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Daisy looked at Enos sitting near her, under a cherry tree.

Sometimes they spent their lunch break together.

Besides, Daisy liked spring very much; she liked its warmth (especially after a cold winter like the last one) and its flowers.

“Hey sugar, don’t eat so quickly†she said laughing.

Enos blushed, “You’re right, Dais. But I liked very much your sandwiches, and my lunch break is almost overâ€. Then he stood up, putting on his hat. “Bye Daisy. Thanks for your sandwichesâ€

She looked at him leaving and waving goodbye to her from his patrol car.

She smiled looking at the cherry blossoms falling like snow, and she remembered that storm nearly killed them.


Chapter 1

In the evening, the Dukes were having dinner, talking as usual ‘bout their day.

Daisy looked at Luke, “Did Cooter fix the General Lee?â€

Luke nodded “Yes, Cooter is the best mechanic out there. We’re lucky. Me and Bo are in love with the General, and we can’t part with our racesâ€

Bo winked at Luke, “Maybe you’re in love with the General, cousin, but I prefer women. The girl I dated yesterday evening was very hot, and… â€

Uncle Jesse coughed, stopping Bo’s words and hiding a smile “You’ll tell Luke everything later, Bo. And what ‘bout your day, Daisy?â€

Daisy shrugged “Everything as usual. I had lunch with Enos, then I went to the Boar’s Nestâ€

Bo smiled, “I was wondering why you prepared all those sandwiches this morning, ‘cause I don’t see sandwiches on this table. Tell Enos don’t eat so much ‘cause it’s dangerous to bath after eatingâ€.

Daisy stared at her cousins “Again in the pond? Poor Enosâ€, but she tried to hide a smile.

Luke looked at uncle Jesse, “And what ‘bout you uncle Jesse? Did you go to the Post office, didn’t you?â€

Uncle Jesse nodded. “Miss Tizdale told me a photographer came here in Hazzard in order to make a sort of photo session ‘bout Hazzardâ€.

Bo, Luke and Daisy looked each other, asking simultaneously “A photo session?â€

Uncle Jesse kept on talking, nodding. “Yes. Miss Tizdale told me that Boss Hogg hired this woman because he wants to sell this book here in Hazzard and he hopes in other countries too. Besides, this woman is a famous photographer, and she loves to take pictures of south and peaceful countries. She’s taken pictures of a lot of countries, and it could be a big advertising for Hazzardâ€

Luke nodded “So Hazzard is going to become a photo set, and this photographer is going to understand that Hazzard is very different from countries she saw before. It’s not a peaceful country at allâ€.

Everyone nodded, then they laughed.


Miss Laura O’Brian was in the boarding house, thinking ‘bout her first day in Hazzard.

After she arrived in Hazzard, she drove her car in order to find peaceful places for her pictures.

That morning she found a beautiful river and she was going to photograph the river and the mountains on the horizon, when she heard a roar.

Picture: a orange car is flying in the sky, over the river, raising a lot of dust.

Shocked by what she saw, she decided to change the subject.

She found a dusty street with a billboard on its side; on the billboard there’s the sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane saying “Drive carefullyâ€.

“What a perfect pictureâ€, she told herself, “A peaceful street of a peaceful small town with a peaceful sheriff telling his citizens to drive carefullyâ€. She’s taking a picture when she heard another roar.

Picture: sheriff patrol car is flying through the billboard.

She looked at that exploded billboard whit her mouth open, then she shook her head. “It’s a nightmare. It’s only a nightmareâ€

She tried again to find a peaceful place for a peaceful picture.

At the end of her first day she found a pond surrounded by beautiful trees.

She took a deep breath, ready to shoot. Again a roar.

Picture: deputy patrol car is landing in the pond, raising a lot of water.

When Laura arrived at the boarding house, that evening, she was soaked and depressed.

After a hot bath she looked at the pictures scattered on her table: the orange car flying in the sky, the sheriff patrol car flying through the billboard (the one with “Drive carefully†on it), the deputy patrol car landing in the pond.

She sighed, looking at the best picture of that day.

Under a cherry tree, a beautiful woman and a man wearing an uniform are talking, and they seem in love.

Laura smiled. Hazzard wasn’t so bad.


Chapter 2

After a week in Hazzard, Laura started to enjoy her stay there.

When she arrived in Hazzard, she thought to be surrounded by strange people because of flying cars, fights at the Boar’s Nest, aged people on motorbike and so on.

