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Daisy nodded

Uncle Jesse Says "Don't Worry and thanks for bring the extra clothes over there growing like weeds lately. It's not fair that Brian Lee Davenport is off the hook but you and Julie aren't now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Uncle Jesse Says "Don't Worry and thanks for bring the extra clothes over there growing like weeds lately. It's not fair that Brian Lee Davenport is off the hook but you and Julie aren't now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Daisy sighed "i know"

Daisy said "my children could lose me!"

Uncle Jesse Says "There five children almost six that could lose their mothers as well and I know but just think we'll beat this again, you did once now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke


Austin is sent upstairs the moment they get home from Julie's reception. Lizzy stares longingly at the tickets on the fridge.

"What's wrong?" Bo asks rubbing her back. They had come to a tentative truce for the wedding.

"What are those tickets for?" Lizzy asks pointing at them.

"A two day cruise." Bo says.

"What's the date on them?" Lizzy asks.


"This past Friday. We supposed to leave on Friday and come back late tonight. In celebration of our seven year anniversary of marriage yesterday. Why did we get screwed? Because your sister found it so damn important to get married today." Lizzy spins around and puts distance between her and Bo. "I've had it. This is the last time she's gonna come between us. I'm not gonna stand for it any more. She came between us for two months when she left because you were so upset about it you wouldn't talk to me. She came between us when we got married because the invitation to our wedding was returned unopened and then she didn't show. She came between us four years ago when I was arrested because she didn't help out and wasn't there. I'm not gonna take it any more Bo." Lizzy says.

"Lizzy...I don't know what you want me to say. She's my sister." Bo says.

"Don't say anything. I don't care if she was your identical twin brother. I'm through with having her ruin my life. We planned on having a nice quiet life in the country with our family dropping in occasionally to say hi and have dinner and what not but my life has been so riddled with drama that I'm not gonna take it any more. You can not tell me that this does not bother you. When Dad gave us those tickets on Thursday you were just as excited as I was to have a romantic get away and now it's destroyed. All because someone couldn't wait to get married." Lizzy snaps.

"Because she was worried about what would happen when she goes to trial, especially if they make Micheal testify against her." Bo says.

"Testify for what Bo?"

"Those charges of what they thought she did eight years ago. The paperwork was never filed." Bo answers.

"Yes it was." Lizzy says exasperatedly. She grabs a book of the bookshelf and flips a few pages shoving it under Bo's nose. "See. Right there. Paperwork filed the day their trial was finished and they were cleared. Right down at the field office in Atlanta. Daisy, Julie, and Brian were all cleared. The two agents that assisted Agent Huntley are facing charges themselves for impersonating a federal agent and a bunch of other crap. Your sister and Daisy can't be brought up on those charges again due to double jeopardy. I wish she had done her research first. I've had it Bo and I'm not gonna give her the chance again. I'm leaving Hazzard. I will be back in seven and a half months to have this baby and hand him over to Daisy but other than that don't expect me to be here again." Lizzy says. She storms back out to her car and leaves the area.

"Daddy...are you and Mommy getting a divorce?" Austin asks sticking his head around the kitchen doorway.

Bo holds his arms out and Austin runs to him. "I don't know kiddo I really don't know." Bo says hugging Austin tight.

Austin is sent upstairs the moment they get home from Julie's reception. Lizzy stares longingly at the tickets on the fridge.

"What's wrong?" Bo asks rubbing her back. They had come to a tentative truce for the wedding.

"What are those tickets for?" Lizzy asks pointing at them.

"A two day cruise." Bo says.

"What's the date on them?" Lizzy asks.


"This past Friday. We supposed to leave on Friday and come back late tonight. In celebration of our seven year anniversary of marriage yesterday. Why did we get screwed? Because your sister found it so damn important to get married today." Lizzy spins around and puts distance between her and Bo. "I've had it. This is the last time she's gonna come between us. I'm not gonna stand for it any more. She came between us for two months when she left because you were so upset about it you wouldn't talk to me. She came between us when we got married because the invitation to our wedding was returned unopened and then she didn't show. She came between us four years ago when I was arrested because she didn't help out and wasn't there. I'm not gonna take it any more Bo." Lizzy says.

"Lizzy...I don't know what you want me to say. She's my sister." Bo says.

"Don't say anything. I don't care if she was your identical twin brother. I'm through with having her ruin my life. We planned on having a nice quiet life in the country with our family dropping in occasionally to say hi and have dinner and what not but my life has been so riddled with drama that I'm not gonna take it any more. You can not tell me that this does not bother you. When Dad gave us those tickets on Thursday you were just as excited as I was to have a romantic get away and now it's destroyed. All because someone couldn't wait to get married." Lizzy snaps.

