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Honest Wildman Jack's Slightly Used Car Lot

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  • daisydukeXenosstrait


  • LizzyJackson-Davenport


  • Julieduke


Daisy said "I wanna go back to Hazzard"

"Are you sure Daisy? You know what that entails and this is the final time I will move. I can't keep doing this on a whim Daisy I've had enough. If we move back we stay there." Enos says hating that he has to put his foot down but unwilling to drag his family across the country again and again.

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"Are you sure Daisy? You know what that entails and this is the final time I will move. I can't keep doing this on a whim Daisy I've had enough. If we move back we stay there." Enos says hating that he has to put his foot down but unwilling to drag his family across the country again and again.

Julie had heard from Daisy she was moving back and told her about the birthday party her and Aaron had planned for the tripletts and she Says "I know Daisy there individuals but it just habit now and well I love all my kids and we started adoption paperwork for a charming girl at the orphanage she had nobody and our house had room for one more now as well. Her Name is Hannah Mae, and she is the cutest little girl you ever want to meet as well and we want her to be our daughter as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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"Are you sure Daisy? You know what that entails and this is the final time I will move. I can't keep doing this on a whim Daisy I've had enough. If we move back we stay there." Enos says hating that he has to put his foot down but unwilling to drag his family across the country again and again.

Daisy sighed and turned away "I'm sorry I even brought it up....I know you hate me" tears ran down her cheeks "There right...im making everything worse on my family..I don't even know if Lizzy'll stay this time.."

Edited by daisydukeXenosstrait
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Daisy sighed and turned away "I'm sorry I even brought it up....I know you hate me" tears ran down her cheeks "There right...im making everything worse on my family..I don't even know if Lizzy'll stay this time.."

"Daisy listen to me." Enos says making Daisy look at him. "I have loved you since the day I met you in second grade. Once we get back to Hazzard everything is going to be normal again. You'll see. Just tell me this is what you really want."

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"Daisy listen to me." Enos says making Daisy look at him. "I have loved you since the day I met you in second grade. Once we get back to Hazzard everything is going to be normal again. You'll see. Just tell me this is what you really want."

Daisy said "How do you know things will be normal? and yes going back to Hazzard..maybe it'll help...David can't touch me there..or Dean..I'm sorry Enos....I never meant to make you mad..."

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"I know...I'm not mad...They'll be normal because they always are." Enos says.

Daisy said "I don't know what to do..I feel like everyone i care about is slipping away..and after that magazine article about me and Dean..I don't know...Moving back is probably the right thing..Lizzy told me she's doing it because she doesn't want her family in the spot light anymore"

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Daisy said "I don't know what to do..I feel like everyone i care about is slipping away..and after that magazine article about me and Dean..I don't know...Moving back is probably the right thing..Lizzy told me she's doing it because she doesn't want her family in the spot light anymore"

"Do you think that's a good thing?" Enos asks.

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