But now, in her room, she was smiling while she was looking at the pictures of Hazzard’s people.

There was the Duke family with its warmth: Jesse Duke, the patriarch of the Duke family, very wise and sweet; the two Duke boys, Bo and Luke, the drivers of the car she saw flying during her first day in Hazzard (that orange car with the confederate flag and the 01 painted on it); Daisy Duke, a beautiful woman, sweet and strong at the same time.

Laura kept on staring at the pictures of Hazzard’s people: Cooter, a sort of wizard when he had to repair cars; Boss Hogg, the greediest man she ever met, and his wife Lulu; the funny sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane, Lulu’s brother, the weirdest sheriff she ever met, and his dog Flash.

Finally, Laura looked at Enos Strate pictures, the sweetest man in Hazzard.

It was very difficult to take pictures of Enos because of his shyness; when she tried to photograph him, he blushed and he looked away.

Anyway, Laura liked to take pictures of people when they didn’t notice her, catching their souls.

Besides, Laura didn’t forget her love for nature, and she kept on taking pictures of rivers, mountains, trees (especially her beloved cherry trees in blossom).

She took in her hands one of the first pictures of Hazzard, the one she liked the most: a man and a woman under a cherry tree; that day, Enos and Daisy didn’t notice her, so they seemed very natural.

Looking at that picture, Laura had no doubt: they were in love.

Somehow, she was very interested in all the Enos-Daisy thing, especially after she knew about last winter; people said they risked to die in a blizzard, and Daisy’s family found them sleeping and hugging each other.

But people in Hazzard seemed not to understand completely their love: it was obvious Enos had a crush on Daisy ‘cause he was always goofy when she was near him, but their real relationship was not so obvious at all. Everyone thought they were only friends, but Laura knew Enos and Daisy were hiding their true feelings to everyone (and to themselves too), and she wanted to unmask them.

Why did she want to unmask them? She laughed. “Am I so romantic?â€.

She thought of her youth; she was in her fifties and she still remembered her first and only love; she lost him because of her inability to confess her feelings, and when she was ready for it, it was too late.

She was still thinking ‘bout her youth when she heard knocking at her door.

It was Enos. He lived in her same boarding house (the only boarding house in Hazzard), and they became friends since the first time they met.

Laura remembered her first meeting. It was her first day in Hazzard, and she was coming back the boarding house after a terrific day of identified flying objects (cars, obviously driven by aliens), dust and broken billboards; and at the end of the day, she got soaked because of a patrol car landing in a pond (she was near the pond, so the water raised by the car drenched her). That day, while she was opening her door, she saw a young man entering in the boarding house; he was a cop and he was soaked too, so she understood he was the patrol car’s driver. She wanted to kill him, but when he smiled at her she knew it was impossible hate him. Few later, while she was developing her pictures, she saw him again in her best picture of the day, so she forgave him.

Enos looked at Laura, smiling “How ‘bout your pictures, miss O’Brian?â€.

He liked Laura since the first time they met, when she knocked at his door and she gave him a copy of a picture: Daisy and him under a cherry tree. He liked very much that picture, and he kept on his dresser’s mirror, near a lot of pictures of Daisy.

Laura and Enos sat at the table and Laura showed him new Hazzard’s pictures.


At the farm, Daisy was in her room looking at a picture Laura gave her.

She smiled, then she hid it in a small box containing a lot of pictures of Enos.


Chapter 3

“Miss O’Brian’s showed me her new pictures yesterday. She’s able to catch Hazzard’s soul and people soul. She’s very talentedâ€. Daisy nodded. She agreed with Enos.

They were again in their favourite place. Daisy was sitting under the cherry tree, leaning on its trunk, and Enos was lying down on his side, huddled up, resting his head on her legs.

Daisy looked down at him “How’s your stomach, honey?â€

“I feel better. I think I ate too quicklyâ€

Daisy laughed, “As usual. How many time have I to tell you to eat slowly? Nobody’s trying to steal your lunchâ€

He sniggered, “You’re right Dais. But, please, don’t scold me as if I’m childâ€.

Daisy laughed again, “Sorry, Enos. But sometimes you really act like a childâ€, and she caressed his hair. He blushed, but he liked resting like that.