"Because she was worried about what would happen when she goes to trial, especially if they make Micheal testify against her." Bo says.

"Testify for what Bo?"

"Those charges of what they thought she did eight years ago. The paperwork was never filed." Bo answers.

"Yes it was." Lizzy says exasperatedly. She grabs a book of the bookshelf and flips a few pages shoving it under Bo's nose. "See. Right there. Paperwork filed the day their trial was finished and they were cleared. Right down at the field office in Atlanta. Daisy, Julie, and Brian were all cleared. The two agents that assisted Agent Huntley are facing charges themselves for impersonating a federal agent and a bunch of other crap. Your sister and Daisy can't be brought up on those charges again due to double jeopardy. I wish she had done her research first. I've had it Bo and I'm not gonna give her the chance again. I'm leaving Hazzard. I will be back in seven and a half months to have this baby and hand him over to Daisy but other than that don't expect me to be here again." Lizzy says. She storms back out to her car and leaves the area.

"Daddy...are you and Mommy getting a divorce?" Austin asks sticking his head around the kitchen doorway.

Bo holds his arms out and Austin runs to him. "I don't know kiddo I really don't know." Bo says hugging Austin tight.

Julie looks at Micheal and Says "I'm scared right now I really am right now what if they don't find my little admission more than just a little amuzing right now honey. You know what they might do with that now as well."

Balladeer: Julie doesn't don't know what Lizzy told Bo somebody ought to tell her, but she's riding one supersmart car and well maybe she could have it looked into now as well.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Julie looks at Micheal and Says "I'm scared right now I really am right now what if they don't find my little admission more than just a little amuzing right now honey. You know what they might do with that now as well."

Balladeer: Julie doesn't don't know what Lizzy told Bo somebody ought to tell her, but she's riding one supersmart car and well maybe she could have it looked into now as well.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Bo calls Daisy and lets her in on the information but can't get a hold of Julie so he calls Devon.

Bo calls Daisy and lets her in on the information but can't get a hold of Julie so he calls Devon.

Devon Says "Hello Bo, what's wrong you sound relieved but upset right now as well and listen I will get ahold of Julie and have her call you but you call tell me what you know as well Bo. She's turning out not to be a very good lawyer as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Devon Says "Hello Bo, what's wrong you sound relieved but upset right now as well and listen I will get ahold of Julie and have her call you but you call tell me what you know as well Bo. She's turning out not to be a very good lawyer as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

"Just patch me through to Julie and Micheal. It's important." Bo says.

"Just patch me through to Julie and Micheal. It's important." Bo says.

Devon patches through Bo to Julie and Micheal and Kitt Says "Julie and Micheal there's a very important call from Bo Duke right now and it's really urgent as well right now. And listen Julie, you are a good lawyer you just made a few mistakes don't give it took you long eight years don't quit and hide in a corner okay."

Julie Says "Wow advice from a car now that's a first I should be used to and I okay were listening as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Devon patches through Bo to Julie and Micheal and Kitt Says "Julie and Micheal there's a very important call from Bo Duke right now and it's really urgent as well right now. And listen Julie, you are a good lawyer you just made a few mistakes don't give it took you long eight years don't quit and hide in a corner okay."

Julie Says "Wow advice from a car now that's a first I should be used to and I okay were listening as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

"Julie...do you ever do research before you jump into something head first?" Bo asks.

"Julie...do you ever do research before you jump into something head first?" Bo asks.

Julie Says "Why, maybe I wanted to Marry Micheal I've always loved him Bo. And why do you ask me that question as well you know I got advice from Kitt as well and I know I don't know what I am doing as a lawyer but I am learning as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Austin is sent upstairs the moment they get home from Julie's reception. Lizzy stares longingly at the tickets on the fridge.

"What's wrong?" Bo asks rubbing her back. They had come to a tentative truce for the wedding.

"What are those tickets for?" Lizzy asks pointing at them.

"A two day cruise." Bo says.

"What's the date on them?" Lizzy asks.


"This past Friday. We supposed to leave on Friday and come back late tonight. In celebration of our seven year anniversary of marriage yesterday. Why did we get screwed? Because your sister found it so damn important to get married today." Lizzy spins around and puts distance between her and Bo. "I've had it. This is the last time she's gonna come between us. I'm not gonna stand for it any more. She came between us for two months when she left because you were so upset about it you wouldn't talk to me. She came between us when we got married because the invitation to our wedding was returned unopened and then she didn't show. She came between us four years ago when I was arrested because she didn't help out and wasn't there. I'm not gonna take it any more Bo." Lizzy says.

