pendragon1980 Posted July 7, 2003 Posted July 7, 2003 BurnoutChance's exhaustion while stretching herself between the Capital City ER and her own practice plus a heartbreaking accident causes Chance to emotionally lose it. She rips into the Dukes for being heros for kids who copy their dangerous stunts, and then gets drunk and wrecks her own bike. Guest starring Hawkeye Pierce.-------------------"on three. One, two, three." Chance and the emergency room team lifted the two hundred-ound man from the gurney to the table. Well trained, they move in synch, almost a blur of motion as she called out orders. "Intubate him, Mr. Turner." Chance knew the large male nurse was well trained, but she still watched him as the another nurse cut away the bloody, tattered jeans of the unconscious man. As she watched, she stored vital signs in her head, relied order to the others, her own hands worked swiftly and all the while wondered what on God's green Earth she decided to take a part time residency at Capital City ER. Turner was shaking his head. "Motorcycles. Hello Death. Dr. Walker, you don't see how to came ride of the those things all the way from Hazzard after looking at a guy in this shape."Chance didn't even look up. "At least he was wearing a helmet, although he SHOULD have been wearing full body armour.". She let out a short breath as the tube slid into the patient's throat cleanly. "Intubated. OK, folks, let's get blood gases, toxiclogy. Smells like this guy been partying." Although she was working fast, Chance's hands were steady. her job was to piece the patient to together fast and get him up to surgery. Quickly, efficently and, most importantly, alive. "Call the OR, tell what them what we got coming up. Contusion, lacerations, a major concussion and dislocated shoulder." Chance's voice was tense but the nurses never questioned her order, part time or not.===Over three hours later, Chance left the OR. That patient would be walking, riding and probably drinking again in a matter of weeks. She leaned against the OR walls, and sighed tiredly, thinking if she had never felt this exhausted before. Between her practice in Hazzard and now this job in Capitol City, she had gotten about 4 hours sleep in the last 24 hours. She had been told she would only be working a shift a week, just enough to add some badly needed income to keep her office flourishing, and on call for another shift. In truth, the last two weeks, she had been working almost 20 hours a week, plus fulltime at her own office, and driving time to boot. Chance closed her eyes and demanded herself not to think about it. She could use the practice in major surgery, she didn't want her skills wasting in the relatively calm town of Hazzard.*If only they can see me now.* She thought wearily, glancing down at the the ugly pea-green scrubs her was wearing, her surgical mask still hanging around her neck, a far cry from her usual jeans and tshirt ensemble. she had only been in Hazzard a matter of weeks, but it already felt more like home then the rush of the big city, although she had been born and bred in Atlanta. And right now, home is where she wanted to be. In bed. Asleep.Walking through the ER, she blocked out the mutitude of sounds, from medical machines beeping to the buzz of conversation of the medical staff. Chance signed her timesheet and clocked out. She was just about to head to the lockerroom to change when a familar, yet hardly welcome, voice rang up."Hey Doc, going back to Hicksville?" Dr. Leonard Becker called out from the desk. Chance was really not in the mood to deal with the chief resident. He may be one of the most talented surgeons in Capital City, but he was also a world class pain in the butt. "When you gonna stop tending cattles and cornpones and come back to real medicine?""As least the company's better, Leo." Chance snapped back. Which caused a round of snickers at Becker's expense. Chance didnt even stay to hear, it was time to go home.===On the hour drive back to Hazzard, Chance steered her red Honda motorcycle over the various twists and turns on the country backroads and thought about the vast differences between Hazzard and the city. As she neared the Boar's Nest, she decidied Dr. Becker could have his "real medicine" and shed take cattle and cornpones anyday. Chance pulled into the parking lot of took off her helmet. She should really go straight home but she was hungrey and not in the mood to cook. Pushing open the door, she was immediatly greeted by Daisy Duke."Chance, honey, you look awful!""Thanks, Dais, I can always count on you to cheer me up."The bar was fairly quiet, so Chance sat down and Daisy got her a cup of coffee without Chance ordering it. Chance smiled gratfully and sipped the strong brew. "So I was operating on this kid today who got jumped by three thugs and robbed and he looked up at me and says 'Doc, you look terrible!'"Daisy grinned, as tired as Chance was, her wit as as sharp as ever. "Luke was looking for you last night."Luke, Daisy's cousin, and Chance had started dating soon after Chance arrived in Hazzard. "Did you tell him I was staying up with Mrs. Crafton with her twins until their fever went down.""Yes, and he said something about you perferring to be with sick people than him.""Tuff Tonsils, I had a job to do. By the way, Daisy, Great Coffee. I am having a bust made out of your head, or, possibly, the other way around.""You just take care, hon." With a smile and a wink, Daisy turned back to the other tables. "And get some rest."Chance inwardly shrugged, she knew she must look like death warmed over but hardly anything she could do about it. She had patients to care for and a medical practice to run.*** Quote
Kristy_DUke Posted July 9, 2003 Posted July 9, 2003 Exhaustion sweeps quickly over Kristy as she throws her 2001 black Silverado truck, that she has rightly named "Silver Bullet", into park in the old dusty dirt parking lot of the local bar and restaraunt. Glaring ahead out of her dusty windshield she stares tiredly at the dusty white brick building, taking in the old rusty hub caps that hang upon the walling of the building. She sighs warily as she throws open her door and tiredly steps out into the dark night and slowly begins to head to the door. Throwing open the wooden cracked door she is over whelmed by the loud juke box that plays an old George Strait song along the wall next to the bar.For a long moment she takes in the crowded bar and restaraunt, trying to find someone she could sit and talk to. She sighs in anger that continues to grow steadily within her, anger towards herself for allowing herself to sink low enough to be showing up at the rowdy bar at such late of night, knowing that she has children she should be home attending to. "Hey Kris," a loud voice yells out over the noisy crowd and over the loud music and she scans the room for a long moment before she sees Bo's lengthy arm motioning for her to come over. Slowly she walks past a few people walking around and through tables before she arrives at the table Bo sits at with Cooter and Luke. After a moment of sitting down, Bo asks, "Whatchya doin' here at this time of night?"Looking around she is hesitant to answer, "I really don't know...know that sounds stupid, this is just where I ended up. I talked to Hogg today.""What he have to say?" Bo asks next to her."Probably nothin' good," Cooter chimes in before taking a big drink of his watered down beer, "something negative for everyone but for him.""Yeah pretty much," Kristy nods as Daisy walks up to the table."Why Kristy," she says showing