“Enos. Do you know…â€she stopped; he rolled on his back, looking up at her, “What Daisy?â€. She shook her head, “Nothingâ€, smiling at him, “Nothingâ€.

Enos huddled up again on his side, closing his eyes while she kept on caressing his hair; then she let her hand slide on his neck and on his chest. “What the heck am I doing?†she thought, but she wasn’t able to stop her hand that was sliding down towards his stomach. He held his breath, then he suddenly stood up, “Sorry Daisy. I have to go now. My lunch break is overâ€.

Disappointed, Daisy looked at him who’s running away like a mouse chased by a cat. She blushed, talking to herself, “Daisy Mae Duke, what did you want to do? Stop thinking at him in that way. Stop thinking at him lying on you like he did in that barn during the blizzardâ€. She sighed, “What is he thinking ‘bout me right now?â€.

Meanwhile, in his patrol car, Enos was thinking at Daisy. “Did she really touch me like that?†he shook his head, “No. I know she wasn’t her aim to touch me like that, and it’s all my fault ‘cause I don’t understand anything when she’s with me, especially if she hugs me or if she touches meâ€. He stopped, leaning his head on the wheel; “What is she thinking ‘bout me running away like that? But if I had stayed there … “ he blushed.


Laura O’Brian was taking a walk when she met Bo and Luke; they were talking with Cooter. “Good morning Miss O’Brianâ€, Luke said, “How’s your job?â€

Laura smiled him back “I like Hazzard. I’m taking a lot of pictures; I’ve taken a lot of the General Lee’s pictures tooâ€.

“Good choice, Missâ€, Bo said smiling.

Daisy approached them, carrying a heavy bag in her arms. “Thanks for your help, cousins. Do the shopping doesn’t mean I have to carry heavy bags whereas you’re talking with friendsâ€.

Laura laughed, “Daisy is rightâ€.

Immediately Laura realized that Daisy was looking someone else; she was looking at Enos Strate who was on the other side of the street, in front of Hazzard bank. In her look she recognized excitement, love and lust, all mixed together.

When Enos looked at her in the same way she was looking at him, she looked away.

Daisy blushed realizing Laura was looking at her. When she stared at Laura, she saw her smiling, and in Laura’s smile she saw insight. Daisy wondered if Laura understood everything.

“Miss O’Brian is able to catch people soulâ€. Daisy was thinking ‘bout what Enos told her that morning. Did Laura catch Daisy feelings? Daisy didn’t know if she had to be happy about that or if she had to worry; she didn’t like people knew her so well.

Chapter 3

“Miss O’Brian’s showed me her new pictures yesterday. She’s able to catch Hazzard’s soul and people soul. She’s very talentedâ€. Daisy nodded. She agreed with Enos.

They were again in their favourite place. Daisy was sitting under the cherry tree, leaning on its trunk, and Enos was lying down on his side, huddled up, resting his head on her legs.

Daisy looked down at him “How’s your stomach, honey?â€

“I feel better. I think I ate too quicklyâ€

Daisy laughed, “As usual. How many time have I to tell you to eat slowly? Nobody’s trying to steal your lunchâ€

He sniggered, “You’re right Dais. But, please, don’t scold me as if I’m childâ€.

Daisy laughed again, “Sorry, Enos. But sometimes you really act like a childâ€, and she caressed his hair. He blushed, but he liked resting like that.

“Enos. Do you know…â€she stopped; he rolled on his back, looking up at her, “What Daisy?â€. She shook her head, “Nothingâ€, smiling at him, “Nothingâ€.

Enos huddled up again on his side, closing his eyes while she kept on caressing his hair; then she let her hand slide on his neck and on his chest. “What the heck am I doing?†she thought, but she wasn’t able to stop her hand that was sliding down towards his stomach. He held his breath, then he suddenly stood up, “Sorry Daisy. I have to go now. My lunch break is overâ€.

Disappointed, Daisy looked at him who’s running away like a mouse chased by a cat. She blushed, talking to herself, “Daisy Mae Duke, what did you want to do? Stop thinking at him in that way. Stop thinking at him lying on you like he did in that barn during the blizzardâ€. She sighed, “What is he thinking ‘bout me right now?â€.

Meanwhile, in his patrol car, Enos was thinking at Daisy. “Did she really touch me like that?†he shook his head, “No. I know she wasn’t her aim to touch me like that, and it’s all my fault ‘cause I don’t understand anything when she’s with me, especially if she hugs me or if she touches meâ€. He stopped, leaning his head on the wheel; “What is she thinking ‘bout me running away like that? But if I had stayed there … “ he blushed.


