Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 "It doesn't matter. I should have been there and she wouldn't have gotten hurt or killed. I swore I would protect her I failed Brian. I failed her and now I've failed to protect Julie...God Brian...I can't do this any more." Lizzy says. Cue anyone.Brian says "You don't always have to be the strong how do you think Angel's feeling right now from what I heard she told off Hughie Hogg real good, I wish I was there and who there stopping Hughie from getting up that ladder. Why dad told it was Luke standing right in the way. You don't see how much he loves you, your blind sis and I know that it seems bleak right now but things will get better and besides your my big sister as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Brian says "You don't always have to be the strong how do you think Angel's feeling right now from what I heard she told off Hughie Hogg real good, I wish I was there and who there stopping Hughie from getting up that ladder. Why dad told it was Luke standing right in the way. You don't see how much he loves you, your blind sis and I know that it seems bleak right now but things will get better and besides your my big sister as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"I'm so sorry Brian...I've tried so hard to protect you...I'm sorry...so sorry...so sorry..." Lizzy trails off looking away from him. In Julie's room. "Hey Julie, you wouldn't happen to know why Lizzy's not taking care of herself do you?" Luke asks. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 "I'm so sorry Brian...I've tried so hard to protect you...I'm sorry...so sorry...so sorry..." Lizzy trails off looking away from him. In Julie's room. "Hey Julie, you wouldn't happen to know why Lizzy's not taking care of herself do you?" Luke asks. Cue anyone.Julie says "Well she was always the strong one and that night at the bar she told me that she was supposed to be with her and Tom had got called to do something with his parents or something. And she feels responible Luke, you see she's been taking care of me and Cindy like were sisters since we've all started hanging out and I guess it hard to figure out right now but it will all makes senses."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Julie says "Well she was always the strong one and that night at the bar she told me that she was supposed to be with her and Tom had got called to do something with his parents or something. And she feels responible Luke, you see she's been taking care of me and Cindy like were sisters since we've all started hanging out and I guess it hard to figure out right now but it will all makes senses."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"But she doesn't have to protect you all the time. It's not her fault but..." Then something occurred to Luke. "Oh God...Survivor's guilt." Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 "But she doesn't have to protect you all the time. It's not her fault but..." Then something occurred to Luke. "Oh God...Survivor's guilt." Cue anyone.Julie says "Luke, Luke what do you mean I survived and I don't feel that way. Why did you feel that way when you was in the Marines. Hey do you remember when I found out I was pregant and you and Bo found out what happened and I didn't want to believe I was pregant and Uncle Jesse caught on to me not eating and he sat me down and told me that I had a baby to think about. What if you and Uncle Jesse go and talk to Lizzy, is there anyway that the same guy that raped me and Cindy got to Lizzy in the recent months she acting just like I did and I wouldn't tell nobody what was bothering me as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Julie says "Luke, Luke what do you mean I survived and I don't feel that way. Why did you feel that way when you was in the Marines. Hey do you remember when I found out I was pregant and you and Bo found out what happened and I didn't want to believe I was pregant and Uncle Jesse caught on to me not eating and he sat me down and told me that I had a baby to think about. What if you and Uncle Jesse go and talk to Lizzy, is there anyway that the same guy that raped me and Cindy got to Lizzy in the recent months she acting just like I did and I wouldn't tell nobody what was bothering me as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"She's feeling survivors guilt because she blames herself. She was supposed to be there that night and had she been she thinks she could have prevented it. It must be tearing her to pieces. I have to go talk to her before she does something stupid." Luke says. Cue Julieduke.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 "She's feeling survivors guilt because she blames herself. She was supposed to be there that night and had she been she thinks she could have prevented it. It must be tearing her to pieces. I have to go talk to her before she does something stupid." Luke says. Cue Julieduke.Julie says "You don't understand that guy looked in my purse and found a picture of the three of us and said that he was coming after my friends. Please ask her if the samething that happened to her was the same as me and Cindy I hate to think it was true as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Julie says "You don't understand that guy looked in my purse and found a picture of the three of us and said that he was coming after my friends. Please ask her if the samething that happened to her was the same as me and Cindy I hate to think it was true as well."Cue LizzyJackson-DavenportLuke nods and rushes down the hall to Lizzy's room. "Lizzy, baby." Luke says softly. "Luke?" She asks