her surprise, "you'd be the last person I'd expect here at this time.""I know," Kristy smiles forcing herself to relax a little, "I'm punching thick holes through my good reputation by being seen here at this time of night.""Ah don't worry about it," Daisy smiles, "you deserve to get out more than you do. Who's watchin' the kids?""Jesse and Garrett," Kristy responds, "I still haven't gotten back home from talkin' to Hogg and job searchin'.""Garrett is stuck baby sitting," Bo cracks up laughing at the thought of his twin brother being stuck changing diapers and cleaning up thier messes while she is gone."Yeah somethin' like that," she shrugs, "I tol' em I was stopping by to talk to a friend...guess it was a small lie. Garrett would be cracking up at the thought of me bein' here.""Don't worry 'bout him," Daisy shrugs, "he needs to be doin' some baby sittin' do them boys them all a bunch of good. Dunno what damage it'd do to Jamie and Shay to have them baby sitting, but...the guys need to know what you do day round."It goes silent for a long moment before Luke speaks up, "So what did ol' Hogg have to tell you when you showed up, demanding yer job back?""Tol' me I was lucky to not have myself arrested for suggesting such a thing after the trick I pulled on him by walking out that day," Kristy says glaring around the room before looking back at Luke, "he was callin' Rosco in when I left...he ain't givin' it back to me no matter what.""He has too much pride to come callin' on you... back to your job," Cooter speaks up, "he is back to having Enos do the paper work for Rosco and him...which will only do him more damage...but it will take him a long while before he admits that.""No kidding," Luke sighs shaking his head."How did your other job hunt go?" Daisy asks, resting her brown circle tray against her hip."Just as bad...just didn't get threatened with getting arrested by the others. People need people to help out, that they could hire, but don't have the money," Kristy answers looking around the table, "Jamie is goin' to go nuts soon if she can't go back to preschool. She loves school...all her friends. But I can't afford for them to keep going to school if I don't have any money comin' in...feel bad for Uncle Jesse, she was throwing a fit when I left.""I can't believe Hogg did such a thing to you," Cooter speaks up looking through his empty beer glass, "Boss may be greedy and self centered, but one thing he knows is important, and that is family! Why not give you your job back? He knew you left for Shay and he was sick.""Like you said before...pride," Luke says, his bright blue eyes show a lot of thinking and planning, "at the moment he fired you...he panicked and said the only thing he could think of out of his anger and pride. That is all I can think of his reasoning behind firing you and no matter what, it will take a lot for him to come to you. He has too much pride.""Pride, pride, and more pride," Bo says after his leave into silence, "the man's full of it...and money. Perhaps some day he'll get onto the honest path.""Like to know when that will be," Daisy says rolling her eyes."Most likely, not any time soon," Luke says looking up, "I just thought of somethin', not with Hogg, but with a job.""What's that?" Kristy asks."Well, you still need to pay Chance off for Shay? Right?" he looks across at Kristy who nods slowly, "Well perhaps you could ask her if she has any job she could hire you perhaps secetary or nurse? I don't know if she is looking for someone, but you two would probably work perfect together...and you could help pay off his medical bill all at the same time.""Yeah maybe," Kristy says silently unsure of herself and of what to do, "I'd be willing if she would be.""That's a great idea Luke!" Daisy smiles, ignoring a few men's whistles for her to get to thier orders, "She'd be a lot more pleasant to work with and a lot more patient.""Yeah it'd be great," Bo speaks up with a hint of a smile, "but she would miss Rosco flirting with her way too much if she don't work with him.""If you say so," Kristy snaps back at him, giving him a hard stare."I don't think there is anything you stand to loose by asking," Luke says, "she wouldn't have anything to loose by hiring you.""She'd have a lot to gain sugar," Daisy smiles at her, "in fact Chance is here," she points over to where she sits, "Why don't you go talk to her?"Kristy glances around the table for a long moment before glaring back at Chance and then back at the table. "I don't know," she finally says."Oh c'mon," Luke says, "I'll even go with ya if you want...she won't bite."Kristy smiles a bit before saying, "OK," and together they slowly move to where Chance sits. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 9, 2003 Author Posted July 9, 2003 (coposted with Kristy)Chance had just finished her sandwich and coffee when Kristy and Luke came upto her table. Chance smiled wearily. "Kristy, very nice to see you again. How's Shay these day? I hope he's still not terrified at the sight of me." She teased. "And.." She said, turning to Luke, her smile widening. "I understand you were pretty put out when I didn't show last night.""Can you blame me?" Luke puts on a grin, "I mean I was looking forward to seeing such a beautiful gal as yourself.""Any other day, that line probably would have got you somewhere. And trust me, I would have rather been slow dancing thenwhat I was doing anyday." Chance stifled a yawn. "Sorry, Its not the company, its the hour. Or rather, hours lately." "Hey don't worry about it," Luke shrugs, almost apologetically, "you just let me know when you are free and we can hang out again.""If I knew that, I'd presribed myself about 48 hours of downtime. Working at the Capital City ER is a little more than I bargained for. But I don't think you guys came over here to hear about my sad state of mind.""We came to talk...and to listen," Luke says, "them hours catching up to you is it? Perhaps you could use some help?""Help?" Chance's eyebrows raised curiously "Go to med school while I wasn't looking, Luke?""Who me?" Luke laughs at the thought, "Nah the only school I went to was Hazzard High...I was talkin' about Kristy here, " he points over at the petite thin Duke who holds her thick strawberry blond hair back into a silver barrette, "she worked in a hospital in Atlanta for a couple of years...and you just kinda made her lose her other job. I was just thinkin' that maybe if you needed help, you could offer her some sort of job? She could help pay off some of your bills as well."Chance considered this. "Well, I wasn't gonna make her pay for my care for Shay at all, but you're right about me making her lose her job." Chance turned to Kristy. "What kind of medical experience and training do you have?""Not a whole lot," Kristy shrugs glaring through the thick smoke, "I graduated a few years ago for nursing and I did that for a year or two in Atlanta with my mom before I came down to Hazzard. I worked on the pediatric floor.""You're more than qualified. Okay, Here's what we'll do. Come to my office in town say..around noon tommorrow. We'll set the paperwork and see what you can do.""OK...that sounds great, " Kristy pushes a tired smile at her, "That will mean a lot to me." "You may regret this after a few days or a few bedpans, whichever comes first. Now, "Chance said standing. "If you two will excuse me, I'm gonna home and see if I can actually get some rest before then.""I guess I can force myself to watch you leave," Luke smiles at her. "Take care." "You aint got much choice, sweetheart, unless you want to come with me." Chance teased. "See you tommorrow" With that, Chance left the bar and few minutes later the growl of her Honda could be heard firing up and then drifting off.Daisy came up to table to clear the plate away. "I'm kinda worried about Chance, she was looking awful tired. How'd it go, Kristy?""It went OK," Kristy sighs, "I never expected to go back to hospital work...guess I don't have much choice." "Chance wasn't so tired to leave out a smart remark or two before she left." Luke said. "Kristy, you'll do fine, I saw how you handled yourself when Shay got sick and how you took care of him. I think you'd be a great nurse.""Thanks Luke," Kristy smiles genuinely at him. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 10, 2003 Author Posted July 10, 2003 Chance's office building was a three-story red brick building sitting in Hazzard Sqaure, opposite to Cooter's garage. The first story consisted of the reception area, Chance's office, exam room and a small OR room for minor surgery, the second was patients rooms and an Xray, the third was Chance's loft apartment. Chance had had the attic converted for livign quarters so Chance could be found quickly and easily in case of medical emeregency, not that there were many of those in Hazzard.The next morning, Chance was busy in her office. Between appointments, paperwork and the occasional walk-in patient, not to mention the follow-ups from the patients her worked on the day before at Capital City, Chance found herself thinking maybe Kristy's offer was a gift from above. *Not real medicine, my pretty pink PHD.* Chance thought. This was more real then the assembly line type work at the ER, abeit not as lucarative. Which was the reason why Chance was pushing her limits recently.Kristy sighs nervously as she throws her big truck into park in front of a large red brick building that is labeled as the Hazzard's doctor's office. Her heart races nervously within her as she fights to calm herself enough to exit her truck. Slowly she walks up the side walk past a few towns people before entering the building. The sound of the down shutting brought Chance out of her reverie. She looked up and grinned as Kristy Duke entered the office. "Noon, already? I guess time flies." Standing, she gathered some papers off her desk and hands them to Kristy. "Let's get this paperwork out of the way and get you to work."Kristy smiles nervously at her as she takes the papers and slowly begins to look over them as she starts to fill them out. Her mind flutters from thought to thought while she continues to fill out the paper work while wondering why she is so nervous.Chance sat at her desk while Kristy filled out the various forms nessacary for the job. She couldn't help but notice Kristy's anxiety as she fidgeted. "Something on your mind, Miss Duke? I promise, I won't grow horns and a tail on you, despite what Boss Hogg has told you about me." Chance hadn't made the best of impression on the rotound commissioner upon her arrivel to Hazzard, but threatening him with a strict diet did that to him. "At least not on the first day." Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 11, 2003 Author Posted July 11, 2003 "Oh no," Kristy gives Chance a nervous smile, "I didn't think that." Kristy fills out a few more answers, "This stuff just makes me nervous...always wondering if it's right or not." "Don't worry, you'll do fine." Chance took the papers as Kristy finished. "Until these get processed you can help me with mostly paperwork." Chance shook Kristy's hand and grinned. "Welcome to Hazzard County Medical Offices.""Thanks," Kristy says as her nervousness decreases into a hint of relief as she slowly looks around the room, "Tell me what to do.""Well, let's start with some basic paperwork and work our way from there." Chance looked embarassed for a moment. "Kristy, I can't afford to pay as well as nurses make in city offices, but I believe I could beat what Hogg was paying you." Chance names a figure that was over twice the wages Kristy's previous salary. " won't hear me complaining," Kristy smiles at Chance, "now my step-dad and my mom would most likely stuck there noses up at the thought of working that, but I ain't like them. Money ain't everythin'.""I know some doctors in Atlanta that may contest that statement, but I think you're right." Chance said. "I have to make a couple housecalls this afternoon, but I can be reached by CB, on the same station on the sheriff's office uses.""I think I can handle that," Kristy smiles at the young doctor that has just became her boss as the black phone that rests on the doctor's desk begins to ring. Chance picked up the reciever. "Hazzard County Medical, Dr. Walker speaking." Chance facial expression changed from smiling to annoyed as she listened to the charge nurse at Capital City Memorial. "Yes, I see. I can't come in until late this afternoon, I have appointments to keep. Yes, I understand. Thank you." Chance sighed tiredly as she hung up the phone. "Never a dull moment. Capital City ER is shortstaffed again so I'll be leaving right after we close up here this evening." Chance grinned apolgetically. "I guess I'm gonna miss another date with Luke tonight."Well...I am sure he will understand," Kristy sighs uncomfortably, "he is the most understanding person I know of. Pehraps they should hire another doctor? Just an idea that I am sure you have no control over.""I would if we could afford it. With updating the medical equipment and other expenses, the office is actually operating at a loss currently. Which is why I'm putting in all the hours I can at Capital City Memorial. But Doctor Applby had provided himself on call for emergencies while I'm gone." "Well I thank-you for giving me a spot to work at ...even at times like this," Kristy says, "Jamie will be excited when s he gets to go back to school and it'll help things around and all.""No problem. Glad to have your aboard." Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 11, 2003 Author Posted July 11, 2003 Chance didn't get back to the office until very late that night, almost midnight in fact. She was so tired she didn't even stop at the Boar's Nest for a quick cup of coffee. What the hospital had promised was a simple 3 hour assistance had turned until a 7 hour shift. Pushing the of her office door open, Chance noticed that the office was unusually clean, organized and a stack of papers awaited her singature to be processed tommorrow morning. *First thing I do once I start turning a profit is give that girl a raise.* She tiredly sat down at Kristy's desk and began thumbing through the papers, signing where needed. Chance was bone-tired but still wired from the pace of the ER, it would take a while to calm down.But it wasn't meant to be...The sudden squeal of tires brought Chance's head up, she didnt even have a oppurtunity to wonder when her office door slammed open. And what came through those doors is something a doctor hopes she never has to see in their lifetime. The two teenagers were practicalyy dragging the third into the reception area. Chance was out of her chair like a shot and helping them lower the unconscious boy to the floor. She glanced at the two, them seemed shaken and bruised but fine. The third, the one on the floor, caused Chance's heart to hammer wildly. The boy's chest dented in as like a giant had punched him, his pallor was whitened and he was barely breathing."What happeaned?!"One friend was panting, his eyes scared as he fixed on his fallen friend."We..we had a car accident.""Why did you bring him here? He needs a hospital! I'm not equipped to deal with this." If the boy on the floor didnt have internal injuries, shed turn in her degree. "You." Chance pointed at the second boy. "Call Capital City ER, tell them we need an ambulance right away, or a copter. Tell them we have a major chest trauma. Can you remember that?" THe boy nodded and sprinted for Chance's office.Meanwhile, Chance ripped open the fallen boy's shirt. The boy was making gasping sounds, like a fish made when pulled from the water. *His lung's collapsed...dammit.* Chance quickly began CPR, using her linked hands to assist his breathing. But his breathing keep getting shallower, as the intense damage to his chest caught up with Chance's ability to heal.Moments later, some of Hazzard's citizen were awakened to the unfamilar sound of an ambulance's scream as it raced though the city, skidding to a stop in front of the medical offices. Two orderies raced inside, but Chance meet them at the door, shaking her head sadly. They had not been in time, the boy had died. According to his friend, Ray, he had been 15 years old. So young, and Chance had never felt older. Quote
