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Luke came back to the garage area sipping on his second beer. Luther was now gone in the wrecker.

Cooter tried an attempt to be 'funny', "Hey, Lucas what kinda birds don't fly?"

It was an old joke but Luke good naturely said, " Dead ones!"

Cooter got the hint and wisely changed the subject. "Are you driving the wrecker any today?"

"I figure I'll be pretty tied up today. How about I take it this evening? I can even keep it tonight if you have plans." replied Luke.

That would give Cooter at least 16 hours without having to worrying about being interupted so he could be alone with Kathy. "You got it buddy!"

Luke smiled finishing his second beer. "Well, I guess we'd better get back. Thanks for the beer." he paused trying to 'act' cool. "Dixie, it may be a tight fit but if you want to come out and help Daisy with some cleaning I'll bring you back when I pick up the wrecker." He stated. This statement was a little odd, though it did go unnoticed by everyone but Dixie who took the hint.

"Yeah, I can help Daisy. Cooter tell Dad I'll be back later." with that she was up and out the door before anyone could say anything else.

In the General Lee, Daisy said, "I really don't have anything I need help with. I don't know what's he's talking about." she said quietly to Dixie.

Dixie shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe I just looked like I needed a break from the garage. I did." she said.


Jesse heard the 'kids' coming in. He noticed Dixie with them. This wasn't that unusual except for the look she kept giving Luke. Jesse figured she must feel that what had happened was her fault if he'd been correct in his earlier thinking. Jesse looked at the teens and said, "Me and Luke, here, need to talk. Go find something to keep you busy. I had better not see anyone at the winodws either!" he cautioned.

The shower, shave and 2 beers had helped, though Luke still dreaded this 'talk'.

Jesse extended him a cup of coffee giving the 'kids' time to get gone. Luke took the cup. "Luke, I know that you came to me about this?" Jesse paused for confirmation.

Luke nodded and sipped his coffee.

Jesse continued, "I dont like fighting and from what I'm hearing you started this. I also can about figure out why. Luther Davenport told me he had let Dixie go out with that Tommy Rogers. I figure you know what ever happened on that date."

Luke looked away from Jesse's eyes into his cup.

"I'm not going to ask. I gather from what you told me Dixie has asked you to not say anything. If I'm anywhere near right I can understand why you felt the need to adjust Tommy's attitude. It seems you were also prepared to take what ever 'medicine' Rosco dished out." Jesse paused again. "Luke this is Hazzard County and nothing goes as planned. From the State police showing up to you hitting one of them, now you have bitten off more than you bargained for and I don't know if there is anything I can do to help you out of this pickle."

Luke saw the love and helplessness in his Uncles' eyes, "I know that. I also know that last night may not be the only night I spend in jail over this. I had no idea who was behind me when I swung though. I did not mean to hit Trooper Mitchell. I may not like it but, yes, I am prepared to take the 'punishment' for my actions.

"Ok, now that is settled, let's get some work done around here. Oh, and Luke I'll do what I can."

"Thanks." he said standing up to leave the kitchen.

Jesse asked looking Luke in the eyes, "Luke, how much did you drink this morning?"

He should have known Jesse never missed a thing. He truthfully answered. "Two beers at the garage while I was showering." Luke finished Jesse's thought, "No, I wasn't drunk last night. Ask Daisy. I had two beers before Tommy showed up. I ordered one glass of the 'stuff ' JD calls 'shine' after I had made up my mind that it was the time to 'talk' to Tommy so if it did go bad at least I might get some sleep."

Jesse nodded, "Ok, just keep a handle on it."

Luke smiled, "I will." He was glad their talk was over. Though it had not been as bad as he had expected. Where Jesse got all his information always amazed Luke.


Luke went outside to find Daisy and Dixie weeding the flower garden. To Daisy he asked, "Can you spare your helper for awhile?"

"Sure, Luke." said Daisy a bit puzzled.

"Come on kiddo." he tried to sound casual as they walked away. Once out of ear shot he said, "It was not your fault."

She looked at him with tears in her eyes but refused to cry, "Yes, it was." she managed to say.

"I told you I'd get him. I did." said Luke.

Dixie looked him in the eyes, "But you went to jail!"

Luke replied, "I was prepared to, before I made up my mind to take care of that jerk!"

"But, now you are in trouble with Jesse, Rosco and the State Police!" she excalimed.

Luke shook his head negatively. "No, I'm not. Jesse understood more than I figured he would. No, I didn't tell him anything. Like I tried to tell your father, Jesse wouldn't let Tommy take Daisy out. Once your Dad told him you went out with him against my protests, he figured Tommy got out of line and I decided to put him in his place, which is about the long and short of it."

She looked at Luke with an innocence that he'd never seen before. "You spent the night in jail because of me."

Luke smiled, "No, I spent the night in jail because of the jerk that wanted to 'hurt' you. Dixie, you have to know something else," he paused. "During the fight someone grabbed me from behind, I didn't know it was a State Trooper. I hit Trooper Mitchell."

She looked sick.

He gave her a sight smile, "You need to know, that last night might not be the only night I might spend in jail over this. You did nothing wrong and none of it is your fault! Do you hear me?" he lifted her chin so that she looked him in the eye.

She nodded 'yes', and said, "U-huh."

"Good, just don't forget that. No matter what, for you and all the other girls he's tried this with he deserved it! I did what I had to, I'm prepared to 'pay' for my actions, but it was worth it!"

"Luke I dont want you to go to jail especially because of ME." she said.

"It's not my farorite way to spend my time, but if I have to, I will." explained Luke.

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That evening Luke got a wrecker call out near the county line. When he arrived on the scene of the wreck he seen who had called the wreck in, Trooper Mitchell. Luke got out to see how he needed to set up to get the car out of the ditch. He walked over to Trooper Mitchell and asked, "Once I get this out of the road can I talk to you a minute?"

"Sure, but let's get traffic clear first." the Trooper insisted.

In under five minutes Luke had hooked to the car, pulled it out of the ditch and loaded it on the wrecker. He then pulled to a wide spot just up the road. Walking back to the Trooper, Luke knew what he was going to say, "Trooper Mitchell, I'm not asking for anything, but I'd like to explain the other night. First off, I had no idea that was you behind me and I'd like to apolgize to you for hitting you."

"What were you two fighting over anyway?" asked the Trooper.

Luke replied, "He did something to a friend of mine. I figured I was more his size."

The Trooper gave him a questioning look, "That's a little vague?"

Luke replied, "Yes, Sir, it is. I just wanted to apologize to you." Luke turned to walk away when the Trooper called to him.

"Luke, I respect the fact you didn't ask me to drop the charges." said Trooper Mitchell.

Luke just threw up his hand as he got in the wrecker to take the car back to Cooter's.


It was the evening before Luke had to be in Court. Luke had finished up his chores at the farm when he got a wrecker call. He pulled the wrecker into the parking lot of the garage. He reached beside him on the seat and picked up the clean clothes he had taken with him. The plan was he'd shower at the garage and Bo would meet him there then they were going out to the Boars' Nest to hear Jeb's band. Jesse hadn't been happy with this. He hoped Luke wouldn't drink to much before Court in the morning, but he was a man and had to make his own mistakes. Luke arrived just before Bo who was in a hurry. Cooter called from under the hood of a car, "Luke? Are you headed for the shower?"

"Yeah," replied Luke.

"Hold up. Dixie's in there. Said she'd only be a few minutes." He said.

Bo pouted, "Great! Now I'm going to be late."

"Me too," said Cooter who was waiting to take Dixie to hear the band and was suppose to pick up Kathy on the way. Then, Cooter suggested, "Since you have to wait for the shower, why don't you bring Dixie, and I'll go with Bo. We'll meet you there and I'll get the wrecker then."

"Why not. But you owe me big time if I get a call!" replied Luke to Cooter's back which was headed to the General Lee.

Dixie came out brushing her hair. "Where are Bo and Cooter?"

"They went on. Give me a second to shower and we'll go." he said as he headed to the shower.

When Luke returned, from the shower, Dixie was ready but asked, "Can we talk a minute before we go?"

"Sure." replied Luke knowing where this was going.

Dixie looked into Luke's eyes, "What are you going to do tomorrow?"

Luke had been right, "Well, I'm going to go to Court and do the only thing I can do, plead guilty."

"Have you lost all your senses?" she asked.

Luke smiled back at her, "There was maybe fifty people there that night. They all saw ME start it. What else can I do? Besides, if I fight this it would probably be worse. Rosco and JD have wanted this for far too long not to take advantage of it now."

Dixie suddenly realized something. "You are expecting to go to jail aren't you?"

Luke just looked at her for a second before answering, "Why do you say that?"

"Because when you thought you'd be fined you worked you tail off to make extra money for the fine." she paused. "You haven't done that this time."

Luke had to admit she had seen right through him that had been his thoughts almost to the tee. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Come on, let's go have some fun tonight. Jeb has threated to try to talk me into singing."

The effort to change the subjest worked. "You?"

"Yeah." he said getting into the wrecker.


Bo and the others pretty well figured Luke had planned on getting pretty drunk tonight because though he tried not to let on he was pretty worried about the next day. Jeb was planning on driving tonight so Bo could drink some too. Luke arrived with Dixie. They took seats at a front table near the band. Luke ordered a beer and a Coke. It was still early and the band was finishing setting up. Dixie, Daisy and Kathy were talking at the table. Everyone was enjoying themselves. Jeb was getting requests for a song that Jeb's voice just wasn't deep enough to do it justice. Jeb took a break and asked Luke if he'd do the song. Luke had only drank one beer so he figured he pull it off pretty good so he sang 'White Lightning' by George Jones. Dixie had never heard him sing before. While Jeb had Luke cornered he figured on getting at least one more song out of him. He went right into 'Ballad of Thunder Road' by Marty Robbins Luke didn't have much choice but to sing it also.