hopefully but knowing it wasn't him. "It's me darlin', look at me." Luke says sitting on the bed. "Luke is it really?" Lizzy asks. "Yes...baby, talk to me." "I...don't know what's wrong. I just feel..." Lizzy stammers. "Like it's your fault everything bad has happened to Cindy and Julie?" Luke prods. "Yeah, I know it's not but it feels like it is. If I had just..." "There was nothing you can do baby. It's called survivor's guilt. You feel guilty because you're alive and Cindy's not. She wouldn't want you like this baby, you know she wouldn't." "But..." "As far as Julie's concerned that's not your fault either. Joey and Hughie would have come after her just the same no matter what you did to prevent it." Luke says. "I know I just can't help but..." Lizzy tries. "I know you want to change it but you can't it's in the past and you have to let it rest. Look out for Molly and yourself it's all you can do and it's all Cindy's asking from you. She wants her best friend to have the chances she's missed out on. Don't disappoint her. Come on Molly needs you to get better to take care of her." Luke says. "But I feel so lonely." Lizzy admits."I know baby." Luke says. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 Luke nods and rushes down the hall to Lizzy's room. "Lizzy, baby." Luke says softly. "Luke?" She asks hopefully but knowing it wasn't him. "It's me darlin', look at me." Luke says sitting on the bed. "Luke is it really?" Lizzy asks. "Yes...baby, talk to me." "I...don't know what's wrong. I just feel..." Lizzy stammers. "Like it's your fault everything bad has happened to Cindy and Julie?" Luke prods. "Yeah, I know it's not but it feels like it is. If I had just..." "There was nothing you can do baby. It's called survivor's guilt. You feel guilty because you're alive and Cindy's not. She wouldn't want you like this baby, you know she wouldn't." "But..." "As far as Julie's concerned that's not your fault either. Joey and Hughie would have come after her just the same no matter what you did to prevent it." Luke says. "I know I just can't help but..." Lizzy tries. "I know you want to change it but you can't it's in the past and you have to let it rest. Look out for Molly and yourself it's all you can do and it's all Cindy's asking from you. She wants her best friend to have the chances she's missed out on. Don't disappoint her. Come on Molly needs you to get better to take care of her." Luke says. "But I feel so lonely." Lizzy admits."I know baby." Luke says. Cue anyone.Angel says "Uncle Bo, does Mom ever regret having me I mean I wasn't exactly planned now and you know I old enough to understand things as well?"Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Angel says "Uncle Bo, does Mom ever regret having me I mean I wasn't exactly planned now and you know I old enough to understand things as well?"Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"Does she regret having you? No way. Does she regret the way she got pregnant probably. I don't think she could ever regret having you. You're always gonna be her little Angel." Bo answers. IN Lizzy's room. "Luke...Do you think I'll be ok?" Lizzy asks. "Of course. I'll be right here by your side helping you through it whether you dad likes it or not." Luke says. Lizzy smiles softly. "Lizzy you haven't..." "Luke Duke, how dare you. You know if a guy attacked me like that I'd tell you. No one has approached me or forced me into anything I haven't wanted since Dad tried to force me to come back to Hazzard five years ago. I'm fine." Lizzy spits seeing the look on Luke's face. "Julie just reckons that the guy that attacked her saw a picture of the three of you and since he got her and Cindy he may be after you next." Luke says softly. "Then I'll kick his butt. I'm smart Luke I can handle him. Besides he's in jail for kidnapping a federal officer." Lizzy says. "And you're saying Julie and Cindy aren't smart? You're saying they can't take care of themselves?" "I don't know." Lizzy starts crying again and Luke looks to Brian. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 "Does she regret having you? No way. Does she regret the way she got pregnant probably. I don't think she could ever regret having you. You're always gonna be her little Angel." Bo answers. IN Lizzy's room. "Luke...Do you think I'll be ok?" Lizzy asks. "Of course. I'll be right here by your side helping you through it whether you dad likes it or not." Luke says. Lizzy smiles softly. "Lizzy you haven't..." "Luke Duke, how dare you. You know if a guy attacked me like that I'd tell you. No one has approached me or forced me into anything I haven't wanted since Dad tried to force me to come back to Hazzard five years ago. I'm fine." Lizzy spits seeing the look on Luke's face. "Julie just reckons that the guy that attacked her saw a picture of the three of you and since he got her and Cindy he may be after you next." Luke says softly. "Then I'll kick his butt. I'm smart Luke I can handle him. Besides he's in jail for kidnapping a federal officer." Lizzy says. "And you're saying Julie and Cindy aren't smart? You're saying they can't take care of themselves?" "I don't know." Lizzy starts crying again and Luke looks to Brian. Cue anyone.Brian says "But Lizzy, Luke has a point what if he did get out and besides it possible I've visited enough times they might want to call in some help. The Sheriff Office must strethed kind of thin right now. Now you two correct me if I'm wrong there's Sheriff Coltrane, Deputy Enos, Deputy Cletus and Deputy Maryanne Coltrane and there is Hughi and Joey Hogg that got aways and you don't think he won't have some of his business associates show up in Hazzard as well perish the thought. And Garthe Knight now he had three guys with him that's what five to four that's not the best of odd's but I did forget there's Lt. Morrison but from Julie told me about he was talking with Garthe so what he told him where Angel was at the the whole time."