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“Hilery!†Bo screamed. He clenched on tighter to the ledge hoping help was coming but at the time Bo just wasn’t sure. The young Duke’s body shook with fear. He couldn’t believe he was hanging here. This was all a mess…just one big mess. He knew that he should have waited for help. Luke wasn’t there to help him this time. Thank goodness Hilery caught him in time…or he would have been dead.

“Okay…I am coming, hang on!†Hilery called back.

“I can’t hold on much longer!†The barn was taller than most of the ones in Hazzard County. She climbed up the tall steep ladder…Hilery climbed higher and higher...she couldn't believe she was going through with this. For one thing, heights weren't exactly her thing. This would be an event everyone would remember. Bo was loosing his balance. She leaned over and tried to help him but he was loosing his balance fast.


He got himself into this mess and like a sucker I have to get him out of it, Hilery thought to herself. She grabbed Bo and pulled him up. He was quite heavy. It took a little bit of power to lift him. “You have got to start eating less. You are getting a little round there Bo Duke and heavy.â€

“You’re no spring chicken yourself.†Bo laughed. He loved to tease Hilery like a brother would tease a sister. “You’re still pretty though and I said you weren’t I would be lying. With all them boys around you it’s a wonder that you don’t go out with one of them.†That’s because I want to go out with you Beauregard, Hilery thought to herself.

“Thank you Bo. I know you meant that…you can be really sweet sometimes.â€

“Don’t mention it. You’re a wonderful person and it is nice to see you smile.†Hilery looked at her crush and blushed at the sight of him.

“You’re going to tell me what happened right now Bo. How could you go off without telling anyone! You’re lucky that we found you in time.â€

“I guess I am and I am sorry…I was sure I could handle these bad duds by myself.â€

“Tell me right now what’s going on.â€



A few weeks ago…

It was dusk...and of course Bo was being chased as usual. It wasn't by the law and it wasn't by bad guys. Daisy was on his tail followed by Hilery. Bo wasn’t in the lead…this time anyway; he was in second. The light was just coming through the soft clouds as the engines roared throughout Hazzard County. It was a race to remember…a race that would be thought of for at least the rest of the week. Loose grass began to fly as Bo tried to speed up a little.

You’re probably wondering why everyone was up so late. The Dukes were all having problems sleeping that night. Since Luke was in surgery, they were trying to keep their minds on something else. Uncle Jesse wanted them to get out of the hospital room. Bo thought for sure it was because the tears weren’t helping anyone and Uncle Jesse could see that. Bo wished he could have stayed even so.

Right now though, Bo was in a race. He couldn’t concentrate on much right now but the road or he too would end up in the hospital. Bo looked in his review mirror. He could see that Jumper was right behind Daisy trying to beat the General. She too was worried about one of the best friends in her life.

"Move your Tail Daisy, you're right in the middle of the road," Hilery barked over the CB. Daisy laughed softly to herself. She swerved back and forth.

"You think I am gonna let you win that easily you have another thing coming," Daisy exclaimed. Hilery took a short cut and ended up ahead of the General but behind Uncle Sam...What a race this was turning into.

"You ain't beating me either Hilery," Essy exclaimed. She began to speed up. There was a dip in the road and of course she took it.

"You guys are mean...just because I am younger than y'all..." Hilery commented.

"You are just as experienced as any Duke, kid we taught you all we know."

“Why am I still behind?â€

“You ain’t a Duke,†Bo laughed.

Bo sped ahead of Hilery and looked at her. He smiled...rubbing it in her face that he too was ahead of her. They finally got to the bridge...that meant the race was over. Essy had won this round but Bo would get her sooner or later. They all got out of their cars.

Essy leaned against Jumper to bug Hilery and it was working. "I don't do that to Uncle Sam do I Essy?" Hilery snapped.

"Calm down Hilery...yeesh. I wonder how Luke is doing. I hope he’s alright," Essy replied as she moved off of the teal car. There was a sudden silence. "I couldn't believe he was hit by that drunk driver...makes me think twice before drinking."

"Yeah...or at least drinking and driving. I can't believe anyone would be that dumb and drink that many beers," Bo muttered.

"How many do you suppose he had?" Essy asked.

"Considering Luke and I saw him at the Boars Nest I would say a lot." Daisy nodded her head. They were all upset that day. No one wanted to see anyone get hurt. It happened...not because the Dukes weren't being careful but because this man decided to take too much.

He was a total stranger to the Dukes. No one knew him at all in fact. Everyone had heard of what happened though...right up to a description of the guy who of course was arrested. "So what do we do now?" Hilery asked. Daisy looked at all of the sad faces.

"I wish there was an all night gym open," Daisy muttered.

"Are you sure we shouldn't be at the hospital?"

"Uncle Jesse said he would call us on the CB when he was out of the OR."

"Okay then Daisy...as long as you’re sure. Dang, I feel bad. There Luke is and here we are racing. It ain't fair...I wish he was with us."

"So do I Hilery...so do I." The CB finally rang with Uncle Jesse's voice, Luke was out of the OR and the doctors said it looked good. Everyone felt a sense of relief.

"'Least he's okay," Hilery said. Everyone nodded, agreeing with her.

"Yeah, it’s a good thing too, I would go nuts if something happened to him," Bo said running a hand through his hair, a motion that made Hilery's heart skip a beat.

"Bo, we know honey," Essy said giving him a hug.

"All of us would go crazy if something had happened to Luke, and you know it Bo. It would be hard on all of us," Daisy added.

"I know Daisy," Bo responded, then remembered about what Uncle Jesse said, then grinned.

"So, before we all get our hides tanned, should we hit the sack and try sleeping, or should we go hang out in the barn, or maybe fix that fence?" Daisy asked she knew she wasn't normally one to do the hard labour chores like her cousins. Hilery and Essy did a lot of men’s work on the other hand. They both found it quite enjoyable. Essy had this attitude where it was a unisex world…if one could do it both could. Hilery lived basically by the same standard.

"Sounds like a good idea," the Tisdale chirped.

"I like it," the only man there said. "What 'bout you Hil?"

"I dunno," she said and sighed. She hadn't liked being beaten like she had. She had forgotten to mention the problems she had been having with Jumper anyway.

"Y'all know y'all have had more experience behind the wheel," Hilery said stubbornly. "I hardly ever drove before I turned 18 and now I am 20 and he is still cautious with me. When I was 18 it was usually Cooter who was behind the wheel. I was lucky as anything when ever he was willing to let me use one of his loaner cars," Hilery confessed.

Quit your lying Hilery," Daisy said. "I used to see you drive all the time before you got your car."


"Daisy, I used to ride my bike more than I would drive," Hilery mumbled then moved away from the group. She sat down on Jumper's Trunk and sat down thinking.

"Well then, you had some experience on wheels at least," Essy joked. She looked at her prize winning Uncle Sam. "Uncle Sam and I have won quite a few races."

"Luke beat you many times Essy and you know it!" Bo exclaimed. Essy giggled.

"Yeah...now you boys have to get Judd back on the road...oh shoot! My baby is at the hospital. I should get back there. Judd's gonna need all the support he can get. Sorry about that Bo. I'll finish the fence with ya later!"

"It's okay Essy...I'll come with you."

"Well okay then, so fixing the fence is off then," Hilery commented.

"Hey, you guys forgot about me...I want to try to fix a fence. Hilery, can we forget about Jumper for one night and try it together?" Daisy asked. Hilery thought about it for a minute and smiled. She wanted to watch Daisy fix a fence in the shorts she was wearing. Hilery nodded and the two got in their vehicles. Daisy and Hilery waved as they headed towards the Duke farm. Essy and Bo went over to the hospital.

Essy and Bo got into their cars. They drove over to the hospital together. When they walked in, the two found Judd and Uncle Jesse sleeping in the chairs. Essy smiled as she sat down beside her husband. She rubbed his hands softly and he woke up. "Honey...you look horrible," Essy commented.


"Well Luke is gonna be okay...they say he'll be here for a little while though. I wish it wasn't happening to him," Judd mumbled.

"Sweetie, I know you wish it didn't...I wish it didn't either." They gave each other a hug. Bo had enough of all the lovey dovey stuff. He waltzed up to the front desk. Bo was talking to the nurse. He wanted to see his cousin that moment. There was no stopping him and the nurse could see that.

He was shown to Luke's room. Bo sat beside his cousin and looked him in the eye. Luke's eyes fluttered open as if by magic. "Luke...how are you?" Bo asked. Luke lifted his left arm and put it in Bo's hand.

"I feel like I was hit by a bus," Luke whispered. He had a tube going into his gown. Luke's right hand had an IV in it. His left leg was broken and hung in a sling in the air.

"You were hit by a bus...remember?" Luke giggled softly because of what he said. Luke’s expression suddenly changed as he remembered what happened. The man was swerving back in forth. Bo was about to get hit when Luke pushed him out of the way. He was a big hero as usual…saving Bo. Luke was glad he saved Bo…he wouldn’t have wanted his cousin to have been smashed in by a bus nor anything else.

"So that was that big yellowish thing coming towards me."

“Don’t joke about that it was serious!†Luke was only trying to lighten the mood. He didn’t want to be serious all the time. Luke knew how much this hurt him. He didn’t want Bo to feel so alone. Luke wished this didn’t happen…he knew how much his cousin loved him. Now Bo was in tears.

“Bo…it’s okay honest,†Luke said a little bit louder.

