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Michael Knight meets Dukes of Hazzard!

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Daisy said "ill watch Austin if you need it.. but tell me the truth of your thoughts about this surrogacy.. your the only one i havent heard from yet'

"I may sound a little selfish right now and maybe that's because I lost my wife because of my sister but...I think it was a good idea just maybe a little too soon." Bo says looking at the table afraid to look at Daisy.

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"I may sound a little selfish right now and maybe that's because I lost my wife because of my sister but...I think it was a good idea just maybe a little too soon." Bo says looking at the table afraid to look at Daisy.

Daisy had tears in her eyes "im sorry i ever wanted another kid! im sorry i couldnt do that by my self!"

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Daisy had tears in her eyes "im sorry i ever wanted another kid! im sorry i couldnt do that by my self!"

"Daisy that is not what I meant." Bo snaps wrapping her in a hug. "I am worried because I don't think Lizzy's settled in enough here and things aren't perfect between the three of us here. Things might never be so I'm glad Lizzy offered to help. It was above all her decision and nothing I could have said would have stopped her. I'm sorry I did say that to you like I said I'm being a little selfish right now and I'm sorry you had to bear the brunt of that." Bo says.

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"Daisy that is not what I meant." Bo snaps wrapping her in a hug. "I am worried because I don't think Lizzy's settled in enough here and things aren't perfect between the three of us here. Things might never be so I'm glad Lizzy offered to help. It was above all her decision and nothing I could have said would have stopped her. I'm sorry I did say that to you like I said I'm being a little selfish right now and I'm sorry you had to bear the brunt of that." Bo says.

Daisy sighes "i know"

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Daisy nodded "yes"

"Daddy?" Austin asks.

"Of course she will Bud. She promised." Bo says.

Meanwhile at Tom's Lizzy keeps looking more and more unsure of herself. "Tell me what's wrong." Tom says gently.

"I love him so much but lately things have been going so wrong that...part of me wishes I didn't have to go back to Hazzard." Lizzy says.

"I know sweetie. You know what? I have an idea. Wait here." Tom says then leaves the room. When he comes back he has his hands behind his back. "I think you need these more than I do right now." He hands the passes to her and Lizzy's jaw drops.

"Three season passes to Six Flags over Georgia...Tom I can't take these." Lizzy says.

"Yes you can. Take Austin and Bo and get away for a few days. Like you wanted to." Tom says. Lizzy then realizes it's a little odd for him to have two extra passes to include a child's pass.

"Tom...these were for that girl you've been seeing. The one with the little girl. Weren't they?" Lizzy says.

"We've been a couple times but things are difficult right now so...we've decided to take a break. Sara's mighty disappointed but her mom and I agreed. It's ok. We'll figure it out. Take the passes and go. They've got a kiddie land that's completely chaperoned by paid professionals and there's a few hotels that kids are completely welcomed at with a full day care center. Maybe you can send him down there and work things out with Bo. Don't worry about it. I full expect those passes back eventually. I want to take Sara down there again." Tom says.

"Thanks Tom." Lizzy says.

"Don't mention it." Tom says.

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"Daddy?" Austin asks.

"Of course she will Bud. She promised." Bo says.

Meanwhile at Tom's Lizzy keeps looking more and more unsure of herself. "Tell me what's wrong." Tom says gently.

"I love him so much but lately things have been going so wrong that...part of me wishes I didn't have to go back to Hazzard." Lizzy says.

"I know sweetie. You know what? I have an idea. Wait here." Tom says then leaves the room. When he comes back he has his hands behind his back. "I think you need these more than I do right now." He hands the passes to her and Lizzy's jaw drops.

"Three season passes to Six Flags over Georgia...Tom I can't take these." Lizzy says.

"Yes you can. Take Austin and Bo and get away for a few days. Like you wanted to." Tom says. Lizzy then realizes it's a little odd for him to have two extra passes to include a child's pass.

"Tom...these were for that girl you've been seeing. The one with the little girl. Weren't they?" Lizzy says.

"We've been a couple times but things are difficult right now so...we've decided to take a break. Sara's mighty disappointed but her mom and I agreed. It's ok. We'll figure it out. Take the passes and go. They've got a kiddie land that's completely chaperoned by paid professionals and there's a few hotels that kids are completely welcomed at with a full day care center. Maybe you can send him down there and work things out with Bo. Don't worry about it. I full expect those passes back eventually. I want to take Sara down there again." Tom says.

"Thanks Tom." Lizzy says.

"Don't mention it." Tom says.

meanwhile Daisy went home, she was really worried

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meanwhile Daisy went home, she was really worried

Julie and Micheal had made it too Austin,Texas but Garthe had followed them their which made Julie nervous but she was leaning on her husband, she like that word lately they should've done that a long time ago.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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Julie and Micheal had made it too Austin,Texas but Garthe had followed them their which made Julie nervous but she was leaning on her husband, she like that word lately they should've done that a long time ago.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Michael tried to keep them both from being spotted by Garthe

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