Bo got a bright idea. He went to talk to Jeb and the others, "You know if we can keep him singing he may not get as drunk as we are think he might be planning on."

Jeb replied. "I agree. Got any ideas. "

"Yeah, Dixie do you know the 'Night the lights went out in Georgia'?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" see if Luke will sing it with you. Between Dixie and the others they kept Luke to busy to drink to much. Surprisingly they all had a great time.


Jesse Duke was always the first up. He made his way to the kitchen to make coffee. He picked up the coffee pot and it was warm.

Luke spoke from the living room. "Coffee's fresh."

Jesse turned to see Luke setting in a chair in the living room and said, "Oh, OK. Aren't you up kinda early or is it late?" Jesse took his coffee to the living room also.

"I guess it's a little of both. I couldn't sleep last night and got tired of trying so I got up." stated Luke.

Jesse studied him, "Are you that worried about today?"

Luke shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know if I'd say worried or just dreading it."

"Pretty sure you know the outcome." questions Jesse.

Luke took a drink of coffee before answering. "Like you have told me. They have waited too long to get the chance to put one of us in jail. Why would they pass up the opportunity now?"

"Well, you do have a point there. Course Judge Hardcastle does his own thing. He is not in Boss's or anyone elses pocket." Jesse informed.

Luke replied, "Well, that is good to know. I talked to Trooper Mitchell the other day. I only told him I had no idea it was him behind me that I did not intend to hit him and I was sorry."

"That's good at least he will know it wasn't personal. It may save you some trouble in the future." said Jesse.

Jesse's statement did little to make Luke fell better.


Amist many protest Jesse and Luke were the only ones who would be at Luke's hearing. They took the pickup into town. Luke informed Jesse, "I've got a couple hundred in my wallet if there's a fine. I'll put it in the glove box."

Jesse replied, "I figure the $600 bond will cover the fine, but thanks."

The Court was called to order by Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane. Judge Hardcastle read the charges: "1. Battery and 2. Battery on a Police Officer. Do you understand these charges?"

Luke replied, "Yes, Sir."

Judge Hardcastle asked if there was anything the Trooper wanted to add.

Trooper Mitchell replied, "I'd like to ammend my complaint to just the Battery and drop the Battery on a Police Officer."

Judge Hardcastle replied. "Your reason being?"

Trooper Mitchell replied, "I have thought about it. This young man didn't willfully hit me. He reacted to me grabbing him during the 'hit' of the fight. As a result, I charged him during the 'heat' of my fight. If I thought he hit me intentionally I'd not drop it."

Judge Hardcastle studied the Trooper. "You are sure you want to proceed with only the Battery charge?"

Trooper Mitchell replied, "Yes, Sir, I am."

Luke was felling just a bit relieved.

Judge Hardcastle replied, "So be it. Mr. Duke how do you plead to the charge of battery?"

Standing straight and tall Luke replied, "Guilty as charged Your Honor."

The Judge asked, "You are entering this plea of your own will? And, you do understand that you COULD be sentenced to up to 12 months in the County jail?"

Many a profane thought went through Luke's head in the split second it took him to hoarsely answer, "Yes, Sir."

"I'll accept the plead of Guilty. I can set up a sentencing date or you can wave it and we can proceed with sentencing?" stated the Judge.

Though he had little choice in the matter, walking into the Courtroom for this hearing had been hard. Luke figured it would be even harder to walk back in again knowing he could spend 12 months (Luke had not figured on it being THAT long) in jail so he replied, "I'll wave."

"You are prepared to be sentenced today?" asked the Judge.

Rosco's mouth was watering at the thoughts of having Duke in jail for 12 months.

"Yes, Sir." Luke replied.

Judge Hardcastle asked, "Is there any explaination for your actions or anything you'd like to say in your defense, Mr. Duke."

Though Luke knew that if he explained his reason for the fight it might help him. At least it would explain why he started the fight without Tommy so much as saying a word to him, but Luke was bound by Duke loyalty to not tell anyone about what had happened with Tommy and Dixie. Luke replied, "No, Sir."

"Well," the Judge paused. He had expected some sort of explaination for Luke's action of starting the fight when Tommy Rogers hadn't even said anything to him. Judge Hardcastle checked Luke's file, "I see you have only been before me on a charge of racing. Due to the Troopers amended complaint, and the fact that you are waving the sentencing hearing which means I don't have to make a third trip over here for this, it saves the County some money and me some time. I am feeling generious." Judge Hardcastle very rarely felt generious. He continued, "Lucas Duke I sentence you to....." he paused, "Fourteen days in the County jail, no credit for time served."

Luke was not happy, though compared to the though of 12 months, well, he'd take the 14 days, no problem. So though he was cursing to himself on the inside, he realized he had gotten a huge break and replied, "Thank you, Your Honor."

The Judge filled out the commitment which took no more than a minute and told Rosco, "Mr. Duke is in your departments custody for 14 day from today. Make the arrangements."

Rosco, replied, "Kew, Kew, Kew. Yes, SIR! I'll get right on that. Yes I will."

Luke knew at that moment the only thing worse than facing spending 14 days in jail was listening to Rosco gloat about it.


Jesse Duke had been pretty certain as had Luke that he would be sentenced to at least some jail time. He also knew that, though the law read that Luke could have been sentenced to 12 months in jail that it certainly wasn't likely for a small fight at the Boars' Nest. Unknown to Luke, Judge Hardcastle had been one of Jesse's long time fishing buddies. Though Judge Hardcastle had a reputation of being a 'tough cookie', he also knew that there wasn't many a man in Hazzard over 18 that hadn't gotten into at least one fight (though they may not have ended up in Court) at the Boars' Nest.

Jesse wasn't anymore happy for Luke than Luke himself was, but the Judge had been fair. Jesse walked out of the Courthouse, before reaching his truck he was met by his nephews, Cooter, Daisy and Dixie. Many questions were aimed at him. Jesse also knew this was entertainment for Boss and Rosco, so he suggested, "We will talk at the garage." as he kept walking.

Once at the garage, Jesse explained, "Well, it's not near as bad as it could have been. First off, Trooper Mitchell dropped the charge of Battery on an Officer, so that helped. Luke waved the time frame between this hearing and the sentencing hearing so that it was all done today. Jesse looked at the faces before him. He was sentenced to 14 days which starts today."

There was a shocked silence for a minute then, questions from the group were heard as one, "What can we do?" "You are going to do something?" "That's not fair." No one noticed Dixie slip from the crowd as she went out the back door of the garage.

Jesse replied, "Luke knew what he was up against going in. The choices he made were his. There is nothing I can do and he got several breaks as he could have gotten 12 months or LONGER if the Troooper hadn't dropped his charge!"


The next two weeks in Hazzard were a bit strange. Everyone had been use to seeing Bo and Luke together. It was strange for Bo to be 'on his own' though he had other cousins and friends. There was slightly more work to do at the farm so the cousins chipped in to do Luke's share and which took a little longer because it was odd not having Luke around. The same was going on at the garage. Cooter and his father were dividing three peoples shifts between themselves. They even noticed that Dixie wasn't herself though they couldn't imagine why unless it was because she was due to go back to her Mom's in a short while.

For Luke it was a very boring two weeks. He managed to read and sleep more than he had probably in all the time he was in High School. Visits were limited though someone was there everytime which in some ways made Luke feel worse when they left.

The way Judge Hardcastle had written the commitment Luke would be released on the 14th day at the time he was committed. Luke knew he would be expected home for dinner as Jesse had promised to fix his famous crawdad bisk. All Luke really wanted was a good long hot shower even though it was a very hot August, his own bed as the thin mattress on the steel bunk wasn't doing a thing for him, and maybe a beer, though not neccarssarily in that order. Luke pretty much figured his friends and family would have his next couple of days planned though. 'He--, there plans may be more fun!' he though as he waited impatiently for the clock to hit 11:15 am.

Old Bo could hardly wait himself and he was parked outside the Courthouse at 10:30am which Luke had been able to hear the General Lee's powerful engine. This didn't help his patience either! Bo had gotten out of the hot car and sat on its hood leaning up against his windshield to wait in the sun while watching the girls in their summer clothes. Bo loved the heat of summer. ;) Unknown to Luke the others were at the Garage. Luther had went to pick up parts so it was only the younger group as Jesse was home preparing his dinner.

Cooter and Dixie were also going to the Dukes for dinner. Dixie had worked the evening before frying chicken and making potato salad which had gone unnoticed by either Cooter or her father as they weren't home. During the two weeks Luke was in jail the T-Shirts and garage hats had returned though today she had on a lavender top with spaghetti straps with a pair of white cut off jean shorts and sandals. She had also fixed her hair though the August heat was threatening to melt everyone. Dixie knew that she felt guilty about Luke going to jail, though there was something very different going on other guilt. She made up her mind if Daisy was willing to let her she really needed to talk Daisy and try to sort out what was going on here.