“It ain’t okay. It wasn’t okay. You were bleeding there in the middle of the road. We’s crowded around you and were all worried. I could barely move Luke. I couldn’t even use the CB to phone an ambulance. Cooter had to do it.â€

“It’s okay now. It ain’t your fault…I would have probably been the same way. I am okay. I woke up Bo Duke and that’s what matters.â€

“I didn’t know what was gonna happen. If Uncle Jesse hadn’t booted us all out of the hospital I wouldn’t have left you.â€

“Judd stayed.â€

“Yeah but he had to hide until Uncle Jesse slept probably.â€

“Either that or my brother is a little more persuasive than y’all were.†Bo smiled. “Sure, that makes you smile.â€

"Luke, are you sure you're okay? You sound like someone totally different."

"The drugs these people put you on make you sound like a raving lunatic I guess. I was in a lot of pain before...they cut my chest open."

“I am sorry…I know you must be in pain. I don’t know how it feels.â€

“I am glad you don’t…I wouldn’t put this fate on anyone. Do you know who hit me?â€

“Yeah I do know who hit you…Okay Luke…I am just glad you’re all right.â€

“I wouldn’t have gone anywhere Bo…I am always right here. I love you so much. Just for reference, were y’all worried about me?â€

“Luke, if we weren’t worried about you there would be something wrong.†Luke tried to sit up but was unsuccessful. He wished that this hadn’t have happened but it did all the same. Bo and Luke had a good friendship and this would bring them together even more.

Daisy pulled into the drive in her jeep, and stopped. She was surprised when ten or twenty minutes went by and Jumper hadn't shown up yet. It puzzled her.

"This is Bo Peep calling country girl, you got your ears on?" When Daisy didn't get an answer, she got right back into Dixie and called Cooter as she drove around to look for the young Davenport woman.

"No, Daisy, I haven't heard anything from her," Cooter said on the CB. "Jumper's CB might be having problems again. There's a short in the mike wire."

When Daisy found Jumper, Hilery was leaning under the hood with a small battery powered lamp hanging from it. "I told you I had to fix her," Hilery said after Daisy shut Dixie down.

"Hil, I'm sorry," she said. Hilery waved the apology off.

"I don't know what's wrong with her," she said, "But, I think that what ever it is will let me get to the farm for the night, at least," she continued and shut the hood. "She keeps over heating," she added before climbing in.

"Stupid car," Hilery said as they pulled up outside the farm house. She hadn't any clue why the car was acting up; it had just started that day so suddenly.

"Daisy…can you just give me a ride up to the hospital so we can see how Luke is doing?â€

"Well…I don't know if we should. I mean in all honesty…Luke has a lot of company." Hilery couldn't believe Daisy was talking here. Usually Daisy would be up and going before anyone could say a word. "Besides, I am kinda tired. I want to get that fence fixed so Bo and...I mean so Bo doesn't have to do it."

"Daisy...are you crying?" Daisy wiped away a tear. She looked at Hilery. "Honey...what's wrong? I know you...ya wouldn't leave Luke alone." Daisy looked at Hilery with an angered expression on her face. She looked like she was gonna pop Hilery's nose off her face."

"He's not alone! Uncle Jesse, Essy, Judd and Bo are with them. I have to do something nice for a change. I have to make things better for Bo. He's in pain right now; if it means fixing the fence well by golly that's what I'll do."

Daisy looked at Hilery who seemed scared by Daisy's attitude. "This isn't you!"

"It is me...this is me mad! This is me wanting to go in that jail cell and rip that man's head off. This is me ready to get someone. This is me wanting to fix that fence."

"Daisy..." Hilery went towards her and Daisy ended up hitting her friend. She didn't want to hit her it just happened.

"Hilery...I am..."

"Forget it Daisy...I know you're not feeling great right now and I know that you didn’t mean it okay."

"If you don't want to help me with the fence I understand." Hilery rubbed where she had been hit. "I am so sorry." Hilery laughed.

"I thought you would have a weak right hook...geeze...I want to help you with the fence. Just promise me you will see your cousin sometime tomorrow." Daisy smiled and started laughing. She did hit Hilery pretty hard.


Within' two hours the fence was fixed and both women were lookin' over Jumpers engine. It was clear there was a radiator problem.

"Well Hil, your car, and your the mechanic present, what you think is wrong?"

"I think it's a leak in the radiator," she said, her voice low. "If I can't find the leak, or what is wrong with it, then I might need a new one." she added.

"So I guess you're gonna have to call Cooter then?"

"Yeah, I want another opinion first. C'mon, let's get some shut eye. I'm tired," Hilery yawned loudly.

Meanwhile up at the hospital, Essy had fallen asleep in Judd's lap and Jesse was sitting in a chair nearby. He was awake by now of course. He had just gotten back from getting something from a snack machine. Just a pack of crackers till he could tide himself over. He had eaten them before commin' back to sit down. Bo was still in with Luke, both boys had dozed off.


Come morning, Hilery and Daisy rode up to the Hospital, having left Jumper with Cooter for a second opinion. Judd and Essy woke up with Hilery's face in theirs tellin' them to "rise and shine, or at least try." Uncle Jesse watched, only mildly amused. Leave it to Hilery to try to cheer someone up.

"How's Luke doing?" Daisy asked.

"He’s doing fine child. Doctor says soon as his leg is out of traction he'll be free to come home . . . what happened to Hilery Ann?"

"Nothing," Hilery said. "I sorta whacked myself getting up this morning," she lied, and Jesse knew it.

"Okay, so I got angry and I couldn't help myself, I couldn't stop myself," Daisy said breaking down in her Uncles arms.


"Shh, its okay baby, hush now," he comforted her and looked at Hilery.

"If you're gonna lie, you have to do a better job next time."

"I wasn't trying too hard, and we're all feeling crummy because we're worried about Luke. Cooter sends his best wishes and regrets not being able to be here," Hilery replied.

"Well I will tell you, Bo and Luke are still together as usual. Best friends until the end. Bo was driving the nurse’s nuts this morning. He was trying to make Luke feel better by asking women out for him," Uncle Jesse ranted. Essy laughed a little.

"I wish I was in there to see it. You know what? I am going in there to see Luke...maybe cheer him up more," Essy commented. She walked over into Luke's room and saw the man laughing hysterically. Essy looked puzzled. She didn't understand what was going on.

"Essy, you have got to see this," Luke said between laughs. As she walked in further, Essy saw Bo on his head turning red.

"Oh hey Essy," Bo said through smothered breaths.

"How long has he been at that?" Essy asked.

"Ten minutes. I think he's killing brain cells." Essy tried to hide her smile. She tried but Bo fell on his face and she burst out in laughter. Once Essy started, Luke began to do the same thing. "Bo, you owe me ten bucks."

"I'll give it to you after the room starts spinning," Bo replied.

"You know what? I thought I was coming in here to cheer you up. Bo, you need to go to the paediatric ward...I am sure the kids would love to see a volunteer clown at work," Essy said. Bo began breathing heavily. He nodded his head.

"That sounds fun...if it is okay with you Luke," Bo answered. All eyes were on Luke.

"Don't let me stop you from having a good time," Luke commented. Bo ran out of the room and was caught by a nurse. He began to walk down the hall.

"How are you really?" Essy questioned.

"I look as good as I feel...you tell me." Essy grabbed Luke's hand. She looked at him lovingly.

"You know what? I am proud of you...saving your cousin's life like you did. You're a miracle worker." Luke blushed...he couldn't believe Essy would say that.

"Sometimes I am jealous of my brother...he got such a wonderful wife. I am still single. Mark my word though Essy-Jane, I ain't gonna stay in his shadow forever. I am gonna get a wife that is as great as you and then some."

"I am glad...I wouldn't want you to be unhappy." She gave him a hug. They held each other tight.

wo weeks later...

Bo was rolling down the dirt roads with Essy in the side seat. There was a dip in the road. Of course Bo was going to take the jump…what Duke would refuse a nice jump? He began to do tricks in the middle of the road. "I ain't Luke but I will have to do," Essy-Jane commented. She looked at Bo who was worried about being caught by the law.

"Man if that Rosco thinks he's catching me...he must be crazy," Bo replied.

“Alright Bo Duke…you can just pull it over right now,†Rosco commented. He looked happy to catch anyone.

“You ain’t having me pull over okay? You will just have to catch me.†Bo put the petal down to the floor.

“Hey Rosco,†Essy said over the CB.

“Essy, I should have known it was you. I could see that strawberry blonde hair from all the way over here,†Rosco answered.

“Rosco, I didn’t know you cared. Now let me tell you what’s going to happen as it happens, right now folks…for those who have their ears on.†Cooter smiled up from his truck. He knew this was gonna be interesting. “Back to the General who is speeding up by the way, he’s making his way across the roads of Hazzard county.â€

“Essy, you ain’t no DJ.â€

“Rosco honey, you’re ruining my moment.â€

“Pull over, you were speeding.â€

“Look sir, my Great Grandma goes faster than that on with her walker. We weren’t speeding.â€

“Yes you were Essy; you were going 30 miles in a school zone…now that’s not allowed.â€

“There ain’t any schools around here and we weren’t going 30. Even if there was a school around, we’re only going 15 miles. Okay, back to your regular scheduled program With Essy the radio diva. We are turning left heading for a great place on the map where the Dukes love to do most of their jumping. Here goes Bo…over Hazzard pond.â€

“Y’all think I ain’t gonna make it just because I am Rosco.â€

“That and you never make it across the pond of doom.â€

“I have been practicing my driving skills.†Bo and Essy both roared out in laughter.

