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Are we gonna all meet up sometime in December? I really enjoyed last month's Turkey Chat!! Sadly, Christmas Eve and Christmas Night are out for me....too busy (but I bet y'all are in the same boat on that one). So if we can agree on a night, I'm there!

Maybe Mr. Coltrane could put on that Santa suit I'm sure he has hanging in the back of his closet and Maryanne would make a great Elf! I have a Christmas list all ready for the two of you!!!


Waaaait a minute heah. I do not have a Santa suit in my closet. I'm not jolly or merry and I'm a notably poor judge of character. I ain't qualified to tell naughty from nice. ( I've nevah figured it out for myself. )

So before we turn this into a Coltrane Carol, we outta consider some alternatives. I think Cap'n Redneck would make fine Santa. Or you, Tempest, since it was yer idea!

Let's do this with some democracy. Vote for the night's rent-a-Santa, and then we'll name a date.



Alright , I won't mind playing Santa......So who will come and sit on my lap? :lol: .....

Let's get something going. Y'all are really fun to chat with , maybe the Christmas goose will fly when we chat, along with some other things..Only kidding....I just gotta learn to keep up that's all..


Alright , I won't mind playing Santa......So who will come and sit on my lap? :lol: .....


I get the left knee and Daney gets the right knee!!!!!!!!

I am sitting here drooling at the idea..... :D ....I promise I will be a good Santa and give lots of toys..... :lol:


Man, you can't say we ain't a friendly bunch here.

I've been bad this year. Get me a 10-pound bag of Kingsford and we'll call it even.


Heck No!!!! Couldn't have been that bad.....Besides this is the time of the year to forgive and start fresh. Maybe you can come and sit on Santa's lap too... :p



=) Sounds good to me, C, MaryAnne and everyone.

Mistletoe, eggnog and Santa are taken care of but still no date and time for this soiree. Brian, would you do the honor of choosin' those details?


I think the date n' time outta be set by Temptest or Cap'n Santa. But just to throw out some suggestions, either Monday the 20th, or Wednesday the 22nd would work for me. Traditionally, we have these thangs around 8 pm Eastern, 7 Central. Ya'll pipe up with what works for ya.



Dang........I am not sure waht day I have off for the holiday, either Thursday or Monday because of Christmas on a Saturday. We usually get Christmas Eve and Christmas day off, but X-mas is on a Saturday this year and threw everything off. Long story short, half of us are working Thurs and Monday off and the other half is working Monday with Thursday off.. Got it everyone. I sure made this complicated didn't I ... :o

I won't know until Monday what I am working .


You're not planning on a Reindeer shoot or anything this occassion, are ya?


A REINDEER SHOOT! Gee....never thought of that......sounds FUN! Brian your Brilliant!!!!!

*Hands Maryanne a pair of Reindeer Antlers and whispers to her to put them on Brian while I distract him.....* :wink::lol:

P.S. In case y'all couldn't tell---I'm having tons of fun with this "font" stuff......


Reindeer shoot?! A chat on BOTH nights??? That's an awful lot of decking the halls and wassling along ya know.... too much merriment might be deterimental to some folks health.

What? What's these antlers for?? Wait a minute! I'm not gonna be no reindeer!!!!!

:D 8) :wink:


What ya mean my good sportsmanship? I didn't volunteer for nothin'.

*notes Razor's entrance* GAAAAHH!!! No, I am NOT the reindeer!!

*looks at Brian* Keep it up cousin, or yer gonna find these antlers stickin' someplace where the sun don't shine!

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