It was 11:00am when Peggy got out an envelope containing Luke's belt, knife, knife case, and some change that Luke had had in his pockets. She unlocked the cell door though the gate to upstairs was still locked. She had Luke sign the property sheet saying he was returned all his property. Then she turned the time clock to 'released' and said, "Well, you've just got a few more minutes. Think you'll be back?"

Luke looked at herand grinned, "You know I'd really like to tell you no, but being a Duke in Hazzard County, I just don't think I can say that. They have gotten me twice, I figure they will be trying pretty hard to make anything stick."

"Off the record, I'd say your pretty much right. Keep out of trouble!" she said as the clock clicked 11:15am. She punched his booking card and his copy of the release paper, then said, "That's it as she unlocked the gate." Peggy herself was pretty glad he was being released too. She had had little sleep the past two weeks but had racked up on overtime. She only had a couple of log enteries to make before going home.


Luke walked outside with his copy of the release in his pocket. Instead of going to the drivers side of the General he went to the passenger side. "Are you going to sleep there all day or are we going home?" he asked Bo who had indeed drifted off for a second.

Bo about fell off the car trying to get up. "No, I ain't going to sleep all day and NO we're not going home yet."

Luke smiled. 'I'd really like a shower before he starts with his plans.' thought Luke. "Well, where are we going?"

"You'll see!" said Bo. As he jumped into the General, started him up and pulled out with a slight squeal of the tires. He circled Hazzard Square, pulling into the Hazzard Garage. "Jesse said we could hang out until about 4, so I brought you a change of clothes. Luther went to get parts and won't be home until late. Cooter said you could use the shower here so we can all hang out awhile before going home." Bo said almost begging.

Luke smiled at his younger cousin. "Thanks, Bo!" He climbed out of the General. Bo tossed him the bag he'd put his clothes in. The young group greeted Luke as if he were a returning war hero! Good old Cooter supplied the beer. Luke headed them off as best he could as he headed for the back of the garage for the shower. Once in the bathroom with a couple of beers Luke began to feel more human. After his shower and shave he stuffed his other clothes in the bag and combed his hair. Luke did indeed feel better and headed out to see his friends and family. After everyone greeted Luke again things got kind of back to 'normal' and everyone sort of layed back. The garage was still open and someone had to collect for gas but other than that the garage wasn't busy. As Luke looked at his friends and family, he felt very lucky. He also noticed that Dixie was still acting like she felt guilty about him going to jail. Luke thought 'I'll have to make time to talk to her today.' then he took in her appearance. Then, he did a double take, without thinking about it. 'She has sure grown up this summer! Da--!' thought Luke!' he could not help himself seeing her white shorts and tan long legs.


After a supper fit for a king, with all that Jesse had cooked, not to mention the added 'goodies' that Dixie brought, the girls began to clean up the kitchen. "Daisy do you think Uncle Jesse would mind me staying tonight?"

"Sugar, my Uncle Jesse has never minded company." replied Daisy. "Hey, I've got a good idea. Let's call the new girl, Beth, and ask her over. We never got to really get to know her before school let out. As a matter of fact we could call and see if Jill, Robin, and Kathy can come over too. Though I don't expect Robin to come because of Luke, but I haven't invited her lately. Make it a PJ party."

Dixie smiled, weakly, 'This was not what she had in mind, but it might be fun.' she thought, and then asked, "What do you mean, Robin won't come because of Luke?"

Daisy smiled weakly, "We use to be good friends or at least I though we were until her and Luke broke up. I don't know. Maybe he boyfriend won't let her stay, maybe she feels awkward or maybe she just used me. Her and Luke were a 'thing' for over two years then it fell apart. I thought he'd marry her for sure, but he never mentioned what happened. Then, he just began running kinda wild, not dating anyone seriously since her." Daisy paused, "I better go ask before we get on the phone." Daisy found Uncle Jesse and the guys on the porch. "Uncle Jesse, would you mind, since I know these guys have plans, if I called a few friends to see if they'd like to come over for a PJ party?"

The guys rolled there eyes. This meant they were sleeping in the barn for sure. It also meant that they could drink there and not be on the roads. 'There went sleeping in his own bed.' thought Luke.

Jesse smiled at his only niece, "Sure you all can have a PJ party in the and the guys here can have the barn."

Daisy did have the good graces to say, "Thank you Uncle Jesse. Thanks guys!" she said before rushing into the house to call the girls.

"Boys, what are your plans for tonight?" questioned Jesse. Who waslooking at Luke.

Luke replied, "I'm just glad to be home. I think they might have something planned which is OK by me as long as I can stay out of trouble."

It was Cooter who spoke volumes with his next thought, "Only way I see that happening for sure is to stay here."

The guys all agreed much to Jesse's relief. He was thinking what Luke had been. That the law would be looking hard to try to put him back in jail at least for a day or two figuring he'd be trying to make up for the two weeks he wsa in jail. Luke called his friend Mark McCormick and he'd be over soon. The five Duke boys and Cooter headed to the barn to get things set up.

In the house Daisy and Dixie were expecting Jill, Kathy, and Beth. Robin said she might drop by but couldn't stay long. Daisy really didn't expect her. Dixie thought now was as good a time as any to talk to Daisy before the others got there. "Daisy," Dixie almost pleaded, "You know that I feel guilty over Luke being in jail?"

"Honey, what on Earth did Luke getting into a fight have to do with you?" asked Daisy.

Tears threaten to fall when Dixie continued, "I went out with Tommy. Tommy had tried to .... force ... me." she took a second before saying, "Nothing happened. I managed to fight my way out of the car and started walking. Luke had the wrecker and was coming back from a call. He picked me up, took me home. I told him what had happened. He promised not to tell Dad, Cooter, or anyone else."

Daisy was making the connections now, "So when Luke caught up with Tommy he 'took care' of it himself. Honey, that is Luke."

"But it was my fault he went to jail." stated Dixie.

"Luke or any or those guys out there," Daisy pointed out the window at the yard full of guys. "Would have done the same thing for me or any other female. That's just the way they are. I'm sure that Luke thought things through before he acted. Now Bo on the other hand, would have acted and then thought." Daisy said smiling at her friend.

Dixie had to laugh too. "Daisy I know I feel guilty but there's more. I get so nervous when Luke is around. My stomach feels funny..."

Daisy smiled widely, "You can't quiet smiling and you heart flutters a bit?"

Surprised Dixie looked at Daisy with a 'How did you know look?'

"My cousins have that kind of effect on girls! It's normal. You just have a 'crush' on Luke." Daisy said. About that time two cars pulled up to the drive way. "They're here, come on." said Daisy as she headed out to greet their friends.

In the first car was Kathy and Jill. Kathy parked her Camero out of the way. She had been to the Dukes many times. In the second car was Beth and her Mother. Daisy went to Beth's Mother's car to introduce herself and invite them in. "Hi, I'm Daisy Duke. I've seen you at school but I'm not sure we've met." She said to Beth's Mother. "Won't you come in for a spell? I know you'll want to meet my Uncle Jesse." Daisy saw the look that appeared on Beth's Mother's face when Cooter and the others came over to Kathy's car.

Beth's Mother replied very sternly, "I hadn't planned to get out but 'Yes' I would like to met your parents before I decide if Beth can spend the night."

'Here we go! I thought it was already 'decided' when I packed my stuff to stay' thought Beth. This was her first invitation to a friends house in a new town and her Mother was going to mess it up.

Jesse had been busy when the cars pulled up but was now on his way outside. Daisy saw him and called. "Uncle Jesse I want you to meet Beth and her Mother."

Beth's Mother saw a friendly looking older man wearing bibbed overhauls and a red ball cap. By her thinking he didn't look like he was expecting company. She was still waiting to see this Daisy's Mother. And all those boys. Who were they and just what kind of a party was suppose to go on here. She thought.

"Ma'am." Jesse extended his hand. "I'm Jesse Duke, Daisy's Uncle." Jesse saw her gaze go to the guys who were heading towards the barn. "Now, Ma'am, most of that bunch of boys there are my nephews and they have a friend or two over but they know their limits and so do the girls who will be over tonight. The girls are going to be in the house. The boys are sleeping in the barn. At least one of these girls dates a friend of my boys. I would not let them both have friends over like this if I couldn't be sure that they all know not to buck me." Jesse smiled at Beth, "I'm sure that Miss Beth here will mind me just like my own do. Isn't that right?"

Beth could have hugged the older man right there. "Yes, Sir."

Beth's Mother still wasn't sure, and asked, "So, Daisy where are your parents? I know that your Uncle here isn't the only adult here with all you kids."

Daisy smiled proudly, "Yes, Ma'am, my Uncle Jesse has raised all six of us since we were small."

"Six?" she said in disbelief. "Sir, you are raising six teens alone? Good, Lord."

"Yes, ma'am, they are good kids." stated Jesse equally as proud of 'his' kids as they were of him.

"How many are going to be here tonight?" she questioned.

Jesse looked to Daisy who was mentally counting. "Twelve maybe thirteen."

"Oh, my." she said, "How many are boys?"

Jesse replied, "My five nephews, Cooter and Mark. Seven."

Beth's Mother saw that he said this with all the confidence in the world. She was certain when she saw all those boys that HER daughter would not be staying, but Jesse Duke did have a way of calming people down. She felt much better and decided to let Beth stay. "You have more patience than I'd ever have, Mr. Duke. Beth can stay." she said.

Jesse took out a small notepad from his pocket and a pen. On one of the pages he wrote 555-7689, tore it out and handed it to Beth's Mother. "In case you want to call later to check on Beth."