“Rosco…no matter how much your mama tries to teach you how to drive you’ll never beat a Duke.â€

“I’ll show you all and then I’ll cuff ya and stuff ya khee. Okay, stand back!†Rosco rubbed his hands together. He looked around at revved his engine a few times. Rosco switched gears fast and jumped.

“Rosco’s up…up…and…down.†He took a big jump across the Hazzard county police force’s favourite pond. Of course old Rosco didn't make it.

"Bo, what happened? Did Rosco get in the pond? I wish I could see that look on his face…you know, where he waves his fist," Luke said over the CB.

"Hey, I thought you were supposed to be resting," Bo commented.

"I am resting...Uncle Jesse put the CB beside me that's all."

"Now you're turning into me."

"Well you try having Daisy and Hilery bring you food all day. You get magazines carried to ya. Uncle Jesse moved the Television in our room. I can't even get up to change channels. Daisy has to come in and do it for me. They keep asking if I need my pillows fluffed. I don’t know what drives me more crazy…the fact that it hurts when I sit up or them waiting on me hand and foot."

"That's paradise Luke...I don't know what you're complaining about." Luke rolled his eyes.

"Bo I am going crazy...if I don't hear about some adventure in Hazzard I am gonna pass out from boredom."

"Tune into the police channel."


"I did...Boss Hogg and Enos are having a conversation about who makes better chicken...Lulu or Jesse. I don't want to hear about that because both you and I know who makes the better chicken." Bo rolled his eyes. He knew his cousin wasn't about to drop this topic.

"I am sure Hazzard will pick up today and when it does I will tell you all about it."

"You better...10-4."

"10-4 cousin."

“Poor Luke…I wish he was with us. I mean really, he would love it,†Essy commented.

“Yeah well He will come with us sooner or later. We have to wait until we can slide him through the window.â€

Back at the Duke farm, Luke laid back. "Luke, you're not the only one who hates missing the action," Luke heard a woman’s voice say from the door way.

"Oh hey Hilery, I thought you were helping Uncle Jesse and Daisy with the chores."

"I was, till they made me come in here and make sure you don't need anything and they told me to stay in here," Hilery mumbled. She wasn't happy, and Luke could see that.

"You know what, sooner you're better, the better,†Hilery said. Luke agreed completely. "Frankly, I'd rather be out bugging Rosco, no offence Luke."

"None taken, I wouldn’t want to be stuck in the house either. I am just sorry I have caused so much trouble. Enough about me…let’s talk about you. Did you ever get Jumper fixed?"

"No, sadly I haven't…been that busy."

"Could you hand me my magazine I was looking at earlier?"

"Luke, it's right next to you, what are you goin' to ask next, for me to read it to you!?" Hilery yelled. Luke was shocked by her tone and attitude.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry Luke. I guess Daisy ain't the only one who's been out of sorts with herself lately." Luke raised his eye brow questioningly. Out of all of them, Hilery had been holding up the best since he got hit, but that is because Hilery wasn't as close to him as everyone else too. She was a lot closer to Bo. "Look, my car is busted, and I am expected to wait on your three or four days a week. I ain't no waitress," Hilery said nearly crying.

"Aw, come here," Luke said trying to give her a hug. She moved away afterwards and went into the kitchen to sit by herself. There was more to what was going on, but she didn't want to mention it. There was a dance commin' up, and nearly every guy was taken. She knew Luke wasn't going because of his condition, and more than likely because she hadn't a date, she would more than likely be stuck takin' care of him that night too.

"What's wrong Hilery Ann?" The young Davenport looked up to see Uncle Jesse lookin' at her concerned.

"I'll be fine, just a little cabin fever," she said and faked a smile. "Listen, I'm gonna go outside beings you're in here now. I'll finish feeding the animals for ya."

"If you think you got cabin fever, imagine how Luke feels," Jesse told her. "Now if you wanna go outside and help Daisy, that's fine with me. I'll take care of Luke for a while and give you girls a break."

Soon as Hilery was out of sight, Uncle Jesse picked up the CB. Somebody needed to talk to that girl, and the fact that Cooter was busy trying to fix her car beings she wasn't completely sure what was wrong with it that left Bo and Essy.

"This here's Shepard callin' Lost Sheep 2 and Messy Essy; y'all got your ears on?" Uncle Jesse said.

"This is Messy Essy, Shepard, what's goin on?" Essy replied.

"Y'all almost done with Rosco?"

"Yeah, just lost him a lil' bit 'go, why?"

"I think someone needs to sit down and have a talk with Country Girl. She's upset."

"Upset ain't the word Shepard," Luke called out on the CB that was put in his and Bo's room. "I thought she was 'bout to clock me one."

"Hilery was about to hit you?" Essy asked astonished.

"Yeah…that she was…so I thought. I know she’s hurting inside somehow and I don’t think it is just looking after me…"

"That's why I think someone needs to talk to her. She was sittin' at the table like she was crying or something. I'm worried about her, and I know Cooter will be if he finds out how she's actin’,†Jesse mumbled.

"Sounds like it Shepard. Lost Sheep 2 and I will try to get to the bottom of it," Essy said. She looked at Bo with a puzzled look on her face, a look that mirrored the one on Bo's.

"Shouldn't I be talkin' to her Essy?" Bo asked. He seemed to get through to her a lot better these days. Essy knew that Bo was good at talking but she knew Hilery needed some female bonding. Hilery and Essy weren't exactly the total girls. They were complete tom boys.

"If I know Hilery, she needs a drive. Since Jumper is broken, guess which vehicle I am taking?" Essy replied.

"Uncle Sam naturally…without him it would be pretty hard to get around don’t you think?â€

“Oh yeah Bo, it would be horrible. I would rather drive my car than some of those ugly new ones that don’t run good.â€

“Hilery should like being with ya.â€

“Yeah, I am gonna talk to her alone Bo. I know you wanted to help but it is easier this way. I know that she will talk to me…there are just some things that Hil seems to respond better to when she’s this upset.â€

“You’re stepping into a snake pit of emotions Essy.â€

“Well sometimes you have to do that for a friend.†Bo tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He wondered if Essy was the right person for the job. Hilery talks to guys a lot better than she has ever talked to girls. Cooter was her best bet but he was busy.

“I suppose.â€

“What is it Bo? You think I can’t handle one of my best friends.†Bo hesitated. He didn’t know what to say to her exactly. “Come on Bo, you know I am smart…I ain’t no idiot. I am not about to screw this up.â€

“I don’t know…Essy, are you sure you could talk some sense into her?"

“So you do think I am gonna screw this up.â€

“I didn’t say that.â€

“You didn’t have to Bo.†Essy pushed her long bangs out of her eyes. She looked at Bo with an evil glare. Bo knew that this look meant trouble. Essy was like her Aunt…Emma could do anything at the age she was at. Essy figured that she could do anything that anyone else could do.

“All I am saying is sometimes I am better at talking to her.â€

“Well today ain’t one of those days Bo.â€


"Hey, if I can deliver mail in an hour in Uncle Sam, I can talk to Hilery. Besides, with Auntie Emma workin' while I help with Luke, it gives me a lot more time. You also need to see what Boss Hogg is up to...it's been too quiet in Hazzard."

"That usually means something is up...alright Hilery is your responsibility." Bo dropped Essy off at the farm. He pulled a U-turn and began to drive off. Uncle Jesse was inside the house. He was sipping on some ice cold lemonade when Essy walked in.

“Well nice to see ya,†Uncle Jesse mumbled as he picked up the paper. Essy tapped her fingers on the table in a smooth pattern. “I don’t know where she went. I tried to talk to her and she stormed off. She needs you Essy…I know she does.â€


“I think I know where Hilery is,†Essy replied. Jesse looked at his niece in law. She seemed to know people very well. Uncle Jesse was glad she married into this family.

“Well I am sure you will find her. Good luck with Hilery…I am sure you could talk more sense into her than I can. I am too authoritarian…I think she doesn’t want to tell me for that reason.†Could be love problems, Essy thought to herself. With that she walked out of the house.

Essy took a deep breath and looked at the beauty of the farm. She stopped to listen to the birds flying across her head. Essy closed her eyes and smiled. She knew that she was ready to talk to her good friend. Essy knew that Hilery was in the barn. It was one of the best places to hide.

Hilery was sitting on a barrel of hay. She leaned against the rough barn wall staring up at some light that was coming through the barn. Hilery turned her legs sideways…not paying attention to Essy. She was thinking as usual…a little bit too hard about what was going on. Every thought was like a knife stabbing into her heart. The more the sadness came into her heart the more she became angry.

Hilery was playing with some hay as she stuck a piece in her mouth. Essy ran her fingers through her hair. She took a pony tail holder from her pocket and tied it back. She walked closer towards the hay barrel Hilery was sitting on. Essy took a seat in front of her. Hilery brushed her long hair out of her face and looked up at her friend.

Hey kido," Essy commented. Hilery rolled her eyes. She was sick of being known as a child. Hilery was old enough…she wants to just have things happen her way and they never would…because she was still a child to everyone else.

"You're only a year older than me and you still call me kido," Hilery answered. Essy thought about something for a minute. She knew she had to get Hilery out of this mood.

"You know what I like to do when I am down in the dumps?"

"Blow up stuff." Essy turned red. She hadn’t blown much up…but when she did, no one knew Essy had done it. So how come Hilery knew?

“Okay, spill the beans.â€

"You think I didn't see you blow up the Boudry’s pick-up?" Essy laughed. She remembered doing that.

"That's only because they weren't moving it and no one else can prove it was me so you better keep your mouth shut." Hilery smiled at Essy's comment.

“You think I would tell on you for that?â€

"Knowing you, it's a possibility, so yeah, unfortunately."

