DixieDavenport Posted December 13, 2004 Posted December 13, 2004 Due to the lenght of the this story and the "changing times in 'my' Hazzard" I thought it was a good time to split the story. -- If you start reading here and like it you may need to read Luke's First Love for background information---- Enjoy ---- Thanks Dixie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Welcome to:Lukes First Love --- PART 2After the graduation ceremonies Luke and the guys had week of fishing, camping and drinking planned. Luke, Bo, Cooter, Mark, Jeb, Vance, and Coy piled into Jesse's pickup which had already been loaded with all their camping supplies and fishing pools. Jesse had agreed to let the use the truck for the week while Luther Davenport agreed to run the garage and wrecker alone all week as their presents to the graduates. Returning from the fishing trip was a 'new experience' for the graduates. They left as high school Seniors but returned as young adults expected to pull their weights as such. Though for Bo and the others it was summer vacation as usual.Luke's first day back started much like they had for years, with the morning chores, then he and Jesse worked on the fence in the back forty. After a bit of lunch he headed to town to work at the garage until closing when he'd take the wrecker home until midnight. Cooter would have it until noon the next day. When Luke arrived at the garage, Luther had a Ford Toreno in the garage and had been replacing the motor for Mr. Davis. Luke surveyed the motor and began hooking up the 'spaghetti' of wires. Luke was under the hood when a girl asked, "What ya doing?"Luke turned to see a girl in a baseball hat with a short brown pony tail hanging out the back. She had on blue jeans and a 'Hazzard Garage' T-Shirt. She looked a little familar but Luke could not place her until Luther said, "Now, Dixie, don't be bothering Luke when he's trying to get some work done."Dixie? thought Luke. No that couldn't be Cooter's little sister, Dixie. "I remember you!" Exclaimed the young girl. "You and Cooter used to try to scare me with worms. It didn't work. I even bait my own hook now. I just had to get over not wanting to 'hurt' them." she smiled.NARRATOR: See Cooter's Dad and Mother had split up many years ago. Luther raised Cooter. His wife raised Dixie. It seemed they agreed to disagree. They had split up but didn't divorce. "So you are the little brat that always wanted to follow us, not stay at home and play with her dolls." Luke kidded.Dixie snurreled up her nose, "Don't even mention dolls to me! I've seen more dolls and lace than I even cared to at home with Mom. That's why I wanted to spend the summer with Daddy!""Oh, Lord." exclaimed Luke."You can say that again! Please deliver us!" said Luther as he entered the garage. "Tell Jesse that I may be calling him. Don't get me wrong. I love you Dixie, but it has been awhile since I've had to handle you. Let alone do it without your Mother.""Oh, Daddy!" she exclaimed.Luke just smiled at the two. "I'll be sure to tell Uncle Jesse. Besides if he can handle Daisy AND us......."Luke had said the magic word, "Daisy!" squilled Dixie. "See, Daddy, I will have someone to hang out with!" Luther rolled his eyes. Luke shrugged his shoulders."Ok, but we have work to do here first." said Luther."Alright! What can I do?" asked Dixie eagerly.Luther sighed. It was going to be a long summer! "For starters, you can answer the phone and listen to the CB radio for wrecker calls.""I could always pump the gas and take the money so that you all don't have to quit working everytime someone pulls up for a couple dollars of gas." she offered. Luke had to give her credit it did make since. Even Luther saw that she may be able to be of benefit to him after all. "Ok, honey. You have got yourself a job." replied Luther.Dixie smiled. Being very pleased with herself. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted December 14, 2004 Author Posted December 14, 2004 NARRATOR: Dixie, being a true 'Davenport' at heart, it didn't take long for Dixie to be a real asset to the garage. Before long Luther, Cooter and Luke had her callling places for prices on parts. She proved that she was a natural, easily picking up on the information required to do the price checks. She pumped the gas and took the wrecker calls down for the men."Dad, Rosco is stuck up again, out on Mill Road, past the lake." called Dixie."Luke, it's your turn to fish him out." replied Luther, who was up to his elbows in an engine."Yeah. Yeah. Thanks." replied Luke as he headed for the wrecker.It had been a slow, boring day at the garage. Dixie asked, "Dad, can I ride along? I hear ya'll talking about the messes Rosco gets into. I'd like to see one for myself." "I don't care, if Luke doesn't?" he said as a question. "But, you had better listen and stay out of the way." Luther reminded."I will. I promise." she rolled her big brown eyes towards Luke, "Can I go? Please?""Sure. Jump in. As many parts as you've hunted for me I owe you this one anyway." Luke said as he closed his door on the wrecker.NARRATOR: Old Rosco had really out done himself this time. He was stuck but good! When Luke approached the area that Dixie had described, as Rosco had told her, he didn't see any vehicles at all. Luke slowed down to keep from missing him. Finally he saw Rosco walking toward him. "What the heck?" asked Luke. "Where's your car?"Rosco replied, "Just up the road a spell." Rosco got in the wrecker with Luke and Dixie, taking them to the spot he was stuck in. "Ok, Rosco,I still don't see your car." said Luke. "Just get out and look over right there. You should be able to see one of the lights from here." stated Rosco. He continued, "See there,.... was,... this deer.....""Never mind! I see it......... I think." grumbled Luke as he shook his head. "It's going to take at least two trips down THAT to be able to get it back up here. What kind of shape is it in Rosco?""Oh, it's not hurt. Well, maybe a crumpled bumped, but it should be alright otherwise." said the Sheriff.Climbing out the drivers' door, Dixie asked, "Luke, if you tell me what you need, I'm willing to try to help."Luke sighed. He had little choice. Either try to use Dixie's help or make several trips up and down the step bank. "Ok, but don't tell you Dad just yet?""Scout's honor!" replied Dixie.Luke set the wrecker to ready it to haul the patrol car up the hill. He felt that he could trust Dixie more than Rosco for help. "This lever releases the cable. Release it slowly as I take it down. Once I get it there and attached, slowly move this one to tighten the cable to bring the car up. I'll walk in front of it, in case we need to rehook it." Luke said as he started over the steep bank with the cable.With Dixie's help Luke was able to get the patrol car up the bank a lot easier then he had figured at first. It had still taken then about an hour to inch the car up the bank. Luke then checked the car out. "It looks Ok, Rosco. You can drive it or I can tow it on in if you want?" said Luke."If its all the same to you, I'll drive it in. Boss may not be so mad if its running when he sees it, kew kew kew...." said Rosco heading for the car.Luke said as he walked back to the tow truck, "Until he sees the bill." to finish putting the cables back up.Dixie couldn't help but laugh. As they started back down the road Luke said, "Thanks for your help back there, Kiddo. I'd still have been climbing up and down that bank back there fighting with that danged car.""I'm glad I could help. I thought it was fun." she paused, "I'm hoping to learn as much as I can this summer about the garage. Mom is always putting the garage down and I don't know why............"Luke found himself only about half listening to the rest of her conversation as they drove back to the garage. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted December 15, 2004 Author Posted December 15, 2004 It was late June. Bo and Luke were digging at an old stump in the back 40. "You drove him last year, Bo. It is my turn to run him this year." Luke said as he kicked the shovel again. Bo leaned on his shovel a second to argue back. "Yes, I drove him last 4th but you have driven him in more races!" exclaimed Bo as he kicked his shovel hard. He about half wished it was his older cousin he was kicking."I can not help that I am older!" replied Luke as he kicked the shovel again.A little louder, "And I can not help than I am a whole eight months younger either!" exclaimed Bo as he kicked his shovel again for emphases. Jesse was slowly, quietly walking up watching this exchange. It was the beginning of this heated discussion that earned the two this particular chore today. "Bo Duke you are impossible!" shouted Luke."Now, Luke!....." Bo's reply was shortened by Jesse whistling between his teeth for them to cease."Haven't you two worked this thing out yet? I thought by sending you two out here to fight with this stump you would quit fighting each other!" said Jesse. "I told you two when you all got that car I would not take sides or say who drove him when. And if you two worked together instead of against each other you might get this stump out of here this year! Get to working together and figure a way to settle this race thing, soon." Jesse turned and walked away back to the house. He wasn't really as mad as he acted. He was trying to get them to think and work as a team.Both boys stood watching Jesse walk away. Bo was the first to speak, "Got any ideas?""Oh, now you want to hear about my ideas." replied Luke as he leaned against the stubborn stump. "We could go back and get rope and try to pull it out of here with the pick up.""Do you think it will work?" asked Bo."I don't know but it sure beats this." He said as he tossed his shovel to the side. The boys returned to the barn for rope and the pick up. As Luke exited the barn he happened to see Jesse's box of blasting caps. "Bo I have an idea." He said as he picked up the plunger, wire, a blasting cap and a stick of dynamite.Bo walked in to see what Luke's idea was. Seeing the dynamite he picked up a second stick, "Jesse said for us to work together. They both had a good laugh.Back at the stump they used the rope to pull the heavy stump up as far as they could get it. Bo held the tension with the truck as Luke set the charges. Bo released the rope and pulled the pickup a safe distance away. Luke added several more yards of wire due to using two sticks of dyanmite. He connected the plunger as Bo sat beside him. "Ok, here's to working together." He passed the plunger to Bo.Back at the farm house Jesse was feeding the chickens when he heard a HARENDASS BOOM!!!!! At first he thought it was maybe a still exploding close by but knew there was none that CLOSE. That had been right here. The back forty!! He took off at a hurried pace. Those boys! If they are OK I'll KILL them! he fummed as he walked. Crawling back out of their 'hiding' spots Bo and Luke first saw Jesse hurrying their way, then saw the stump, whole and intact setting in a new hole about twenty feet from where it started from. One look at Jesse told them he was not in a good mood. "What in tarnation are you two trying to do." exclamed Jesse."You told us to work together." Bo said before Luke could shut him up."More like being grounded together!" said Luke a little louder than he wanted, as Jesse heard him.Jesse said, "That's a good idea there Luke. Now get to the house! And I wouldn't worry about who's driving the General Lee in the race."Knowing they had pushed way too far, they went to the house like two scolded pups. ~~~~~~~~~~~~The day before the race Jesse found Bo and Luke moping around on the porch. He sat his coffee down, picked up his stick, taking out his pocket knife. "Should I let you race the General tomorrow......Who'd drive?"Luke looked at him and said, "Bo."As Bo had also said, "Luke."Jesse took a couple of passes at his walking stick that he was making. "You have five minutes. Draw straws, arm wrestle, flip a coin, but tell me whos' driving tomorrow."The boys walked to the yard.Five minutes passed when Jesse called them, "Boys?"They had indeed flipped a coin. Bo spoke up. "Luke is driving tomorrow, Uncle Jesse. But the next racing event is mine, then his, etc....""Well, mark it on the calendar or something. I'm not having this go on again." said Jesse.Both boys asked in unisone, "Yes, Sir.""I guess you two better get him tooned up. I'll excuse you from supper if you like." said Jesse. Both boys thanked and hugged him as the headed to the garage for the last minute preparations for the race. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted December 17, 2004 Author Posted December 17, 2004 Cooter looked up from his own car as he heard the approaching General Lee. Dixie was off her stool and opening the garage doors before Cooter got there. Bo wheeled the powerful car into the garage. "Hey, hey, thought you two were grounded?" Called Cooter."What can we say? Jesse does have a heart." replied Bo, as he got out the General.Dixie smiled, "Well, good! I've been waiting all summer to see y'all race him.""Did it ever get settled who I'm going to beat?" asked Cooter."Funny!" said Luke sacrcastically.Bo replied, "Luke's driving him this time. Remember Cooter next race of any kind it's my turn.""Like you are about to let me forget." sighed Luke.Dixie just watched the guys exchange insults. Glad that Luke would be driving the General."We had better get at it." stated Cooter. "Yeah, Jesse expecs us to stay here tonight if that's OK. Figured we'd be up most of the night." stated Luke.Cooter agreed, "You have got that right! Yeah, it will be OK."They popped the hood and got to work.~~~~~~~~~~~~"Welcome folks to the Third Annual Overland Race. The starting positions were arranged from front to back with people who have never ran this race being given the advantage of starting first. Points were awarded to the drivers who have ran the past two years. Those drivers with less points will start behind the random field of new comers! Those with the most points are starting todays race in the back!" announced Boss Hogg. "The starting line up is as follows: First - Ralph Green, Second - Enos Straight, Third - Cletus Hogg, Fourth - Rosco Coltrane, Fifth - Mark McCormick, Sixth - Cooter Davenport, Seventh - Bo or Luke Duke. Line 'em up fellows!" Exclaimed Boss Hogg."Looks like he wants us to earn the win this year." said Luke as he and Mark headed to their cars. The starting flag dropped as the seven cars sped off! Mark, Cooter and Luke were setting back waiting for the first four to fight amoungst themselves awhile. Just before completion of the first lap Ralph and Rosco had wiped out. By the third lap Cletus had become stuck on the guard rail, Enos was in Hazzard Pond. The last three remaining cars entered the final turn together three wide. Luke had to give the General everything he had to take the win by a foot. Mark and Cooter tied for second. Luke, Mark and Cooter were outside their cars congratulating each other on the race when Ralph Green approached the three. "You might have won this chicken s----- race, but I'll challenge YOU to a drag race. Just the two of us!" Insisted Ralph who was only inches from Luke."You just name the time and place!" Luke said as he looked down on the shorter young man."Midnight! Lake road! Tonight!" insisted Ralph.Luke was mad and not thinking. "You are on!" Exclaimed Luke as he walked away.~~~~~~~~~~~In Boss Hogg's Office---"Rosco, you ninnie! You were there when that Green guy challenged Luke Duke to a drag race tonight!?" he half asked and half told his half witted Sheriff."Well, yeah, Boss I was....." Rosco was interrupted."In case you didn't know it, drag racing is illegal!....Look it up!" exclaimed Boss."Ooo, Oooo, Oooo, I got it! I'll just nail them!" Smiled Rosco."Rosco, that Bo and Luke are eighteen. That other one, Jeb, isn't far behind. Then there's I dont' know how many more of them. Jesse Duke will run me out of business if you don't put a lid on them before those boys start driving for Old Jesse full time! Now, you know the time, the place, and the cars. There is no way even you can mess this one up. Now get that Luke Duke! You haven't so much as ticketed him since he's been eighteen." exclaimed Boss Hogg."I'm gone!" said Rosco."Rosco, if you don't catch them you will be,... the night rent a cop,... at the drive in deli,... on Frontage Road!" Quote