"Lizzy...I don't know what you want me to say. She's my sister." Bo says.

"Don't say anything. I don't care if she was your identical twin brother. I'm through with having her ruin my life. We planned on having a nice quiet life in the country with our family dropping in occasionally to say hi and have dinner and what not but my life has been so riddled with drama that I'm not gonna take it any more. You can not tell me that this does not bother you. When Dad gave us those tickets on Thursday you were just as excited as I was to have a romantic get away and now it's destroyed. All because someone couldn't wait to get married." Lizzy snaps.

"Because she was worried about what would happen when she goes to trial, especially if they make Micheal testify against her." Bo says.

"Testify for what Bo?"

"Those charges of what they thought she did eight years ago. The paperwork was never filed." Bo answers.

"Yes it was." Lizzy says exasperatedly. She grabs a book of the bookshelf and flips a few pages shoving it under Bo's nose. "See. Right there. Paperwork filed the day their trial was finished and they were cleared. Right down at the field office in Atlanta. Daisy, Julie, and Brian were all cleared. The two agents that assisted Agent Huntley are facing charges themselves for impersonating a federal agent and a bunch of other crap. Your sister and Daisy can't be brought up on those charges again due to double jeopardy. I wish she had done her research first. I've had it Bo and I'm not gonna give her the chance again. I'm leaving Hazzard. I will be back in seven and a half months to have this baby and hand him over to Daisy but other than that don't expect me to be here again." Lizzy says. She storms back out to her car and leaves the area.

"Daddy...are you and Mommy getting a divorce?" Austin asks sticking his head around the kitchen doorway.

Bo holds his arms out and Austin runs to him. "I don't know kiddo I really don't know." Bo says hugging Austin tight.

Daisy came in "hey Bo"

Julie Says "Why, maybe I wanted to Marry Micheal I've always loved him Bo. And why do you ask me that question as well you know I got advice from Kitt as well and I know I don't know what I am doing as a lawyer but I am learning as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

"Great and I'm not disputing that. What I am saying is that because you couldn't hold off for another few days and didn't ask to see the paperwork about your charges you've screwed me over and ruined the best damn thing in my life." Bo says.

"Great and I'm not disputing that. What I am saying is that because you couldn't hold off for another few days and didn't ask to see the paperwork about your charges you've screwed me over and ruined the best damn thing in my life." Bo says.

Daisy said "what are you talkin about Bo"

Daisy said "what are you talkin about Bo"

Julie Says "I'm sorry about that it looks like I'm not very good at being a sister as well but I do love my family I hope you know that."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Julie Says "I'm sorry about that it looks like I'm not very good at being a sister as well but I do love my family I hope you know that."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Daisy comes in the kitchen "were is Lizzy and why are you two arguin?"

Daisy comes in the kitchen "were is Lizzy and why are you two arguin?"

Bo looks at Daisy and then speaks to both Daisy and Julie. "Yesterday was our seven year anniversary of being married and the first one we've had in four years. David and Cooter pitched in to send us to Key West for a two day vacation. But because Julie didn't check to make sure that the charges had been dropped, which they have been and both of you are in the clear, we had to be here for the wedding. Because we had to be here we couldn't go and Lizzy's angry. She blames Julie because if the wedding had waited a few days we could have gone. And now because it didn't wait Lizzy's gone and she's never coming back except to have the kid." Bo says.

Bo looks at Daisy and then speaks to both Daisy and Julie. "Yesterday was our seven year anniversary of being married and the first one we've had in four years. David and Cooter pitched in to send us to Key West for a two day vacation. But because Julie didn't check to make sure that the charges had been dropped, which they have been and both of you are in the clear, we had to be here for the wedding. Because we had to be here we couldn't go and Lizzy's angry. She blames Julie because if the wedding had waited a few days we could have gone. And now because it didn't wait Lizzy's gone and she's never coming back except to have the kid." Bo says.

Julie had told Micheal if he could kill the connection she need sometime to think and felt bad about what she had done as well.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Bo looks at Daisy and then speaks to both Daisy and Julie. "Yesterday was our seven year anniversary of being married and the first one we've had in four years. David and Cooter pitched in to send us to Key West for a two day vacation. But because Julie didn't check to make sure that the charges had been dropped, which they have been and both of you are in the clear, we had to be here for the wedding. Because we had to be here we couldn't go and Lizzy's angry. She blames Julie because if the wedding had waited a few days we could have gone. And now because it didn't wait Lizzy's gone and she's never coming back except to have the kid." Bo says.

Daisy just looked at her cousin "shes gotta come back... she has too!"

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