"Well, what else is there to do when you’re mad and you don't have a date?" Essy smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"Is that it? I thought you didn't care about something like that."

"Well the person I want to go with is already going with Amy-Lou..."

"Ah, Bo...well I know how much you like him...you always have liked him. I know that it would be hard seeing someone you like go with that..."

"Flexible Barbie doll Amy-Lou?"

"Yeah...exactly...if he doesn't respect that natural beauty you have going on there then maybe he doesn't deserve you. In the meantime, let's go to the gym...wear tight clothes and have guys stare at us."

"Too girly and besides, I thought you hated doing stuff like that.â€

“I do, but I am willing to make a sacrifice for you. I don’t want you going there in sweats. You could get lots of guys just doing that.â€

“Yeah I still think it is girly...but it could work."

"Yeah and we could get you an even hotter guy then Bo." Hilery shook her head. She wasn’t about to let Essy say that. Bo was one person who couldn’t be matched…no matter what Essy said.

“You’re wrong.â€

"Okay, no one is better looking than Bo."

"Well at least you have a date."

"Honey, when you're married you have a built in date for life...Bo just ain't ready for that kind of commitment." Hilery smiled as she got off the hay barrel. She went into Essy's car and soon they drove off.


Meanwhile, in Boss' office, they were in fact planning something illegal. "Boys as soon as you get those tool boxes, full of tools mind you, and get them to my new tools outlet," Boss Hogg grinned then chuckled. "You know that outlet I opened two months ago with the help of you boys?" Both of them nodded. "Good, well, the more people need tools, the more they will buy them," the Boss said. "And tamper with something they would need to use the tools for, I don't care if it would be their shingles on the roofs of their barns so they would need hammers, or what have you."

"Yes Sir Mr. Hogg," the first man said. His hair was a fiery red, and the others was blue. Both punks hired off the streets of Atlanta. Both boys were 19 years old too.

"Okay Mutt, where are we gonna hit first?"

"Well Peter, Mr. Hogg keeps referring to those Dukes as trouble makers so I figure we skip stealing from them for a while. How about we do Mr. Winsels, and that old guy over on Samuel lane, then we hit the Hazzard Garage?"

"yeah, they got a bunch of tools over there, but, that guy who owns the place, I think his name is Cooter, is workin' from dawn to dusk," Peter said.

"How about we wait until he is on a tow job?"

"Sounds good."

Now while those bad boys were cleaning out the tool sets of their first two victims, Hilery and Essy had headed back to the Garage to relax and put the new radiator in Jumper. Cooter had found the problem, and the part was totalled so he had ordered a new one. It didn't take them too long to get it in. Cooter had been busy working on Janet Caravel’s car while they did that. The three of them finished at nearly the same time.

"Whew, why don't you girls go fix something to drink while I clean up?" Cooter asked. Hilery and Essy ran up the stairs to get them all something to drink. It also gave them a chance to talk more, but before they could get the glasses out, Cooter yelled up the stairs to his second cousin and her friend to cancel his request, that he had a tow job.

"Okay Coot, see ya later," Hilery called back down before shutting the door and sitting down on one of the stools in the small apartment.

"So Hilery I have a question for you…humour me okay? Why haven't you told Bo how you feel yet?"

"Look, how many times do I have to tell ya, I'm too shy," Hilery giggled turning red from embarrassment.

"You want me to tell him?"

"NO!" Hilery yelled, shocking herself. "Sorry Ess," Hilery blushed.

"It's okay; I guess you want him to notice you on his own, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do, but I guess if you absolutely want to tell him you could, but then I would be embarrassed and all that. Besides, he shouldn't have to worry about me liking him," Hilery said sippin' her root beer she had gotten out of the fridge a few moments before shutting the apartment door. "I mean, he already has a date and I don't want him to feel bad."

"Oh, I see." Essy-Jane said.

"Yeah, besides, I'm 3 years younger than he is..." Hilery said, seeming to start staring out into space. Something though caught Essy's attention though and she shook Hilery out of her day dream.

"I think I heard something... there it is again!"

"Sounds like Cooter's tool box..." Hilery said as she and Essy went towards the door. "Cooter wouldn't be back by now," she added. "Someone's down there."

"Yeah, I think you're right," Essy said. The girls opened the door and looked down into the garage bay.

"C'mon Essy, step where I step, so not to make a sound. If they wanted help, they would have hit the bell on the Desk which says ring for service," the Davenport said.

"I gotcha." The girls walked down the stairs not making any noise. Essy had to smother a laugh.

"Is there something I can do for you gentlemen?" Hilery asked. Both boys turned fast and seen both women.

"Who are you?" They asked.

"I'm Hilery Davenport and I work here, and this is one of my friends, but shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?"

"A girl working in a garage?" Mutt said snickering.

"That's hilarious," Peter said. Now Essy liked cars too. She and Hilery looked at each other, then to the truck backed up to the garage door, which had Cooter's tools in the trunk.

"I suggest you put my cousin's tools back where you got them too."

"No, we don't have to listen to no woman," Mutt said laughing loudly. Both girls lashed out suddenly in sheer fury, surprising the boys.

"Don't you ever underestimate a couple of country girls," Hilery yelled as Essy got thrown across the garage, hitting her head on the concrete wall. "You jerks!" Hilery said watching her friend get thrown before kicking Mutt as Peter got into the trucks cab.

"Essy!" Hilery yelled running over to her friend. A life was more important than some tools, besides they still had hers in the trunk of her car. The tarp was still on it so she knew they hadn't gotten to them.

"C'mon Ess... wake up," Hilery said tapping her face. Essy was still out of it. Hilery tried to get her to wake up. "You're not doing this to me Essy...there's no way." Hilery picked up the CB and called an ambulance. Everyone heard the call over the CB.

"Country girl this is Big Mama Tizdale...what's wrong with my Essy?" Emma asked.

"Big Mama...she was slammed against a concrete wall over," Hilery replied. The channel went silent as the sound of the ambulance came along.

"Country girl this is lost sheep one...is she okay?" Luke asked.

"I don't know Luke...I just don't know," Hilery answered.

"Hilery, who did this and which way was he heading?" Bo questioned. He wanted to get these guys. Bo was sick of people getting hurt. He didn't want it to happen anymore.

"That doesn't matter right now Bo...I am gonna ride in jumper behind her to the hospital...Judd, if you're listening, meet us there."

"That's a 10-4 Country girl...Killer Bees is on his way repeat, killer bees is on his way."

Hours later, everyone was at the hospital except Luke and Daisy. Judd came out of her room. He looked at the crowd. They all wanted in on the news about Essy. "Judd...I am so sorry...I didn't think this was gonna happen. Before Essy could even react they had her. They were well trained men...I would have gone after them but..." Hilery mumbled.

"Hil...it's okay, I don't blame you for what happened," Judd commented.

"How is she Judd?"

"Doctors say that they wouldn't know until she wakes up."


Everyone looked mad...no one looked more upset then Bo. He looked like he was ready to kill someone. He rushed out of the hospital with Hilery hot on his tail. Bo knew the many places that these guys could hide. He was going to look until those guys were behind bars. Hilery didn't know what to do. She had to call someone that knew Bo...she had to talk to Luke.

"This is countrygirl calling lost sheep one...Do you remember taking that french class together come back," Hilery commented.

"This is lost sheep one, how could I forget?"

"Luke, allumez quelque musique country." Roughly translated that meant Luke, turn on some country music...change the CB channel. "Sorry Luke...I know that Bo doesn't know french. Right now he's more of a danger than he is a help."

"What do you mean?"

"He's rushed out of the hospital in a rage. I told him what happened and now he's on the loose. I don't know how to stop him."

"You need to pick me up...I know where he would go!"

"That's a 10-4."

Hilery must have taken every short cut to get to the Duke farm. She had to convince Daisy to take Luke...and by golly that took a while. As soon as Luke was loaded and they got some supplies they were off looking for Bo.

When they finally found him, he was in an old abandoned barn hanging off of the ledge. "Hilery, you have got to help him!" Luke exclaimed.

"I don't know if I can...I am afraid of heights..." Hilery began.

"Well I can't save him without a wheel chair. So git going Hilery and don’t let me down okay? I couldn’t stand if anything happened to him."

"I'll try Luke." She opened the door and got out. There was no time to close it. Hilery had to help Bo and there was no question about it.

"Hilery!" Bo screamed. He clenched on tighter to the ledge hoping help was coming but at the time Bo just wasn't sure. The young Duke's body shook with fear. He couldn't believe he was hanging here. This was all a mess…just one big mess. He knew that he should have waited for help. Luke wasn't there to help him this time. Thank goodness Hilery caught him in time…or he would have been dead.

"Okay…I am coming hang on!" Hilery called back.

"I can't hold on much longer!" The barn was taller than most of the ones in Hazzard County. She climbed up the tall steep ladder…Hilery climbed higher and higher...she couldn't believe she was going through with this. For one thing, heights weren't exactly her thing. This would be an event everyone would remember. Bo was loosing his balance. She leaned over and tried to help him but he was loosing his balance fast.

He got himself into this mess and like a sucker I have to get him out of it, Hilery thought to herself. She grabbed Bo and pulled him up. He was quite heavy. It took a little bit of power to lift him. "You have got to start eating less. You are getting a little round there Bo Duke and heavy."

"You're no spring chicken yourself." Bo laughed. He loved to tease Hilery like a brother would tease a sister. "You're still pretty though and I said you weren't I would be lying. With all them boys around you it's a wonder that you don't go out with one of them." That's because I want to go out with you Beauregard, Hilery thought to herself.