DixieDavenport Posted December 18, 2004 Author Posted December 18, 2004 Rosco returned to his office and for once in several years found the large book that was hidden under years of junk on the top of his filling cabinet. He dropped the book on the dest with a loud thud. He blew off the layers of dust and opened the book to about mid-way. He found what he was looking for. He was doing exactly what Boss had told him, looking up drag racing in the State code: "First offense was a fine of $50-100." "No jail time. Wander if Boss knows that? Let's see here about a second offense." thought Sheriff Rosco. "Second offense a fine of $50- 500 and/or 6-60 days in jail." "BINGO!" said Rosco. "Third offense a fine of $100-1000 and/or 60 -120 days." "Kew, kew, kew, I got them this time! All I have to do is catch them and ticket them ONCE then they are mine!"~~~~~~~~~~New character -- Sarah Lou -- Lukes 'challenge' for the evening.Shortly before midnight several cars started parking at the look out of the lake. Cooter and Kathy had parked the wrecker to the side. Cooter had the night's wrecker calls and with a race about to take place one never knew when a wrecker might come in handy. Luke was calmly leaning against the General Lee wearing his racing coveralls that Robin had gotten him with his helmet setting on the top of the General. Sarah Lou was hanging all over him. Da--, I really hate this. At least Robin did give me room to breath! thought Luke. He hoped that all this would pay off later in the night.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the Davenport house, Dixie was in her room. She was supppose to be in bed hours ago. She knew about the race but neither her Dad or Cooter would let her go. She had taken the police scanner from the main room into her bedroom. At least if anything went wrong she hoped to hear about it. She had the General's plate number "CNH-320" written down. She layed quietly in bed and checked the time, 11:45pm. She sat up in bed.~~~~~~~~~~~~~11:45, a short distance down the road from the lake, Rosco sat quietly. He had backed his patrol car behind a large rock that had several downed trees nearby. Rosco had taken a snack and been parked in his hiding spot for three hours now. From his spot he had heard rather than seen several cars heading out to the lake. Rosco waited.~~~~~~~~~~~~Luke was surprised. Very surprised. She is with him! He did manage to hide his surprise before Robin, who was with Ralph, had a chance to see it. What she saw once she spotted Luke by the General was the female hanging off him, that he was busy kissing. Two can play this game. As Ralph was walking towards Luke, Robin caught up to him and drapped her arms around him as he walked. He had been walking with a purpose, when Robin had caught up with him. They took a few awkward steps before they reached Luke. "You ready Duke?"Luke reched into his wallet, pulling out a $100 bill. "Put up or shut up." He said handing Cooter the money.They all usually all raced for $50.00. Ralphs eyes went a bit wide at the site of the $100 challenge. He knew if he lost it would hurt but he had made the challenge. Ralph slowly handed Cooter his $100. The voice in his head told him he'd not have enough money to buy gas for the car, let a lone take Robin out tomorrow night and next weekend since payday was now 2 weeks away IF he lost. Going toward his car Ralph called Luke several choice words. Ralph was busy getting ready when Robin approached, "Let me wish you good luck." she said as she pulled him into a deep kiss. No a bit distracted Ralph was setting in the car straping in.Sarah was making a show of wishing Luke good luck. Luke peeled her of and climbed into the General Lee. He strapped in, put on his helmet and pulled to the stating line. Sharon waved a red rag around her head for them to start up and get ready. Rosco could hear the motors roaring. He started his car and pulled to the edge of the road.Sharon dropped the flag. Luke beat Ralph off the line. Ralph jumped off the line, his lighter car when it did leave the line quickly caught up to the General's drivers door. Luke smiled to himself hitting passing gear the General pulled away from the smaller car. Luke was approaching the finish line as he checked his rear view mirror. He had a clear view of the blue Chevy. He was well ahead of Ralph so he hit the clutch took the General out of gear to coast across the line. As he coasted across the line, with one eye on the mirror, Rosco pulled out boadside right in front or the General. "Sh--!!!!!!!!!" Luke said as he did everything in his power to keep from hitting the patrol car. Ralph was concentrating on losing that $100 and only saw Luke's brake lights come on. He was right on top of the General running wide open when he saw the patrol car. Luke had turned toward the left and was still sliding. Ralph locked the brakes and turned toward the right stopping about an inch from Luke which blocked his escape route back toward the lake. Ralph was so relieved he didn't hit anyone he failed to realize that Rosco was there on offical business. Rosco had already moved to the passenger side of the patrol car and was exiting the car gun in hand. "Freeze, freeze just both of you all shut those cars down and FREEZE!"Luke quickly checked his options. None! "!^(&$@(&)!!!!!" he swore as he turned off the motor and started to climb out the window. Ralph still relieved that he hadn't hit anything let out the breath he was holding, as he turned off his car. He slide to the passenger side and got out of the car.At the wide spot at the lake everyone who had anything strong than mouthwash was busy. Several started to jump in there rides and leave. Cooter, Bo and Mark were wise enought to discourage this. "Look the heat is down there right not. Don't bring it up here." stated Mark. "I want your license, registration, and proof of insurance right now!" exclaimed Rosco.Luke reached above the sun visor, retrieving the envelop that had the registration and insurance papers. Ralph now cursing reached into the glove box for his information.Rosco, being a top notched law enforcement agent (At the time.) reached for his mike, "Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane to Sheriffs office.""Trainee Straight at Sheriffs Office. Go ahead Sheriff." said young Enos Straight."Trainee Straight. I need a 10-27 and 10-28 (Lisence and Registration check) on Hazzard CNH-320 and Placid YAK-280, also, E285366 and E306654."Enos replied, "Both are 'valid - zero points', 'negative NCIC'. "10-4", stated Rosco into the mic as he opened his ticket book. He wrote one ticket then the next. He then handed one to Luke and the other to Ralph. "The Tri-county Judge will be in Hazzard on Wednesday. Court starts at 10 am. I suggest you be there!" He turned on his heel and walked to his car. Once in the car he keyed the mic, "Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane to Sheriffs office.""Trainee Straight at Sheriffs Office. Go ahead Sheriff." Enos."Tickets 100 and 101 issued." said Rosco. He was pleased as punch with himself!"10-4 Sheriff." sighed Enos. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted December 30, 2004 Author Posted December 30, 2004 Dixie heard the tag number called in. "Oh, brother!" she had also heard the tickets issued. "Great!" Now Jesse would really be mad and ground Luke for racing she thought. Uncle Jesse will either ground him and I won't get to see much of him or MAYBE he'll work at the garage MORE to pay the ticket. The later thought did make her smile.The guys had been right. Rosco was so pleased with himself he didn't even think about the fact that the others were drinking.Luke and Ralph each got in their cars and returned to the others. Cooter, Bo, Jeb and Mark gathered as Luke pulled back in. "Congratulations! ........ I think." said Cooter, handing Luke the $200 prize money."Yeah." sighed Luke, "I think I might just need that Wednesday." he said as he handed the ticket over."Well Cousin, looks like your luck couldn't hold out forever. You made it almost seven months without a ticket!" grinned Bo."Bo!" Luke growled.Ralph was now very upset. He marched over to Robin and said, "We're going." Taking her by the hand rather ruffly. They got in his car and quickly left.Luke on the other hand was letting Sarah 'make him feel better'. "Come on, I can make you forget all about that ticket!" she exclaimed. He figured that he wouldn't hear the end of this for quiet awhile so he'd better make the best of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~Dawn Hazzard CountyRosco was still pleased with himself! "I can't wait to tell Boss I done what I set out to do, even if I couldn't arrest them THIS time." he thought as he headed toward town. ~~~~~~~~~~~Luke headed the General down the lane toward the farm house. Halfway down the drive he cut the motor coasting in. He hoped undetected. Jesse was in the kitchen and already had the coffee on. He heard the General's motor shut off as Luke coasted in. "Them boys really think I can't hear that danged race car from the main road." Jesse said to no one as he shook his head. Luke eased out of the car,up the steps, and ever so quietly turned the door knob. As he stepped into the kitchen hoping to quickly get to his room, Jesse stepped as quietly in behind him. With a booming voice he said, "Trying not to wake me?"Startled, Luke flatten himself against the near by sink, "You scared the like out of me!" he said in his own loud voice. The mischief showed in Jesse's eyes as he tried to keep a straight face, "Good. What do you call yourself doing sneaking in here like that at dawn?"Luke swollowed hard, "Well, Jesse, after the race we all went out. I had a bit to drink and figured I'd sleep out at the lake and come home early this morning."A little more serious, Jesse said, "Luke, your sleeping out at the lake was a responsible thing if you had been drinking. The reason I scared you is that you tried to sneak in. You are eighteen. You pull your weight here. I am glad to have you here as a young man and I expect you to follow house rules, but I don't intend to try to hold you to a time to be home. I'd like to know if you are not going to be home so I know you are OK, but the door is open and there is no need to kill the motor halfway down the drive and sneak in."Feeling kinda of low for sneaking in and the fact that Jesse said he had been responsible last night, Luke didn't want to tell his Uncle about the ticket but knew the cat would get out of the bag if he didn't. "Yes, Sir. I am sorry for trying to sneak in." He paused, "Jesse, there is something else I need to tell you. I am not so sure you'll still think I was responsible last night." Jesse poured two cups of coffee, handing Luke a cup, and listened."After the race I was challenged to a drag race." Luke gave that a minute to sink in. "I had won the race fair, but Ralph Green must not have thought so. I went out to the lake and meet him. I think half the County was there. Halfway down the course I had him by a couple of car lenghts, I looked up to check my mirror, when I looked down, blocking the road was Rosco. Ralph boxed me in tight, there was nothing I could do....." Luke paused.Jesse still looked him in the eye.Luke almost looked away, but did not as he continued. "So, Wedesday morning I have to be in Court." he handed Jesse the ticket. "Well, I told you all when you built that danged car if you let it get you in trouble you had better be ready to get yourself out of it. Got any ideas?" Jesse asked.Luke shook his head yes. "The race money was for all of us so that's out. I figure I can talk Cooter into letting me work his hours on the wrecker between now and then with what I've already worked I should have enough to pay the ticket.""Luke, any trouble you all get into you know I'm behind you. If its a set up, if its the shine, even this I'll back you but I think you need to think about choosing to get yourself into trouble." said Jesse seriously.Luke replied, "Yes, Sir."They both heard someone else getting up. "Think I'll grab a shower before breakfast." said Luke.Jesse nodded as he sipped his coffee. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted December 31, 2004 Author Posted December 31, 2004 "Kew kew kew....Boss. I got them. I got them ths TIME!!!" stated the excited Sheriff."So you have them in jail?" asked Boss Hogg doubting his Sheriff a little.Rosco's smile faded, "Well, no, Boss. See I looked it up. I could only give them a ticket this time. There is no jail time until the second offense, so I wrote that Luke Duke and that Steele guy a ticket. After Wednesday, I just need to catch either of them one more time and they are off to the hoos-cal!" laughed Rosco."Well, now, well, and well! I got to give you credit for looking up the Code there Rosco. Next time you will have them dead to rights!" stated Boss. "I want them Dukes off the road. Do you hear me?""Yes, Sir, Ree! Next time I catch them racing they are MINE!" said Rosco. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hazzard GarageIt was still early in Hazzard when Luke pulled up to the garage. He climbed out of the General Lee and went in the garage through the smaller door. Cooter was there under the hood of a car that belonged to Agent Bucannon. "Hey there Cooter, what ya doing?" asked Luke.Cooter sighed, "It seems the ATF wants us to install a Turbo Charger in this. They are hoping it will help them catch some of those allusive 'moonshiners'." stated Cooter.Luke's eye got wide.Cooter continued, "Never fear! When have we let y'all down? You know Dad always makes sure you have at least 20 plus more horses than they do.""Yeah, but we can't compete with these." said Luke."Mistakes can happen. Who's to say it will work right?" said Cooter in a low voice.Lukes eyes went wide. "You mean.....""Hey as long as they think it is working what's the harm?" Cooter asked.They both smiled an evil grin and had a gut busting laugh.Luke decided it was time for him to tell Cooter why he was really here. "Say, Cooter, I know you and Kathy are getting pretty close. Would you like some more time to spend with her?" asked Luke."You are purposing what?" asked Cooter."Nothing major, just I think I will need some extra money for Wednesday. You probably want more time with Kathy. I figured you might like me to work some of your shifts with the wrecker." suggested Luke.Cooter thought for a minute. It would mean less money for him but IT MAY be worth it in the long run. "Sure. Anything for a friend in need." replied Cooter.~~~~~~~~~~~~~As Luke returned to the General, Dixie was coming back from Ruebottoms. "Luke." she called. He stopped and waited for her. "Hey, there, Dixie." He said friendly.Dixie asked, "Is everything OK?""Yeah, sure. What do you mean?" asked Luke.She confessed, "I was listening to the scanner the other night."Luke looked a bit confused, "You mean the night I got the ticket? OK, but how did you know it was me?" He knew Rosco hadn't mentioned his name on the radio.She smiled and blushed slightly, "I heard you tag number." Luke was letting this sink in when she continued, "CNH-320." There was a bit of silence between them for a minute before she continued. "How much trouble are you in?"Luke smiled a bit, "Not nearly as much as I thought I'd be in with Jesse anyway. You'll probably get tired of looking at me this week. I am going to work some extra hours so I can have money when I see the Judge Wednesday.""You don't think you'll go to jail or anything do you?" she asked worriedly. Luke smiled. She really seemed concerned. "No, I think if it was jailable Rosco would have arrested me the other night.""You are probably right." she said."My plan is to hopefully be able to pay the ticket that day. So I plan to work some of Cooter's wrecker shifts." he explained."That sound like a good idea. Let me know if you want any company on the calls." she said causally."Sure thing, Kiddo. I've got to get going. Jesse plans to also keep me busy. He wasn't real happy." he said as he slide in the General and started him up."I can imagine. " Dixie said to herself as she entered the garage.~~~~~~~~~~~~For the next few days Luke worked the farm, ran wrecker calls, and delivered shine. Not to mention hauling supplies for Jesse up to the stills so he could make his famous brew. Though Hazzard was a small County it sure was seeming like it had more than its fair share of wrecker calls. By Tuesday night Luke was beat, he had talked to Luther Davenport and had gotten paid up to midnight Tuesday night. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 1, 2005 Author Posted January 1, 2005 Wednesday MorningNARRATOR: Before Boss Hogg got his hands in the 'Cookie Jar', Hazzard, Placid and Chickasaw Counties had two Judges that would travel to each of the Counties at least once a week to hear everything from parking and traffic tickets to more serious felonies. It was also their duty to arraign (set a bond) for anyone arrested within 24 hours of their arrest. Being that these were small Counties with very low crime rates, each Judge only had to work a few hours a week on most weeks. Bright and early Wednesday morning, the Tri-County Judge, Milton Hardcastle arrived in Hazzard Square. It was a bright, warm summer morning as he made his way to the Court House. Once in the Court House, Trainee Straight brought the Judge the weekly files in his small office. Amoung the parking tickets were the two new tickets for Luke Duke and Ralph Green for racing. Judge Hardcastle began reading the files. Sheriff Coltrane barged through the door. "Did you see? I told you I'd get those Dukes!"Judge Hardcastle looked up annoyed, "Sheriff, this is my office and the door was closed.""Oooo, but, I got'em!" studered Rosco. "Unless you want me to throw all of these out of Court and hold you in Contempt, you will go back out, shut the door, take a seat and wait for me to call you. It's not like you caught the James gang with a bank bag full of money. You caught a couple of young men racing for goodness sake." the Judge fumed. Rosco tuked his tail and left the office like a whipped pup. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jesse more than suggested taking the pickup to town instead of the General. Luke joined him in the pickup. Both Luke and Jesse were dressed up a bit. Luke wore a new pair of jeans with a new blue plaid shirt in his wallet he carried the $100 won from Ralph--that Jesse didn't know about and also the $150 he had made working at the gargae. He just hoped $250 would be enough. Jesse along with a new set of bib-overhauls he wore a sport jacket. Jesse was unsure how much cash Luke had so he had went to the bank and taken out $300 that he needed to make the payment on the farm. He hoped not to have to use it but he would to keep Luke out of jail. He just didnt' want Luke to know that. They entered the booking area of the Courthouse to find Rosco setting outside the Judges' office. Jesse and Luke took seats across from him. Several minutes later the Judges' door opened, the Judge called, "Luke Duke and all parties having interest in this case."Luke, Jesse, Rosco, and Trianee Straight entered the office. The Judge was dressed in his black robe. He spoke to Enos Straight who would be baliffing for the Court. "I think we can do this informally in here rather than the big Courtroom.""Yes, Sir." answered Enos.The Judge pushed record on a small tape player. Enos called the Court to order. Judge Hardcastle began, "Mr. Luke Duke is it?"Luke spoke up, "It would be 'Lucas'.""Can I see you identification, Mr. Duke?" asked the Judge.Luke supplied the Judge with his driver's license. Judge Hardcastle studied the license. "Sheriff Coltrane, you wrote this ticket to a 'Luke Duke'. Mr. Duke just supplied me with a license for a 'Lucas Duke'. Is this the gentleman you stopped and ticketed?""Ooohh, ooohh, yeah, yes it is." stammered Rosco."Did you check out his license?" questioned the Judge.Rosco replied, "Yes, I did.""How did you run him? By Lucas or Luke Duke?" the Judge questioned futher. Rosco thought for a minute. Knowing his answer would decide if Luke walked or not. "I ran his driver's license number.""So you didn't pay attention to the name on the license you just ran the number?" the Judge was already aggravated with Rosco. "I ran the number. The picture was on the license was of the young man I know as Luke Duke. I just wrote the ticket out to Luke Duke because that's how I know him." Rosco tried to explain."Sheriff, I am a stickler for detail. I'll give you this one. Next time there is a variation I will throw it so far out of Court you won't believe." said the Judge. Luke cursed to himself. He thought for a minute the Judge would throw it out this time. The Judge got serious, "Mr. Duke, you received a ticket for racing. In this County it is illegal to race a car on a public road unless of course it has been posted temporarily as a racing area. Was this stretch of road so posted by a race offical?"Luke answered clearly, "No Sir.""Then how do you plead to this charge of racing?" questined Judge Hardcastle.Though Luke was a bit worried he tried to answer clearly, "Guilty, you Honor." He said, knowing he had been guilty of the charge. He also knew that he would have to pay but Jesse had taught him that lying would get him no where.Judge Hardcastle opened a file folder, read it for a minute or two, then said, "This is your first offense. I could have thrown it out of Court, thanks to our Sheriff's blunder, but I won't because he'd just take out a warrant and this whole thing would be drawn out." explained the Judge. "There is no jail time for first offense Racing. The fine can be from $50 to $100. For a second offense the fine is $50-$500 and/or 6-60 days in jail." the Judge paused for effect. "Normally I fine and sentence as high as I can go, because I figure that most people may have gotten away with whatever theywere charged with at least once before. Due to the Sheriffs blunder I am going to set your fine at $75 and give you 30 days to pay it."Luke set up even straighter, and replied. "Thank you Judge. I can pay the fine now if that's OK."Rosco was fuming.Luke paid his fine, walking out of the Court room with $75 in his pocket. Not to mention the $300 Jesse had he didn't know anything about. ~~~~~~~~~~~~Happy New Year Hazzard!!!!!!!!!! Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 3, 2005 Author Posted January 3, 2005 As Jesse and Luke exited the Judges' office, Enos called "Ralph Green and all parties having interest in this case."No one in the waiting area moved. Enos called again, "Ralph Green."Luke checked his watch. The time was 10:30 am. Both tickets were set for court at 10:00 am. Exiting the Court house, Ralph was just getting out of his car. He gave Luke an evil look as they passed. He had barely had enough gas to make it to Court. When Ralph arrived in the Judges' office he was 35 minutes late. Judge Hardcastle had promised if there was a next time and he was late he'd be very sorry. Ralph's fine was set at $100 and he was given 30 days to pay it. "Looks like I'm going to be broke from this all month." thought Ralph. NARRATOR: Looks like his mouth just cost him about $200, a $100 for the fine, and $100 to Luke.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jesse and Luke went over to the Hazzard Garage before returning home. Dixie was at her usual place by the phone where she could see cars pulling up to the pumps. Today had been slow and she was on the phone. "..... Do you really think I could?" she said in to the phone. "Oh, thanks, I think I can find out soon and let you know in a few minutes. I'll call you right back." she said.She turned on all her young charm as she walked up to Jesse. "Uncle Jesse, Daisy asked me to spend the night with her tonight. Would it be OK with you?" she almost pleaded. Jesse laughed, "Why, sure you can! You know how I feel, the more the merrier. As long as it's OK with your Father." he reminded. "Thank you! I'll go find Daddy now." She beamed.Cooter, Luke and Jesse just watched her bounce out of the garage. They all laughed at her."So what happened?" asked Cooter."He set the fine at $75 which I already paid thanks to those extra hours you gave me." Luke said a bit of relief showing in his voice."Anything for a friend." said Cooter, "Care to repay the favor?"Luke questioned with a smile, "You want my hours?"Cooter said, "No, nothing that simple. I've got a big job changing a motor. Can you help me out?"Luke looked to Jesse, "Jesse?" He questioned."I reckon if you help me today I can spare you a couple days." replied Uncle Jesse.Cooter replied, "Great. I'll finish up all this, clean up in here and be ready to go first thing in the morning.""I can do that." replied Luke.~~~~~~~~~~~~Duke Farm:After supper the girls went to Daisys' room. "I am so glad you invited me over, Daisy." she looked at Daisy's room she hadn't been in Daisy's room since she was about three. It wasn't expensively furnished but was the same room that Jesse had painted pink and white for her when she first came to live on the farm. "I can't believe I'm really spending the night HERE." said Dixie.Daisy looked at her a bit puzzled. "Like you have never stayed here before."Dixie replied, "That's when I was what three?"Daisy laughed, "Dixie, you know you are family and welcome any time." said Daisy. "What would you like to do this evening?"Dixie looking a bit embarrassed, "I need someone to talk to Daisy." Daisy plopped down on the bed, "Well, Honey, I'm a good listener.""This is girl stuff and I didn't want to call Mom. Dad and Cooter would never understand." she paused. "I am hoping to convience Dad and Mom to let me stay this fall and go to school here.""That's great. But what's the problem?" questioned Daisy.Dixie said quietly, "It seems everyone is treating me like a kid. I need to do something to make them see I'm not a kid." "What do you have in mind?" questioned Daisy.Dixie shook her head, "I was hoping you'd have an idea.""Well, I know you have been a big help to your Dad at the Garage...." Daisy was interupted.Dixie said, "It's not really him....." she paused. "All the guys here know Cooter. Now, they know me as his 'little' sister, the brat at the garage."Daisy was seeing where this was going. "Is there any 'guy' you'd like to impress." Dixie shrugged her shoulders, "Not really." she fibbed. "I'd just like to be noticed and not as Cooter's little sister."Daisy saw the cute teen setting before her looking up to her. She had her hair pulled back in a pony tail, wearing a Sweatshirt of Cooter's that was too large for her, with jeans, a cap, and tennis shoes. Daisy had always been a 'tomboy' chasing behind Bo and Luke, but she too had went through this stage only about a year ago. Smiling, she said, "Stand up here a minute." Daisy took in her size figuring they were about the same size. "I've got an idea. Are you game?""If I weren't I wouldn't be here." said Dixie."Great! Come on." Daisy grabbed a thick bath robe from her closet. In the hallway she took two large bath towels and wash cloth from a closet. They walked to the bathroom. Daisy showed her where things were and told her she'd meet her in her room. Daisy went to her room and was searching her closet and dresser drawers when Dixie returned from her bath. She was in Daisy's robe with her hair wrapped in the towel. "What do you think we start with the hair?"Dixie looked a bit scared, "My hair?""Sure, just a bit and if I mess up it will always grow back." Daisy joked. "Besides I cut mine.""Well, Ok, then." Dixie said with a fading thought, "No turning back now."Daisy combed Dixie's hair. She looked it over. Picking up the scissors, she began to 'feather' the front of Dixie's hair and just took the broken ends off the back. "Now run wash it again real fast." Daisy instructed as she cleaned up the mess.When Dixie returned it looked like she had walked into a beauty parlor. Daisy had set out hot curlers, curling irons, hair dryer, along with several makeup cases. "Daisy!" Dixie sqeaked, "I came to Hazzard to get away from being so girlish. I think you have more stuff than my Mom." "Now, Sugar, there is nothing wrong with being a 'tomboy' as long as you look like a girl doing those things. Trust me." smiled Daisy. "If you don't like it you can wash it out and we'll try something else.""OK, you win." replied Dixie with a laugh.Daisy dried her hair, rolled the back with hot curlers, curled the front with the curling iron. In a very few minutes she was taking the curlers out and combing Dixie's hair into place. She had turned Dixie from the mirror so she couldn't peak. She applied a little coverup on the couple of pimples on Dixie's face. She continued with a little eye shadow and mascara. Though her face had it's own color to it Daisy decided to do the works but with a soft touch. A very thin line of eyeliner was applied, a slight touch of ruge, the slightest bit of pink lipstick, and a little facial powder. Next Daisy wen to her jewerly box and handed Dixie a pair of dangly earrings and a simple necklace with a 'music note' charm on it. Daisy serveyed her work. "Ok, now hold still a minute." She took a sheet and covered the large mirror. "Now, put these on." She handed Dixie some paney hose, then a deniem skirt that was just abouve the knee, and a pair of her high heels. Once she had gotten them on she found a red sleeveless top that bottoned up part way. After Dixie had put it on, though her and Daisy was were about the same size something wasn't right. "Ok, wait a minute. Take it back off and let's try it again with this on." She took out a bra from her draw made a few adjustments. "Now, try that."Dixie did as instructed.Daisy looked her work up and down. "That's more like it. Are you ready?""Sure." said Dixie. She was expecting to see 'Cooter's little sister' in the mirror with Daisy's clothes.Daisy uncovered the mirror. Dixie was speechless. "What do you think." asked Daisy excitedly. All Dixie could say was, "WOW!" They sqealed and laughed so hard it brought Jesse down the hall from the living room. He knocked on the door, "Is everything OK, girls?"A burst of laughter was his reply followed quickly, "Yes, Uncle Jesse, everything is fine. Sorry we disturbed you." said Daisy."I'm sorry too." said Dixie.Laughing to himself he told them, "Guess I'm just use to rough housing boys than girls. Have fun ladies." He went beck to his paper and coffee in the living room.Daisy had Dixie trying on half her wardrobe before the evening was done. Much laughter was heard from the room. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 4, 2005 Author Posted January 4, 2005 It was a warm summer night. Bo and Luke found Jesse on the front porch with a cup of coffee when they returned form their evening chores. "Where is everyone?" asked Luke."Well, Daisy has a friend over. So Jeb, Vance and Coy decided to head for 'high ground' so to speak. They went camping and fishing out on the back forty."Luke laughed, "Oh, yeah, I heard Dixie ask you if she could stay over today. Do you want us to go check on the guys?" Offered Luke.Jesse sipped his coffee, "No, Jeb is with them they should be fine, but thanks for offering." Bo and Luke each took a spot on the steps. "So where are the girls?" asked Luke.Jesse smiled, "I hope you fellows don't have to go to the bathroom anytime soon. I've heard them in and out of there all evening. They are in Daisy's room now."Bo replied with a grumble, "Oh, man!" "Now, Bo, it will do Daisy some good to have a girlfriend around." replied Luke. "Especially since Robin hasn't been around for so long." Luke said a bit lower. "By the way, you don't seem to mind when Jill comes to stay over.""Now, Luke that's different. At least when Jill comes over they don't tie up the bathroom." Bo fumed. "Now, boys. You five are always having company. Just leave them be. Besides, we need to talk." said Jesse. "So go get you a cup of coffe or glass of tea and get comfortable."Bo started up off the step, "Yes, Sir."Luke also was standing by now, "Uncle Jesse, we aren't planning to go anywhere. The boys are gone and the girls are hibernating in the house. Would you mind if I go to the barn for something to drink?"Bo's eye lit up hopeful, glad his cousin had asked.Jesse considered this. He nodded his approval. "A quart, Luke.""Yes, Sir, Thanks." He said heading for the barn."I'll get the glasses." said Bo. Bo eagerly returned to the porch with the three jelly glasses before Luke returned form the barn.Luke returned, handed Jesse the jar of shine. Jesse poured them each a small glass of shine, setting the remained behind him in the swing. After they had all had several sips, Jesse started, "Now, Bo, Luke and I have had many talks about this and I know we've had a few ourselves. Due to what went on last weekend I feel the need for us to all talk about this again." He paused, "You are both eighteen, Jeb isn't too far behind. You can all be a great benefit to me, to this family. J.D. (Hogg) knows this. He is becoming greedy. He thinks if he can stop you kids he'll put me out of business. I have always been able to make us a living, without help, but J.D. is growing. Some of the customers are not after quality, some are after cheap, and others would turn to him if I couldn't supply them....." he trialed off. Not liking how this was sounding. "I love you boys more than life itself. For me it's not about the business. J.D. on the other hand sees you all as a threat to his business. Now, Luke let himself be goaded into a race which got him a ticket. Yes, he worked extra and paid it, so all's forgotten. Right? ..... Well, wrong. I know Rosco, he is in J.D.'s pocket. He has been a top notched Sheriff, but for years J.D.'s had a hold on him. He won't forget that ticket. I know him he is out to get you both. Luke, you heard what Judge Hardcastle said about the second offense for racing."Luke took a sip of shine, "Yes, Sir." "Well, that's what Rosco is setting up. He gave you a ticket, now, the next time he catches you he will push to lock you up." stated Jesse. "I have heard you guys get together and race out at the lake." Jesse paused. Bo and Luke just looked at each other wondering how he knew that.Jesse continued. "Never mind how I know that. Rosco caught you racing at the lake. I can talk and talk to I'm blue in the face, but if you go back out there racing he will catch you again. It may not be tonight, tomorrow or next year but he will catch you again." Jesse saw the look on Bo's face. He's thinking it wouldn't have happened to him. "Luke did you have a choice in getting that ticket?"Luke looked up surprised, "No, of course not! Rosco boxed me in tight in the front, there was a bank on the right a fifty foot drop on the left, then that jack a-- stopped behind me. He looked happy when he shut off the motor like Rosco was there to ask us to a church dinner!" exclaimed Luke.Jesse held up a hand to stop Luke's out burst. "My point is,... Bo, had you been driving you would have been just as blocked." stated Jesse.Following Jesse's lead, "Yeh, you were there. You saw it. He had me. He had me dead to rights."Though Bo couldn't help to think he could have gotten out of it he agreed, "Yeah, I know." he said not conviencing either Luke or Jesse.Jesse refilled their glasses. "Another thing. Luke you are operating as a 'free agent' again these days. Bo you have always played the field. Don't miss the fact that J.D. and Rosco can play dirty. They could try to set you up having a underage girl have you buy them a beer, or worse yet take her to bed. Please, boys watch your selves and you A---!" cautioned Jesse.They both answered, "Yes, Sir." at the same time."Well, I'm going to try to get into the bathroom and turn in. Luke you have an early day tomorrow and I'll need you both tomorrow night." said Jesse as he got up leaving the half filled Mason jar on the swing. "Good night boys." he said as he walked away from them.They looked at the jar and then to the retreating form of their Uncle, and said again in unison, "Good night, Uncle Jesse.""Think he could be right?" asked Bo.Luke considered it for a long minute, "Yeah, I do." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 6, 2005 Author Posted January 6, 2005 Hazzard DawnLuke set in the General Lee outside the Hazzard Garage, thinking, "Cooter Davenport I could have still been at home. You are late!"Several seconds later the wrecker pulled up. Cooter unlocked the garage door, "Sorry I'm late I stopped for breakfast." he said holding up a box of dounuts. Luke smiled, "I'll forgive you this time then. Bo's doing my morning chores then Jesse will drop him off to help later." Cooter replied, "Great! Two Dukes for the price of one!" Setting the dounuts on the work bench, he opened the refrigerator by the work bench, handed Luke a beer, and got one for himself.Luke punched him in the arm for the remark about 'two Dukes for the price of one' as he took the beer. "My kind of breakfast. Beer and dounuts."Later..........Bo still hadn't showed up. Cooter answered the phone. After getting off the phone he said, "Luke, Rosco is fishing in his car AGAIN. Do you want to go or me?" Luke was under the car. The motor was secured by a chain and had a jack under it as Luke was about to take loose the motor mounts. Everything else was ready. "You go ahead. I'll loosen these and have it pulled by the time you fish him out." stated Luke.The wrecker started and drove off. Several minutes later Luke heard foot steps enter the garage. A female voice called, "Who's under there?"Luke answered as he rolled out from under the car on a creeper, "Just me." He looked upside down at the person the voice came from, he pushed farther out and set up to make sure he was seeing what he thought he saw. "Da--, I mean, Dixie?!?" he excalimed his question."Have you seen my Dad?" she asked."Uh,....no,... Cooter's in the wrecker. I haven't seen you Dad." He studdered, still not believing this was Dixie!. She was in heels, a skirt, blouse and her hair was not in a ponytail! There was something else. What? Luke thought. "Where's the wrecker?" Luther Davenport asked as he entered the garage. "Oh, I'm sorry Miss. Can I help you?" he questioned."Daddy!" exclaimed Dixie."Dad...?" his voice trailed off as he recognized his daughter. "Dixie?"A bit annoyed, "Yeah, its me. I have something to ask you. Come here please?" she said as almost a beg. Once outside, she asked, "Daddy, I was asked to go out to the Boar's Nest tonight by Tommy Rogers. It is teen night and I know you'll be there. Can I please go? He's the first boy to talk to me. Please?"Luther was torn between protecting his only daughter and not making an enemy of her. "I don't see any harm, like you said I'll be there. But, I want to talk to him first!" "Yes, Daddy. He'll be by here about closing. Thank you." She said hugging him. I'm going to Ruebottom's can I get a few things I need? About $10 worth of things?" she asked.Since she had been there she had not asked for anything and she had earned her 'keep'. "You can put $20 on my ticket.""Thank you Daddy!" she sqealed as she hugged him and hurried off.Luke was out from under the car. He had heard most of the conversation. "Luther, I may be out of place, but I say this in good faith. Did she ask to go out with Tommy Rogers?"Still feeling like the 'Father of the Year', Luther replied, "That's right.""And you approved?" questioned Luke with a look that said he didn't believe this."Well, you've all known Tommy forever. He's been around here many times. Yeah, I approved. Why?" asked Luther.Luke considered his answer, "I may be out of place. I'm sorry if I am, but I'd rather say it and be wrong than to keep quiet and be right. He asked Daisy out awhile back Jesse sent him packing. He has a reputation of getting 'what he want's' ". Luke said blushing."Luke Duke! I'd talk if I were you! I think I know what I'm doing! Reputation! HA! .... Yes, you were out of line!" huffed Mr. Davenport.Luke held you his hand, "Forget it then. I'm sorry."Luther pasted the garage for quiet awhile saying nothing. Considering the information Luke Duke had shared and the fact he wanted to keep his daughter's love." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 8, 2005 Author Posted January 8, 2005 Closing time came. Luke took the wrecker's keys and was heading to the truck when Tommy Rogers arrived to pick up Dixie. They were heading to the Boar's Nest to hear Jeb's band. Luke planned on making an appearance there to make sure Tommy was a gentleman. He hurried to the farm, did his evening chores, ate quickly, grabbed a shower and headed to the Boar's Nest in the wrecker.Teen night was stressful for the employees at the Boar's Nest. The had to ID everyone and watch those who bought alcohol to make sure that those under eighteen didn't manage to get it. The band had began playing. Dixie and Tommy were setting up front. Luke entered taking a seat at the bar. He ordered a beer and sat sipping it. He hadn't been there an hour when the phone rang. The bartender handed him the phone. It was Maybelle the operator asking for the Hazzard wrecker. Luke took the phone, "Luke, I got a call. Sheriff Coltrane is stuck up out on Highway 411.""How could he get stuck on 411? It's paved! ...... I'm going.Thanks Maybelle." Luke was peeved. After getting Rosco out of the ditch he had managed to get himself into, Luke took a shortcut down by the lake to get back to the Boar's Nest before Tommy and Dixie left. What he didn't know was that Tommy had tried to play the 'gentleman' and take Dixie home early. He had made a detour............Out by the lake Tommy pulled off the road, he shut the car off, and put the keys in his pocket. He leaned over to kiss Dixie. She was flattered and kissed him back. While kissing her and having her attention he locked her car door -- Dixie didn't hear this. Dixie still thought this was what she had waited for. Tommy leaned farther over to her side of the car beginning to groap her. She tried to push his hands back. He said, "Put out or get out!" as he tried to pin her between himself and the seat when Dixie began to get scared. He pinned her to the seat and when she tried to scream he leaned over her putting his weight on her as he continued to groap her. She got her foot up and kicked him with all her might with the high heel of her shoe. He backed off for a moment. She grabbed for the door handle which was locked. He grabbed at her again. Dixie took off one of her shoes and began to wail him with all her might as she unlocked the door. She managed to get the door open and ran away as quickly as she could. It had began to rain as she walked the dark road where few cars traveled at this hour of night on a week night. Dixie was soaked throught when she heard a vehicle approaching. Fearing it was Tommy she started to hide in the bushes, but before she could find a place she saw the lights coming from the other direction. She flagged the truck down, suddenly recognizing it as her fathers' wrecker. She was very relieved that it was Luke and not her Father.Luke saw a wet form of a female flagging him down on a deserted lake road. He immediately stopped. He then realized it was Dixie Davenport. She was barefoot, soaking wet, and her clothes were in