Laura O’Brian was taking a walk when she met Bo and Luke; they were talking with Cooter. “Good morning Miss O’Brianâ€, Luke said, “How’s your job?â€

Laura smiled him back “I like Hazzard. I’m taking a lot of pictures; I’ve taken a lot of the General Lee’s pictures tooâ€.

“Good choice, Missâ€, Bo said smiling.

Daisy approached them, carrying a heavy bag in her arms. “Thanks for your help, cousins. Do the shopping doesn’t mean I have to carry heavy bags whereas you’re talking with friendsâ€.

Laura laughed, “Daisy is rightâ€.

Immediately Laura realized that Daisy was looking someone else; she was looking at Enos Strate who was on the other side of the street, in front of Hazzard bank. In her look she recognized excitement, love and lust, all mixed together.

When Enos looked at her in the same way she was looking at him, she looked away.

Daisy blushed realizing Laura was looking at her. When she stared at Laura, she saw her smiling, and in Laura’s smile she saw insight. Daisy wondered if Laura understood everything.

“Miss O’Brian is able to catch people soulâ€. Daisy was thinking ‘bout what Enos told her that morning. Did Laura catch Daisy feelings? Daisy didn’t know if she had to be happy about that or if she had to worry; she didn’t like people knew her so well.

I really like it, keep it up.

  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 4

Laura O’Brian was ready to show her pictures to Boss Hogg. “Tomorrow everyone will see my pictures†she thought .

Her stay in Hazzard was nearly over; she was thinking of her next job somewhere else, when someone knocked at the door.

She stood up thinking it was Enos as usual, but when she opened the door she saw Daisy Duke standing there. She looked surprised at the young woman. “Daisy Duke. I’m glad to see you†she smiled at Daisy, but she noticed she was worried.

“Would you like a cup of coffee?, or a cup of tea?â€.

Daisy shook her head. “I’m sorry to annoy you, Miss O’Brian, but…… I’m here to ask you….to ask you not to use pictures of me and Enos in your book. Especially that picture of me and Enos under the cherry treeâ€. Her voice softened “Pleaseâ€.

Laura looked at her silently, then she told her to sit down. “We have to talk, Daisyâ€.

Sitting at the table, Laura tried to look into Daisy’s eyes, but Daisy was looking down at her hands on the table.

“Why?â€. Daisy didn’t answer.

Laura sighed. “Ok, Daisy. I have only one question. Do you love Enos?â€

Daisy blushed, “I have a strong affection for himâ€

Laura smiled, “A strong affection? It’s what you want people think. A strong affection. But I don’t believe it’s only a strong affection. Am I wrong?â€

Daisy blushed again. “I have only a strong affection for himâ€

Laura shook her head, “But in that picture you seem a woman in loveâ€

Daisy raised her head, angry “It’s why I don’t want people see that pictureâ€

Laura smiled again “So you know that picture shows your true feelings for Enos. Only strong affection, uh?â€, then Laura looked at Daisy seriously, “Ok Daisy. If you don’t want I use that picture for my book, well, I won’t use it; you have the right to ask me not to use your pictures without your permission, and I respect your privacyâ€

Daisy nodded, “Thanks, Miss O’Brianâ€, she stood up but Laura stopped her. “But, Daisy, tell me why you want to hide your real feelings to peopleâ€

Daisy sat down again. She was angry ‘cause Laura was the first person (except uncle Jesse)

who understood her feelings for Enos so well, but, even if she was angry, she wanted to talk ‘bout it with someone, and, anyway, Laura was going to leave Hazzard and to carry that secret with her. “Everyone knows me and Enos are close friends since childhood, and everyone knows he has a crush on me. But….. I’m Daisy Duke, and everyone knows me as a strong woman, a woman who’s able to fight with men and to win, a woman whose charm disconcert men…. Do you understand what I’m saying?â€

Laura nodded “So, do you think that if people see you as a woman in love, you’ll lost your power?â€

Daisy blushed recognizing how ridiculous and selfish she was. “Is it so strange? People make fun of Enos because of his crush on me, and…..â€

Laura continued, “and you think that people could make fun of you too. But, Daisy, I think that a lot of people in Hazzard would like to see you and Enos engaged, and not for make fun of you two. You’re a strong woman regardless of your feelings for Enos or for anyone elseâ€.