"Thank you Bo. I know you meant that…you can be really sweet sometimes."

"Don't mention it. You're a wonderful person and it is nice to see you smile." Hilery looked at her crush and blushed at the sight of him.

"You're going to tell me what happened right now Bo. How could you go off without telling anyone! You're lucky that we found you in time."

"I guess I am and I am sorry…I was sure I could handle these bad duds by myself."

"Tell me right now what's going on."



"Well uh, ya see, uh. I found the guys in that truck you told us about, and I seen them hanging out up here. I parked the General down the road some so if they were there, they wouldn't see me. Well, I climbed up and then they seen me. They really ganged up on me though," Bo said, and Hilery listened intently as they climbed down.

"Thank Goodness!" Hilery said referring that she was glad to be back on solid ground.

"But ya see, that is what happened Hilery ... and sorry about that, I know about your little heights problem," Bo said sheepishly.

"Yeah, you just gotta learn how to call for help and control your temper." Luke said. Bo was surprised to say the least about his cousin being there.

"What are you doing out of bed?"

"I came along with Hilery to make sure you didn't do anything stupid," Luke said. "But I think we were a little too late for that," he added. Hilery laughed.

"Shut up, I know I did something stupid, you ain't gotta rub it in," Bo said.

"Like you don't rub stuff in," Hilery said.

"He don't do it that often Hil," Luke told her.

"Nah, just take me to the hospital, I am sick of being cooped up," Luke said. They all climbed into the cars, Luke and Hilary in Jumper beings the doors weren't welted, and Bo in the General. Jesse was shocked to say the least when Luke was brought in through the doors with Hilery and Bo.

"You are supposed to be..." Judd began to say.

"If one more person tells me to be in bed I am gonna beat them over the head with a cast even if it means you Judd. I wanna see my sister in law," Luke replied.

"Okay but she's unconscious."

"So I have heard...I know that she is…I am not an idiot. If I was hit against a concrete wall I would be too…I am sorry Judd. I haven’t been out of my house for more then a week now…I needed to get out.â€

“Yeah I understand…I just don’t know how I am gonna tell Essy about her hair if she wakes up.†Luke’s face turned red.

“Judd…she’s gonna wake up…today if I can manage it.â€

“What if she doesn’t Luke? They said if she doesn’t wake up soon, her vital organs may fail and…â€

“Judd…I know how much you love her and I also know how much she loves you. Essy is a fighter.â€

“I know she is…I wrestled her before I got her to say yes to marry me.†Luke laughed softly as he looked at his cousin.

“Bo, wheel me in there will ya?â€

“Sure Luke, I know you can get her up,†Bo replied. He swallowed hard hoping that she would wake up. Bo was pretty emotional. It was hard when someone you love is in the hospital. Considering though that two of them were in the hospital within a month, it was lucky Bo could hold back his tears at all.

He left Luke to talk to Essy. He sat beside Essy. This seemed completely familiar as she did the same for him a few weeks ago. "You're like an angel laying there Essy. I wish that this didn't happen to you. I know when you get out of here that I am gonna get it for coming to the hospital but I don't care. You need support...I love you like a sister and I hope you realize it.†No response came about.

Luke put his head down for a few minutes and cried. His eyes couldn’t hold back the tears that were there. Nothing could possibly make Luke feel better. He wanted Essy to just open her eyes and say something. Luke just wanted to do something with her. He wanted to have one of those long talks with Essy as they played a game of checkers or chess. Luke wanted to play cribbage with her…a game the Dukes only played when Essy or Hilery were around.

There were so many things Luke wanted to tell her. He wanted to say how proud he was of how Essy handled Judd so well. Luke wanted to tell his sister in law how many great things she had done. He remembered many great moments but one popped out clearly in his mind.

“Essy, I know that this was a long time ago but I remember all the things that you did. I remember when we were bored…you decided instead of swimming we would go sing at the nursing home. Gosh, I didn’t want to do it at all. I thought that it would just be one of those boring things. Nevertheless, Bo and I grabbed our guitars. You had that piano in there all set up for you to play. We sang country songs well into the night. The look on their faces made me smile. Soon you glowed…I was pleased we went. I don’t know if I should even be here,†Luke commented.


Essy's hand began to move. Her bandaged head rolled slowly towards Luke. "You...should be here Luke," Essy replied.

“Essy you’re awake.â€

“Looks that way don’t it?†She rolled her eyes back as she blinked a few times.

“You’re awake! I am so glad you’re awake.â€

“I am just plum happy you’re around Luke Duke.†Luke's eyes filled with tears. He tightened his grip on Essy’s hand and looked into her eyes. “You are one of the good folks out there. What’s more you’re my kin.â€

“"I am glad I am here for you...do you want me to go and get Judd? I mean he’s gonna be mighty worried about you. I know I sure have been."

"No...Don’t leave me okay?â€

“Essy…I’ll only be gone a minute.â€

“I just want you to stay with me for a few minutes. Everyone is gonna be in and out of here soon enough."

"Yeah...I suppose you're right kid.†Essy let out a weak laugh and rolled over on her side. She looked at Luke and smiled.

“Well what’s new?â€

“Well I have some bad news for you." Luke looked at Essy's head. He touched her forehead and smiled. Essy touched the bandage on her head.

“They didn’t…â€

“They had to shave your beautiful hair off." Essy closed her eyes tight and hit her fist against the wall.

"It took me so long to get it that way. I guess hair is hair though."

"If it makes you feel better I'll shave my head too." Essy laughed. She sat up a little putting one arm around Luke while using the other to keep her head up. She felt pretty dizzy.

“You know what? I am happy y’all are here…I guess without family this would be pretty scary huh?†Luke stared into Essy’s baby blue eyes and knew she was going to be okay. She lied back down and looked up at the ceiling. The nurse came into the room and smiled at the sight of Essy sitting up.

“Well now, this is a surprise. I guess this young man woke you up. Your husband couldn’t do it,†The nurse laughed.

“Well this is my very persistent brother in law who wouldn’t let me stay out of it for long,†Essy laughed. Luke smiled. He was afraid that he too wouldn’t hear her laughter again. Now he knew exactly how Bo felt. Luke had to step out of the room for a minute while they checked Essy out.

He snuck out into the hallway and told everyone the good news. Luke was getting better in that wheelchair. As he told everyone the news they were all relived. “She’s awake?†Judd commented.

â€Yeah but she don’t know I am gone so if I don’t high tail it back there she’s gonna be nervous,†Luke replied.

“Don’t leave her alone then. I don’t want my wife to be scared.â€

“I am going.â€

Luke was so worried when he heard the news over the CB. He couldn’t even rush over to the hospital. Luke could also see the worry in Daisy’s face as she listened closely by the CB. Luke told the young woman that she could go but Daisy knew better than that. She was gonna stay with Luke until someone else came and took over. He felt horrible. Here he was and there was Essy in that room. He hated being cooped up in the house. It wasn’t fair.

He wheeled back into her room and smiled at her. “You know what? I think I want out of here and I ain’t been here too long have I?†Essy asked.

“Nope, not long at all,†Luke answered. He yawned and almost instantly fell asleep by her side.

"Uh huh, thought you were awake," Hilery said standing in the doorway about a half an hour later.

"I thought you were in the waiting room," Luke said startled.

"Yeah, sure." Hilery replied. "I got something for you Essy," Hilery told her bringing a brown bag over to the bedside. Inside was a wig, that looked a lot like Essy's old set of hair. She was amazed when she pulled it out. "I got a regular one and then cut it to look like it was your hair," the Davenport announced. Luke smiled.

"Well, looks like you didn't completely loose your doo," he said.

"Thanks Hil," Essy said. The three of them sat there and chatted for a few more minutes. The doctors had already come in to check on Essy, and everyone knew she was awake, but they were only letting people in one at a time. But of course, a nurse came in, and Luke was removed because of how long he had been there. Besides, he needed to go back home to rest.

"You really missed something earlier Essy, you really did." Hil giggled.

"yeah? What did I miss?"

"I think Bo said I was cute or something, I don't know, I think I was too flattered to really tell what he was saying ... but I also think he called me fat," she said. Essy could tell she was confused.

"I don't think he called you fat ..."

"Well he said something under the lines about me not being a spring chicken or something, but then he said something about all those boys. When he mentioned the boys, is where I think I lost what he was saying," she said, confiding only in her friend. "I just don't know, I'm just so confused. I think he looks at me like a sister more than anything though."

"Yeah, he'll come around sooner or later though, at least I think he will," Essy thought aloud so Hilery could hear her. "But he has plenty of women-"

"I wouldn't refer to them as women, I'd refer to them as girls," she rudely interjected. Essy could tell this whole ordeal had Hil out of sorts. It was almost always like that around the time of the dances, and no one ever had managed to figure out why except Essy, and she had been forced to promise never to tell about the secret.

Meanwhile in the waiting room, Judd was sitting there, waiting patiently to see his wife, and Luke was getting lectured by Uncle Jesse, as was poor Bo, and the bad guys were finishing up with Cooter's beings he hadn't exactly gotten back from his tow job.

Cooter had more than one car to fish out of the ditch, which he hadn't been told about. When he did get back, he was shocked when he seen all of his tools were gone. Shocked he called Rosco, just before he noticed the note on the door to the apartment. He quickly read it, and showed it to the sheriff when he arrived.

"Rosco, I'll be back in a bit while you look around, I'm sure you can see all my tools are missing," he said as ran out the door, and climbed into his tow truck, and floored it to the Hospital.

