mr. Matlock wants to talk to Bo when he comes back and what is it right now Luke."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Julie Says "And listen Mr. Matlock wants to talk to Bo when he comes back and what is it right now Luke."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Luke sighed "she had twin girls but one died right after she was born, the other is still alive and she named her Kayle Nicole, but Enos and Daisy are taking it really hard over losing their daughter"

Luke sighed "she had twin girls but one died right after she was born, the other is still alive and she named her Kayle Nicole, but Enos and Daisy are taking it really hard over losing their daughter"

Julie Says "Oh wow, Okay I will becareful and maybe I shouldn't tell her about the baby I put up for adoption then Luke."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy smiles a little "hey Julie"

Julie Says "She's beautiful and your the first person I'm telling and it's huge right now I'm three months pregnant and don't know if I should tell the father. But I found out something huge about eight years ago as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Julie Says "She's beautiful and your the first person I'm telling and it's huge right now I'm three months pregnant and don't know if I should tell the father. But I found out something huge about eight years ago as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy said "whose the father, and im happy for you, and what did you find out?"

Daisy said "whose the father, and im happy for you, and what did you find out?"

Julie Says "First of all don't be mad right now it's Micheal Knight, and second of all eight years ago when I outran Rosco I had a box of shine in the trunk of my car and didn't even know it as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Julie Says "First of all don't be mad right now it's Micheal Knight, and second of all eight years ago when I outran Rosco I had a box of shine in the trunk of my car and didn't even know it as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy said "oh my gosh Julie, Micheal!"

Daisy said "oh my gosh Julie, Micheal!"

Julie Says "This will be our second child, the first one I didn't tell him about I put her up for adoption this is the picture Jennifer Knight gave me."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Julie Says "This will be our second child, the first one I didn't tell him about I put her up for adoption this is the picture Jennifer Knight gave me."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy said "Julie, why did you pick Micheal, after everything he did, he wasnt much of a help to us"

Daisy said "Julie, why did you pick Micheal, after everything he did, he wasnt much of a help to us"

Julie Says "Daisy he didn't rat out Lizzy, and both times it was matter of weakness as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Julie Says "Daisy he didn't rat out Lizzy, and both times it was matter of weakness as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy sighes "okay, im sorry, its just after i lost Cassie, thats what i wanted to name the other twin that died, its got my emotions mixed up"

Daisy sighes "okay, im sorry, its just after i lost Cassie, thats what i wanted to name the other twin that died, its got my emotions mixed up"

Julie Says "Oh My Gosh, Jennifer named the baby after she adopted her Cassie wow."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy said "wow"

Julie Says "There's more Ben Matlock is in the waiting room waiting for Bo to talk about Lizzy's appeal as well he's the best there is in Atlanta now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy sighes "i cant believe shes in the slammer for 26 years!"

Julie Says "Me either, but Ben Matlock is here and waiting for Bo right now so they discuss and Matt Shark is here as well he looks like Tom Cruise on "A Few Good Men"."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

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