Kristy_DUke Posted July 11, 2003 Posted July 11, 2003 ***DUKE FARM***Kristy slowly pulls up into the Duke's dusty dirt drive way as the sky lingering above her slowly turns a darker shade of blue. Parking her black truck, she watches a head of her as a kitchen light flickers on, glowing through the opened window above the sink. "Hey Kris," Luke says stepping out of the flimsy screen door as she steps out intot he cooling night."Mommy!" Jamie yells pushing out besides Luke, running to Kristy at full blast who catches her with caring arms, giving her a big hug and a kiss. "I missed you soo much.""So did I," Kristy smiles before letting her go and smiles up at Luke who wears tight pants without his shirt on, "How's it goin' Luke?""Fine...hear Chances's workin' late tonight," he states as Kristy walks up to him and they walk in together, "how was your first day?"Stepping into the kitchen she takes in the crowd that waits in anticipation. "I think it went really well," she sighs, "better than what I was thinkin', don't know why I was so nervous about it...I just had a bad feelin' about it all.""First day jitters, only natural," Jesse smiles at her, "I am glad to hear that it went well for you.""Well it is only the first day," Kristy sighs, "I hope I did an OK job after she left to do house calls.""I am sure you did fine," Luke says sitting tiredly down at the table, "So how is Chance? She sounded...really tired or upset on the phone?"Kristy sighs looking at Luke who glares demandingly at her for an answer. "I don't know Luke," Kristy sighs as Bo walks in holding Shay, "she seemed really tired today when I talked to her...past the point of exhaustion. I'm worried.""Well then...I'm not the only one worried about her," Luke replies, "I tried tellin' her she's gonna work herself to death if she don't watch it, but she didn't seem to listen none.""Too ambitious for her own good then," Jesse speaks up, "perhaps Applebee should talk to her about it...if it is as bad as y'all make it sound.""She did seem really tired last night," Bo commented."Now it must really be bad," Luke comments, "if Bo himself catches up with coming from someone who wouldn't notice if he himself had a cold.""Cute, Luke, real cute," Bo smirks at his cousin."I don't know," Luke grows serious, "I just wish she would settle down some, get some rest. Them doctors at the hospital can take care of themselves.""She'll learn," Jesse sighs, "and hopefully not the hard way." Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 11, 2003 Author Posted July 11, 2003 It took only an hour for the paramedics to get the paperwork from Chance and take the boy to Hazzard County Morgue. Chance sat down on the couch next to the boys that brought their friend, Andy, in. Chance took several deep breaths before asking."How did this happean?""We had a car accident." Ray repeated, his eyes were haunted, still staring at the spot where Andy had laid, and died, such a short time ago."We both saw his chest. You don't get those sort of injuries in a car crash. Tell me what really happeaned."Ray was shaking his head, as if denying what happeaned. "They did it, why could'nt we?""They? Who's they? What did 'they' do?" Chance pressed. If there was a reason for such a tragic death, Chance wanted to hear it. "Bo and Luke Duke. Mark, Andy and I were fishing at Millstone creek yesterday and we saw the General jump the creek. We thought that if they could do it, so could we. So.." Ray sniffed and rubbed his nose with his sleeve. "So we took Andy's dad's car and..did it."Chance couldnt believe what she was hearing. "Ray, your friend is DEAD because you wanted to prove yourself as daring as the Dukes?!" Chance stood and faced Ray, hands on his shoulder. "You understand me? What would possibly make you try such a fool stunt?!""You don't understand, Bo and Luke, they're like heroes around Hazzard, everybody wants to be like them.""Like what? Risking dying just to prove who has the fastest car or can pull the most dangerous stunt?!"Chance didnt give Ray a moment to answer. "A boy, a 15 year old boy is DEAD, because he wanted to mimic the stunts of two men who think nothing of running from the law and risking their lives and others by ripping through the county as if they're immortal?"Ray said nothing, only placed his hands over his eyes. He didn't realize Chance had left until he heard the banging on her front door and the roar of her motorcycle as it went down the street.Chance opened the throttle on her bike full-force, the normal well-mannered purr turned into a screech of protest of the Honda was acceelrated madly down the darkened dirt roads. All Chance could see was the dying boy on her office floor, dying because he wanted to prove himself on the same ground as his heroes. *How many times...?* Chance wondered *How many times had those two ripped through town, or caused crashs to slow down the law? What if they had hurt someone? Would if somone walked in front of the speeding car? Would they even care? Don't they realize these these...children look up to them? Want to be like them?* The more she thought, the more incensed Chance got. AT Fate, at Death and, for lack of anyone else solid to turn her rage on, the Dukes. She felt her rage build inside her until she could even breath for the tightness in her throat and chest, she only think of the sensless death of a young boy who could have been alive right now. At some point, Chance realized she wasn't thinking straight, the exhaustion was catching up with her emotions, coupled with the bitterness of being unable to save the boy and the frustration of the neutrality of death. It didn't choose only the old, sick or evil. It choose young, healthy and good people with equal abandon. Chance felt tears sting her eyes and wiped them away with an angry swipe of her hand. Well, she couldnt stop death, or time, or even stupid kids from doing stupid things, but she could make damn sure another child wasnt going to die initating a pair of men who didn't even realize the impact they made on a young mind. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 13, 2003 Author Posted July 13, 2003 Chance didnt know how long she drove before she found herself at the Duke farm, she wasn't sure she meant to come here, but here she was. She thought of young Andy dying in her hands and the rage inside her flared up. Parking the motocycle, she stormed up the front porch and without knocking, pushed open the door. Luke, Bo and Jesse were sitting at the table, Daisy was at the sink doing the evening dishes, all four turned to with surprised expressions.Luke stood, confused and concerned at Chance's appearance. She was pale, almost haggard but her eyes were blazing with anger."Chance, what are you doing h..." Chance didn't him time to finish."There is a boy.." Chance breath was ragged as she stared daggers at Bo and Luke. "who died in my office tonight, because he wants to follow in your footsteps. A 15 year old boy, a goddamed CHILD! Do you even care?""Wait, just wait a minute. What happeaned?" Luke tried to put his hands on Chance's shoulders, to try and calm her down, but Chance shook him off."These kids think of you as heroes. They hear of you pulling some fool stunt and they try it themselves. Then I end up putting them back together, usually starting with the surprised expression of their face, probably put there when they realized a second too late that that little trick could be fatal. "Jesse pointed a stern finger at the enraged young doctor. "Now listen here, missy, I...""Shut up, Jesse!"Now that silenced the room. Noone talked to Jesse Duke in that manner, not even his own kin and certainly not an outsider like Chance Walker."You can't talk to Uncle Jesse like that." Bo glared at Chance.Luke stood eye to eye with Chance. Slowing and delibitertly he said "You can't put that all on our heads. Just because you get your education from some big city college doesn’t mean you can go around preaching to us "country folk.""How dare you! You think all being a doctor is running noses and the occasional broken arm. You have no idea what it was like! Do you know what its like tp go wrist deep in blood? The blood of children? Why don't you grow up for crying out loud? I'm not in Hazzard for you to date! So If I can't the quiet country doctor to your satisfaction to hell with you. To hell with your Hazzard thinking, to hell with your mindless car races and while we're at it, the hell with you!"Kristy slowly takes a slow step out of the dark shadowy corner that she had been standing when Chance had stormed into the Duke farm. Her mind rushes in thought as she is filled with nervousness. She so much wanted to back up her new boss, to make her happy with her and who she is and yet at the same time she wanted to back up her family. She felt as if peopel were pulling at each of her arms. "Chance," she finally says, her voice quivering, "I know you are upset, anyone would be, but that don't mean you should be bargin' in here like you did and blamin' my brother, cousins, and my uncle. What do they have to do with others actions?"She lets a long pause to set in before she goes on. "OK I understand being upset at Bo and Luke, because they are the ones that drive the way they do, but why mistreat Uncle J esse that way? He didn't do nothin' to you! And as for Bo and Luke, how are they to know people look up to them? People are responsible for thier own actions, even them kids. They are the ones that did what they did! Not Bo and Luke." She takes a sit in disbelief that she actually spoke up, "I'm sorry Chance, but when it comes down to it, I will always support my family. They's the only thing I have.""You dont know how it felt! To have a boy half your age die in your arms. His chest..." Chance had to choke back a sob before. "He was only 15 years old. Think of all of the things his going to not get to do? His first kiss, gradating high school...all because he wanted to be like you." " we's suppose to know that someone would try what we do? Hell we do what we do knowing the risks and knowing the moves," Bo chimes in, "Like Kris here said, we all responsible for our own actions. It's not our fault that he lacked the knowledge to think of the consequences beforehand.""Knowledge?! Consquences?! You don't understand, None of you! You didn't watch as he slipped away, with there nothing you could do! You didn't see his eyes as he looked up at you, trusting you to save him, and then.." Chance couldn't speak for now, for the anger and agony welling up in her throat. She pressed her hands against her eyes, trying to stop the tears from coming. Chance knew in some region of her mind that they were right, but the image of Andy pushed that away."Look Chance," Luke finally says after a moment of silence, "as we all have said, we didn't think about others following us by driving the way we do, how could we know? I am very sorry to hear about his loss...very sorry. It is a deep tragic and if there was something we could do now, we would. We never asked anyone to follow what we do, in fact we would have preferred he didn't. I'm sorry Chance, we really are.""Sorry?" Chance's laugh was a little cryptic. "Not as sorry as Andy is, or was, I should say." Chance sighed, part of the knot of anger inside her loosened a bit. "Ours not to question why, ours not to let them die." she said more to herself then to the others. "We win some, we lose some. That's what it's all about. No promises, no guaranteed survival. No saints in surgical garb. Our willingness, our experience, our technique are not enough. Cars and guns and simple old age have more power to take life than we have to preserve it. But I'm sick of it, so sick of it all."But when Luke reached out to her again, to try to comofort her, she knocked his hand away again and backed out the door, as if backing away from a truth she just realized. Running for the Honda, she powered it up and sped away. An odd silence fills the old farm house's kitchen as they watch in disbelief as Chance drives away. After a long moment Luke jumps to his feet to make scraping noise from his chair scraping on the floor as he starts to head for the door before he is stopped by Uncle Jesse. "It's no use you or Bo chasing after two will only make it worse," Jesse says as his eyes water up in his own worry for the young doctor."What if me and Kristy go after her, to see where she goes and try to talk to her?" Daisy asks, still at the sink."That's a better idea," Jesse is slow to answer, "you two better get goin if you wish to catch up to her.""Yes sir," Daisy says as Kristy and her rush out to jump into Daisy's jeep and drives off. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 14, 2003 Author Posted July 14, 2003 Chance's next stop was the Boar's Nest, but in truth, she didnt know where else to go. She couldn't go home, the image of Andy lying just inside her front door was burned into her memory. And the only possible source of comfort she had found in Hazzard she had just left, Luke. Every time she remembered the looks of pain, confusion and anger on the faces of her friends, her shame grew. And everytime she saw the face of a dying boy, she knocked back another shot. Chance never drank much, but this wasn't an ordinary time. She wanted to burn those images out of her head, numb her heart of what she was feeling. "The Boar's Nest," Daisy breaks the long awkward silence to Kristy as they spot the motor cycle take a sharp turn into the drive away from a distance, "I can't imagine how she must feel, seein' that. Can you? That poor kid...his parents. That is so terrible.""Yeah," Kristy says softly as they grow closer to the Boar's Nest to allow a long moment of silence to intrude in Daisy's jeep, "but still...I don't know. I see both sides. Bo and Luke would never want anyone hurt, not alone killed.""She knows that," Daisy says as the pull into the parking lot and throws her jeep to a park, "She is just depressed about it all...angry. She is willing to take it out on any