Daisy nodded, smiling sadly “You’re right. I’m sweeter with Enos when we are alone than when we are with other peopleâ€

Laura laughed “I know, I know. That picture is very clear. And what about your family?â€

Daisy shrugged, “I think uncle Jesse knows my feelings for Enos. But Bo and Luke….. they are very protective of meâ€

Laura nodded “I noticed they’re very protective of you. Do you think that they wouldn’t accept your relationship with Enos?â€

Daisy nodded, “Enos is a close friend of Bo and Luke. They like him very much, but I don’t know they really think of him as my possible boyfriend. They make fun of him because of his crush on me, and I always told them he’s only a friend. We grew up all together, so it’s so strange….. â€

Laura smiled, “Did you like Enos when you were a child, didn’t you?â€

Daisy blushed. She started to remember her childhood with Enos, and she confided everything to Laura; she talked also ‘bout the blizzard and how they survived; she talked ‘bout her thoughts during that day in that barn. She told her things she didn’t tell even to uncle Jesse, Bo and Luke.

When Daisy finished to talk, Laura was looking at her, smiling.

Daisy stood up, a bit embarrassed ‘bout what she said to a stranger “I’m glad to talk to you, Miss O’Brian, but it’s better I come back homeâ€. She said goodbye and she ran away.


Next day Boss Hogg opened the folder Miss O’Brian gave to him; looking at the pictures inside, he leaped up several times.

He shouted “ROSCO P. COLTRANE!!!!â€

When Rosco arrived, Boss Hogg pointed at the pictures, nearly crying, “Rosco…. Look at these pictures. Cars flying everywhere. And this…. look at this one; it’s your patrol car flying through a billboard, and …. and look at this, it’s Enos’s patrol car in the pond. I wanted a photo book of Hazzard in order to get exposure, but in this book Hazzard would seem a town of foolsâ€

Rosco took some pictures in his hands, smiling, “Look Boss. It’s me with Flash. It’s a great picture. And look at this one; it’s you with your lunch, a big lunch. And, I don’t want to controvert you, Boss, but Hazzard IS a town of foolsâ€

Boss looked at Rosco angrily “ROSCO, ARREST THAT WOMAN. She fooled me. She wants to ruin Hazzard’s good reputation!!â€

“Hazzard’s good reputation?â€

Boss shouted again “ROSCO, ARREST THAT WOMANâ€

  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 5

In the morning Bo and Luke came in the kitchen while uncle Jesse and Daisy were cooking lunch. Bo shook his head, sighing; “Boss Hogg arrested Laura O’Brianâ€

“WHAT?â€, Daisy shouted, “WHY?â€

Luke sat at the table, “We were in town for shopping and we met Rosco who was arresting Laura. He said something ‘bout Hazzard’s good reputation or something like that. We tried to understand something more but we couldn’t talk with Laura nor with Boss. After lunch we’re going to know something more from Enos. He surely knows somethingâ€.

Daisy stood up in front of Luke, her hands on her hips, “AFTER LUNCH? No lunch today Luke Duke and Beauregard Duke. Go to find out what’s happening and to help Lauraâ€, then she left the kitchen in a rush.

Bo looked at Luke and then at uncle Jesse, “That girl is too much impulsiveâ€

Uncle Jesse nodded, smiling and looking at Bo and Luke leaving.


Few later Bo and Luke stopped the General Lee and Daisy stopped her jeep in front of the Court House. The Dukes entered the building heading to Boss’s office.

Boss was sitting at his desk and Rosco was standing at his side. They both were staring at pictures on Boss’s desk.

When the Dukes came in, Boss and Rosco looked at them. Boss stopped smoking his cigar, “What do you want?â€

Daisy stood in front of him in same way she stood in front of Luke at the farm. “Where’s Laura O’Brian and why you arrested her?â€

Boss Hogg pointed his cigar at her, angrily, “Daisy Duke, as usual you and your family are involved in a crime. I had to understand itâ€

Luke touched Daisy’s arm in order to calm her down, saying quietly, “Crime? What crime, Boss? Laura is only a photographer, and she only took pictures of Hazzard. I don’t see any crime.â€

Boss Hogg pointed the finger at Laura’s pictures on his table, “Did you see these pictures? Laura gave a bad picture of Hazzard, and I don’t want a book representing Hazzard like that. She cheated on me. She took my money for these pictures. I want my money backâ€.