Rosco laughed at the sight of how Cooter's garage was left. Peter walked into the garage. "You done good..." Rosco began.

"I didn't do good! That Hilery and that Essy chick saw me," Peter grumbled.


"We're gonna have to kill them is all. I don't think you will have any disagreements will ya?"

"Alright Peter, now you're going too far. You ain't going to kill my friends. No siree bub. I think I am gonna have to arrest you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! You ain't killing no one." Peter took out his gun and pointed it at Rosco.

"You don't think I would let you go and stop me do you? I am Peter and I will get out of here with my wits and all together."


Suddenly out of all of that, Daisy pulled up. She got out of her jeep and saw the gun pointed at Rosco. Daisy had to do something and she knew it. Otherwise Rosco would be killed and the young woman would feel guilty for the rest of her life. Daisy remembered Luke showing her some of his old military moves. She got on the ground and began crawling towards the bad guy. She did a side kick and the gun went off but flew out of Peter's hands.

Peter went for the gun but Daisy kicked him in the stomach hard. The man rolled on the floor in pain. Daisy jumped on his back and pulled Peter's arm up. He yelped in pain. "Are you okay Rosco?" Daisy asked.

"I had this situation under control until you came along," Rosco muttered. Daisy rolled her eyes.

"Hand me the cuffs please."

"Sure, anything you want." Rosco did as she said. Daisy put the cuffs on him and pulled Peter to his feet.

"Do you want me to read him his rights or do you?" Rosco thought about it for a minute.

"You have the right to remain silent...umm." Daisy rolled her eyes.

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense."

Daisy grabbed him and took him over to the courthouse. Boss couldn't believe Peter was brought in. He almost choked on his sandwich. "Who is that Rosco?" Boss asked suspiciously.

"Well this man tried to kill me...he was also hanging around Cooter's garage. We have reason to believe he is stealing the tools," Rosco replied slyly. Daisy knew there was something fishy about this. She needed some help though to crack the case...the help of one Bo Duke. Maybe Hilery and Judd would like to come along for the ride.


Well, of course when she got up to the hospital, Bo was more than eager to help, and so was Judd. Miss Tisdale had agreed to watch over Essy while they were gone. Hilery jumped at the chance to go, half because she was angry about the tools and what had happened to Essy, but the other half of the reason was Bo was going, and we all know how Hilery feels about him folks.

"So, when we leavin'?" she asked.

"Five minutes Hil," Bo said. That gave Judd enough time to say goodbye to Essy and to tell her he would be back later.

"Essy, sweet heart?" Judd said as he walked into the room. She opened her eyes and looked at him smiling. Her aunt in the chair, watching the love birds closely.

"Yeah baby?"

"I have to go for a little bit, we're gonna go find those fellas who did this to you, okay?"

"Judd... please be careful," she said nearly crying.

"I will honey, I will," he assured her before kissing her once, then twice. "I love you."

"I love you my dear Duke," she whispered wrapping her arms around him hugging him before kissing him again. She kissed him so long that Judd felt all warm and gooey inside.

“You’re amazing.â€

“One more for the road Judd…I know you need something to give you good luck. Might as well be my kisses that keep you safe.†She kissed him again.

"Eh hem." Miss Tisdale said. "Don't get too mushy in front of your Aunt Emma Essy," she said. Both Essy-Jane and Judd turned red.

"Uh, they said I only have five minutes so uh, I better git before they leave me behind and before your aunt kicks my butt," he said sheepishly before moving backward toward the door. In the process he fell over a stool. "I'm okay," he called out before getting up and power walking out the door, knowing he couldn't run in the hospital.

When Judd got back to the waiting room, everyone was ready to roll out. Bo and he were in the General, and Hilery and Daisy were in Jumper.

"Countrygirl, you and Bo peep go east, we'll go west." Bo told them.

"What about me, they got my tools!" Cooter yelled out over the Citizen Band Radio.

"Go north Crazy C," Bo said chuckling over the fact that Cooter didn’t' use his signature CB call like he normally did. "We'll meet back at Crazy Cooter's if we don't find anything in two hours," Bo added. Everyone agreed.

Well, two hours floated by. The guys had found another hiding place so they weren't at the original, which gave Bo a slight heap of relief.

Hilery and Daisy hadn't found them either which wasn't good. They had searched half the area to the east of the hospital. Cooter hadn't found anything either.

"Here, I fixed these the other day," Hilery said gloomily as she handed them each a plate of cookies. It was dark by then, and it wasn't any use trying to locate them in the dark.

"Thanks Hil, you think you could give Essy the recipe?" Judd asked her after bitten into one.

"I think she might already have it," she told him. "I'm gonna go outside for a bit."

They all met back at Cooter's because of course they didn't find anything. Everyone knew they needed to regroup. "Now y'all I know that it is dark but if we work together we can kill them and get my tools back!" Cooter exclaimed. Bo chuckled.

"And you said I had a bad tempter," Bo roared.

"Okay, we have to do this a bit better. I wish Luke was out here givin' orders...at least he wouldn't be acting so insane here," Hilery joked as she elbowed Cooter.

"Don't you start with me Hilery, those are my prized possessions...there is no way he's getting away with this. Not only that, Essy was hurt because of these oversized bug eaters. Now we're gonna get him," Cooter ranted.

Bo stepped out of the garage to get some fresh air as the others continued fighting. Daisy walked out and looked at her cousin...staring across the street. She then looked out there herself...Daisy saw something horrific. The guy that she had helped Rosco arrest was out.

"I knew there was something fishy about this," Daisy muttered. She looked at Bo. "Now Bo, what's going on in your head?"

"Stolen tools...a new used tool shop is opened up. Everyone's tools are missing and now that guy is let out of the prison. Now don't you think Boss is connected just in the smallest way?" Daisy smiled at Bo.

"You're turning into Luke."

"Well somebody has to...I ain't gonna be Luke for long though...when he's back I will be happy." Bo rushed out with Daisy. They looked around the scene of where the used tools were. Oddly enough, there were the two bad guys.

"Dang it's the Dukes!" Peter screamed.

"Oh you have heard of us?" Daisy joked. As the people heard that from down the street they ran to see what was going on. The two bad dudes looked up and shot off guns. Bo went up behind one and knocked him down. He stepped on his hand until the gun was taken.

Cooter was busy finding his tools. Hilery was helping Daisy take the big guy down. It was a big ruckus and finally it all ended with Daisy holding the gun and showing the evidence of those guys stealing. Boss had no choice but to put them in prison.

They of course denied having any connection with the robberies. That's a Hogg for ya. No problems there. Essy got out of the hospital right in time.

Now there was a dance to go to and guess who was there? Essy was dancing with Judd and of course Hilery was spinning Luke's wheel chair around the room.

Bo was with that Barbie...Amy-Lou. Hilery knew that Essy was right...she should just go on as if nothing was different. Bo would come to his senses sooner or later.

She was having fun with Luke but she didn't come with him. Hilery promised to give Luke a dance. You remember that trip to the gym...well she did find a guy...he was no Bo but he would do. After she was done her dance to a good Kenny Roger's song, Hilery walked outside. She was sick of not being with Bo and that he didn't notice. Essy noticed Hilery on her way out and walked outside behind her after five minutes.


Essy sat beside her on the hood of Jumper. "I made him promise a dance with you," Essy said.

"A dance...wow," Hilery replied sarcastically. She looked at Essy and frowned.

"I did the best that I could Hilery...you should be happy." Hilery sighed. She looked up at the stars.

"Here I am sitting for a wishing star...I ain't done that since I was a kid. I am trying to find one but it doesn't look hopeful. I am always gonna be a sister to him ain't I? Like I will never having him beside me…never feeling his sweet kiss."

"You never know...just dance with him...dance this next slow song will ya? I'll even request Loretta Lynn...I know how much you like her." Hilery smiled.

"Okay...this talk never happened."

She walked in and sure enough, Bo grabbed her arm. The DJ turned on a slow song by Loretta. Hilery put her head on Bo's shoulder. "You know, I think I am making your date over there jealous...he likes you," Bo commented.

Not as much as I love you, Hilery thought to herself. "Let him be jealous...oh look, Amy-Lou is dancing with him now...how typical!"

"Well I guess so...I didn't really like her anyway. She was talking about how the person who did her nails messed them up. Heck I wasn't even looking at her nails." Hilery laughed. Bo kissed her on the cheek. "I am glad you came." Hilery turned red.

On the other side of the room, Essy met up with her man. He took her gently by the arm, and they hugged each other. He held her close as the melody and harmony blended to make the perfect background music for the words of the song, but neither was paying any attention to it as they rocked back and forth to the music.

Nothing else seemed to register besides how much they loved each other, although, Essy knew Hilery would probably shoot her later. Judd suddenly spun her around, catching' her off guard. The only thin that kept her from fallin' over was her hand bein' in her husbands. After one full turn, he pulled her back toward him and hugged her.

Miss Tisdale watched her niece, smiling the whole time. She had threatened to hand cuff Jesse to her if he refused to take her to the dance. Rosco, who always found it funny how Emma had a crush on Jesse and was present, had agreed to loan them to her. This made Jesse agree unwillingly to the date.

Daisy was stuck working that night thanks to Boss. He had told her that if she didn't work that night, she would be fired. Typical of ol' Boss, wasn't it? Now that didn't mean Daisy didn't get to dance a few dances and enjoy herself even if she was on duty.

Luke sat with Jesse and Miss Tizdale of course. Hilery had merely been toting him around to see the ladies, seeing how Daisy was mostly busy and Bo had been really busy with his date. Cooter was there with a lady friend of his, but it wasn't a real date. They were just friends. Boss was there with his Lulu, and they were sitting at their table resting. Rosco was there too with them. He had come alone, well, not really. He took his mama.