one or anything. Including herself"Kristy stares tiredly ahead as she follows Daisy into the dimly lit restaurant as smoke fills the air with the loud music.Her mind runs quickly within her, fighting to reach an answer on what to do that could help her boss. "There she is," Kristy points after a moment of finding her.Together they slowly walk up to her table where the waitress was giving her one of the Boars Nests' strongest drink. "Drinkin' that won't solve your problems, honey," Daisy says to grab Chance's attention, "Once you pass out and wake up, it'll come back to you. It's an endless cycle...a painful one that will hurt you as well as others."Chance glanced at the two women. "Drinking may not solve my problems, but at least I'll be alive, which is more than some." Chance sighed, speaking to noone in particular. "You create man. Man suffers enormous amounts of pain. Man dies. Maybe you should have had a few more brainstorming sessions prior to creation. You rested on the seventh day, maybe you should have spent that day reviewing your notes." Chance stood, without noticing the slight wobble as she did so. "Besides, what do you care, Miss Dukes? After what I just said to your kin, I'd think you'd be happy to see me take a sharp curve downhill.""That is not true!" Daisy yells after her, taking offense in her statement, "I love my family dearly, but I also care for you and am worried for you. I wish we could help you, but I guess Uncle Jesse is right, it is up to you to help yourself."Kristy quickly catches up with Daisy who has been following Chance out the door. For a long moment they stare as they watch her mount her bike and wobbly drives off. "She is un-safe driving in that condition," Kristy states, "Drinking and driving is an high offense to the law and second of all, will hurt others. She herself could kill anyone on the road...when she's yelling at Bo and Luke about thier driving!" Kristy sighs, "We need to get going, follow her and call the boys, perhaps they could stop her.""I hear ya," Daisy says and they climb into the jeep and take off for Chance.Chance gunned the engine of the cycle as her pulled out onto the roads. Chance driving skills were excellent, despite the combination of alcohol and emotional exhaustion. Drinking hadnt helped, neither had verbally blasting the Dukes, now Chance tried outrunning her feeling, and to hang with any consquences later. As the speedometer climbed higher as she tore down the dirt roads, Chance's driving became edgier, more dangersous, as if she was trying to tempt death to strike again. Kristy couldn't believe what she was seeing as Chance drove wrecklessly among the curvy roads, a few holding deep ditches filled with rocks and weeds."We're on our way," Luke responds over the CB radio from Daisy's call in for back up, "Perhaps we can cut her off.""Ten four surgar," Daisy says hanging up before turning to me, "I hope this works, she is such a nice doctor...helping Shay like she did and the few patients she already seen here in Hazzard said they loved her.""Yeah...very nice," Kristy repsonds watching through the passenger window, "Luke better know what he's talking 'bout here." Back at the Duke farm, Luke and Bo were climbing into the General Lee. "What you think got into Chance? She's going plumb loco!" Bo asked his cousin. "I don't know, cousin. Uncle Jesse is calling Doc Appbly. I know Chance and this is unnatural behavior for her." Luke thought for a minute. "It's almost like she's got shellshock for something.""What's that?""Well, back in the Marines, I heard stories about guys hold would go nuts after fighting for too long. Everything would just get to them and they'd fall to pieces.""Well, If we don't find Chance and right quick, she's gonna BE in pieces.""Oh," Bo says numbly as his mind runs wildly within him while he forces his foot upon the accelerator to force thier speed up, "Well we ain't that far from where the girls first said she was headin'.""Maybe," Luke says as he glares worriedly out the window as he draws in a prayer for the young doctor's safety, "Maybe she is right, perhaps our driving is to blame. . .I mean we do drive kinda recklessly and if them kids were immitating us and not knowing the consequence..."Luke cuts himself off at the thought. "Don't blame yourself Luke, she ain't thinkin' rightfully," Bo says fighting back the same guilt that plagues Luke, "We's all responsible for our actions. They are the only ones to try it thus far and from what happened to them, I doubt anyone else will. It is a horrible thing, but don't blame yourself. Don't let her do that to you...especially when she's not thinkin' properly." The red motorcycle kept accerlating as Chance pushed the machine to its limit. 60...70...80...90. Chance seemed to take no notice of the Jeep following her, she just kept concentrating on the growl of the powerful motor and the blur of the sides of the road. She didnt even notice as the General Lee pulled in front of Daisy's Jeep and besides her. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 14, 2003 Author Posted July 14, 2003 "Chance!" Luke yells out the window in vague attempt to catch her attention with little avail, "Push forward and block her...she wouldn't have much chance of escaping.""Sure thing Cuz," Bo manages to say as the orange car is pulled forward and waits for a mile or so to turn side ways to form a side block. As the motorcyle rushes at them Bo is filled with worry, "She's not gonna stop, Luke.""She's slowin' down," he points as Chance forcerully presses against her brakes forcing a loud squealling noise, "hopefully she stops. . .I dont' know how else to stop her from damaging herself!"They watch in worried anticipation as the bike fights against friction to be thrown to it's side where it slides into the tire of the General. "Chance!" Luke yells full of worry as both boys surround her and help her up as Jesse's truck joins them with Daisy and Kristy.Through the mental haze Chance as experiencing, she saw the orange stockcar as she rounded the corner. Had her reflexes been normal, she would have simply grown around. But as it was, Chance had to slam on the brakes. The Honda finally had had enough of its owner's treatment and went out from underneath her. The cycle skidded and spun until it came to rest by the side of the General Lee, its headlight illuminating car as if glaring at it. Chance herself hit the road with a sickingly thud that told anyone within earshot that had she not been wearing her helmet, she would have been killed. She lay there, dazed and bruised, not hearing the footsteps as the Dukes came running it to her. Without getting up, She slowly brought a hand up and undid the buckles to her helmet and pushed it off her head, a small trickle of blood run down her forehead where the helmet had connected with the road. Her breathing was ragged and her eyes unfocused as she took in the circle of faces standing above her."Chance," her name is called out in unison of worry of the Dukes and Applby. "Can you get up? Are you hurt?" Luke is first to speak his worry as he kneels down worriedly besides her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder as Applebee kneels on her other side.Chance said nothing, she seemed unsure, but she managed to get herself into a sitting position, leaning against the side of the General Lee. For a moment, she didnt even seem to be aware of where she was."Easy, Luke, She may have an concussion." Applby gently probed the cut just below Chance's eyeline. "Chance, can you hear me? It's Henry."Chance eyes slowly