"Thank you. Call me if she doesn't mind. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Duke." she said.

"Beth will be just fine." said Jesse as she was leaving.

As her Mother drove away, she told Jesse, "Thank you, Mr. Duke. I thought for a minute I wasn't going to get to stay."

Jesse smiled, "You are very welcome, young lady. There's only a couple of things we need to work on. First, its Jesse. Second, the first time you are here, you are company. Next time, you're family, so make yourself at home. We've already talked about the boys out there so there's no need to bring that up again. I'm going out there to check on them. You ladies have a good time." said Jesse as he headed to the barn.


In the house the girls were talking and baking cookies for a snack when they heard a car out front. Daisy looked outside, "That's Robin."

Dixie wanted to see this 'Robin'. She wasn't sure she knew her. If Daisy thought Luke might have married her she had to be something special.

'I have been up this drive way hundreds of times and now I'm nervous. Maybe Luke isn't even home.' thought Robin as she turned up the drive way to the Duke Farm. She had heard, as had everyone that Luke had been in jail for fighting. She also knew he'd been released that day. As her headlights swept the front lawn she saw the General Lee, her brother, Marks' Firebird and all the other vehicles. She also knew Luke would be home somewhere. 'Well, if Daisy is having a party then the guys are sure to be in the barn.' Her suspisions were confirmed when she saw the barn light on. She thought, 'Da--, Luke I still know you too well!' She pulled her car up close to the house hoping that Luke wouldn't see it.

She walked up the front steps to the front door. Robin opened the door like she had done for several years now and called, "Daisy?"

"We're in the kitchen." called Daisy.

Robin knew from the second she walked in that she was welcome here and began to relax. She walked in saying, "Muuummm. Something smells great!" she reached for a warm cookie on the plate. As she chewed the cookie she reached in the cabinet for a glass which she filled with milk. "So what's the reason for the party?"

Daisy replied "Equal rights! The guys are doing their thing and I didn't want to be the only girl at home."

Robin raised her glass, "To equal rights!" Everyone laughed. That is everyone but Dixie who was too busy studying Robin.

She was dressed comfortably in jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt. Dixie observed that it didn't appear she was here to impress Luke or anyone else. For some reason it made Dixie feel a little better about her being here. Dixie learned Robin was easy going, fun to be around, and she seemed so confident.


Luke looked out the door. It only took a half a second to identify THAT car. He returned to the others.

"Who was that?" asked Mark McCormick.

"Someone I used to know." Luke replied coldly, "Daisy's friend and your sister." said Luke as he drained the half a glass of shine that he had been sipping on.

Jesse had known that they would want to 'celebrate' Luke's return home so he had brought them a gallon of his finest shine and cautioned that they didn't have to drink it all tonight.

Bo and Cooter looked at each other as Luke set the glass down.


Robin had been worried about coming over but she was glad she had. It had been quiet awhile since she had hung out with the girls. She was truely having a good time. She had even stayed longer than planned.

About this time the phone rang. Daisy answered it., "Duke farm, ....." she paused listening to the other end. "Yes, as a matter of fact he is. It will take a minute to get him, he's in the barn. Just hold on." to the room full of girls Daisy said, "Can someone go get Luke? He has a call."

Kathy was more than willing to go get Luke hoping that she might be able to sneak a goodnight kiss from Cooter. She pulled up short on the porch when she saw Jesse on the swing. "I'm just going after Luke. He has a call."

Jesse said sternly, "I'm timing you."

At the barn she called "Guys?"

It was Bo that opened the door.

Kathy said, "Luke has a phone call. Night Cooter!" she said as she returned to the house.

Luke stood up. He was feeling just a bit tipsy. Though he did his best not to show it especially in front of Jesse. When Luke entered the living room, his and Robin's eyes locked for a whole minute. The temperature in the house dropped at least ten degrees. Luke said into the phone, "Hello?" he paused listening to the other end. "Hi, Carol." he paused, "Well, that's awfully tempting, ... but I have plans tonight." he continued to listen, "I bet you could! Maybe we can try 'that' some other time. Thanks for the offer. Goodnight." Luke said almost blushing from the offer he'd just gotten in front of the room of girls. Carol had none too sudly offered Luke some entertainment that she knew he had not gotten in jail. "Daisy, if I get another call, please, take a message. I'm not going anywhere tonight." he said as he rather loudly closed the door behind him.

It was Kathy who voiced what everyone else was thinking, "WHOA!"

Now, Robin felt a bit out of place. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come."

Daisy replied, "Don't be silly. You are my friend and are welcome here always."

Robin replied, "Thanks. But I really do have to go. Ralph will be calling soon all I need is him to know I was here. I just don't think he'd understand. I did have a good time. It was nice to meet you all. Goodnight everyone."

Robin stepped on the porch where Jesse was setting on the swing. He said, "Not staying?"

"Lord, no." she said, "Ralph would have fit if he knew I had came over." she stepped to the swing and hugged Jesse. "I still love you Uncle Jesse. Sometimes I wish things were different."

He said "I know. You are always welcome." he said to the one girl he thought might have just been his nephews match.

She replied, "Thanks." as tears filled her eyes. She turned for her car. 'I won't cry.' she thought. As she reached the end of the drive way she saw in the rear view mirror the General Lee and thought to herself. 'I miss that car. I miss this farm. I miss this family. I will NOT CRY!' as the tears betrayed her by running down her cheek, she said loudly, "Oh, God, Luke Duke I miss you!" she cried all the way home.


The next morning everyone was dividing the chores so that they could have some fun before it was time for the company to leave. Dixie grabbed a basket off the porch and said, "I'll get the eggs." She headed for the chicken coop.

Luke had been wanting to talk to Dixie and figured this was a good time. He made up the excuss by saying, "I'll go get the stalls clean." he was gone to the barn. Luke circled the whole barn in order to meet Dixie coming back out with the eggs. "Come here a minute." he said leading her to the side of the barn not visible from the house. He sat the basket down. "I've been wanting to talk to you. I know that you are feeling guilty about me. ........ Please don't."

She looked up into his big blue eyes and melted.

Luke still held her upper arms in his hands where he had turned her to face him. He looked down into her brown eyes. All explainations, all pleads stopped. Everything stopped. Both Luke and Dixie moved closer to each other. Luke bent his head toward Dixie.

Dixie had no idea what was happening here as she felt herself stand on tip toes to met Luke as his lips touched hers. His expierenced tounge parted her lips as the kiss intensified.

It was like something had them magnitized. They moved closer wrapping their arms around each other when.....

In the house, Bo asked, "Where's Luke?"

Jeb replied, "Cleaning the stalls."

Bo said, "What? I did that and he was there when I did." he went out the door to stop Luke from doing the job twice.

It was as though they were hyponotized by each other when Luke heard the door slam. It was all he could do to pull them away from each other. "Go that way. Someone is coming." He ducked into the side of the barn.

Dixie managed to somehow remember the eggs. She walked to the house on cloud nine. THAT was NOT like any first kiss her friends had told her about!

Bo entered the barn to find Luke looking very guilty. He had a glass of shine in his hand. "Luke! What are you doing?"

"Shhh, I had kind of a hang over. Thought this might knock it. It must be from not drinking anything for two weeks." he said innocently.

Bo said, "Yeah, I know the feeling, but after Robin was here, I was too busy watching you to drink too much." It was ususally Bo who had the hang overs after drinking too much. He went back to the house.

Luke smiled as he poured the untouched shine back in the gallon jug.


Several days later Robin walked to the Boar's Nest she hoped, 'Don't let Luke be there.' she was relieved to see Cooter's wrecker. She had been in Ralph's car when she went to shift to the next gear, the linkage became jammed. She had managed to get the car off the road 'Please let Cooter have the wrecker.' Robin entered the bar and saw Daisy. "Who's driving the wrecker?"

Daisy glumly point to Luke. "What's wrong?" asked Daisy.

Robin shook her head to let Daisy know it wasn't serious. "A crossed linkage. It just needs beat out but I can't do it." she sighed as she approached Luke. "Luke, can you get a linkage unstuck?"

"With my eyes closed." he replied coldly.

He was not making this easy and she was in a hurry. "I"m just up the road. Will you get it unstuck?"

He stood up and said, "Robin, your car isn't a standard."

Robin looked him in the eye and replied, "That's right."

Luke and Robin walked out of the bar together. Daisy would have loved to have not been so busy. Luke walked to the wrecker seeing the car in question, it was as he figured Ralph's car. He walked past the drivers door, picked up a hammer out of the tool compartment and a piece of tarp. At the car he layed the tarp down, crawled under, hit the linkage a couple of times, and said, "Get in, shift the gears all the way through." He would not have trusted just anyone to do this since he was laying under the car between the front and back tires. If she let it roll too much either way he'd be hit. Luke heard the gears changing. He crawled out and said, "Let me see." He got in the car and worked the gears. Satisfied they were unstuck and wouldn't cross again. He said, "That should do it." He picked up the tarp and hammer, walking toward the Boars' Nest.

Robin called, "Do I owe you anything?"

Luke just turned and looked at her for a second before answering, "Not a THING." She could find more ways to get under his skin than anyone he knew. He'd have helped anyone by doing the two minute job to get them back on their way and not thought of charging them. Yet, she thought he'd charge her.


Luke returned the wrecker to Cooter at the garage a little later. Bo pulled up to pick him up. Dixie was collecting for gas at the pumps when Bo said, "Hey, Dixie, Jeb wants to know if you'll help him tonight?"