Bo took a picture, “I think Laura portrayed Hazzard very well. This picture is very goodâ€, and he sniggered looking at Rosco painting fake road signs in order to ticket people.

Luke took some pictures, showing them to Bo and Daisy, “Look at this. It’s very funnyâ€.

Bo laughed looking at pictures of Rosco’s patrol car flying through the billboard and Enos’s patrol car in the pond.

Then Bo pointed at another picture, keeping on laughing “And this one is the best of all picturesâ€

Daisy gasped thinking it was the picture of Enos and her, but looking at the picture she realized it was the picture of the General Lee jumping a river. She sighed in relief when, after a look on Boss desk, she understood that Laura kept her word and she didn’t give that picture to Boss.

Boss Hogg took the picture of the General Lee from Bo’s hands, “That woman wants to use this picture for the book cover. I can’t accept itâ€

Luke looked at Boss with an ironic smile on his face, “I think it’s a perfect picture for a book coverâ€.

Boss stood up, “Don’t make fun of me, Luke Duke. That woman have to give my money back. There won’t be any Hazzard’s pictures bookâ€

Luke said seriously “I think only Hazzard’s people have to make a decision ‘bout it. Let people choose if they want a book like this or not. If people don’t want it ‘cause it ruins Hazzard’s reputation, well, Laura will give your money back, otherwise you’ll let Laura publish it. Now, get her free. There’s no crimeâ€

“Luke is right, Boss Hoggâ€. Everyone turned over hearing Enos’s voice. “I like very much Hazzard’s pictures, and I don’t think Laura gave a bad picture of Hazzard; she only represented Hazzard how it really isâ€

Bo and Luke smiled at him, “Thanks Enos. So, Boss, do you want people know you arrested a famous photographer without a reason?â€.

Boss Hogg looked at Rosco, “ROSCO, get Miss O’Brian freeâ€, then he looked at the Dukes “Tomorrow everyone will see these pictures. If people don’t like it, Laura will give my money back, and if she disappears, you Dukes will give my money back. ENOS, stop looking at Daisy like a puppy and take these pictures. Put them on a board so people could see them. Now, GO AWAY, everyone, especially you Dukesâ€

Enos blushed ‘cause Boss’s words, then he took pictures from Boss’s desk.


Heading to her jeep, Daisy heard Enos calling her.

She turned over and she stared at Enos who was coming out from the Court House. When Enos was near her, she saw he had Laura’s pictures in his hands.

She smiled at him, pretending everything was OK and hoping he didn’t notice that the “cherry tree picture†(as she called it in her mind) wasn’t there.

Enos looked at her, sadly, “There’s not our picture. I asked to Miss O’Brian, but she told me she won’t use that picture in the book. Do you know why?â€

Daisy gasped, then she smiled pretending she didn’t know Laura’s decision, “I don’t know, Enos, maybe she thinks it’s a private thing and she doesn’t want people see you and me like thatâ€.

Enos stared at her. After a long pause he said, “Is it you or she who doesn’t want people see you and me like that, Daisy? Yesterday evening, coming back from work, I saw you entering Laura’s apartment. It was the first time you visited he, and today Laura told me she won’t use that picture. Why?â€

Daisy gasped again; she looked away, whispering only a “Sorry, Enosâ€. She didn’t look at him ‘cause she didn’t want to see his pain.

She felt he was stepping back, whispering “Are you ashamed of you and me together?â€

Daisy climbed on her jeep and she rushed away crying.

  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 6

Daisy rushed away from Enos and from Hazzard.

She was very sad about her behaviour and Enos’s reaction; what Enos was thinking about it? Was he angry with her? Or sad? She was pretty sure he was sad ‘cause he never got angry with her, and his usual sweetness made her feel worse. She couldn’t stop thinking she was a very selfish woman; she liked to stay with Enos but she didn’t want to admit her feelings to people, why?

Daisy was wondering why she was so worried ‘bout people reaction and ‘bout her family reaction, when she had to stopped her jeep because of tears in her eyes.

She looked around her wiping her eyes and she realized she was near the barn where a branch stopped Enos’s patrol car during the blizzard. She looked at the barn and she smiled sadly.

