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"Do you know of anyway to contact her?" Micheal asks.

"Look Mr. Knight the one thing the south is faithful to around here is family and that's exactly what Lizzy is. You're not gonna get it out of us so you should stop trying." Uncle Jesse says.

"I'm sorry." Micheal says.

Daisy said "Uncle Jesse, hes fine, listen i really dont know anything about Lizzy"

"I know that Daisy I just...I should stop trying to get Lizzy. You're not gonna give her up." Micheal says.

Julie just smiled and says "So how's the shocks on Kitt Micheal, because you know this County is famous for dirt roads now."

Cue Anybody

Julie just smiled and says "So how's the shocks on Kitt Micheal, because you know this County is famous for dirt roads now."

Cue Anybody

Julie just looks and says "You know it seems that you would've learned your lesson in Los Angles I appreciated everything you for the two of us but you really don't us at all. And Lizzy is Family and a very dear friend and why would I tell you anything about my good friend and and she didn't mean anything by what happened to me and Daisy as well now Micheal. So please leave me alone, and besides you should just give up as well your just going to get lost trying to follow any of us as well."

Cue Anybody

Julie just looks and says "You know it seems that you would've learned your lesson in Los Angles I appreciated everything you for the two of us but you really don't us at all. And Lizzy is Family and a very dear friend and why would I tell you anything about my good friend and and she didn't mean anything by what happened to me and Daisy as well now Micheal. So please leave me alone, and besides you should just give up as well your just going to get lost trying to follow any of us as well."

Cue Anybody

"The shocks are fine. I'm not gonna go after her." Micheal says.

"The shocks are fine. I'm not gonna go after her." Micheal says.

Julie says "Yeah sure Micheal, I know that look how come you feel for the two guys that needed their tire change. Before we came back home, Kitt told me all about it now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"What did he tell you?" Micheal asks.

Julie says "That two guys needed there tire changed and you changed it for then and that was the last he heard from you. Why didn't you call triple A for them?

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"Really?" Micheal asks.

"That'll never happen." Bo says.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "A girl can dream, what If I ever in New York City and some guy trys to mug me in a alley now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"What would you be doing in New York in the first place?" Bo asks.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "What if me and Daisy went on vacation there to see the Statue of Liberty now I hear it's fascinating now?"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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