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Brian says "But Lizzy, Luke has a point what if he did get out and besides it possible I've visited enough times they might want to call in some help. The Sheriff Office must strethed kind of thin right now. Now you two correct me if I'm wrong there's Sheriff Coltrane, Deputy Enos, Deputy Cletus and Deputy Maryanne Coltrane and there is Hughi and Joey Hogg that got aways and you don't think he won't have some of his business associates show up in Hazzard as well perish the thought. And Garthe Knight now he had three guys with him that's what five to four that's not the best of odd's but I did forget there's Lt. Morrison but from Julie told me about he was talking with Garthe so what he told him where Angel was at the the whole time."Cue LizzyJackson-DavenportA panicked look crosses Lizzy's face. "Luke..." "Don't worry about it Lizzy we'll take care of this I promise." Luke says dragging Brian out into the hallway. "Our first concern is that we find a way to calm your sister down and convince her to move to Hazzard for a while. Then we may have to call in a couple of federal agents. The day your Grandma Davenport died Lizzy was confronted by her probation officer and two FBI agents. Agents Oscar and Smith. Maybe we can get a hold of them and see if they can do some investigating. No more talking of who's still out there in front of Lizzy. She is upset enough and I won't have you making it any worse. Do you understand me? You may be her brother but I will not sit back and watch while she hurts herself anymore." Luke hissed. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 A panicked look crosses Lizzy's face. "Luke..." "Don't worry about it Lizzy we'll take care of this I promise." Luke says dragging Brian out into the hallway. "Our first concern is that we find a way to calm your sister down and convince her to move to Hazzard for a while. Then we may have to call in a couple of federal agents. The day your Grandma Davenport died Lizzy was confronted by her probation officer and two FBI agents. Agents Oscar and Smith. Maybe we can get a hold of them and see if they can do some investigating. No more talking of who's still out there in front of Lizzy. She is upset enough and I won't have you making it any worse. Do you understand me? You may be her brother but I will not sit back and watch while she hurts herself anymore." Luke hissed. Cue anyone.Brian says "I'm sorry but she's my sister and I'm concerned and yes will call Agents Oscar and Fields and you know what Luke. And yes, what about Angel and Julie there vulnerable right now and you know it and your just now saying anything about it right now how do you think Bo and her brother Jesse feels about that right now and there Grandpa Tropicana you Julie was telling me about them."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Brian says "I'm sorry but she's my sister and I'm concerned and yes will call Agents Oscar and Fields and you know what Luke. And yes, what about Angel and Julie there vulnerable right now and you know it and your just now saying anything about it right now how do you think Bo and her brother Jesse feels about that right now and there Grandpa Tropicana you Julie was telling me about them."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"I imagine they feel like you do. They want to protect Julie and Angel just like you want to protect Lizzy. The best thing we can do for those three right now is support them and convince them to stick together or with one of us. I can't let Lizzy get hurt again. Come on let's go see Lizzy. It'll make her happier. Remember don't let her know something's wrong." Luke says. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 "I imagine they feel like you do. They want to protect Julie and Angel just like you want to protect Lizzy. The best thing we can do for those three right now is support them and convince them to stick together or with one of us. I can't let Lizzy get hurt again. Come on let's go see Lizzy. It'll make her happier. Remember don't let her know something's wrong." Luke says. Cue anyone.Brian says "Okay, but this is tough knowing what I know Luke have you ever thought that maybe Angel is really scared stiff right now and isn't saying anything to any of her family."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Brian says "Okay, but this is tough knowing what I know Luke have you ever thought that maybe Angel is really scared stiff right now and isn't saying anything to any of her family."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"Of course I think that. She's like her mom and Lizzy. They hold stuff in so they don't get treated any differently. Maybe you could go talk to her." Luke says. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 Brian says "Luke look what he did to my sister, and your cousin and in way that whiplash is Garthe's fault to as well. If I was crazy man I would go after that Garthe Knight myself and find that guy and who knows what else, I think I know what Micheal's going through you don't think he's thinking the very samething now."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Brian says "Luke look what he did to my sister, and your cousin and in way that whiplash is Garthe's fault to as well. If I was crazy man I would go after that Garthe Knight myself and find that guy and who knows what else, I think I know what Micheal's going through you don't think he's thinking the very samething now."