A thunder and heavy drops of rain woke her up from her thoughts. Where to go? She couldn’t stay there under the rain and she didn’t want to come back home or to go to the Boar’s Nest: it was obvious she cried and she didn’t want people, and especially her family, asked her why.

She looked again at the barn and she decided to wait there until it stopped raining.


At the Court House Enos was trying to dispose all Laura’s pictures on the billboard as Boss told him to, but he was still in shock because of previous Daisy’s behaviour.

He sat down, thinking of what to do.

Was Daisy really ashamed of him? He shook his head trying to stop that painful thought, but he couldn’t help thinking of it. So he stood up heading. He had to talk with Daisy.

When he went out the Court House, it was raining. He looked at the sky, “When did it start?†he muttered, “This morning was a so beautiful day….â€; somehow the weather was reflecting his feelings.

He drove his patrol car heading to Duke’s farm; he hoped Daisy was there, but he didn’t want to call her using the CB to be sure of it.

Suddenly his car lurched because of mud, so he stopped.

He looked around, sighing, “Why today is everything so difficult?â€. Then he smiled sadly, “The same barn where I stayed with Daisy during the blizzardâ€.

Immediately, Daisy’s jeep caught his eye.


In the barn Daisy was hearing the rain hitting the roof, and that noise was relaxing her.

She was trying not to think of Enos when someone suddenly opened the door of the barn.

Daisy gasped. It was Enos, looking at her sadly, but anyway trying to smile, “Hi Daisâ€.

Daisy burst crying; she knew what Enos was going to ask her, and she didn’t want to.

When Enos saw her crying, all his questions disappeared from his mind. He approached her and he put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s all OK, Dais. If you don’t want people see that picture, it’s OK. There’s no problemâ€.

Daisy removed his hand, shouting “Why are you always so gentle with me, Enos? I don’t deserve your sweetness. I’m only a selfish woman. It would be better if you slapped me for my behaviour. I HATE YOUâ€, she stopped, sniffing, then she continued, “I hate you because when I’m with you I become weak. I hate you ‘cause everyone will see I’m not a strong and independent woman because of you. I hate you ‘cause you left me here when you went to Police Academy and then when you went to L.A. I hate you because when I’m with you I feel like the same tomboy I was in the past. I hate you because you are always so sweet with me even if I’m not always sweet with youâ€, she sniffed again.

Enos burst laughing, and Daisy looked at him in surprise, “WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING, NOW?â€

Enos stopped laughing, looking at her with an amused smile, “First, your nose is drippingâ€, immediately Daisy covered her nose with her hands, blushing, “and it’s pretty funny to see you like that. It reminds me that tomboy, yeahâ€, he sniggered, then he kept on speaking, “Second, I was afraid you were ashamed of me, but now I understand that you are ashamed of you, and there’s no reason at all,… and….†he blushed “… moreover… you just said me that… somehow… you like me very much. Yeah, it’s a strange manner to say to a man you like him, but…. well.. did you say you like me, didn’t you?â€

Daisy nodded, surprised of how much Enos knew her. He usually managed to stop her crying or to calm her down when she was angry thanks to his laugh, whereas a hug or sweet phrases wouldn’t have worked.

She sniffed again with her hands on her nose, trying not to laugh, and taking the handkerchief Enos gave her.

Enos stood up, taking her hand and helping her to stand up. “Hey, Dais. Everyone knows you are a strong, independent and beautiful woman. You don’t have to worry ‘bout it, even if people sometimes see you acting like a child or a tomboy. Me too, I’m very clumsy when I’m with you, and people know it, but everyone respects me for my duty. I’m a very clumsy deputy, but I’m a deputy, and everyone knows it. Do you understand what I’m saying?â€

Daisy nodded, smiling “Sometimes you act like a child, but you can be very wiseâ€, she hugged him and she kissed gently his lips.

Enos blushed, “Uh Dais. It’s better to go now. Laura’s pictures are readyâ€.

Daisy folded him, “It’s still raining. Wait until it stopsâ€, and she pushed him down.

  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 7

Daisy kissed Enos deeply, and he kissed her. They hugged keeping on kissing.

He was lying down on his back, and Daisy was on him.

She caressed his cheeks, then her hands slid down on his shoulders, then on his chest and down on his hips.

Enos felt himself shivering. Was it real? Or was it a beautiful dream (something he often dreamed)?

He wrapped his arms around her chest and he held her tight.