Now back to what was going on with Essy. She was as happy as she had ever been. This seemed to be a big event of a dance. The biggest one in Hazzard all year; she hadn't expected Judd to do another unexpected move though. He tipped her back and he kissed her gently, before picking her up and taking her back to the table. When he came back, he had two cups of punch, one for him, and one for his wife. They sat there and watched as Bo danced with Hilery. Essy found it funny when Hilery shot a dirty look to her when she was able to see her. She had promised not to interfere, but Essy had wanted her friend to be happy for the night.

"Auntie Emma, you stop dragging Uncle Jesse around," Essy laughed as she watched her aunt try to drag a completely reluctant Duke to the dance floor.

"Now sweet heart, he and I are gonna dance to this song before it's over, you hear me?" Essy knew better than to back talk so she nodded.

Now within another minute the dance was over, and they all went back to their tables, well, everyone but Hilery. She waved toward the bathroom to Essy, and then went in. The motion went unnoticed by Judd who had gotten busy talking with his brother. Jesse and Emma's table was right next to Judd’s and Essy's.

"Um pumpkin, I gotta go powder my nose," she said giving him a kiss before slipping off. When she got in there, she watched Hilery check her makeup. Essy took the moment to fix her wig and fix her own makeup. "So whatcha need?"

"How could you? You know how shy I am!" Hilery said blushing.

"Naw, you’re not shy."

"I am when it comes to love issues mixing with my crush," Hilery said, her face beat red from embarrassment.

"Sorry, but I think he enjoyed dancing with you," Essy told her and winked.

"Yeah, but, I don't know, I know he only danced with me because he is my friend," Hilery replied, her voice almost a whisper.

"C'mon, let's go get some food," Essy suggested, and they left the bathroom.

Hilery grabbed some food and shoved it into her mouth like there was no tommorow. "Hilery, that's not attractive," Essy mumbled.

"I don't care!" She ate when she was depressed...heck, Hilery ate when she had a problem. She began to walk towards Jumper and stopped. "Hey, can you drive Jumper? I wanna walk home."


"Hey, I am eating a ton...when I eat a ton I gain weight. If I gain weight I am even more hungry so I might as well walk somewhere to loose the pounds."

"Slow down...you need to tell him."

"Oh you think so huh? You think I can waltz right up to Bo like that?" Bo walked right behind her. Essy kept signalling that Bo was behind her but Hilery was too mad to understand. "You think I can tell Bo I love him?" Bo's shoulder's dropped as his eyes widened. He began to sweat as he was tongue tied.


"No, I can't do it because guess what?"

"You're too shy?" Bo asked.


"Exactly Bo I am too shy to tell Bo how I am...oh crud," Hilery replied. She turned bright red. "Essy on second thought...I am out of here...you have a good night. I am going home now." Hilery was so embarrassed that she didn't even look back to see Bo's expression.

She ran straight to her car, and jumped right in. Without thinking, she slammed it into reverse, accidentally bumped the general which wasn't that far behind Jumper, and then throwing it into drive, she floored it and was out of sight in a matter of seconds.

"That was weird," Bo commented. Essy shook her head laughing.

"Nah, that was definitely Hilery," she said.

"Are you sure?" Bo asked her. Essy nodded, still giggling.

"Oh well, at least you heard it straight out of the horses mouth."

"True... But I still don't get it," Bo mumbled. He was confused.

"What was that all about?" Cooter asked as everyone gathered 'round to see why Hilery had taken off like she had. He had never seen his cousin do something like that before.

"Just one of her deepest, darkest secrets got out," Essy said. "She'll get over it I think," she added quickly.

Well, if you're wondering if Hilery made it home safely, she did, but she hadn't taken her foot off the gas till she reached the garage. Her face had remained bright red the whole way, and for the next few hours. She hadn't fallen asleep at all from the embarrassment, and cried on and off. Now how was she supposed to show herself in public? Everyone was probably goin' to know her secret by morning probably.

Hilery rolled up into a little ball. Cooter walked into the small appartment above the garage. "Hilery, you can come out now...I heard about the whole thing," Cooter said as he turned on the light.

"Go away!" Hilery exclaimed.

"You can't hide your feelings from me."

"You wanna make a bet? I just made a fool of myself." Cooter started to laugh. "What's so funny?"

"You didn't see the look on Bo's face. He was more than shocked. Why didn't you tell him earlier?"

"I thought I was out of his league. I didn't think I had a chance with him." Cooter found Hilery by the sound of her voice. He walked up to his cousin and smiled at her. "I know I didn't have a chance. Essy had a better chance...she went on a few dates with Bo."

"She didn't have the chemistry...besides; you could have had an equal chance. How do you know if you don't try?" Hilery looked at her cousin with fire in her eyes. She didn't want to talk to him.

It was like talking to a brick wall with only one answer...go for it. If Hilery would have just told Bo how she felt...well you know, she might not be in this mess. "You know what? I think that I'll set you two up."

"I think you will not Cooter Davenport. Now get out of my apartment. I don't want to hear any more. If I did I would hire someone to impersonate you now get out!"

"Sorry Hil, you're gonna have to face this sooner or later. It might as well be from me. You can't ever sit down and think things through.â€

“Can so!â€

“Can not!â€

“I can to and you know it.â€

“Will ya let me get this out?â€


“Instead you invent things in this little fantasy world of yours instead of trying. Why don't you act your age and go and talk to him before you mess things up. He's had a few hours to think about it. Now you need to act." Hilery pounced on top of Cooter.

"You're dead. I ain't ever had a fantasy world."


"Hilery I have pinned you before and I ain't afraid to do it again." They wrestled on the ground for a few minutes. Both were red in the face.

"You better not make me do anything stupid." She rolled him onto his back but he flipped her over.

"Tell ya what, if I win, you talk to Bo."

"If you loose?"

"I will...stand in front of the garage and advertise wearing a clown shirt and I will sing."

"You got yourself a deal." They fought back and forth for a few minutes and Cooter finally pinned her. "Not fair!"

"How so?"

"You're bigger than me."

"You knew that before you wrestled me. Now, get your coat on. You made a deal and you're gonna live up to it."


"Just to make sure you live up to your deal I am coming with you."


"Don't forget to put a coat on, it's chilly."

"But...but...but Cooter, I don't want to go tonight." It was too late, Cooter already grabbed her by the hand and pulled her out to his truck. She was forced to get in of course. Hilery crossed her arms and looked out into the dark night. The wind pulled on her curled hair. She looked out into the moonlight and smiled. Maybe this was a good idea...it could do her a lot of good. Talking to Bo was just what she needed. "Thanks Cooter."

"You're welcome."


"Yeah Hilery?"

"What should I say to him?"

"What comes to your heart baby...what comes to your heart will be the right thing to say and you know it."

"Oh yeah right Coot," she said. Hilery had never been one for the mushy stuff, and her second cousin knew it.

"Well, either that or I could show him that notebook you have, you know, the one you write all your thoughts about him in. I found that in Jumper before I went up to your appartment. It was sittin' on the passenger seat." Hilery blushed. "Your glove box was open too," Cooter added.

"You didn't have to read it," she said. She was shivering.

"I only looked at the first and a middle page, the last one too," he said even though he knew he shouldn't ahve read it. "It was laying open, and what it said caught my eye. I only checked the front page and the back page for the dates. I'm sorry though cousin, I know I shouldn't have."

"It's okay I guess. That's what big cousins are for, not knowing how to mind their own business," she told him. There wasn't sarcasm in her voice, nor a laugh, but her tone wasn't serious either. He knew she had meant that it was okay, she wasn't mad, but the last part struck him as funny.

"Can I ask you something though?"

"Sure, I guess so," she replied.

"Have you really had a crush on him since you were 13?" Hilery wanted to hit him. Essy had probably already told Bo about it being that long; so she knew that she wouldn’t have to.

Okay here we go; Hilery is about to pull into what is going to be her greatest adventure. As Daisy informs the young woman that Bo went horse back riding, Hilery grabs the nearest horse and goes out to the area he would likely be. She sees him up ahead with the horse and rides faster. "Bo! We need to talk," Hilery commented. She slows down on the horse and stares at him.

"Yeah...I suppose we do. Why didn't you tell me about you liking me?" Bo snapped. This wasn't the reaction that Hilery was hoping for. He seemed angry...almost tormented by what Hilery said.

"I am sorry...I shouldn't have kept it from you for so long."

"You kept it from me for 7 years. What am I suppose to say to you? Am I suppose to tell you I love you?"

"Well you could start by telling me how you feel." Bo looked up at the stars for a moment. Soon he began to hitch his horse to a tree branch. Hilery did the same. "All I ask for is to know how you feel."

"I knew everything in my life...Luke is getting better by day. Daisy is going out with someone new but I like him a lot. Now suddenly I hear that someone who has been a sister to me for years is in love with me. I don't know what to feel." Hilery's head went down in shame.

"Is it the fact that I have feelings for you that makes you uneasy?" Bo shook his head. He looked at Hilery with those blue eyes of his. "What is it then?"

"You didn't tell me...that's like lying...I can't believe you would sit there and lie to me...right in front of my face. You concealed your feelings for so long. Why didn't you tell me? It would have been easier on all of us." Bo began to pace back and forth. He looked up at Hilery and suddenly stopped.

"I wish that I could have told you but..."

"I don't know, I guess it was right in front of my face and for years I didn't notice it...maybe it's my fault. That doesn't change how I am feeling though."