disaray. "Dixie are you OK? What happened?" he pounced a little too quick. He turned up the heat in the truck."I'm fine NOW!" she said relieved. "Nothing happened." She said too quickly. Luke knew she wasn't telling him everything, but knew not to push her or he'd push her away. He drove quickly trying to find the source of her problem. He suspected Tommy had tried (hopefully not succeeding) to push his affections on her. Not finding Tommy immediately, Luke stopped, taking off his jacket, he saw the scared look on her face as she sat shivering. "Dixie, I'm just stopping to give you my jacket. You are wet and I know you are cold." he tried to reassure her."Thank you." she said weakly. He pulled back out and suddenly realized he wasn't sure where to take her. "Dixie, I don't know what you've been through tonight. I can take you to the hospital, to find your Dad, the farm, your house, you just name it. I'll trust your judgement if you don't want to talk about it."He's being so sweet. She thought, Through the lump in here throat she said, "My house please?" "You got it." he said a bit relieved. He hoped that if something truely terrible had happened she would have chosen another of his options. Pulling up to the Davenport farmhouse, Luke was relieved to find it dark. He opened the truck door for her and led her to the house. "You are still freezing. Go take a hot shower before you catch your death. Tell me where to find you something to wear and I'll get it."She sniffed still looking at the floor, "Tall dresser in my room. Thanks, Luke.""Just go get warm. You don't have to thank me." he said. He went to her room, turned on the light, going to the dresser he opened several drawers before finding something he thought would be warm. A pair of flannel Pajamas, thick socks and underwear. As he turned to go out of the room, hanging on the tall bed post was a thick bath robe and slippers on the floor. He took them, and the PJ's to the Bathroom door. He knocked, "Dixie, take your time. Your clothes are at the door." "Ok." a mumbled reply came from the door. She was either crying or had water in her face. He deduced. Luke walked into the kitchen finding the makings for hot chocolate he also found popcorn. He put the hot chocolate on and started the popcorn. Going to the living room he found marathon of comedies on TV. He also heard the shower cut off. Going back to the kitchen he poured the hot chocolate and put the popcorn in a bowl. Then he went back to Dixie's room where he saw a large quilt on the bottom of her bed, taking it he went back to the couch. As Dixie came out of the bathroom he took the quilt to her, "Here." he said wrapping her in it. "Come in here and see what else I have for you." She held the quilt tight as the went to the couch, seeing the hot chocolate and popcorn. She smiled almost crying."I thought I'd fix the hot chocolate to warm you up and I ran across the popcorn. There are several movies I've been wanting to see on tonight. I figured I might as well stay and make sure you are OK for a bit and maybe you'd like the movies too." he said.They set on the couch. He handed her the hot chocolate, "Are you warming up?"She answered truthfully, "I don't think I'll ever be warm again. ...... Hold me?" she sqeaked. "Please.""Come here." He took her in his open arms. "I'm here. I'll listen. I'll be a shoulder if you just want to cry." She looked up at him and melted in his eyes. Letting all her fear and anger flow away with her tears. "Da---- YOU! Tommy! you have gone way too far tonight!" Luke swore. "You'll answer to me. Just wait!" After she had cried for awhile, Luke reached for a tissue for her and asked, "Please tell me what happened. I know you didn't do anything wrong.""He tried to force me,..... to you know, .... He told me 'put out .... or get out', ...." she cried. Luke held his breath, trying to control his temper.She continued, "So, .... I ..... got .... out ... I had to kick him .... Had to hit him with my shoe, but I got out ......" she began to cry again. "I almost hide when I heard you,.....I thought it was him...." she sniffed. "Are you sure you are OK? Is there anything I can do?" he asked. "You are doing more than I can ask. Just please don't tell Daddy, Cooter or anyone else, ever. Please. Promise me?" she begged.Luke shook his head, "Dukes' Honor." Though he thought, "No,I won't tell anyone, but I swear to get more than even with Tommy Rogers. No matter what! " he almost shook he was so mad. "Anyone to try to force someone against their will is a pretty low life character." he said with disgust. Luke was torn between comforting her and getting even with Tommy. He decided that for now he was needed much more by Dixie. He'd get Tommy later. He stayed held and comforted Dixie until it was late. He knew Cooter and or Luther would be home soon. "Are you ready to try to get some sleep?" He had felt her doze on his shoulder. "No." she said honestly."I was figuring I'd tuck you in bed. Lock the house on my way out and we'd not have to explain how and why I'm here at midnight." he said."Oh, sh---!" she looked at the clock. It was seconds away from midnight. "Luke you have got to go!" "Calm down, let me tuck you in and I'll be gone before they get here." he said soothing her.She climbed into bed. Luke spread the extra quilt over her even though it was summer. He pulled the covers up to her chin, tucking her in. "Goodnight, Dixie.She managed to pull her arms back out to hug him, "Thank you Luke.""No problem. Good night. I'll lock the house on my way out." he assured her.She layed in bed, heard the wrecker start and drive away. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 8, 2005 Author Posted January 8, 2005 It was almost one in the morning when Luke arrived home in the General Lee after dropping the wrecker off to Cooter at the Boars Nest where Bo was waiting for him in the General Lee. He and Bo entered the quiet farm house quietly. Luke took a clean coffee cup from their rack, poured himself a cup as Jesse entered the kitchen fully dressed, "I was getting worried about you two.""Sorry, Uncle Jesse. I got tied up on a wrecker call." stated Luke honestly. He had been on a wrecker call when he found Dixie. Luke was still furious about the Tommy trying to force Dixie into anything. "Tilley is loaded. Bo and I did that earlier today when we took the supplies up." said Jesse putting on his red cap to go out. "Let's go boys. Jeb and the others will be here soon. Daisy is already in bed." Luke asked, "So what's the plan tonight?"Jesse began to lay it out, "They are getting used to thinking you fellas are running the load. I'm taking Tilley out in a bit. I want you fellas to take the pick up and the General go out the back forty make it look like you are the runner and blocker. Stay in touch with me and each other on the CB on channel 17. Just remember you never know who's listening so watch what you say." he cautioned. CB's were still very new and not in the Hazzard County Sheriffs budget though they were not too sure about the ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) agents."Let's hit it Bo." stated Luke.Bo replied, "Yeehaw!" but kept his voice down somewhat as to not wake Daisy.Jesse heard the two 'crank up and cut out'. "Well, I should have enough time to drink another cup before they get in too much trouble." he said to no one while pouring his coffee. "Lost sheep 2 to Lost sheep 1" said Bo.Luke replied, "Come on 2. Where are you?" Knowing full well where he was but wanted Jesse to know their location.Bo replied, "Just dropped a pretty little filly off and was about to head out toward Hazzard pond to see what's up out there. I'm on Mill Pond Road now." he said grinning widely.That was the call Jesse was waiting on. He headed out the door. Tonight was a big load that was going to a long time friend who ran a little bar in Chickasaw County. Jesse had Tilley's trunk loaded with a 100 gallons of his finest moonshine. Thanks to Luther Davenport and the overload shocks the trunk didn't set down much at all even with the added weight. That's it Bo! thought Luke. "Let me know if anyone's out I might join you." 'Anyone being the law that Bo's looking for.' thought Luke"I doubt anyone being out I haven't seen a car yet." said Bo as he hammered the General Lee's accelerator hoping to shake the trees and see if anyone was out that way. Bo was running about 2 miles in front of Luke as they usually did when they were on a run. Several minutes later Bo saw the flash of blue lights just before he heard the siren. Bo still grinning as he down shifted the General into passing gear, "Would you believe the only car out here would have to be Rosco?""Yes." Luke replied, "with your luck. Yes. If that's the case just loose him I think I'll just head to the farm." Across the police radio, Rosco called, "I'm in pursuit of a Orange stock car near Hazzard Pond. It is headed toward Chichasaw and or Placid County." Rosco knew that this side road that they were on could go the either County which bordered Hazzard County."This is Sheriff Little of Chickasaw County. I'll have a road block at my County line."The Placid County Sheriff advised, "I'll be set up there in two minutes.""Well, you may be in pursuit of the Orange stock car Sheriff, but I'm behind what he's running blocker for." said ATF Agent Bucannon.Being 'high tech rednecks' (even for back then), Bo, Luke and Jesse all had scanners that could pick up this transmition. Jesse just laughed as he headed Tilley down another road going to Chichasaw County. "Keep them busy boys." he said to himself. "Kew, Kew, Kew, I got them this time." said Rosco.About the time Luke had floored the pickup to go help Bo, then he saw the unmarked car of Agent Bucannon. When Jesse Dukes' pick up past him after hearing the Sheriffs transmissons the agent saw a large container in the back of the truck and knew that Luke was carrying a large load of moonshine.NARRATOR: Now let's see what we have. Agent Bucannon jumped in behind Luke, who was hammered down to aid Bo, who had slowed a bit to keep from loosing Rosco, who was chasing him.Luke keyed his CB mic, "Bo we got them where we went them, ..... I think."Bo continued up the road until it forked. There he saw the Chickasaw and Placid County cars blocking both escapes from Hazzard. He checked his mirror Rosco was still there.Luke saw the access to an old part of the road which went up a hill. He crossed the ditch and took the old road which would meet back up to the main road. At the top of the small hill Luke took a left and headed directly toward the main road. He knew the bank dropped off sharply and he should land back on the main road which he did behind Bo, but in front of Rosco, who locked the brakes of the cruiser up to keep from hitting the pick up. Agent Bucannon who didn't know the road followed Luke landing smack dab on top of Rosco's car. After looking to see they were Ok, Bo and Luke did a 180 degree turn right in front of Sheriff Little and the Placid County Sheriff. Bo and Luke were still in Hazzard County just this side of the County line. After turning Luke said into the mic, "Hang a right there Bo, we'll take the high road. Looks like there has been an accident on the lower one." "10-4", replied Bo shaking his head."Be right back, going to 19 to call Cooter." said Luke as he switched the channel on the CB. "Break 1 - 9, anyone home on the Hazzard Net? This is Lost Sheep 1 and I'm looking for Crazy C and the wrecker."There was a second of static before the radio came back to life, "I might be Crazy but I ain't Dumb, Crazy Cooter coming at you. What do you have there Lost Sheep?" Luke was trying to keep a straight face as he began telling Cooter what had happened. "It seems there is a wreck out on the lower part of Mill Pond Road right before you get to the County line. No one is hurt, but I think Agent Bucannon is about to get a parking ticket." "A parking ticket on Mill Pond Road? Luke its too early OR too late for riddles." said a still sleepy Cooter.NARRATOR: Folks let me tell you there is NOTHING pretty about a sleepy COOTER!Luke was laughing out loud now as he told Cooter the rest, "Bucannon is parked on Rosco's ......CAR!!!" Now Cooter is awake. "You didn't 'help' him get there did you?""Me?" Luke asked innocently. "It may take you two trips. If you need me, shout and I'll meet you back at the garage." "10-4 Lost Sheep." said Cooter into the mic. He looked at the clock on the wall it was 3:30 am. To himself he said, "Why do they HAVE to run moonshine so late at night?" Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 9, 2005 Author Posted January 9, 2005 Dawn was breaking as the General Lee and Jesse's pick up pulled up to the farm house. As Bo and Luke started into the house Tilley came up the driveway and into the barn. They waited for Uncle Jesse on the front porch. He grinned widely, putting both arms around each of the boys shoulders, "That's my boys! You kept them both busy while I took the other road out of the county. He! He! He! Let's start some breakfast before the morning chores."Bo and Luke looked at each other and slightly rolled their eyes. They knew Jesse was still hyper and had forgotten that he had taken a nap before they went on the run and that Bo and Luke had not. They washed up and set the table as Jesse cooked. As ususal the smell of a cooking breakfast brought Jeb, Coy, Vance and Daisy to the kitchen. Jeb being the oldest of the four saw his cousins were in just a bit of disaray. After breakfast Jesse said, "Boys I'm going to shower then I'll be right with you we've got a lot to do today." he said energetically.Jeb held up his hand stopping what ever thoughts were going through Bo and Lukes head, "Uncle Jesse, the four of us can handle things for a bit, if Bo and Luke want to catch some shut eye."Jesse looked around the room especially at his two oldest nephews. "Dang, boys I forgot that you had been up since yesturday morning. I'm sorry. Yes, grab a nap before you come help us. For that matter. We'll wake you for a bite of lunch."The boys smiled as they stacked their plates and cups in the sink on their way to their room. Luke closed the door as they both took their boots off with a thump. Next to go was their shirts. As they undid there belts (camera goes to a close up of their faces -- sorry ladies.) Bo asks, "Luke is somethng bothering you?""What do you mean?" said Luke."Ever since I met you at the garage last night you act like somethings wrong. You seem mad and you've had your teeth clinched too." Bo said, knowing his cousin so well he knew that look. It was a look of anger barely being contained. He had seen it for years when Luke would be mad about somethng and Jesse would call them down. Luke would not disrespect Jesse for the world but he'd go to simmer mode and he was definely on simmer now. "Did I do something wrong?"Luke relaxed for just a second, "No, Bo you didn't do anything. It's nothing for you to be concerned about. I plan to handle it as soon as I can then things will be OK."Bo didn't like the sound of that but he was very tired and Luke looked more tired that him. He'd leave it alone for now. "Ok, Luke. Night .... or morning. Whatever." he said as he pulled up the blanket and turned toward the door.Luke layed down in his own twin bed. He pulled the covers up over his waist and layed on his back staring at the ceiling until sleep overcame the angry inside him. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 10, 2005 Author Posted January 10, 2005 At lunch the phone rang. It was Luther Davenport. "Jesse, I'm sorry to disturb lunch but figured I might catch Luke there.""Yes, he's here." said Jesse, holding the phone up for Luke. Luke got up from the table, "Sorry Uncle Jesse." Into the phone he said, "This is Luke." he listened to the other end. "Wait a minute and I'll see if its possible." Covering the phone. "Luther needs me to go to Atlanta for some parts. He and Cooter are tied up there trying to put Rosco and Agent Bucannon's cars back together. Is it OK?"Jesse thought for a minute. The others could complete what as needed but he didn't want Luke to dodge his responsiblities at the farm. "Luke,....." He was interupted, "I'll hurry and be back to do all the evening chores and I'll stay around here tomorrow." said Luke.Jesse studied the others, "Do you all mind?" They all said they didn't care. "Ok, then, Luke you can go but I expect everything to be done this evening.""Yes, Sir. Thanks." said Luke to Jesse. In to the phone. "Ok, I'll be there in a bit just make me a list. Bye." said Luke who then returned to the table hurriedly finished his lunch, excused himself, and headed for the shower. Within an hour he was at the garage, "Ok, what do you need?" he asked. Luther came to the counter, picked up a list, opened the register and took out $500. "Here's the list, $500, and the keys to a flat bed truck I borrowed for you. They will be expecting you.""Ok, got it. I'll be back as soon as I can." said Luke as he turned to go to the truck.Dixie had been setting at the register wearing jeans, boots, but instead of her usual T-shirt or sweat shirt she had on one of the tops Daisy had given her. It was a sleeveless, low cut (but not too low), light blue top. She had also fixed her hair under the cap she wore. She knew Luke was going after the parts she had ordered. "Daddy, if Luke doesn't care can I go?"Luther looked at Luke."I don't care, if you don't." said Luke.Luther responded, "Go ahead. I guess you need a break from here sometimes too.""Thanks Daddy." she said giving him a quick peck on the cheek. She set her cap on the counter and picked up her brush. "So what are you waiting on?"Luke just shook he head at his friends sister. "I'm coming. Be back in awhile y'all." He called as he headed to the truck. Today she simmed more like herself than she had last night. Once out of sight of the garage, Dixie said, "Thanks for last night and letting me go today."Luke said, "I told you last night you don't have to thank me. I just did what any other person would have done.""Well, that low life #@^($&) would never have treated me like that! You were very sweet." she said.Luke smiled a bit shocked at her profanity, "Well, thank you. I just wanted to make sure you were Ok and I didn't want to leave you alone too long before our Dad or Cooter got there. You don't have to worry about him either. I'll take care of that too."Showing her innocence, "What do you mean?""I just plan to have a long talk with him." replied Luke. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 10, 2005 Author Posted January 10, 2005 Back at the garage while unloading the flat bed, Luke took the opportunity to talk to Luther when Dixie went down the street. "Luther, last night Dixie's 'date' went rather badly. I think she deserves to have a good time before she has to go back to school. Please hear me out." he continued, "I know you don't think any better of me than you than you did the jerk you let her go out with last night. I'd like to take her to the Boar's Nest tonight just as a friend. She can meet some of the others and make some new friends. I know you will be there. I promise to not drink anything and I'll have her home at whatever time you say. We will go straight there and straight back. If that's not acceptable she can ride home with you."Luther listened to Luke, "What happened on her date?"Luke keeping his promise decided not to tell the whole truth. "I wasn't there so I don't really know. She just told me that it didn't work out and she wouldn't go out with him again.""Luke I do know you better than Tommy. I also know your reputation. I can't say I'd approve of your dating my daughter, but I guess she could go with you tonight since I'll be there." said Luther. "I will hold you to the not drinking, going straight there and back, and she is to be home by 11:00 pm."Luke nodded, "I give you my word as a Duke. Besides you trust me with your truck. Why not your daughter?" Luke grinned."That's why I have full coverage insurance on my truck." replied Luther with his eyebrows raised.Luke gave him an offened look."I don't trust you." said Luther completing his sentence."Thanks a lot!" said Luke sarcastically as he finished unloading the truck. He saw Dixie coming back up the street. "Well, I've got to get home and do the evening chores. Cooter, I'll catch up with you around midnight to take the wrecker home." he called back to Cooter who was under Agent Bucannon's car. Luke walked out of the garage timing it so he meet Dixie on the parking lot. "Hey, Dixie, what are you doing tonight?" he asked walking up to her."What I have been doing every night since I've been here. Staying at home." she said in defeat."Would you like to do something different?" asked Luke. She looked up hopeful. "What did you have in mind?"Luke smiled, "I thought maybe you'd like to go to the Boar's Nest and hear the band. I'll introduce you to all our friends. I'll show you all guys aren't like that jerk. We'll just go as friends and have a good time. What do you say?"She smiled, then it began to fade, "I'd love to but I'll have to ask Daddy." she said.Luke replied, "That's not a problem. I have already talked to him."She looked a bit worried. "You didn't....""No, I didn't. I just told him you said the date didn't go well and you'd not go out with him again. I told him I thought you needed to have a good time while you're here." he explained.She was relieved that he didn't tell her father about last night. She thought, "He already talked to Daddy. None of the guys I know here or at Mom's would be direct enough to talk to parents before asking a girl out." she smiled, "When should I be ready?"It was still early afternoon. Luke thought for a minute. "I have to play catch up on the chores at the house and shower. How about 6:30? I can call you before I leave the farm?""That sounds good. I'll be at the house." said Dixie.Luke smiled seeing that she was as excited as she had been before her 'first date'. "See ya in a bit." He said heading towards the General Lee that Bo was just pulling up in. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 11, 2005 Author Posted January 11, 2005 Back at the Duke FarmIn record time, Luke had milked, feed, cleaned stalls, and anything else that the others hadn't completed while he was gone. Jesse watched his nephew seemingly on a mission. Now he had pulled the General Lee to the side of the house. Out came a water hose and bucket. As Bo came out of the house Jesse nodded toward his oldest nephew, "What's up?"Bo shrugged, "He didn't tell me anything. Looks like he has a hot date though."Jesse agreed, "Yes it does at that, but he usually tells you." Shaking his head negative, "Well, not this time."Luke not only gave the General a quick wash job but dried him off and cleaned the inside. After putting those supplies up he also gave him wax job before being called for supper. Before supper Luke 'called' the shower first, much to the protests of Jeb, Coy and Vance who had to get going. Luke headed for the shower saying, "I know your in a hurry. Give me ten minutes."Jesse held up his hand to stop the protests. "He called it. You guys have had all afternoon. I don't know what's up but he's in a big hurry. He won't make you late." said Jesse taking his coffee to the porch leaving the stacking of the dishes to Daisy. While Daisy was stacking the dishes the phone rang. Daisy answered, "Duke farm.""Daisy I'm glad you answered." said Dixie."Hi, Sugar, what's up." said Daisy. "Don't say who your talking to for starters." said Dixie.Daisy replied sorta confussed, "Ok."Dixie sighed in relief, "Last night didn't go well with Tommy. I had told Luke about it today when he went after parts. When we got back he asked me to go to the Boar's Nest just as friends. Daisy when I was two I had a crush on Luke! I'm nervous! HELP!?"Daisy laughed at her friend, "Ok, just calm down.""What should I wear? I know we're going as friends BUT walking in with LUKE when he could go out with anyone he wanted to!" said Dixie. "I've got my hair done. I'm just trying to figure out what to wear."Trying to calm her down a bit, Daisy said, "Wear that watermelon colored long sleeve. The way its cut kinda low and it fits you so well, it will look like a million dollars with those black jeans.""Sounds good. Will it be OK since it is long sleeve?" questioned Dixie.Daisy replied, "It fit you best of all and you won't have to worry about a jacket if its chilly tonight. Are you wearing boots or heels?""I don't know what do you think?" asked Dixie.Daisy said, "He sees you in boots all the time. Wear heels and leave the cap at home." she kidded."Are you going to be there?" asked Dixie."Yeah, I work tonight....." Daisy is interupted by Luke as he came out of the bathroom freshly showered and shaved in nice fitting newer jeans. He wore no shirt and carried his older boots. "Daisy, I'm going to need the phone a about 10 minutes. Jeb the bathroom is open." he shouted on his way to his room."You heard? Are you all set? I'll get off here so he can have the phone." said Daisy."Yes, I heard him. I guess I am. See you there. Thanks for your help." said Dixie."Your welcome. Bye." said Daisy. "Bye." Dixie replied. Daisy hung up the phone. Luke came back through the house carrying his boots he wore when he dressed up and his shoe polishing kit. Daisy just watched and shook her head as he went to the front porch to polish his boots. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 12, 2005 Author Posted January 12, 2005 Jesse had watched Luke since he had been home. He had not seen him getting ready for a date like this since he had gotten serious about Robin. Since their breakup Luke had been going from girl to girl. Most of these girls had just been glad he asked them out so he hadn't been in the habit of 'dressing up' for their meetings. On the porch Jesse also took notice of his appearance as he polished his boots. "Hot date?" he asked.Luke looked up from his boots, "I'd say its more of trying to do something nice for a friend." he paused, "I need to talk to you about something. I don't have time right now but I'm picking up the wrecker at midnight, if nothing happens I'll be right home.""You always know where to find me." stated Jesse. "There was something bothering Luke for sure." thought Jesse."Thanks Uncle Jesse." He said getting up. He hurried into the house and picked out his favorite blue plaid shirt that showed off his blue eyes. He picked up the phone and dialed, saying only, "Are you ready? Ok, I'm leaving in a minute. Bye." He completed the look by putting on his grey cowboy hat as he walked out the kitchen door to the General Lee.Bo had heard the conversation. "Who was he talking to?" Wondered Bo out loud."I'll guess we may find out later." said Daisy acting innocent. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 13, 2005 Author Posted January 13, 2005 Luke drove up to the Davenport home as he had hundreds if not thousands of times before. Dixie heard the General Lee turn into the drive but tried to calm herself as she waited for the knock on the door. She was trying not to seem over eager. When Luke did knock, she went to the door. He asked, "Are you ready?""Sure am." was her casual reply. She said closing the door behind her. At the General Lee, Luke was being a gentleman by helping Dixie into the window. He also had a chance to take in her appearance. She didn't quiet look like Cooter's sister he had called "kiddo" all summer. 'Yes, she had grown up nicely', he admired.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Outside the Boar's Nest Cooter's wrecker, Luther's pickup, Jesse pickup, the yellow Road Runner that would soon be Daisy's that Bo had driven were amoung the vehicles parked in front. As Luke cut the motor he could hear that the band had already began to play. Luke helped Dixie out of the General. As they entered the Boars' Nest he casually put his arm around her shoulder. He guided her through the growing crowd to a table up front where Cooter, Kathy, Bo, and Jill were seated. Bo and Cooter had seen them come in together. They were more than a little surprised to see them together. Though nothing was said, they both took in not only Dixie's changed appearance but also Luke's. When Daisy came by Luke ordered two Cokes. This was not expected by anyone at the table, as Luke was not driving the wrecker until midnight, though they didn't say anything about it. The next song that Jeb played was "Rocky Top". Luke took Dixie's hand and said, "Come on this is a fun one." They were followed by the others. After that song Jeb said, "Ok, we're going to slow things down a bit so you can catch your breath." The band started playing "Islands in the Stream" by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Pardon. Luke and Dixie stayed on the dance floor. Dixie was a quick learner, Luke was a good teacher, so they were a natural dance couple. Luke was more relaxed tonight than he had been in several years. He was just there to have a good time and make sure that Dixie had a good time. He was not trying to 'get anything' this was a one time thing so he felt no pressure at all. They danced several more dances before returning to the table. Luke ordered 2 more Cokes. "Hmmm. Come to think of it, this is the most fun I've had since Jr. High and I'm not even drinking." he thought. As promised Luke drove Dixie to her house with minutes to spare before 11:00pm. He gave her a friendly hug and returned the General Lee to the Boar's Nest to pick up the wrecker and leave the General with Bo. He said his 'goodnights'. He hoped to get home before Bo, Daisy, and the others. He was pleased to find Jesse on the porch. He walked up and set down on the steps, "Uncle Jesse, you have always told us the importance of trust. I need to talk to you about something that I can't fully explain since I have promised not to tell certain things." "Well, Luke, I'll do my best to understand what you are talking about. Do you want to get something to drink first?" asked Jesse."Maybe later. I need to say this before the others get here." stated Luke.Jesse replied, "Ok."Luke sighed, trying to figure out how to explain his logic. "Ok, we run shine though it is illegal?"Jesse replied, "Yes, because it was the family way long before there was a US of A government to tell us we couldn't and passing a law didn't change the family ways none."Luke knew the reply. He had heard it for years. "Right. Now, have you ever been put in a situation where you felt that you HAD to do something though it was illegal, but it just needed done?"Not sure exactly what he was talking about Jesse was afraid to answer this as a 'yes' though he had been in the exact situation many times. "Can you explain? Give me a few details? That's an awfully braod question." said Jesse."Ok, fighting is illegal. I know someone who did something to someone else. I have tried for several days to control my temper, but to be quiet frank he needs a 'lesson'. I know before this happens I could get into trouble with the law....." Luke was interupted."I don't approve of breaking the law. However, Luke, I'll always back you. I may not agree, but I'll always back you. If you think it is worth the risk,........." Jesse paused. "How can I ask you to risk years of freedom by running shine for 'ME' and say I'd not back you on something like that?"Luke studied Jesse's troubled face. "Thank you, Uncle Jesse. Though I hear me and Bo asking you to LET us run the shine. I have never heard you ask us to do anything against the law."Jesse was much wiser than his years, "Luke, somethings are just right. They may be laws against them that have muddied the pond and you may have to pay the price. If you do something you think is right and get into trouble with the law, just know I'll support you as best I can." That was more than enought to confirm what Luke knew he had to do. He'd look Tommy up soon! Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 14, 2005 Author Posted January 14, 2005 Saturday Night Boar's NestLuke had his first Saturday night off from the wrecker in awhile. He and Bo went to the Boar's Nest without dates. Luke had given Bo the keys figuring on drinking a bit. He had also left his wallet in the car locked in the glove box. About halfway through the night, Jesse had left for home. Bo and Luke were dancing with the ladies. Luke was drinking his share of beer and was feeling good but was not drunk. A cute little filly Bo knew had him occupied when Luke saw Tommy walk into the Boars' Nest. Luke was setting in the back far corner where the lighting was bad. He was watching Tommy as he ordered a glass of "Boss's shine" (which was stronger than beer but more like mouthwash compared to Jesse's). Luke sipped about half the shine watching Tommy get further under his skin trying to pick up another girl to force himself on. Luke had had more than he could take. He finished the other half glass of shine in one swallow, stood up, closed the distance between him and Tommy in one motion before Tommy knew what hit him. Luke grabbed his shirt and punched at the same time. Luke continued to punch him in the ribs. Tommy did his best to defend himself.Cooter was nudging Bo, trying to get his attention. When Bo looked he saw what was going on but had NO idea why. It was a fair fight so he and Cooter stood by to keep it that way. When Tommy fell now throwing his own punches, Luke pounched on top of him and banged his head against the floor several times. No one in the place knew why but it was a good fight. Cooter was in the position to be nearest Boss Hogg's private door where he'd seen Rosco go in earlier. He grabbed the door handle and held it tightly to slow Rosco's progress. Hearing the commotion Rosco fired a warning shot into the ceiling, covering Boss Hogg with plaster dust from the ceiling. Cooter let go as Rosco charged into the room. Not knowing or caring what was happening all he saw was Luke on top and whipping Tommy. "FREEZE! Freeze!" they didn't. "Luke Duke, .... you .... are under arrest!" Rosco continued. Putting his gun back in the holster, he grabbed Luke from behind. This had little effect. It was this particular moment that two State troopers happened by the Boars' Nest. Upon entering they saw Rosco struggling to gain control of Luke. They proceeded to assist the Sheriff, still unseen by Luke, who continued to fight both Rosco and Tommy. Trooper Mitchell with handcuffs in hand managed to get one cuff on Luke's left hand. This is where Luke made what would not be his first mistake of the evening. He swung on the person holding the cuffs, connecting his fist with the Troopers chest. Doing the only thing he could do at the time Trooper Mitchell fell with all his weight on to Lukes' left arm pinning it between Luke's back and the Troopers chest. Through the beer and shine this did get Lukes' attention. Trooper Mitchell shifted his weigh off Luke just a bit to keep from breaking anything as soon as he quit fighting them. They were able to get the cuffs on him and get him off Tommy. When the troopers came in Bo and Cooter looked at each other, managing an, "Ol' Sh-----!" Neither knew what had brought this on from Luke, nor did they know about Luke and Jesse's talk. Therefore, they KNEW Luke was in more trouble than was going on before them. When Luke swung on the Trooper it was all Cooter could do to hold Bo back, to keep him from 'helping' Luke and getting himself in BIG trouble, too."Bo, just hold on a minute." said Cooter. "Luke will need us more out here than joining him in the 'pokie'. Cooter couldn't see what else was going on with Luke as he tired to get Bo under control and away from the situation involving Luke. Cooter ended up half dragging Bo outside before the law turned their attention to them. From across the parking lot Bo and Cooter saw the Troopers put Luke in their car. He was complying with them at this point. Luke managed to have a slight busted lip. However, when Tommy came out with Rosco to give his 'statement', it was obvious that he had gotten the worst end of the fight. Cooter said, "Come on, let's get to the farm." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 14, 2005 Author Posted January 14, 2005 At the Duke farm Daisy had also had the night off. "Uncle Jesse I think I'm going to turn in early."Jesse turned the kitchen stove eye off that had been keeping his ever present coffee warm. He filled his cup and replied, "It's not going to be long before I turn in myself."At this point the General Lee is heard roaring up the drive. Both Daisy and Jesse looked at the door as Bo and Cooter came in the house like something was after them. At this point the phone began to ring. Jesse asked, "Boys. What in tarnation?"Daisy answered the phone over the comotion across the kitchen. "Duke Farm, ...... Yes, Mamm, he is,....." she looked worried as she handed the phone to Jesse. "Uncle Jesse the phone is for you." "Boys settle down." Jesse instructed, still unknowing what they were trying to tell him. "Who in the world would be calling at this hour?..... This is Jesse Duke,....." He looked at the boys as he said, with his voice raising an octive or two, "He's WHERE?!" Jesse listened to the voice on the other end of the phone. "Yes, Mamm. What do I need to do to get him out?....... I see..... Will you let him know I'll be there first thing in the morning. Thank You." he said hanging up the phone. "Ok, boys, I just got the short version. NOW, tell me WHAT happened."Daisy was quiet confused at this point. She hadn't even gotten the short version. Bo said, "Cooter tell him. You saw more than I did.""Well, Uncle, Mr. Jesse, all I know is I looked up and here came Luke across the Boars Nest. He grabbed Tommy Rogers by the shirt and began punching him. Tommy didn't even know what hit him. Luke got him down and was still going at him when Rosco got by me. Rosco was trying to get Luke off Tommy when the Troopers wa...." Cooter was interupted by Daisy, "Troopers? Oh, Lord.""Yeah, two Troopers came in. They were trying to help Rosco. One had started to handcuff Luke, who was still fighting Tommy. I guess Luke didn't know who was behind him because it was then that he hit the Trooper. That's about all I got to see because Bo here was trying to jump in. I had to drag him outside." said Cooter who was still very excited.Bo hearing the whole ugly story. Especially when Cooter told Jesse about him, said, "Thanks Cooter." Knowing he would get probably more than his fair share of the lecture that was sure to follow since Jesse was undoubtly unhappy with Luke and he wasn't there.Cooter for the first time since they had been there flashed his widest grin. Thinking that Bo was really thinking him. "No problem, Bo."Daisy said, "I'm going with you all to get him." she turned to go get dressed.Jesse stopped her, "There is no point in going anywhere tonight. The Judge won't be in until 9 AM. There is nothing we can do until then.""There has got to be something we can do." she insisted. About that time came Jeb, Coy and Vance who knew nothing about what was going on heard Daisy's last sentence. Jeb asked, "Something we can do about what?"Jesse said, "Luke's in jail and there is nothing we can do until the Judge sets bail in the morning." now Jesse had a room full of jabbering young adults that were as wide awake as he now was. "Kids! Cool it! I can't hear myself think!" Going to bed was now out of the question. Jesse emptied the coffee pot and refilled it to make more. "It's going to be a long night." he sighed to himself. "Daisy you might as well fix some popcorn for you all to snack on. We'll go in the living room and talk. I know there's no need in even telling you all to go to bed."~~~~~~~~~~Dixie was on her way to bed when she heard on the scanner that there had been an arrest made at the Boar's Nest. Her father was asleep. Cooter wasn't home yet. There was no way she could call Daisy -- (It was far too late to call someone's home.) All she could do was to continue to listen to the scanner, but it (what ever it had been) was over before the radio traffic came across the scanner. She was worried for her friends and brother as he had still not came home. She set her alarm clock extra early. There was a strange feeling that was bugging her yet she didn't know why. She had to find out early if she managed to sleep what was up. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 16, 2005 Author Posted January 16, 2005 NOTE: (Being a Correctional Officer by trade I had to 'improve' Rosco's 'cuff & stuff' routine a little. Also, the correctional officer here may talk more freely than I ever would as Hazzard is a small town where everyone knows eeryone. I took the liberty of making the following change......) When there was going to be a committment in the county jail they would call to the Tri-County Jail for a Jailor to meet them at the Courthouse. Being only one man, Rosco could not leave a 'prisoner' alone and patrol too. At the Hazzard County Courthouse Rosco looked on as Trooper Mitchell processed Luke. He was searched, finger printed, then was asked his life history on the booking sheets. Peggy happened to live in Hazzard County and beat them to the Courthouse. It had been her that had phoned Jesse for Luke. She had also gotten Luke some ice for his lip. She asked, "Have you been drinking?" Luke was setting in a chair at the booking desk. He was putting his socks back on. What had not helped Luke's mood was that most of the questions he'd been asked they all knew. Luke replied a bit impatient, "Yes, but I'm not anywhere near drunk."Peggy nodded Ok and said politely, "Just leave your boots off and you can put your belt in them. I'll get you a pair of flip flops."Luke just rolled his eyes thinking, "This night just KEEPS getting better."Peggy returned from somewhere with a pair of flip flops, "I called your Uncle Jesse for you. He said he'd be here first thing in the morning."Luke replied, "Thanks, Peggy. I appreciate that."She then said to the Trooper, "All done?" He said, "Yeah, I'm done just have to do my paperwork.""Come on Luke." she said and nodded to the stairwell that led downstairs to the two small cells. At the bottom of the stairs she opened the gate, took the set of keys off the peg on the wall, and unlocked the cell door.Luke looked at the cell for a second before entering. Two of the walls were formed from the outside wall of the building. The other two were of steel bars. The 6 by 8 cell contained one small barred window, steel bunk, a thin fire proof mattress, thin pillow of same material, a wool blanket was folded on the bed. A sink / toilet combination was beside the bunk in the back of the cell.Luke stepped inside, though he knew full well what was likely to happen tonight, he was not prepared for the chill that the door slamming and locking behind him sent down his back. Luke set down on the hard bunk thankful that he had drank quite a bit tonight figuring that would be the only reason he'd be able to sleep.Peggy locked the gate at the bottom of the steps and sat down at the desk to finish up her part of the paperwork. Luke did make a mental note that she had put both sets of keys in her pocket insted of back on the peg. Trooper Mitchell came down followed by Rosco several minutes later. The trooper handed Peggy his complaint through a slot in the door and said, "Goodnight, Peggy." Rosco looked surprised to see the gate actually locked in effect locking him out of his own jail. Peggy said, "Thanks for the overtime, night you guys, be careful." Rosco ended up just following the trooper back up the steps and they both left for the night. Peggy made a pot of coffee on a small hot plate she had, then dug for a book in the desk drawer. This would be Luke's first night in jail. A night he'd not soon forget. Being a free spirit the small space did bother him more than he'd like to have admitted. He was still setting on the bed when the trooper had brought the paperwork to Peggy. He was still sizing up his situation. He took a mental measurement of the small space. Then, he followed the steel bars to the ceiling and floor checking each for faults. He found none. After he was sure the officers had left he decided to ask exactly what he had been charged with. Luke figured that the swing on the Trooper had brought him more than he originally bargained for. He was right! He cleared the lump that had suddenly appeared in his throat when the cell door had closed, then asked, "Can I ask just what they charged me with?"Peggy smiled and nodded, "Sure, let me see." She picked up the paperwork and studied it for a second before answering, "Battery, and Battery on a Police Officer.""Which means?" questioned Luke."That you hit someone and then hit an officer." explained Peggy.Luke nodded, "Well at least they didn't try to add more than what happened." Peggy got in the desk drawer finding some foam cups. "Want a cup of coffee?" "Sure, why not? I don't see me getting any sleep tonight anyway." replied Luke. "Do you do this often?"Peggy knew he meant working in Hazzard. "Only when they have someone charged that won't bond at night or someone is sentenced to overnight. The others HATE to come over here, but it's a break from driving all the way over to Tri-County for me and I rack up the OT." she handed Luke a foam cup of coffee."Thanks." Luke said. He didn't really want the coffee but it was offered. Peggy decided to make small talk to make her night also go by a little quicker. "Want to talk about it." Meaning what had happened.He sighed. "First of all, though it doesn't matter, I didn't mean to hit the trooper. There was something that needed settled. I intended to settle it." he took a sip of coffee."Was it worth it?" she asked. Luke smiled slightly, "I knew this was a possibility before hand. If the message got through, yes, it will have been worth it."Peggy just nodded, finished her coffee, turned a dimmer light on, then switched the big lights off. "If you say so." She returned to her desk, switched on a reading lamp and picked up her book.Luke layed back on the hard mattress, stared at the ceiling, thinking to himself. He had been with more girls since Robin than he'd care to admit. Yet, he had NEVER did anything with any one them they hadn't wanted. It really bothered him that someone was sick enough to try to force someone like Dixie into anything. Yes, this was worth it. Images of Dixie shaking and frightened reasured him that this was a small price to pay for the satisfaction he felt. Even if he had bitten off more than he had bargined for. Luke did manage to drift off to sleep just as dawn was breaking with the knowledge that this may not be his last night in here, over this. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 17, 2005 Author Posted January 17, 2005 Jesse sat in his chair where he had managed to catch a few winks. He looked around his living room at his very close knit family. Jesse was very thankful as he looked around the room. Bo and Jeb were on each corner of the couch. Bo had Daisy's head on his shoulder and Jeb had her feet on his lap. The three had covered up with a large sleeping bag of Luke's. Coy, Vance, and Cooter were in the floor in other sleeping bags. Jesse's living room was full of love this morning, yet there was something missing -- Luke. Jesse eased up out of the chair. He was trying not to wake the sleeping teens. Jesse put on coffee and showered while the coffee perked. He poured his morning coffee looking at the clock. It was way too early to head to town. He went to the refrigerator and reached behind it, taking out a cookie tin. Opening it he found the rewards of several moonshine delieveries. He counted $500 and some change. He hoped he'd not need all of this but if it meant bring Luke home he would use it all. Jesse heard moving in the living room. They would be up soon. He would fix breakfast while they did the chores. Then he'd go to town and bring Luke home.~~~~~~~~~~~At the Davenport farm, Dixie was up before her father. Cooter still hadn't showed up. She did know if there was trouble with the Dukes he'd be there and wouldn't have called if he thought it was too late. Yet, she worried. Dixie just knew deep down that what ever went down last night involved either Cooter or one of the Dukes OR both. Luther Davenport was sure surprised to see his usually 'lazy bones' daughter not only up but fixing breakfast when he came into the kitchen. "Well, what's the occassion?""I didn't sleep to well last night. I got tired of trying so I got up." she said."Hummm." he said, "Anything wrong Honey?"She wasn't to thrilled with telling her father what she suspected. "I was wanting to talk to Cooter last night so I was waiting on him. he didn't come home and didn't call. I guess he may be at the garage or at the Dukes." she said vaguely. Her father gave her that 'He's a big boy. He can take care of himself.' look, but said, "Have you called either place?"She replied, "No, I haven't. I was waiting until I knew they be awake." Luther looked at the clock. "Jesse has been up for awhile now. I'll give them a call." he sighed. "Daddy that's really OK. I'll call in a minute." She fixed her Dad a plate and refilled his cup before picking up the phone. There was no answer at the garage. She dialed the Dukes number from memory.Jesse answered thinking maybe it was the jail. "Duke Farm." he paused, "Yes, he is here, just a minute. Cooter." Jesse said holding the phone up.Dixie wanted to know what was up IF anything without her Dad knowing just now. She had breathed a sigh of relief when Jesse said Cooter was there. "Hey, brother. " she tried to sound cheery. "Where were you last night."Cooter being loyal to the Dukes, said only, "There was a bit of a problem last night. Everyone is OK. I decided to stay here and it was really late by then."DA---!!!!! she thought. She now knew something was wrong. "I'll meet you all at the garage." she replied. "Bye." she finished. To her Dad, "He is at the Dukes. I'm going to go to the garage with you this morning." she said. "I'll be ready in fifteen minutes."Luther looked up from his coffee as his daughter disappeared. He heard the shower turn on. True to her word she wa ready in fifteen minutes. Luther wasn't. He watched her pace waiting on him to get ready. He didn't know what was up but knew something was going on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~It seemed like Luke had just gotten to sleep when he was awaken by Peggy who had gotten the local dinner to deliver her two breakfasts to the jail. She had also made another pot of coffee. Luke was not really in the mood to eat but didn't want it to go to waste either. He began picking at food. The coffee helped the cobwebs in his head. He hadn't been drunk but had drank his share. The alcohol coupled with the lack of sleep made things a bit 'fuzzy' this morning. After finishing all of the breakfast he could, Luke set back on the bunk with his back against the wall, he asked, "What time is it?"Peggy replied, "7:30am." she picked up the phone dialing a number from memory. "Good morning Judge Hardcastle this is Peggy."Luke thought to himself. "Judge Hardcastle this is all I need."There was a pause as she listened to the voice on the other end. Which had replied 'it was not going to be a good morning if she was calling him that early.'"Sorry, I'm in Hazzard. I have you one arraignment." she picked up the paperwork and read from it, "Battery and Battery on a Police Officer" she paused, "State Police Mitchell and Worley" she paused again, listening, then answered the question, "Luke Duke."Peggy was speaking low but in the small space and with Luke's good hearing he was able to hear much of her end of the conversation. Peggy hung up the phone. "Judge Hardcastle will be in about 10:00 am."Luke just nodded, and thought, " 10:00 am. Great! That's another two and half hours I'll be behind. Jesse won't be bit happy." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 17, 2005 Author Posted January 17, 2005 It was just before 8am when Dixie and Luther pulled into the garage. Town seemed quiet. Dixie tried to busy herself with cleaning around the outside of the garage so she could watch for Cooter and the Dukes. About 8:30am she was relieved and worried when she saw Jesse's pickup pull onto the garage lot. Jesse was alone. He got out spoke to her and headed to her father. "Luther if you don't care I'm going to park out front a few minutes. I have to run over to the Courthouse."Dixie had moved where she might be able to hear what was going on. "Sure, Jesse, anything wrong?" questioned Jesse long time friend.Jesse wasn't in the best mood so he grumbled slightly. "It seems Luke got into a fight after we left the Boar's Nest last night. What I'm afraid of though is, during the 'heat' of the fight he also hit one of the Troopers."Dixie held her breath waiting to hear the rest.Luther looked surprised, "The States were called?"Jesse said, "From what the boys said, they must have just stopped by while the fight was going on.""That's not good." replied Luther, "Who was he fighting?""No one knew why but Luke started it with Tommy Rogers." Jesse replied.When Dixie heard this, she did know why! She now knew it was her fault Luke was in jail. She felt as if her heart went to her shoes. Tears welled up in her eyes. She quickly made her way to the restroom. She didn't want Jesse or her father to see her this upset. They would surely wonder why. Unheard by Dixie, Luther stated, "A couple of nights ago, Dixie asked to go out with Tommy "Jesse interupted, "You surely didn't let her did you?"Luther continued, "I said she could go to teen night with him. Luke was here and he did voice his protests. He said you wouldn't let Tommy ask Daisy out. I thought it was OK since we'd all be there. Luke also told me when he returned from getting those parts the other day that the date had went badly. He didn't go into details, just asked to take Dixie out to the Boar's Nest that night so she could meet some of their other friends."In Jesse's mind things were becoming clearer. "Jesse figured something had happened on the date, Luke found out about it, Dixie must have asked him not to tell (from Luke's previous statements), Luke must have figured Mr. Rogers needed an attitude adjustment. Well, if that was it he couldn't much blame Luke. He had also given Luke sort of the 'go ahead' to take care of the situation. Luke had also seemed resigned to the fact he may get into trouble, though hitting the Trooper wasn't part of it. Jesse would do what he could though it may not be enough to get Luke out of this Scott Free." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 19, 2005 Author Posted January 19, 2005 It was just before 10:00 am when Peggy unlocked the gate at the bottom of the steps she was going up to make sure things were set upstairs.Luke asked, "If Jesse's up there, will you tell him my wallet is in the glove box of the General?"Peggy nodded, "Sure will."~~~~~~~~~~~~With the morning chores done at the farm, Cooter, Bo, Jeb, Coy, Vance and Daisy had came into town. Seeing Jesse's pickup at the garage they parked there. Jesse was still watching for the Judge to arrive. He knew there was no point going over until then. When Jesse saw the Judge pull up he told the 'kids' to stay there. They all insisted on going. Jesse compromised, "Bo, come on. This might be a lesson to you before you get some dang foul notion in YOUR head. The rest of you stay put."Bo followed Jesse's quick pace across Hazzard Square to the Courthouse. Once inside, Peggy told Jesse about Luke's wallet. Jesse said, "Bo go get it and hurry. Luke must think we'll need it." Bo was gone in an instance.Bo returned with Luke's wallet just as Peggy was bringing Luke to see the Judge. Much to Bo's surprise and Luke's annoyance he was handcuffed before being brought upstairs due to the Courtroom upstairs being such an open area. It seemed to bother Bo more seeing Luke in the cuffs than it did Luke to wear them, though he was not crazy about the idea.The Judge read the complaint. The Trooper swore to the complaint. Luke was read his rights. Judge Hardcastle said, "You were charged with Battery and Battery on a Police Officer. I take Battery on a Police Officer very serious. I am setting bond at $600.00."Luke looked at Jesse who nodded negatively. At the same time Bo opened Lukes' wallet. In it was the $100 he'd won from Ralph and $200 he'd made working at the garage. Bo handed Jesse the money. Judge Hardcastle asked, "Mr. Duke are you prepared to go his bond?"Jesse replied, "Yes, Sir, I am."I'll prepare the release. Your hearing date is two weeks from today. 10:00 am." Said Judge Hardcastle nodding at Peggy to go ahead and remove the cuffs. Luke managed to say, "Thank you, Your Honor." as Peggy removed the handcuffs. "I'll get your things." stated Peggy as the paperwork was being finished.Once Lukes property was return and the paperwork signed. He was free to go. Judge Hardcastle had reminded him, "Don't leave the County without permission."Luke said, "Yes, Sir." As the three Dukes heading out of the Courthouse. Once outside, Bo grabbed Luke's arm rather hard, "Do you care to explain what was with you last night attacking him like that?" Luke pulled his arm back, and answered, "No, I don't!" he walked on out the door. Luke knew that it would not be so easy to get Jesse to drop it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~The others were at the garage as Bo, Luke and Jesse were walking toward the garage. They all noticed Luke looked just a bit tired and unkept. Dixie got a glimpse before he actually got to the garage, she knew she'd have to act like nothing was wrong. Luke was greeted as though he'd been gone years not hours. Jesse knew getting them back to the farm anytime soon wasn't going to happen. There were things that needed done and he wanted to talk to Luke soon. He acted madder than he was once he could get a word in edge wise. "I'm heading back to the farm. I want you all there by noon. I'll have lunch ready." He added.Once Jesse was out of sight in the truck, Cooter handed Luke a beer. Luke replied, "Thanks, Cooter. Now all I want to do is get home to a shower.""There's a shower in the back." said Cooter.The others convienced Luke to shower there instead of leaving now. Luke took his beer and headed to the shower. Though Bo and Luke had there moments they both knew they could really count on the other one. Bo went to the General Lee taking out a set of clothes for Luke. He reached in the frig and took out another beer on his way to the back of the garage. He knocked on the small bathroom door, and said, "Luke, clothes are on the stool out here."Knowing Bo wasn't mad at him, he smiled, "Thanks, Bo." He opened the door to get the clothes before getting into the shower seeing the second beer on top of the clothes. Luke had seen the painful look in Dixie's eyes, he knew what she had been thinking. Now all he had to do was to get ride of everyone else so he could talk to her before he went home, but first to shower and shave. In the small medicine cabinet he located a couple new razors. He climbed into the hot shower. Luke let the hot water sooth his tired body for several minutes before he proceeded to bath. He then shaved from feel while in the shower. In the medicine cabinet was also some aftershave and deoderant, that he and Cooter had kept there for times they had gotten wet and or muddy pulling out Rosco. He opened his second beer as he dressed. He knew better than to get drunk and go home but a couple of beers wouldn't hurt UNLESS Jesse found out! Quote
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