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Honest Wildman Jack's Slightly Used Car Lot

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Daisy said "He'll be just as happy as when he found out about Sara, I know he will...I'll help you tell him okay? we can make something up to make it eaiser...im not sure what though..." she had two questions of her own going through her mind

"Daisy...what if it's a girl again? Everyone knows how much Bo wants a boy. I'm scared if I keep giving him girls he's gonna walk out on me." Lizzy says.

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"Thanks Daisy, I'm glad I can always count on you when I need honest and true answer to a burning question." Lizzy says.

Daisy said "Lizzy...and thanks, you can always count on me but...1) do you think i've had to many kids...ive been thinking of more..me and Enos have but we dont know...2) when you go back to Hazzard...are you staying for good? its had me so worried"

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Daisy said "Lizzy...and thanks, you can always count on me but...1) do you think i've had to many kids...ive been thinking of more..me and Enos have but we dont know...2) when you go back to Hazzard...are you staying for good? its had me so worried"

"Well...Of course I'm staying in Hazzard I have to I don't really feel at home anywhere else." Lizzy says.

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"Daisy I...I want to tell that nothing should stop you from having more it's just...well last time it was so hard on you and I don't want to lose my best friend." Lizzy says.

Daisy said "You'll never lose me Lizzy, I swear on Dixie that you won't lose me..what are your plans for tell Bo tonight...i'd help but...I know you probably need the alone time...but like i said..we made a promise that we would never lose each other and im keeping it"

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Daisy said "You'll never lose me Lizzy, I swear on Dixie that you won't lose me..what are your plans for tell Bo tonight...i'd help but...I know you probably need the alone time...but like i said..we made a promise that we would never lose each other and im keeping it"

"Thanks Daisy. I don't know...I may do it the same way I did with Sara." Lizzy says.

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