"You still haven't really expressed those yet." Bo stopped and took a deep breath. He looked into Hilery's eyes and smiled.

"I really don't know...maybe a date will change all that. Maybe I have to slow down and talk to you more. I don't know what the answer is. How am I feeling? That can only be told with time."

"Okay...so we'll give it time?"

"Yes...I agree to that. For now, let's go horse back riding."

"Okay," Hilery smiled as she got on the horse she had been ridding. Bo got on the other and they rode down a trail.

"You know, this don't mean that I ain't mad at you," Bo said. Hilery looked at him and felt very ashamed about the whole thing. "I'll find a punching bag or a pillowcase later though," he added. Hilery nodded before Bo sped up a little to go out ahead of her to lead the way. She understood what he was feeling like. She had known he had probably looked at her like a sister. The Davenport knew that he had every right to be mad.

"You know Bo, things aren't always what they seem," she said. The comment got his attention. "The world is full of mystery, and sometimes the things you least expect happen," she told him. By now she had Bo's full attention. She seemed to be talking with wisdom beyond her years, and yet, it seemed like she wasn't. "Life can take us all in different directions, and sometimes ones life can go in two directions at once. We just drift in the direction it takes us. Each way we go will shape who we turn out to be, and each way changes us in some way or form. Our paths we take in the future are predetermined by how we are raised and our environments, but most of all of the paths our lives have already gone down." Bo looked at her impressed, and he seen the tears shimmering in her eyes, yet they refused to fall. He was amazed by her words. It sounded like something that his uncle would say, yet he knew it was her own words.

"Hilery... are you okay?" Bo asked her, looking at her with the confusion wrote on his face.

"Yeah Bo." she told him. "Just don't tell anyone I said that," she sighed as she began to urge the horse forward.

"I ain't even sure if that was even you speaking," he said as he too began to go forward.

"Bo, sometimes a person’s intelligence can be hidden by a lot of pettily stuff, whether it be a tough facade, or a clowny attitude. Or if you're anything like me it's a combination of a fluke, your mood, and intelligence," she said laughing, trying to ease the tension that had mounted in the air.

"Uh huh... what ever you say Hilery," Bo told her. In all truth, he was still amazed. As he rode, he looked up into the sky and to the stars as they twinkled. Between those and the full moon, it all seemed romantic. The only thing that was out of place was his feelings which he hadn't been able to completely pin yet.


"Beautiful out here, ain't it?" Hilery commented. She had noticed him looking up, and he nodded.

"Yeah, but I wish you would have stayed at the farm and waited until I got back or waited 'til morning or something, even though I think this talk has been doing us good," he said sighing.

"Bo, it's okay to be confused," she said. "Sometimes it takes seconds to sort your thoughts, and yet other times, it takes what seems like forever."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I just never thought about how long it takes to sort my thoughts . . . You know, you're really starting to scare me," he commented and stopped by a small creek. He remained on the horse for a few more moments.

When he climbed down, Hilery did the same. "Back to the subject at hand though," she said, trying to get back on subject. "I understand if you don't love me as more than you would a sibling. You win some and you loose some," she said before giving him a kiss on his lower cheek, right next to the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just really lost right now," he told her. He knew he was getting a new incite to her personality, one no one had probably even known about. She seemed to have become so much more intelligent all of a sudden, and so much more serious. It was like a whole other side of her had just appeared out of no where.

“I bet you would be.â€

Hilery wondered if Bo would be falling for a side she only really showed to Essy. He looked at her puzzled and soon straightened up. "Hilery...I know what to say to you right now but how to say it without turning you into a puddle of mush is a whole other story," Bo mumbled after a moment of silence. He thought again looking up into the moon. "When I think of you...I think of the moon. I think, here's my friend who has lived in Hazzard since she was 13 years old. She has one side showing to one half of the world and another just waiting to be explored. I know that someone who is really fortunate is gonna see both sides of you..."

"Bo...don't, you're gonna ruin this moment for me," Hilery cut in. She could feel the tears roll into her eyes. Hilery started to understand what Essy was trying to say. Bo wasn't ready to be tied down with one person. There was so much to be explored like Bo said...but this man wasn't the moon.


"Bo, you're like a puzzle. There are so many pieces inside of you waiting to be put together. The child in you isn't letting me inside the box."

"I can't...I don't know if I can ever with you."

"What are you saying Bo?"

"I know that I want to give to you and see you and hold you but I don't know how."

"You can learn how...we'll learn how together."

"Hilery...I can't even imagine how right now."

"Bo...I have imagined every moment with you. I know it sounds like some child's fairy tale but listen. I have pictured sharing my life with you. I have had dreams about it."

"I bet you have...I don't mind it by the way."

"I love you Bo...what else can I say?" Bo stood silent for a minute trying to collect his thoughts.

He knew what he wanted to say but was tongue tied. He loved Hilery and would walk on fire for her but at the same time there was something missing. Something that Bo couldn't feel; how could he say it to her? How could he tell a friend...even a sister to him that he didn't feel a certain way and he didn't know if it would happen? "You are a wonderful talented woman...you can fix cars like any good Davenport."

"I love you Bo."

"You are a great person to fish with...ya have enough stories to make me smile. I sometimes get bored with Daisy when fishing but I like fishing with you and Luke...we're like pals."

"I care for you Bo...I am gonna say it until it gets through your head."

"Sometimes, when you fell asleep on my shoulder you would breathe heavily and I would poke you to calm you down." Bo pushed his hair back as his eyes filled with tears. He was trying to tell her the many things he liked about her as a friend.


Bo unhitched his horse. He was only going to be able to do this once without falling down in pain. "When I think of kissing you I think of kissing Daisy. Sure she's pretty but it don't feel right ya know? I don't know...I can't hide my feelings and though I want to...I want to try to go on a date with you. I will call on you sometime...I ain't gonna tell you when or how, it'll just happen. I am not ready for this...I can't be ready for this."

He got on the horse and rode away. Hilery began to cry. She pounded the tree hard until the skin on the hand were busted and began to bleed. The pain rolled inside her like shattering glass hitting her skin. Her face became red and her eyes pierced with anger.

Why couldn't he love her? How could this happen. "Cooter was wrong!" Hilery exclaimed. She hated her cousin for making her come. Hilery didn't want to talk to Bo ever again as her body shook. The young woman fell to her knees. She unhitched the horse and finally began to head back. Hilery looked at the moon for one more moment. She didn't know what else there was to do. At least Hilery wasn't living a lie. The pain was horrific...eating up at her.

Hilery made her way towards the farm. She almost spat at Cooter and didn’t even give Bo a second look. Hilery made her way to the car and said nothing all the way home.

Two days later...

Cooter showed up at the police department to talk to Rosco. He hadn't seen Hilery since the Duke Farm incident and no on had any clue what had happened except Bo and Luke. Luke knew only because his cousin told him.

Cooter though had figured Hilery had just needed to spend some time alone, but, when she failed to turn up after 24 hours were up, he got worried. It increased when it hit 48 hours, so he grabbed Essy and headed over to the station.

Boss meanwhile was in another one of his business deals. Essy noticed one of the men from a few posters in the post office, and knew trouble was a brewing. “Hazzard wouldn’t be the same without a little trouble,†Essy mumbled to herself. Cooter looked at her puzzled like.

“Do you smell something Lassie?†Cooter joked. Essy rolled her eyes. She clipped the back of his head with his hand.

“I have seen those boy’s faces before and it ain’t in the Christmas pageant.†Cooter looked at another one of them going into the room. He was wearing a white suit.

“Oh you’re right Mrs. Duke. You know who you should bring on this case don’t you?â€

“Not Bo…he ain’t in the mood.â€

“No, bring Judd…it’s like they always say, married couples always have better instincts when they’re not smooching and such. You two would make a wonderful team.†Essy thought about it for a minute.

“Well he does have Duke Blood.†Cooter smiled knowing her answer before it slipped her lips.

Essy rolled her eyes...let's just see if they get out of this one without killing each other. Essy pushed back her red hair and looked at Cooter. She knew that something had to be done about these suspicious characters.

"You think we aughta get Bo to help us figure out what is going on?" she asked.

Cooter nodded before moving toward the ohter end of hte booking room with Essy, back to the doors. "Rosco!" he began calling, walking back toward the center of the room. "Rosco," he bellowed again.

Rosco came out of his office to find out why the Davenport was calling him.




"Cooter, what is it, and if you don't stop yelling, i'm gonna cuff you and stuff you for disturbing the peace!" Rosco yelled comming out of Boss' office. The commissioner had booted him out to shut Cooter up.

"Rosco, it's Hilery. I'm starting to get worried about her. I haven't seen her in two days."

"Oh Cooter, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, we're all worried about her Rosco. She don't normally do something like this. Originally we thought she needed some time to herself, but we don't think she needs this much time. We don't know what happened to her." Essy said.

"Well, I'll file a missing persons report for you as soon as I get the chance, alright Cooter? And Essy, thanks for the info." Both of them nodded aproval, then left.

"So, shall we get Judd and Bo and go look at those wanted posteres... if Bo's willing to come along?" Cooter asked Essy as they walked out hte bookign room doors.

"Yeah, like I said though, he hasnt' been in a good mood since... well you know. Since he found out Hilery likes him, likes him." Essy said as they walked out of the court house completely and acrosst he street to the Hazzard Garage.

"I'm gonna call them on the CB right now, unless you wanna do it?" Cooter said, reaching tino his tow truck and pulling out hte radio mic.

  • 4 weeks later...

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