Dixie knew he meant with the band and said, "If I can get a ride."

Bo replied, "That's where we're going. Hop in."

Dixie looked at her father. He was glad she'd made friends this summer. "Go on! Eleven." he said.

"Thanks Dad." she said climbing into the General's windows like she had been doing it all her life.

At the Boar's Nest Luke took a table near the back and ordered a beer to sip on. He found himself watching them set up. He wasn't watching anyone in particular though he found his eyes kept resting on Dixie who was bending and stretching to hook up all the cables and wires to help get the band set up.

He remembered the morning at the farm with Dixie and was trying to figure out what had happened. Luke had dated his fair share of the ladies but what happened that morning was different. He had intended to talk to her. He had not intended to kiss her. Remembering the feelings that were awaken, Luke had to admit to himself it had felt very Da-- good! He had felt something he had missed since he and Robin had been together. 'No, it was different still.' he thought.

The Boar's Nest had filled up quiet a bit, mostly with teens as it was teen night. Luke had not been watching the crowd until he heard Robin's youngest brother David say, "What were you doing in Ralph's car today?"

Luke replied, "Making sure that Robin got it back home. It's my job when I'm running the wrecker."

"So you and my sister were in Ralph's car? That makes perfect since!" David said adding more to it than had happened. "Wait until Ralph hears you were in his car today!"

Luke knew David well. He was the type to start trouble then set back and watch. Luke stood up, calmly said, looking the shorter teen in the eye, "Ralph had better not hear anything from you." Even as Luke said this he knew it would do no good. Luke was also treading on thin ice since David was under eighteen. It turned out that it had been Luke's luck that as he got in Ralph's car to check the linkage, David had gone by in another car seeing him.

David smiled, quickly finding an exit.


Luke had followed the teen to make sure he was gone before taking a seat at the front table with Dixie and Beth. (Who's Mother had allowed her to come for a short while to hear the band before things got late and out of hand as long as Dixie or Daisy had an adult with them.)

Dixie asked, "What was 'that' about?"

Luke waved his hand dismissing it. "Robin crossed the linkage in Ralphs' car today. I was here, got it unstuck, checked it out, obviously seen by her younger brother who has run off to spead wild rumors to Ralph that I was in his car."

Beth replied, "You told him not to."

"Nothing short of killing him would stop him and he's not worth it." said Luke taking a drink of beer.

'Stand by Me' began to play and Bo came over and asked, "Beth would you like to dance?"

She replied, "Sure." They left for the dance floor.

Luke thought a dance might get his mind off the teen trying to start trouble. He said to Dixie, "Shall we?"

Dixie smiled, "Ok."

On the dance floor Luke took her in his arms. They began to dance and whatever they had felt that morning was back. Dixie looked up and found Luke looking into her eyes. Luke had an overpowering urge to kiss her. Right here. Right now. He also knew that Cooter and Luther, her Father, weren't far away either. It was all he could do to hold her and yet keep from kissing her right there. As the song ended Luke walked Dixie back to her table as he saw Mark and his date Sharon enter. "I'll be back in a bit. Luke walked to the bar and said to Mark, "Buy you a beer."

Mark replied, "Ok, what's up?"

Luke said, "You mean other than David trying to push my buttons?"

Mark questioned, "You mean my brother, David? Him push anybody's buttons? Never!" replied Mark sarcastically.

Luke explained, "Robin was by here today. She had car problems in Ralph's ride. I got her going. David saw me in the car. Now, I suppose he's off to tell Ralph."

Mark raised his glass, "That's my brother!" he paused, "You know he's pushing because ..."

"Because I can't touch him." said Luke to finish Mark's statement.

At this point Dixie came over, "Luke, Jeb wants to know if you'd sing a song for him?"

"Sure why not?" Luke replied, though had he known what he would know in the next year he might not have sung that song considering the impact it would have on all those in this room. The song was 'Jacob's Ladder' by Mark Wills and he sang it with Dixie.........

Jacob was a dirt poor farm boy Raised at the fork in the road in a clapboard house And Rachael was a land baron's daughter Born with a silver spoon in her mouth Her daddy said he wouldn't stand For Rachael to waste her life with a common man He tried hard to keep them apart But you can't draw lines in a young girl's heart So late one night by the harvest moon Jacob climed a ladder up to Rachael's room He knew his place, it was right beside her Step by step up to her world Head over heels for a brown-eyed girl And gettin' caught didn't seem to matter 'Cause heaven was waitin' at the top of Jacob's ladder It'll be five years September Since her daddy found a ladder and a note on her windowsill He swore he'd never forgive them But nothin' melts a heart like a grandchild will Now she climbs up on his knee Says, "Grandpa, tell a story, the one about me" He thinks back and his eyes shine Says, "Listen Child, once upon a time" Late one night by the harvest moon Your daddy climbed a ladder to your mama's room He knew his place, it was right besde her Step by step up to her world Head over heels for my little girl And here you are, that's all that matters 'Cause heaven was watin' at the top of Jacob's ladder Oh, an angel was waitin' at the top of Jacob's ladder

As the song ended, there was a shout from David in the back of the room, "Are you going to use her like you did my sister then leave her too?"


As the song ended, there was a shout from David in the back of the room, "Are you going to use her like you did my sister then leave her too?"

Cooter, Bo and Mark all grabbed to stop Luke but he had been too fast going after David. He picked him up by the shirt collar, pinned him to the wall with his left hand, while with the right he drew back. As he brought the punch forward, Luke regained some of his sences. He brought the punch with in mere inches from Davids face never touching him, yet noticably scaring him. Luke let him down on the floor, pointed toward the door and said, "Go! You are NOT worth it!"

David was gone in a flash. Luke turned seeing David's father setting with Jesse. He had not moved to help his son. He walked over and said, "Bill, it was Da-- close, but I didn't touch him."

He replied to Luke, "I saw. I was also here for the first round. I couldn't much blame you if you had hit him."

"He's pushing my buttons over me helping Robin today with Ralph's car. Now he's probably telling Ralph everything he thinks he knows." explained Luke.

"I LIVE with him." was all his father said.

Luke shook his hand and said, "I don't need the trouble, but I didn't want you mad at me either."

Bill replied, "We're fine."

Luke said, "Thanks." Then returned to the front table setting where he could see the front door. He had a nagging suspision that tonight's trouble wasn't over. Luke ordered a second beer and took a long drink as he watched the crowd. About an hour later he told Beth and Dixie, "Ok, here we go. Go to Jesse, easy, now!" Luke had said it quietly, calmly but with a sense of urgency. The girls got up and went to Jesse's table as Luke took a long drink of beer as he waited for Ralph to make his move.

Cooter nudged Bo and Mark to look at the door where Ralph stood.

Ralph walked over to Luke ans said, "What were you doing in my car today?"

Luke replied, "Making sure 'your' girl got it home."

"So you were in my car?" Ralph insisted.

"Yeah, I checked the linkage." replied Luke. He knew where this was going to end up.

Ralph glared at him, "And what was she checking the other night at your house?"

Luke unfortunately played into his hand by saying, "She was there to see Daisy. Not me." Luke knew she had told both Jesse and Daisy she didn't want him to know she had been there yet he knew.

Ralph yelled, "I'm going to kick your tail then I'm going to whip her!"

Luke changed his mind with a right cross sending him up against the bar. About this time three of Ralphs friends thought Ralph needed help and grabbed Luke. Bo, Cooter, and Mark equaled the odds. The eight young men were pretty equally matched which made a 'good' fight. Tables were turned over, chairs were swung as the fight progressed. As Rosco and his newly hired Full time Deputy Enos Strate pulled into the parking lot the experienced Sheriff knew there was trouble by the sounds coming for the Boars' Nest. Rosco entered yelling, "Freeze! Everyone just Freeze!" the fight continued until the Sheriff fired two shots into the ceiling. Everyone stopped fighting except Luke and Ralph. "You are all under arrest! Now FREEZE!" It took Bo, Cooter and Mark to get Luke off of Ralph. The fight had been far too long in coming. Rosco managed to get the separated against two walls as Enos blocked the exit. "Get me the phone." He dialed Peggy. "Peggy I'm going to need you tonight. I have eight subjects detained at the Boars' Nest and only one Cruiser to haul them."

"I'm on my way Rosco. I'll bring a van from here." Here being the Tri-County Jail that she normally worked at.

It wasn't long before Peggy arrived with a jail van and enough hand cuffs for the group. She knew Rosco would be lucky to have two pair. The eight were handcuffed, seated in the van, and read their rights. Rosco, Enos and Peggy made sure that Luke and Ralph were separated the farthest apart.

Daisy put her arm around Dixie and said, "See, Luke and Robin aren't even talking but he'd not stand for Ralph to threaten her."


Beth's Mother came into pick up Beth seeing the overturned tables and chairs with spilled pop, beer and popcorn. Beth was standing safely behind Jesse who saw the horror in the Mother's face. Jesse walked Beth to her Mother who asked, "What on Earth happened?"

Jesse explained as he and Dixie walked them out of the Boar's Nest, "Teen night is usually not like this with all the parents and adults who show up. Unfortunately, there was a bit of unavoidable trouble. I will have you know that the guys did try to avoid it and then made sure the girls were well out of the way."

Knowing the thought that was crossing her Mother's mind, Beth ducked before her Mother asked the next question, "You knew the people involved in 'THIS' Mr. Duke.?"