Daisy gasped when she felt his arms around her; it was the first time they kissed so deeply and they hugged so tight.

They stopped kissing and they looked in their eyes, wheezing.

Daisy tried to unbutton his shirt and to undo his tie, but her hands was trembling. He took her hands in his hands, so she stopped trembling.


Meanwhile, in Hazzard, Boss decided to show Laura’s pictures in advance, so everyone was looking at the billboard with her pictures on.

Hazzard people seemed to like those pictures, and everyone was enjoying and laughing.

Bo and Luke were near uncle Jesse.

“What do you think, uncle Jesse?†said Luke “These pictures are beautiful, especially the pictures of the General Leeâ€

Uncle Jesse nodded, “Yeah, that woman is very talented. She’s able to catch Hazzard’s soul. Look at the picture of me; nobody ever took a picture of me like that. It’s really…. me; she took that picture when I wasn’t looking at her, so I seem so … natural… and realâ€.

Bo nodded, “You’re right, uncle Jesse. She’s a great photographerâ€. Then he looked around, “Where’s Daisy? She likes so much Laura’s pictures. In the past days she often talked ‘bout Laura and her pictures, and now she’s not hereâ€

Luke looked around trying to found Daisy. “The last time I saw her she was talking with Enos. Did you see Enos, Bo?â€

Bo shook his head, “No, Enos is not hereâ€

They shrugged. “They’ll coming. You know, Bo, sometimes Enos and Daisy like to stay alone. Maybe they’re having lunch, and me too I’m a bit angry.â€


Daisy kissed Enos’s chest, slowly, then she kissed his neck. She wanted to kiss every inch of his skin.

Enos moaned under Daisy’s kisses. It was better than in his dreams. He slid his hands under Daisy’s shirt, and he felt her shivering. He hugged her and they rolled, so now he was on her and she was lying down on her back.

He slowly unbutton her shirt, then he kissed her lips gently.

Daisy felt like his lips were burning; she felt her lips burning, then her neck and then her chest.

He suddenly stopped, looking at her. “Daisyâ€, he whispered, “do you…?.

She nodded, then she hugged him tight, ‘cause she wanted to feel all his weight on her.


Hazzard’s people liked Laura’s pictures, so Boss had to admit her talent and to pay her for her job.

“Ok, Miss O’Brian, I’ll pay you. But I don’t want the General Lee’s picture on the book’s cover. I can’t accept that Hazzard will be symbolized by that carâ€

Laura nodded, “OK. I have an idea. People will choose the picture for the book’s cover, except the General Lee’s pictures, as you prefer, Mister Hogg. But you have to accept people choiceâ€.

Boss Hogg looked at her, suspicious, then he nodded.

When Enos and Daisy arrived in Hazzard, they saw people looking at Laura’s pictures. “But, Enos, this morning Boss decided to show pictures tomorrow. So, why..?â€

Enos shrugged, stopping her words, “Don’t worry Dais. There’s no difference. Finally everyone can see Laura’s work. I’m very happy for herâ€.

Daisy smiled, taking his hand and walking with him toward her family.

Luke looked at them, “Finally you’re here. Where did you go? I hope you had a good lunch, ‘cause because of you, Daisy, since this morning me and Bo are starvingâ€

Uncle Jesse turned and gave Daisy and Enos a piece of paper and a pen, “Everyone has to vote a picture for the book’s cover, except the General Lee’s picturesâ€.

Bo shook his head, sadly, “Boss Hogg doesn’t want the General Lee on the book’s coverâ€

Daisy was surprised, “Vote? A picture?â€, then she run toward Laura.

The Dukes looked at Enos “What the heck is she doing?â€, but he seemed in a trance. “Enos?â€. “Uh, yeahâ€, he jerked and the piece of paper and the pen fell down, “we have to voteâ€, then he grinned.

Bo looked at Luke, “Oh my God. Today is clumsier than usualâ€.

When Daisy came back, after a talk with Laura and a hug, she smiled, saying “There’s a new picture on the billboard to vote forâ€.

She smiled at Enos, taking his hand, so the piece of paper and the pen fell down again. Bo and Luke sighed, shaking their heads, then they went to where the billboard was and they looked at the new picture. Then they looked each others, and they turned to see with a new look Daisy and Enos who were in the crowd, smiling and laughing, hand in hand.

Now, folks, try to wonder what picture won for the book’s cover. I have an idea. ;-)

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