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"But you're not crazy you're smart and you're not going to go after him alone. Lizzy would kill you. She's not gonna want you to go after him. Look at me Brian I'm begging you don't go after him. Don't make me get Cooter in here." Luke says. Unfortunately Luke had pushed the door open so his statement drifted into Lizzy. "Brian please don't go after him. I couldn't stand to see you hurt too. Please Brian, don't go. Stay here. I know you want to get him back for what he did to me but don't do it alone. You need a plan and back up. He's dangerous." Lizzy pleads trying to sit up. "Lizzy relax Brian's not going anywhere are you?" Luke says shooting a look at his friend. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 "But you're not crazy you're smart and you're not going to go after him alone. Lizzy would kill you. She's not gonna want you to go after him. Look at me Brian I'm begging you don't go after him. Don't make me get Cooter in here." Luke says. Unfortunately Luke had pushed the door open so his statement drifted into Lizzy. "Brian please don't go after him. I couldn't stand to see you hurt too. Please Brian, don't go. Stay here. I know you want to get him back for what he did to me but don't do it alone. You need a plan and back up. He's dangerous." Lizzy pleads trying to sit up. "Lizzy relax Brian's not going anywhere are you?" Luke says shooting a look at his friend. Cue anyone.Brian says "Of Course not, but Lizzy your my sister don't you think that Micheal looks at Julie and thinks the very samething I'm thinking right now. Besides, my girl aborted our baby and I dumped her and now this happens to Lizzy as well what else can go wrong today."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Brian says "Of Course not, but Lizzy your my sister don't you think that Micheal looks at Julie and thinks the very samething I'm thinking right now. Besides, my girls aborted our baby and I dumped her and now this happens to Lizzy as well what else can go wrong today."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"Wait what happened to me? What's your girlfriend's abortion got to do with me. Julie was the one that was thinking she was pregnant." Lizzy says looking from Luke to Brian. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 "Wait what happened to me? What's your girlfriend's abortion got to do with me. Julie was the one that was thinking she was pregnant." Lizzy says looking from Luke to Brian. Cue anyone.Brian says "Oh, you don't know do you Lizzy maybe I shouldn't tell you then but listen I feel like my whole is falling down on me right now. I guess nobody ever ask how the man feels hearing that his girlfriend got an abortion, you know what she told a day after she went for it. Well I tell you she told me that she felt relieved she didn't have to my baby."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Brian says "Oh, you don't know do you Lizzy maybe I shouldn't tell you then but listen I feel like my whole is falling down on me right now. I guess nobody ever ask how the man feels hearing that his girlfriend got an abortion, you know what she told a day after she went for it. Well I tell you she told me that she felt relieved she didn't have to my baby."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"I'll kill her. How could she do that? The poor kid. If I ever get pregnant I'll make sure no harm comes to the baby." Lizzy says. "Are you sure you're not pregnant?" Luke asks. "Dang it Luke, I've already told my dad I didn't think I'd have to tell you. There's no chance in hades that I could be pregnant. I don't want a kid unless I'm in a stable relationship that I know is going to lead somewhere and I haven't had one of those in years." Lizzy says a bit angrily. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 "I'll kill her. How could she do that? The poor kid. If I ever get pregnant I'll make sure no harm comes to the baby." Lizzy says. "Are you sure you're not pregnant?" Luke asks. "Dang it Luke, I've already told my dad I didn't think I'd have to tell you. There's no chance in hades that I could be pregnant. I don't want a kid unless I'm in a stable relationship that I know is going to lead somewhere and I haven't had one of those in years." Lizzy says a bit angrily. Cue anyone.Brian says "If anybody wandering why I'm so moody that's why and guess what it turns out that Julie was never pregant and she also found out that three miscarriages never happened and that docter here told her that she never pregant and there is slim chance she could get pregant."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 Brian says "If anybody wandering why I'm so moody that's why and guess what it turns out that Julie was never pregant and she also found out that three miscarriages never happened and that docter here told her that she never pregant and there is slim chance she could get pregant."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"Awww, Julie. She must be devastated. She knows all that right?" Lizzy asks looking at her brother. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 27, 2008 Author Posted August 27, 2008 "Awww, Julie. She must be devastated. She knows all that right?" Lizzy asks looking at her brother. Cue anyone.Brian says "Yeah, and so does Micheal as well and they want to sue the docter for Medical Malpractice right now."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
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