Jesse replied, "As a matter of fact I know four of the eight involved quiet well. Four guys started trouble with my oldest nephew. His cousin and two friends equaled the odds."

"Oh, Dear." said Beth's Mother.

"Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go see about my boys. Come Dixie I'll drop you off on the way ." Said Jesse as he headed to his pick up.

Beth's Mother asked, "He stayed with you until I got here after all that?"

Beth hoped to assure her Mother about the Duke family by saying, "Yes. That was the condition of me getting to go 'that an adult be with us'. He wouldn't just leave us there and Dixie's Father had a wrecker call."


At the jail Rosco had another problem. He only had four bunks in his downstairs cells. Upstairs the one cell up there only had a bench around three sides. He put Ralph and his friends in the 'holding' cell upstairs and took Luke and the others downstairs. Bo and Luke were put in one cell beside Cooter and Mark. As soon as the guys were secured, Peggy went upstairs to call the Judge to see if maybe he'd come out that night since the jail was crowded. Judge Hardcastle was the one on call. He felt that if he did come in and let them bond tonight that they would have round two before dawn. He figured they would be OK on the benches and floor for one night. Fortunately the benches were wide enough for a mattress to fit on the three side which only left one to sleep on the floor. The guys by decided that since Ralph not only got them in this but lead them into a fight were they not only went to jail because of but lost, he could sleep on the floor. Peggy did give him two mattresses. Peggy sent Enos downstairs with the boys. With Enos being new she felt better putting him in the most secure area. She took the cell keys and locked the gate on her way upstairs were she'd work tonight.


Luke looked around at his cousin and friends, then said, "Sorry guys. I guess got a little carried away there."

Mark replied, "I seen it coming. I did try to stop you. I missed."

Bo replied, "Cooter and I missed too."

Luke looked at them confussed.

Mark explained, "As you got up, we all tried to stop you. You were too quick, we all missed."

Luke couldn't help grin at the picture they painted, and said again, "Like I said, I'm sorry about this. I took all I could take. It was just far overdue."

Bo asked, "You still like her." (meaning Robin)

Luke got serious, "No, I don't. No one will ever hurt her in front of me, but that's it. As a matter of fact I have thought about getting more serious with someone else." he looked off in the distance.

Mark, Cooter, and Bo asked, "WHO?"

Luke smiled, "I'll let you know if it happens." He found himself thinking more about Cooter's sister. He was pretty sure that the feelings he was having were mutual but worried about what Cooter would think. Besides she still hadn't convienced her father to let her go to school here this year. Luke was certain that if she stayed by her big birthday in April things would be better. Until then he planned to just be cool.


NARRATOR: Well, in the last week since the huge fight at the Boar's Nest a lot has happened. Dixie had indeed talked her Mother and Dad into letting her go to school here. All eight boys were out on bond. Much to Luke's surprise he had taken little 'flack' about the fight. Jesse may not take to fighting but he also didn't like any one threatening any female or his nephews. The boys court date was set irronically one month from the day Luke had went to jail for the first time after being sentenced to fourteen days in jail for fighting Tommy.

Luke took out the official looking paper from the envelope. He knew it was his court date for the fight. He shook his head in disbelief. "Oh, man, this can't be good."

Bo opened his envelope. It had the same date and time set. "What's wrong Luke?" Not seeing the relievance of the date.

Luke sighed, "I went before Judge Hardcastle last month on the same date for fighting Tommy."

Bo looked at Luke in disbelief as he dialed the number to the Hazzard Garage. Yes, Cooter's Court date was also set for the same date and time. Then he called Mark McCormick, Bo found out that Mark was also scheduled for the same time.


August 25 10:00 am Hazzard Courthouse

Luke, Bo, Cooter and Mark walked into the Courtroom. Jesse Duke followed the boys in.

Judge Hardcastle took the bench and before calling the Court to order he said, "Boys, you were all in this together. It's up to you. We can save a lot of time by having your hearings together or we can be here all day having four separate hearings. I'll give you a minute to decide."

Luke was made the spokes person for the group though he wasn't sure this was a good idea. They decided to stick together.

Judge Hardcastle asked, "Have you decided?"

Luke replied, "Yes, Sir. One hearing will be fine."

The charges of Battery and Destruction of Property were read. "What is your plea?"

Luke again spoke for the group. "Guilty."

Judge Hardcastle asked if the others agreed. They did and all had agreed to go ahead and be sentenced today. Judge Hardcastle looked right at Luke before saying, "You are becoming a regular. Considering I haven't seen your friends before I'll be giving you more of a break than I would were you here alone."

Luke read the message clear. Had he been alone and the next time he found himself here the judge planned on throwing the book at him.

Judge Hardcastle spoke again, "I am going to sentence each of you to 30 days in jail with credit for the time you have served. Sheriff here are your committments. They are all yours."


Once at the jail Luke said as Rosco locked the door behind them after putting them in the holding cell until Peggey could get there to book them in. "I told you that this wasn't going to be good."


NARRATOR: Well, in the last week since the huge fight at the Boar's Nest a lot has happened. Dixie had indeed talked her Mother and Dad into letting her go to school here. All eight boys were out on bond. Much to Luke's surprise he had taken little 'flack' about the fight. Jesse may not take to fighting but he also didn't like any one threatening any female or his nephews. The boys court date was set irronically one month from the day Luke had went to jail for the first time after being sentenced to fourteen days in jail for fighting Tommy.

Luke took out the official looking paper from the envelope. He knew it was his court date for the fight. He shook his head in disbelief. "Oh, man, this can't be good."

Bo opened his envelope. It had the same date and time set. "What's wrong Luke?" Not seeing the relievance of the date.

Luke sighed, "I went before Judge Hardcastle last month on the same date for fighting Tommy."

Bo looked at Luke in disbelief as he dialed the number to the Hazzard Garage. Yes, Cooter's Court date was also set for the same date and time. Then he called Mark McCormick, Bo found out that Mark was also scheduled for the same time.


August 25 10:00 am Hazzard Courthouse

Luke, Bo, Cooter and Mark walked into the Courtroom. Jesse Duke followed the boys in.

Judge Hardcastle took the bench and before calling the Court to order he said, "Boys, you were all in this together. It's up to you. We can save a lot of time by having your hearings together or we can be here all day having four separate hearings. I'll give you a minute to decide."

Luke was made the spokes person for the group though he wasn't sure this was a good idea. They decided to stick together.

Judge Hardcastle asked, "Have you decided?"

Luke replied, "Yes, Sir. One hearing will be fine."

The charges of Battery and Destruction of Property were read. "What is your plea?"

Luke again spoke for the group. "Guilty."

Judge Hardcastle asked if the others agreed. They did and all had agreed to go ahead and be sentenced today. Judge Hardcastle looked right at Luke before saying, "You are becoming a regular. Considering I haven't seen your friends before I'll be giving you more of a break than I would were you here alone."

Luke read the message clear. Had he been alone and the next time he found himself here the judge planned on throwing the book at him.

Judge Hardcastle spoke again, "I am going to sentence each of you to 30 days in jail with credit for the time you have served. Sheriff here are your committments. They are all yours."


Once at the jail Luke said as Rosco locked the door behind them after putting them in the holding cell until Peggy could get there to book them in. "I told you that this wasn't going to be good."

After being searched and booked they were taken downstairs to the two cells below. Though cards were not allowed in Jesse's house they were allowed in the jail. The boys attempted to pass time with either cards or checkers. None of the four free spirited guys took to being locked in the small jail cells. Peggy had let Jesse bring them several car magazines which they took turns reading and re-reading, but found them not that interesting since there wasn't a car there to try the new things they were reading about on. Of course they each took turns doing a far amount of pacing back and forth in the six by eight cell.

A couple of days into the boredom Peggy came down with four letters.

Cooter's as expected was from Kathy. She wrote ...... Honey, I miss you! I know you couldn't and wouldn't have let your friends fight out numbered without at least evening the odds, but Daddy doesn't understand it. He's going to be a problem for us when you get home. I wanted you to know in case he trys telling you something like I don't want to talk to you. He'd do it but its not true. I've had more fun in the time we've been seeing each other than I have with any of those 'Country Club' guys he wants me to date. I'm just not the evening gowned 'belle of the ball' he wants me to be. I'd much rather wear jeans and go to the Boar's Nest with you. I know you're sharing this with the guys, but I don't care. I love you Cooter! :) Love ya, Kathy PS. Tell the others 'Hi!'

Mark was a bit surprised to see his was from his sister, Robin. She wrote ....... Mark, Have you lost all your senses? You know they (her parents) have always told you that if you got yourself into trouble they would let you get yourself out of it. Yet, I hear you jumped right in to back Luke. What was this all over? I'm only hearing Ralph's side which I take with a grain of salt. Then there's David digging at him about Luke. Then, he reverses his line on me trying to get under my skin. For what its worth tell the others I'm sorry. I don't know what happened but feel it's some how my fault. Love Ya, Your Sis.

Bo was surprised to see his letter was from Daisy's friend, that he'd danced with at the Boar's Nest, Beth, who started, ......... Bo, I wanted to write you and let you know that I enjoyed our dance the other night. I was hoping to get to know you a bit better until everything got crazy. That fight was unbelieveable! You all showed them! Did I hear right? All that was over Luke helping his ex-girlfriend because she was broke down? I hope they aren't still a thing because I think someone else really likes him. If your not too busy answering the other girls letters you can write me back if you like. Beth. ...... (Beth hoped he'd let her know if he was dating anyone if he wrote her back.)