came into focus but she wasn't looking at any of them, rather finally seeing what she had done, what she was about do to. A sob escaped her, then another, until all the emotion she had kept trapped inside duting this terrible night came loose in a flood. Bringing her hands to her eyes, she openly starting crying, not caring who was there or how she must look to them. She brought her knees up under her chin, like a child. She was crying so hard, in fact, she barely noticed when Luke settled himself on the ground beside her and placed a gentle arm over her shoulder. "Easy, darling, Just let it go." Beyond that, he said nothing, just seemed content to provide what comfort he could while the young doctor depleted the well of emotion. Kristy slowly gets out of Daisy's jeep filled with emotions of feeling helpless as she watches the young doctor cry on Luke's shoulder. "Let's back away," Jesse says near Luke and Kristy stops near the jeep as Daisy joins her. Eventually, Chance's sobs started to quiet and for the first time that night, she took a deep breath and didnt feel the constriction of pain she had been feeling since the boy's death, although, she admitted to herself, she had never felt so tired in her life, physically, mentally and emotionally. "Why is it.." She asked while wiping away the tears "everytime I come apart recently, Luke, you're there to pick up the pieces?""Just lucky I guess." Luke smiled softly, Chance started to sound like herself and he noticed the intense energy she had been showing since she barged into the kitchen of the farmhouse was starting to leave her. "I am always here...if and when you need me," Luke says fighting for words of comfort he may be able to say to her, "even if you just to talk. Ask Bo...we share rooms...he talks non-stop of his problems...ever since I can remember.""Very good listener," Bo defends his cousin as Chance looks up at him who stands near the General, "Of course he couldn't escape my complaining very easily, since we share rooms and all.""I coulda taken the couch each time you started in," Luke defends himself, "but I didn't, did I?""True," Bo says to get a stern look from Jesse as if to tell him to shut up and he grows silent. "I'm here," Luke says hugging Chance."Ok, enough talk for tonight." Applby cut in, as Luke helped Chance to stand, if a bit unsteadily. "Kristy, Daisy and I will get Chance home, whet she needs now is sleep. Tommorrow, I'm to have an old friend talk to her."As two girls helped the battered doctor get into the Jeep, Jesse turned to Applby. "What happeaned here tonight, Henry?"Applyby took a deep breath. "Chance had what we called in the medical profession "burnout", its not unheard of for people who have high-paced, high-pressure jobs to become emotionally exhausted, combine that with the fact that Chance has been pushing her limits physically and the drinking sure as hell didn't help any, and you have in the harshest of terms, the emotional equal of a nervous breakdown."Bo and Luke had joined the small group at this point. "Well, Is she gonna be OK, Doc?" Bo asked."She needs rest and to cut back on her activity. When Jesse called me eariler and told me what had happeaned, I had a feeling this was the cause, so I called an old collegue of mine from back in the 50s whose been on both the giving and recieving end of burnout treatment. He's going to come down and see Chance tommorrow afternoon."Kristy glances over at Chance where they sit in the back seat of the jeep, just in case something were to happen. She herself is consumed with tiredness as she fights off her exhastion from the day's work. "We're almost there, Chance," Daisy says from the front seat to break the odd moment of silence. "Who's watchin' the kids, Kris? I didn't think of them til now...they were suppose to be with Jesse.""Most likely with Garrett...he is the most irresponcible peron I know, but when it comes to them kids, he seems to grow up when they are around," Kristy responds as she lends a caring arm around the young doctor who glares off into the distance.Chance was too exhausted to respond or even listen to the girl's chattering. She simply laid her head back against the seat and close her eyes. Thinking over the night's events, she did however feel the need to say one thing. "Kristy, Daisy, I'm sorry."Once the girls and Applby got back to town, they helped Chance into her apartment. Once in bed, Chance slept for almost 18 hours straight."That must have been really have it all catch up to her like that," Daisy says as she drives to the Duke farm, "I can't imagine watching people die at the hands of another.""It's not fun...I remember when children would die on my floor in was so hard on everyone, especially the younger ones. It happens I guess," Kristy sighs, "it was too much for me as it was on others. It comes with the territory. But it must have been hard, especially to know they was trying to do some of Bo and Luke's tricks.""Yeah," Daisy says as she throws her jeep to a park in the Dukes parking spot in front of the farm, "at least she finally got it out tonight...though it was too close for comfort and all. She got it out and perhaps Applebee help will help her out plus a few good hours of sleep." Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 17, 2003 Author Posted July 17, 2003 The next morning Appby called Kristy and asked her to him at the medical offices. When she arrived, she was greeted by Appbly, who unlocked the office doors and another older gentleman. "Kristy, I know Chance is still sleeping, but I've made arrangement for me and Dr. Pierce here..."He indicated the other doctor. "to take over her office for the next week. We'll going to give her a little vacation time, shes needs to recover physically and emotionally.""Most of my friend call me Hawkeye, Miss Duke, I hope you will too." Dr. Pierce shook Kristy's hand and smiled warmly."OK Hawkeye. . .and it's Kristy," Kristy smiles at the older doctor while taking him before looking at Doctor Applebee. "What all can I do...or get you this morning?" "Well, me and Henry will be taking over Dr. Walker's appointments and meanwhile I hope to talk to Chance about what happeaned last night. I understand from Henry that she went through some trauma." Hawkeye said."Yeah," Kristy sighs thinking of last night, thinking of how close they had came to loosing the young doctor, "I hope that you both can get it all straightened out." "I think 90% of Chance's problem was physical exhaustion and thats." Appbly pointed to the office roof, indicating the apartment above them "being taken care of at the moment.""Henry also tells me that you and your family probably saved Chance's life last night." "I really wouldn't include me in that," Kristy says nervously, "I just rode with my cousin, by the time we got there everyone was directing everyone to keep thier distance from her. I wish I could have helped more.""I'm sure you did all you could and it was the right thing to do to keep her distance. I won't lie to you, Kristy, if Henry described Chance right, she could have been on the fast track to suidical. I've been there and the world's seems very frightening from that point of view."Kristy watches the two men talk about Chance's odds and condition as she silently says a little prayer for Chance to be OK, and to be strong enough to survive it. "It must feel terrible," is all Kristy can think to say."It's not pretty, but she's very forunate to have friends who supported her though it. I think the worst is over for her."