Luke saw his envelope was from Dixie. He attempted to conceal this from Cooter for the time being. He opened the letter which read, ....... Luke, I wanted to let you know I was thinking about something you told me. Yes, I was feeling guilty about you going to jail becasue of me. I saw for myself the other night, then Daisy also explained that you are just the kind of guy who won't stand for anyone to hurt a girl no matter who she is. I am proud to have all you guys as my friends and I am proud of my brother too. The guys where I'm from would never have done what you all did. Nor would any of them have asked my Dad to his face about taking me out that first we went to hear the band. They would have asked me then I'd have had to done the talking Dad into it.

I hope you won't share this with Cooter. I wanted you to know something else. The day by the barn -- that was my first kiss. It wasn't like any first kiss that I've been told about though! :) I enjoy singing with you all at the Boars' Nest even though I was scared to death I'd forget the words.

I was able to talk them into letting me go to school here this year! :) I can't wait for my birthday in April so I may get to make more of those choices for myself. At least I'll still be here when you get home. Dixie :)

Cooter was the first to finish his letter and said, "Ok, let's switch." Bo and Mark handed over their letters as Luke put his in his pocket. "Oh, now that's not fair. Hey, Bo who was his letter from anyway?"

Bo replied, "Beats me."

Luke just smiled, "Never mind and I was asked not to share with you guys."

Mark said, "Must be someone who knows us pretty well. Was it Robin?"

Luke replied, "That is the last person who'd write me."


Late that night, when Luke thought the others asleep he pulled out Dixie's letter, reading it again. He sat up on the top bunk, got a few sheets of paper he'd put up there earlier and began to write. He left the name off it until finished it. Beginning simply:

Thanks for the letter. I'm not very good at putting things into words but I will try. It has been a long while since I have wanted to say things to a girl bad enough to put them into words. Just a word of caution, Jesse has always told us 'Never put things in writing that you don't want the whole world to see. Because you never know where or when that slip of paper will come back to haunt you.' So there may be things I'd tell you that I might not put on paper. You asked me not to share a part of your letter, well, I didn't but it wasn't easy not too. We have about memorized the car magaizes and they are bored. I can't wait to hear what you meant about that. Like I told you you have no reason to feel guilty and I hope your writing me wasn't out of that guilt. As you saw we were all very capable of getting ourselves in this mess. Trouble does seem to find us Dukes. I'm glad you are going to school here this year and even more glad that you will be here when I got out. I'd have to agree things should be much different after your birthday. Luke

He addressed the envelope putting the return address as Cooter Davenport. He folded the letter, then went back and added Dixie to the top of the page. After sealing the letter he slide it towards Peggy who was setting at the desk.

She raised her eyebrows at the return address. Luke replied, quietly, "Don't ask."

"Who? Me?" she said. Luke knew she had seen the incoming letter from Dixie.

Through out the many long nights Luke thought about Dixie and how things would be different after she turned 18 in April. That way Cooter or her Dad could protest but they couldn't stop them from dating if they still wanted to then. It would also be up to her if she stayed in Hazzard. Luke decided to just ride this thirty days out, then they'd all be busy through the upcoming holidays. He'd turn twenty in January then she'd be eighteen in April. He thought, 'Yes, this could work.'

NARRATOR: 'It's ashamed that even at such an early age how those Duke boys could figure so much out and STILL be so far off base! Don't go for the cookies and milk yet fokes!'


******** This post comes with a PG warning. *********

********** Nothing is really said but is strongly implied. ********

NARRATOR: Things in Hazzard were sure quiet for the next 30 days with the guys locked up. About the only excitement was school had started back. A couple of days into school Dixie was asked out by one of the football players. She for no reason she could think of, turned down the football player. "Humm, .... Wonder why she said 'No.' ?" The boys were released near the end of September.

The closer their release date got, the more the boys had planned to go juk'in when they got home. Mark planned on taking his steady Sharon, Cooter also planned to take his steady Kathy. Bo and Luke had other ideas. Bo had tried to date Jill but was 'getting' nowhere. Several girls had written him over the last month. Now, he'd thought about asking Beth out but not for this. Luke also wanted to ask Dixie out but the more the guys had talked the more Bo and Luke both figured they'd ask someone that was a little more of a 'sure thing' as they were all a bit 'frustrated'. Luke remembered Carol's offer of enertainment the last time he came home.

Dixie and Beth had offered their help to Jeb for the night the guys were released so they would have an excuse to go to the Boars' Nest. All Dixie had talked about was Luke to Beth. They had both been writing the guys as the Visitaion was set up during school so they were unable to visit.

Jeb who was now driving picked up Beth and Dixie. Dixie and Beth were dressed to get attention (they looked much older) though respectable. It was a couple of hours after Jeb and the others got to the Boars Nest before Bo, Luke, Cooter, Mark and their dates showed up. As the guys came in they were welcomed back by all their friends there. Dixie turned and saw Luke with Carol. She stopped dead in her tracks. Luke saw the 'very hurt' look on her face as he took in her appearance that was obviously for his benefit. 'DA--!!!' he thought. 'I just messed up!' The others took a table, but Luke suggested to Carol, "Let's grab a quick beer then get on with the 'entertainment'."

Dixie headed for the restroom determined not to let Luke know she was upset she was followed by Beth. Beth was also dissappointed. In Bo's letters he had almost said they would go out. When the girls returned to the bar room Luke and Carol had left.

Luke and Carol went to get on with 'things'. Luke had every intention of it not taking long. He hoped to get back to the farm, take a shower and return to the Boars' Nest before Dixie left. He was sure she'd not like his explaination but hoped she'd understand it. On the way home Carol sulked. She knew exactly why Luke had asked her out. She had played right into his hand. Usually Luke was a fun night but it was only 10pm and they were heading home. He had used her but then she had opened the door to be used when she called him last month.

By 11pm Luke walked in the Boars' Nest smelling of fresh after shave. He studied the crowd. Luther Davenport wasn't there. Cooter, Mark, Bo and the girls had already left. Luke spotted Dixie who turned her head away from him. Jeb, Coy and Vance witnessed the following exchange but didn't think too much of it. Luke walked over to where Dixie stood with Beth. "Dixie, I'm sorry. Give me five minutes to explain then if you still want to be mad I'll not bother you again."

At this point Dixie wanted nothing more than to be stubborn, but if she was she wouldn't hear the explaination and might loose something before it had a chance. She nodded, and said hoarsely, "Ok."

"Come on." he said as they headed outside.

"You didn't mean anything you wrote did you?" she asked showing her anger.

Luke replied, "Yes, I meant everything I wrote to you." He sat down on the General's hood with his feet on the bumper. "I am sorry I hurt you. For the last month I thought about you, wrote you and dreamed of YOU. Excuse me for being a little crude. Darlin', believe me that can be quiet frustrating especially when you are in jail with three other guys and there's nothing you can do about being frustrated."

Dixie was getting the picture and blushed.

Luke knew the explaination was getting through. "I am a heel, a jerk, a real dog. But, I thought too much of you to 'use' you. Last month when you were at the house, Carol called and propositioned me. I turned her down. As you well know I've spent quiet a bit of time in jail, working or here with band. Frankly, it has been awhile but I knew we weren't ready to cross that line. I respect you too much to ask you to do something you are not ready to do."

Dixie wasn't really happy with Luke's explaination but understood it. She looked into Luke's eyes with tears in her own eyes.

All Luke could say was, "I'm sorry." He pulled her into his arms and gave her the kiss he had wanted to a month ago. The kiss intensified and lasted several minutes when the sound of a familiar truck was heard approaching. Luke pulled himself away from Dixie, "That's your Dad coming."

She hurried to straighten her hair before returning to the others in the Boars' Nest. Luke was having his own trouble trying to straighten his own self out before going inside. Dixie couldn't help but notice he was a bit uncomfortable and couldn't resist. "So do you feel better after going out with Carol?"

Luke looked her in the eye and said, "No. ...... Worse now." he said as he took her hand in his. It was obvious to her what he meant! Luke now figured on a third shower, a cold one when he got home!

Dixie couldn't help but laugh and blush as they walked inside.


NARRATOR: As luck would have it. Ralph and his friends went to Court the day after Luke, Bo, Cooter and Mark got out. They were also each sentenced to 30 days Credit time served. 'At least the Judge was equal.' They would be released near the end of October.

Luke was working at the garage helping Cooter change an engine in Mercury Capri. The motor had blown on the previous owner and Cooter bought it, planning to change the engine and resale it. They were installing a 5 speed Turbo charged engine that Cooter had lucked up on in a trade. The little car should really scoot with it's light body and the Turbo charged engine. Luke asked, "Got any buyers for this thing yet?"

Cooter replied, "Nah, not many people know I have it yet. Figured to maybe drive it myself to see what it will do before putting a 'for sale' sign on it.

Luke replied, "Let me know first, OK? I might know someone wanting it."

"Sure thing there Lucas. You know it would never hang with the General or any of our cars." Cooter explained.

Luke said, "That's the whole point."

Cooter just shrugged and didn't ask anymore questions.

Doebro Doolin pulled into the garage about then in his green El Camino. "Cooter, got time to put a timing light on this thing? Everyone's going to go to the lake tonight and race them."

"Sure, pull on in. This can wait." Cooter replied.


Dixie talked to Daisy later they had plans to spend the night at Daisy's. Daisy and Dixie agreed to meet at the lake and watch the guys race for a bit before going to the farm.

At the lake Luke was at the General Lee with the hood up as Dixie and Daisy approached. Dixie asked "Problem?"

Luke said, "Nah, just checking him out before we run him."

Daisy asked, "Oh, Lord. Who's driving?"

"Well, I thought I'd run him a couple of times. Then Bo's wanting to try his luck with a couple guys that should get here anytime."

Mark McCormick showed up with his Firebird, "Care to let me try this thing out against the hottest car in the County?"

Luke handed his beer to Dixie to hold. "Sure thing."

They lined up. The flag was dropped by Daisy. Luke planned to take it a bit easy against his friend who had done major work to the Firebird. The Firebird jumped to the lead. Luke back shifted into passing gear and passed the Firebird easily about half way down the road they had set up as a race strip. When Luke saw Mark in the rear view mirror he shifted to Neutral and coasted across the Finish line. They both turned and went back to the stating point.

Mark asked Luke as he craweled out of the General. "Best two out of three? I want to try something else."

Luke said, "Sure as soon as they get off the strip." He motioned to the next two that were getting ready to race.

Dixie walked over to Luke still holding his beer. Setting in the window of the General Lee, Luke took a long drink of it before getting set to run a second time. Luke and Mark lined up. The second race went much like the first with Luke taking an easy win.


Luke parked the General, took his beer back and handed Bo the keys. Luke and Dixie headed over to the wrecker to take a seat on the hood to have a good view of the rest of the racing. They watched a few races when Luke suggested, "Care to take a walk by the lake?" He knew no one would miss them with the racing going on. He took another beer with him as they started toward the lake. Down by the lake Luke stopped Dixie. "I know a lot has happened since you've been back in town. I am hoping we can date opening after your birthday. I think your Father would have a problem with you seeing me considering my reputation with the girls and now especially with the trouble that I've been in." Luke took a long drink of beer. "There's also a couple of things you need to know. One of which I'll have to ask you not to talk about. I have only shared this with one other girl I dated. First, I want you to know that the local law here has 'wanted' me and Bo since we have been 18. They are out to get us for anything they can get on us."

Dixie gave Luke a confussed look as she reached for his beer taking a drink.

Luke continued, "There is a reason they want us and that reason is something I need you to keep to yourself?"

Dixie nodded 'yes' as she said, "Sure, Luke. I'll not tell anyone."

Luke tried hard to impress the seriousness of the issue. As he watched her take another sip of his beer. "Dixie, what I'm going to tell you, should you get mad at me and decide to tell this could get my whole family in trouble, not just me. You need to know that this is very serious and that's why it's not shared. Our families go way back, Cooter and you Father know what I'm going to tell you. This is another reason I think you Dad would object to us seeing each other." Luke looked into her eyes and was convienced that he could trust her probably more so than he'd trusted anyone before.

He finished the first beer they were drinking and opened a second. "Dixie, my family has ran moonshine for the last two hundred years. Now, things are getting pretty hot. They are trying to put a stop to it in this area. Now, as for Rosco, Boss and the others they want to put us away to slow Jesse down. See Uncle Jesse makes the best and doesn't short cut his shine. If Jesse can't deliver, ...."

Dixie saw where he was going and finished the sentence. "Then Boss sells more. Rosco is his puppet to stop you all?"

"Exactly. So if we are ever together don't be surprised if I get shook down. They could stop me in any vehicle at any time and shake me down. I'll promise you this. No matter what vehicle you're ever in with me there won't be any moonshine in it. Unless it would be planted there and then I'd take full responsibility for it. I just wanted you to know the possiblilty of us getting stopped is there so you won't be too shocked if and when it happens." Luke explained.

At this point Dixie shivered just as bit as it sunk in that Luke thought she was something special. "You can count on me to keep your secret."

"If I thought I couldn't, I wouldn't have told you." Luke said as he kissed her. Luke could still hear the the racing going on from where they were. After awhile they made their way back to the wrecker to watch some more of the races. As usual the General Lee was undefeated.

Luke opened another beer as Doebro Doolin walked up, saying. "What do you say we give it a try?"

Luke looked at his third beer, "Not tonight. You should have been here earlier. Bo might take you on."

"OK, I'll go talk to Bo. See ya'll." Doebro said as he walked off to find Bo.


The evening continued much like this. Dixie occassionally sipped on Luke's beer. Bo had continued to race. Since Bo was driving home Luke continued to drink beer, though he was by no means drunk he was feeling 'good'. He was watching the group, he knew that Dixie wasn't the only one under eighteen drinking tonight, though she was more subtly than many who were drinking underage. Including several of his own cousins. Bo had parked the General Lee for the night content to watch the others most of whom were now drinking and racing. He made his way over to Luke at the wrecker. A car pulled up behind the wrecker for the most part unnoticed by anyone. As the driver approached, Luke saw the uniform. It wasn't Rosco. It was the State police.

Luke swore to himself and whispered to Dixie, "Easy." As a couple others who were near Luke saw the uniform, they attempted to hide their beers, several started to run. Luke said, "Just hold up a second. Stay put!" For the most part the others listened to Luke who was standing by the wrecker still holding his beer. Luke recognized Trooper Mitchell who had a new trooper with him. "What can I do for you Trooper?"

"Well, we've had complaints of racing up here." stated Trooper Mitchell.

The younger trooper said as he took in the scene, "I'll get the PBT (Portable Breathalizer) and a ticket book. Should I call for a van?"

The older Trooper said calmly, "Just hold up." He looked to Luke. "Has there been any racing going on tonight out here?"

In his side vision he saw Jeb, Vance and Coy all had a beer in their hand. Luke saw no choice if he planned to keep a lot of people out of trouble. "Trooper Mitchell with so many people here tonight. Would you be satisfied with a conviction of second offense racing?"

The older Trooper asked, "And DUI?" looking at Luke's beer.

Luke knew he'd loose his license for a DUI. "I did race earlier before I started drinking."

"Well, since we are 'bonding' here. I'll tell you I have pictures of you racing. I also have pictures of you drinking while in the car. Now, suppose you tell me who you were racing?" asked the Troooper.

Luke knew if he had the pictures he said he did, that it had to be when he was racing Mark earlier. Luke attempted to bargain. "Suppose you let the rest of them go. I'll plead guilty to second racing, and public intox."

"Suppose I pull out this picture and indentify the driver of that other car?" stated the Trooper who didn't want to haul in this whole bunch. He had really not wanted to stop here at all because he knew it would lead to way too much paper work before they got out of here.

Before Luke could answer, Mark McCormick who was standing close by and saw what Luke was up to said, "He was racing me."

"Have you been charged before for racing?" asked the older Trooper.

Mark sighed, "Yes, so you'll have two second racings." Mark's date was also drinking and under eighteen.

The younger Trooper asked his superior, "What about, ....?"

He was cut short. The older Trooper said, "Look mostly what you'll end up with here is calling their parents and getting them chewed out for a little drinking. With hours upon hours of paperwork. You've got two agreements to plead guilty to jailable offenses. Had we not got that other call we may have been able to prove more than we can now. All we have is the pictures of these two racing. Besides, it will give the others something to think about."

Luke had never taken his arm from around Dixie and still sipped on his beer. She looked at him in disbelief as he took another drink. Luke also felt her shake just a bit.

"It's Ok." He said quietly. "Look I'm not going home tonight so what difference does it make. Are you still staying with Daisy?"

She nodded, and was barely heard, "Yes."

Luke whispered, he had heard her voice crack, "Don't do it. It will be Ok. You're going to be fine."

Dixie nodded. Unable to speak at this point without crying and Luke had asked her not to.

The older Trooper said, "Let's go."

Luke thought quickly and handed his wallet to Dixie, saying, "Give that to Jesse." It contained his pay day from the garage and he hoped enough for Jesse to Bond him and Mark in the morning.

Luke and Mark were both placed in handcuffs and put in the back seat of the cruiser. Mark said to Luke as the Troopers were fussing at the rest there. "Good move. All us over 18 would have been charged with Contributing if they'd wanted to push it. No matter where they got the beer."

"That was my thinking and hopefully there are several of them that their parents won't know they were out here tonight by us doing this." said Luke as the handcuff began to dig into his wrist. "Just remind me of that later. I don't think Jesse will see my logic here. I really don't."

"We're in the same boat on that one." said Mark about his parents. "And I think it has a whole in it."

Luke glared at him as the Troopers got back in the car.



The day before Thanksgiving Jesse handed Luke an official looking envelope. Luke sighed, "Care to guess when this court date is?"

Jesse just gave him a bit of a dirty look. Jesse hadn't been happy that Luke was racing. No matter how much he explained that he admitted to it to keep the others out of trouble, Jesse still wasn't happy.

Luke opened the envelope, took out the paper, saw it was set exactly when he suspected. He walked outside and cursed. He asked himself, 'How can anyone have three court dates in four months all scheduled on the 25th before the same Judge?'


Luke and Mark both plead guilty as agreed. Judge Hardcastle had said, "I'd like to teach you all a lesson but due to the fact Christmas is coming up and I'm a sucker for the holidays......." He paused, "Do you think you can manage to not come back before me this year if I only give you say, ......., fifteen days?"

Luke and Mark both answered that they could. So they were sentenced to fifteen days and were made a promise that they would be sorry if they came back before the Court that year."

Much to Luke and Mark's displeasure that statement was made in front of Rosco and the Troopers who they figured would do their best to arrest them before the first of next year. They were released Dec. 10th.

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