===The afternoon sun was shining when Chance next opened her eyes. She groggily sat up in bed, she was sore from head to toe and her head felt like had sucker-punched her. She closed her eyes and groaned when she realized that chain of events had happeaned last night wasn't a dream. How was she going to face her friends after last night's escapade? Chance wondered as she stood and stretched, wincing as several muscles cracked and popped. In a town as small as Hazzard, surely her emotional roller coaster during last night would be common knowledge. She owed the Dukes her life. They had come to help her when she had verbally attacked them. An hour later, Chance came down the steps into the office. She had eaten, showered and dressed casually in blue jeans and a tshirt. Physically, she felt better than she had in days, maybe weeks. She was still drawn, but no longer exhausted beyond measure. Opening the door to her office, she was greeted by Applby, Kristy and another old man. He was tall and lanky, silverhaired but one could see a quick intelligence and irresistible humor in his eyes."Good morning, Chance, or afternoon I should say.""Henry, I..""Before you get all mushy about last night, I want you to meet someone." Appbly interruppted. "This is Dr. Ben Pierce. he;s had some dealing with burnout parients.""Please just call me Hawkeye." Chance shook his hand. "Burnout?" Chance thought for a minute and nodded. "I guess I pushed myself too far.""And then some. I already called Capital City and gave them your resignation, along with a piece of my mind. Even a small hospital should know not to overextend its doctors and the signs of burnout.""So whats's the pronogsis, doctors? Am I ready for a trip state to Langston Mental?"Hawkeye cut in. "I don't think that'll be nesscary, but you do need a rest. Henry and I have been talking and we decided to little mutiny might be in order.""Mutiny?" Chance asked in confusion.Applby smiled gently. "Dr. Pierce and I are taking over the office for a week, Chance, you hereby are on medical leave. Prescribtion includes at least 8 hours of sleep a night and ." Applby checked his watch. It was almost 4pm. "A picnic supper with a good old boy youve been ignoring for the last week." Applby's smiled broadened and indicated the office window. Chance looked out and saw Luke Duke leaning against the General Lee. When she saw Chance, he smiled and waved. Chance turned back to Kristy."I don't think I can ever thank you and the Dukes enough, you may have saved my life last night.""Well you have Luke and Bo to thank, not me," Kristy shrugs, "I wish I could have done more than I did. I hope that things will get better for you...if you ever need anything...even if it is a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen...I am here.""I'll remember that, Kristy.""Dr. Walker, I'm going to say something a friend told me about 40 years when I went through burnout." Hawkeye Pierce smiled broadly. "'Take my advice, Sometimes you have to pull down your pants and slide on the ice.'"For the first time in almost 48 hours, Chance laughed heartily. She waved to the two doctors and Kristy as she went outside to meet Luke. "OK...enjoy your picnic," Kristy called out after her.====Chance exited the medical offices and approached Luke, she suddenly felt unnatuarlly shy, remembering how she had stormed into their kitchen and practically accused them of murder and then not two hours later, ended up crying on his shoulder. "Luke, I..." Chance paused, trying to put her thoughts into words. "I have no words to tell you how sorry I am for how I behaved last night. I would say I wasnt feeling like myself, but I guess you kinda guessed that. Can you ever forgive me?""Look, we all have our times, where our guard comes down and we need others for support," Luke says caringly, giving her a tight hug, "and you have been under a lot of stress...that can do about anything to a person. It isn't easy to watch people die...especially so young. I remember back when I was in war and my best friend had practically died in my lap. I had suffered from that for what seems like forever. If it wasn't for Bo. . .I don't want to say what may have happened. People don't give Bo the credit he deserves...he may not be the smartest, but he is there when you need him the most. He is the one that has helped me through the toughest times. . .even if to listen." Luke pauses, "And if you ever need to talk. . .I am here. Don't try to pull this off and not talk about it. All that will do is make it worse, trust me.""Hazzard has a funny way of getting to you." Chance grinned. "It seems to open your heart a litte more than usual. Does that make any sense to you?""After living here this long," Luke smiles, "of course I do. Hazzard is like no other place grows on you.""Well, I hope I grow on Hazzard too." Chance smile widened. "Applby said something about a picnic? Lets go! I'm starving.""Hey," Luke flashes his best Duke smile, "I was waitin' on you!""Then, sweetheart, your wait is over. C'mon." Laughing, Chance climbed into the General Lee.Luke smiles as he presses onto the accelerator of the orange stock car while he stole a glance at Chance, to take in her beauty.Chance was deep in thought as they drove. "It still doesn't seem real. I mean, I can remember everything that happeaned, but its like watching a movie. If you and Bo hadnt stopped me when you did..." Chance trailed off at the thought, inwardly shivering. "I don't I'll ever be able to repay you.""You don't have to," Luke says, his southern voice full of concern, "we were glad to do it. . .I don't know what I would have done if. . .if we weren't there." "I thank god you were, Luke. Like I said last night, you always seem to be there to catch me when I fall. We're starting to make this a habit.""Not such a bad habit," Luke grins at her as he pulls to a park in front of the Hazzard pond that remains still and calm, "I figured this would be as peaceful as we can get...and relaxing."Chance gace an unladylike snort. "Not a bad habit for you, maybe. You get to play the hero everytime. But you're right, this is relaxing, peaceful and secluded." Chance noticed they had pulled off the main road some time and onto a seldom-used dirt track. Chance looked at Luke skeptically. "You SURE I can trust you?" She asked playfully."I guess I'll just have to take my 'chances' with you." Luke smiled as he leaned in for a kiss.====Appbly watched out the window, as his young friend and Luke spoke for a minute, hugged gently and then both climbed into the orange stockcar and went off on their way."Think she's gonna be OK, Hawk?""I think she's gonna be fine, especially with friends like the Dukes. They kinda remind me of some friends I had back when I was back in the army.""Is that right?""I don't think I even told me about when I was in the Korean War, there was this doctor there called BJ Hunnicut, I think you'd would have liked him. But's that another story.."===THE END=== Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 17, 2003 Author Posted July 17, 2003 Medical Burnout (def) a state of mental and/or physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.I would like to dedicate the above story to my family and friends, who, when I experienced my own version of an emotional burnout supported me throughout my recovery. I have no doubt that without them, I wouldn't be here to enjoy life and face the challedges of it. I consider myself proof positive that a loving family network is truly God's greatest gift.Yours truly,Carrie aka Pendragon aka Chance Walker Quote
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